Ejemplo n.º 1
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
    /* Input data */
	double	*A		= mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
	double	thre	= *(mxGetPr(prhs[1]));
    int		M		= mxGetM(prhs[0]);
    int		N		= mxGetN(prhs[0]);
	int		n_start	= 1;
	if(nrhs>2)		n_start	= ROUND(*(mxGetPr(prhs[2])));

	int		n_search	= 1;
	if(nrhs>3)		n_search	= ROUND(*(mxGetPr(prhs[3])));

	/* call algorithm */
	D 				= new double[M*N];		// DP matrix, D[y,x] is the cost of contour 1 at x
	links			= new int[M*N];			//	matching to contour 2 at y
	int		*C		= new int[M];
	double	T		= 100000000;

	bool bSucc	= false;
	if(n_start==1 && n_search==1)
		bSucc	= DPMatchingFixStartPoint(C, T,	A, thre, M, N);
		bSucc		= DPMatchingMultiStart(C,T, A,thre,M,N,n_start,n_search);
		//bSucc	= DPMatchingCircular(C, T,	A, thre, M, N, n_search);

    /* Output data */
    mxArray	*pMxC	= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,M,mxREAL);
    double	*pC		= mxGetPr(pMxC);
	for(int ii=0;ii<M;++ii)
		pC[ii]	= (double)C[ii]+1;

    mxArray	*pMxT	= mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
    *(mxGetPr(pMxT))= T;

    /* Return */
    plhs[0] = pMxC;
    plhs[1] = pMxT;

	delete	[]C;
	delete	[]D;
	delete	[]links;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void DPMatching( double *cvec, double *match_cost, double *A, double thre, int M, int N, int n_start, int n_search)
    /* Input data */


	/* call algorithm */
	D 				= new double[M*N];		// DP matrix, D[y,x] is the cost of contour 1 at x
	links			= new int[M*N];			//	matching to contour 2 at y
	int		*C		= new int[M];
	double	T		= 100000000;

	bool bSucc	= false;
	if(n_start==1 && n_search==1)
		bSucc	= DPMatchingFixStartPoint(C, T,	A, thre, M, N);
		bSucc		= DPMatchingMultiStart(C,T, A,thre,M,N,n_start,n_search);
		//bSucc	= DPMatchingCircular(C, T,	A, thre, M, N, n_search);

    /* Output data */
	for(int ii=0;ii<M;++ii)
		cvec[ii]	= (double)C[ii]+1;


    /* Return */

	delete	[]C;
	delete	[]D;
	delete	[]links;