int main() { /* Debugging Code */ //double minX = 0.05859357, maxX = 0.44921857; //double minY = 2.03125, maxY = 2.421875; //int width = 20, height = 20; double minX = -10, maxX = 10, minY = -7.5, maxY = 7.5; int width = 512, height = 384; Canvas canvas; InitCanvas(&canvas, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, width, height); Point eye = CreatePoint(0.0, 0.0, -14.0); Point blueSphere = CreatePoint(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); Point redSphere = CreatePoint(0.5, 1.5, -3.0); Point lightPoint = CreatePoint(-100.0, 100.0, -100.0); Color blue = CreateColor(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); Color red = CreateColor(1.0, 0.0, 0.0); Color ambient = CreateColor(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); Color lightColor = CreateColor(1.5, 1.5, 1.5); Finish largeFinish = CreateFinish(0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.05); Finish smallFinish = CreateFinish(0.4, 0.4, 0.5, 0.05); Light light = CreateLight(lightPoint, lightColor); Sphere spheres[2]; spheres[0] = CreateSphere(blueSphere, 2.0, blue, largeFinish); spheres[1] = CreateSphere(redSphere, 0.5, red, smallFinish); castAllRays(&canvas, eye, spheres, ambient, light, 2); return 0; }
void distanceTest2() { Point p1 = CreatePoint(12.5, 65.3, 102); Point p2 = CreatePoint(1, 2, 3); printf("\n**Distance Test 2**\n"); double result = distance(p1, p2); printf("Actual: %lf\n", result); printf("Expected: 118.06837\n"); }
void distanceTest1() { Point p1 = CreatePoint(-7.0, -4.0, 3.0); Point p2 = CreatePoint(17.0, 6.0, 2.5); printf("**Distance Test 1**\n"); double result = distance(p1, p2); printf("Actual: %lf\n", result); printf("Expected: 26.004807\n"); }
Line CutSquareInHalf(Square s1, Square s2) { Point middle1, middle2; Line l; middle1=CreatePoint((s1.BottomLeft.x+s1.TopRight.x)/2, (s1.BottomLeft.y+s1.TopRight.y)/2); middle2=CreatePoint((s2.BottomLeft.x+s2.TopRight.x)/2, (s2.BottomLeft.y+s2.TopRight.y)/2); l=CreateLine(middle1, middle2); return l; }
void closestPoint1() { Point origin = CreatePoint(0, 0, 0); Point p1 = CreatePoint(5, 5, 5); Point p2 = CreatePoint(1, 1, 1); double p1Dist = distance(origin, p1); double p2Dist = distance(origin, p2); printf("\n**Finding Closest Point 1**\n"); printf("Expected: p2Dist should be closer/smaller.\n"); printf("Actual distance: p1 - %lf, p2 - %lf\n", p1Dist, p2Dist); }
void closestPoint2() { Point origin = CreatePoint(0, 0, -14); Point p1 = CreatePoint(2, 5, 2); //16.88 Point p2 = CreatePoint(1, 6, 1); //16.18 double p1Dist = distance(origin, p1); double p2Dist = distance(origin, p2); printf("\n**Finding Closest Point 2**\n"); printf("Expected: p2Dist should be closer/smaller.\n"); printf("Actual distance: p1 - %lf, p2 - %lf\n", p1Dist, p2Dist); }
void closestPoint3() { Point origin = CreatePoint(0, 0, -14); Point p1 = CreatePoint(-1.2, 4.5, 2.3); Point p2 = CreatePoint(-1.2, 2.3, 5.6); double p1Dist = distance(origin, p1); double p2Dist = distance(origin, p2); printf("\n**Finding Closest Point 3**\n"); printf("Expected p1Dist should be closer/smaller.\n"); printf("Actual distance: p1 - %lf, p2 - %lf\n", p1Dist, p2Dist); }
void CLogoMarkerSymbol::QueryBoundsFromGeom(OLE_HANDLE hdc, IDisplayTransformationPtr ipTransform, IPolygonPtr ipBoundary, IPointPtr ipPoint) { //Calculate Size, XOffset and YOffset of the shape in Map units. double dMapSize, dMapXOffset, dMapYOffset; dMapSize = PointsToMap(ipTransform, m_dSize); if (qaDoubleCompare(m_dXOffset, 0.0)) dMapXOffset = PointsToMap(ipTransform, m_dXOffset); if (qaDoubleCompare(m_dYOffset, 0.0)) dMapYOffset = PointsToMap(ipTransform, m_dYOffset); double dX, dY; ipPoint->get_X(&dX); ipPoint->get_Y(&dY); ipPoint->PutCoords(dX + dMapXOffset, dY + dMapYOffset); //Set up the device ratio. SetupDeviceRatio((HDC)hdc, (IDisplayTransformationPtr)ipTransform); IPointCollectionPtr ipPtColl(ipBoundary); ISegmentCollectionPtr ipSegColl(ipBoundary); double dVal, dRad; //dVal is the measurement of the short side of a Triangles are based on. dRad = dMapSize / 2.0; dVal = sqrt((dRad * dRad / 2.0)); ipPoint->get_X(&dX); ipPoint->get_Y(&dY); IPointPtr ipPt; CreatePoint((IPointPtr*)&ipPt, dX + dVal, dY - dVal); ipPtColl->AddPoint(ipPt); CreatePoint((IPointPtr*)&ipPt, dX - dVal, dY - dVal); ipPtColl->AddPoint(ipPt); CreatePoint((IPointPtr*)&ipPt, dX - dVal, dY + dVal); ipPtColl->AddPoint(ipPt); ICircularArcPtr ipCArc; IPointPtr ipFPt, ipTPt; ipPtColl->get_Point(2, &ipFPt); ipPtColl->get_Point(0, &ipTPt); CreateCArcCenterFromTo((ICircularArcPtr*)&ipCArc, ipPoint, ipFPt, ipTPt); ipSegColl->AddSegment((ISegmentSamplePtr)ipCArc); //Account for rotation also. if (qaDoubleCompare(m_dAngle, 0.0)) { ITransform2DPtr ipTrans2D(ipBoundary); ipTrans2D->Rotate(ipPoint, Radians(m_dAngle)); } }
Sphere* CreateSpheres() { Sphere* spheres = new Sphere[NUM_SPHERES](); int i=0, j=0, k=0, num=0; while (num < NUM_SPHERES) { for (i=0; i < 6 && num < NUM_SPHERES; i++) { for (j=0; j < 5 && num < NUM_SPHERES; j++) { spheres[num].radius = 30. - rand() % 10; spheres[num].center = CreatePoint(j * 80. - 80. + rand() % 15, i * 80. - 200. + rand() % 15, -700. - k * 100 + rand() % 15); spheres[num].ambient = CreateColor(std::min((i + j) * .15, 1.), std::min((j + k) * .15, 1.), std::max(1. - (k + i) * .15, 0.)); spheres[num].diffuse = CreateColor(std::min((i + j) * .15, 1.), std::min((j + k) * .15, 1.), std::max(1. - (k + i) * .15, 0.)); spheres[num].specular = CreateColor(1., 1., 1.); num++; } } k++; } return spheres; }
void CInMapDraw::MousePress(int x, int y, int button) { float3 pos=GetMouseMapPos(); if(pos.x<0) return; switch(button){ case SDL_BUTTON_LEFT: if(lastLeftClickTime>gu->gameTime-0.3){ waitingPoint=pos; game->userWriting=true; wantLabel=true; game->userPrompt="Label: "; game->ignoreChar='\xA7'; //should do something better here } lastLeftClickTime=gu->gameTime; break; case SDL_BUTTON_RIGHT: ErasePos(pos); break; case SDL_BUTTON_MIDDLE:{ CreatePoint(pos,""); break;} } lastPos=pos; }
OrderedTaskPoint* AbstractTaskFactory::CreateMutatedPoint(const OrderedTaskPoint &tp, const TaskPointFactoryType newtype) const { auto ozsize = GetOZSize(tp.GetObservationZone()); return CreatePoint(newtype, tp.GetWaypoint(), ozsize, ozsize, ozsize); }
struct Cluster AddIndex(struct Cluster Cluster, int i) { struct Indexes *Index; struct Indexes *root; root = Cluster.root; if(!(root)) Cluster.root = CreatePoint(i); else { Index = CreatePoint(i); while(GoNext(root)) root = GoNext(root); root->Next_Point = Index; } return Cluster; }
void Draw_Dxf::addPoint(const DL_PointData& data) { RGBA color = RGBA(150,150,150); Shape* p = CreatePoint(_painter,RGBA(200,0,0),(FLOAT)data.x,(FLOAT)data.y); p->regen(); TCHAR* layerName; if(_isBlockOpen) _block->insert(p); else { switch(_entityType) { case NONE : for(UINT i=0; i<_layers->size(); i++) { layerName = _layers->at(i)->getName(); if(0 == _tcscmp(layerName,String2TCHAR(attributes.getLayer()))) { _layers->at(i)->insert(p); _layers->at(i)->getLineColor(color); break; } } break; } } INT32 clValue = attributes.getColor(); if(clValue != 256) color = CL2RGBA(clValue); p->setLineColor(color); }
//Draws the specified texture //param:texture->the index given from load texture //param:color->the tint to apply to the texture //param:sourceRect->the rectangle to pull a smaller image from the texture with. NULL for the whole texture //param:position->the point to draw to //param:angle->the rotation to apply //param:scale->the scale to apply. This is uniform across x and y //param:flip->SDL_RendererFlip::None/FlipHorizontal/FlipVertical. If you want both Flip Horizontal and Flip Vertical, //use the bitwise operator '|' //param:origin->Origin to rotate around. If NULL, uses center of destRect created by position and scale //param:layerDepth->The depth to draw the image at //returns -1 on error, 0 for success int SpriteBatch::DrawTexture(Uint32 texture, SDL_Color color, const SDL_Rect* sourceRect, const SDL_Point* position, float angle, float scale, SDL_RendererFlip flip, const SDL_Point* origin, float layerDepth) { //Check if spritebatch.begin has been called if(!begun) { std::cout<<"Begin must be called before attempting to draw"<<std::endl; return -1; } ///create a temporary point SDL_Point pos = SDL_Point(); //if position is null, set our temp to 0,0 if(!position) { pos = CreatePoint(0, 0); } else { //otherwise set with position pos = CreatePoint(position->x, position->y); } SDL_Rect destRect = SDL_Rect(); //If we were given a source rectangle if(sourceRect) { //create a dest rectangle using position and source rectangle's dimensions destRect = CreateRect(pos.x, pos.y, (int)(sourceRect->w * scale), (int)(sourceRect->h * scale)); } else { int w = 0; int h = 0; //get the width and height SDL_QueryTexture(textureList[texture], NULL, NULL, &w, &h); //create a dest rect using position and the image dimensions destRect = CreateRect(pos.x, pos.y, (int)(w * scale), (int)(h * scale)); } //Call other DrawTexture to do the actual drawing return DrawTexture(texture, color, sourceRect, &destRect, angle, origin, flip, layerDepth); }
//start the game void InitialiseGame() { srand(ReadTimer()); mode=1; score=0; InitialiseWorld(); refreshCount=0; resetCount=50; behaviourCount=0; ResetArrow(); arrowRefAngle=0; cameraPos=CreatePoint(0.0,5.0,0.0); cameraAngle=CreatePoint(0.0,0.0,0.0); blocked=0; lives=3; DrawHUD(); }
CParticle* CBody::MakeChain(int count, int radius, float r, float angle){ if(count<2)return nullptr; //fail and bail //make space for particles and springs m_nParticleCount = m_nParticleMax = count; m_pPt = new CParticle* [m_nParticleMax]; m_nSpringCount = m_nSpringMax = count-1; m_pCtr = new CParticle* [m_nSpringMax]; m_pSpring = new CSpring* [m_nSpringMax]; //decide whether to draw springs or sticks SpriteType nVertexObject, nEdgeObject; ChooseSprites(nVertexObject, nEdgeObject, r); //x and y offsets between balls const float dx = 2.0f*radius*cos(angle); const float dy = 2.0f*radius*sin(angle); //position for first ball Vector2 v = Vector2( g_nScreenWidth/2.0f - (count-1)*radius, //center chain on screen g_nScreenHeight/2.0f); //first ball and spring CreateEdgeCenter(0, nEdgeObject); CreatePoint(0, nVertexObject, v); for(int i=1; i<count-1; i++){ //for the rest of the springs //add a ball and a spring, connect previous spring CreateEdgeCenter(i, nEdgeObject); v.x += dx; v.y += dy; //offset position CreatePoint(i, nVertexObject, v); ConnectSpring(i-1, i, i-1, r); } //for //last ball v.x += dx; v.y += dy; m_pPt[count-1] = m_pPMan->create(nVertexObject, v); ConnectSpring(count-2, count-1, count-2, r); //clean up m_pEdgeParticle = m_pPt[0]; delete [] m_pCtr; return m_pPt[0]; } //MakeChain
FinishPoint* AbstractTaskFactory::CreateFinish(const TaskPointFactoryType type, const Waypoint &wp) const { if (!IsValidFinishType(type)) return NULL; return (FinishPoint*)CreatePoint(type, wp); }
IntermediateTaskPoint* AbstractTaskFactory::CreateIntermediate(const TaskPointFactoryType type, const Waypoint &wp) const { if (!IsValidIntermediateType(type)) return NULL; return (IntermediateTaskPoint*)CreatePoint(type, wp); }
//Splash screen void Splash() { ResetTimer(); //we're going to use it for random seed //Setup a world with a tank and a pyramid in specific places CloseGraphics(); OpenGraphics(); Point3d centre; world=CreateNewWorld(); //A tank pointing straight at us centre=CreatePoint(0.0,0.0,45.0); obj=CreateTank(GREEN, centre, 4.5); RotateObjectYAxis(&obj, 2.0 * PI / 360.0 * 195); AddObjectToWorld(&world, obj); //A yellow pyramid behind the tank and to the right centre=CreatePoint(10.0, 0.0, 70.0); obj=CreatePyramid(YELLOW, centre, 5.0); RotateObjectYAxis(&obj, 3.0*PI/5.0); AddObjectToWorld(&world, obj); //A blue cube behind the tank and to the left centre=CreatePoint(-10.0, 0.0, 60.0); obj=CreateCube(BLUE, centre, 5.0); RotateObjectYAxis(&obj, 195.0*PI/180.0); AddObjectToWorld(&world,obj); //Draw world, add splash graphics, prompt to start cameraPos=CreatePoint(0.0,5.0,0.0); cameraAngle=CreatePoint(0.0,0.0,0.0); DrawWorld(&world, cameraPos, cameraAngle); SetTextColor(GREEN); DrawText(5,25, "by RorschachUK"); SetTextColor(CYAN); DrawText(5,100, "Help"); DrawText(110,100,"Start"); DrawImage(logoImage, 5,5,RGBColor(253,255,252,0)); DrawImage(signatureImage, 135,24,BLACK); Show(); Sleep(100); mode=0; }
StartPoint* AbstractTaskFactory::CreateStart(const TaskPointFactoryType type, const Waypoint &wp) const { if (!IsValidStartType(type)) // error, invalid type! return NULL; return (StartPoint*)CreatePoint(type, wp); }
CParticle* CBody::MakeWheel(int sides, int radius, float r){ //make space for particles and springs m_nParticleCount = m_nParticleMax = sides+1; m_pPt = new CParticle* [m_nParticleMax]; m_nSpringCount = m_nSpringMax = 2*sides; m_pCtr = new CParticle* [m_nSpringMax]; m_pSpring = new CSpring* [m_nSpringMax]; //decide whether to draw springs or sticks SpriteType nVertexObject, nEdgeObject; ChooseSprites(nVertexObject, nEdgeObject, r); Vector2 v = Vector2( //position g_nScreenWidth/2.0f, g_nScreenHeight/2.0f + radius/2.0f); //springs for(int i=0; i<2*sides; i++) CreateEdgeCenter(i, nEdgeObject); v = Vector2( //position g_nScreenWidth/2.0f, g_nScreenHeight/2.0f + radius/2.0f); //balls CreatePoint(0, nVertexObject, v); for(int i=0; i<sides; i++){ float theta = i * 2.0f * XM_PI/sides; Vector2 vBall = Vector2(v.x + radius*cos(theta), v.y + radius*sin(theta)); CreatePoint(i+1, nVertexObject, vBall); } //for //springs for(int i=0; i<sides; i++){ ConnectSpring(0, i+1, i, r); //spoke ConnectSpring(i, i+1, sides+i-1, r); //rim } //for ConnectSpring(sides, 1, 2*sides-1, r); //rim //clean up delete [] m_pCtr; m_pEdgeParticle = m_pPt[1]; return m_pPt[1]; } //MakeWheel
void main() { Point al, ar, bl, br; Square s1, s2; Line l; //printf("hello"); al=CreatePoint(2, 2); ar=CreatePoint(4, 4); bl=CreatePoint(-4, 0); br=CreatePoint(-2, 2); s1=CreateSquare(al, ar); s2=CreateSquare(bl, br); l=CutSquareInHalf(s1, s2); printf("Line is %lfx + %lf = y\n", l.slope, l.y_intercept); }
PointLight* LightInit() { PointLight* temp = new PointLight(); temp->ambient = CreateColor(0.2, 0.2, 0.2); temp->diffuse = CreateColor(0.6, 0.6, 0.6); temp->specular = CreateColor(0.9, 0.9, 0.9); //temp->position = CreatePoint(0, 200, 0); temp->position = CreatePoint(-1 * WINDOW_WIDTH / 2, WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2, -1 * WINDOW_WIDTH / 2); return temp; }
//Place the tank somewhere suitable - not too easy, not too close, not too far away, not straight ahead void PlaceTank(Point3d cameraPosition, Point3d cameraAngle) { world.objects[tankObjectIndex]=tank; RotateObjectYAxis(&(world.objects[tankObjectIndex]), Random(-PI/2.0, PI/2.0)); double distance = Random(50.0, 100.0); //At least 50 from us, at most 100 double angle = Random(45.0 / 360.0 * 2 * PI, 315.0 / 360.0 * 2.0 * PI); //45-315 degrees Point3d tankPos = CreatePoint(cameraPosition.x + distance * qsin(angle + cameraAngle.y), 0, cameraPosition.z + distance * qcos(angle + cameraAngle.y)); MoveObject(&(world.objects[tankObjectIndex]), tankPos); if (world.objects[tankObjectIndex].centre.z<0) { //behind us - face away RotateObjectYAxis(&(world.objects[tankObjectIndex]),PI); } }
CParticle* CBody::MakeSquare(int radius, float r){ //make space for particles and springs m_nParticleCount = m_nParticleMax = 4; m_pPt = new CParticle* [m_nParticleMax]; m_nSpringCount = m_nSpringMax = 6; m_pCtr = new CParticle* [m_nSpringMax]; m_pSpring = new CSpring* [m_nSpringMax]; //decide whether to draw springs or sticks SpriteType nVertexObject, nEdgeObject; ChooseSprites(nVertexObject, nEdgeObject, r); Vector2 v = Vector2( //position g_nScreenWidth/2.0f - radius, g_nScreenHeight/2.0f + radius); //edge objects for(int i=0; i<6; i++) CreateEdgeCenter(i, nEdgeObject); //balls CreatePoint(0, nVertexObject, v); v.x += 2*radius; CreatePoint(1, nVertexObject, v); v.y -= 2*radius; CreatePoint(2, nVertexObject, v); v.x -= 2*radius; CreatePoint(3, nVertexObject, v); //tie springs to balls ConnectSpring(0, 1, 0, r); ConnectSpring(1, 2, 1, r); ConnectSpring(2, 3, 2, r); ConnectSpring(3, 0, 3, r); ConnectSpring(0, 2, 4, r); ConnectSpring(1, 3, 5, r); //clean up delete [] m_pCtr; m_pEdgeParticle = m_pPt[0]; return m_pPt[0]; } //MakeSquare
CParticle* CBody::MakeTriangle(int radius, float r){ //make space for particles and springs m_nParticleCount = m_nParticleMax = 3; m_pPt = new CParticle* [m_nParticleMax]; m_nSpringCount = m_nSpringMax = 3; m_pCtr = new CParticle* [m_nSpringMax]; m_pSpring = new CSpring* [m_nSpringMax]; //decide whether to draw springs or sticks SpriteType nVertexObject, nEdgeObject; ChooseSprites(nVertexObject, nEdgeObject, r); Vector2 v = Vector2( //default position g_nScreenWidth/2.0f, g_nScreenHeight/2.0f + radius); //edge objects for(int i=0; i<3; i++) CreateEdgeCenter(i, nEdgeObject); //balls CreatePoint(0, nVertexObject, v); v.x += radius; v.y -= radius * tan(XM_PI/3.0f); CreatePoint(1, nVertexObject, v); v.x -= 2.0f * radius; CreatePoint(2, nVertexObject, v); //tie springs to balls ConnectSpring(0, 1, 0, r); ConnectSpring(1, 2, 1, r); ConnectSpring(2, 0, 2, r); //clean up m_pEdgeParticle = m_pPt[0]; delete [] m_pCtr; return m_pPt[0]; } //MakeTriangle
//Gets the size of the message when used with the specified font //param:fontIndex->The index of the font to use //param:message->The message to measure //returns a pointer to an SDL_Point object. REMEMBER TO DELETE WHEN FINISHED SDL_Point SpriteFont::GetMessageSize(int fontIndex, std::string message) { //Check message size if(message.size() <= 0) { std::cout<<"GetMessageSize error: No message to measure"<<std::endl; return CreatePoint(0, 0); } //Try block to make sure index is valid try { //Get the font to measure TTF_Font* font =; //Make sure its not null if(font) { SDL_Point returnPoint = SDL_Point(); //Size up the message TTF_SizeText(font, message.c_str(), &returnPoint.x, &returnPoint.y); return returnPoint; } else { std::cout<<"GetMessageSize error: Provided index is NULL"<<std::endl; return CreatePoint(0, 0); } } catch(std::out_of_range problem) { //display invalid index std::cout<<"GetMessageSize error: font index invalid"<<std::endl; return CreatePoint(0, 0); } }
Camera* CameraInit() { Camera* temp = new Camera(); temp->eye = CreatePoint(0, 0, 0); temp->lookAt = CreatePoint(0, 0, SCREEN_DISTANCE); temp->lookUp = CreatePoint(0, 1, 0); temp->u = CreatePoint(1, 0, 0); temp->v = CreatePoint(0, 1, 0); temp->w = CreatePoint(0, 0, 1); return temp; }
void MenuButton::Draw() { int heightOffset = 4; // without offset, font is a little to high // draw the background rectangle spriteBatch->DrawFilledRect( &CreateRect(x, y, width, height), bg ); // draw the text spriteBatch->DrawString( font, text, StringDrawMode::Solid, fg, CreateColor(0, 0, 0, 255), width, &CreatePoint(x + width / 2 - spriteFont->GetMessageSize(0, text).x / 2, y + heightOffset + height / 2 - spriteFont->GetMessageSize(0, text).y / 2) ); }
void ParseCommands(const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>>& commands, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CShape>>& figures, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<sf::Shape>>& drawableFigures) { for (const auto& command : commands) { try { std::cout << "> Parsing:" << std::endl; std::copy(command.begin(), command.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, " ")); std::cout << std::endl; if (command[0] == "rectangle") { CreateRectangle(command, figures, drawableFigures); } else if (command[0] == "circle") { CreateCircle(command, figures, drawableFigures); } else if (command[0] == "line") { CreateLine(command, figures, drawableFigures); } else if (command[0] == "triangle") { CreateTriangle(command, figures, drawableFigures); } else if (command[0] == "point") { CreatePoint(command, figures, drawableFigures); } else { throw std::exception("\tError: Invalid command"); } } catch (const std::exception& error) { std::cout << error.what() << std::endl; } } }