Ejemplo n.º 1
tSiriusRadioNotFoundDialog::tSiriusRadioNotFoundDialog( QWidget* pParent )
    : tDialog( tDialog::Partial, pParent, DarkenOn )
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Error", "[title]" ) );

    m_pText = new tTextEdit( this );
    m_pText->setReadOnly( true );
    m_pText->setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );
    m_pText->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::NoTextInteraction );
    QFont f;

    m_pText->setText( tr( "The Sirius radio was not found.\n\nMost functions are inoperable until the radio is properly connected.\n\nPlease check the ethernet connection(s) and power to the Sirius module.\n") );

    QFontMetrics fm( m_pText->currentFont() );
    // find a suitable ratio for text 
    QSize maxSize = tProductSettings::Instance().ScreenResolution() - QSize(80,160); // max size before scrolling 
    // calc rect with min starting rect
    QRect brect = fm.boundingRect ( 0, 0, 260, 200, Qt::TextWordWrap, m_pText->toPlainText() );

    // if height exceeds max, recalc rect with max starting rect
    if ( brect.height() > maxSize.height() )
        brect = fm.boundingRect ( 0, 0, maxSize.width(), maxSize.height(), Qt::TextWordWrap, m_pText->toPlainText() );

    // add margins for target - needs this for some reason.
    m_pText->setMinimumWidth( qMin( (brect.width() + 20), maxSize.width() ) );  
    m_pText->setMinimumHeight( qMin( (brect.height() + 20), maxSize.height() ) ); 

    QGridLayout* pGridLayout = new QGridLayout( );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( m_pText, 0, 0 );
    setLayout( pGridLayout );   //I believe that the layout will delete this for us.

    // softkeys always have focus for all models 
Ejemplo n.º 2
//want this mostly full screen, not a little wimpy panel, we have a lot of text to put in here!
tWeatherTextViewerDialog::tWeatherTextViewerDialog( QString optionalLabel, tSiriusXmWeatherManager& siriusXmWeatherManager, QWidget* pParent )
: tDialog( tDialog::Full/*Partial*/, pParent )
, m_WeatherLayer( siriusXmWeatherManager )
    m_pLayout = new QVBoxLayout();

    if( optionalLabel.isEmpty() == false )
        setWindowTitle( optionalLabel );

    m_pScrollableText = new tTextEdit(tr("Gathering information...", "Sirius informative message when gathering marine zone text"));
    m_pScrollableText->setReadOnly( true ); //don't ever let the user edit this!!!
    m_pScrollableText->setFocusPolicy( Qt::StrongFocus );
    m_pScrollableText->setTextInteractionFlags( Qt::NoTextInteraction );

    m_pLayout->addWidget( m_pScrollableText );

    setLayout( m_pLayout );


Ejemplo n.º 3
tSunMoonDialog::tSunMoonDialog( tMCoord Position, QDateTime Date, QWidget* pParent )
    : tDialog( tDialog::Full, pParent ),
    m_Date( Date ),
    m_Position( Position )
    //JR 2/17/10, NSW-4850, append the GMT offset to the title
    QString titleAppend;
    tDSTCalculator dstCalc(tPath::GMTDataDir(), m_Position.X(), m_Position.Y(), false);
    tDSTResults results;
    if(dstCalc.CalculateDST(QDateTime(), results, false, true, false, true))
        int minutes_offset = tSystemSettings::Instance()->LocalTimeOffset();
        bool negative_offset = minutes_offset < 0;
        minutes_offset = negative_offset ? -minutes_offset : minutes_offset;
        int hours_offset = minutes_offset / 60;
        minutes_offset -= hours_offset * 60;
        titleAppend = " (GMT %1%2:%3)";
        titleAppend = titleAppend.arg(negative_offset?QString("-"):QString("")).arg(hours_offset, 1, 10, QChar('0')).arg(minutes_offset, 2, 10, QChar('0'));
        titleAppend = " (LST)";

    setWindowTitle( tr( "Sun and Moon", "[title]" ) + titleAppend);

    m_pMoonRiseTime = new QLabel( this );
    m_pMoonSetTime = new QLabel( this );
    m_pMoonPhase = new QLabel( this );

    m_pSunRiseTime = new QLabel( this );
    m_pSunSetTime = new QLabel( this );


    // grab the sun and moon images
    QPixmap moonPixmap( tPath::ResourceFile("moon.PNG") );
    QPixmap sunPixmap( tPath::ResourceFile("sun.PNG") );
    if( tProductSettings::Instance().ScreenPixelWidth() <= 640 )
        moonPixmap = moonPixmap.scaledToWidth( moonPixmap.width() * 3 / 4, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
        sunPixmap = sunPixmap.scaledToWidth( sunPixmap.width() * 3 / 4, Qt::SmoothTransformation );
    ProcessMoonPixmap( moonPixmap );
    // make the moon info
    QLabel* pMoonRiseTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Rise", "Moon Rise" ), this );
    QLabel* pMoonSetTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Set", "Moon Set" ), this );
    QLabel* pMoonPhaseTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Phase", "Moon Phase" ), this );
    QFrame* pMoonFrame = new QFrame( this );
    m_pMoonImage = new QLabel( this );
    m_pMoonImage->setPixmap( moonPixmap );
    pMoonFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised );
    pMoonFrame->setLineWidth( 1 );

    // lay out the moon items
    QGridLayout* moonDataLayout = new QGridLayout();
    moonDataLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    moonDataLayout->setHorizontalSpacing( 10 );
    moonDataLayout->setVerticalSpacing( 0 );
    moonDataLayout->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 );
    moonDataLayout->setRowMinimumHeight( 0, moonPixmap.height() / 2 );
    moonDataLayout->setRowStretch( 1, 1 );
    moonDataLayout->addWidget( pMoonRiseTitle, 2, 1 );
    moonDataLayout->addWidget( m_pMoonRiseTime, 2, 2 );
    moonDataLayout->addWidget( pMoonSetTitle, 3, 1 );
    moonDataLayout->addWidget( m_pMoonSetTime, 3, 2 );
    moonDataLayout->addWidget( pMoonPhaseTitle, 4, 1 );
    moonDataLayout->addWidget( m_pMoonPhase, 4, 2 );
    moonDataLayout->setRowStretch( 5, 1 );
    moonDataLayout->setColumnStretch( 3, 1 );
    pMoonFrame->setLayout( moonDataLayout );
    QGridLayout* moonLayout = new QGridLayout();
    moonLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    moonLayout->addWidget( m_pMoonImage, 0, 0, 2, 1, Qt::AlignCenter );
    moonLayout->addWidget( pMoonFrame, 1, 0, 2, 1 );
    moonLayout->setRowMinimumHeight( 0, moonPixmap.height() / 2 );

    // make the sun info
    QLabel* pSunRiseTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Rise", "Sun Rise" ), this );
    QLabel* pSunSetTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Set", "Sun Set" ), this );
    QLabel* pSunImage = new QLabel( this );
    pSunImage->setPixmap( sunPixmap );
    QFrame* pSunFrame = new QFrame( this );
    pSunFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Raised );
    pSunFrame->setLineWidth( 1 );

    // lay out the sun items
    QGridLayout* sunDataLayout = new QGridLayout();
    sunDataLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    sunDataLayout->setHorizontalSpacing( 10 );
    sunDataLayout->setVerticalSpacing( 0 );
    sunDataLayout->setColumnStretch( 0, 1 );
    sunDataLayout->setRowMinimumHeight( 0, sunPixmap.height() / 2 );
    sunDataLayout->setRowStretch( 1, 1 );
    sunDataLayout->addWidget( pSunRiseTitle, 2, 1 );
    sunDataLayout->addWidget( m_pSunRiseTime, 2, 2 );
    sunDataLayout->addWidget( pSunSetTitle, 3, 1 );
    sunDataLayout->addWidget( m_pSunSetTime, 3, 2 );
    sunDataLayout->setRowStretch( 4, 1 );
    sunDataLayout->setColumnStretch( 3, 1 );
    pSunFrame->setLayout( sunDataLayout );
    QGridLayout* sunLayout = new QGridLayout();
    sunLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    sunLayout->addWidget( pSunImage, 0, 0, 2, 1, Qt::AlignCenter );
    sunLayout->addWidget( pSunFrame, 1, 0, 2, 1 );
    sunLayout->setRowMinimumHeight( 0, sunPixmap.height() / 2 );

    // make the input boxes
    QLabel* pDateTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Date" ), this );
    QLabel* pPositionTitle = new QLabel( tr( "Position" ), this );
    m_pPositionEdit = new tPositionEdit( m_Position, this );
    m_pPositionEdit->SetTitle( QString( tr("Position for Sun and Moon") ) );
    m_pPositionEdit->setDisabled( false );
    m_pDateLineEdit = new tDateLineEdit( m_Date.date(), tSystemSettings::Instance()->DateFormatString(), this );
    m_pDateLineEdit->SetTitle( tr("Date for Sun and Moon") );

    // lay out the input boxes
    QHBoxLayout* inputLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
    inputLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 0 );
    inputLayout->addWidget( pDateTitle );
    inputLayout->addWidget( m_pDateLineEdit );
    inputLayout->addWidget( pPositionTitle );
    inputLayout->addWidget( m_pPositionEdit );

    // lay out all the items
    QGridLayout* pGridLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
    QWidget* inputWidget = new QWidget();
    inputWidget->setLayout( inputLayout );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( inputWidget, 0, 0, 1, 2 );
    QWidget* sunWidget = new QWidget();
    sunWidget->setLayout( sunLayout );
    sunWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( sunWidget, 1, 0 );
    QWidget* moonWidget = new QWidget();
    moonWidget->setLayout( moonLayout );
    moonWidget->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
    pGridLayout->addWidget( moonWidget, 1, 1 );
    pGridLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignCenter );
    setLayout( pGridLayout );

    // ensure the images appear on top


    Connect( m_pPositionEdit, SIGNAL( ValueChanged() ), this, SLOT( NewInputs() ) );
    Connect( m_pDateLineEdit, SIGNAL( ValueChanged() ), this, SLOT( NewInputs() ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void TextEditor::CreateWindow ( QWidget* parent )
  setMainWidgetTitle ( APP_NAME );
  ZWidget *myWidget = new ZWidget ( this, NULL, 0);
  QVBoxLayout *myVBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout ( myWidget, 0 );
  pAIA = new ZAppInfoArea(myWidget, NULL, 0);
  pAIA ->setInputArea();
  myVBoxLayout->addWidget ( pAIA, 0 );
  m_pScrollPanel = new ZScrollPanel ( myWidget, NULL, 0, ZSkinService::clsZScrollPanel);
//  m_pScrollPanel->setFixedHeight(DISPLAY_HEIGHT - 35 );
  m_pTextEdit = new ZMultiLineEditEx ( m_pScrollPanel->viewport(), false, 1, "ZMultiLineEdit" );
  //m_pTextEdit->setCellHeight( DEFAULT_EDIT_CELL_HEIGHT.toInt() );
  m_pTextEdit->setFontPercent( FUENTE.toFloat() );
  //QFont f; f.setPixelSize(DEFAULT_EDIT_FONT_SIZE);
  m_pScrollPanel->addChild(m_pTextEdit, 0, 0);

  //our textedit handle center button
  QObject::connect( m_pTextEdit, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( slot_MarkBegin() ) );
  m_pSoftKey = new ZSoftKey ( "CST_2" , this , this );

  CreateMenu ( this );
  setContentWidget ( myWidget );

  QFile file;
  if ( qApp->argc() > 1 && file.exists ( qApp->argv() [1] ) )
    m_sFileName = QString(qApp->argv()[1]).utf8();
    m_sFilePath = getFilePath(m_sFileName);
    load( m_sFileName );
	if ( qApp->argc() > 1 && file.exists ( qApp->argv() [2] ) )
	  m_sFileName = QString(qApp->argv()[2]).utf8();
	  m_sFilePath = getFilePath(m_sFileName);
	  load( m_sFileName );
	else  {   slot_newFile();  }
  setSoftKey ( m_pSoftKey );

	int y = 0;
	y = y + this->headerSize().height();
	y = y + m_pSoftKey->height();
	y = y + pAIA->height();
