Ejemplo n.º 1
int avi_caoferris(AffineVariationalInequalities* problem, double *z, double *w, SolverOptions* options)
  unsigned n = problem->size;
  assert(n > 0);
  unsigned nrows = problem->poly->size_ineq;
  assert(nrows - n > 0);
  unsigned n_I = nrows - n; /* Number of inactive constraints */

  /* Create the data  problem */
  LinearComplementarityProblem lcplike_pb;
  lcplike_pb.size = nrows;
  NumericsMatrix num_mat;
  fillNumericsMatrix(&num_mat, NM_DENSE, nrows, nrows, calloc(nrows*nrows, sizeof(double)));

  lcplike_pb.M = &num_mat;

  lcplike_pb.q = (double *)calloc(nrows, sizeof(double));
  double* a_bar = (double *)malloc(nrows*sizeof(double));

  double* B_A_T = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
  double* copyA = (double*)malloc(n*n*sizeof(double));
  double* B_I_T = (double*)malloc(n*(n_I)*sizeof(double));
  double* d_vec = (double *)malloc(nrows*sizeof(double));
  int* basis = (int *)malloc((2*nrows+1)*sizeof(int));

  siconos_find_vertex(problem->poly, n, basis);
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_INT(basis, nrows+1);
  const double* H = problem->poly->H;
  const double* K = problem->poly->K;
  /* Set of active constraints */
  unsigned* A = (unsigned*)malloc(n*sizeof(unsigned));
  int* active_constraints = &basis[nrows+1];

  /* set active_constraints to 1 at the beginning */
  memset(active_constraints, -1, nrows*sizeof(int));
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_INT(active_constraints, nrows);
  unsigned indx_B_I_T = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 1; i <= nrows; ++i)
    assert((unsigned)abs(basis[i]) > nrows); /* we don't want slack variable here */
    int indx = abs(basis[i]) - nrows - 1 - n;
    if (indx >= 0)
      /* this is an inactive constraint */
      assert(indx_B_I_T < n_I);
      assert((unsigned)indx < nrows); 
      cblas_dcopy(n, &H[indx], nrows, &B_I_T[indx_B_I_T*n], 1); /* form B_I_T */
      active_constraints[indx] = 0; /* desactivate the constraint */
      lcplike_pb.q[n+indx_B_I_T] = -K[indx]; /* partial construction of q[n:nrows] as -K_I  */
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_INT(active_constraints, nrows);

  unsigned indx_B_A_T = 0;
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < nrows; ++i)
    if (active_constraints[i] == -1)
      assert(indx_B_A_T < n);
      A[indx_B_A_T] = i+1; /* note which constraints is active */
      cblas_dcopy(n, &H[i], nrows, &B_A_T[indx_B_A_T*n], 1); /* form B_A_T */
      d_vec[indx_B_A_T] = K[i]; /* save K_A */
  assert(indx_B_A_T == n && "there were not enough active constraints");
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("K_A", d_vec, n);
  cblas_dcopy(n*n, problem->M->matrix0, 1, copyA, 1);


  /* get LU for B_A_T */
  int* ipiv = basis;
  int infoLAPACK = 0;

  /* LU factorisation of B_A_T  */
  DGETRF(n, n, B_A_T, n, ipiv, &infoLAPACK);
  assert(infoLAPACK <= 0 && "avi_caoferris :: info from DGETRF > 0, this should not append !\n");

  /* compute B_A_T^{-1}B_I_T  */
  DGETRS(LA_NOTRANS, n, n_I, B_A_T, n, ipiv, B_I_T, n, &infoLAPACK);
  assert(infoLAPACK == 0 && "avi_caoferris :: info from DGETRS for solving B_A_T X = B_I_T is not zero!\n");


  /* Compute B_A_T^{-1} A */
  DGETRS(LA_NOTRANS, n, n, B_A_T, n, ipiv, copyA, n, &infoLAPACK);
  assert(infoLAPACK == 0 && "avi_caoferris :: info from DGETRS for solving B_A_T X = A is not zero!\n");

  DEBUG_PRINT_MAT(copyA, n, n);

  /* do some precomputation for \bar{q}: B_A_T^{-1}q_{AVI} */
  cblas_dcopy_msan(n, problem->q, 1, a_bar, 1);
  DGETRS(LA_NOTRANS, n, 1, B_A_T, n, ipiv, a_bar, n, &infoLAPACK);
  assert(infoLAPACK == 0  && "avi_caoferris :: info from DGETRS for solving B_A_T X = a_bar is not zero!\n");
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("B_A_T{-1}q_{AVI}", a_bar, n);

  /* Do the transpose of B_A_T^{-1} A */
  double* basepointer = &num_mat.matrix0[nrows*nrows - n*n];
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) cblas_dcopy(n, &copyA[i*n], 1, &basepointer[i], n);

  /* Compute B_A_T^{-1}(B_A_T^{-1}M)_T */
  DGETRS(LA_NOTRANS, n, n, B_A_T, n, ipiv, basepointer, n, &infoLAPACK);
  assert(infoLAPACK == 0  && "avi_caoferris :: info from DGETRS for solving B_A_T X = (B_A_T^{-1}M)_T is not zero!\n");

  DEBUG_PRINT_MAT(basepointer, n, n);

  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) cblas_dcopy(n, &basepointer[n*i], 1, &copyA[i], n);

  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("b_I =: q[n:nrows]", (&lcplike_pb.q[n]), n_I);
  /* partial construction of q: q[n:nrows] += (B_A_T^{-1}*B_I_T)_T K_A */
  cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, n_I, n, 1.0, B_I_T, n_I, d_vec, 1, 1.0, &lcplike_pb.q[n], 1);
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("final q[n:nrows] as b_I + B_I B_A^{-1}b_A", (&lcplike_pb.q[n]), n_I);

  /* Compute B_A_T^{-1} M B_A^{-1} K_A 
   * We have to set CblasTrans since we still have a transpose */
  /* XXX It looks like we could have 2 here, but not it does not work w/ it. Investigate why -- xhub  */
  cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor, CblasTrans, n, n, 1.0, basepointer, n, d_vec, 1, 0.0, lcplike_pb.q, 1);
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("B_A_T^{-1} M B_A^{-1} K_A =: q[0:n]", lcplike_pb.q, n);

  /* q[0:n] = 2 B_A_T^{-1} A B_A^{-1}b_A  + B_A_T{-1} q_{AVI} */
  /*  XXX about the + or -: we do not follow the convention of Cao & Ferris */
  cblas_daxpy(n, 1.0, a_bar, 1, lcplike_pb.q, 1);
  DEBUG_PRINT("final q\n");
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC(lcplike_pb.q, nrows);

  /* q is now ready, let's deal with M */

  /* set some pointers to sub-matrices */
  double* upper_left_mat = num_mat.matrix0;
  double* upper_right_mat = &num_mat.matrix0[n*nrows];
  double* lower_left_mat = &num_mat.matrix0[n];
  double* lower_right_mat = &upper_right_mat[n];

  /* copy the B_A_T^{-1} B_I_T (twice) and set the lower-left part to 0*/
  for (unsigned i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < n_I; ++i, j += n_I, k += nrows)
    cblas_dcopy(n, &copyA[n*i], 1, &upper_right_mat[k], 1);/* copy into the right location B_A_T^{-1} M B_A^{-1} */
    cblas_dcopy(n_I, &B_I_T[j], 1, &upper_left_mat[k], 1); /* copy B_A_T^{-1}*B_I_T to the upper-right block */
    cblas_dscal(n, -1.0, &upper_left_mat[k], 1); /* take the opposite of the matrix */
    cblas_dcopy(n_I, &B_I_T[j], 1, &lower_right_mat[i], nrows); /*  copy B_IB_A^{-1} to the lower-left block */
    memset(&lower_left_mat[k], 0, sizeof(double)*(n_I)); /* set the lower-left block to 0 */

  DEBUG_PRINT_MAT(num_mat.matrix0, nrows, nrows);

  /* Matrix M is now ready */

  /* Save K_A */
  double* K_A = a_bar;
  cblas_dcopy(n, d_vec, 1, K_A, 1);
  /* We put -1 because we directly copy it in stage 3 */
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < n; ++i) d_vec[i] =  -1.0;
  memset(&d_vec[n], 0, n_I*sizeof(double));

  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_INT_STR("Active set", A, n);
  double* u_vec = (double *)calloc(nrows, sizeof(double));
  double* s_vec = (double *)calloc(nrows, sizeof(double));
  /* Call directly the 3rd stage 
   * Here w is used as u and z as s in the AVI */
  int info = avi_caoferris_stage3(&lcplike_pb, u_vec, s_vec, d_vec, n, A, options);

  /* Update z  */
  /* XXX why no w ?  */
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; ++i) z[i] = s_vec[A[i]-1] + K_A[i];
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("s_A + K_A", z, n);
  DGETRS(LA_TRANS, n, 1, B_A_T, n, ipiv, z, n, &infoLAPACK);
  assert(infoLAPACK == 0  && "avi_caoferris :: info from DGETRS for solving B_A X = s_A + K_A is not zero!\n");
  DEBUG_PRINT_VEC_STR("solution z", z, n);

  /* free allocated stuff */

  return info;
int CentralDifferencesDense::DoTimestep()
  if (r == 0)
    return 0;

  // the reduced force interpolation
  PerformanceCounter counterForceAssemblyTime;
  forceAssemblyTime = counterForceAssemblyTime.GetElapsedTime();

  if (plasticfq != NULL)
    for(int i=0; i<r; i++)
      internalForces[i] -= plasticfq[i];

  PerformanceCounter counterSystemSolveTime;

  for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
    internalForces[i] *= internalForceScalingFactor;

  if (tangentialDampingMode)

  // update equation is:
  // (massMatrix + dt / 2 * dampingMatrix) * q(t+1) = (dt)^2 * (fr - Rr(q(t))) + dt/2 * dampingMatrix * q(t-1) + massMatrix * (2q(t) - q(t-1))

  // LU decomposition of massMatrix + dt / 2 * Dr is available in L,U
  // fr = U^T * f are the reduced external forces
  // Rr is the vector of reduced internal forces

  // update equation follows from Newton's law
  // Mu'' = -Cu' - F_int + F_ext
  // Mu'' + Cu' + R(u) =  F_ext
  // R(u) = F_int

  // here, F_int is the external loading force necessary to sustain a certain deformation
  // it is opposite to the internal forces acting on the body in a given deformation state

  // compute rhs = (dt)^2 * (fr - Rr(q(t))) + dt/2 * dampingMatrix * q(t-1) + massMatrix * (2q(t) - q(t-1))
  // first, compute rhs = massMatrix * (2*q - q_1)
  for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
    rhs[i] = 0;
    for (int j=0; j<r; j++)
      rhs[i] += massMatrix[ELT(r,i,j)] * (2 * q[j] - q_1[j]);

  // rhs += dt / 2 * dampingMatrix * q_{n-1}
  for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
    for (int j=0; j<r; j++)
      rhs[i] += timestep / 2 * dampingMatrix[ELT(r,i,j)] * q_1[j];

  // rhs += dt * dt * (fr - Rr(q(t)))
  for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
    rhs[i] += timestep * timestep * (externalForces[i] - internalForces[i]);

  // now rhs contains the correct values

  // solve (M~ + dt/2 D~) * qnew = rhs
  // use data from the previously computed LU decomposition
  char trans='N';
  INTEGER nrhs = 1;
  INTEGER R = r;
  DGETRS (&trans,&R,&nrhs,LUFactor,&R,IPIV->GetBuf(),rhs,&R,&INFO);

  if (INFO != 0)
    printf("Error: DGETRS returned a non-zero exit code %d.\n", (int)INFO);
    return INFO;

  // the solution qnew is now in rhs
  // update velocity
  // and update previous and current positions
  for (int i=0; i<r; i++)
    qvel[i] = (rhs[i] - q[i]) / timestep;
    q_1[i] = q[i];
    q[i] = rhs[i];


  systemSolveTime = counterSystemSolveTime.GetElapsedTime();

  return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void globalFrictionContact3D_nsgs(GlobalFrictionContactProblem* problem, double *reaction, double *velocity, double *globalVelocity, int* info, SolverOptions* options)
  /* int and double parameters */
  int* iparam = options->iparam;
  double* dparam = options->dparam;
  /* Number of contacts */
  int nc = problem->numberOfContacts;
  int n = problem->M->size0;
  int m = 3 * nc;
  NumericsMatrix* M = problem->M;
  NumericsMatrix* H = problem->H;
  double* q = problem->q;
  double* b = problem->b;
  double* mu = problem->mu;

  /* Maximum number of iterations */
  int itermax = iparam[0];
  /* Tolerance */
  double tolerance = dparam[0];

  /* Check for trivial case */
  *info = checkTrivialCaseGlobal(n, q, velocity, reaction, globalVelocity, options);

  if (*info == 0)

  SolverGlobalPtr local_solver = NULL;
  FreeSolverGlobalPtr freeSolver = NULL;
  ComputeErrorGlobalPtr computeError = NULL;

  /* Connect local solver */
  initializeGlobalLocalSolver(n, &local_solver, &freeSolver, &computeError, M, q, mu, iparam);

  /*****  NSGS Iterations *****/
  int iter = 0; /* Current iteration number */
  double error = 1.; /* Current error */
  int hasNotConverged = 1;

  int contact; /* Number of the current row of blocks in M */
  SparseBlockStructuredMatrix *Htrans = (SparseBlockStructuredMatrix*)malloc(sizeof(SparseBlockStructuredMatrix));

  if (H->storageType != M->storageType)
    //     if(verbose==1)
    fprintf(stderr, "Numerics, GlobalFrictionContact3D_nsgs. H->storageType != M->storageType :This case is not taken into account.\n");
  else if (M->storageType == 1)
    Global_MisInverse = 1;
    transposeSBM(H->matrix1, Htrans);
  else if (M->storageType == 0)
    /*  Assume that M is not already LU */
    int infoDGETRF = -1;
    Global_ipiv = (int *)malloc(n * sizeof(int));
    DGETRF(n, n, M->matrix0, n, Global_ipiv, &infoDGETRF);
    Global_MisLU = 1;
    fprintf(stderr, "Numerics, GlobalFrictionContactProblem_nsgs failed M->storageType not compatible.\n");

  dparam[0] = dparam[2]; // set the tolerance for the local solver
  double* qtmp = (double*)malloc(n * sizeof(double));
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) qtmp[i] = 0.0;

  while ((iter < itermax) && (hasNotConverged > 0))
    /* Solve the first part with the current reaction */

    /* qtmp <--q */
    cblas_dcopy(n, q, 1, qtmp, 1);

    double alpha = 1.0;
    double beta = 1.0;
    /*qtmp = H reaction +qtmp */
    prodNumericsMatrix(m, n, alpha, H, reaction , beta, qtmp);

    if (M->storageType == 1)
      beta = 0.0;
      /*  globalVelocity = M^-1 qtmp */
      prodNumericsMatrix(n, n, alpha, M, qtmp , beta, globalVelocity);
    else if (M->storageType == 0)
      int infoDGETRS = -1;
      cblas_dcopy(n, qtmp, 1, globalVelocity, 1);
      DGETRS(LA_NOTRANS, n, 1,  M->matrix0, n, Global_ipiv, globalVelocity , n, &infoDGETRS);
    /* Compute current local velocity */
    /*      velocity <--b */
    cblas_dcopy(m, b, 1, velocity, 1);

    if (H->storageType == 1)
      /* velocity <-- H^T globalVelocity + velocity*/
      beta = 1.0;
      prodSBM(n, m, alpha, Htrans, globalVelocity , beta, velocity);
    else if (H->storageType == 0)
      cblas_dgemv(CblasColMajor,CblasTrans, n, m, 1.0, H->matrix0 , n, globalVelocity , 1, 1.0, velocity, 1);

    /* Loop through the contact points */

    for (contact = 0 ; contact < nc ; ++contact)
      /*    (*local_solver)(contact,n,reaction,iparam,dparam); */
      int pos = contact * 3;
      double normUT = sqrt(velocity[pos + 1] * velocity[pos + 1] + velocity[pos + 2] * velocity[pos + 2]);
      double an = 1.0;
      reaction[pos] -= an * (velocity[pos] + mu[contact] * normUT);
      reaction[pos + 1] -= an * velocity[pos + 1];
      reaction[pos + 2] -= an * velocity[pos + 2];
      projectionOnCone(&reaction[pos], mu[contact]);
    /*       int k; */
    /*       printf("\n"); */
    /*       for (k = 0 ; k < m; k++) printf("velocity[%i] = %12.8e \t \t reaction[%i] = %12.8e \n ", k, velocity[k], k , reaction[k]); */
    /*       for (k = 0 ; k < n; k++) printf("globalVelocity[%i] = %12.8e \t \n ", k, globalVelocity[k]); */
    /*       printf("\n"); */

    /* **** Criterium convergence **** */
    (*computeError)(problem, reaction , velocity, globalVelocity, tolerance, &error);

    if (verbose > 0)
      printf("----------------------------------- FC3D - NSGS - Iteration %i Error = %14.7e\n", iter, error);

    if (error < tolerance) hasNotConverged = 0;
    *info = hasNotConverged;

  if (H->storageType == 1)
  /*   free(Global_ipiv); */
  dparam[0] = tolerance;
  dparam[1] = error;

  /***** Free memory *****/