Ejemplo n.º 1
void Entity::SetYaw(float amount)
	this->rotation.y = DEGTORAD(amount);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void Entity::SetRoll(float amount)
	this->rotation.z = DEGTORAD(amount);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void Entity::Roll(float amount)
	this->rotation.z += DEGTORAD(amount);
Ejemplo n.º 4
void Entity::SetPitch(float amount)
	this->rotation.x = DEGTORAD(amount);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Entity::Pitch(float amount)
	this->rotation.x += DEGTORAD(amount);
Ejemplo n.º 6
void Entity::Yaw(float amount)
	this->rotation.y += DEGTORAD(amount);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  Internal method that draws one of the pies in a pie chart.

  \param painter the QPainter to draw in
  \param dataset the dataset to draw the pie for
  \param pie the pie to draw
  \param the chart to draw the pie in
  \param regions a pointer to a list of regions that will be filled
  with regions representing the data segments, if not null
void KDChartPiePainter::drawOnePie( QPainter* painter,
        KDChartTableDataBase* /*data*/,
        uint dataset, uint pie, uint chart,
        uint threeDPieHeight,
        KDChartDataRegionList* regions )
    // Is there anything to draw at all?
    int angleLen = _angleLens[ ( int ) pie ];
    if ( angleLen ) {
        int startAngle = _startAngles[ ( int ) pie ];

        KDChartDataRegion* datReg = 0;
        QRegion* region = 0;
        bool mustDeleteRegion = false;
        if ( regions ){
            region = new QRegion();
            mustDeleteRegion = true;

        QRect drawPosition = _position;
        if ( params()->explode() ) {
            // need to compute a new position for each or some of the pie
            QValueList<int> explodeList = params()->explodeValues();
            if( explodeList.count() == 0 || // nothing on list, explode all
                    explodeList.find( pie ) != explodeList.end() ) {
                double explodeAngle = ( startAngle + angleLen / 2 ) / 16;
                double explodeAngleRad = DEGTORAD( explodeAngle );
                double cosAngle = cos( explodeAngleRad );
                double sinAngle = -sin( explodeAngleRad );

                // find the explode factor for this particular pie
                double explodeFactor = 0.0;
                QMap<int,double> explodeFactors = params()->explodeFactors();
                if( !explodeFactors.contains( pie ) ) // not on factors list, use default
                    explodeFactor = params()->explodeFactor();
                else // on factors list, use segment-specific value
                    explodeFactor = explodeFactors[pie];

                double explodeX = explodeFactor * _size * cosAngle;
                double explodeY = explodeFactor * _size * sinAngle;
                drawPosition.moveBy( static_cast<int>( explodeX ), static_cast<int>( explodeY ) );
            } else
                drawPosition = _position;
        } else
            drawPosition = _position;

        // The 3D effect needs to be drawn first because it could
        // otherwise partly hide the pie itself.
        if ( params()->threeDPies() ) {
            draw3DEffect( painter, drawPosition, dataset, pie, chart,
                          params()->explode(), region );

        painter->setBrush( params()->dataColor( pie ) );
        if ( angleLen == 5760 ) {
            // full circle, avoid nasty line in the middle
            painter->drawEllipse( drawPosition );
            if ( regions ) {
                QPointArray hitregion;
                hitregion.makeEllipse( drawPosition.x(), drawPosition.y(),
                                       drawPosition.height() );
                datReg = new KDChartDataRegion( region->unite( QRegion( hitregion ) ),
                                                chart );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenter ]
                    = drawPosition.center();
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition,    0 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition,  720 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 1440 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 2160 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 2880 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 3600 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 4320 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, 5040 );
                datReg->startAngle = 2880;
                datReg->angleLen   = 5760;
                regions->append( datReg );
        } else {
            // draw the top of this piece
            // Start with getting the points for the arc.
            const int arcPoints = angleLen;
            QPointArray collect(arcPoints+2);
            int i=0;
            for ( ; i<=angleLen; ++i){
                collect.setPoint(i, pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle+i ));
            // Adding the center point of the piece.
            collect.setPoint(i, drawPosition.center() );

            painter->drawPolygon( collect );

//if( bHelp ){
//              painter->drawPolyline( collect );

            if ( regions ) {
                QPointArray hitregion;
                hitregion.makeArc( drawPosition.x(), drawPosition.y(),
                        ( int ) startAngle, ( int ) angleLen );
                hitregion.resize( hitregion.size() + 1 );
                hitregion.setPoint( hitregion.size() - 1,
                        drawPosition.center() );
                datReg = new KDChartDataRegion( region->unite( QRegion( hitregion ) ),
                                                chart );

                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle + angleLen );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle + angleLen / 2 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight ]
                    = pointOnCircle( drawPosition, startAngle );

                datReg->points[   KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ] = drawPosition.center();
                datReg->points[   KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ]
                    = datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ];
                datReg->points[   KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight  ]
                    = datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ];

                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterLeft ]
                    = QPoint( (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft      ].x()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ].x() ) / 2,
                            (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopLeft      ].y()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomLeft   ].y() ) / 2 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenter ]
                    = QPoint( (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter    ].x()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ].x() ) / 2,
                            (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopCenter    ].y()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomCenter ].y() ) / 2 );
                datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosCenterRight ]
                    = QPoint( (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight     ].x()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight  ].x() ) / 2,
                            (   datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosTopRight     ].y()
                                + datReg->points[ KDChartEnums::PosBottomRight  ].y() ) / 2 );

                datReg->startAngle = startAngle;
                datReg->angleLen   = angleLen;
                regions->append( datReg );
        if( mustDeleteRegion )
            delete region;
Ejemplo n.º 8
#include "DeathBalls.h"
#include "..\utils\util.h"
#include "..\Constants.h"

const float ANGLES[] = { DEGTORAD(90.0f), DEGTORAD(0.0f), DEGTORAD(270.0f), DEGTORAD(180.0f) };

DeathBalls::DeathBalls(GameContext* context) : _context(context), _world(context->world) {

DeathBalls::~DeathBalls() {

void DeathBalls::start() {
	v2 pp = _world->getPosition(_context->playerID);
	v2 p = util::pickSpawnPoint(pp);
	ds::SID sid = _world->create(p, "death_ball",OBJECT_LAYER);
	_world->startBehavior(sid, "wiggle_death_ball");

	float a = 0.0f;

	int side = 0;
	float delta = 2000.0f;
	if (640.0f - p.y < delta) {
		delta = 640.0f - p.y;
		side = 0;
	if (1240.0f - p.x < delta) {
		delta = 1240.0f - p.x;
		side = 1;
	if (p.y - 40.0f < delta) {
Ejemplo n.º 9
void Rotate3 (Point3 * point, Vector3 * vector, float alpha, Vector3 axis, AngleMode mode)
	double pointX, pointY, pointZ;		// Storage for point coordinates
	double vectorX, vectorY, vectorZ;	// Storage for vector components
	double cosine, sine;				// Storage for cosine and sine of alpha
	double angle = (double) alpha;		// Angle in given mode
	double A1, A2, A3;					// Components of matrix's first column
	double B1, B2, B3;					// Components of matrix's second column
	double C1, C2, C3;					// Components of matrix's third column

	switch (mode)	// Get angle mode
	case kDegrees:	// Degrees case
		angle = DEGTORAD(angle);
		// Convert angle to radians

		break;	// Break out of switch statement

	case kGradians:	// Gradians case
		angle = GRADTORAD(angle);
		// Convert angle to radians

		break;	// Break out of switch statement

	case kRadians:	// Radians case
		break;	// Break out of switch statement

		NORET_MESSAGE("Unsupported mode: Rotate3 failed","1");
		// Return failure

	// Initialization block
		double a1a1 = axis.x * axis.x;		// Optimize "a1a1" instances
		double a2a2 = axis.y * axis.y;		// Optimize "a2a2" instances
		double a3a3 = axis.z * axis.z;		// Optimize "a3a3" instances
		double diff;						// Optimize "1.0 - cosine" instances

		cosine = cos (angle);	// Get cosine of angle
		sine = sin (angle);		// Get sine of angle

		diff = 1.0 - cosine;	// Store away value in diff

		// Nested initialization block
			double a1a2diff = (axis.x * axis.y) * diff;	// Optimize "a1a2 * diff" instances
			double a1a3diff = (axis.x * axis.z) * diff;	// Optimize "a1a3 * diff" instances
			double a2a3diff = (axis.y * axis.z) * diff;	// Optimize "a2a3 * diff" instances
			double xSine = axis.x * sine;				// Optimize "a1 * sine" instances
			double ySine = axis.y * sine;				// Optimize "a2 * sine" instances
			double zSine = axis.z * sine;				// Optimize "a3 * sine" instances

			A1 = a1a1 + cosine * (1.0 - a1a1);	// Row 1, Column 1 of matrix
			B1 = a1a2diff - zSine;				// Row 1, Column 2 of matrix
			C1 = a1a3diff + ySine;				// Row 1, Column 3 of matrix
			A2 = a1a2diff + zSine;				// Row 2, Column 1 of matrix
			B2 = a2a2 + cosine * (1.0 - a2a2);	// Row 2, Column 2 of matrix
			C2 = a2a3diff - xSine;				// Row 2, Column 3 of matrix
			A3 = a1a3diff - ySine;				// Row 3, Column 1 of matrix
			B3 = a2a3diff + xSine;				// Row 3, Column 2 of matrix
			C3 = a3a3 + cosine * (1.0 - a3a3);	// Row 3, Column 3 of matrix

	if (point)	// Ensure that point points to something
		pointX = point->x;	// Store x coordinate of point
		pointY = point->y;	// Store y coordinate of point
		pointZ = point->z;	// Store z coordinate of point

		point->x = (float) (A1 * pointX + B1 * pointY + C1 * pointZ);
		point->y = (float) (A2 * pointX + B2 * pointY + C2 * pointZ);
		point->z = (float) (A3 * pointX + B3 * pointY + C3 * pointZ);
		// Rotate point through angle radians

	if (vector)	// Ensure that vector points to something
		vectorX = vector->x;// Store x component of vector
		vectorY = vector->y;// Store y component of vector
		vectorZ = vector->z;// Store z component of vector

		Rotate3 (&vector->tail, NULL, (float) angle, axis, kRadians);
		// Rotate tail of vector through angle radians, recursively

		vector->x = (float) (A1 * vectorX + B1 * vectorY + C1 * vectorZ);
		vector->y = (float) (A2 * vectorX + B2 * vectorY + C2 * vectorZ);
		vector->z = (float) (A3 * vectorX + B3 * vectorY + C3 * vectorZ);
		// Rotate vector through angle radians
Ejemplo n.º 10
void measure_surface_int(const double res, const double radius, 
                         const double select_dist,
                         const bool periodic,
                         const double a, const double b, const double c, 
                         const double alpha, const double beta, const double gamma,
                         int *indices, float *coords, int count,
                         int **surf, int *n_surf
   if (periodic)
     printf("System periodic\n");
   else printf("System not periodic\n");

   Vector3D uo;
   Vector3D ua;
   Vector3D ub;
   Vector3D uc;
   // Set origin to center of box
   double xmin = coords[0];
   double xmax = coords[0];
   double ymin = coords[1];
   double ymax = coords[1];
   double zmin = coords[2];
   double zmax = coords[2];
   int ind;
   int i;
   for(i=1, ind=3; i < count; i++, ind += 3) {
      if (coords[ind] < xmin)
         xmin = coords[ind];
      if (coords[ind] > xmax)
         xmax = coords[ind];
      if (coords[ind+1] < ymin)
         ymin = coords[ind+1];
      if (coords[ind+1] > ymax)
         ymax = coords[ind+1];
      if (coords[ind+2] < zmin)
         zmin = coords[ind+2];
      if (coords[ind+2] > zmax)
         zmax = coords[ind+2];
   uo.x = 0.5*(xmin+xmax);
   uo.y = 0.5*(ymin+ymax);
   uo.z = 0.5*(zmin+zmax);
   double cosbc = cos(DEGTORAD(alpha));
   double cosac = cos(DEGTORAD(beta));
   double cosab = cos(DEGTORAD(gamma));
   double sinab = sin(DEGTORAD(gamma));
   ua.x = a; ua.y = 0; ua.z = 0;
   ub.x = b * cosab;
   ub.y = b * sinab;
   ub.z = 0;
   // If sinAB is zero, then we can't determine C uniquely since it's defined
   // in terms of the angle between A and B.
   if (sinab > 0) {
      uc.x = cosac;
      uc.y = (cosbc - cosac * cosab) / sinab;
      uc.z = sqrt(1.0 - uc.x*uc.x - uc.y*uc.y);
   uc = c * uc;
   // Now move origin to the bottom corner
   uo = uo - (0.5 * (ua + ub + uc));
   MolData* mol_data = MolData::readData(indices, coords, count,
                                         uo, ua, ub, uc,
   printf("Building grid\n");
   AtomGrid* atom_grid = new AtomGrid(mol_data);
   //   atom_grid->print();
   //   atom_grid->store("grid.dat");
   printf("Searching grid\n");
   AtomList* atom_list = mol_data->findAtomsGrid(atom_grid);
   delete atom_list;
   delete atom_grid;
   delete mol_data;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void CGameView::Update(const float deltaRealTime)
	// If camera movement is being handled by the touch-input system,
	// then we should stop to avoid conflicting with it
	if (g_TouchInput.IsEnabled())

	if (!g_app_has_focus)

	if (m->TrackManager.IsActive() && m->TrackManager.IsPlaying())
		if (! m->TrackManager.Update(deltaRealTime))
//			ResetCamera();

	// Calculate mouse movement
	static int mouse_last_x = 0;
	static int mouse_last_y = 0;
	int mouse_dx = g_mouse_x - mouse_last_x;
	int mouse_dy = g_mouse_y - mouse_last_y;
	mouse_last_x = g_mouse_x;
	mouse_last_y = g_mouse_y;

	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.cw"))
		m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(m->ViewRotateYSpeed * deltaRealTime);
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.ccw"))
		m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewRotateYSpeed * deltaRealTime);
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.up"))
		m->RotateX.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewRotateXSpeed * deltaRealTime);
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.rotate.down"))
		m->RotateX.AddSmoothly(m->ViewRotateXSpeed * deltaRealTime);

	float moveRightward = 0.f;
	float moveForward = 0.f;

	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.pan"))
		moveRightward += m->ViewDragSpeed * mouse_dx;
		moveForward += m->ViewDragSpeed * -mouse_dy;

	if (g_mouse_active)
		if (g_mouse_x >= g_xres - 2 && g_mouse_x < g_xres)
			moveRightward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;
		else if (g_mouse_x <= 3 && g_mouse_x >= 0)
			moveRightward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;

		if (g_mouse_y >= g_yres - 2 && g_mouse_y < g_yres)
			moveForward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;
		else if (g_mouse_y <= 3 && g_mouse_y >= 0)
			moveForward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;

	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.right"))
		moveRightward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.left"))
		moveRightward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.up"))
		moveForward += m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.down"))
		moveForward -= m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;

	if (g_Joystick.IsEnabled())
		// This could all be improved with extra speed and sensitivity settings
		// (maybe use pow to allow finer control?), and inversion settings

		moveRightward += g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickPanX) * m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;
		moveForward -= g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickPanY) * m->ViewScrollSpeed * deltaRealTime;

		m->RotateX.AddSmoothly(g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickRotateX) * m->ViewRotateXSpeed * deltaRealTime);
		m->RotateY.AddSmoothly(-g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickRotateY) * m->ViewRotateYSpeed * deltaRealTime);

		// Use a +1 bias for zoom because I want this to work with trigger buttons that default to -1
		m->Zoom.AddSmoothly((g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickZoomIn) + 1.0f) / 2.0f * m->ViewZoomSpeed * deltaRealTime);
		m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(-(g_Joystick.GetAxisValue(m->JoystickZoomOut) + 1.0f) / 2.0f * m->ViewZoomSpeed * deltaRealTime);

	if (moveRightward || moveForward)
		// Break out of following mode when the user starts scrolling
		m->FollowEntity = INVALID_ENTITY;

		float s = sin(m->RotateY.GetSmoothedValue());
		float c = cos(m->RotateY.GetSmoothedValue());
		m->PosX.AddSmoothly(c * moveRightward);
		m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(-s * moveRightward);
		m->PosX.AddSmoothly(s * moveForward);
		m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(c * moveForward);

	if (m->FollowEntity)
		CmpPtr<ICmpPosition> cmpPosition(*(m->Game->GetSimulation2()), m->FollowEntity);
		CmpPtr<ICmpRangeManager> cmpRangeManager(*(m->Game->GetSimulation2()), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
		if (cmpPosition && cmpPosition->IsInWorld() &&
		    cmpRangeManager && cmpRangeManager->GetLosVisibility(m->FollowEntity, m->Game->GetPlayerID(), false) == ICmpRangeManager::VIS_VISIBLE)
			// Get the most recent interpolated position
			float frameOffset = m->Game->GetSimulation2()->GetLastFrameOffset();
			CMatrix3D transform = cmpPosition->GetInterpolatedTransform(frameOffset, false);
			CVector3D pos = transform.GetTranslation();

			if (m->FollowFirstPerson)
				float x, z, angle;
				cmpPosition->GetInterpolatedPosition2D(frameOffset, x, z, angle);
				float height = 4.f;
				m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.Translate(pos.X, pos.Y + height, pos.Z);

				// Move the camera to match the unit
				CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera;
				SetupCameraMatrixSmoothRot(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation);

				CVector3D pivot = GetSmoothPivot(targetCam);
				CVector3D delta = pos - pivot;
			// The unit disappeared (died or garrisoned etc), so stop following it
			m->FollowEntity = INVALID_ENTITY;

	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.zoom.in"))
		m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(-m->ViewZoomSpeed * deltaRealTime);
	if (HotkeyIsPressed("camera.zoom.out"))
		m->Zoom.AddSmoothly(m->ViewZoomSpeed * deltaRealTime);

	if (m->ConstrainCamera)
		m->Zoom.ClampSmoothly(m->ViewZoomMin, m->ViewZoomMax);

	float zoomDelta = -m->Zoom.Update(deltaRealTime);
	if (zoomDelta)
		CVector3D forwards = m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation.GetIn();
		m->PosX.AddSmoothly(forwards.X * zoomDelta);
		m->PosY.AddSmoothly(forwards.Y * zoomDelta);
		m->PosZ.AddSmoothly(forwards.Z * zoomDelta);

	if (m->ConstrainCamera)
		m->RotateX.ClampSmoothly(DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXMin), DEGTORAD(m->ViewRotateXMax));

	FocusHeight(m, true);

	// Ensure the ViewCamera focus is inside the map with the chosen margins
	// if not so - apply margins to the camera
	if (m->ConstrainCamera)
		CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera;
		SetupCameraMatrixSmoothRot(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation);

		CTerrain* pTerrain = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain();

		CVector3D pivot = GetSmoothPivot(targetCam);
		CVector3D delta = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() - pivot;

		CVector3D desiredPivot = pivot;

		CmpPtr<ICmpRangeManager> cmpRangeManager(*(m->Game->GetSimulation2()), SYSTEM_ENTITY);
		if (cmpRangeManager && cmpRangeManager->GetLosCircular())
			// Clamp to a circular region around the center of the map
			float r = pTerrain->GetMaxX() / 2;
			CVector3D center(r, desiredPivot.Y, r);
			float dist = (desiredPivot - center).Length();
			if (dist > r - CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN)
				desiredPivot = center + (desiredPivot - center).Normalized() * (r - CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN);
			// Clamp to the square edges of the map
			desiredPivot.X = Clamp(desiredPivot.X, pTerrain->GetMinX() + CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN, pTerrain->GetMaxX() - CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN);
			desiredPivot.Z = Clamp(desiredPivot.Z, pTerrain->GetMinZ() + CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN, pTerrain->GetMaxZ() - CAMERA_EDGE_MARGIN);

		// Update the position so that pivot is within the margin
		m->PosX.SetValueSmoothly(desiredPivot.X + delta.X);
		m->PosZ.SetValueSmoothly(desiredPivot.Z + delta.Z);


	// Handle rotation around the Y (vertical) axis
		CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera;
		SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation);

		float rotateYDelta = m->RotateY.Update(deltaRealTime);
		if (rotateYDelta)
			// We've updated RotateY, and need to adjust Pos so that it's still
			// facing towards the original focus point (the terrain in the center
			// of the screen).

			CVector3D upwards(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

			CVector3D pivot = GetSmoothPivot(targetCam);
			CVector3D delta = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() - pivot;

			CQuaternion q;
			q.FromAxisAngle(upwards, rotateYDelta);
			CVector3D d = q.Rotate(delta) - delta;


	// Handle rotation around the X (sideways, relative to camera) axis
		CCamera targetCam = m->ViewCamera;
		SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &targetCam.m_Orientation);

		float rotateXDelta = m->RotateX.Update(deltaRealTime);
		if (rotateXDelta)
			CVector3D rightwards = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetLeft() * -1.0f;

			CVector3D pivot = GetSmoothPivot(targetCam);
			CVector3D delta = targetCam.m_Orientation.GetTranslation() - pivot;

			CQuaternion q;
			q.FromAxisAngle(rightwards, rotateXDelta);
			CVector3D d = q.Rotate(delta) - delta;


	/* This is disabled since it doesn't seem necessary:

	// Ensure the camera's near point is never inside the terrain
	if (m->ConstrainCamera)
		CMatrix3D target;
		target.Translate(m->PosX.GetValue(), m->PosY.GetValue(), m->PosZ.GetValue());

		CVector3D nearPoint = target.GetTranslation() + target.GetIn() * defaultNear;
		float ground = m->Game->GetWorld()->GetTerrain()->GetExactGroundLevel(nearPoint.X, nearPoint.Z);
		float limit = ground + 16.f;
		if (nearPoint.Y < limit)
			m->PosY.AddSmoothly(limit - nearPoint.Y);

	m->RotateY.Wrap(-(float)M_PI, (float)M_PI);

	// Update the camera matrix
	m->ViewCamera.SetProjection(m->ViewNear, m->ViewFar, m->ViewFOV);
	SetupCameraMatrixSmooth(m, &m->ViewCamera.m_Orientation);
Ejemplo n.º 12
float CGameView::GetCullFOV() const
	return m->ViewFOV + DEGTORAD(6.0f);	//add 6 degrees to the default FOV for use with the culling frustum;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void InitDynamicParam()

    // Postion des sphères : t & t-1

    // sphère 0
    sphere_p[0][0] = -13.0;
    sphere_p[1][0] = R + 1 + Hauteur;
    sphere_p[2][0] = 13.0;

    sphere_ip[0][0] = -13.0;
    sphere_ip[1][0] = R + 1 + Hauteur;
    sphere_ip[2][0] = 13.0;

    // sphère 1
    sphere_p[0][1] = -5.0;
    sphere_p[1][1] = R + 1 + Hauteur;
    sphere_p[2][1] = 5.0;

    sphere_ip[0][1] = -5.0;
    sphere_ip[1][1] = R + 1 + Hauteur;
    sphere_ip[2][1] = 5.0;

    // sphère 2
    sphere_p[0][2] = 10.0;
    sphere_p[1][2] = R + 1 + Hauteur;
    sphere_p[2][2] = -10.0;

    sphere_ip[0][2] = 10.0;
    sphere_ip[1][2] = R + 1 + Hauteur;
    sphere_ip[2][2] = -10.0;

    // Vitesse des sphères : t & t-1

    // sphère 0
    sphere_v[0][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_v[1][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_v[2][0] = 0.0;

    sphere_iv[0][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_iv[1][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_iv[2][0] = 0.0;

    // sphère 1
    sphere_v[0][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_v[1][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_v[2][1] = 0.0;

    sphere_iv[0][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_iv[1][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_iv[2][1] = 0.0;

    //   sphère 2
    sphere_v[0][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_v[1][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_v[2][2] = 0.0;

    sphere_iv[0][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_iv[1][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_iv[2][2] = 0.0;

    // accélération de la sphère

    // sphère 0
    sphere_a[0][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_a[1][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_a[2][0] = 0.0;

    sphere_ia[0][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_ia[1][0] = 0.0;
    sphere_ia[2][0] = 0.0;

    // sphère 1
    sphere_a[0][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_a[1][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_a[2][1] = 0.0;

    sphere_ia[0][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_ia[1][1] = 0.0;
    sphere_ia[2][1] = 0.0;

    // sphère 2
    sphere_a[0][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_a[1][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_a[2][2] = 0.0;

    sphere_ia[0][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_ia[1][2] = 0.0;
    sphere_ia[2][2] = 0.0;

    //position de la queue

    queue_p[0] = Ecart * sin(DEGTORAD(QueueRot)) + (sphere_p[0][0]);
    queue_p[1] = sphere_p[1][0];
    queue_p[2] = Ecart * cos(DEGTORAD(QueueRot)) + (sphere_p[2][0]);

    queue_ip[0] = Ecart * sin(DEGTORAD(QueueRot)) + (sphere_p[0][0]);
    queue_ip[1] = sphere_ip[1][0];
    queue_ip[2] = Ecart * cos(DEGTORAD(QueueRot)) + (sphere_p[2][0]);

    // vitesse de la queue

    queue_v[0] = 0.0;
    queue_v[1] = 0.0;
    queue_v[2] = 0.0;

    queue_iv[0] = 0.0;
    queue_iv[1] = 0.0;
    queue_iv[2] = 0.0;

    // acceleration de la queue
    // La puissance est une force
    // a = Force/masse
    queue_a[0] = - (Puissance / Masse_queue) * sin(DEGTORAD(QueueRot));
    queue_a[1] = 0.0;
    queue_a[2] = - (Puissance / Masse_queue) * cos(DEGTORAD(QueueRot));

    queue_ia[0] = - (Puissance / Masse_queue) * sin(DEGTORAD(QueueRot));
    queue_ia[1] = 0.0;
    queue_ia[2] = - (Puissance / Masse_queue) * cos(DEGTORAD(QueueRot));

Ejemplo n.º 14
int PS3_initialize(void)
	s32 ret,i;
	void *host_addr = memalign(1024*1024, HOST_SIZE);
	s32 pressedCounter = 0;
	Matrix4 rotX,rotY;

	int videoMode = getVideoMode();
	init_screen(host_addr, HOST_SIZE, videoMode);


	quad = createQuad(10.0f, 0.0f);
	quad_ui = createQuad(10.0f, 0.5f);

	rotX = Matrix4::rotationX(DEGTORAD(0.0f));
	rotY = Matrix4::rotationY(DEGTORAD(180.0f));
	modelMatrixBase = rotX * rotY;
	modelMatrixUi = rotX * rotY;
	modelMatrix = rotX * rotY;

	ret = atexit(program_exit_callback);
	ret = sysUtilRegisterCallback(0,sysutil_exit_callback,NULL);

	P = transpose(Matrix4::orthographic(-5.0f, 5.0f, -5.0f, 5.0f, -10.0f, 10.0f));

	// by default sretch video to 90% of the screen in X axis (compensate output to wide screens)



	scanline.setX(200.0f);		//desnity
	scanline.setY(2.0f);		//contrast
	scanline.setZ(0.7f);		//brightnes
	scanline.setW(0.1f);		//scanline type -> horizontal lines

	scanlineUi.setX(0);			//no desnsity modifier
	scanlineUi.setY(0);			//no contrast modifier
	scanlineUi.setZ(1.0f);		//full brightnes
	scanlineUi.setW(0.0f);		//scanline type -> no scanlines

	running = 1;

	masterVolume = 32768.0f * 2.8f; // 80%
	volumeMuted = 0;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 15
void Renderer::drawMissles()
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<game->missles.size(); i++ )

        if(game->missles[i]->type == LASER) {
            float x = game->missles[i]->position[0];
            float y = game->missles[i]->position[1];
            glPushMatrix ();
            glLineWidth (10.0f);
            glBegin (GL_LINES);
            glColor3f (1,0,0);
            glVertex3f (game->missles[i]->positionStart.x,game->missles[i]->positionStart.y,0);
            glColor3f (0,0,1);
            glVertex3f (x,y,0);
            glPopMatrix ();

            glPushMatrix ();
            glLineWidth (3.0f);
            if ( game->missles[i]->m_contacting )
            for (int j=0; j < 360; j++) {
                float degInRad = DEGTORAD(j);
            glPopMatrix ();
        else if(game->missles[i]->type == BULLET)
            float x = game->missles[i]->position[0];
            float y = game->missles[i]->position[1];
            glPushMatrix ();
            glLineWidth (3.0f);
            if ( game->missles[i]->m_contacting )
            for (int j=0; j < 360; j++) {
                float degInRad = DEGTORAD(j);
            glPopMatrix ();
        else if(game->missles[i]->type == PLASMA)
            float x = game->missles[i]->position[0];
            float y = game->missles[i]->position[1];
            glPushMatrix ();
            glLineWidth (3.0f);
            if ( game->missles[i]->m_contacting )
            for (int j=0; j < 360; j++) {
                float degInRad = DEGTORAD(j);
            glPopMatrix ();
        else if(game->missles[i]->type == ROCKET)

Ejemplo n.º 16
void CTerrainProperties::LoadXml(XMBElement node, CXeromyces *pFile, const VfsPath& UNUSED(pathname))
	#define ELMT(x) int elmt_##x = pFile->GetElementID(#x)
	#define ATTR(x) int attr_##x = pFile->GetAttributeID(#x)
	// Terrain Attribs
	#undef ELMT
	#undef ATTR

	XERO_ITER_ATTR(node, attr)
		if (attr.Name == attr_groups)
			// Parse a comma-separated list of groups, add the new entry to
			// each of them
			CParser parser;
			CParserLine parserLine;
			parser.InputTaskType("GroupList", "<_$value_,>_$value_");
			if (!parserLine.ParseString(parser, attr.Value))
			for (size_t i=0;i<parserLine.GetArgCount();i++)
				std::string value;
				if (!parserLine.GetArgString(i, value))
				CTerrainGroup *pType = g_TexMan.FindGroup(value);
		else if (attr.Name == attr_mmap)
			CColor col;
			if (!col.ParseString(attr.Value, 255))
			// m_BaseColor is BGRA
			u8 *baseColor = (u8*)&m_BaseColor;
			baseColor[0] = (u8)(col.b*255);
			baseColor[1] = (u8)(col.g*255);
			baseColor[2] = (u8)(col.r*255);
			baseColor[3] = (u8)(col.a*255);
			m_HasBaseColor = true;
		else if (attr.Name == attr_angle)
			m_TextureAngle = DEGTORAD(attr.Value.ToFloat());
		else if (attr.Name == attr_size)
			m_TextureSize = attr.Value.ToFloat();
		else if (attr.Name == attr_movementclass)
			m_MovementClass = attr.Value;
Ejemplo n.º 17
// generates the vertex coordinates for a dome
void skydome::buildDome()
    int lat,lon,n=0;
    m_domeVertexCount = (int)((360/m_delLon)*(90/m_delLat)*4);

    m_domeVerts = new Vertex[m_domeVertexCount];

    for(lat=0;lat <= 90-m_delLat;lat+=m_delLat){
        for(lon=0;lon <= 360-m_delLon;lon+=m_delLon){
            m_domeVerts[n].x = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat)) * cos(DEGTORAD(lon));
            m_domeVerts[n].y = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat)) * sin(DEGTORAD(lon));
            m_domeVerts[n].z = m_domeRadius * cos(DEGTORAD(lat));

            m_domeVerts[n].x = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat+m_delLat)) * cos(DEGTORAD(lon));
            m_domeVerts[n].y = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat+m_delLat)) * sin(DEGTORAD(lon));
            m_domeVerts[n].z = m_domeRadius * cos(DEGTORAD(lat+m_delLat));

            m_domeVerts[n].x = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat)) * cos(DEGTORAD(lon+m_delLon));
            m_domeVerts[n].y = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat)) * sin(DEGTORAD(lon+m_delLon));
            m_domeVerts[n].z = m_domeRadius * cos(DEGTORAD(lat));

            if(lat > -90 && lat < 90){
                m_domeVerts[n].x = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat+m_delLat)) * cos(DEGTORAD(lon+m_delLon));
                m_domeVerts[n].y = m_domeRadius * sin(DEGTORAD(lat+m_delLat)) * sin(DEGTORAD(lon+m_delLon));
                m_domeVerts[n].z = m_domeRadius * cos(DEGTORAD(lat+m_delLat));