Ejemplo n.º 1
static int ChannelLock()
    Dword dwFrequency = 0;
    Word  wBandwidth = 0;
    Dword dwStatus = 0;
    Bool boolIsLock = 0;
    int res;

    printf("\n=> Please Input Frequency (KHz): ");
    res = scanf("%lu", &dwFrequency);
    gFreq = dwFrequency;

    printf("\n=> Please Choose Bandwidth (0:8MHz  1:7MHz  2:6MHz): ");
    res = scanf("%d",&gChoseBand);

    if (gChoseBand == 0)
        wBandwidth = 8;
    else if (gChoseBand == 1)
        wBandwidth = 7;
        wBandwidth = 6;

    printf("\n\n**************** Lock Status ****************");
    printf("\nFrequency = %lu KHz\n", dwFrequency);
    printf("Bandwidth = %i MHz\n\n", wBandwidth);

    dwStatus = DTV_AcquireChannel(dwFrequency, wBandwidth);
    if (dwStatus)
        printf("DTV_AcquireChannel() return error!\n");

    dwStatus = DTV_DisablePIDTbl();
    if (dwStatus)
        printf("DTV_DisablePIDTbl() return error!\n");

    dwStatus = DTV_IsLocked((Bool *)&boolIsLock);
    if (dwStatus)
        printf("DTV_IsLocked() return error!\n");

    if (boolIsLock)
        printf("*** Channel Locked ***\n");
        printf("*** Channel Unlocked ***\n");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int ChannelLock(options_t *options)
    Dword dwFrequency = 0;
    Word  wBandwidth = 0;
    Dword dwStatus = 0;
    Bool boolIsLock = 0;
    int res;

    dwFrequency = options->frequency;
    gFreq = options->frequency;
    gChoseBand = options->bandwidth;

    fprintf(stderr, "\n");

    if(gChoseBand>=2000 && gChoseBand<3000) wBandwidth = 2;
    else if(gChoseBand>=3000 && gChoseBand<4000) wBandwidth = 3;
    else if(gChoseBand>=4000 && gChoseBand<5000) wBandwidth = 4;
    else if(gChoseBand>=5000 && gChoseBand<6000) wBandwidth = 5;
    else if(gChoseBand>=6000 && gChoseBand<7000) wBandwidth = 6;
    else if(gChoseBand>=7000 && gChoseBand<8000) wBandwidth = 7;
    else if(gChoseBand>=8000 && gChoseBand<9000) wBandwidth = 8;
        fprintf(stderr, "No Supported Bandwidth!\n"); 
        return ERR_INVALID_BW;

    fprintf(stderr, "Trying to lock:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Frequency ...: %lu KHz\n", dwFrequency);
    fprintf(stderr, "Bandwidth ...: %i MHz\n\n", wBandwidth);

    dwStatus = DTV_AcquireChannel(dwFrequency, wBandwidth);
    if (dwStatus)
        fprintf(stderr, "DTV_AcquireChannel() returned error %s (%lx)\n", DTV_Error(dwStatus), dwStatus);

    dwStatus = DTV_DisablePIDTbl();
    if (dwStatus)
        fprintf(stderr, "DTV_DisablePIDTbl() returned error %s (%lx)\n", DTV_Error(dwStatus), dwStatus);

    dwStatus = DTV_IsLocked((Bool *)&boolIsLock);
    if (dwStatus)
        fprintf(stderr, "DTV_IsLocked() returned error %s (%lx)\n", DTV_Error(dwStatus), dwStatus);

    if (boolIsLock)
        fprintf(stderr, "*** Channel Locked ***\n");
        fprintf(stderr, "*** Channel Unlocked ***\n");

    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int MultiChannelTest()
	Dword dwFrequency = 0;
    Word  wBandwidth = 0;
	Dword dwStatus = 0;
	Bool boolIsLock = 0;
	Dword dwpPostErrCnt;    // ErrorBitCount
	Dword dwpPostBitCnt;    // TotalBitCount
    Word  wpAbortCnt;       // number of abort RSD packet
    Word  wpQuality;        // signal quality (0 - 100)
    Word  wpStrength;		// signal strength (0 - 100)
	DTVStatistic StatisicEx;
	int startFreq, stopFreq;
	int channels = 0, res;
	FILE* pFile = NULL;

	pFile = fopen("scanlog.txt", "w");

	printf("\n=> Please Input Start Frequency (KHz): ");
	res = scanf("%d", &startFreq);
	printf("\n=> Please Input Stop Frequency (KHz): ");
	res = scanf("%d", &stopFreq);
	printf("\n=> Please Choose Bandwidth (0:8MHz  1:7MHz  2:6MHz): ");
	res = scanf("%d",&gChoseBand);

	if (gChoseBand == 0)
		wBandwidth = 8;
	else if (gChoseBand == 1)
		wBandwidth = 7;
		wBandwidth = 6;

	gFreq = startFreq;

	while (gFreq <= stopFreq)
		dwFrequency = gFreq;

		dwStatus = DTV_AcquireChannel(dwFrequency, wBandwidth);
		if (dwStatus)
			printf("DTV_AcquireChannel() return error!\n");


		dwStatus =  DTV_GetStatistic(10000,
										(Dword *)&dwpPostErrCnt,
										(Dword *)&dwpPostBitCnt,
										(Word *)&wpAbortCnt,
										(Word *)&wpQuality,
										(Word *)&wpStrength);

		if (dwStatus)
			printf("DTV_GetStatistic() return error!\n");

		dwStatus =  DTV_GetStatisticEx(&StatisicEx);
		if (dwStatus)
			printf("DTV_GetStatisticEx() return error!\n");

		dwStatus = DTV_IsLocked((Bool *)&boolIsLock);
		if (dwStatus)
			printf("DTV_IsLocked() return error!\n");

		if (boolIsLock) {
			channels ++;
			printf("\n======  Statistics   ======\n");
			printf("Frequency = %i KHz\n", gFreq);
			printf("Demod locked: %d\n", StatisicEx.signalLocked);
			printf("TPS locked :%d\n", StatisicEx.signalPresented);
			printf("Quality: %d\n", wpQuality);
			printf("Strength: %d\n", wpStrength);
			if (dwpPostBitCnt != 0)
				printf("BER: %3.3e\n", ((float)dwpPostErrCnt)/dwpPostBitCnt);
				printf("BER: %3.3e\n", (double) dwpPostBitCnt);
			printf("Abort Count: %d\n", wpAbortCnt);


			if (pFile) {
				fprintf(pFile, "\n======  Statistics   ======\n");
				fprintf(pFile, "Frequency = %i KHz\n", gFreq);
				fprintf(pFile, "Demod locked: %d\n", StatisicEx.signalLocked);
				fprintf(pFile, "TPS locked :%d\n", StatisicEx.signalPresented);
				fprintf(pFile, "Quality: %d\n", wpQuality);
				fprintf(pFile, "Strength: %d\n", wpStrength);
				if (dwpPostBitCnt != 0)
					fprintf(pFile, "BER: %3.3e\n", ((float)dwpPostErrCnt)/dwpPostBitCnt);
					fprintf(pFile, "BER: %3.3e\n", (double) dwpPostBitCnt);
				fprintf(pFile, "Abort Count: %d\n", wpAbortCnt);

				fprintf(pFile, "===============================\n");

		if (gChoseBand == 0)
			gFreq = gFreq + 8000;
		else if (gChoseBand == 1)
			gFreq = gFreq + 7000;
			gFreq = gFreq + 6000;


	printf("\n============ Analysis ============");
	printf("\n Frequency %d(KHz) ~  %d(KHz)", startFreq, stopFreq);
	printf("\n Scan Channel : %d channels Locked  \n", channels);

	if (pFile) {
		fprintf(pFile, "\n============ Analysis ============");
		fprintf(pFile, "\n Frequency %d(KHz) ~  %d(KHz)", startFreq, stopFreq);
		fprintf(pFile, "\n Scan Channel : %d channels Locked  \n", channels);
		printf("\n Save log to file scanlog.txt\n\n");

	return 0;