Ejemplo n.º 1
// Patches a single keyvalue in a material 
void CreateMaterialPatch( const char *pOriginalMaterialName, const char *pNewMaterialName,
						 const char *pNewKey, const char *pNewValue, MaterialPatchType_t nPatchType )
	MaterialPatchInfo_t info;
	info.m_pKey = pNewKey;
	info.m_pValue = pNewValue;
	CreateMaterialPatch( pOriginalMaterialName, pNewMaterialName, 1, &info, nPatchType );
Ejemplo n.º 2
// Patches the $envmap for a material and all its dependents, returns true if any patching happened
static bool PatchEnvmapForMaterialAndDependents( const char *pMaterialName, const PatchInfo_t &info, const char *pCubemapTexture )
	// Do *NOT* patch the material if there is an $envmap specified and it's not 'env_cubemap'

	// FIXME: It's theoretically ok to patch the material if $envmap is not specified,
	// because we're using the 'replace' block, which will only add the env_cubemap if 
	// $envmap is specified in the source material. But it will fail if someone adds
	// a specific non-env_cubemap $envmap to the source material at a later point. Bleah

	// See if we have an $envmap to patch
	bool bShouldPatchEnvCubemap = DoesMaterialHaveKeyValuePair( pMaterialName, "$envmap", "env_cubemap" );

	// See if we have a dependent material to patch
	bool bDependentMaterialPatched = false;
	const char *pDependentMaterialVar = NULL;
	const char *pDependentMaterial = FindDependentMaterial( pMaterialName, &pDependentMaterialVar );
	if ( pDependentMaterial )
		bDependentMaterialPatched = PatchEnvmapForMaterialAndDependents( pDependentMaterial, info, pCubemapTexture );

	// If we have neither to patch, we're done
	if ( !bShouldPatchEnvCubemap && !bDependentMaterialPatched )
		return false;

	// Otherwise we have to make a patched version of ourselves
	char pPatchedMaterialName[1024];
	GeneratePatchedName( pMaterialName, info, true, pPatchedMaterialName, 1024 );

	MaterialPatchInfo_t pPatchInfo[2];
	int nPatchCount = 0;
	if ( bShouldPatchEnvCubemap )
		pPatchInfo[nPatchCount].m_pKey = "$envmap";
		pPatchInfo[nPatchCount].m_pRequiredOriginalValue = "env_cubemap";
		pPatchInfo[nPatchCount].m_pValue = pCubemapTexture;

	char pDependentPatchedMaterialName[1024];
	if ( bDependentMaterialPatched )
		// FIXME: Annoying! I either have to pass back the patched dependent material name
		// or reconstruct it. Both are sucky.
		GeneratePatchedName( pDependentMaterial, info, true, pDependentPatchedMaterialName, 1024 );
		pPatchInfo[nPatchCount].m_pKey = pDependentMaterialVar;
		pPatchInfo[nPatchCount].m_pValue = pDependentPatchedMaterialName;

	CreateMaterialPatch( pMaterialName, pPatchedMaterialName, nPatchCount, pPatchInfo, PATCH_REPLACE );

	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// Purpose: Called to write procedural materials in the rb tree to the embedded
//  pak file for this .bsp
void EmitWaterMaterialFile( WaterTexInfo *wti )
	char waterTextureName[512];
	if ( !wti )

	GetWaterTextureName( mapbase, wti->m_MaterialName.String(), ( int )wti->m_nWaterDepth, waterTextureName );
	// Convert to string
	char szDepth[ 32 ];
	sprintf( szDepth, "%i", wti->m_nWaterDepth );
	CreateMaterialPatch( wti->m_MaterialName.String(), waterTextureName, "$waterdepth", szDepth, PATCH_INSERT );