bool CFYSPrintDoc::CreateSendFile() { CString strSendFile = m_strFYSTempPath + FORYOURSOUL_TXT; FILE* output = NULL; errno_t err = fopen_s(&output, strSendFile, "wb"); if (!output || err != 0) { SetError(String("Failed to open %s.", strSendFile)); return false; } DWORD dwchkSum = 0; CString strSep("\\"); CString strInputFile; CString strMiniHdr; // mini header for StreamHeader CString strPath = m_strFYSTempPath + XML_PATH + strSep; strInputFile = strPath + STREAMHDR_XML; int nSize = FileSize(strInputFile); CCRC32::FileCrc32Assembly(strInputFile, dwchkSum); strMiniHdr.Format("[%ld,%X]", nSize, dwchkSum); fwrite((VOID*)(LPCSTR)strMiniHdr, sizeof(char), strMiniHdr.GetLength(), output); // stream Header if (!CopyFiles(strInputFile, output)) return false; // create and print xml strInputFile = strPath + CREATEPRINT_XML; if (!CopyFiles(strInputFile, output)) return false; // resources for (int i=0; i<m_arFileSpecs.m_nSize; i++) { if (m_arFileSpecs[i]->Type == "Image") strInputFile = m_strFYSTempPath + IMAGES_PATH + strSep; if (m_arFileSpecs[i]->Type == "Font") strInputFile = m_strFYSTempPath + FONTS_PATH + strSep; strInputFile += m_arFileSpecs[i]->FileName; if (!CopyFiles(strInputFile, output)) return false; } fclose(output); return true; }
void ModEditWindow::CoreModListCtrl::PasteMod() { wxFileDataObject data; // Get data from the clipboard. if (wxTheClipboard->Open()) { if (wxTheClipboard->IsSupported(wxDF_FILENAME)) { wxTheClipboard->GetData(data); } else { wxTheClipboard->Close(); return; } wxTheClipboard->Close(); } // Add the given mods. wxArrayString filenames = data.GetFilenames(); CopyFiles(filenames,m_inst->GetCoreModsDir().GetFullPath()); //FIXME: this looks like lazy code. it can be done better. auto mllist = m_inst->GetCoreModList(); mllist->UpdateModList(); UpdateItems(); }
void bearlib::CopyFiles( const boost::filesystem::path& from, const boost::filesystem::path& to ) { ++g_iHierarchy; if( !boost::filesystem::exists(to) ) { boost::filesystem::create_directories( to ); } boost::filesystem::directory_iterator end; for( boost::filesystem::directory_iterator it(from); it != end; ++it ) { boost::filesystem::path newFrom = from; newFrom /= it->path().filename(); boost::filesystem::path newTo = to; newTo /= it->path().filename(); if( boost::filesystem::is_directory( newFrom ) ) { AppendSpace(); // cout<<"Copy Directory [" << newFrom.filename() <<"] to ["<< newTo.filename() <<"]" << endl; CopyFiles( newFrom, newTo ); } else if( boost::filesystem::is_regular( newFrom ) ) { AppendSpace(); // cout<<"Copy File ["<< newFrom.filename() <<"] to ["<< newTo.filename() << "]" << endl; boost::filesystem::copy_file( newFrom, newTo, boost::filesystem::copy_option::overwrite_if_exists ); } } --g_iHierarchy; }
/** Test case for DEF087773: ECOM ValidateRegistry checks for existence of RSC file only @SYMTestCaseID SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0655 @SYMTestCaseDesc Checks for existence of resource files for different downgrade paths @SYMTestPriority high @SYMTestActions Data driven tests. Create different sets of language dependant resource file on "C" Drive and verify the ECom discovery process @SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail. @SYMDEF DEF087773 */ void REComLanguagePluginTest::StaticRunTestsL() { TEST.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-0655 ")); TInt numberOfElements = sizeof(LangTestData)/sizeof(TLangTestEntry); TUid ifUid={0x10009DB9}; for(TInt i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) { // kill ecom server so that language downgrade changes are picked up ECOMTU_KILL_SERVER_L(TEST); // Prepare test #ifndef SYMBIAN_DISTINCT_LOCALE_MODEL SetLanguage(*(LangTestData[i].localeFile), LangTestData[i].downgradePathSetup); #else SetLanguage(*(LangTestData[i].lang),*(LangTestData[i].region),*(LangTestData[i].collation),LangTestData[i].downgradePathSetup); #endif CopyFiles(i); // 1st boot TEST.Printf(_L("\tLanguage Plugin Test %d - 1st boot \n"), i); DoCheckL(i,ifUid, EDriveC ); // kill ecom server for second boot ECOMTU_KILL_SERVER_L(TEST); // 2nd boot TEST.Printf(_L("\tLanguage Plugin Test %d - 2nd boot \n"), i); DoCheckL(i, ifUid, EDriveC); DeleteFiles(i); WAIT_FOR3s; } }
static void M_Win_OnCommand(HWND hwnd, int id, HWND hwndCtl, UINT CodeNotify) { switch(id) { case IDC_COPY: CopyFiles(); //Выполнение копирования break; case IDC_CLEAR: ClearSelect(); //Снятие всех выделений break; case IDC_CONFIG: NewConfig(); //Изменение конфигурации break; case IDCANCEL: SendMessage(hwnd, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0);//Завершение программы и закрытие окон break; case IDC_SIZE_HDD: View_Map_HDD(); //Карта занятости HDD break; case IDC_ABOUT: About(); //Вывод информации break; case IDC_TO_TXT: OutTxt(); //Запись дерева в текстовый файл break; #if defined WRITE_YES //Режим записи разрешен case IDC_WRITE_FI: WriteFileToHDD(0); break; //Запись файлов на диск case IDC_WRITE_FO: WriteFileToHDD(1); break; //Запись файлов на диск case IDC_NEW_FO: WriteFileToHDD(2); break; //Запись файлов на диск case IDC_REN_FI: WriteFileToHDD(3); break; //Переименование case IDC_DEL_FI: WriteFileToHDD(4); break; //Удаление case IDC_CORR67: Correct67Sec(); break; //Коррекция содержимого 67 сектора #endif } }
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyDirectories( const CString& sourceDirectory,const CString& destDirectory ) /* ============================================================ Function : CDiskObject::CopyDirectories Description : Copies all the files and subdirectories from "sourceDirectory" to "destDirectory", keeping the directory structure. Existing files will be overwritten. "destDirectory" and subdirectories will be created if necessary. Access : Public Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK. "GetErrorMessage" will get an error string if "FALSE" Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - copy from. CString destDirectory - copy to. Usage : Call to copy a directory tree to a new directory tree. ============================================================*/ { ClearError( ); CString source( sourceDirectory ); CString dest( destDirectory ); QualifyPath( source ); QualifyPath( dest ); // Enumerate all directories and files below sourceDirectory CStringArray directories; directories.Add( source ); BOOL result = EnumAllDirectories( source, directories ); if( result ) { // Create and copy directories INT_PTR max = directories.GetSize( ); for( INT_PTR t = 0 ; t < max ; t++ ) { // Create names and copy CString from = directories[ t ]; CString part = from.Right( from.GetLength( ) - source.GetLength( ) ); CString to = dest + part; if( !( result = CopyFiles( from, to ) ) ) t = max; } } return result; }
void Explorerplusplus::OnTreeViewCopy(BOOL bCopy) { IDataObject *pClipboardDataObject = NULL; HTREEITEM hItem; TVITEM tvItem; HRESULT hr; hItem = TreeView_GetSelection(m_hTreeView); if(hItem != NULL) { LPITEMIDLIST pidl = m_pMyTreeView->BuildPath(hItem); std::list<std::wstring> FileNameList; TCHAR szFullFileName[MAX_PATH]; GetDisplayName(pidl,szFullFileName,SIZEOF_ARRAY(szFullFileName),SHGDN_FORPARSING); std::wstring stringFileName(szFullFileName); FileNameList.push_back(stringFileName); if(bCopy) { hr = CopyFiles(FileNameList,&pClipboardDataObject); } else { hr = CutFiles(FileNameList,&pClipboardDataObject); if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_hCutTreeViewItem = hItem; m_iCutTabInternal = m_iObjectIndex; tvItem.mask = TVIF_HANDLE|TVIF_STATE; tvItem.hItem = hItem; tvItem.state = TVIS_CUT; tvItem.stateMask = TVIS_CUT; TreeView_SetItem(m_hTreeView,&tvItem); } } if(SUCCEEDED(hr)) { m_pClipboardDataObject = pClipboardDataObject; } CoTaskMemFree(pidl); } }
void ModEditWindow::OnAddCoreMod(wxCommandEvent &event) { wxFileDialog addTPDialog (this, "Choose a file to add.", settings->GetModsDir().GetFullPath(), wxEmptyString, wxFileSelectorDefaultWildcardStr,wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST | wxFD_MULTIPLE ); if (addTPDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK) { wxArrayString allfiles; addTPDialog.GetPaths(allfiles); CopyFiles(allfiles, m_inst->GetCoreModsDir().GetFullPath()); auto corelist = m_inst->GetCoreModList(); corelist->UpdateModList(); coreModList->UpdateItems(); } }
void SFileWorker::Paste(const SFile *folder) { if(iFileList->CountItems()==0) return; if(iFileOp==P_OP_CUT) MoveFiles(iFileList,folder); else CopyFiles(iFileList,folder); // clear old list for (int32 i=0; i < iFileList->CountItems(); i++) { SFile *file=(SFile *) iFileList->ItemAt(i); delete file; } iFileList->MakeEmpty(); }
bool CFYSPrintDoc::WriteCreatePrintXml(LPCSTR strDocFileName, CString& strXmlPath) { CString strCnPXmlFile = strXmlPath + CREATEPRINT_XML; FILE* output = NULL; errno_t err = fopen_s(&output, strCnPXmlFile, "wb"); if (!output || err != 0) { SetError(String("Failed to open %s", strCnPXmlFile)); return false; } fprintf(output, "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='ISO-8859-1'?>\r\n"); fprintf(output, "<!-- Confidential and Proprietory Information of Inc..-->\r\n"); fprintf(output, "<FYS_DataEnvelope xmlns='' xmlns:xsi='' "); fprintf(output, "EnvelopeVersion='2'>\r\n"); //write the Configuration element HANDLE hHeap = ::GetProcessHeap(); int nLen = ::HeapSize(hHeap, 0, m_pConfig); fwrite(m_pConfig, sizeof(BYTE), nLen, output); //write the Resources element nLen = ::HeapSize(hHeap, 0, m_pRes); fwrite(m_pRes, sizeof(BYTE), nLen, output); ::HeapFree(hHeap, 0, m_pConfig); ::HeapFree(hHeap, 0, m_pRes); m_pConfig = NULL; m_pRes = NULL; //write the Documents element if (!CopyFiles(strDocFileName, output)) { ::DeleteFile(strDocFileName); return false; } fprintf(output, "</FYS_DataEnvelope>\r\n"); fclose(output); ::DeleteFile(strDocFileName); return true; }
LRESULT CCopyDlg::OnWizardNext() { if (!CopyFiles()) { // select entire directory m_TargetEdit.SetSel(0, -1); m_TargetEdit.SetFocus(); // return to this same wizard page // (we assume problem is with target dir) return -1; } // need to communicate install dir to later pages // use parent Sheet CWizardSheet* pSheet = (CWizardSheet*)GetParent(); // add the DynamoRIO on pSheet->m_InstallDir.Format(_T("%s\\DynamoRIO"), m_Target); return CPropertyPage::OnWizardNext(); }
/** Test case for CR0209: Enable Dynamic Language Switching in ECOM @SYMTestCaseID SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-3169 @SYMTestCaseDesc Checks for picking up correct resource files for different downgrade paths in running time @SYMTestPriority high @SYMTestActions Data driven tests. Start up Ecom server Create different sets of language dependant resource file on "C" on running time. Drive and verify the ECom discovery process @SYMTestExpectedResults The test must not fail. @SYMDEF CR0209 */ void REComLanguagePluginTest::DynamicRunTestsOnCL() { TEST.Next(_L(" @SYMTestCaseID:SYSLIB-ECOM-CT-3169 ")); TInt numberOfElements = sizeof(LangTestData)/sizeof(TLangTestEntry); RImplInfoPtrArray implArray; TUid ifUid={0x10009DB9}; //start up ecom server REComSession::ListImplementationsL(ifUid, implArray); for(TInt i = 0; i < numberOfElements; i++) { // Prepare test CopyFiles(i); #ifndef SYMBIAN_DISTINCT_LOCALE_MODEL SetLanguage(*(LangTestData[i].localeFile), LangTestData[i].downgradePathSetup); #else SetLanguage(*(LangTestData[i].lang),*(LangTestData[i].region),*(LangTestData[i].collation),LangTestData[i].downgradePathSetup); #endif WAIT_FOR3s; TEST.Printf(_L("\tLanguage Plugin Test %d - Dynamic switch on C \n"), i); DoCheckL(i,ifUid, EDriveC); DeleteFiles(i); WAIT_FOR3s; implArray.ResetAndDestroy(); } // Post test clean up REComSession::FinalClose(); implArray.ResetAndDestroy(); //kill ecomserver after finishing test ECOMTU_KILL_SERVER_L(TEST); }
/************************************************************************** * function CopyOPMLFromTo * * written by moonknit * * @history * created 2006-02-22 * * @Description * OPML 파일과 XML 파일을 복사한다. * * @Parameters * (in CString) from - 소스가 되는 디렉토리 * (in CString) to - 대상이 되는 디렉토리 * (in BOOL) bmove - 파일을 옮긴다. **************************************************************************/ BOOL CopyOPMLFromTo(CString from, CString to, BOOL bmove) { // create directory CString xmlfrom, xmlto; xmlto = to + DEFAULT_POSTPATH; makedir(xmlto); CFileFind f; CString opml, opdest; opml.Format(_T("%s%s"), from, S_DEFAULT_LOCALOPML); opdest.Format(_T("%s%s"), to, S_DEFAULT_LOCALOPML); if(!f.FindFile(opml)) { // AfxMessageBox(STR_ERR_LP_COPYOPML); FishMessageBox(STR_ERR_LP_COPYOPML); return FALSE; } if(!bmove) { if(!CopyFile(opml, opdest, FALSE)) return FALSE; } else { if(!MoveFile(opml, opdest)) return FALSE; } // TRACE(_T("OPML from : %s, to : %s\r\n"), opml, opdest); f.Close(); xmlfrom.Format(_T("%s%s*.xml"), from, DEFAULT_POSTPATH); CopyFiles(xmlfrom, xmlto, bmove); TRACE(_T("xml from : %s, to : %s\r\n"), xmlfrom, xmlto); // XML 파일에 적용한다. theApp.m_spRD->IChannelSetPath(xmlto); return TRUE; }
BOOL CDiskObject::CopyDirectory( const CString& sourceDirectory,const CString& destDirectory ) /* ============================================================ Function : CDiskObject::CopyDirectory Description : Copies all the files from "sourceDirectory" to "destDirectory". Existing files will be overwritten. "destDirectory" will be created if necessary. Subdirectories will not be copied. Access : Public Return : BOOL - "TRUE" if OK. "GetErrorMessage" will get an error string if "FALSE" Parameters : CString sourceDirectory - copy from. CString destDirectory - copy to. Usage : Call to copy a directory to another directory. ============================================================*/ { ClearError( ); CString source( sourceDirectory ); CString dest( destDirectory ); QualifyPath( source ); QualifyPath( dest ); Trigger( dest ); // We don't care if this fails - CopyFiles will // return an error in that case. ::CreateDirectory( dest, NULL ); return CopyFiles( source, dest ); }
/* * User pressed the install button. Make it go. */ void CBINDInstallDlg::OnInstall() { BOOL success = FALSE; int oldlen; if (CheckBINDService()) StopBINDService(); InstallTags(); UpdateData(); /* * Check that the Passwords entered match. */ if (m_accountPassword != m_accountPasswordConfirm) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_PASSWORD); return; } /* * Check that there is not leading / trailing whitespace. * This is for compatability with the standard password dialog. * Passwords really should be treated as opaque blobs. */ oldlen = m_accountPassword.GetLength(); m_accountPassword.TrimLeft(); m_accountPassword.TrimRight(); if (m_accountPassword.GetLength() != oldlen) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_WHITESPACE); return; } /* * Check the entered account name. */ if (ValidateServiceAccount() == FALSE) return; /* * For Registration we need to know if account was changed. */ if (m_accountName != m_currentAccount) m_accountUsed = FALSE; if (m_accountUsed == FALSE && m_serviceExists == FALSE) { /* * Check that the Password is not null. */ if (m_accountPassword.GetLength() == 0) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_NULLPASSWORD); return; } } /* Directories */ m_etcDir = m_targetDir + "\\etc"; m_binDir = m_targetDir + "\\bin"; if (m_defaultDir != m_targetDir) { if (GetFileAttributes(m_targetDir) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { int install = MsgBox(IDS_DIREXIST, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, m_targetDir); if (install == IDNO) return; } else { int createDir = MsgBox(IDS_CREATEDIR, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, m_targetDir); if (createDir == IDNO) return; } } if (m_accountExists == FALSE) { success = CreateServiceAccount(m_accountName.GetBuffer(30), m_accountPassword.GetBuffer(30)); if (success == FALSE) { MsgBox(IDS_CREATEACCOUNT_FAILED); return; } m_accountExists = TRUE; } ProgramGroup(FALSE); try { CreateDirs(); CopyFiles(); RegisterService(); RegisterMessages(); HKEY hKey; /* Create a new key for named */ SetCurrent(IDS_CREATE_KEY); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_SUBKEY, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get the install directory RegSetValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)m_targetDir, m_targetDir.GetLength()); RegCloseKey(hKey); } SetCurrent(IDS_ADD_REMOVE); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_UNINSTALL_SUBKEY, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString buf(BIND_DISPLAY_NAME); RegSetValueEx(hKey, "DisplayName", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)buf, buf.GetLength()); buf.Format("%s\\BINDInstall.exe", m_binDir); RegSetValueEx(hKey, "UninstallString", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)buf, buf.GetLength()); RegCloseKey(hKey); } ProgramGroup(FALSE); if (m_startOnInstall) StartBINDService(); } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox(e.resString); SetCurrent(IDS_CLEANUP); FailedInstall(); MsgBox(IDS_FAIL); return; } catch(DWORD dw) { CString msg; msg.Format("A fatal error occured\n(%s)", GetErrMessage(dw)); MessageBox(msg); SetCurrent(IDS_CLEANUP); FailedInstall(); MsgBox(IDS_FAIL); return; } SetCurrent(IDS_INSTALL_DONE); MsgBox(IDS_SUCCESS); }
/************************************************************************************************** This function handles events. **************************************************************************************************/ void CGroup::HandleEvent(UINT uEvent) { if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_NONE) == 0) { return; } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_RENAME) == 0) { ListView_EditLabel(m_hwndListView, ListView_GetNextItem(m_hwndListView, -1, LVNI_FOCUSED)); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_EXECUTE) == 0) { if (ListView_GetSelectedCount(m_hwndListView) == 1) { int iItem = ListView_GetNextItem(m_hwndListView, -1, LVNI_SELECTED); char szFileName[MAX_PATH]; if (GetNameFromId(iItem, szFileName, sizeof(szFileName))) { if (utils::Is_Directory(szFileName)) { if (m_bInlineBrowsing) { return ChangeDir(".selected"); } else if (m_bExplicitCalls) { LSExecuteEx(NULL, "open", "explorer.exe", szFileName, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); return; } } } } CallWindowProc(m_wpOrigListViewProc, m_hwndListView, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RETURN, NULL); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_DELETE) == 0) { DeleteFiles(); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_PASTE) == 0) { DoPaste(); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_UNDO) == 0) { // TODO::Add support for this } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_COPY) == 0) { CopyFiles(false); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_CUT) == 0) { CopyFiles(true); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_SELECTALL) == 0) { ListView_SetItemState(m_hwndListView, -1, LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_REFRESH) == 0) { SaveState(); m_pView2->Refresh(); RestoreState(); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_UP) == 0) { ChangeDir(".up"); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_CHANGEDIR) == 0) { ChangeDir(".selected"); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_DOWNKEY) == 0) { CallWindowProc(m_wpOrigListViewProc, m_hwndListView, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_DOWN, NULL); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_UPKEY) == 0) { CallWindowProc(m_wpOrigListViewProc, m_hwndListView, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_UP, NULL); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_LEFTKEY) == 0) { CallWindowProc(m_wpOrigListViewProc, m_hwndListView, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_LEFT, NULL); } else if (_stricmp(m_szEventCommand[uEvent], EVENT_ACTION_RIGHTKEY) == 0) { CallWindowProc(m_wpOrigListViewProc, m_hwndListView, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_RIGHT, NULL); } else { LSExecute(m_hwndListView, m_szEventCommand[uEvent], SW_SHOWNORMAL); } }
bool DialogInstall::InstallPackage() { if ((!m_MergeSkins && m_BackupSkins) || m_BackupPackage) { // Move skins into backup folder for (auto iter = m_PackageSkins.cbegin(); iter != m_PackageSkins.cend(); ++iter) { std::wstring from = g_Data.skinsPath + *iter; if (_waccess(from.c_str(), 0) == -1) { continue; } SHFILEOPSTRUCT fo = { nullptr, FO_DELETE, nullptr, nullptr, FOF_NO_UI | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION | FOF_ALLOWUNDO }; if (m_BackupPackage) { // Remove current skin from += L'\0'; fo.pFrom = from.c_str(); SHFileOperation(&fo); } else { std::wstring to = g_Data.skinsPath + L"@Backup\\"; CreateDirectory(to.c_str(), nullptr); // Delete current backup to += *iter; to += L'\0'; fo.pFrom = to.c_str(); SHFileOperation(&fo); if (!CopyFiles(from, to, true)) { m_ErrorMessage = L"Unable to move to:\n"; m_ErrorMessage += to; return false; } } } } WCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH]; // Helper to sets buffer with current file name auto getFileInfo = [&]()->bool { char cBuffer[MAX_PATH * 3]; unz_file_info ufi; if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo( m_PackageUnzFile, &ufi, cBuffer, _countof(cBuffer), nullptr, 0, nullptr, 0) == UNZ_OK) { const uLong ZIP_UTF8_FLAG = 1 << 11; const DWORD codePage = (ufi.flag & ZIP_UTF8_FLAG) ? CP_UTF8 : CP_ACP; MultiByteToWideChar(codePage, 0, cBuffer, strlen(cBuffer) + 1, buffer, MAX_PATH); while (WCHAR* pos = wcschr(buffer, L'/')) *pos = L'\\'; return true; } return false; }; unzGoToFirstFile(m_PackageUnzFile); const WCHAR* root = m_PackageRoot.c_str(); do { if (!getFileInfo()) { m_ErrorMessage = L"Error retrieving file info."; return false; } if (wcsncmp(buffer, root, m_PackageRoot.length()) != 0) { // Ignore everything that isn't in the root directory continue; } WCHAR* component = buffer + m_PackageRoot.length(); WCHAR* path = wcschr(component, L'\\'); if (path) { *path = L'\0'; ++path; } else { continue; } bool error = false; std::wstring targetPath; WCHAR* pos = wcschr(path, L'\\'); WCHAR* extension = PathFindExtension(pos ? pos : path); if (pos) { const std::wstring item(path, pos - path); if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Skins") == 0 && m_PackageSkins.find(item) != m_PackageSkins.end()) { targetPath = g_Data.skinsPath; } else if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Addons") == 0 && m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::Old && m_PackageAddons.find(item) != m_PackageAddons.end()) { targetPath = g_Data.settingsPath; targetPath += L"Addons\\"; } else if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Plugins") == 0 && _wcsnicmp(path, IsWin32Build() ? L"32bit" : L"64bit", pos - path) == 0 && _wcsicmp(extension, L".dll") == 0 && !wcschr(pos + 1, L'\\')) { const std::wstring plugin(pos + 1); if (m_PackagePlugins.find(plugin) != m_PackagePlugins.end()) { path = pos + 1; targetPath = g_Data.settingsPath; targetPath += L"Plugins\\"; } } if (!targetPath.empty()) { targetPath += path; error = !ExtractCurrentFile(targetPath); } else if (_wcsicmp(component, m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New ? L"Layouts" : L"Themes") == 0 && _wcsicmp(extension, m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::New ? L".ini" : L".thm") == 0 && m_PackageLayouts.find(item) != m_PackageLayouts.end()) { if (m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::Old) { wcscpy_s(extension, 5, L".ini"); } targetPath = g_Data.settingsPath; targetPath += L"Layouts\\"; targetPath += path; error = !ExtractCurrentFile(targetPath); if (!error) { CleanLayoutFile(targetPath.c_str()); } } } else { if (_wcsicmp(component, L"Fonts") == 0 && m_PackageFormat == PackageFormat::Old && _wcsicmp(extension, L".ttf") == 0) { for (auto iter = m_PackageSkins.cbegin(); iter != m_PackageSkins.cend(); ++iter) { targetPath = g_Data.skinsPath; targetPath += *iter; targetPath += L"\\@Resources\\Fonts\\"; targetPath += path; error = !ExtractCurrentFile(targetPath); if (error) { break; } } } } if (error) { m_ErrorMessage = L"Unable to create file:\n"; m_ErrorMessage += targetPath; m_ErrorMessage += L"\n\nSkin Installer will now quit."; return false; } } while (unzGoToNextFile(m_PackageUnzFile) == UNZ_OK); if (!m_MergeSkins && m_BackupSkins) { KeepVariables(); } return true; }
void MainUI::OpenDirs(QStringList dirs){ //Now open the dirs if(dirs.isEmpty()){ dirs << QDir::homePath(); } QStringList invalid; for(int i=0; i<dirs.length(); i++){ if(dirs[i].simplified().isEmpty()){ continue; } //Open this directory in a viewer if(dirs[i].endsWith("/")){ dirs[i].chop(1); } if(!QFile::exists(dirs[i])){ invalid << dirs[i]; continue; } if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Open Directory:" << dirs[i]; } ///Get a new Unique ID int id = 0; for(int j=0; j<DWLIST.length(); j++){ if(DWLIST[j]->id().section("-",1,1).toInt() >= id){ id = DWLIST[j]->id().section("-",1,1).toInt()+1; } } //Create the new DirWidget DirWidget *DW = new DirWidget("DW-"+QString::number(id), this); DW->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); ui->BrowserLayout->addWidget(DW); DWLIST << DW; //Connect the signals/slots for it connect(DW, SIGNAL(OpenDirectories(QStringList)), this, SLOT(OpenDirs(QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(LoadDirectory(QString, QString)), worker, SLOT(GetDirData(QString, QString)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(findSnaps(QString, QString)), worker, SLOT(GetSnapshotData(QString, QString)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(PlayFiles(LFileInfoList)), this, SLOT(OpenPlayer(LFileInfoList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(ViewFiles(LFileInfoList)), this, SLOT(OpenImages(LFileInfoList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(LaunchTerminal(QString)), this, SLOT(OpenTerminal(QString)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(CutFiles(QStringList)), this, SLOT(CutFiles(QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(CopyFiles(QStringList)), this, SLOT(CopyFiles(QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(FavoriteFiles(QStringList)), this, SLOT(FavoriteFiles(QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(RenameFiles(QStringList)), this, SLOT(RenameFiles(QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(RemoveFiles(QStringList)), this, SLOT(RemoveFiles(QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(PasteFiles(QString,QStringList)), this, SLOT(PasteFiles(QString, QStringList)) ); connect(DW, SIGNAL(CloseBrowser(QString)), this, SLOT(CloseBrowser(QString)) ); //Now create the tab for this if(radio_view_tabs->isChecked()){ int index = tabBar->addTab( LXDG::findIcon("folder-open",""), dirs[i].section("/",-1) ); tabBar->setTabWhatsThis( index, "DW-"+QString::number(id) ); tabBar->setCurrentIndex(index); }else{ //Just make sure the browser tab is visible bool found = false; for(int i=0; i<tabBar->count() && !found; i++){ if(tabBar->tabWhatsThis(i)=="browser"){ tabBar->setCurrentIndex(i); found=true; } } if(!found){ //Need to create the generic Browser tab int index = tabBar->addTab( LXDG::findIcon("folder-open",""), "Browser" ); tabBar->setTabWhatsThis( index, "browser" ); tabBar->setCurrentIndex(index); } } //Initialize the widget with the proper settings DW->setShowDetails(radio_view_details->isChecked()); DW->setShowSidebar(ui->actionShow_Action_Buttons->isChecked()); QList<DirWidget::DETAILTYPES> details; details <<DirWidget::NAME << DirWidget::SIZE << DirWidget::TYPE << DirWidget::DATEMOD; DW->setDetails(details); //Which details to show and in which order (L->R) DW->setShowThumbnails(ui->actionShow_Thumbnails->isChecked()); DW->setThumbnailSize(settings->value("iconsize", 32).toInt()); DW->setDirCompleter(dirCompleter); DW->setShowCloseButton(!radio_view_tabs->isChecked()); //Now load the directory DW->ChangeDir(dirs[i]); //kick off loading the directory info } //Update visibilities tabChanged(tabBar->currentIndex()); tabBar->setVisible( tabBar->count() > 1 ); if(!invalid.isEmpty()){ QMessageBox::warning(this, tr("Invalid Directories"), tr("The following directories are invalid and could not be opened:")+"\n"+invalid.join(", ") ); } //Double check that there is at least 1 dir loaded //qDebug() << "OpenDirs:" << DWLIST.length() << dirs << invalid << tabBar->currentIndex(); if(DWLIST.isEmpty()){ OpenDirs(QStringList()); } }
int CFileManager::CopyFiles( FileOPFunc function, const char * fileFilter, const char * destination, int failIfExists, int nRecursive, int * failed ){ char Source[MAX_PATH]; char Dest[MAX_PATH]; char SubSource[MAX_PATH]; char * subFilter; strcpy( Source, fileFilter ); strcpy( Dest, destination ); if( !FormatPath( Source ) || !FormatPath( Dest ) ) return 0; EnsureFolderExistance( Dest, true ); DWORD Attrib = GetFileAttributes( Dest ); DWORD DestLen = strlen( Dest ); DWORD SourceLen = strlen( Source ); DWORD SubLen; int nFuncRet = 0; int nReturn = 0; HANDLE hFile = FindFirstFile( Source, &LAST_FILE_DATA ); bool Success = hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if( !Success ) return 0; for( unsigned int n=0;n<SourceLen;n++ ){ if( Source[n]=='\\' ){ nFuncRet=n; } } Source[nFuncRet]='\0'; subFilter = &Source[nFuncRet+1]; SourceLen=(nFuncRet-1); for( unsigned int n=0;n<DestLen;n++ ){ if( Dest[n]=='\\' ){ nFuncRet=n; } } if( (DestLen-1)==nFuncRet ){ Dest[nFuncRet]='\0'; DestLen--; } if( (Attrib & (1 << 4 )) <= 0 || Attrib == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES ){ return 0; } while( Success ){ if( !( LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName[0]=='.' && LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName[1]=='\0' ) && !( LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName[0]=='.' && LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName[1]=='.' && LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName[2]=='\0' ) ){ SubLen=strlen( LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName ); if( DestLen+SubLen+1 >= MAX_PATH ) sprintf( SubDestination, "%s\\%s", Dest, LAST_FILE_DATA.cAlternateFileName ); else sprintf( SubDestination, "%s\\%s", Dest, LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName ); if( DestLen+SubLen+1 >= MAX_PATH ) sprintf( SubSource, "%s\\%s", Source, LAST_FILE_DATA.cAlternateFileName ); else sprintf( SubSource, "%s\\%s", Source, LAST_FILE_DATA.cFileName ); if( function ) nFuncRet = function( this, SubSource ); if( nFuncRet <= 1 ){ if( ((LAST_FILE_DATA.dwFileAttributes & (1 << 4 )) > 0) && nRecursive>0 ){ strcat( SubSource, "\\" ); strcat( SubSource, subFilter ); nReturn+=CopyFiles( function, SubSource, SubDestination, failIfExists, nRecursive, failed ); } else if( nFuncRet<= 0 ){ if( CopyFile( SubSource, SubDestination, failIfExists ) ){ nReturn++; } else if( failed != 0 ){ *failed+=1; } } } else if( nFuncRet >= 2 ){ FindClose( hFile ); return nReturn; } } Success = FindNextFile( hFile, &LAST_FILE_DATA )>0; } FindClose( hFile ); return nReturn+1; }
void DirWidget::on_tool_act_copy_clicked(){ QStringList sel = currentSelection(); if(sel.isEmpty()){ return; } qDebug() << "Copying Items to clipboard:" << sel; emit CopyFiles(sel); }
/* * User pressed the install button. Make it go. */ void CBINDInstallDlg::OnInstall() { #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 char Vcredist_x86[MAX_PATH]; #endif BOOL success = FALSE; int oldlen; if (CheckBINDService()) StopBINDService(); InstallTags(); UpdateData(); if (!m_toolsOnly && m_accountName != LOCAL_SERVICE) { /* * Check that the Passwords entered match. */ if (m_accountPassword != m_accountPasswordConfirm) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_PASSWORD); return; } /* * Check that there is not leading / trailing whitespace. * This is for compatibility with the standard password dialog. * Passwords really should be treated as opaque blobs. */ oldlen = m_accountPassword.GetLength(); m_accountPassword.TrimLeft(); m_accountPassword.TrimRight(); if (m_accountPassword.GetLength() != oldlen) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_WHITESPACE); return; } /* * Check the entered account name. */ if (ValidateServiceAccount() == FALSE) return; /* * For Registration we need to know if account was changed. */ if (m_accountName != m_currentAccount) m_accountUsed = FALSE; if (m_accountUsed == FALSE && m_serviceExists == FALSE) { /* * Check that the Password is not null. */ if (m_accountPassword.GetLength() == 0) { MsgBox(IDS_ERR_NULLPASSWORD); return; } } } else if (m_accountName == LOCAL_SERVICE) { /* The LocalService always exists. */ m_accountExists = TRUE; if (m_accountName != m_currentAccount) m_accountUsed = FALSE; } /* Directories */ m_etcDir = m_targetDir + "\\etc"; m_binDir = m_targetDir + "\\bin"; if (m_defaultDir != m_targetDir) { if (GetFileAttributes(m_targetDir) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { int install = MsgBox(IDS_DIREXIST, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, m_targetDir); if (install == IDNO) return; } else { int createDir = MsgBox(IDS_CREATEDIR, MB_YESNO | MB_ICONQUESTION, m_targetDir); if (createDir == IDNO) return; } } if (!m_toolsOnly) { if (m_accountExists == FALSE) { success = CreateServiceAccount(m_accountName.GetBuffer(30), m_accountPassword.GetBuffer(30)); if (success == FALSE) { MsgBox(IDS_CREATEACCOUNT_FAILED); return; } m_accountExists = TRUE; } } ProgramGroup(FALSE); #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 /* * Install Visual Studio libraries. As per: * * * Vcredist_x86.exe /q:a /c:"msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn /l*v %temp%\vcredist_x86.log" */ /*system(".\\Vcredist_x86.exe /q:a /c:\"msiexec /i vcredist.msi /qn /l*v %temp%\vcredist_x86.log\"");*/ /* * Enclose full path to Vcredist_x86.exe in quotes as * m_currentDir may contain spaces. */ sprintf(Vcredist_x86, "\"%s\\Vcredist_x86.exe\"", (LPCTSTR) m_currentDir); system(Vcredist_x86); #endif try { CreateDirs(); CopyFiles(); if (!m_toolsOnly) RegisterService(); RegisterMessages(); HKEY hKey; /* Create a new key for named */ SetCurrent(IDS_CREATE_KEY); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_SUBKEY, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Get the install directory RegSetValueEx(hKey, "InstallDir", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)m_targetDir, m_targetDir.GetLength()); RegCloseKey(hKey); } SetCurrent(IDS_ADD_REMOVE); if (RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BIND_UNINSTALL_SUBKEY, &hKey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { CString buf(BIND_DISPLAY_NAME); RegSetValueEx(hKey, "DisplayName", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)buf, buf.GetLength()); buf.Format("%s\\BINDInstall.exe", m_binDir); RegSetValueEx(hKey, "UninstallString", 0, REG_SZ, (LPBYTE)(LPCTSTR)buf, buf.GetLength()); RegCloseKey(hKey); } ProgramGroup(FALSE); if (m_startOnInstall) StartBINDService(); } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox(e.resString); SetCurrent(IDS_CLEANUP); FailedInstall(); MsgBox(IDS_FAIL); return; } catch(DWORD dw) { CString msg; msg.Format("A fatal error occured\n(%s)", GetErrMessage(dw)); MessageBox(msg); SetCurrent(IDS_CLEANUP); FailedInstall(); MsgBox(IDS_FAIL); return; } SetCurrent(IDS_INSTALL_DONE); MsgBox(IDS_SUCCESS); }
int main (void) { SHORT ix, iy; SHORT iwidth, idepth; SWP swp; ULONG ulResult; int iRes; static CHAR szClientClass[]="ZIN"; static ULONG flFrameFlags= FCF_TITLEBAR | FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_TASKLIST | FCF_ICON | FCF_SHELLPOSITION| FCF_BORDER | FCF_NOBYTEALIGN; hab=WinInitialize(0); hmq=WinCreateMsgQueue(hab, 0); //Register processing class WinRegisterClass( hab, szClientClass, ClientWndProc, CS_SIZEREDRAW, 0); //Create Window hwndFrame=WinCreateStdWindow( HWND_DESKTOP, WS_VISIBLE, &flFrameFlags, szClientClass, NULL, 0L, 0, //Module handle for resources ID_RESOURCE, //ID of resources &hwndClient); //Size window WinSetWindowPos( hwndFrame, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 640, 480, SWP_SIZE ); //Center window iwidth = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN ); idepth = WinQuerySysValue( HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN ); WinQueryWindowPos( hwndFrame, (PSWP)&swp ); ix = (SHORT)(( iwidth - ) / 2); iy = (SHORT)(( idepth - ) / 2); WinSetWindowPos( hwndFrame, HWND_TOP, ix, iy, 0, 0, SWP_MOVE ); //Set focus to edit window. WinSetFocus(HWND_DESKTOP,hwndClient); //Load application title WinLoadString(hab, 0, ID_APPNAME, LITTLEBUF, (PSZ) szAppName); //Set title of frame. WinSetWindowText(hwndFrame, (PSZ) szAppName); //Show the window WinShowWindow(hwndFrame,TRUE); //Get source directory. GetCurrentDirectory(szSourceDir); //Load first message FIRSTMSG: usResponse=MsgBox(ID_FIRSTMSG, ID_APPNAME, MB_OKCANCEL); WinUpdateWindow(hwndClient); if (usResponse==MBID_OK) { //Show readme.txt file ulResult=WinDlgBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndClient, ReadmeDlgProc, NULLHANDLE, IDD_README, NULL); if (ulResult==FALSE) { //The installation has been cancelled. usResponse=MsgBox(ID_CANCELINSTALL, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); goto END_INSTALL; } ulResult=WinDlgBox(HWND_DESKTOP, hwndClient, GetDirDlgProc, NULLHANDLE, IDD_GETDIR, NULL); if (ulResult==FALSE) goto FIRSTMSG; //Update the window WinUpdateWindow(hwndClient); //Load status dialog LoadStatusDlg(); //Make sure all files exist iRes=CheckFiles(szSourceDir); if (iRes!=0) { DestroyStatusDlg(); usResponse=MsgBox(ID_FILENOTFOUND, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); goto END_INSTALL; } //Copy the files iRes=CopyFiles(szSourceDir, szInstallDir); if (iRes!=0) { DestroyStatusDlg(); usResponse=MsgBox(ID_FILESNOTCOPIED, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); goto END_INSTALL; } iRes=PatchZed(szInstallDir); if (iRes!=0) { DestroyStatusDlg(); usResponse=MsgBox(ID_PATCHFAILED, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); goto END_INSTALL; } iRes=CreateObject(szInstallDir); if (iRes!=0) usResponse=MsgBox(ID_CANTCREATEOBJECT, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); //unload status window DestroyStatusDlg(); //Update the window WinUpdateWindow(hwndClient); //Success usResponse=MsgBox(ID_SUCCESS, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); goto END_INSTALL; //Main message loop while (WinGetMsg(hab, &qmsg, NULLHANDLE, 0, 0)) WinDispatchMsg(hab, &qmsg); } if (usResponse==MBID_CANCEL) { //The installation has been cancelled. usResponse=MsgBox(ID_CANCELINSTALL, ID_APPNAME, MB_OK); } END_INSTALL: //Cleanup WinDestroyWindow(hwndFrame); WinDestroyMsgQueue(hmq); WinTerminate(hab); //End return 0; }