Ejemplo n.º 1
int main(void)
	HCRYPTPROV hCryptProv = 0;
	HCRYPTKEY key = 0;
	unsigned long cLen = 0;
	char *cipherText = 0;
	char *plainText = "PLAIN_TEXT_PLAIN_TEXT\0";
	char *password = "******";
	unsigned char *decrypted = 0;

	if (!CryptoInit(&key, &hCryptProv, password, strlen(password)))
		printf("Crypto initializing failed\n");
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	if (!Encrypt(key, &cipherText, &cLen, (unsigned char *)plainText, strlen(plainText)))
		printf("Encryption failed\n");
		if (hCryptProv) CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	printf("Encrypted string: %s\n", cipherText);

	if (!Decrypt(key, &decrypted, cipherText, cLen))
		printf("Decryption failed\n");
		if (hCryptProv) CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
		return EXIT_FAILURE;


	printf("Decrypted string: %s\n", decrypted);


	CryptoUninit(key, hCryptProv);

Ejemplo n.º 2
ClientConf *DoAuthenticateServer(int net_fd, struct sockaddr_in *from)
	ClientConf *Client = NULL;
	int dcr_size = 0, cr_size = 0, i = 0;
	char ConnectionID[MED_BUF];
	unsigned char cr_buffer[BUFSIZ], dcr_buffer[BUFSIZ], orig_buffer[BUFSIZ], signature[MED_BUF];
	unsigned int siglen = 0;

	memset(dcr_buffer, 0, sizeof(dcr_buffer));
	memset(orig_buffer, 0, sizeof(orig_buffer));

	/* Get the connection ID */
	if ((i = ReadN(net_fd, (struct sockaddr *)from, (unsigned char *)ConnectionID, MED_BUF)) <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : ReadN\n");
		return NULL;
	ConnectionID[i] = '\0';

	/* Load the client setup */
	if ((Client = ReadClientConf(SrvSetup.cfgfile, ConnectionID)) == NULL) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : ReadClientConf\n");
		return NULL;
	if (LoadPublicKeyFromFile(Client->fpubkey, &(Client->pub), CLIENT_LOAD_SERVER_PUBLIC_KEYFILE_ERR)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : LoadPublicKeyFromFile\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Create a random message, sign it, encrypt it and send it with its signature */
	if (CreateRandomMessage(orig_buffer, MIN_BUF) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : CreateRandomMessage\n");
		return NULL;
	if (SignMessage(SrvSetup.priv, orig_buffer, MIN_BUF, signature, &siglen) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : SignMesage\n");
		return NULL;
	if (EncryptMessageWithPublicKey(Client->pub, orig_buffer, MIN_BUF, cr_buffer, &cr_size) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : EncryptMessageWithPublicKey\n");
		return NULL;
	if (WriteH(net_fd, (struct sockaddr *)from, cr_buffer, cr_size) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : WriteH\n");
		return NULL;
	if (WriteH(net_fd, (struct sockaddr *)from, signature, siglen) <= 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : WriteH\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Read the answer and decrypt it */
	if ((cr_size = ReadN(net_fd, (struct sockaddr *)from, cr_buffer, BUFSIZ)) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : ReadN\n");
		return NULL;
	else if (cr_size == 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Authentication failed. Access denied!\n");
		fprintf(stderr, "Disconnecting client\n");
		return NULL;
	if (DecryptMessageWithPrivateKey(SrvSetup.priv, cr_buffer, cr_size, dcr_buffer, &dcr_size)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : DecryptMessageWithPrivateKey\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Check if the message is ok */
	if (memcmp(orig_buffer, dcr_buffer, MIN_BUF)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "Access denied!\n");
		return NULL;

	/* Save the origin information in the client's structure */
	memcpy(&(Client->ns.data), from, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));
	inet_aton(Client->ns.ip, &Client->ns.data.sin_addr);

	/* Create a key, arrange a network setup for the client and send it over */
	if (CreateRandomKey(Client->PrivKey, KEYSIZE)) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : CreateRandomKey\n");
		return NULL;
	/*sprintf((char *)dcr_buffer, "key=%s,ip=%s,netmask=%s,broadcast=%s,mtu=%s", Client->PrivKey, Client->ns.ip, Client->ns.msk, Client->ns.brd, Client->ns.mtu);*/

	memset(dcr_buffer, '\0', sizeof(dcr_buffer));
	memcpy(dcr_buffer, "key=", 4);
	memcpy(dcr_buffer + 4, Client->PrivKey, KEYSIZE);
	sprintf((char *)dcr_buffer + 4 + KEYSIZE, ",ip=%s,netmask=%s,broadcast=%s", Client->ns.ip, Client->ns.msk, Client->ns.brd);
	dcr_size = 4 + KEYSIZE + strlen(((char *)dcr_buffer) + 4 + KEYSIZE);

	if (EncryptMessageWithPublicKey(Client->pub, dcr_buffer, dcr_size, cr_buffer, &cr_size) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : EncryptMessageWithPublicKey\n");
		return NULL;
	if (WriteH(net_fd, (struct sockaddr *)from, cr_buffer, cr_size) < 0) {
		fprintf(stderr, "DoAuthenticateServer : WriteH\n");
		return NULL;

	CryptoInit(&(Client->ctx), Client->PrivKey, &(Client->IV));

	return Client;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static uint32 SecureRKModeInit(void)
	BOOT_HEADER *pHead = (BOOT_HEADER *)g_rsa_key_buf;
	uint32 i = 0;
	int32 ret;
	uint32 secure = 0;

	/* check efuse secure flag */
	secure = 0;
#if defined(CONFIG_RKCHIP_RK3128)
	/* rk3128 efuse read char unit */
	uint8 flag = 0;
	EfuseRead(&flag, 0X1F, 1);
	if (0xFF == flag) {
		secure = 1;
#elif defined(CONFIG_RKCHIP_RK3288) || defined(CONFIG_RKCHIP_RK3368)
	/* rk3288/rk3368 efuse read word unit */
	uint32 flag = 0;
	EfuseRead(&flag, 0X00, 4);
	if (flag & 0x01) {
		secure = 1;

	if (SecureRKModeGetRSAKey() == 0) {
		secure = 1;

	if (secure != 0) {
		SecureMode = SBOOT_MODE_RK;
		printf("Secure Boot Mode: 0x%x\n", SecureMode);

		StorageReadFlashInfo((uint8 *)&g_FlashInfo);

		i = 0;
		if (StorageGetBootMedia() == BOOT_FROM_FLASH) {
			i = 2;
		for (; i<16; i++) {
			PRINT_E("SecureInit %x\n", i * g_FlashInfo.BlockSize + 4);
			ret = StorageReadPba(i * g_FlashInfo.BlockSize + 4, g_rsa_key_buf, 4);
			if (ret == FTL_OK) {
				if (SecureRKModeGetRSAKey() == 0) {
					if ((pHead->tag == 0x4B415352) && (SecureRKModeChkPubkey(pHead->RSA_N) == 0)) {
		/* check key error */
		if (i >= 16) {
			return ERROR;

		/* config drm information */
		SecureBootEn = 1;
		SecureBootLock = 1;

		if (StorageSysDataLoad(1, &gDrmKeyInfo) == FTL_OK) {
			if ((gDrmKeyInfo.drmtag != 0x4B4D5244) || (gDrmKeyInfo.publicKeyLen == 0)) {
				gDrmKeyInfo.drmtag = 0x4B4D5244;
				gDrmKeyInfo.drmLen = 504;
				gDrmKeyInfo.publicKeyLen = 0x200;
				gDrmKeyInfo.keyBoxEnable = 1;
				gDrmKeyInfo.drmKeyLen = 0;
				gDrmKeyInfo.secureBootLock = 1;
				gDrmKeyInfo.secureBootLockKey = 0;

				StorageSysDataStore(1, &gDrmKeyInfo);

	return OK;