Ejemplo n.º 1
static void DaoObject_Print( DaoValue *self0, DaoProcess *proc, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycData )
	int ec;
	char buf[50];
	DaoObject *self = & self0->xObject;
	sprintf( buf, "[%p]", self );
	if( self0 == self->defClass->objType->value ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[null]" );
	if( cycData != NULL && DMap_Find( cycData, self ) != NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( cycData ) MAP_Insert( cycData, self, self );

	DString_SetChars( proc->mbstring, "serialize" );
	DaoValue_Clear( & proc->stackValues[0] );
	ec = DaoObject_InvokeMethod( self, proc->activeObject, proc, proc->mbstring, NULL,0,1,1 );
	if( ec && ec != DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTEXIST ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->mbstring->chars, NULL );
	}else if( ec == DAO_ERROR_FIELD_NOTEXIST || proc->stackValues[0] == NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], proc, stream, cycData );
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void DaoIO_Writeln0( DaoStream *self, DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoValue *params[DAO_MAX_PARAM];
	DMap *cycmap = NULL;
	int i;
	if( DaoIO_CheckMode( self, proc, DAO_STREAM_WRITABLE ) == 0 ) return;
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( p[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ){
			cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);
	// DaoValue_Print() may call user defined function and change the stack
	// and invalidate the parameter array:
	memmove( params, p, N*sizeof(DaoValue*) );
	for(i=0; i<N; i++){
		if( params[i]->type > DAO_ARRAY ) DMap_Reset( cycmap );
		DaoValue_Print( params[i], self, cycmap, proc );
		if( i+1<N ) DaoStream_WriteChars( self, " ");
	DaoStream_WriteChars( self, "\n");
	if( cycmap ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void DaoCallServer_ActivateEvents()
	DaoCallServer *server = daoCallServer;
	char message[128];
	daoint i, j, count = 0;

	if( server->finishing == 0 ) return;
	if( server->idle != server->total ) return;
	if( server->events->size != 0 ) return;
	if( server->events2->size == 0 ) return;

#ifdef DEBUG
	sprintf( message, "WARNING: try activating events (%i,%i,%i,%i)!\n", server->total,
			server->idle, (int)server->events->size, (int)server->events2->size );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( mainVmSpace->errorStream, message );
	for(i=0; i<server->events2->size; ++i){
		DaoTaskEvent *event = (DaoTaskEvent*) server->events2->items.pVoid[i];
		DaoChannel *chan = event->channel;
		DaoFuture *fut = event->future;
		int move = 0, closed = 0;
		switch( event->type ){
			move = fut->precond == NULL || fut->precond->state == DAO_CALL_FINISHED;
			move = chan->buffer->size > 0;
			if( chan->cap <= 0 && chan->buffer->size == 0 ) move = 1;
			move = chan->buffer->size < chan->cap;
			if( event->selects == NULL ) continue;
			move = DaoTaskEvent_CheckSelect( event );
		default: break;
		if( move ){
			DList_Append( server->events, event );
			DList_Erase( server->events2, i, 1 );
			count += 1;
			i -= 1;
	DCondVar_Signal( & server->condv );
	if( count == 0 ){
		DaoStream *stream = mainVmSpace->errorStream;
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "ERROR: All tasklets are suspended - deadlock!\n" );
		fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: All tasklets are suspended - deadlock!\n" );
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void TEST_Run( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue* p[], int N )
	DString *prefix = p[0]->xString.value;
	DList *funcs = proc->activeNamespace->definedRoutines;
	DaoStream *out = DaoVmSpace_StdioStream( proc->vmSpace );
	daoint i;
	char buf[100];
	for ( i = 0; i < funcs->size; ++i ){
		DaoRoutine *rout = funcs->items.pRoutine[i];
		// find global routines matching prefix
		if ( strncmp( rout->routName->chars, prefix->chars, prefix->size ) == 0 ){
			// ignore 'main()'
			if ( strcmp( rout->routName->chars, "main" ) == 0 )
			// run
			if ( !( rout->attribs & DAO_ROUT_DECORATOR ) && rout->parCount == 0 ){
				if ( DaoProcess_Call( proc, rout, NULL, NULL, 0 ) == DAO_ERROR ){ // failed
					char buf[512];
					snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "unexpected error running '%s'", rout->routName->chars );
					DaoProcess_RaiseError( proc, "Error::Test", buf );
	DMutex_Lock( &test_mtx );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), "Summary: %i tests, %i passed, %i failed, %i skipped\n", test_count, pass_count, fail_count, skip_count );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( out, buf );
	test_count = pass_count = fail_count = skip_count = 0;
	DMutex_Unlock( &test_mtx );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void DaoObject_Print( DaoValue *self, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycmap, DaoProcess *proc )
	int ec = 0;
	char buf[50];
	DMap *inmap = cycmap;
	DaoObject *object = (DaoObject*) self;
	DaoValue *params[2];
	DaoRoutine *meth;

	sprintf( buf, "[%p]", object );
	if( self == object->defClass->objType->value ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, object->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[null]" );
	if( cycmap != NULL && DMap_Find( cycmap, object ) != NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, object->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( cycmap == NULL ) cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);
	DMap_Insert( cycmap, self, self );

	DaoValue_Clear( & proc->stackValues[0] );

	params[0] = (DaoValue*) dao_type_string;
	params[1] = (DaoValue*) stream;
	meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( object->defClass, "(string)", NULL );
	if( meth ){
		ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, params, 2 );
		if( ec ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, params, 1 );
		meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( object->defClass, "serialize", NULL );
		if( meth ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, NULL, 0 );
	if( ec ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->string->chars, NULL );
	}else if( meth && proc->stackValues[0] ){
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], stream, cycmap, proc );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, object->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( inmap == NULL ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void DaoObject_Print( DaoValue *self0, DaoProcess *proc, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycData )
	int ec = 0;
	char buf[50];
	DaoObject *self = & self0->xObject;
	DaoValue *params[2];
	DaoRoutine *meth;

	sprintf( buf, "[%p]", self );
	if( self0 == self->defClass->objType->value ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[null]" );
	if( cycData != NULL && DMap_Find( cycData, self ) != NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( cycData ) MAP_Insert( cycData, self, self );

	DaoValue_Clear( & proc->stackValues[0] );

	params[0] = (DaoValue*) dao_type_string;
	params[1] = (DaoValue*) stream;
	meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( self->defClass, "(string)", NULL );
	if( meth ){
		ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self0, params, 2 );
		if( ec ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self0, params, 1 );
		meth = DaoClass_FindMethod( self->defClass, "serialize", NULL );
		if( meth ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self0, NULL, 0 );
	if( ec ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->string->chars, NULL );
	}else if( meth && proc->stackValues[0] ){
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], proc, stream, cycData );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, self->defClass->className );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
Ejemplo n.º 7
static int SetCharColor( DaoStream *stream, int color, const char *csi )
	char buf[20];
	if( IsaTTY( stream ) == 0 ) return 254;
	if( color == 254 )
		snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), CSI_RESET );
		snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), csi, color );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	return 254;
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void DaoCinValue_Print( DaoValue *self, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycmap, DaoProcess *proc )
	int ec = 0;
	char buf[50];
	DaoRoutine *meth;
	DaoValue *args[2];
	DaoType *type = self->xCinValue.cintype->vatype;
	DMap *inmap = cycmap;

	if( cycmap != NULL && DMap_Find( cycmap, self ) != NULL ){
		sprintf( buf, "[%p]", self );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, type->name );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );

	if( cycmap == NULL ) cycmap = DHash_New(0,0);
	DMap_Insert( cycmap, self, self );

	args[0] = (DaoValue*) proc->vmSpace->typeString;
	args[1] = (DaoValue*) stream;
	meth = DaoType_FindFunctionChars( type, "(string)" );
	if( meth ){
		ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, args, 2 );
		if( ec ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, args, 1 );
		meth = DaoType_FindFunctionChars( type, "serialize" );
		if( meth ) ec = DaoProcess_Call( proc, meth, self, NULL, 0 );
	if( meth == NULL ){
		DaoValue_Print( self->xCinValue.value, stream, cycmap, proc );
	}else if( ec ){
		DaoProcess_RaiseException( proc, daoExceptionNames[ec], proc->string->chars, NULL );
	}else if( meth && proc->stackValues[0] ){
		DaoValue_Print( proc->stackValues[0], stream, cycmap, proc );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, type->name );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	if( inmap == NULL ) DMap_Delete( cycmap );
Ejemplo n.º 9
void DaoProcess_Trace( DaoProcess *self, int depth )
	DaoStream *stream = self->vmSpace->stdioStream;
	DaoStackFrame *frame = self->topFrame;
	int k, i = 0;
	while( frame && frame->routine ){
		DaoRoutine *routine = frame->routine;
		if( depth && ++i > depth ) break;

		DaoStream_SetColor( stream, "white", "green" );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, routine->routName );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "()" );
		DaoStream_SetColor( stream, NULL, NULL );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, ": " );
		DaoStream_SetColor( stream, "green", NULL );
		if( routine->routType ) DaoStream_WriteString( stream, routine->routType->name );
		DaoStream_SetColor( stream, NULL, NULL );

		if( frame->routine->body ){
			k = (i==1) ? (int)( self->activeCode - frame->codes ) : frame->entry;
			if( k >= 0 && k < frame->routine->body->annotCodes->size ){
				DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, ", instruction " );
				DaoStream_WriteInt( stream, k );
				DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, " at line " );
				DaoStream_WriteInt( stream, frame->routine->body->annotCodes->items.pVmc[k]->line );

		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, " in " );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, routine->nameSpace->name );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, ";" );
		DaoStream_WriteNewLine( stream );
		frame = frame->prev;
Ejemplo n.º 10
void DaoValue_Print( DaoValue *self, DaoStream *stream, DMap *cycmap, DaoProcess *proc )
	DaoTypeCore *core = DaoValue_GetTypeCore( self );

	if( self == NULL ){
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "none[0x0]" );
	if( core == NULL || core->Print == NULL ){
		if( self->type == DAO_CSTRUCT || self->type == DAO_CDATA ){
			core = DaoCstruct_GetDefaultCore();
			core->Print( self, stream, cycmap, proc );
	if( core != NULL && core->Print != NULL && core->Print != DaoValue_Print ){
		core->Print( self, stream, cycmap, proc );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, core != NULL ? core->name : "Unknown" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "[" );
	DaoStream_WritePointer( stream, self );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "]" );
Ejemplo n.º 11
void DaoSTD_Debug( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N )
	DaoDebugger *debugger = proc->vmSpace->debugger;
	DaoStream *stream = proc->vmSpace->stdioStream;
	DString *input;
	if( ! (proc->vmSpace->options & DAO_OPTION_DEBUG ) ) return;
	input = DString_New();
	if( N > 0 && DaoValue_CastCstruct( p[0], dao_type_stream ) ){
		stream = (DaoStream*)p[0];
		p ++;
		N --;
	if( N > 0 ){
		Dao_AboutVars( proc, p, N, input );
		DaoStream_WriteString( stream, input );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
		DString_Delete( input );
	DString_Delete( input );
	if( debugger && debugger->Debug ) debugger->Debug( debugger, proc, stream );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void DaoProfiler_Report( DaoProfiler *self0, DaoStream *stream )
	DaoComplex com = {DAO_COMPLEX,0,0,0,1,{0.0,0.0}};
	DaoxProfiler *self = (DaoxProfiler*) self0;
	DMap *summary = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );
	DMap *summary2 = DMap_New( DAO_DATA_VALUE, 0 );
	DString *name1 = DString_New();
	DString *name2 = DString_New();
	DNode *it, *it2;
	int count, max = 20;
	char buf1[32];
	char buf2[24];
	char buf[120];

	for(it=DMap_First(self->profile); it; it=DMap_Next(self->profile,it)){
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it->key.pValue;
		com.value = DaoProfiler_Sum( it->value.pMap );
		com.value.real = - com.value.real;
		com.value.imag = - com.value.imag;
		DMap_Insert( summary, & com, it );

	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter2 );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), header_format, "Routine", "#Calls", "CPU Time" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter2 );
	for(count=max,it=DMap_First(summary); it; it=DMap_Next(summary,it),--count){
		DNode *it2 = (DNode*) it->value.pVoid;
		dao_complex data = it->key.pValue->xComplex.value;
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
		DaoRoutine_MakeName( callee, name1, 28, 10, 2 );
		snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), row_format, name1->chars, (int) -data.imag, -data.real );
		DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
		if( count == 0 ) break;

	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, "\n" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter3 );
	snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), header_format2, "Routine", "Caller", "#Calls", "CPU Time" );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, delimiter3 );
	for(count=max,it=DMap_First(summary); it; it=DMap_Next(summary,it),--count){
		DNode *it2 = (DNode*) it->value.pVoid;
		DaoRoutine *callee = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
		DMap *profile = it2->value.pMap;

		DaoRoutine_MakeName( callee, name1, 30, 0, 0 );

		DMap_Reset( summary2 );
		for(it2=DMap_First(profile); it2; it2=DMap_Next(profile,it2)){
			DaoRoutine *caller = (DaoRoutine*) it2->key.pValue;
			DaoComplex *data = (DaoComplex*) it2->value.pValue;
			com.value.real = - data->value.real;
			com.value.imag = - data->value.imag;
			DMap_Insert( summary2, & com, caller );
		for(it2=DMap_First(summary2); it2; it2=DMap_Next(summary2,it2)){
			DaoRoutine *caller = (DaoRoutine*) it2->value.pValue;
			dao_complex data = it2->key.pValue->xComplex.value;
			DString_Reset( name2, 0 );
			if( caller ) DaoRoutine_MakeName( caller, name2, 22, 0, 0 );
			snprintf( buf, sizeof(buf), row_format2, name1->chars, name2->chars, (int) -data.imag, -data.real );
			DaoStream_WriteChars( stream, buf );
			DString_Reset( name1, 0 );
		if( count == 0 ) break;
	DString_Delete( name1 );
	DString_Delete( name2 );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void DaoStream_PrintHL( DaoStream *self, int tag, const char *text )
	DaoStream_TryHighlight( self, tag );
	DaoStream_WriteChars( self, text );
	DaoStream_TryHighlight( self, 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 14
void DaoStream_WriteNewLine( DaoStream *self )
	DaoStream_WriteChars( self, daoConfig.iscgi ? "<br/>" : "\n" );