Ejemplo n.º 1
bool Plane::Intersects(const Plane &plane, Line *outLine) const
	vec perp = normal.Perpendicular(plane.normal);//vec::Perpendicular Cross(normal, plane.normal);

	float3x3 m;
	m.SetRow(0, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(normal));
	m.SetRow(1, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(plane.normal));
	m.SetRow(2, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(perp)); // This is arbitrarily chosen, to produce m invertible.
	float3 intersectionPos;
	bool success = m.SolveAxb(float3(d, plane.d, 0.f),intersectionPos);
	if (!success) // Inverse failed, so the planes must be parallel.
		float normalDir = Dot(normal,plane.normal);
		if ((normalDir > 0.f && EqualAbs(d, plane.d)) || (normalDir < 0.f && EqualAbs(d, -plane.d)))
			if (outLine)
				*outLine = Line(normal*d, plane.normal.Perpendicular());
			return true;
			return false;
	if (outLine)
		*outLine = Line(POINT_VEC(intersectionPos), perp.Normalized());
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 2
float3x4 Frustum::WorldMatrix() const
	float3x4 m;
	m.SetCol(0, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(WorldRight().Normalized()));
	m.SetCol(1, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(up));
	if (handedness == FrustumRightHanded)
		m.SetCol(2, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(-front)); // In right-handed convention, the -Z axis must map towards the front vector. (so +Z maps to -front)
		m.SetCol(2, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(front)); // In left-handed convention, the +Z axis must map towards the front vector.
	m.SetCol(3, POINT_TO_FLOAT3(pos));
	return m;
Ejemplo n.º 3
bool Plane::Intersects(const Plane &plane, const Plane &plane2, Line *outLine, vec *outPoint) const
	Line dummy;
	if (!outLine)
		outLine = &dummy;

	// First check all planes for parallel pairs.
	if (this->IsParallel(plane) || this->IsParallel(plane2))
		if (EqualAbs(d, plane.d) || EqualAbs(d, plane2.d))
			bool intersect = plane.Intersects(plane2, outLine);
			if (intersect && outPoint)
				*outPoint = outLine->GetPoint(0);
			return intersect;
			return false;
	if (plane.IsParallel(plane2))
		if (EqualAbs(plane.d, plane2.d))
			bool intersect = this->Intersects(plane, outLine);
			if (intersect && outPoint)
				*outPoint = outLine->GetPoint(0);
			return intersect;
			return false;

	// All planes point to different directions.
	float3x3 m;
	m.SetRow(0, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(normal));
	m.SetRow(1, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(plane.normal));
	m.SetRow(2, DIR_TO_FLOAT3(plane2.normal));
	float3 intersectionPos;
	bool success = m.SolveAxb(float3(d, plane.d, plane2.d), intersectionPos);
	if (!success)
		return false;
	if (outPoint)
		*outPoint = POINT_VEC(intersectionPos);
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
float3x4 operator *(const float3x4 &lhs, const TranslateOp &rhs)
	float3x4 r = lhs;

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	assume4(r.Equals(lhs * (float3x4)rhs), lhs, rhs, r, lhs * (float3x4)rhs);
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 5
float3x4 operator *(const TranslateOp &lhs, const float3x4 &rhs)
	float3x4 r = rhs;
	r.SetTranslatePart(r.TranslatePart() + DIR_TO_FLOAT3(lhs.Offset()));

	// Our optimized form of multiplication must be the same as this.
	mathassert(r.Equals((float3x4)lhs * rhs));
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 6
float4x4 operator *(const TranslateOp &lhs, const float4x4 &rhs)
	// This function is based on the optimized assumption that the last row of rhs is [0,0,0,1].
	// If this does not hold and you are hitting the check below, explicitly cast TranslateOp lhs to float4x4 before multiplication!
	assume(rhs.Row(3).Equals(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f));

	float4x4 r = rhs;
	r.SetTranslatePart(r.TranslatePart() + DIR_TO_FLOAT3(lhs.Offset()));
	return r;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void AABB::Scale(const vec &centerPoint, const vec &scaleFactor)
	float3x4 transform = float3x4::Scale(DIR_TO_FLOAT3(scaleFactor), POINT_TO_FLOAT3(centerPoint)); ///\todo mat
	minPoint = POINT_VEC(transform.MulPos(POINT_TO_FLOAT3(minPoint))); ///\todo mat
	maxPoint = POINT_VEC(transform.MulPos(POINT_TO_FLOAT3(maxPoint))); ///\todo mat
Ejemplo n.º 8
float4x4 operator *(const float4x4 &lhs, const TranslateOp &rhs)
	float4x4 r = lhs;
	return r;