Ejemplo n.º 1
void COutlookFrame::ResetInterface(CDocument* pDocument, bool bRestoreContext)
    if (m_pInterface != NULL) {
        // Destroy Interface
        m_pViewActive = NULL; // OnSetFocus workaround
        delete m_pInterface;
        m_pInterface = NULL;

    // Create Interface
    m_pInterface->CreateNode(this, pDocument);

    if (!bRestoreContext) {


    if (projectUtilities::OutbarIconsAreSmall())


    CRect rect;
    m_wndControlBar.SendMessage(WM_SIZE, 0, MAKELPARAM(rect.Width(), rect.Height()));

Ejemplo n.º 2
	Context* Context::Create(const HWND i_renderingWindow)
		IDirect3D9* direct3dInterface = nullptr;
		IDirect3DDevice9* direct3dDevice = nullptr;

		if (!CreateInterface(direct3dInterface) || 
			!CreateDevice(direct3dInterface, i_renderingWindow, direct3dDevice) ||
			!SetSamplerState(direct3dDevice) )
			goto OnError;

		Context *context = new Context(i_renderingWindow);
		if (context)
			context->direct3dDevice = direct3dDevice;
			context->direct3dInterface = direct3dInterface;
			Lame::UserOutput::Display("Failed to create Direct3D Context, due to insufficient memory.", "Context Loading Error");
		return context;

		if (direct3dInterface)
			if (direct3dDevice)
				direct3dDevice = nullptr;
			direct3dInterface = nullptr;
		return nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 3
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	int usock = 0, tapfd = 0;

	if (argv[1] == NULL) {
		return 1;

	if (!ReadServerSetup(argv[1]))
		return 1;

	if ((tapfd = CreateInterface(SrvSetup.type, SrvSetup.ifname)) < 0)
		return 1;

	if ((usock = CreateMainSocket()) < 0)
		return 1;


	while (1)
		DoWorkMultiplexed(tapfd, usock);

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
	bool Graphics::Init(const HWND i_mainWindow)
		if (!CreateInterface(i_mainWindow))
			return false;
		// Create an interface to a Direct3D device
		if (CreateDevice(i_mainWindow))
			s_mainWindow = i_mainWindow;
			goto OnError;

		for (DWORD i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
			s_direct3dDevice->SetSamplerState(i, D3DSAMP_MINFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR);
			s_direct3dDevice->SetSamplerState(i, D3DSAMP_MAGFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR);
			s_direct3dDevice->SetSamplerState(i, D3DSAMP_MIPFILTER, D3DTEXF_LINEAR);

		g_font->Initialize(s_direct3dDevice, 20.0f);
		debug_menu = new DebugMenu(s_direct3dDevice);
		float *camSpeed = new float;
		camSpeed = &mainCamera_->camSpeed;

#ifdef _DEBUG
		debug_menu->CreateSlider("Speed: ", 20.0f, 30.0f, camSpeed);
		//debug_menu->CreateSlider("TurnSpeed: ", 20.0f, 30.0f, camSpeed);
		debug_menu->CreateButton("Reset Cam:", &ResetCamera);
		debug_menu->CreateText("FPS: ", "60.0");
		bool *flyCamFlag = new bool;
		flyCamFlag = &mainCamera_->flyCam_;
		debug_menu->CreateCheckBox("FlyCam: ", flyCamFlag);

		mainCamera_->Initialize(s_direct3dDevice, s_mainWindow);

		mainCamera_->Initialize(s_direct3dDevice, s_mainWindow);

		default_material = new Material("data/Models/Mario_Material.txt");
		default_material->Initialize(s_direct3dDevice, s_mainWindow, m_light_1);

		mainCamera_->SetConstantTable(default_material->GetConstantTableVertex(), default_material->GetConstantTableFragment());

		return true;

		return false;
Ejemplo n.º 5
void *InterfaceManager::GetInterface(SteamInterface_t interfaceID)
	if (Instances.find(interfaceID) == Instances.end())
		Instances[interfaceID] = CreateInterface(interfaceID);

	return Instances[interfaceID];
Ejemplo n.º 6
			int retCode = 0;
			patches = reinterpret_cast<IPatchManager*>(CreateInterface(PATCHMANAGER_INTERFACE_LATEST, &retCode));
			if (modulePatches)
				patches->EnablePatchSet(modulePatches, false);
				modulePatches = nullptr;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void* CSteamBase::GetInterface(SteamInterface_t interfaceID)
	// note the WTF in std::map - I still prefer the BCL
	if (_instances.find(interfaceID) == _instances.end())
		// not found yet, so create it
		_instances[interfaceID] = CreateInterface(interfaceID);

	return _instances[interfaceID];
Ejemplo n.º 8
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Function   : AddInterface
 * Description: Add an OLSR-enabled network interface to the list of BMF-enabled
 *              network interfaces
 * Input      : newIntf - network interface to add
 * Output     : none
 * Return     : none
 * Data Used  : none
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
AddInterface(struct interface *newIntf)
  /* int nOpened; */

  assert(newIntf != NULL);

  /* nOpened = */ (void)CreateInterface(newIntf->int_name, newIntf);

  //OLSR_PRINTF(1, "%s: opened %d sockets\n", PLUGIN_NAME, nOpened);
}                               /* AddInterface */
Ejemplo n.º 9
	STDMETHOD( CreateInstance )( IUnknown* pUnkOuter, REFIID riid, void** ppvObject )
		InterfaceType* pInterface = CreateInterface();
		if( pInterface )
			HRESULT hr = pInterface->QueryInterface( riid, ppvObject );
			return hr;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void* CSteamBase::GetInterface(SteamInterface_t interfaceID)
	for (size_t i = 0; i < _instances.size(); i++)
		if (_instances[i].interface == interfaceID)
			return _instances[i].instance;
	SteamInterface2_s temp;
	temp.interface = interfaceID;
	temp.instance = CreateInterface(interfaceID);
	return temp.instance;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void SimpleDeviceWindow::Play()
Ejemplo n.º 12
		ModuleBase(const std::string& moduleName)
			this->moduleName = moduleName;
			int retCode = 0;
			commands = reinterpret_cast<ICommands*>(CreateInterface(COMMANDS_INTERFACE_LATEST, &retCode));
			if (retCode != 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create commands interface");

			logger = reinterpret_cast<IDebugLog*>(CreateInterface(DEBUGLOG_INTERFACE_LATEST, &retCode));
			if (retCode != 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create debug log interface");

			engine = reinterpret_cast<IEngine*>(CreateInterface(ENGINE_INTERFACE_LATEST, &retCode));
			if (retCode != 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create engine interface");

			patches = reinterpret_cast<IPatchManager*>(CreateInterface(PATCHMANAGER_INTERFACE_LATEST, &retCode));
			if (retCode != 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create patch manager interface");

			utils = reinterpret_cast<IUtils*>(CreateInterface(UTILS_INTERFACE_LATEST, &retCode));
			if (retCode != 0)
				throw std::runtime_error("Failed to create utils interface");
Ejemplo n.º 13
 *  Main procedure.  Creates game controller, user interface and OpenGL context.
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

	// Create window
	// Create OpenGL Context
    GLContext g;

    // Create game controller
    GameController game_controller(g);

    // Start game loop
    StartGameLoop(game_controller, g);
	return 0;

Ejemplo n.º 14
void IPProbe::ShowInterface ()

	if ( !IsInterfaceVisible () ) CreateInterface ();

	int pid = SvbLookupPID ( this );

	char name_go [64];
	char name_display [64];
	char name_close [64];

	UplinkSnprintf ( name_go, sizeof ( name_go ), "probe_go %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( name_display, sizeof ( name_display ), "probe_display %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( name_close, sizeof ( name_close ), "probe_close %d", pid );

	EclButtonBringToFront ( name_go );
	EclButtonBringToFront ( name_display );
	EclButtonBringToFront ( name_close );

Ejemplo n.º 15
void SecurityBypass::ShowInterface ()

	if ( !IsInterfaceVisible () ) CreateInterface ();

	int pid = SvbLookupPID ( this );

	char main [32];
	char pause [32];
	char close [32];
	char title [32];
	char status [32];

	UplinkSnprintf ( main, sizeof ( main ), "sbypass_main %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( pause, sizeof ( pause ), "sbypass_pause %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( close, sizeof ( close ), "sbypass_close %d",  pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( title, sizeof ( title ), "sbypass_title %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( status, sizeof ( status ), "sbypass_status %d", pid );
	/********** Patched by François Gagné **********/
	if ( ShouldDraw ( pid ) ) {

		EclButtonBringToFront ( main );
		EclButtonBringToFront ( pause );
		EclButtonBringToFront ( close );
		EclButtonBringToFront ( title );
		EclButtonBringToFront ( status );

	} else {

		EclButtonSendToBack ( status );
		EclButtonSendToBack ( title );
		EclButtonSendToBack ( close );
		EclButtonSendToBack ( pause );
		EclButtonSendToBack ( main );


Ejemplo n.º 16
void Decypher::ShowInterface ()

	if ( !IsInterfaceVisible () ) CreateInterface ();

	int pid = SvbLookupPID ( this );

	char stitle    [128];
	char sborder   [128];
	char sprogress [128];
	char sclose    [128];

	UplinkSnprintf ( stitle, sizeof ( stitle ), "decypher_title %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( sborder, sizeof ( sborder ), "decypher_border %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( sprogress, sizeof ( sprogress ), "decypher_progress %d", pid );
	UplinkSnprintf ( sclose, sizeof ( sclose ), "decypher_close %d", pid );	

	EclButtonBringToFront ( stitle );
	EclButtonBringToFront ( sborder );
	EclButtonBringToFront ( sprogress );
	EclButtonBringToFront ( sclose );

Ejemplo n.º 17
 *  Main program
main(int argc, char* argv[])
  Arg		args[10];
  int 		n = 0;
  Pixel		fg, bg;
  Display	*display;
  int		time;
  char		*str;
  int 		i;

  XtSetArg(args[n], XmNallowShellResize, True);  n++;
  toplevel = XtVaAppInitialize(&app_context, APP_CLASS, NULL, 0, &argc, argv,
			       fallback_resources, NULL);

  app_class_quark = XrmStringToQuark(APP_CLASS);
  app_quark = XrmStringToQuark(argv[0]);

  mainW = CreateInterface("main", toplevel);

  /* First try the resource database,  then use the fallbacks below */
  str = XGetDefault(XtDisplay(toplevel), APP_CLASS, "updateTime");
  if (str == NULL)
    str = XGetDefault(XtDisplay(toplevel), argv[0], "updateTime");
  if (str == NULL)
    updateTime = 2000;
    updateTime = atoi(str);

  str = XGetDefault(XtDisplay(toplevel), APP_CLASS, "deleteCommand");
  if (str == NULL)
    str = XGetDefault(XtDisplay(toplevel), argv[0], "deleteCommand");
  if (str == NULL)
    deleteCommand = "rm %s";
    deleteCommand = str;

  /* Find the widgets in the hierarchy */
  dirOM = XtNameToWidget(mainW, "*dirOM");

  dirLabel = (Widget *) XtMalloc(sizeof(Widget) * ndirLabel);
  for (i = 0; i < ndirLabel; i++) {
    char buf[16];
    sprintf(buf, "*l%d", i);
    dirLabel[i] = XtNameToWidget(mainW, buf);
    paths[i] = NULL;

  fileviewer = XtNameToWidget(mainW, "*container");
  gotoDialog = XtNameToWidget(mainW, "*gotoDialog");
  displayLabel = XtNameToWidget(mainW, "*Where");

  XtVaGetValues(fileviewer, XmNforeground, &bg,	
		XmNbackground, &fg, NULL, NULL);


  /* Install our special error handler */
  XSetErrorHandler((XErrorHandler) ErrorHandler);

  /* Add the UTM callbacks on the container area */
  XtAddCallback(fileviewer, XmNdestinationCallback, 
		(XtCallbackProc) targetDestinationCallback, NULL);
  XtAddCallback(fileviewer, XmNconvertCallback, 
		(XtCallbackProc) targetConvertCallback, NULL);
  XtAddCallback(XtParent(fileviewer), XmNresizeCallback,
		fixViewerSize, NULL);

  readdirCB(fileviewer, ".", NULL);



  XtAppAddTimeOut(app_context, updateTime,
		  UpdateDir, (XtPointer) 0);


  return 0;    /* make compiler happy */
Ejemplo n.º 18
Benchmark::Benchmark() : Window(5,5,300,170,"Benchmark") {
	listener = NULL;
	ignoreindex = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 19
bool CAutoResearch::EventProcess(const Event &event)
    CPowerContainerObject*    power;
    Math::Vector    pos, speed;
    Error       message;
    Math::Point     dim;
    float       angle;


    if ( m_engine->GetPause() )  return true;

    if ( event.type == EVENT_UPDINTERFACE )
        if ( m_object->GetSelect() )  CreateInterface(true);

    if ( m_object->GetSelect() )  // center selected?
        Error err = ERR_UNKNOWN;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RTANK   ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_TANK);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RFLY    ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_FLY);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RTHUMP  ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_THUMP);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RCANON  ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_CANON);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RTOWER  ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_TOWER);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RPHAZER ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_PHAZER);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RSHIELD ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_SHIELD);
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_RATOMIC ) err = StartAction(RESEARCH_ATOMIC);

        if( err != ERR_OK && err != ERR_UNKNOWN )
            m_main->DisplayError(err, m_object);

        if( err != ERR_UNKNOWN )
            return false;

    if ( event.type != EVENT_FRAME )  return true;

    m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed;
    m_timeVirus -= event.rTime;

    if ( m_object->GetVirusMode() )  // contaminated by a virus?
        if ( m_timeVirus <= 0.0f )
            m_timeVirus = 0.1f+Math::Rand()*0.3f;
        return true;


    angle = m_time*0.1f;
    m_object->SetPartRotationY(1, angle);  // rotates the antenna

    angle = (30.0f+sinf(m_time*0.3f)*20.0f)*Math::PI/180.0f;
    m_object->SetPartRotationZ(2, angle);  // directs the antenna

    if ( m_phase == ALP_WAIT )
        FireStopUpdate(m_progress, false);  // extinguished
        return true;

    if ( m_phase == ALP_SEARCH )
        FireStopUpdate(m_progress, true);  // flashes
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            if ( m_object->GetPower() == nullptr || !m_object->GetPower()->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::PowerContainer) )  // more battery?

                m_phase    = ALP_WAIT;
                m_progress = 0.0f;
                m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;
                return true;
            power = dynamic_cast<CPowerContainerObject*>(m_object->GetPower());

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.05f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                pos = m_object->GetPosition();
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*6.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*6.0f;
                pos.y += 11.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                speed.y = Math::Rand()*20.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*1.0f+1.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIVAPOR);
            m_main->MarkResearchDone(m_research, m_object->GetTeam());  // research done


            m_main->DisplayError(INFO_RESEARCH, m_object);

            message = ERR_OK;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_TANK   )  message = INFO_RESEARCHTANK;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_FLY    )  message = INFO_RESEARCHFLY;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_THUMP  )  message = INFO_RESEARCHTHUMP;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_CANON  )  message = INFO_RESEARCHCANON;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_TOWER  )  message = INFO_RESEARCHTOWER;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_PHAZER )  message = INFO_RESEARCHPHAZER;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_SHIELD )  message = INFO_RESEARCHSHIELD;
            if ( m_research == RESEARCH_ATOMIC )  message = INFO_RESEARCHATOMIC;
            if ( message != ERR_OK )
                m_main->DisplayError(message, m_object);


            m_phase    = ALP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 20
bool CAutoFactory::EventProcess(const Event &event)
    ObjectType  type;
    CObject*    fret;
    CObject*    vehicle;
    Math::Matrix*   mat;
    CPhysics*   physics;
    Math::Vector    pos, speed;
    Math::Point     dim;
    float       zoom, angle, prog;
    int         i;


    if ( m_engine->GetPause() )  return true;

    if ( m_object->GetSelect() )  // factory selected?
        if ( event.type == EVENT_UPDINTERFACE )

        type = OBJECT_NULL;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYwa )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEwa;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYta )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEta;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYfa )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEfa;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYia )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEia;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYws )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEws;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYts )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEts;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYfs )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEfs;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYis )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEis;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYwc )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEwc;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYtc )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEtc;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYfc )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEfc;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYic )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEic;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYwi )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEwi;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYti )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEti;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYfi )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEfi;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYii )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEii;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYrt )  type = OBJECT_MOBILErt;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYrc )  type = OBJECT_MOBILErc;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYrr )  type = OBJECT_MOBILErr;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYrs )  type = OBJECT_MOBILErs;
        if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_FACTORYsa )  type = OBJECT_MOBILEsa;

        Error err = StartAction(type);
        if( err != ERR_OK && err != ERR_GENERIC )
            m_displayText->DisplayError(err, m_object);

        if( err != ERR_GENERIC )
            return false;

    if ( event.type != EVENT_FRAME )  return true;

    m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_WAIT )
        if ( m_progress >= 1.0f )
            m_phase    = AFP_WAIT;  // still waiting ...
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_CLOSE_S )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                zoom = 0.30f+(m_progress-0.5f+i/16.0f)*2.0f*0.70f;
                if ( zoom < 0.30f )  zoom = 0.30f;
                if ( zoom > 1.00f )  zoom = 1.00f;
                m_object->SetZoomZ( 1+i, zoom);
                m_object->SetZoomZ(10+i, zoom);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetZoomZ( 1+i, 1.0f);
                m_object->SetZoomZ(10+i, 1.0f);

            SoundManip(2.0f, 1.0f, 1.2f);

            m_phase    = AFP_CLOSE_T;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_CLOSE_T )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                angle = -m_progress*(Math::PI/2.0f)+Math::PI/2.0f;
                m_object->SetAngleZ( 1+i,  angle);
                m_object->SetAngleZ(10+i, -angle);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ( 1+i, 0.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleZ(10+i, 0.0f);

            m_channelSound = m_sound->Play(SOUND_FACTORY, m_object->GetPosition(0), 0.0f, 1.0f, true);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 1.0f, 1.0f,  2.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 1.0f, 1.0f, 11.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 0.0f, 1.0f,  2.0f, SOPER_STOP);

            m_phase    = AFP_BUILD;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/15.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_BUILD )
        if ( m_progress == 0.0f )
            if ( !CreateVehicle() )
                fret = SearchFret();  // transform metal?
                if ( fret != 0 )
                    fret->SetLock(false);  // metal usable again

                if ( m_channelSound != -1 )
                    m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, SOPER_STOP);
                    m_channelSound = -1;

                m_phase    = AFP_OPEN_T;
                m_progress = 0.0f;
                m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;
                return true;

        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            if ( m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErt ||
                 m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErc ||
                 m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErr ||
                 m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErs )
                prog = 1.0f-m_progress*1.5f;
                if ( prog < 0.0f )  prog = 0.0f;
                prog = 1.0f-m_progress;
            angle = powf(prog*10.0f, 2.0f)+m_object->GetAngleY(0);

            vehicle = SearchVehicle();
            if ( vehicle != 0 )
                vehicle->SetAngleY(0, angle+Math::PI);
                vehicle->SetZoom(0, m_progress);

            fret = SearchFret();  // transform metal?
            if ( fret != 0 )
                fret->SetZoom(0, 1.0f-m_progress);

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.05f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

#if 0
                pos = m_fretPos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*20.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*20.0f;
                pos.y += 1.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*12.0f;
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*12.0f;
                speed.y = Math::Rand()*12.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*12.0f+10.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, PARTIBLUE, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                mat = m_object->GetWorldMatrix(0);
                pos = Math::Vector(-12.0f, 20.0f, -4.0f);  // position of chimney
                pos = Math::Transform(*mat, pos);
                pos.y += 2.0f;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                speed.x = 0.0f;
                speed.z = 0.0f;
                speed.y = 6.0f+Math::Rand()*6.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*1.5f+1.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTISMOKE3, 4.0f);
            m_displayText->DisplayError(INFO_FACTORY, m_object);
            SoundManip(2.0f, 1.0f, 1.2f);

            fret = SearchFret();  // transform metal?
            if ( fret != 0 )
                fret->DeleteObject();  // removes the metal
                delete fret;

            m_vehicle = vehicle = SearchVehicle();
            if ( vehicle != 0 )
                physics = vehicle->GetPhysics();
                if ( physics != 0 )
                    physics->SetFreeze(false);  // can move

                vehicle->SetLock(false);  // vehicle useable
//?             vehicle->GetPhysics()->GetBrain()->StartTaskAdvance(16.0f);
                vehicle->SetAngleY(0, m_object->GetAngleY(0)+Math::PI);
                vehicle->SetZoom(0, 1.0f);


            m_phase    = AFP_OPEN_T;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_OPEN_T )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                angle = -(1.0f-m_progress)*(Math::PI/2.0f)+Math::PI/2.0f;
                m_object->SetAngleZ( 1+i,  angle);
                m_object->SetAngleZ(10+i, -angle);

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.1f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                pos = m_fretPos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.y += Math::Rand()*10.0f;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = 2.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGLINT, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ( 1+i,  Math::PI/2.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleZ(10+i, -Math::PI/2.0f);

            SoundManip(3.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

            m_phase    = AFP_OPEN_S;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/3.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_OPEN_S )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                zoom = 0.30f+((1.0f-m_progress)-0.5f+i/16.0f)*2.0f*0.70f;
                if ( zoom < 0.30f )  zoom = 0.30f;
                if ( zoom > 1.00f )  zoom = 1.00f;
                m_object->SetZoomZ( 1+i, zoom);
                m_object->SetZoomZ(10+i, zoom);

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.1f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                pos = m_fretPos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.y += Math::Rand()*10.0f;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = 2.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGLINT, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetZoomZ( 1+i, 0.30f);
                m_object->SetZoomZ(10+i, 0.30f);

            if ( m_program != nullptr )
                CBrain* brain = m_vehicle->GetBrain();
                if ( brain != nullptr )
                    brain->SendProgram(0, const_cast<const char*>(m_program));


            m_phase    = AFP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 21
bool CAutoFactory::EventProcess(const Event &event)
    ObjectType  type;
    CObject*    cargo;
    CObject*    vehicle;
    Math::Matrix*   mat;
    CPhysics*   physics;
    Math::Vector    pos, speed;
    Math::Point     dim;
    float       zoom, angle, prog;
    int         i;


    if ( m_engine->GetPause() )  return true;

    if ( m_object->GetSelect() )  // factory selected?
        if ( event.type == EVENT_UPDINTERFACE )

        type = ObjectTypeFromFactoryButton(event.type);

        Error err = StartAction(type);
        if( err != ERR_OK && err != ERR_UNKNOWN )
            m_main->DisplayError(err, m_object);

        if( err != ERR_UNKNOWN )
            return false;

    if ( event.type != EVENT_FRAME )  return true;

    m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_WAIT )
        if ( m_progress >= 1.0f )
            m_phase    = AFP_WAIT;  // still waiting ...
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_CLOSE_S )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                zoom = 0.30f+(m_progress-0.5f+i/16.0f)*2.0f*0.70f;
                if ( zoom < 0.30f )  zoom = 0.30f;
                if ( zoom > 1.00f )  zoom = 1.00f;
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ( 1+i, zoom);
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ(10+i, zoom);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ( 1+i, 1.0f);
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ(10+i, 1.0f);

            SoundManip(2.0f, 1.0f, 1.2f);

            m_phase    = AFP_CLOSE_T;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_CLOSE_T )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                angle = -m_progress*(Math::PI/2.0f)+Math::PI/2.0f;
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ( 1+i,  angle);
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ(10+i, -angle);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ( 1+i, 0.0f);
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ(10+i, 0.0f);

            m_channelSound = m_sound->Play(SOUND_FACTORY, m_object->GetPosition(), 0.0f, 1.0f, true);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 1.0f, 1.0f,  2.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 1.0f, 1.0f, 11.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 0.0f, 1.0f,  2.0f, SOPER_STOP);

            m_phase    = AFP_BUILD;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/15.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_BUILD )
        if ( m_progress == 0.0f )
            if ( !CreateVehicle() )
                cargo = SearchCargo();  // transform metal?
                if ( cargo != nullptr )
                    cargo->SetLock(false);  // metal usable again

                if ( m_channelSound != -1 )
                    m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_channelSound, 0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, SOPER_STOP);
                    m_channelSound = -1;

                m_phase    = AFP_OPEN_T;
                m_progress = 0.0f;
                m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;
                return true;

        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            if ( m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErt ||
                 m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErc ||
                 m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErr ||
                 m_type == OBJECT_MOBILErs )
                prog = 1.0f-m_progress*1.5f;
                if ( prog < 0.0f )  prog = 0.0f;
                prog = 1.0f-m_progress;
            angle = powf(prog*10.0f, 2.0f)+m_object->GetRotationY();

            vehicle = SearchVehicle();
            if ( vehicle != nullptr )

            cargo = SearchCargo();  // transform metal?
            if ( cargo != nullptr )

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.05f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                mat = m_object->GetWorldMatrix(0);
                pos = Math::Vector(-12.0f, 20.0f, -4.0f);  // position of chimney
                pos = Math::Transform(*mat, pos);
                pos.y += 2.0f;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                speed.x = 0.0f;
                speed.z = 0.0f;
                speed.y = 6.0f+Math::Rand()*6.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*1.5f+1.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTISMOKE3, 4.0f);
            m_main->DisplayError(INFO_FACTORY, m_object);
            SoundManip(2.0f, 1.0f, 1.2f);

            cargo = SearchCargo();  // transform metal?
            if ( cargo != nullptr )

            vehicle = SearchVehicle();
            if ( vehicle != nullptr )
                physics = dynamic_cast<CMovableObject*>(vehicle)->GetPhysics();
                physics->SetFreeze(false);  // can move

                vehicle->SetLock(false);  // vehicle useable

                if ( !m_program.empty() )
                    if (vehicle->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::Programmable) && vehicle->Implements(ObjectInterfaceType::ProgramStorage))
                        Program* program = dynamic_cast<CProgramStorageObject*>(vehicle)->AddProgram();

                        if (boost::regex_search(m_program, boost::regex("^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$"))) // Public function name?
                            std::string code = "extern void object::Start_"+m_program+"()\n{\n\t\n\t//Automatically generated by object.factory()\n\t"+m_program+"();\n\t\n}\n";
                        else if (boost::regex_search(m_program, boost::regex("\\.txt$"))) // File name (with .txt extension)?
                        else // Program code?



            m_phase    = AFP_OPEN_T;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_OPEN_T )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                angle = -(1.0f-m_progress)*(Math::PI/2.0f)+Math::PI/2.0f;
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ( 1+i,  angle);
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ(10+i, -angle);

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.1f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                pos = m_cargoPos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.y += Math::Rand()*10.0f;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = 2.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGLINT, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ( 1+i,  Math::PI/2.0f);
                m_object->SetPartRotationZ(10+i, -Math::PI/2.0f);

            SoundManip(3.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f);

            m_phase    = AFP_OPEN_S;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/3.0f;

    if ( m_phase == AFP_OPEN_S )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                zoom = 0.30f+((1.0f-m_progress)-0.5f+i/16.0f)*2.0f*0.70f;
                if ( zoom < 0.30f )  zoom = 0.30f;
                if ( zoom > 1.00f )  zoom = 1.00f;
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ( 1+i, zoom);
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ(10+i, zoom);

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.1f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                pos = m_cargoPos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.y += Math::Rand()*10.0f;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = 2.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGLINT, 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            for ( i=0 ; i<9 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ( 1+i, 0.30f);
                m_object->SetPartScaleZ(10+i, 0.30f);


            m_phase    = AFP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 22
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Function   : CreateBmfNetworkInterfaces
 * Description: Create a list of TBmfInterface objects, one for each network
 *              interface on which BMF runs
 * Input      : skipThisIntf - network interface to skip, if seen
 * Output     : none
 * Return     : fail (-1) or success (0)
 * Data Used  : none
 * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
CreateBmfNetworkInterfaces(struct interface *skipThisIntf)
  int skfd;
  struct ifconf ifc;
  int numreqs = 30;
  struct ifreq *ifr;
  int n;
  int nOpenedSockets = 0;

  /* Clear input descriptor set */

  skfd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
  if (skfd < 0) {
    BmfPError("no inet socket available to retrieve interface list");
    return -1;

  /* Retrieve the network interface configuration list */
  ifc.ifc_buf = NULL;
  for (;;) {
    ifc.ifc_len = sizeof(struct ifreq) * numreqs;
    ifc.ifc_buf = realloc(ifc.ifc_buf, ifc.ifc_len);

    if (ioctl(skfd, SIOCGIFCONF, &ifc) < 0) {
      BmfPError("ioctl(SIOCGIFCONF) error");

      return -1;
    if ((unsigned)ifc.ifc_len == sizeof(struct ifreq) * numreqs) {
      /* Assume it overflowed; double the space and try again */
      numreqs *= 2;
      assert(numreqs < 1024);
      continue;                 /* for (;;) */
    break;                      /* for (;;) */
  }                             /* for (;;) */


  /* For each item in the interface configuration list... */
  ifr = ifc.ifc_req;
  for (n = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof(struct ifreq); --n >= 0; ifr++) {
    struct interface *olsrIntf;
    union olsr_ip_addr ipAddr;

    /* Skip the BMF network interface itself */
    //if (strncmp(ifr->ifr_name, EtherTunTapIfName, IFNAMSIZ) == 0)
    //  continue; /* for (n = ...) */

    /* ...find the OLSR interface structure, if any */
    ipAddr.v4 = ((struct sockaddr_in *)ARM_NOWARN_ALIGN(&ifr->ifr_addr))->sin_addr;
    olsrIntf = if_ifwithaddr(&ipAddr);

    if (skipThisIntf != NULL && olsrIntf == skipThisIntf) {
      continue;                 /* for (n = ...) */

    if (olsrIntf == NULL && !IsNonOlsrBmfIf(ifr->ifr_name)) {
      /* Interface is neither OLSR interface, nor specified as non-OLSR BMF
       * interface in the BMF plugin parameter list */
      continue;                 /* for (n = ...) */

    if (!IsNonOlsrBmfIf(ifr->ifr_name)) {
      //If the interface is not specified in the configuration file then go ahead
      continue;                 /* for (n = ...) */
    //TODO: asser if->ifr_name is not talking OLSR
    //nOpenedSockets += CreateInterface(ifr->ifr_name, olsrIntf);
    nOpenedSockets += CreateInterface(ifr->ifr_name, NULL);

  }                             /* for (n = ...) */


  if (BmfInterfaces == NULL) {
    //OLSR_PRINTF(1, "%s: could not initialize any network interface\n", PLUGIN_NAME);
  } else {
    //OLSR_PRINTF(1, "%s: opened %d sockets\n", PLUGIN_NAME, nOpenedSockets);
  return 0;
}                               /* CreateBmfNetworkInterfaces */
Ejemplo n.º 23
ViewExpression::ViewExpression(MainFrame *parent,wxSize s):wxWindow(parent,wxID_ANY,wxDefaultPosition,s,wxBORDER_SIMPLE),DocumentObserver(parent->GetDocument()),_parent(parent)
	_textColor = wxColor(0,0,0);
	_backColor = wxColor(255,255,255);
AlgorithmDocumentFrame::AlgorithmDocumentFrame(MainFrame *parent):DocumentFrame(parent, "Algorithm Document", wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize)
Ejemplo n.º 25
GmatBase* DataInterfaceFactory::CreateObject(const std::string &ofType,
                                const std::string &withName)
   return CreateInterface(ofType, withName);
Ejemplo n.º 26
bool CAutoBase::EventProcess(const Event &event)
    Math::Matrix*   mat;
    Event       newEvent;
    CObject*    pObj;
    Math::Vector    pos, speed, vibCir, iPos;
    Math::Point     dim, p;
    float       angle, dist, time, h, len, vSpeed;
    int         i, max;


    if ( m_engine->GetPause() )  return true;

    iPos = m_object->GetPosition(0);

    if ( m_phase == ABP_START )
        if ( m_param != PARAM_STOP     &&  // not placed on the ground?
             m_param != PARAM_FIXSCENE )
            FreezeCargo(true);  // freeze whole cargo

        if ( m_param == PARAM_STOP )  // raises the ground?
            m_phase    = ABP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ(1+i, Math::PI/2.0f-124.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleX(10+i, -10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleX(18+i,  10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetPosition(10+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f, -11.5f));
                m_object->SetPosition(18+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f,  11.5f));

            pObj = m_main->GetSelectObject();
            if ( pObj == 0 )


        if ( m_param == PARAM_FIXSCENE )  // raises the ground?
            m_phase    = ABP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ(1+i, Math::PI/2.0f-124.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleX(10+i, -10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleX(18+i,  10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetPosition(10+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f, -11.5f));
                m_object->SetPosition(18+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f,  11.5f));

        if ( m_param == PARAM_LANDING )  // Landing?
            m_phase    = ABP_LAND;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_LAND_TIME;

            m_main->SetMovieLock(true);  // blocks everything until the end of the landing
            m_bMotor = true;  // lights the jet engine


            pos = m_pos;
            pos.x -= 150.0f;
            pos.y += 10.0f;
            m_posSound = pos;

            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.y += 300.0f+50.0f;



            if ( m_soundChannel == -1 )
                m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_FLY, m_posSound, 0.3f, 2.0f, true);
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 1.0f, 0.5f, BASE_LAND_TIME, SOPER_CONTINUE);
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, SOPER_STOP);


        if ( m_param == PARAM_PORTICO )  // gate on the porch?
            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            m_finalPos = pos;
            pos.z += BASE_PORTICO_TIME_MOVE*5.0f;  // back
            pos.y += 10.0f;  // rises (the gate)
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);
            MoveCargo();  // all cargo moves

            m_phase    = ABP_PORTICO_MOVE;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_PORTICO_TIME_MOVE;


        if ( m_param == PARAM_TRANSIT1 ||
             m_param == PARAM_TRANSIT2 ||
             m_param == PARAM_TRANSIT3 )  // transit in space?
            m_phase    = ABP_TRANSIT_MOVE;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_TRANSIT_TIME;

            m_object->SetAngleZ(0, -Math::PI/2.0f);
            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.y += 10000.0f;  // in space
            m_finalPos = pos;
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);

            m_main->SetMovieLock(true);  // blocks everything until the end of the landing
            m_bMotor = true;  // lights the jet engine

            pos.x += 1000.0f;
            pos.z -= 60.0f;
            pos.y += 80.0f;
            m_posSound = pos;


            mat = m_object->GetWorldMatrix(0);
            speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            dim.x = 10.0f;
            dim.y = dim.x;
            pos = Math::Vector(42.0f, -2.0f, 17.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[0] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(17.0f, -2.0f, 42.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[1] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(42.0f, -2.0f, -17.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[2] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(17.0f, -2.0f, -42.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[3] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(-42.0f, -2.0f, 17.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[4] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(-17.0f, -2.0f, 42.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[5] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(-42.0f, -2.0f, -17.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[6] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
            pos = Math::Vector(-17.0f, -2.0f, -42.0f);
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            m_partiChannel[7] = m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTILENS1, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME+1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            if ( m_soundChannel == -1 )
                m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_FLY, m_posSound, 0.0f, 1.2f, true);
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 1.0f, 1.0f, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME*0.55f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 0.8f, BASE_TRANSIT_TIME*0.45f, SOPER_STOP);

    if ( event.type == EVENT_UPDINTERFACE )
        if ( m_object->GetSelect() )  CreateInterface(true);

    if ( event.type == EVENT_OBJECT_BTAKEOFF )
        return TakeOff(true);

    if ( event.type != EVENT_FRAME )  return true;
    if ( m_phase == ABP_WAIT )  return true;

    m_progress += event.rTime*m_speed;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_LAND )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            pos = m_pos;
            pos.y += powf(1.0f-m_progress, 2.0f)*300.0f;
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);
            MoveCargo();  // all cargo moves

            vibCir.z = sinf(m_time*Math::PI* 2.01f)*(Math::PI/150.0f)+
                       sinf(m_time*Math::PI* 2.51f)*(Math::PI/200.0f)+
            vibCir.x = sinf(m_time*Math::PI* 2.03f)*(Math::PI/150.0f)+
                       sinf(m_time*Math::PI* 2.52f)*(Math::PI/200.0f)+
            vibCir.y = 0.0f;
            vibCir *= Math::Min(1.0f, (1.0f-m_progress)*3.0f);

            pos = m_pos;
            pos.x -= 150.0f;
            pos.y += 10.0f;

            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.y += 50.0f;


            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.10f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                // Dust thrown to the ground.
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                angle = Math::Rand()*(Math::PI*2.0f);
                dist = m_progress*50.0f;
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, dist);
                speed.x = p.x;
                speed.z = p.y;
                speed.y = 0.0f;
                dim.x = (Math::Rand()*15.0f+15.0f)*m_progress;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                if ( dim.x >= 1.0f )
                    m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTICRASH, 2.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f);

                // Particles are ejected from the jet engine.
                pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
                pos.y += 6.0f;
                h = m_terrain->GetHeightToFloor(pos)/300.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*(80.0f-50.0f*h);
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*(80.0f-50.0f*h);
                speed.y = -(Math::Rand()*(h+1.0f)*40.0f+(h+1.0f)*40.0f);
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*2.0f+2.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 2.0f, 10.0f, 2.0f);

                // Black smoke from the jet engine.
                if ( m_progress > 0.8f )
                    pos = m_pos;
                    pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                    pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                    pos.y += 3.0f;
                    speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                    speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                    speed.y = 0.0f;
                    dim.x = Math::Rand()*4.0f+4.0f;
                    dim.y = dim.x;
                    m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTISMOKE3, 4.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f);
            m_bMotor = false;  // put out the reactor

            m_object->SetPosition(0, m_pos);  // setting down
            m_object->SetCirVibration(Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
            MoveCargo();  // all cargo moves

            // Impact with the ground.
            max = static_cast<int>(50.0f*m_engine->GetParticleDensity());
            for ( i=0 ; i<max ; i++ )
                angle = Math::Rand()*(Math::PI*2.0f);
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, 46.0f);
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += p.x;
                pos.z += p.y;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*10.0f+10.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                time = Math::Rand()*2.0f+1.5f;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTICRASH, time, 0.0f, 2.0f);

//?         m_camera->StartEffect(CE_CRASH, m_pos, 1.0f);
            m_camera->StartEffect(Gfx::CAM_EFFECT_EXPLO, m_pos, 2.0f);
            m_sound->Play(SOUND_BOUM, m_posSound, 0.6f, 0.5f);

            m_phase    = ABP_OPENWAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_OPENWAIT )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.10f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                // Black smoke from the reactor.
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                pos.y += 3.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*8.0f;
                speed.y = 0.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*4.0f+4.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTISMOKE3, 4.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f);
            m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_MANIP, m_posSound, 0.0f, 0.3f, true);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 1.0f, BASE_DOOR_TIME-1.5f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f, SOPER_STOP);

            m_phase    = ABP_OPEN;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_DOOR_TIME;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_OPEN )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            angle = -m_progress*124.0f*Math::PI/180.0f;
            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ(1+i, Math::PI/2.0f+angle);

            if ( m_param != PARAM_PORTICO )
                angle = m_progress*Math::PI*2.0f;
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, -150.0f);
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += p.x;
                pos.z += p.y;
                pos.y += 10.0f;
                pos.y += m_progress*40.0f;

            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ(1+i, Math::PI/2.0f-124.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);

            // Clash the doors with the ground.
            max = static_cast<int>(20.0f*m_engine->GetParticleDensity());
            for ( i=0 ; i<max ; i++ )
                angle = Math::Rand()*(20.0f*Math::PI/180.0f)-(10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                angle += (Math::PI/4.0f)*(rand()%8);
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, 74.0f);
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += p.x;
                pos.z += p.y;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*8.0f+8.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                time = Math::Rand()*2.0f+1.5f;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTICRASH, time, 0.0f, 2.0f);

            m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_MANIP, m_posSound, 0.3f, 1.5f, true);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 1.5f, BASE_DOOR_TIME2, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 1.5f, 0.5f, SOPER_STOP);

            m_phase    = ABP_OPEN2;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_DOOR_TIME2;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_OPEN2 )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            len = 7.0f-m_progress*(7.0f+11.5f);
            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPosition(10+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f,  len));
                m_object->SetPosition(18+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f, -len));
                m_object->SetAngleX(10+i, -10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f*m_progress);
                m_object->SetAngleX(18+i,  10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f*m_progress);

            if ( m_param != PARAM_PORTICO )
                angle = m_progress*Math::PI/2.0f;
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, -150.0f);
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += p.x;
                pos.z += p.y;
                pos.y += 10.0f;
                pos.y += m_progress*40.0f;

            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPosition(10+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f, -11.5f));
                m_object->SetPosition(18+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f,  11.5f));
                m_object->SetAngleX(10+i, -10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleX(18+i,  10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f);

            m_phase    = ABP_LDWAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_LDWAIT )
        if ( m_progress >= 1.0f )
            FreezeCargo(false);  // frees all cargo

            if ( m_param != PARAM_PORTICO )
                m_main->SetMovieLock(false);  // you can play!

                pObj = m_main->GetSelectObject();
                if ( pObj == 0 )
                m_sound->Play(SOUND_BOUM, m_object->GetPosition(0));
                m_soundChannel = -1;


            m_bOpen    = true;
            m_phase    = ABP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_CLOSE2 )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            len = 7.0f-(1.0f-m_progress)*(7.0f+11.5f);
            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPosition(10+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f,  len));
                m_object->SetPosition(18+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f, -len));
                m_object->SetAngleX(10+i, -10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f*(1.0f-m_progress));
                m_object->SetAngleX(18+i,  10.0f*Math::PI/180.0f*(1.0f-m_progress));
            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetPosition(10+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f,  7.0f));
                m_object->SetPosition(18+i, Math::Vector(23.5f, 0.0f, -7.0f));
                m_object->SetAngleX(10+i, 0.0f);
                m_object->SetAngleX(18+i, 0.0f);

            m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_MANIP, m_posSound, 0.0f, 0.3f, true);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 0.3f, 1.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 1.0f, BASE_DOOR_TIME-1.5f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
            m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 0.3f, 1.0f, SOPER_STOP);

            m_phase    = ABP_CLOSE;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_DOOR_TIME;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_CLOSE )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            angle = -(1.0f-m_progress)*124.0f*Math::PI/180.0f;
            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ(1+i, Math::PI/2.0f+angle);
            for ( i=0 ; i<8 ; i++ )
                m_object->SetAngleZ(1+i, Math::PI/2.0f);
            m_bMotor = true;  // lights the jet engine

            // Shock of the closing doors.
            max = static_cast<int>(20.0f*m_engine->GetParticleDensity());
            for ( i=0 ; i<max ; i++ )
                angle = Math::Rand()*Math::PI*2.0f;
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, 32.0f);
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += p.x;
                pos.z += p.y;
                pos.y += 85.0f;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*3.0f+3.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                time = Math::Rand()*1.0f+1.0f;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTICRASH, time);
            m_sound->Play(SOUND_BOUM, m_object->GetPosition(0));

            m_soundChannel = -1;
            m_bOpen    = false;
            m_phase    = ABP_TOWAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_TOWAIT )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            if ( m_soundChannel == -1 )
                m_soundChannel = m_sound->Play(SOUND_FLY, m_posSound, 0.0f, 0.5f, true);
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 1.0f, 0.5f, 2.0f, SOPER_CONTINUE);
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.3f, 2.0f, BASE_TAKO_TIME, SOPER_STOP);

            vibCir.z = sinf(m_time*Math::PI*19.01f)*(Math::PI/400.0f);
            vibCir.x = sinf(m_time*Math::PI*19.53f)*(Math::PI/400.0f);
            vibCir.y = 0.0f;
            vibCir *= m_progress*1.0f;

            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.05f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                // Particles are ejected from the reactor.
                pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
                pos.y += 6.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*160.0f;
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*160.0f;
                speed.y = -(Math::Rand()*10.0f+10.0f);
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*2.0f+2.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 2.0f, 10.0f, 2.0f);


            m_phase    = ABP_TAKEOFF;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_TAKO_TIME;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_TAKEOFF )
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            pos = m_pos;
            pos.y += powf(m_progress, 2.0f)*600.0f;
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);
            MoveCargo();  // all cargo moves

            vibCir.z = sinf(m_time*Math::PI*19.01f)*(Math::PI/400.0f);
            vibCir.x = sinf(m_time*Math::PI*19.53f)*(Math::PI/400.0f);
            vibCir.y = 0.0f;

            pos = m_pos;
            pos.x -= 110.0f+m_progress*250.0f;
            pos.y += 10.0f;

            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.y += 50.0f;


            if ( m_lastParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.10f) <= m_time )
                m_lastParticle = m_time;

                // Dust thrown to the ground.
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f;
                angle = Math::Rand()*(Math::PI*2.0f);
                dist = (1.0f-m_progress)*50.0f;
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, dist);
                speed.x = p.x;
                speed.z = p.y;
                speed.y = 0.0f;
                dim.x = (Math::Rand()*10.0f+10.0f)*(1.0f-m_progress);
                dim.y = dim.x;
                if ( dim.x >= 1.0f )
                    m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTICRASH, 2.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f);

                // Particles are ejected from the reactor.
                pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
                pos.y += 6.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*40.0f;
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*40.0f;
                time = 5.0f+150.0f*m_progress;
                speed.y = -(Math::Rand()*time+time);
                time = 2.0f+m_progress*12.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*time+time;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 2.0f, 10.0f, 2.0f);

                // Black smoke from the reactor.
                pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
                pos.y += 3.0f;
                speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f*(4.0f-m_progress*3.0f);
                speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*10.0f*(4.0f-m_progress*3.0f);
                speed.y = 0.0f;
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*20.0f+20.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTISMOKE3, 10.0f, 0.0f, 2.0f);
            m_soundChannel = -1;
            newEvent.type = EVENT_WIN;

            m_phase    = ABP_WAIT;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_PORTICO_MOVE )  // advance of the gate?
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.z -= event.rTime*5.0f;
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);
            MoveCargo();  // all cargo moves
            m_phase    = ABP_PORTICO_WAIT1;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_PORTICO_WAIT1 )  // expectation the gate?
        if ( m_progress >= 1.0f )
            m_phase    = ABP_PORTICO_DOWN;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_PORTICO_TIME_DOWN;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_PORTICO_DOWN )  // down the gate?
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.y -= event.rTime*(10.0f/BASE_PORTICO_TIME_DOWN);
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);
            MoveCargo();  // all cargo moves
            // Impact with the ground.
            max = static_cast<int>(50.0f*m_engine->GetParticleDensity());
            for ( i=0 ; i<max ; i++ )
                angle = Math::Rand()*(Math::PI*2.0f);
                p = Math::RotatePoint(angle, 46.0f);
                pos = m_pos;
                pos.x += p.x;
                pos.z += p.y;
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = Math::Rand()*10.0f+10.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                time = Math::Rand()*2.0f+1.5f;
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTICRASH, time, 0.0f, 2.0f);

            m_phase    = ABP_PORTICO_WAIT2;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_PORTICO_WAIT2 )  // expectation the gate?
        if ( m_progress >= 1.0f )
            m_phase    = ABP_PORTICO_OPEN;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/BASE_PORTICO_TIME_OPEN;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_PORTICO_OPEN )  // opening the gate?
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            m_phase    = ABP_OPEN;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/2.0f;

    if ( m_phase == ABP_TRANSIT_MOVE )  // transit in space?
        if ( m_progress < 1.0f )
            pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
            pos.x += event.rTime*(2000.0f/BASE_TRANSIT_TIME);
            m_object->SetPosition(0, pos);
            pos.x += 60.0f;
            m_object->SetAngleZ(0, 0.0f);

            m_param = PARAM_LANDING;
            m_phase    = ABP_START;
            m_progress = 0.0f;
            m_speed    = 1.0f/1.0f;


            if ( m_soundChannel != -1 )
                m_sound->AddEnvelope(m_soundChannel, 0.0f, 0.8f, 0.01f, SOPER_STOP);
                m_soundChannel = -1;
            goto begin;

    if ( m_bMotor )
        if ( m_lastMotorParticle+m_engine->ParticleAdapt(0.02f) <= m_time )
            m_lastMotorParticle = m_time;

            mat = m_object->GetWorldMatrix(0);

            if ( event.rTime == 0.0f )
                vSpeed = 0.0f;
                pos = m_object->GetPosition(0);
                if ( m_phase == ABP_TRANSIT_MOVE )
                    vSpeed = (pos.x-iPos.x)/event.rTime;
                    vSpeed = (pos.y-iPos.y)/event.rTime;
                if ( vSpeed < 0.0f )  vSpeed *= 1.5f;

            pos = Math::Vector(0.0f, 6.0f, 0.0f);
            speed.x = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*4.0f;
            speed.z = (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*4.0f;
            speed.y = vSpeed*0.8f-(8.0f+Math::Rand()*6.0f);
            speed += pos;
            pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
            speed = Transform(*mat, speed);
            speed -= pos;

            dim.x = 4.0f+Math::Rand()*4.0f;
            dim.y = dim.x;

            m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIBASE, 3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

            if ( m_phase == ABP_TRANSIT_MOVE )
                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = 12.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                pos = Math::Vector(0.0f, 7.0f, 0.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                speed = Math::Vector(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                dim.x = 4.0f;
                dim.y = dim.x;
                pos = Math::Vector(42.0f, 0.0f, 17.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(17.0f, 0.0f, 42.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(42.0f, 0.0f, -17.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(17.0f, 0.0f, -42.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(-42.0f, 0.0f, 17.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(-17.0f, 0.0f, 42.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(-42.0f, 0.0f, -17.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                pos = Math::Vector(-17.0f, 0.0f, -42.0f);
                pos.x += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;  pos.z += (Math::Rand()-0.5f)*2.0f;
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->CreateParticle(pos, speed, dim, Gfx::PARTIGAS, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                pos = Math::Vector(42.0f, -2.0f, 17.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[0], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(17.0f, -2.0f, 42.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[1], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(42.0f, -2.0f, -17.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[2], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(17.0f, -2.0f, -42.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[3], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(-42.0f, -2.0f, 17.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[4], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(-17.0f, -2.0f, 42.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[5], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(-42.0f, -2.0f, -17.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[6], pos);
                pos = Math::Vector(-17.0f, -2.0f, -42.0f);
                pos = Transform(*mat, pos);
                m_particle->SetPosition(m_partiChannel[7], pos);

    if ( m_soundChannel != -1 )
        pos = m_engine->GetEyePt();
        m_sound->Position(m_soundChannel, pos);

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 27
Benchmark::Benchmark(float testtime) : Window(5,5,300,170,"Benchmark") {
	listener = NULL;