Ejemplo n.º 1
void process_reorg_encrypt_restart(void)
	intrpt_state_t	prev_intrpt_state;
	enc_info_t	*encr_ptr;
	int		gtmcrypt_errno;
	gd_segment	*seg;
	sgmnt_addrs	*csa;

	csa = reorg_encrypt_restart_csa;
	assert(NULL != csa);	/* caller should have ensured this */
	/* Opening handles for encryption is a heavyweight operation. Caller should have ensured we are not in crit for
	 * any region when the new key handles are opened for any one region. Assert that.
	assert(0 == have_crit(CRIT_HAVE_ANY_REG));
	encr_ptr = csa->encr_ptr;
	assert(NULL != encr_ptr);
	DBG_RECORD_CRYPT_RECEIVE(csa->hdr, csa, csa->nl, process_id, encr_ptr);
	seg = csa->region->dyn.addr;
	INIT_DB_OR_JNL_ENCRYPTION(csa, encr_ptr, seg->fname_len, seg->fname, gtmcrypt_errno);
	if (0 != gtmcrypt_errno)
		GTMCRYPT_REPORT_ERROR(gtmcrypt_errno, rts_error, seg->fname_len, seg->fname);
	reorg_encrypt_restart_csa = NULL;
Ejemplo n.º 2
STATICFNDEF int gtm_trigger_invoke(void)
{	/* Invoke trigger M routine. Separate so error returns to gtm_trigger with proper retcode */
	int		rc;

	ESTABLISH_RET(gtm_trigger_ch, mumps_status);
	DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: Dispatching trigger at depth %d\n", gtm_trigger_depth));
	assert(0 < gtm_trigger_depth);
	assert(GTM_TRIGGER_DEPTH_MAX >= gtm_trigger_depth);
	/* Allow interrupts to occur while the trigger is running */
	rc = dm_start();
	/* Now that we no longer have a trigger stack frame, we are back in trigger no-mans-land */
	DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: Trigger returns with rc %d\n", rc));
	assert(frame_pointer->type & SFT_TRIGR);
	assert(0 <= gtm_trigger_depth);
	return rc;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void	tp_unwind(uint4 newlevel, enum tp_unwind_invocation invocation_type, int *tprestart_rc)
	mlk_pvtblk	**prior, *mlkp;
	mlk_tp		*oldlock, *nextlock;
	int		tl;
	lv_val		*save_lv, *curr_lv, *lv;
	tp_var		*restore_ent;
	mv_stent	*mvc;
	boolean_t	restore_lv, rollback_locks;
	lvscan_blk	*lvscan, *lvscan_next, first_lvscan;
	int		elemindx, rc;
	lvTree		*lvt_child;

	/* We are about to clean up structures. Defer MUPIP STOP/signal handling until function end. */
	/* Unwind the requested TP levels */
#	if defined(DEBUG_REFCNT) || defined(DEBUG_ERRHND)
	DBGFPF((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Beginning TP unwind process\n"));
#	endif
	restore_lv = (RESTART_INVOCATION == invocation_type);
	lvscan = &first_lvscan;
	lvscan->next = NULL;
	lvscan->elemcnt = 0;
	assert((tp_sp <= tpstackbase) && (tp_sp > tpstacktop));
	assert((tp_pointer <= (tp_frame *)tpstackbase) && (tp_pointer > (tp_frame *)tpstacktop));
	for (tl = dollar_tlevel;  tl > newlevel;  --tl)
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Unwinding level %d -- tp_pointer: 0x"lvaddr"\n", tl, tp_pointer));
		assertpro(NULL != tp_pointer);
		for (restore_ent = tp_pointer->vars;  NULL != restore_ent;  restore_ent = tp_pointer->vars)
			/* TP_VAR_CLONE sets the var_cloned flag, showing that the tree has been cloned  */
			/* If var_cloned is not set, it shows that curr_lv and save_lv are still sharing */
			/* the tree, so it should not be killed.                                         */
			curr_lv = restore_ent->current_value;
			save_lv = restore_ent->save_value;
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);
			assert(curr_lv->tp_var == restore_ent);
			/* In order to restart sub-transactions, this would have to maintain
			 * the chain that currently is not built by op_tstart()
			if (restore_lv)
				rc = tp_unwind_restlv(curr_lv, save_lv, restore_ent, NULL, tprestart_rc);
#				ifdef GTM_TRIGGER
				if (0 != rc)
					dollar_tlevel = tl;			/* Record fact if we unwound some tp_frames */
					ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INTRPT_IN_TP_UNWIND); /* drive any MUPIP STOP/signals deferred
										 * while in this function */
					TPUNWND_WBOX_TEST;			/* Debug-only wbox-test to simulate SIGTERM */
#				endif
			} else if (restore_ent->var_cloned)
			{	/* curr_lv has been cloned.
				 * Note: LV_CHILD(save_lv) can be non-NULL only if restore_ent->var_cloned is TRUE
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Not restoring curr_lv and is cloned\n"));
				lvt_child = LV_GET_CHILD(save_lv);
				if (NULL != lvt_child)
				{	/* If subtree exists, we have to blow away the cloned tree */
					DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: save_lv has children\n"));
					DBGRFCT((stderr,"\ntp_unwind: For lv_val 0x"lvaddr": Deleting saved lv_val 0x"lvaddr"\n",
						 curr_lv, save_lv));
					assert(LVT_PARENT(lvt_child) == (lvTreeNode *)save_lv);
					lv_kill(save_lv, DOTPSAVE_FALSE, DO_SUBTREE_TRUE);
				restore_ent->var_cloned = FALSE;
			} else
			{	/* If not cloned, we still have to reduce the reference counts of any
				 * container vars in the untouched tree that were added to keep anything
				 * they referenced from disappearing.
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Not restoring curr_lv and is NOT cloned\n"));
				lvt_child = LV_GET_CHILD(curr_lv);
				if (NULL != lvt_child)
					DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: curr_lv has children and so reducing ref counts\n"));
			/* Not easy to predict what the trefcnt will be except that it should be greater than zero. In
			 * most cases, it will have its own hash table ref plus the extras we added but it is also
			 * possible that the entry has been kill *'d in which case the ONLY ref that will be left is
			 * our own increment but there is no [quick] way to distinguish this case so we just
			 * test for > 0.
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.crefcnt);
			DECR_CREFCNT(curr_lv);	/* Remove the copy refcnt we added in in op_tstart() or lv_newname() */
			curr_lv->tp_var = NULL;
			tp_pointer->vars = restore_ent->next;
		if ((tp_pointer->fp == frame_pointer) && (MVST_TPHOLD == mv_chain->mv_st_type)
		    && (msp == (unsigned char *)mv_chain))
		if (NULL == tp_pointer->old_tp_frame)
			tp_sp = tpstackbase;
			tp_sp = (unsigned char *)tp_pointer->old_tp_frame;
		if (tp_sp > tpstackbase)
		if (tp_pointer->tp_save_all_flg)
		if ((NULL != (tp_pointer = tp_pointer->old_tp_frame))	/* Note assignment */
		    && ((tp_pointer < (tp_frame *)tp_sp) || (tp_pointer > (tp_frame *)tpstackbase)
			|| (tp_pointer < (tp_frame *)tpstacktop)))
	if ((0 != newlevel) && restore_lv)
	{	/* Restore current context (without releasing) */
		assertpro(NULL != tp_pointer);
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\n\n** tp_unwind: Newlevel (%d) != 0 loop processing\n", newlevel));
		for (restore_ent = tp_pointer->vars;  NULL != restore_ent;  restore_ent = restore_ent->next)
			curr_lv = restore_ent->current_value;
			save_lv = restore_ent->save_value;
			assert(curr_lv->tp_var == restore_ent);
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);
			rc = tp_unwind_restlv(curr_lv, save_lv, restore_ent, &lvscan, tprestart_rc);
#			ifdef GTM_TRIGGER
			if (0 != rc)
				dollar_tlevel = tl;			/* Record fact if we unwound some levels */
				ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INTRPT_IN_TP_UNWIND);	/* drive any MUPIP STOP/signals deferred while
									 * in this function */
				TPUNWND_WBOX_TEST;			/* Debug-only wbox-test to simulate SIGTERM */
#			endif
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.trefcnt);	/* Should have its own hash table ref plus the extras we added */
			assert(0 < curr_lv->stats.crefcnt);
		/* If we have any lv_vals queued up to be scanned for container vars, do that now */
		DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind: Starting deferred rescan of lv trees needing refcnt processing\n"));
		while (0 < lvscan->elemcnt)
			assert(ARY_SCNCNTNR_DIM >= lvscan->elemcnt);
			for (elemindx = 0; lvscan->elemcnt > elemindx; ++elemindx)
				lv = lvscan->ary_scncntnr[elemindx];
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\n**tp_unwind_process_lvscan_array: Deferred processing lv 0x"lvaddr"\n", lv));
				/* This is the final level being restored so redo the counters on these vars */
			/* If we allocated any secondary blocks, we are done with them now so release them. Only the
			 * very last block on the chain is the original block that was automatically allocated which
			 * should not be freed in this fashion.
			lvscan_next = lvscan->next;
			if (NULL != lvscan_next)
			{	/* There is another block on the chain so this one can be freed */
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_process_lvscan_array: Freeing lvscan array\n"));
				lvscan = lvscan_next;
			} else
			{	/* Since this is the original block allocated on the C stack which we may reuse,
				 * zero the element count.
				lvscan->elemcnt = 0;
				DBGRFCT((stderr, "\ntp_unwind_process_lvscan_array: Setting elemcnt to 0 in original "
					 "lvscan block\n"));
				assert(lvscan == &first_lvscan);
	assert(0 == lvscan->elemcnt);	/* verify no elements queued that were not scanned */
	rollback_locks = (COMMIT_INVOCATION != invocation_type);
	for (prior = &mlk_pvt_root, mlkp = *prior;  NULL != mlkp;  mlkp = *prior)
		if (mlkp->granted)
		{	/* This was a pre-existing lock */
			for (oldlock = mlkp->tp;  (NULL != oldlock) && ((int)oldlock->tplevel > newlevel);  oldlock = nextlock)
			{	/* Remove references to the lock from levels being unwound */
				nextlock = oldlock->next;
			if (rollback_locks)
				if (NULL == oldlock)
				{	/* Lock did not exist at the tp level being unwound to */
				} else
				{	/* Lock still exists but restore lock state as it was when the transaction started. */
					mlkp->level = oldlock->level;
					mlkp->zalloc = oldlock->zalloc;
			if ((NULL != oldlock) && (oldlock->tplevel == newlevel))
			{	/* Remove lock reference from level being unwound to,
				 * now that any {level,zalloc} state information has been restored.
				assert((NULL == oldlock->next) || (oldlock->next->tplevel < newlevel));
				mlkp->tp = oldlock->next;	/* update root reference pointer */
			} else
				mlkp->tp = oldlock;	/* update root reference pointer */
			prior = &mlkp->next;
		} else
	DBGRFCT((stderr, "tp_unwind: Processing complete\n"));
	dollar_tlevel = newlevel;
	ENABLE_INTERRUPTS(INTRPT_IN_TP_UNWIND);	/* check if any MUPIP STOP/signals were deferred while in this function */
Ejemplo n.º 4
void deferred_signal_handler(void)
	void (*signal_routine)();

	/* To avoid nested calls to this routine, we set forced_exit to FALSE at the very beginning */
	forced_exit = FALSE;

	if (exit_handler_active)
		assert(FALSE);	/* at this point in time (June 2003) there is no way we know of to get here, hence the assert */
		return;	/* since anyway we are exiting currently, resume exit handling instead of reissuing another one */
	/* For signals that get a delayed response so we can get out of crit, we also delay the messages.
	 * This routine will output those delayed messages from the appropriate structures to both the
	 * user and the system console.
	/* note can't use switch here because ERR_xxx are not defined as constants */
	if (ERR_KILLBYSIG == forced_exit_err)
		send_msg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_KILLBYSIG, 4, GTMIMAGENAMETXT(image_type), process_id, signal_info.signal);
		gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_KILLBYSIG, 4, GTMIMAGENAMETXT(image_type), process_id, signal_info.signal);
	} else if (ERR_KILLBYSIGUINFO == forced_exit_err)
		send_msg(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_KILLBYSIGUINFO, 6, GTMIMAGENAMETXT(image_type), process_id,
						signal_info.signal, signal_info.send_pid, signal_info.send_uid);
		gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_KILLBYSIGUINFO, 6, GTMIMAGENAMETXT(image_type), process_id,
						signal_info.signal, signal_info.send_pid, signal_info.send_uid);
	} else if (ERR_KILLBYSIGSINFO1 == forced_exit_err)
			 process_id, signal_info.signal, signal_info.int_iadr, signal_info.bad_vadr);
			   process_id, signal_info.signal, signal_info.int_iadr, signal_info.bad_vadr);
	} else if (ERR_KILLBYSIGSINFO2 == forced_exit_err)
			 process_id, signal_info.signal, signal_info.int_iadr);
			   process_id, signal_info.signal, signal_info.int_iadr);
	} else if (ERR_KILLBYSIGSINFO3 == forced_exit_err)
			 process_id, signal_info.signal, signal_info.bad_vadr);
			   process_id, signal_info.signal, signal_info.bad_vadr);
	} else if (ERR_FORCEDHALT != forced_exit_err || !gtm_quiet_halt)
	{	/* No HALT messages if quiet halt is requested */
		send_msg(VARLSTCNT(1) forced_exit_err);
		gtm_putmsg(VARLSTCNT(1) forced_exit_err);
	/* Signal intent to exit BEFORE driving condition handlers. This avoids checks that will otherwise fail (for example
	 * if mdb_condition_handler/preemptive_ch gets called below, that could invoke the RESET_GV_TARGET macro which in turn
	 * would assert that gv_target->gd_csa is equal to cs_addrs. This could not be true in case we were in mainline code
	 * that was interrupted by the flush timer for a different region which in turn was interrupted by an external signal
	 * that would drive us to exit. Setting the "process_exiting" variable causes those csa checks to pass.
#	ifdef DEBUG
	if (gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled && (WBTEST_DEFERRED_TIMERS == gtm_white_box_test_case_number)
		&& (2 == gtm_white_box_test_case_count))
		DBGFPF((stderr, "DEFERRED_SIGNAL_HANDLER: will sleep for 20 seconds\n"));
		DBGFPF((stderr, "DEFERRED_SIGNAL_HANDLER: done sleeping\n"));
#	endif
	/* If any special routines are registered to be driven on a signal, drive them now */
	if ((0 != exi_condition) && (NULL != call_on_signal))
		signal_routine = call_on_signal;
		call_on_signal = NULL;		/* So we don't recursively call ourselves */
	/* Note, we do not drive create_fatal_error zshow_dmp() in this routine since any deferrable signals are
	 * by definition not fatal.
Ejemplo n.º 5
void	obj_code (uint4 src_lines, void *checksum_ctx)
	int		status;
	rhdtyp		rhead;
	mline		*mlx, *mly;
	var_tabent	*vptr;
	int4		lnr_pad_len;
	intrpt_state_t	prev_intrpt_state;

	/* Define the routine name global symbol. */
	define_symbol(GTM_MODULE_DEF_PSECT, (mstr *)&int_module_name, 0);
	memset(&rhead, 0, SIZEOF(rhead));
	curr_addr = SIZEOF(rhdtyp);
	cg_phase = CGP_APPROX_ADDR;
	cg_phase_last = CGP_NOSTATE;
	code_size = curr_addr;
	cg_phase = CGP_ADDR_OPT;
	if ((cmd_qlf.qlf & CQ_MACHINE_CODE))
		cg_phase = CGP_ASSEMBLY;
	if (!(cmd_qlf.qlf & CQ_OBJECT))
	rhead.ptext_ptr = SIZEOF(rhead);
	set_rtnhdr_checksum(&rhead, (gtm_rtn_src_chksum_ctx *)checksum_ctx);
	rhead.vartab_ptr = code_size;
	rhead.vartab_len = mvmax;
	code_size += mvmax * SIZEOF(var_tabent);
	rhead.labtab_ptr = code_size;
	rhead.labtab_len = mlmax;
	code_size += mlmax * SIZEOF(lab_tabent);
	rhead.lnrtab_ptr = code_size;
	rhead.lnrtab_len = src_lines;
	rhead.compiler_qlf = cmd_qlf.qlf;
	if (cmd_qlf.qlf & CQ_EMBED_SOURCE)
                rhead.routine_source_offset = TREF(routine_source_offset);
                rhead.routine_source_length = (uint4)(stringpool.free - stringpool.base) - TREF(routine_source_offset);
	rhead.temp_mvals = sa_temps[TVAL_REF];
	rhead.temp_size = sa_temps_offset[TCAD_REF];
	code_size += src_lines * SIZEOF(int4);
	lnr_pad_len = PADLEN(code_size, SECTION_ALIGN_BOUNDARY);
	code_size += lnr_pad_len;
	cg_phase = CGP_MACHINE;
	/* Variable table: */
	vptr = (var_tabent *)mcalloc(mvmax * SIZEOF(var_tabent));
	if (mvartab)
		walktree(mvartab, cg_var, (char *)&vptr);
		assert(0 == mvmax);
	emit_immed((char *)vptr, mvmax * SIZEOF(var_tabent));
	/* Label table: */
	if (mlabtab)
		walktree((mvar *)mlabtab, cg_lab, (char *)rhead.lnrtab_ptr);
		assert(0 == mlmax);
	/* External entry definitions: */
	emit_immed((char *)&(mline_root.externalentry->rtaddr), SIZEOF(mline_root.externalentry->rtaddr));	/* line 0 */
	for (mlx = mline_root.child; mlx; mlx = mly)
		if (mlx->table)
			emit_immed((char *)&(mlx->externalentry->rtaddr), SIZEOF(mlx->externalentry->rtaddr));
		if (0 == (mly = mlx->child))				/* note assignment */
			if (0 == (mly = mlx->sibling))			/* note assignment */
				for (mly = mlx;  ;  )
					if (0 == (mly = mly->parent))	/* note assignment */
					if (mly->sibling)
						mly = mly->sibling;
	if (0 != lnr_pad_len) /* emit padding so literal text pool starts on proper boundary */
		emit_immed(PADCHARS, lnr_pad_len);
#	if !defined(__MVS__) && !defined(__s390__)	/* assert not valid for instructions on OS390 */
	assert(code_size == psect_use_tab[GTM_CODE]);
#	endif
	CLOSE_OBJECT_FILE(object_file_des, status);
	if (-1 == status)
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("close()"), CALLFROM, errno);
	/* Ready to make object visible. Rename from tmp name to real routine name */
Ejemplo n.º 6
boolean_t mu_truncate(int4 truncate_percent)
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t 	csd;
	int			num_local_maps;
	int 			lmap_num, lmap_blk_num;
	int			bml_status, sigkill;
	int			save_errno;
	int			ftrunc_status;
	uint4			jnl_status;
	uint4			old_total, new_total;
	uint4			old_free, new_free;
	uint4			end_blocks;
	int4			blks_in_lmap, blk;
	gtm_uint64_t		before_trunc_file_size;
	off_t			trunc_file_size;
	off_t			padding;
	uchar_ptr_t		lmap_addr;
	boolean_t		was_crit;
	uint4			found_busy_blk;
	srch_blk_status		bmphist;
	srch_blk_status 	*blkhist;
	srch_hist		alt_hist;
	trans_num		curr_tn;
	blk_hdr_ptr_t		lmap_blk_hdr;
	block_id		*blkid_ptr;
	unix_db_info    	*udi;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	char			*err_msg;
	intrpt_state_t		prev_intrpt_state;
	off_t			offset;

	csa = cs_addrs;
	csd = cs_data;
	if (dba_mm == csd->acc_meth)
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_MUTRUNCNOTBG, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		return TRUE;
	if ((GDSVCURR != csd->desired_db_format) || (csd->blks_to_upgrd != 0))
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_MUTRUNCNOV4, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		return TRUE;
	if (csa->ti->free_blocks < (truncate_percent * csa->ti->total_blks / 100))
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_MUTRUNCNOSPACE, 3, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), truncate_percent);
		return TRUE;
	/* already checked for parallel truncates on this region --- see mupip_reorg.c */
	gv_target = NULL;
	assert(csa->nl->trunc_pid == process_id);
	assert(dba_mm != csd->acc_meth);
	old_total = csa->ti->total_blks;
	old_free = csa->ti->free_blocks;
	sigkill = 0;
	found_busy_blk = 0;
	memset(&alt_hist, 0, SIZEOF(alt_hist)); /* null-initialize history */
	assert(csd->bplmap == BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	end_blocks = old_total % BLKS_PER_LMAP; /* blocks in the last lmap (first one we start scanning) */
	if (0 == end_blocks)
		end_blocks = BLKS_PER_LMAP;
	num_local_maps = DIVIDE_ROUND_UP(old_total, BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	/* ======================================== PHASE 1 ======================================== */
	for (lmap_num = num_local_maps - 1; (lmap_num > 0 && !found_busy_blk); lmap_num--)
		if (mu_ctrly_occurred || mu_ctrlc_occurred)
			return TRUE;
		assert(csa->ti->total_blks >= old_total); /* otherwise, a concurrent truncate happened... */
		if (csa->ti->total_blks != old_total) /* Extend (likely called by mupip extend) -- don't truncate */
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_MUTRUNCNOSPACE, 3, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region),
			return TRUE;
		lmap_blk_num = lmap_num * BLKS_PER_LMAP;
		if (csa->nl->highest_lbm_with_busy_blk >= lmap_blk_num)
			found_busy_blk = lmap_blk_num;
		blks_in_lmap = (lmap_num == num_local_maps - 1) ? end_blocks : BLKS_PER_LMAP;
		/* Loop through non-bitmap blocks of this lmap, do recycled2free */
		DBGEHND((stdout, "DBG:: lmap_num = [%lu], lmap_blk_num = [%lu], blks_in_lmap = [%lu]\n",
			lmap_num, lmap_blk_num, blks_in_lmap));
		for (blk = 1; blk < blks_in_lmap && blk != -1 && !found_busy_blk;)
			for (;;) /* retry loop for recycled to free transactions */
				curr_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
				/* Read the nth local bitmap into memory */
				bmphist.blk_num = lmap_blk_num;
				bmphist.buffaddr = t_qread(bmphist.blk_num, &bmphist.cycle, &bmphist.cr);
				lmap_blk_hdr = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)bmphist.buffaddr;
				if (!(bmphist.buffaddr) || (BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP) != lmap_blk_hdr->bsiz))
				{ /* Could not read the block successfully. Retry. */
					t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
				lmap_addr = bmphist.buffaddr + SIZEOF(blk_hdr);
				/* starting from the hint (blk itself), find the first busy or recycled block */
				blk = bml_find_busy_recycled(blk, lmap_addr, blks_in_lmap, &bml_status);
				assert(blk < BLKS_PER_LMAP);
				if (blk == -1 || blk >= blks_in_lmap)
				{ /* done with this lmap, continue to next */
					t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
				else if (BLK_BUSY == bml_status || csa->nl->highest_lbm_with_busy_blk >= lmap_blk_num)
				{ /* stop processing blocks... skip ahead to phase 2 */
					found_busy_blk = lmap_blk_num;
					t_abort(gv_cur_region, csa);
				else if (BLK_RECYCLED == bml_status)
				{ /* Write PBLK records for recycled blocks only if before_image journaling is
				   * enabled. t_end() takes care of checking if journaling is enabled and
				   * writing PBLK record. We have to at least mark the recycled block as free.
					update_trans = UPDTRNS_DB_UPDATED_MASK;
					*((block_id *)update_array_ptr) = blk;
					update_array_ptr += SIZEOF(block_id);
					*(int *)update_array_ptr = 0;
					alt_hist.h[1].blk_num = 0;
					alt_hist.h[0].level = 0;
					alt_hist.h[0].cse = NULL;
					alt_hist.h[0].tn = curr_tn;
					alt_hist.h[0].blk_num = lmap_blk_num + blk;
					alt_hist.h[0].buffaddr = t_qread(alt_hist.h[0].blk_num,
							&alt_hist.h[0].cycle, &alt_hist.h[0].cr);
					if (!alt_hist.h[0].buffaddr)
						t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
					if (!t_recycled2free(&alt_hist.h[0]))
					t_write_map(&bmphist, (unsigned char *)update_array, curr_tn, 0);
					/* Set the opcode for INCTN record written by t_end() */
					inctn_opcode = inctn_blkmarkfree;
					if ((trans_num)0 == t_end(&alt_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED))
					/* block processed, scan from the next one */
				} else
					assert(t_tries < CDB_STAGNATE);
			} /* END recycled2free retry loop */
		} /* END scanning blocks of this particular lmap */
		/* Write PBLK for the bitmap block, in case it hasn't been written i.e. t_end() was never called above */
		/* Do a transaction that just increments the bitmap block's tn so that t_end() can do its thing */
		DBGEHND((stdout, "DBG:: bitmap block inctn -- lmap_blk_num = [%lu]\n", lmap_blk_num));
		for (;;)
			BLK_ADDR(blkid_ptr, SIZEOF(block_id), block_id);
			*blkid_ptr = 0;
			update_trans = UPDTRNS_DB_UPDATED_MASK;
			inctn_opcode = inctn_mu_reorg; /* inctn_mu_truncate */
			curr_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn;
			blkhist = &alt_hist.h[0];
			blkhist->blk_num = lmap_blk_num;
			blkhist->tn = curr_tn;
			blkhist->cse = NULL; /* start afresh (do not use value from previous retry) */
			/* Read the nth local bitmap into memory */
			blkhist->buffaddr = t_qread(lmap_blk_num, (sm_int_ptr_t)&blkhist->cycle, &blkhist->cr);
			lmap_blk_hdr = (blk_hdr_ptr_t)blkhist->buffaddr;
			if (!(blkhist->buffaddr) || (BM_SIZE(BLKS_PER_LMAP) != lmap_blk_hdr->bsiz))
			{ /* Could not read the block successfully. Retry. */
				t_retry((enum cdb_sc)rdfail_detail);
			t_write_map(blkhist, (unsigned char *)blkid_ptr, curr_tn, 0);
			blkhist->blk_num = 0; /* create empty history for bitmap block */
			if ((trans_num)0 == t_end(&alt_hist, NULL, TN_NOT_SPECIFIED))
	} /* END scanning lmaps */
	/* ======================================== PHASE 2 ======================================== */
	for (;;)
	{ /* wait for FREEZE, we don't want to truncate a frozen database */
		if (FROZEN_CHILLED(cs_data))
			DO_CHILLED_AUTORELEASE(csa, cs_data);
		if (!FROZEN(cs_data) && !IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
		while (FROZEN(cs_data) || IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN)
			if (FROZEN_CHILLED(cs_data) && CHILLED_AUTORELEASE(cs_data))
	assert(csa->nl->trunc_pid == process_id);
	/* Flush pending updates to disk. If this is not done, old updates can be flushed AFTER ftruncate, extending the file. */
		return FALSE;
	csa->nl->highest_lbm_with_busy_blk = MAX(found_busy_blk, csa->nl->highest_lbm_with_busy_blk);
	new_total = MIN(old_total, csa->nl->highest_lbm_with_busy_blk + BLKS_PER_LMAP);
	if (mu_ctrly_occurred || mu_ctrlc_occurred)
		return TRUE;
	} else if (csa->ti->total_blks != old_total || new_total == old_total)
		assert(csa->ti->total_blks >= old_total); /* Better have been an extend, not a truncate... */
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(5) ERR_MUTRUNCNOSPACE, 3, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), truncate_percent);
		return TRUE;
	} else if (GDSVCURR != csd->desired_db_format || csd->blks_to_upgrd != 0 || !csd->fully_upgraded)
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_MUTRUNCNOV4, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		return TRUE;
	} else if (SNAPSHOTS_IN_PROG(csa->nl))
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_MUTRUNCSSINPROG, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		return TRUE;
	} else if (BACKUP_NOT_IN_PROGRESS != cs_addrs->nl->nbb)
		gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_MUTRUNCBACKINPROG, 2, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
		return TRUE;
	if (JNL_ENABLED(csa))
	{ /* Write JRT_TRUNC and INCTN records */
		if (!jgbl.dont_reset_gbl_jrec_time)
		SET_GBL_JREC_TIME;	/* needed before jnl_ensure_open as that can write jnl records */
		jpc = csa->jnl;
		jbp = jpc->jnl_buff;
		/* Before writing to jnlfile, adjust jgbl.gbl_jrec_time if needed to maintain time order
		 * of jnl records. This needs to be done BEFORE the jnl_ensure_open as that could write
		 * journal records (if it decides to switch to a new journal file).
		ADJUST_GBL_JREC_TIME(jgbl, jbp);
		jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open(gv_cur_region, csa);
		if (SS_NORMAL != jnl_status)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd), DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region));
			if (0 == jpc->pini_addr)
			jnl_write_trunc_rec(csa, old_total, csa->ti->free_blocks, new_total);
			inctn_opcode = inctn_mu_reorg;
			jnl_status = jnl_flush(gv_cur_region);
			if (SS_NORMAL != jnl_status)
				send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_JNLFLUSH, 2, JNL_LEN_STR(csd),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error with journal flush during mu_truncate"),
				assert(NOJNL == jpc->channel); /* jnl file lost has been triggered */
	/* Good to go ahead and REALLY truncate (reduce total_blks, clear cache_array, FTRUNCATE) */
	curr_tn = csa->ti->curr_tn;
	CHECK_TN(csa, csd, curr_tn);
	udi = FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region);
	/* Information used by recover_truncate to check if the file size and csa->ti->total_blks are INCONSISTENT */
	trunc_file_size = BLK_ZERO_OFF(csd->start_vbn) + ((off_t)csd->blk_size * (new_total + 1));
	csd->after_trunc_total_blks = new_total;
	csd->before_trunc_free_blocks = csa->ti->free_blocks;
	csd->before_trunc_total_blks = old_total; /* Flags interrupted truncate for recover_truncate */
	/* file size and total blocks: INCONSISTENT */
	csa->ti->total_blks = new_total;
	/* past the point of no return -- shared memory intact */
	assert(csa->ti->free_blocks >= DELTA_FREE_BLOCKS(old_total, new_total));
	csa->ti->free_blocks -= DELTA_FREE_BLOCKS(old_total, new_total);
	new_free = csa->ti->free_blocks;
	KILL_TRUNC_TEST(WBTEST_CRASH_TRUNCATE_1); /* 55 : Issue a kill -9 before 1st fsync */
	DB_FSYNC(gv_cur_region, udi, csa, db_fsync_in_prog, save_errno);
	CHECK_DBSYNC(gv_cur_region, save_errno);
	/* past the point of no return -- shared memory deleted */
	KILL_TRUNC_TEST(WBTEST_CRASH_TRUNCATE_2); /* 56 : Issue a kill -9 after 1st fsync */
	clear_cache_array(csa, csd, gv_cur_region, new_total, old_total);
	offset = (off_t)BLK_ZERO_OFF(csd->start_vbn) + (off_t)new_total * csd->blk_size;
	save_errno = db_write_eof_block(udi, udi->fd, csd->blk_size, offset, &(TREF(dio_buff)));
	if (0 != save_errno)
		err_msg = (char *)STRERROR(errno);
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_MUTRUNCERROR, 4, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), LEN_AND_STR(err_msg));
		return FALSE;
	KILL_TRUNC_TEST(WBTEST_CRASH_TRUNCATE_3); /* 57 : Issue a kill -9 after reducing csa->ti->total_blks, before FTRUNCATE */
	/* Execute an ftruncate() and truncate the DB file
	 * ftruncate() is a SYSTEM CALL on almost all platforms (except SunOS)
	 * It ignores kill -9 signal till its operation is completed.
	 * So we can safely assume that the result of ftruncate() will be complete.
	FTRUNCATE(FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->fd, trunc_file_size, ftrunc_status);
	if (0 != ftrunc_status)
		err_msg = (char *)STRERROR(errno);
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_MUTRUNCERROR, 4, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), LEN_AND_STR(err_msg));
		/* should go through recover_truncate now, which will again try to FTRUNCATE */
		return FALSE;
	/* file size and total blocks: CONSISTENT (shrunk) */
	KILL_TRUNC_TEST(WBTEST_CRASH_TRUNCATE_4); /* 58 : Issue a kill -9 after FTRUNCATE, before 2nd fsync */
	csa->nl->root_search_cycle++;	/* Force concurrent processes to restart in t_end/tp_tend to make sure no one
					 * tries to commit updates past the end of the file. Bitmap validations together
					 * with highest_lbm_with_busy_blk should actually be sufficient, so this is
					 * just to be safe.
	csd->before_trunc_total_blks = 0; /* indicate CONSISTENT */
	/* Increment TN */
	assert(csa->ti->early_tn == csa->ti->curr_tn);
	csd->trans_hist.early_tn = csd->trans_hist.curr_tn + 1;
	DB_FSYNC(gv_cur_region, udi, csa, db_fsync_in_prog, save_errno);
	KILL_TRUNC_TEST(WBTEST_CRASH_TRUNCATE_5); /* 58 : Issue a kill -9 after after 2nd fsync */
	CHECK_DBSYNC(gv_cur_region, save_errno);
	curr_tn = csa->ti->curr_tn;
	send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(7) ERR_MUTRUNCSUCCESS, 5, DB_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), old_total, new_total, &curr_tn);
	util_out_print("Truncated region: !AD. Reduced total blocks from [!UL] to [!UL]. Reduced free blocks from [!UL] to [!UL].",
					FLUSH, REG_LEN_STR(gv_cur_region), old_total, new_total, old_free, new_free);
	return TRUE;
} /* END of mu_truncate() */
Ejemplo n.º 7
cache_rec_ptr_t	db_csh_getn(block_id block)
	cache_rec_ptr_t		hdr, q0, start_cr, cr;
	bt_rec_ptr_t		bt;
	unsigned int		lcnt, ocnt;
	int			rip, max_ent, pass1, pass2, pass3;
	int4			flsh_trigger;
	uint4			first_r_epid, latest_r_epid;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	srch_blk_status		*tp_srch_status;
	ht_ent_int4		*tabent;

	csa = cs_addrs;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	assert(csa == &FILE_INFO(gv_cur_region)->s_addrs);
	max_ent = csd->n_bts;
	cr = (cache_rec_ptr_t)GDS_REL2ABS(csa->nl->cur_lru_cache_rec_off);
	hdr = csa->acc_meth.bg.cache_state->cache_array + (block % csd->bt_buckets);
	start_cr = csa->acc_meth.bg.cache_state->cache_array + csd->bt_buckets;
	pass1 = max_ent;	/* skip referred or dirty or read-into cache records */
	pass2 = 2 * max_ent;	/* skip referred cache records */
	pass3 = 3 * max_ent;	/* skip nothing */
	INCR_DB_CSH_COUNTER(csa, n_db_csh_getns, 1);
	for (lcnt = 0;  ; lcnt++)
		if (lcnt > pass3)
		if (cr == start_cr + max_ent)
			cr = start_cr;
			if ((lcnt == pass1) || (lcnt == pass2))
		if (cr->refer && (lcnt < pass2))
		{	/* in passes 1 & 2, set refer to FALSE and skip; in the third pass attempt reuse even if TRUE == refer */
			cr->refer = FALSE;
		if (cr->in_cw_set || cr->in_tend)
		{	/* some process already has this pinned for reading and/or updating. skip it. */
			cr->refer = TRUE;
		if (CDB_STAGNATE <= t_tries || mu_reorg_process)
			/* Prevent stepping on self when crit for entire transaction.
			 * This is done by looking up in sgm_info_ptr->blk_in_use and cw_stagnate for presence of the block.
			 * The following two hashtable lookups are not similar, since in TP, sgm_info_ptr->blks_in_use
			 * 	is updated to the latest cw_stagnate list of blocks only in "tp_hist".
			 * Also note that the lookup in sgm_info_ptr->blks_in_use reuses blocks that don't have cse's.
			 * This is to allow big-read TP transactions which may use up more than the available global buffers.
			 * There is one issue here in that a block that has been only read till now may be stepped upon here
			 *	but may later be needed for update. It is handled by updating the block's corresponding
			 *	entry in the set of histories (sgm_info_ptr->first_tp_hist[index] structure) to hold the
			 *	"cr" and "cycle" of the t_qread done for the block when it was intended to be changed for the
			 *	first time within the transaction since otherwise the transaction would restart due to a
			 *	cdb_sc_lostcr status. Note that "tn" (read_tn of the block) in the first_tp_hist will still
			 *	remain the "tn" when the block was first read within this transaction to ensure the block
			 *	hasn't been modified since the start of the transaction. Once we intend on changing the
			 *	block i.e. srch_blk_status->cse is non-NULL, we ensure in the code below not to step on it.
			 *	["tp_hist" is the routine that updates the "cr", "cycle" and "tn" of the block].
			 * Note that usually in a transaction the first_tp_hist[] structure holds the "cr", "cycle", and "tn"
			 *	of the first t_qread of the block within that transaction. The above is the only exception.
			 * Also note that for blocks in cw_stagnate (i.e. current TP mini-action), we don't reuse any of
			 *	them even if they don't have a cse. This is to ensure that the current action doesn't
			 *	encounter a restart due to cdb_sc_lostcr in "tp_hist" even in the fourth-retry.
			tp_srch_status = NULL;
			if (dollar_tlevel && (NULL != (tabent = lookup_hashtab_int4(sgm_info_ptr->blks_in_use, (uint4 *)&cr->blk)))
					&& (tp_srch_status = (srch_blk_status *)tabent->value) && (tp_srch_status->cse))
			{	/* this process is already using the block - skip it */
				cr->refer = TRUE;
			if (NULL != lookup_hashtab_int4(&cw_stagnate, (uint4 *)&cr->blk))
			{	/* this process is already using the block for the current gvcst_search - skip it */
				cr->refer = TRUE;
			if (NULL != tp_srch_status)
			{	/* About to reuse a buffer that is part of the read-set of the current TP transaction.
				 * Reset clue as otherwise the next global reference of that global will use an outofdate clue.
				 * Even though tp_srch_status is available after the sgm_info_ptr->blks_in_use hashtable check,
				 * we dont want to reset the clue in case the cw_stagnate hashtable check causes the same cr
				 * to be skipped from reuse. Hence the placement of this reset logic AFTER the cw_stagnate check.
				tp_srch_status->blk_target->clue.end = 0;
		if (cr->dirty)
		{	/* Note that in Unix, it is possible that we see a stale value of cr->dirty (possible if a
			 * concurrent "wcs_wtstart" has reset dirty to 0 but that update did not reach us yet). In this
			 * case the call to "wcs_get_space" below will do the necessary memory barrier instructions
			 * (through calls to "aswp") which will allow us to see the non-stale value of cr->dirty.
			 * It is also possible that cr->dirty is non-zero but < cr->flushed_dirty_tn. In this case, wcs_get_space
			 * done below will return FALSE forcing a cache-rebuild which will fix this situation.
			 * In VMS, another process cannot be concurrently resetting cr->dirty to 0 as the resetting routine
			 * is "wcs_wtfini" which is executed in crit which another process cannot be in as we are in crit now.
			if (gv_cur_region->read_only)
			if (lcnt < pass1)
				if (!csa->timer && (csa->nl->wcs_timers < 1))
					wcs_timer_start(gv_cur_region, FALSE);
			if (FALSE == wcs_get_space(gv_cur_region, 0, cr))
			{	/* failed to flush it out - force a rebuild */
				assert(csa->nl->wc_blocked); /* only reason we currently know why wcs_get_space could fail */
			assert(0 == cr->dirty);
			/* the cache-record is not free for reuse until the write-latch value becomes LATCH_CLEAR.
			 * In VMS, resetting the write-latch value occurs in "wcs_wtfini" which is in CRIT, we are fine.
			 * In Unix, this resetting is done by "wcs_wtstart" which is out-of-crit. Therefore, we need to
			 * 	wait for this value to be LATCH_CLEAR before reusing this cache-record.
			 * Note that we are examining the write-latch-value without holding the interlock. It is ok to do
			 * 	this because the only two routines that modify the latch value are "bg_update" and
			 * 	"wcs_wtstart". The former cannot be concurrently executing because we are in crit.
			 * 	The latter will not update the latch value unless this cache-record is dirty. But in this
			 * 	case we would have most likely gone through the if (cr->dirty) check above. Most likely
			 * 	because there is one rare possibility where a concurrent "wcs_wtstart" has set cr->dirty
			 * 	to 0 but not yet cleared the latch. In that case we wait for the latch to be cleared.
			 * 	In all other cases, nobody is modifying the latch since when we got crit and therefore
			 * 	it is safe to observe the value of the latch without holding the interlock.
			{	/* possible if a concurrent "wcs_wtstart" has set cr->dirty to 0 but not yet
				 * cleared the latch. this should be very rare though.
				if (lcnt < pass2)
					continue; /* try to find some other cache-record to reuse until the 3rd pass */
				for (ocnt = 1; (MAXWRTLATCHWAIT >= ocnt) && (LATCH_CLEAR != WRITE_LATCH_VAL(cr)); ocnt++)
					wcs_sleep(SLEEP_WRTLATCHWAIT);	/* since it is a short lock, sleep the minimum */
				if (MAXWRTLATCHWAIT <= ocnt)
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * ------------------------------------------
 * Hang the process for a specified time.
 *	Goes to sleep for a positive value.
 *	Any caught signal will terminate the sleep
 *	following the execution of that signal's catching routine.
 * Arguments:
 *	num - time to sleep
 * Return:
 *	none
 * ------------------------------------------
void op_hang(mval* num)
	int		ms;
	mv_stent	*mv_zintcmd;
	ABS_TIME	cur_time, end_time;
#	ifdef VMS
	uint4 		time[2];
	int4		efn_mask, status;
#	endif

	ms = 0;
	if (num->mvtype & MV_INT)
		if (0 < num->m[1])
			assert(MV_BIAS >= 1000);	/* if formats change overflow may need attention */
			ms = num->m[1] * (1000 / MV_BIAS);
	} else if (0 == num->sgn) 		/* if sign is not 0 it means num is negative */
		ms = mval2i(num) * 1000;	/* too big to care about fractional amounts */
	if (ms)
		if (TREF(tpnotacidtime) * 1000 < ms)
#		if defined(DEBUG) && defined(UNIX)
		if (gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled
			&& (WBTEST_DEFERRED_TIMERS == gtm_white_box_test_case_number)
			&& (3 > gtm_white_box_test_case_count)
			&& (123000 == ms))
			DBGFPF((stderr, "OP_HANG: will sleep for 20 seconds\n"));
			DBGFPF((stderr, "OP_HANG: done sleeping\n"));
		if (gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled
			&& (WBTEST_BREAKMPC == gtm_white_box_test_case_number)
			&& (0 == gtm_white_box_test_case_count)
			&& (999 == ms))
			frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer->mpc = (unsigned char *)GTM64_ONLY(0xdeadbeef12345678)
		/* Upon seeing a .999s hang this white-box test launches a timer that pops with a period of UTIL_OUT_SYSLOG_INTERVAL
		 * and prints a long message via util_out_ptr.
		if (gtm_white_box_test_case_enabled
			&& (WBTEST_UTIL_OUT_BUFFER_PROTECTION == gtm_white_box_test_case_number)
			&& (0 == gtm_white_box_test_case_count)
			&& (999 == ms))
			start_timer((TID)&util_out_syslog_dump, UTIL_OUT_SYSLOG_INTERVAL, util_out_syslog_dump, 0, NULL);
#		endif
		mv_zintcmd = find_mvstent_cmd(ZINTCMD_HANG, restart_pc, restart_ctxt, FALSE);
		if (!mv_zintcmd)
			add_int_to_abs_time(&cur_time, ms, &end_time);
			end_time = mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.end_or_remain;
			cur_time = sub_abs_time(&end_time, &cur_time);	/* get remaing time to sleep */
			if (0 <= cur_time.at_sec)
				ms = (int4)(cur_time.at_sec * 1000 + cur_time.at_usec / 1000);
				ms = 0;		/* all done */
			/* restore/pop previous zintcmd_active[ZINTCMD_HANG] hints */
			TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_pc_last = mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_pc_prior;
			TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_ctxt_last
				= mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_ctxt_prior;
			TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).count--;
			assert(0 <= TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).count);
			if (mv_chain == mv_zintcmd)
				POP_MV_STENT();	/* just pop if top of stack */
			{	/* flag as not active */
				mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.command = ZINTCMD_NOOP;
				mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_pc_check = NULL;
			if (0 == ms)
				return;		/* done HANGing */
			time[0] = -time_low_ms(ms);
			time[1] = -time_high_ms(ms) - 1;
			efn_mask = (1 << efn_outofband | 1 << efn_timer);
			if (SS$_NORMAL != (status = sys$setimr(efn_timer, &time, NULL, &time, 0)))
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("$setimr"), CALLFROM, status);
			if (SS$_NORMAL != (status = sys$wflor(efn_outofband, efn_mask)))
				rts_error(VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("$wflor"), CALLFROM, status);
		if (outofband)
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * ------------------------------------------
 * Hang the process for a specified time.
 *	Goes to sleep for a positive value.
 *	Any caught signal will terminate the sleep
 *	following the execution of that signal's catching routine.
 * 	The actual hang duration should be NO LESS than the specified
 * 	duration for specified durations greater than .001 seconds.
 * 	Certain applications depend on this assumption.
 * Arguments:
 *	num - time to sleep
 * Return:
 *	none
 * ------------------------------------------
void op_hang(mval* num)
	int		ms;
	double		tmp;
	mv_stent	*mv_zintcmd;
	ABS_TIME	cur_time, end_time;
#	ifdef VMS
	uint4 		time[2];
	int4		efn_mask, status;
#	endif

	ms = 0;
	if (num->mvtype & MV_INT)
		if (0 < num->m[1])
			assert(MV_BIAS >= 1000);	/* if formats change overflow may need attention */
			ms = num->m[1] * (1000 / MV_BIAS);
	} else if (0 == num->sgn) 		/* if sign is not 0 it means num is negative */
		tmp = mval2double(num) * (double)1000;
		ms = ((double)MAXPOSINT4 >= tmp) ? (int)tmp : (int)MAXPOSINT4;
	if (ms)
		if (TREF(tpnotacidtime) * 1000 < ms)
#		if defined(DEBUG) && defined(UNIX)
		if (WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_DEFERRED_TIMERS) && (3 > gtm_white_box_test_case_count) && (123000 == ms))
			DBGFPF((stderr, "OP_HANG: will sleep for 20 seconds\n"));
			DBGFPF((stderr, "OP_HANG: done sleeping\n"));
		if (WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_BREAKMPC)&& (0 == gtm_white_box_test_case_count) && (999 == ms))
			frame_pointer->old_frame_pointer->mpc = (unsigned char *)GTM64_ONLY(0xdeadbeef12345678)
		if (WBTEST_ENABLED(WBTEST_UTIL_OUT_BUFFER_PROTECTION) && (0 == gtm_white_box_test_case_count) && (999 == ms))
		{	/* Upon seeing a .999s hang this white-box test launches a timer that pops with a period of
		 	 * UTIL_OUT_SYSLOG_INTERVAL and prints a long message via util_out_ptr.
			start_timer((TID)&util_out_syslog_dump, UTIL_OUT_SYSLOG_INTERVAL, util_out_syslog_dump, 0, NULL);
#		endif
		mv_zintcmd = find_mvstent_cmd(ZINTCMD_HANG, restart_pc, restart_ctxt, FALSE);
		if (!mv_zintcmd)
			add_int_to_abs_time(&cur_time, ms, &end_time);
			end_time = mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.end_or_remain;
			cur_time = sub_abs_time(&end_time, &cur_time);	/* get remaing time to sleep */
			if (0 <= cur_time.at_sec)
				ms = (int4)(cur_time.at_sec * 1000 + cur_time.at_usec / 1000);
				ms = 0;		/* all done */
			/* restore/pop previous zintcmd_active[ZINTCMD_HANG] hints */
			TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_pc_last = mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_pc_prior;
			TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_ctxt_last
				= mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_ctxt_prior;
			TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).count--;
			assert(0 <= TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).count);
			if (mv_chain == mv_zintcmd)
				POP_MV_STENT();	/* just pop if top of stack */
			{	/* flag as not active */
				mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.command = ZINTCMD_NOOP;
				mv_zintcmd->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_pc_check = NULL;
			if (0 == ms)
				return;		/* done HANGing */
#		ifdef UNIX
		if (ms < 10)
			SLEEP_USEC(ms * 1000, TRUE);	/* Finish the sleep if it is less than 10ms. */
#		elif defined(VMS)
		time[0] = -time_low_ms(ms);
		time[1] = -time_high_ms(ms) - 1;
		efn_mask = (1 << efn_outofband | 1 << efn_timer);
		if (SS$_NORMAL != (status = sys$setimr(efn_timer, &time, NULL, &time, 0)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("$setimr"), CALLFROM, status);
		if (SS$_NORMAL != (status = sys$wflor(efn_outofband, efn_mask)))
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("$wflor"), CALLFROM, status);
		if (outofband)
			if (SS$_WASCLR == (status = sys$readef(efn_timer, &efn_mask)))
				if (SS$_NORMAL != (status = sys$cantim(&time, 0)))
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_SYSCALL, 5, RTS_ERROR_LITERAL("$cantim"),
						CALLFROM, status);
			} else
				assertpro(SS$_WASSET == status);
#		endif
	} else
	if (outofband)
		mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.end_or_remain = end_time;
		mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_ctxt_check = restart_ctxt;
		mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_pc_check = restart_pc;
		/* save current information from zintcmd_active */
		mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_ctxt_prior = TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_ctxt_last;
		mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.restart_pc_prior = TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_pc_last;
		TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_pc_last = restart_pc;
		TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).restart_ctxt_last = restart_ctxt;
		TAREF1(zintcmd_active, ZINTCMD_HANG).count++;
		mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_zintcmd.command = ZINTCMD_HANG;
Ejemplo n.º 10
int4 gds_rundown(void)
	boolean_t		canceled_dbsync_timer, canceled_flush_timer, ok_to_write_pfin;
	boolean_t		have_standalone_access, ipc_deleted, err_caught;
	boolean_t		is_cur_process_ss_initiator, remove_shm, vermismatch, we_are_last_user, we_are_last_writer, is_mm;
	boolean_t		unsafe_last_writer;
	char			time_str[CTIME_BEFORE_NL + 2]; /* for GET_CUR_TIME macro */
	gd_region		*reg;
	int			save_errno, status, rc;
	int4			semval, ftok_semval, sopcnt, ftok_sopcnt;
	short			crash_count;
	sm_long_t		munmap_len;
	sgmnt_addrs		*csa;
	sgmnt_data_ptr_t	csd;
	node_local_ptr_t	cnl;
	struct shmid_ds		shm_buf;
	struct sembuf		sop[2], ftok_sop[2];
	uint4           	jnl_status;
	unix_db_info		*udi;
	jnl_private_control	*jpc;
	jnl_buffer_ptr_t	jbp;
	shm_snapshot_t		*ss_shm_ptr;
	uint4			ss_pid, onln_rlbk_pid, holder_pid;
	boolean_t		was_crit;
	boolean_t		safe_mode; /* Do not flush or take down shared memory. */
	boolean_t		bypassed_ftok = FALSE, bypassed_access = FALSE, may_bypass_ftok, inst_is_frozen,
	int			secshrstat;
	intrpt_state_t		prev_intrpt_state;

	jnl_status = 0;
	reg = gv_cur_region;			/* Local copy */

	/* early out for cluster regions
	 * to avoid tripping the assert below.
	 * Note:
	 *	This early out is consistent with VMS.  It has been
	 *	noted that all of the gtcm assignments
	 *      to gv_cur_region should use the TP_CHANGE_REG
	 *	macro.  This would also avoid the assert problem
	 *	and should be done eventually.
	if (dba_cm == reg->dyn.addr->acc_meth)
		return EXIT_NRM;

	udi = FILE_INFO(reg);
	csa = &udi->s_addrs;
	csd = csa->hdr;
	assert(csa == cs_addrs && csd == cs_data);
	if ((reg->open) && (dba_usr == csd->acc_meth))
		return EXIT_NRM;
	/* If the process has standalone access, it has udi->grabbed_access_sem set to TRUE at this point. Note that down in a local
	 * variable as the udi->grabbed_access_sem is set to TRUE even for non-standalone access below and hence we can't rely on
	 * that later to determine if the process had standalone access or not when it entered this function.  We need to guarantee
	 * that none else access database file header when semid/shmid fields are reset.  We already have created ftok semaphore in
	 * db_init or, mu_rndwn_file and did not remove it.  So just lock it. We do it in blocking mode.
	have_standalone_access = udi->grabbed_access_sem; /* process holds standalone access */
	ESTABLISH_NORET(gds_rundown_ch, err_caught);
	if (err_caught)
		WITH_CH(gds_rundown_ch, gds_rundown_err_cleanup(have_standalone_access), 0);
		DEBUG_ONLY(ok_to_UNWIND_in_exit_handling = FALSE);
		return EXIT_ERR;
	assert(reg->open);			/* if we failed to open, dbinit_ch should have taken care of proper clean up */
	assert(!reg->opening);			/* see comment above */
	assert((dba_bg == csd->acc_meth) || (dba_mm == csd->acc_meth));
	is_mm = (dba_bg != csd->acc_meth);
	assert(!csa->hold_onto_crit || (csa->now_crit && jgbl.onlnrlbk));
	/* If we are online rollback, we should already be holding crit and should release it only at the end of this module. This
	 * is usually done by noting down csa->now_crit in a local variable (was_crit) and using it whenever we are about to
	 * grab_crit. But, there are instances (like mupip_set_journal.c) where we grab_crit but invoke gds_rundown without any
	 * preceeding rel_crit. Such code relies on the fact that gds_rundown does rel_crit unconditionally (to get locks to a known
	 * state). So, augment csa->now_crit with jgbl.onlnrlbk to track if we can rel_crit unconditionally or not in gds_rundown.
	was_crit = (csa->now_crit && jgbl.onlnrlbk);
	/* Cancel any pending flush timer for this region by this task */
	canceled_flush_timer = FALSE;
	canceled_dbsync_timer = FALSE;
	CANCEL_DB_TIMERS(reg, csa, canceled_flush_timer, canceled_dbsync_timer);
	we_are_last_user = FALSE;
	inst_is_frozen = IS_REPL_INST_FROZEN && REPL_ALLOWED(csa->hdr);
	if (!csa->persistent_freeze)
		region_freeze(reg, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE);
	if (!was_crit)
		rel_crit(reg);		/* get locks to known state */
	/* The only process that can invoke gds_rundown while holding access control semaphore is RECOVER/ROLLBACK. All the others
	 * (like MUPIP SET -FILE/MUPIP EXTEND would have invoked db_ipcs_reset() before invoking gds_rundown (from
	 * mupip_exit_handler). The only exception is when these processes encounter a terminate signal and they reach
	 * mupip_exit_handler while holding access control semaphore. Assert accordingly.
	assert(!have_standalone_access || mupip_jnl_recover || process_exiting);
	/* If we have standalone access, then ensure that a concurrent online rollback cannot be running at the same time as it
	 * needs the access control lock as well. The only expection is we are online rollback and currently running down.
	cnl = csa->nl;
	onln_rlbk_pid = cnl->onln_rlbk_pid;
	assert(!have_standalone_access || mupip_jnl_recover || !onln_rlbk_pid || !is_proc_alive(onln_rlbk_pid, 0));
	if (!have_standalone_access)
		if (-1 == (ftok_semval = semctl(udi->ftok_semid, DB_COUNTER_SEM, GETVAL))) /* Check # of procs counted on FTOK */
			save_errno = errno;
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
				  RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMCTL failed to get ftok_semval"), CALLFROM, errno);
		may_bypass_ftok = CAN_BYPASS(ftok_semval, csd, inst_is_frozen); /* Do we need a blocking wait? */
		/* We need to guarantee that no one else access database file header when semid/shmid fields are reset.
		 * We already have created ftok semaphore in db_init or mu_rndwn_file and did not remove it. So just lock it.
		if (!ftok_sem_lock(reg, may_bypass_ftok))
			if (may_bypass_ftok)
			{	/* We did a non-blocking wait. It's ok to proceed without locking */
				bypassed_ftok = TRUE;
				holder_pid = semctl(udi->ftok_semid, DB_CONTROL_SEM, GETPID);
				if ((uint4)-1 == holder_pid)
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
							ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
							RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMCTL failed to get holder_pid"),
							CALLFROM, errno);
				if (!IS_GTM_IMAGE) /* MUMPS processes should not flood syslog with bypass messages. */
					send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_RESRCINTRLCKBYPAS, 10,
						 LEN_AND_STR(gtmImageNames[image_type].imageName), process_id, LEN_AND_LIT("FTOK"),
						 REG_LEN_STR(reg), DB_LEN_STR(reg), holder_pid);
					send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_TEXT, 2,
							LEN_AND_LIT("FTOK bypassed at rundown"));
			} else
			{	/* We did a blocking wait but something bad happened. */
				FTOK_TRACE(csa, csa->ti->curr_tn, ftok_ops_lock, process_id);
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
		sop[0].sem_num = DB_CONTROL_SEM; sop[0].sem_op = 0;	/* Wait for 0 */
		sop[1].sem_num = DB_CONTROL_SEM; sop[1].sem_op = 1;	/* Lock */
		sopcnt = 2;
		sop[0].sem_flg = sop[1].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO | IPC_NOWAIT; /* Don't wait the first time thru */
		SEMOP(udi->semid, sop, sopcnt, status, NO_WAIT);
		if (0 != status)
			save_errno = errno;
			/* Check # of processes counted on access sem. */
			if (-1 == (semval = semctl(udi->semid, DB_COUNTER_SEM, GETVAL)))
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
					  RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMCTL failed to get semval"), CALLFROM, errno);
			bypassed_access = CAN_BYPASS(semval, csd, inst_is_frozen) || onln_rlbk_pid || csd->file_corrupt;
			/* Before attempting again in the blocking mode, see if the holding process is an online rollback.
			 * If so, it is likely we won't get the access control semaphore anytime soon. In that case, we
			 * are better off skipping rundown and continuing with sanity cleanup and exit.
			holder_pid = semctl(udi->semid, DB_CONTROL_SEM, GETPID);
			if ((uint4)-1 == holder_pid)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
					  RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMCTL failed to get holder_pid"), CALLFROM, errno);
			if (!bypassed_access)
			{	/* We couldn't get it in one shot-- see if we already have it */
				if (holder_pid == process_id)
					return EXIT_ERR;
				if (EAGAIN != save_errno)
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
							ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
							RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMOP on access control semaphore"),
							CALLFROM, save_errno);
				sop[0].sem_flg = sop[1].sem_flg = SEM_UNDO;	/* Try again - blocking this time */
				SEMOP(udi->semid, sop, 2, status, FORCED_WAIT);
				if (-1 == status)			/* We couldn't get it at all.. */
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
							ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
							RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMOP on access control semaphore"),
							CALLFROM, errno);
			} else if (!IS_GTM_IMAGE)
				send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_RESRCINTRLCKBYPAS, 10,
						LEN_AND_STR(gtmImageNames[image_type].imageName), process_id,
						LEN_AND_LIT("access control"), REG_LEN_STR(reg), DB_LEN_STR(reg), holder_pid);
				send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_TEXT, 2,
						LEN_AND_LIT("Access control bypassed at rundown"));
			udi->grabbed_access_sem = !bypassed_access;
	} /* else we we hold the access control semaphore and therefore have standalone access. We do not release it now - we
	   * release it later in mupip_exit_handler.c. Since we already hold the access control semaphore, we don't need the
	   * ftok semaphore and trying it could cause deadlock
	/* Note that in the case of online rollback, "udi->grabbed_access_sem" (and in turn "have_standalone_access") is TRUE.
	 * But there could be other processes still having the database open so we cannot safely reset the halted fields.
	if (have_standalone_access && !jgbl.onlnrlbk)
		csd->ftok_counter_halted = csd->access_counter_halted = FALSE;
	ftok_counter_halted = csd->ftok_counter_halted;
	access_counter_halted = csd->access_counter_halted;
	/* If we bypassed any of the semaphores, activate safe mode.
	 * Also, if the replication instance is frozen and this db has replication turned on (which means
	 * no flushes of dirty buffers to this db can happen while the instance is frozen) activate safe mode.
	ok_to_write_pfin = !(bypassed_access || bypassed_ftok || inst_is_frozen);
	safe_mode = !ok_to_write_pfin || ftok_counter_halted || access_counter_halted;
	/* At this point we are guaranteed no one else is doing a db_init/rundown as we hold the access control semaphore */
	assert(csa->ref_cnt);	/* decrement private ref_cnt before shared ref_cnt decrement. */
	csa->ref_cnt--;		/* Currently journaling logic in gds_rundown() in VMS relies on this order to detect last writer */
	if (memcmp(cnl->now_running, gtm_release_name, gtm_release_name_len + 1))
	{	/* VERMISMATCH condition. Possible only if DSE */
		vermismatch = TRUE;
	} else
		vermismatch = FALSE;
	if (-1 == shmctl(udi->shmid, IPC_STAT, &shm_buf))
		save_errno = errno;
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
				RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown shmctl"), CALLFROM, save_errno);
	} else
		we_are_last_user =  (1 == shm_buf.shm_nattch) && !vermismatch && !safe_mode;
	/* recover => one user except ONLINE ROLLBACK, or standalone with frozen instance */
	assert(!have_standalone_access || we_are_last_user || jgbl.onlnrlbk || inst_is_frozen);
	if (-1 == (semval = semctl(udi->semid, DB_COUNTER_SEM, GETVAL)))
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
			  RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMCTL failed to get semval"), CALLFROM, errno);
	/* There's one writer left and I am it */
	assert(reg->read_only || semval >= 0);
	unsafe_last_writer = (DB_COUNTER_SEM_INCR == semval) && (FALSE == reg->read_only) && !vermismatch;
	we_are_last_writer = unsafe_last_writer && !safe_mode;
	assert(!we_are_last_writer || !safe_mode);
	assert(!we_are_last_user || !safe_mode);
	/* recover + R/W region => one writer except ONLINE ROLLBACK, or standalone with frozen instance, leading to safe_mode */
	assert(!(have_standalone_access && !reg->read_only) || we_are_last_writer || jgbl.onlnrlbk || inst_is_frozen);
	GTM_WHITE_BOX_TEST(WBTEST_ANTIFREEZE_JNLCLOSE, we_are_last_writer, 1); /* Assume we are the last writer to invoke wcs_flu */
	if (!have_standalone_access && (-1 == (ftok_semval = semctl(udi->ftok_semid, DB_COUNTER_SEM, GETVAL))))
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
			  RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown SEMCTL failed to get ftok_semval"), CALLFROM, errno);
	if (NULL != csa->ss_ctx)
	/* SS_MULTI: If multiple snapshots are supported, then we have to run through each of the snapshots */
	assert(1 == MAX_SNAPSHOTS);
	ss_shm_ptr = (shm_snapshot_ptr_t)SS_GETSTARTPTR(csa);
	ss_pid = ss_shm_ptr->ss_info.ss_pid;
	is_cur_process_ss_initiator = (process_id == ss_pid);
	if (ss_pid && (is_cur_process_ss_initiator || we_are_last_user))
		/* Try getting snapshot crit latch. If we don't get latch, we won't hang for eternity and will skip
		 * doing the orphaned snapshot cleanup. It will be cleaned up eventually either by subsequent MUPIP
		if (ss_get_lock_nowait(reg) && (ss_pid == ss_shm_ptr->ss_info.ss_pid)
			&& (is_cur_process_ss_initiator || !is_proc_alive(ss_pid, 0)))
	/* If cnl->donotflush_dbjnl is set, it means mupip recover/rollback was interrupted and therefore we need not flush
	 * shared memory contents to disk as they might be in an inconsistent state. Moreover, any more flushing will only cause
	 * future rollback to undo more journal records (PBLKs). In this case, we will go ahead and remove shared memory (without
	 * flushing the contents) in this routine. A reissue of the recover/rollback command will restore the database to a
	 * consistent state.
	if (!cnl->donotflush_dbjnl && !reg->read_only && !vermismatch)
	{	/* If we had an orphaned block and were interrupted, set wc_blocked so we can invoke wcs_recover. Do it ONLY
		 * if there is NO concurrent online rollback running (as we need crit to set wc_blocked)
		if (csa->wbuf_dqd && !is_mm)
		{	/* If we had an orphaned block and were interrupted, mupip_exit_handler will invoke secshr_db_clnup which
			 * will clear this field and so we should never come to gds_rundown with a non-zero wbuf_dqd. The only
			 * exception is if we are recover/rollback in which case gds_rundown (from mur_close_files) is invoked
			 * BEFORE secshr_db_clnup in mur_close_files.
			 * Note: It is NOT possible for online rollback to reach here with wbuf_dqd being non-zero. This is because
			 * the moment we apply the first PBLK, we stop all interrupts and hence can never be interrupted in
			 * wcs_wtstart or wcs_get_space. Assert accordingly.
			assert(mupip_jnl_recover && !jgbl.onlnrlbk && !safe_mode);
			if (!was_crit)
			SET_TRACEABLE_VAR(cnl->wc_blocked, TRUE);
			BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, wcb_gds_rundown);
                        send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_WCBLOCKED, 6, LEN_AND_LIT("wcb_gds_rundown"),
                                process_id, &csa->ti->curr_tn, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
			csa->wbuf_dqd = 0;
			BG_TRACE_PRO_ANY(csa, lost_block_recovery);
			if (!was_crit)
			originator_prc_vec = NULL;
		/* If we are the last writing user, then everything must be flushed */
		if (we_are_last_writer)
		{	/* Time to flush out all of our buffers */
			if (is_mm)
				cnl->remove_shm = TRUE;
			if (cnl->wc_blocked && jgbl.onlnrlbk)
			{	/* if the last update done by online rollback was not committed in the normal code-path but was
				 * completed by secshr_db_clnup, wc_blocked will be set to TRUE. But, since online rollback never
				 * invokes grab_crit (since csa->hold_onto_crit is set to TRUE), wcs_recover is never invoked. This
				 * could result in the last update never getting flushed to the disk and if online rollback happened
				 * to be the last writer then the shared memory will be flushed and removed and the last update will
				 * be lost. So, force wcs_recover if we find ourselves in such a situation. But, wc_blocked is
				 * possible only if phase1 or phase2 errors are induced using white box test cases
			/* Note WCSFLU_SYNC_EPOCH ensures the epoch is synced to the journal and indirectly
			 * also ensures that the db is fsynced. We don't want to use it in the calls to
			 * wcs_flu() from t_end() and tp_tend() since we can defer it to out-of-crit there.
			 * In this case, since we are running down, we don't have any such option.
			/* Since we_are_last_writer, we should be guaranteed that wcs_flu() did not change csd, (in
			 * case of MM for potential file extension), even if it did a grab_crit().  Therefore, make
			 * sure that's true.
			assert(csd == csa->hdr);
			assert(0 == memcmp(csd->label, GDS_LABEL, GDS_LABEL_SZ - 1));
		} else if (((canceled_flush_timer && (0 > cnl->wcs_timers)) || canceled_dbsync_timer) && !inst_is_frozen)
		{	/* canceled pending db or jnl flush timers - flush database and journal buffers to disk */
			if (!was_crit)
			/* we need to sync the epoch as the fact that there is no active pending flush timer implies
			 * there will be noone else who will flush the dirty buffers and EPOCH to disk in a timely fashion
			if (!was_crit)
			assert((dba_mm == cs_data->acc_meth) || (csd == cs_data));
			csd = cs_data;	/* In case this is MM and wcs_flu() remapped an extended database, reset csd */
		/* Do rundown journal processing after buffer flushes since they require jnl to be open */
		if (JNL_ENABLED(csd))
		{	/* the following tp_change_reg() is not needed due to the assert csa == cs_addrs at the beginning
			 * of gds_rundown(), but just to be safe. To be removed by 2002!! --- nars -- 2001/04/25.
			tp_change_reg();	/* call this because jnl_ensure_open checks cs_addrs rather than gv_cur_region */
			jpc = csa->jnl;
			jbp = jpc->jnl_buff;
			if (jbp->fsync_in_prog_latch.u.parts.latch_pid == process_id)
                                COMPSWAP_UNLOCK(&jbp->fsync_in_prog_latch, process_id, 0, LOCK_AVAILABLE, 0);
                        if (jbp->io_in_prog_latch.u.parts.latch_pid == process_id)
                                COMPSWAP_UNLOCK(&jbp->io_in_prog_latch, process_id, 0, LOCK_AVAILABLE, 0);
			if ((((NOJNL != jpc->channel) && !JNL_FILE_SWITCHED(jpc))
				|| we_are_last_writer && (0 != cnl->jnl_file.u.inode)) && ok_to_write_pfin)
			{	/* We need to close the journal file cleanly if we have the latest generation journal file open
				 *	or if we are the last writer and the journal file is open in shared memory (not necessarily
				 *	by ourselves e.g. the only process that opened the journal got shot abnormally)
				 * Note: we should not infer anything from the shared memory value of cnl->jnl_file.u.inode
				 * 	if we are not the last writer as it can be concurrently updated.
				if (!was_crit)
				if (JNL_ENABLED(csd))
					SET_GBL_JREC_TIME; /* jnl_ensure_open/jnl_put_jrt_pini/pfin/jnl_file_close all need it */
					/* Before writing to jnlfile, adjust jgbl.gbl_jrec_time if needed to maintain time order
					 * of jnl records. This needs to be done BEFORE the jnl_ensure_open as that could write
					 * journal records (if it decides to switch to a new journal file).
					ADJUST_GBL_JREC_TIME(jgbl, jbp);
					jnl_status = jnl_ensure_open();
					if (0 == jnl_status)
					{	/* If we_are_last_writer, we would have already done a wcs_flu() which would
						 * have written an epoch record and we are guaranteed no further updates
						 * since we are the last writer. So, just close the journal.
						 * If the freeaddr == post_epoch_freeaddr, wcs_flu may have skipped writing
						 * a pini, so allow for that.
						assert(!jbp->before_images || is_mm
						    || !we_are_last_writer || (0 != jpc->pini_addr) || jgbl.mur_extract
						    || (jpc->jnl_buff->freeaddr == jpc->jnl_buff->post_epoch_freeaddr));
						/* If we haven't written a pini, let jnl_file_close write the pini/pfin. */
						if (!jgbl.mur_extract && (0 != jpc->pini_addr))
						/* If not the last writer and no pending flush timer left, do jnl flush now */
						if (!we_are_last_writer && (0 > cnl->wcs_timers))
							if (SS_NORMAL == (jnl_status = jnl_flush(reg)))
								assert(jbp->freeaddr == jbp->dskaddr);
								jnl_fsync(reg, jbp->dskaddr);
								assert(jbp->fsync_dskaddr == jbp->dskaddr);
							} else
								send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_JNLFLUSH, 2,
									JNL_LEN_STR(csd), ERR_TEXT, 2,
									RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error with journal flush in gds_rundown"),
								assert(NOJNL == jpc->channel);/* jnl file lost has been triggered */
								/* In this routine, all code that follows from here on does not
								 * assume anything about the journaling characteristics of this
								 * database so it is safe to continue execution even though
								 * journaling got closed in the middle.
						jnl_file_close(reg, we_are_last_writer, FALSE);
					} else
						send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) jnl_status, 4, JNL_LEN_STR(csd),
				if (!was_crit)
		if (we_are_last_writer)			/* Flush the fileheader last and harden the file to disk */
			if (!was_crit)
				grab_crit(reg);			/* To satisfy crit requirement in fileheader_sync() */
			memset(csd->machine_name, 0, MAX_MCNAMELEN); /* clear the machine_name field */
			if (!have_standalone_access && we_are_last_user)
			{	/* mupip_exit_handler will do this after mur_close_file */
				csd->semid = INVALID_SEMID;
				csd->shmid = INVALID_SHMID;
				csd->gt_sem_ctime.ctime = 0;
				csd->gt_shm_ctime.ctime = 0;
			if (!was_crit)
			if (!is_mm)
				GTM_DB_FSYNC(csa, udi->fd, rc);		/* Sync it all */
				if (-1 == rc)
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
						  ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error during file sync at close"), errno);
			} else
			{	/* Now do final MM file sync before exit */
				assert(csa->ti->total_blks == csa->total_blks);
				#ifdef _AIX
				GTM_DB_FSYNC(csa, udi->fd, rc);
				if (-1 == rc)
				if (-1 == MSYNC((caddr_t)csa->db_addrs[0], (caddr_t)csa->db_addrs[1]))
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
						  ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Error during file sync at close"), errno);
		} else if (unsafe_last_writer && !cnl->lastwriterbypas_msg_issued)
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_LASTWRITERBYPAS, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
			cnl->lastwriterbypas_msg_issued = TRUE;
	} /* end if (!reg->read_only && !cnl->donotflush_dbjnl) */
	/* We had canceled all db timers at start of rundown. In case as part of rundown (wcs_flu above), we had started
	 * any timers, cancel them BEFORE setting reg->open to FALSE (assert in wcs_clean_dbsync relies on this).
	CANCEL_DB_TIMERS(reg, csa, canceled_flush_timer, canceled_dbsync_timer);
	if (reg->read_only && we_are_last_user && !have_standalone_access && cnl->remove_shm)
	{	/* mupip_exit_handler will do this after mur_close_file */
		db_ipcs.semid = INVALID_SEMID;
		db_ipcs.shmid = INVALID_SHMID;
		db_ipcs.gt_sem_ctime = 0;
		db_ipcs.gt_shm_ctime = 0;
		db_ipcs.fn_len = reg->dyn.addr->fname_len;
		memcpy(db_ipcs.fn, reg->dyn.addr->fname, reg->dyn.addr->fname_len);
		db_ipcs.fn[reg->dyn.addr->fname_len] = 0;
 		/* request gtmsecshr to flush. read_only cannot flush itself */
		if (!csa->read_only_fs)
			secshrstat = send_mesg2gtmsecshr(FLUSH_DB_IPCS_INFO, 0, (char *)NULL, 0);
			if (0 != secshrstat)
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
					  ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gtmsecshr failed to update database file header"));
	/* Done with file now, close it */
	CLOSEFILE_RESET(udi->fd, rc);	/* resets "udi->fd" to FD_INVALID */
	if (-1 == rc)
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
			  ERR_TEXT, 2, LEN_AND_LIT("Error during file close"), errno);
	/* Unmap storage if mm mode but only the part that is not the fileheader (so shows up in dumps) */
#	if !defined(_AIX)
	if (is_mm && (NULL != csa->db_addrs[0]))
		assert(csa->db_addrs[1] > csa->db_addrs[0]);
		munmap_len = (sm_long_t)(csa->db_addrs[1] - csa->db_addrs[0]);
		if (0 < munmap_len)
			munmap((caddr_t)(csa->db_addrs[0]), (size_t)(munmap_len));
#	endif
	/* Detach our shared memory while still under lock so reference counts will be correct for the next process to run down
	 * this region. In the process also get the remove_shm status from node_local before detaching.
	 * If cnl->donotflush_dbjnl is TRUE, it means we can safely remove shared memory without compromising data
	 * integrity as a reissue of recover will restore the database to a consistent state.
	remove_shm = !vermismatch && (cnl->remove_shm || cnl->donotflush_dbjnl);
	/* We are done with online rollback on this region. Indicate to other processes by setting the onln_rlbk_pid to 0.
	 * Do it before releasing crit (t_end relies on this ordering when accessing cnl->onln_rlbk_pid).
	if (jgbl.onlnrlbk)
		cnl->onln_rlbk_pid = 0;
	rel_crit(reg); /* Since we are about to detach from the shared memory, release crit and reset onln_rlbk_pid */
	/* If we had skipped flushing journal and database buffers due to a concurrent online rollback, increment the counter
	 * indicating that in the shared memory so that online rollback can report the # of such processes when it shuts down.
	 * The same thing is done for both FTOK and access control semaphores when there are too many MUMPS processes.
	if (safe_mode) /* indicates flushing was skipped */
		if (bypassed_access)
			cnl->dbrndwn_access_skip++; /* Access semaphore can be bypassed during online rollback */
		if (bypassed_ftok)
	if (jgbl.onlnrlbk)
		csa->hold_onto_crit = FALSE;
	GTM_WHITE_BOX_TEST(WBTEST_HOLD_SEM_BYPASS, cnl->wbox_test_seq_num, 0);
	status = shmdt((caddr_t)cnl);
	csa->nl = NULL; /* dereferencing nl after detach is not right, so we set it to NULL so that we can test before dereference*/
	/* Note that although csa->nl is NULL, we use CSA_ARG(csa) below (not CSA_ARG(NULL)) to be consistent with similar
	 * usages before csa->nl became NULL. The "is_anticipatory_freeze_needed" function (which is in turn called by the
	 * CHECK_IF_FREEZE_ON_ERROR_NEEDED macro) does a check of csa->nl before dereferencing shared memory contents so
	 * we are safe passing "csa".
	if (-1 == status)
		send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(9) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg), ERR_TEXT, 2,
				LEN_AND_LIT("Error during shmdt"), errno);
	REMOVE_CSA_FROM_CSADDRSLIST(csa);	/* remove "csa" from list of open regions (cs_addrs_list) */
	reg->open = FALSE;
	/* If file is still not in good shape, die here and now before we get rid of our storage */
	assertpro(0 == csa->wbuf_dqd);
	ipc_deleted = FALSE;
	/* If we are the very last user, remove shared storage id and the semaphores */
	if (we_are_last_user)
	{	/* remove shared storage, only if last writer to rundown did a successful wcs_flu() */
		if (remove_shm)
			ipc_deleted = TRUE;
			if (0 != shm_rmid(udi->shmid))
				rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
					ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Unable to remove shared memory"));
			/* Note that we no longer have a new shared memory. Currently only used/usable for standalone rollback. */
			udi->new_shm = FALSE;
			/* mupip recover/rollback don't release the semaphore here, but do it later in db_ipcs_reset (invoked from
			 * mur_close_files())
			if (!have_standalone_access)
				if (0 != sem_rmid(udi->semid))
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
						      ERR_TEXT, 2, RTS_ERROR_TEXT("Unable to remove semaphore"));
				udi->new_sem = FALSE;			/* Note that we no longer have a new semaphore */
				udi->grabbed_access_sem = FALSE;
				udi->counter_acc_incremented = FALSE;
		} else if (is_src_server || is_updproc)
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_DBRNDWNWRN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), process_id, process_id);
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_DBRNDWNWRN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), process_id, process_id);
		} else
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(6) ERR_DBRNDWNWRN, 4, DB_LEN_STR(reg), process_id, process_id);
	} else
		assert(!have_standalone_access || jgbl.onlnrlbk || safe_mode);
		if (!jgbl.onlnrlbk && !have_standalone_access)
		{ 	/* If we were writing, get rid of our writer access count semaphore */
			if (!reg->read_only)
				if (!access_counter_halted)
					save_errno = do_semop(udi->semid, DB_COUNTER_SEM, -DB_COUNTER_SEM_INCR, SEM_UNDO);
					if (0 != save_errno)
						rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
								ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
								RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown access control semaphore decrement"),
								CALLFROM, save_errno);
				udi->counter_acc_incremented = FALSE;
			assert(safe_mode || !bypassed_access);
			/* Now remove the rundown lock */
			if (!bypassed_access)
				if (0 != (save_errno = do_semop(udi->semid, DB_CONTROL_SEM, -1, SEM_UNDO)))
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(12) ERR_CRITSEMFAIL, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg),
							ERR_SYSCALL, 5,
							RTS_ERROR_TEXT("gds_rundown access control semaphore release"),
							CALLFROM, save_errno);
				udi->grabbed_access_sem = FALSE;
		} /* else access control semaphore will be released in db_ipcs_reset */
	if (!have_standalone_access)
		if (bypassed_ftok)
			if (!ftok_counter_halted)
				if (0 != (save_errno = do_semop(udi->ftok_semid, DB_COUNTER_SEM, -DB_COUNTER_SEM_INCR, SEM_UNDO)))
					rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
		} else if (!ftok_sem_release(reg, !ftok_counter_halted, FALSE))
			FTOK_TRACE(csa, csa->ti->curr_tn, ftok_ops_release, process_id);
			rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_DBFILERR, 2, DB_LEN_STR(reg));
		udi->grabbed_ftok_sem = FALSE;
		udi->counter_ftok_incremented = FALSE;
	if (!ipc_deleted)
		if (is_src_server)
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_IPCNOTDEL, 6, CTIME_BEFORE_NL, time_str,
				LEN_AND_LIT("Source server"), REG_LEN_STR(reg));
		if (is_updproc)
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_IPCNOTDEL, 6, CTIME_BEFORE_NL, time_str,
				LEN_AND_LIT("Update process"), REG_LEN_STR(reg));
		if (mupip_jnl_recover && (!jgbl.onlnrlbk || !we_are_last_user))
			gtm_putmsg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_IPCNOTDEL, 6, CTIME_BEFORE_NL, time_str,
				LEN_AND_LIT("Mupip journal process"), REG_LEN_STR(reg));
			send_msg_csa(CSA_ARG(csa) VARLSTCNT(8) ERR_IPCNOTDEL, 6, CTIME_BEFORE_NL, time_str,
				LEN_AND_LIT("Mupip journal process"), REG_LEN_STR(reg));
	return EXIT_NRM;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * Routine to perform string-level case conversion to "upper", "lower" and "title" case.
 * Since ICU only supports API using UTF-16 representation, case conversion of UTF-8 strings involves
 * encoding conversion as described below:
 * 	1. First, the UTF-8 source string is converted to UTF-16 representation (u_strFromUTF8())
 * 	   which is stored in a local buffer of size MAX_ZCONVBUFF. If this space is not sufficient,
 * 	   we try to allocate it in heap.
 * 	2. Since case conversion may expand the string, we compute the desired space required by
 * 	   preflighting the ICU case conversion API and then allocate the space before performing
 * 	   the real conversion.
 * 	3. Translating the converted UTF-16 string back to UTF-8 is done in stringpool (with similar
 * 	   preflighting to compute the required space.
 * NOTE:
 * 	Malloc is used only if the size exceeds 2K characters (a very unlikely situation esp. with
 * 	case conversion).
void	op_fnzconvert2(mval *src, mval *kase, mval *dst)
	int		index;
	int32_t		src_ustr_len, src_chlen, dst_chlen, ulen, dstlen = 0;
	UErrorCode	status;
	char		*dstbase;
	UChar		src_ustr[MAX_ZCONVBUFF], dst_ustr[MAX_ZCONVBUFF], *src_ustr_ptr, *dst_ustr_ptr;
	intrpt_state_t  prev_intrpt_state;


	if (-1 == (index = verify_case(&kase->str)))
		rts_error_csa(CSA_ARG(NULL) VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_BADCASECODE, 2, kase->str.len, kase->str.addr);

	/* allocate stringpool */
	if (!gtm_utf8_mode)
		dstlen = src->str.len;
		dstbase = (char *)stringpool.free;
		assert(NULL != casemaps[index].m);
		(*casemaps[index].m)((unsigned char *)dstbase, (unsigned char *)src->str.addr, dstlen);
	} else if (0 != src->str.len)
		if (2 * src->str.char_len <= MAX_ZCONVBUFF)
		{ /* Check if the stack buffer is sufficient considering the worst case where all
		     characters are surrogate pairs, each of which needs 2 UChars */
			src_ustr_ptr = src_ustr;
			src_ustr_len = MAX_ZCONVBUFF;
		} else
		  /* To avoid preflight, allocate (2 * lenght of src->str.char_len). */
			src_ustr_len = 2 * src->str.char_len;
			src_ustr_ptr = (UChar*)malloc(src_ustr_len * SIZEOF(UChar));
		/* Convert UTF-8 src to UTF-16 (UChar*) representation */
		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		u_strFromUTF8(src_ustr_ptr, src_ustr_len, &src_chlen, src->str.addr, src->str.len, &status);
		if (U_FAILURE(status))
			RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(src_ustr_ptr, src_ustr);
			if (U_ILLEGAL_CHAR_FOUND == status || U_INVALID_CHAR_FOUND == status)
				utf8_len_strict((unsigned char *)src->str.addr, src->str.len);	/* to report BADCHAR error */
						1, status); /* ICU said bad, we say good or don't recognize error*/
		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		dst_ustr_ptr = dst_ustr;
		dst_chlen = (*casemaps[index].u)(dst_ustr_ptr, MAX_ZCONVBUFF, src_ustr_ptr, src_chlen, NULL, &status);
		if ( U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == status )
			status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
			dst_ustr_ptr = (UChar*)malloc(dst_chlen * SIZEOF(UChar));
			/* Now, perform the real conversion with sufficient buffers */
			dst_chlen = (*casemaps[index].u)(dst_ustr_ptr, dst_chlen, src_ustr_ptr, src_chlen, NULL, &status);
		} else if ( U_FILE_ACCESS_ERROR == status )
			RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(src_ustr_ptr, src_ustr);
					1, status);
		RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(src_ustr_ptr, src_ustr);
		/* Fake the conversion from UTF-16 to UTF-8 to compute the required buffer size */
		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		dstlen = 0;
		u_strToUTF8(NULL, 0, &dstlen, dst_ustr_ptr, dst_chlen, &status);
		assert(U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR == status || U_SUCCESS(status));
		if (MAX_STRLEN < dstlen)
			RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(dst_ustr_ptr, dst_ustr);
		dstbase = (char *)stringpool.free;
		status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
		u_strToUTF8(dstbase, dstlen, &ulen, dst_ustr_ptr, dst_chlen, &status);
		if (U_FAILURE(status))
			RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(src_ustr_ptr, src_ustr);
			RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(dst_ustr_ptr, dst_ustr);
					1, status); /* ICU said bad, but same call above just returned OK */
		assertpro(ulen == dstlen);
		RELEASE_IF_NOT_LOCAL(dst_ustr_ptr, dst_ustr);
	MV_INIT_STRING(dst, dstlen, dstbase);
	stringpool.free += dstlen;
Ejemplo n.º 12
int gtm_trigger(gv_trigger_t *trigdsc, gtm_trigger_parms *trigprm)
	mval		*lvvalue;
	lnr_tabent	*lbl_offset_p;
	uchar_ptr_t	transfer_addr;
	lv_val		*lvval;
	mname_entry	*mne_p;
	uint4		*indx_p;
	ht_ent_mname	*tabent;
	boolean_t	added;
	int		clrlen, rc, i, unwinds;
	mval		**lvvalarray;
	mv_stent	*mv_st_ent;
	symval		*new_symval;
	uint4		dollar_tlevel_start;
	stack_frame	*fp, *fpprev;

	assert(!skip_dbtriggers);	/* should not come here if triggers are not supposed to be invoked */
	assert((NULL != trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr) || ((MV_STR & trigdsc->xecute_str.mvtype)
						      && (0 != trigdsc->xecute_str.str.len)
						      && (NULL != trigdsc->xecute_str.str.addr)));
	/* Determine if trigger needs to be compiled */
	if (NULL == trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr)
	{	/* No routine hdr addr exists. Need to do compile */
		if (0 != gtm_trigger_complink(trigdsc, TRUE))
			PRN_ERROR;	/* Leave record of what error caused the compilation failure if any */
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_TRIGCOMPFAIL, 2, trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.len, trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.addr);
	assert(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr == CURRENT_RHEAD_ADR(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr));
	/* Setup trigger environment stack frame(s) for execution */
	if (!(frame_pointer->type & SFT_TRIGR))
	{	/* Create new trigger base frame first that back-stops stack unrolling and return to us */
		if (GTM_TRIGGER_DEPTH_MAX < (gtm_trigger_depth + 1))	/* Verify we won't nest too deep */
		DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: PUSH: frame_pointer 0x%016lx  ctxt value: 0x%016lx\n", frame_pointer, ctxt));
		/* Protect against interrupts while we have only a trigger base frame on the stack */
		/* The current frame invoked a trigger. We cannot return to it for a TP restart or other reason unless
		 * either the total operation (including trigger) succeeds and we unwind normally or unless the mpc is reset
		 * (like what happens in various error or restart conditions) because right now it returns to where a database
		 * command (KILL, SET or ZTRIGGER) was entered. Set flag in the frame to prevent MUM_TSTART unless the frame gets
		 * reset.
		frame_pointer->flags |= SFF_TRIGR_CALLD;	/* Do not return to this frame via MUM_TSTART */
		DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: Setting SFF_TRIGR_CALLD in frame 0x"lvaddr"\n", frame_pointer));
		/* Finish base frame initialization - reset mpc/context to return to us without unwinding base frame */
		frame_pointer->type |= SFT_TRIGR;
#		if defined(__hpux) && defined(__hppa)
		/* For HPUX-HPPA (PA-RISC), we use longjmp() to return to gtm_trigger() to avoid some some space register
		 * corruption issues. Use call-ins already existing mechanism for doing this. Although we no longer support
		 * HPUX-HPPA for triggers due to some unlocated space register error, this code (effectively always ifdef'd
		 * out) left in in case it gets resurrected in the future (01/2010 SE).
		frame_pointer->mpc = CODE_ADDRESS(ci_ret_code);
		frame_pointer->ctxt = GTM_CONTEXT(ci_ret_code);
#		else
		frame_pointer->mpc = CODE_ADDRESS(gtm_levl_ret_code);
		frame_pointer->ctxt = GTM_CONTEXT(gtm_levl_ret_code);
#		endif
		/* This base stack frame is also where we save environmental info for all triggers invoked at this stack level.
		 * Subsequent triggers fired at this level in this trigger invocation need only reinitialize a few things but
		 * can avoid "the big save".
		if (NULL == trigr_symval_list)
		{	/* No available symvals for use with this trigger, create one */
			symbinit();	/* Initialize a symbol table the trigger will use */
			curr_symval->trigr_symval = TRUE;	/* Mark as trigger symval so will be saved not decommissioned */
		} else
		{	/* Trigger symval is available for reuse */
			new_symval = trigr_symval_list;
			trigr_symval_list = new_symval->last_tab;		/* dequeue new curr_symval from list */
			REINIT_SYMVAL_BLK(new_symval, curr_symval);
			curr_symval = new_symval;
			mv_chain->mv_st_cont.mvs_stab = new_symval;		/* So unw_mv_ent() can requeue it for later use */
		/* Push our trigger environment save mv_stent onto the chain */
		mv_st_ent = mv_chain;
		/* Initialize the mv_stent elements processed by stp_gcol which can be called by either op_gvsavtarg() or
		 * by the extnam saving code below. This initialization keeps stp_gcol - should it be called - from attempting
		 * to process unset fields filled with garbage in them as valid mstr address/length pairs.
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savtarg.str.len = 0;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savextref.len = 0;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.dollar_etrap_save.str.len = 0;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.dollar_ztrap_save.str.len = 0;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.saved_dollar_truth = dollar_truth;
		if (extnam_str.len)
			mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savextref.addr = (char *)stringpool.free;
			memcpy(mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savextref.addr, extnam_str.addr, extnam_str.len);
			stringpool.free += extnam_str.len;
			assert(stringpool.free <= stringpool.top);
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savextref.len = extnam_str.len;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztname_save = dollar_ztname;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztdata_save = dollar_ztdata;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztoldval_save = dollar_ztoldval;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztriggerop_save = dollar_ztriggerop;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztupdate_save = dollar_ztupdate;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztvalue_save = dollar_ztvalue;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztvalue_changed_ptr = ztvalue_changed_ptr;
#		ifdef DEBUG
		/* In a debug process, these fields give clues of what trigger we are working on */
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.gtm_trigdsc_last_save = trigdsc;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.gtm_trigprm_last_save = trigprm;
#		endif
		assert(((0 == gtm_trigger_depth) && (ch_at_trigger_init == ctxt->ch))
		       || ((0 < gtm_trigger_depth) && (&mdb_condition_handler == ctxt->ch)));
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ctxt_save = ctxt;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.gtm_trigger_depth_save = gtm_trigger_depth;
		if (0 == gtm_trigger_depth)
		{	/* Only back up $*trap settings when initiating the first trigger level */
			mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.dollar_etrap_save = dollar_etrap;
			mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.dollar_ztrap_save = dollar_ztrap;
			mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.ztrap_explicit_null_save = ztrap_explicit_null;
			dollar_ztrap.str.len = 0;
			ztrap_explicit_null = FALSE;
			if (NULL != gtm_trigger_etrap.str.addr)
				/* An etrap was defined for the trigger environment - Else existing $etrap persists */
				dollar_etrap = gtm_trigger_etrap;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.mumps_status_save = mumps_status;
		mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.run_time_save = run_time;
		/* See if a MERGE launched the trigger. If yes, save some state so ZWRITE, ZSHOW and/or MERGE can be
		 * run in the trigger we dispatch. */
		if ((0 != merge_args) || TREF(in_zwrite))
		mumps_status = 0;
		run_time = TRUE;	/* Previous value saved just above restored when frame pops */
	} else
	{	/* Trigger base frame exists so reinitialize the symbol table for new trigger invocation */
		REINIT_SYMVAL_BLK(curr_symval, curr_symval->last_tab);
		/* Locate the MVST_TRIGR mv_stent containing the backed up values. Some of those values need
		 * to be restored so the 2nd trigger has the same environment as the previous trigger at this level
		for (mv_st_ent = mv_chain;
		     (NULL != mv_st_ent) && (MVST_TRIGR != mv_st_ent->mv_st_type);
		     mv_st_ent = (mv_stent *)(mv_st_ent->mv_st_next + (char *)mv_st_ent))
		assert(NULL != mv_st_ent);
		assert((char *)mv_st_ent < (char *)frame_pointer); /* Ensure mv_stent associated this trigger frame */
		/* Reinit backed up values from the trigger environment backup */
		dollar_truth = mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.saved_dollar_truth;
		extnam_str.len = mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savextref.len;
		if (extnam_str.len)
			memcpy(extnam_str.addr, mv_st_ent->mv_st_cont.mvs_trigr.savextref.addr, extnam_str.len);
		mumps_status = 0;
		/* Note we do not reset the handlers for parallel triggers - set one time only when enter first level
		 * trigger. After that, whatever happens in trigger world, stays in trigger world.
	assert(frame_pointer->type & SFT_TRIGR);
#	ifdef DEBUG
	gtm_trigdsc_last = trigdsc;
	gtm_trigprm_last = trigprm;
#	endif
	/* Set new value of trigger ISVs. Previous values already saved in trigger base frame */
	dollar_ztname = &trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name;
	dollar_ztdata = (mval *)trigprm->ztdata_new;
	dollar_ztoldval = trigprm->ztoldval_new;
	dollar_ztriggerop = (mval *)trigprm->ztriggerop_new;
	dollar_ztupdate = trigprm->ztupdate_new;
	dollar_ztvalue = trigprm->ztvalue_new;
	ztvalue_changed_ptr = &trigprm->ztvalue_changed;
	/* Set values associated with trigger into symbol table */
	lvvalarray = trigprm->lvvalarray;
	for (i = 0, mne_p = trigdsc->lvnamearray, indx_p = trigdsc->lvindexarray;
	     i < trigdsc->numlvsubs; ++i, ++mne_p, ++indx_p)
	{	/* Once thru for each subscript we are to set */
		lvvalue = lvvalarray[*indx_p];			/* Locate mval that contains value */
		assert(NULL != lvvalue);
		assert(MV_DEFINED(lvvalue));			/* No sense in defining the undefined */
		lvval = lv_getslot(curr_symval);		/* Allocate an lvval to put into symbol table */
		LVVAL_INIT(lvval, curr_symval);
		lvval->v = *lvvalue;				/* Copy mval into lvval */
		added = add_hashtab_mname_symval(&curr_symval->h_symtab, mne_p, lvval, &tabent);
		assert(NULL != tabent);
	/* While the routine header is available in trigdsc, we also need the <null> label address associated with
	 *  the first (and only) line of code.
	lbl_offset_p = LNRTAB_ADR(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr);
	transfer_addr = (uchar_ptr_t)LINE_NUMBER_ADDR(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr, lbl_offset_p);
	/* Create new stack frame for invoked trigger in same fashion as gtm_init_env() creates its 2ndary frame */
	new_stack_frame(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr, (unsigned char *)LINKAGE_ADR(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr), transfer_addr);
#	else
	/* Any platform that does not follow pv-based linkage model either
	 *	(1) uses the following calculation to determine the context pointer value, or
	 *	(2) doesn't need a context pointer
	new_stack_frame(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr, PTEXT_ADR(trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_adr), transfer_addr);
#	endif
	dollar_tlevel_start = dollar_tlevel;
	assert(gv_target->gd_csa == cs_addrs);
	gv_target->trig_local_tn = local_tn;			/* Record trigger being driven for this global */
	/* Invoke trigger generated code */
	rc = gtm_trigger_invoke();
	if (1 == rc)
	{	/* Normal return code (from dm_start). Check if TP has been unwound or not */
		assert(dollar_tlevel <= dollar_tlevel_start);	/* Bigger would be quite the surprise */
		if (dollar_tlevel < dollar_tlevel_start)
		{	/* Our TP level was unwound during the trigger so throw an error */
			DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: $TLEVEL less than at start - throwing TRIGTLVLCHNG\n"));
			gtm_trigger_fini(TRUE, FALSE);	/* dump this trigger level */
			rts_error(VARLSTCNT(4) ERR_TRIGTLVLCHNG, 2, trigdsc->rtn_desc.rt_name.len,
		rc = 0;			/* Be polite and return 0 for the (hopefully common) success case */
	} else if (ERR_TPRETRY == rc)
	{	/* We are restarting the entire transaction. There are two possibilities here:
		 * 1) This is a nested trigger level in which case we need to unwind further or
		 *    the outer trigger level was created by M code. If either is true, just
		 *    rethrow the TPRETRY error.
		 * 2) This is the outer trigger and the call to op_tstart() was done by our caller.
		 *    In this case, we just return to our caller with a code signifying they need
		 *    to restart the implied transaction.
		assert(dollar_tlevel && (tstart_trigger_depth <= gtm_trigger_depth));
		if ((tstart_trigger_depth < gtm_trigger_depth) || !tp_pointer->implicit_tstart || !tp_pointer->implicit_trigger)
		{	/* Unwind a trigger level to restart level or to next trigger boundary */
			gtm_trigger_fini(FALSE, FALSE);	/* Get rid of this trigger level - we won't be returning */
			DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: dm_start returned rethrow code - rethrowing ERR_TPRETRY\n"));
		} else
		{	/* It is possible we are restarting a transaction that never got around to creating a base
			 * frame yet the implicit TStart was done. So if there is no trigger base frame, do not
			 * run gtm_trigger_fini() but instead do the one piece of cleanup it does that we still need.
			if (SFT_TRIGR & frame_pointer->type)
			{	/* Normal case when TP restart unwinding back to implicit beginning */
				gtm_trigger_fini(FALSE, FALSE);
				DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: dm_start returned rethrow code - returning to gvcst_<caller>\n"));
			} else
			{       /* Unusual case of trigger that died in no-mans-land before trigger base frame established.
				 * Remove the "do not return to me" flag only on non-error unwinds */
				assert(SFF_TRIGR_CALLD & frame_pointer->flags);
				frame_pointer->flags &= SFF_TRIGR_CALLD_OFF;
				DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: turning off SFF_TRIGR_CALLD (1) in frame 0x"lvaddr"\n",
				DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: unwinding no-base-frame trigger for TP restart\n"));
		/* Fall out and return ERR_TPRETRY to caller */
	} else if (0 == rc)
		/* We should never get a return code of 0. This would be out-of-design and a signal that something
		 * is quite broken. We cannot "rethrow" outside the trigger because it was not initially an error so
		 * mdb_condition_handler would have no record of it (rethrown errors must have originally occurred in
		 * or to be RE-thrown) and assert fail at best.
	{	/* We have an unexpected return code due to some error during execution of the trigger that tripped
		 * gtm_trigger's safety handler (i.e. an error occurred in mdb_condition_handler() established by
		 * dm_start(). Since we are going to unwind the trigger frame and rethrow the error, we also have
		 * to unwind all the stack frames on top of the trigger frame. Figure out how many frames that is,
		 * unwind them all plus the trigger base frame before rethrowing the error.
		for (unwinds = 0, fp = frame_pointer; (NULL != fp) && !(SFT_TRIGR & fp->type); fp = fp->old_frame_pointer)
		assert((NULL != fp) && (SFT_TRIGR & fp->type));
		assert((NULL != frame_pointer) && !(SFT_TRIGR & frame_pointer->type));
		DBGTRIGR((stderr, "gtm_trigger: Unsupported return code (%d) - unwound %d frames and now rethrowing error\n",
			  rc, unwinds));
	return rc;