rspfDpt rspfPolarStereoProjection::forward(const rspfGpt &latLon)const
   double easting  = 0.0;
   double northing = 0.0;
   rspfGpt gpt = latLon;
   if (theDatum)
      if (theDatum->code() != latLon.datum()->code())
         gpt.changeDatum(theDatum); // Shift to our datum.
   return rspfDpt(easting, northing);
Ejemplo n.º 2
long Convert_Geodetic_To_UPS ( double Latitude,
                               double Longitude,
                               char   *Hemisphere,
                               double *Easting,
                               double *Northing)
 *  The function Convert_Geodetic_To_UPS converts geodetic (latitude and
 *  longitude) coordinates to UPS (hemisphere, easting, and northing)
 *  coordinates, according to the current ellipsoid parameters. If any 
 *  errors occur, the error code(s) are returned by the function, 
 *  otherwide UPS_NO_ERROR is returned.
 *    Latitude      : Latitude in radians                       (input)
 *    Longitude     : Longitude in radians                      (input)
 *    Hemisphere    : Hemisphere either 'N' or 'S'              (output)
 *    Easting       : Easting/X in meters                       (output)
 *    Northing      : Northing/Y in meters                      (output)

  double tempEasting, tempNorthing;
  long Error_Code = UPS_NO_ERROR;

  if ((Latitude < -MAX_LAT) || (Latitude > MAX_LAT))
  {   /* latitude out of range */
    Error_Code |= UPS_LAT_ERROR;
  if ((Latitude < 0) && (Latitude > MIN_SOUTH_LAT))
    Error_Code |= UPS_LAT_ERROR;
  if ((Latitude >= 0) && (Latitude < MIN_NORTH_LAT))
    Error_Code |= UPS_LAT_ERROR;
  if ((Longitude < -PI) || (Longitude > (2 * PI)))
  {  /* slam out of range */
    Error_Code |= UPS_LON_ERROR;

  if (!Error_Code)
  {  /* no errors */
    if (Latitude < 0)
      UPS_Origin_Latitude = -MAX_ORIGIN_LAT; 
      *Hemisphere = 'S';
      UPS_Origin_Latitude = MAX_ORIGIN_LAT; 
      *Hemisphere = 'N';

    Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters( UPS_a,


    UPS_Easting = UPS_False_Easting + tempEasting;
    UPS_Northing = UPS_False_Northing + tempNorthing;

    *Easting = UPS_Easting;
    *Northing = UPS_Northing;
  }  /*  END of if(!Error_Code)   */

  return (Error_Code);
}  /* END OF Convert_Geodetic_To_UPS  */
/*                              FUNCTIONS
long rspfPolarStereoProjection::Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters (double a,
                                                                     double f,
                                                                     double Latitude_of_True_Scale,
                                                                     double Longitude_Down_from_Pole,
                                                                     double False_Easting,
                                                                     double False_Northing)
{  /* BEGIN Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters   */
 *  The function Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters receives the ellipsoid
 *  parameters and Polar Stereograpic projection parameters as inputs, and
 *  sets the corresponding state variables.  If any errors occur, error
 *  code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise POLAR_NO_ERROR is returned.
 *  a                : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters         (input)
 *  f                : Flattening of ellipsoid					               (input)
 *  Latitude_of_True_Scale  : Latitude of true scale, in radians       (input)
 *  Longitude_Down_from_Pole : Longitude down from pole, in radians    (input)
 *  False_Easting    : Easting (X) at center of projection, in meters  (input)
 *  False_Northing   : Northing (Y) at center of projection, in meters (input)
  double es2;
  double slat, clat;
  double essin;
  double one_PLUS_es, one_MINUS_es;
  double pow_es;
  double temp;
  const double  epsilon = 1.0e-2;
  long Error_Code = POLAR_NO_ERROR;
  if (!Error_Code)
  { /* no errors */
    Polar_a = a;
    two_Polar_a = 2.0 * Polar_a;
    Polar_f = f;
    if (Longitude_Down_from_Pole > M_PI)
      Longitude_Down_from_Pole -= TWO_PI;
    if (Latitude_of_True_Scale < 0)
      Southern_Hemisphere = 1;
      Polar_Origin_Lat = -Latitude_of_True_Scale;
      Polar_Origin_Long = -Longitude_Down_from_Pole;
      Southern_Hemisphere = 0;
      Polar_Origin_Lat = Latitude_of_True_Scale;
      Polar_Origin_Long = Longitude_Down_from_Pole;
    Polar_False_Easting = False_Easting;
    Polar_False_Northing = False_Northing;
    es2 = 2 * Polar_f - Polar_f * Polar_f;
    es = sqrt(es2);
    es_OVER_2 = es / 2.0;
    if (fabs(fabs(Polar_Origin_Lat) - PI_OVER_2) > 1.0e-10)
      slat = sin(Polar_Origin_Lat);
      essin = es * slat;
      pow_es = POLAR_POW(essin);
      clat = cos(Polar_Origin_Lat);
      mc = clat / sqrt(1.0 - essin * essin);
      Polar_a_mc = Polar_a * mc;
      tc = tan(PI_Over_4 - Polar_Origin_Lat / 2.0) / pow_es;
      one_PLUS_es = 1.0 + es;
      one_MINUS_es = 1.0 - es;
      e4 = sqrt(pow(one_PLUS_es, one_PLUS_es) * pow(one_MINUS_es, one_MINUS_es));
  /* Calculate Radius */
  Convert_Geodetic_To_Polar_Stereographic(0, Polar_Origin_Long, 
                                          &temp, &Polar_Delta_Northing);
  Polar_Delta_Northing = fabs(Polar_Delta_Northing) + epsilon;
  Polar_Delta_Easting = Polar_Delta_Northing;
  return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters */
Ejemplo n.º 4
long Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters (double a,
                                         double f,
                                         double Latitude_of_True_Scale,
                                         double Longitude_Down_from_Pole,
                                         double False_Easting,
                                         double False_Northing)

{  /* BEGIN Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters   */
 *  The function Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters receives the ellipsoid
 *  parameters and Polar Stereograpic projection parameters as inputs, and
 *  sets the corresponding state variables.  If any errors occur, error
 *  code(s) are returned by the function, otherwise POLAR_NO_ERROR is returned.
 *  a                : Semi-major axis of ellipsoid, in meters         (input)
 *  f                : Flattening of ellipsoid					               (input)
 *  Latitude_of_True_Scale  : Latitude of true scale, in radians       (input)
 *  Longitude_Down_from_Pole : Longitude down from pole, in radians    (input)
 *  False_Easting    : Easting (X) at center of projection, in meters  (input)
 *  False_Northing   : Northing (Y) at center of projection, in meters (input)

  double es2;
  double slat, clat;
  double essin;
  double one_PLUS_es, one_MINUS_es;
  double pow_es;
  double temp, temp_northing = 0;
  double inv_f = 1 / f;
  double mc;                    
//  const double  epsilon = 1.0e-2;
  long Error_Code = POLAR_NO_ERROR;

  if (a <= 0.0)
  { /* Semi-major axis must be greater than zero */
    Error_Code |= POLAR_A_ERROR;
  if ((inv_f < 250) || (inv_f > 350))
  { /* Inverse flattening must be between 250 and 350 */
    Error_Code |= POLAR_INV_F_ERROR;
  if ((Latitude_of_True_Scale < -PI_OVER_2) || (Latitude_of_True_Scale > PI_OVER_2))
  { /* Origin Latitude out of range */
  if ((Longitude_Down_from_Pole < -PI) || (Longitude_Down_from_Pole > TWO_PI))
  { /* Origin Longitude out of range */

  if (!Error_Code)
  { /* no errors */

    Polar_a = a;
    two_Polar_a = 2.0 * Polar_a;
    Polar_f = f;

    if (Longitude_Down_from_Pole > PI)
      Longitude_Down_from_Pole -= TWO_PI;
    if (Latitude_of_True_Scale < 0)
      Southern_Hemisphere = 1;
      Polar_Origin_Lat = -Latitude_of_True_Scale;
      Polar_Origin_Long = -Longitude_Down_from_Pole;
      Southern_Hemisphere = 0;
      Polar_Origin_Lat = Latitude_of_True_Scale;
      Polar_Origin_Long = Longitude_Down_from_Pole;
    Polar_False_Easting = False_Easting;
    Polar_False_Northing = False_Northing;

    es2 = 2 * Polar_f - Polar_f * Polar_f;
    es = sqrt(es2);
    es_OVER_2 = es / 2.0;

    if (fabs(fabs(Polar_Origin_Lat) - PI_OVER_2) > 1.0e-10)
      slat = sin(Polar_Origin_Lat);
      essin = es * slat;
      pow_es = POLAR_POW(essin);
      clat = cos(Polar_Origin_Lat);
      mc = clat / sqrt(1.0 - essin * essin);
      Polar_a_mc = Polar_a * mc;
      tc = tan(PI_Over_4 - Polar_Origin_Lat / 2.0) / pow_es;
      one_PLUS_es = 1.0 + es;
      one_MINUS_es = 1.0 - es;
      e4 = sqrt(pow(one_PLUS_es, one_PLUS_es) * pow(one_MINUS_es, one_MINUS_es));

    /* Calculate Radius */
    Convert_Geodetic_To_Polar_Stereographic(0, Longitude_Down_from_Pole, 
                                            &temp, &temp_northing);

    Polar_Delta_Northing = temp_northing;
      Polar_Delta_Northing -= Polar_False_Northing;
    if (Polar_Delta_Northing < 0)
      Polar_Delta_Northing = -Polar_Delta_Northing;
    Polar_Delta_Northing *= 1.01;

    Polar_Delta_Easting = Polar_Delta_Northing;

  /*  Polar_Delta_Easting = temp_northing;
      Polar_Delta_Easting -= Polar_False_Easting;
    if (Polar_Delta_Easting < 0)
      Polar_Delta_Easting = -Polar_Delta_Easting;
    Polar_Delta_Easting *= 1.01;*/

  return (Error_Code);
} /* END OF Set_Polar_Stereographic_Parameters */