Ejemplo n.º 1
   DMDATSSetRHSFunctionLocal - set a local residual evaluation function

   Logically Collective

   Input Arguments:
+  dm - DM to associate callback with
.  imode - insert mode for the residual
.  func - local residual evaluation
-  ctx - optional context for local residual evaluation

   Calling sequence for func:

$ func(DMDALocalInfo info,PetscReal t,void *x,void *f,void *ctx)

+  info - DMDALocalInfo defining the subdomain to evaluate the residual on
.  t - time at which to evaluate residual
.  x - array of local state information
.  f - output array of local residual information
-  ctx - optional user context

   Level: beginner

.seealso: DMTSSetRHSFunction(), DMDATSSetRHSJacobianLocal(), DMDASNESSetFunctionLocal()
PetscErrorCode DMDATSSetRHSFunctionLocal(DM dm,InsertMode imode,DMDATSRHSFunctionLocal func,void *ctx)
  PetscErrorCode ierr;
  DMTS           sdm;
  DMTS_DA        *dmdats;

  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm,&sdm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMDATSGetContext(dm,sdm,&dmdats);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  dmdats->rhsfunctionlocalimode = imode;
  dmdats->rhsfunctionlocal      = func;
  dmdats->rhsfunctionlocalctx   = ctx;
  ierr = DMTSSetRHSFunction(dm,TSComputeRHSFunction_DMDA,dmdats);CHKERRQ(ierr);
Ejemplo n.º 2
  DMPlexTSSetRHSFunctionLocal - set a local residual evaluation function

  Logically Collective

  Input Arguments:
+ dm      - DM to associate callback with
. riemann - Riemann solver
- ctx     - optional context for Riemann solve

  Calling sequence for riemann:

$ riemann(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal n[], const PetscScalar uL[], const PetscScalar uR[], PetscScalar flux[], void *ctx)

+ x    - The coordinates at a point on the interface
. n    - The normal vector to the interface
. uL   - The state vector to the left of the interface
. uR   - The state vector to the right of the interface
. flux - output array of flux through the interface
- ctx  - optional user context

  Level: beginner

.seealso: DMTSSetRHSFunctionLocal()
PetscErrorCode DMPlexTSSetRHSFunctionLocal(DM dm, void (*riemann)(const PetscReal x[], const PetscReal n[], const PetscScalar uL[], const PetscScalar uR[], PetscScalar flux[], void *ctx), void *ctx)
  DMTS           dmts;
  DMTS_Plex     *dmplexts;
  PetscFV        fvm;
  PetscInt       Nf;
  PetscBool      computeGradients;
  PetscErrorCode ierr;

  PetscValidHeaderSpecific(dm, DM_CLASSID, 1);
  ierr = DMGetDMTSWrite(dm, &dmts);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMPlexTSGetContext(dm, dmts, &dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  dmplexts->riemann             = riemann;
  dmplexts->rhsfunctionlocalctx = ctx;
  ierr = DMGetNumFields(dm, &Nf);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMGetField(dm, 0, (PetscObject *) &fvm);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = DMPlexTSSetupGeometry(dm, fvm, dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  ierr = PetscFVGetComputeGradients(fvm, &computeGradients);CHKERRQ(ierr);
  if (computeGradients) {ierr = DMPlexTSSetupGradient(dm, fvm, dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);}
  ierr = DMTSSetRHSFunction(dm, TSComputeRHSFunction_DMPlex, dmplexts);CHKERRQ(ierr);