Ejemplo n.º 1
// Purpose: Input handler that converts our target to a physics object.
void CPhysConvert::InputConvertTarget( inputdata_t &inputdata )
	bool createAsleep = HasSpawnFlags(SF_CONVERT_ASLEEP);
	// Fire output
	m_OnConvert.FireOutput( inputdata.pActivator, this );

	CBaseEntity *entlist[512];
	CBaseEntity *pSwap = gEntList.FindEntityByName( NULL, m_swapModel, inputdata.pActivator );
	CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL;
	int count = 0;
	while ( (pEntity = gEntList.FindEntityByName( pEntity, m_target, inputdata.pActivator )) != NULL )
		entlist[count++] = pEntity;
		if ( count >= ARRAYSIZE(entlist) )

	// if we're swapping to model out, don't loop over more than one object
	// multiple objects with the same brush model will render, but the dynamic lights
	// and decals will be shared between the two instances...
	if ( pSwap && count > 0 )
		count = 1;

	for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		pEntity = entlist[i];

		// don't convert something that is already physics based
		if ( pEntity->GetMoveType() == MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
			Msg( "ERROR phys_convert %s ! Already MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS\n", STRING(pEntity->m_iClassname) );

		UnlinkFromParent( pEntity );

		if ( pSwap )
			// we can't reuse this physics object, so kill it
			pEntity->SetModel( STRING(pSwap->GetModelName()) );

		CBaseEntity *pPhys = CreateSimplePhysicsObject( pEntity, createAsleep );
		// created phys object, now move hierarchy over
		if ( pPhys )
			pPhys->SetName( pEntity->GetEntityName() );
			TransferChildren( pEntity, pPhys );
			pEntity->AddSolidFlags( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID );
			pEntity->m_fEffects |= EF_NODRAW;
			UTIL_Relink( pEntity );
			UTIL_Remove( pEntity );
// Purpose: Called when an entity starts touching us.
// Input  : pOther - The entity that is touching us.
void CTriggerPortalCleanser::StartTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther )
	if ( PassesTriggerFilters(pOther) )
		EHANDLE hOther;
		hOther = pOther;
		bool bAdded = false;
		if ( m_hTouchingEntities.Find( hOther ) == m_hTouchingEntities.InvalidIndex() )
			m_hTouchingEntities.AddToTail( hOther );
			bAdded = true;

		m_OnStartTouch.FireOutput(pOther, this);

		if ( bAdded && ( m_hTouchingEntities.Count() == 1 ) )
			// First entity to touch us that passes our filters
			m_OnStartTouchAll.FireOutput( pOther, this );

		if ( portal_cleanser_debug.GetBool() )
			Msg("%s START-TOUCH: for %s\n", GetDebugName(), pOther->GetDebugName() );

		if ( !pOther->IsPlayer() )
			CBaseAnimating *pAnim = pOther->GetBaseAnimating();
			if ( !pAnim )

			// Can't dissolve twice.
			if ( pAnim->IsDissolving() )

			// Force player to drop this object.
			Pickup_ForcePlayerToDropThisObject( pOther );

			if ( !FClassnameIs( pOther, "prop_physics" ) )
				if ( FClassnameIs( pOther, "simple_physics_prop" ) || FClassnameIs( pOther, "simple_physics_brush" ) )
					// simple_physics_prop ?

				if ( portal_cleanser_debug.GetBool() )
					Msg("%s IS CREATING: simple_physics_prop\n", GetDebugName());
				// Other object needs to be replaced by simple_physics_prop.
				pOther = CreateSimplePhysicsObject( pOther );

				// Dissolve the entity.
				CBaseAnimating *pAnim = pOther->GetBaseAnimating();
				pAnim->Dissolve( NULL, gpGlobals->curtime, false, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL );

				if ( portal_cleanser_debug.GetBool() )
					Msg("%s DISSOLVE SIMPLE PHYSICS: %s\n", GetDebugName(), pOther->GetDebugName() );

				// Outputs
				m_hActivator = pOther;
				m_OnDissolve.FireOutput(m_hActivator, this);


			IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pOther->VPhysicsGetObject();
			if ( pPhysics )
				// Dissolve the entity.
				pAnim->Dissolve( NULL, gpGlobals->curtime, false, ENTITY_DISSOLVE_NORMAL );

				if ( portal_cleanser_debug.GetBool() )
					Msg("%s DISSOLVE PHYSICS: %s\n", GetDebugName(), pOther->GetDebugName() );

				// Turn off the gravity for this object.
				pPhysics->EnableGravity( false );

				// Slow down and push up the object.
				Vector vecVelocity, vecAngular;
				pPhysics->GetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &vecAngular );
				vecVelocity /= 2;
				vecAngular /= 2;
				vecVelocity.z += 10;
				pPhysics->SetVelocity( &vecVelocity, &vecAngular );

				// Outputs
				m_hActivator = pOther;
				m_OnDissolve.FireOutput(m_hActivator, this);

				const char *pModelName = STRING( pOther->GetModelName() );
				if ( Q_strstr( pModelName, "models/props/metal_box.mdl" ) )
					m_OnDissolveBox.FireOutput(m_hActivator, this);