DataValue Database::Query::getValue(int column) { if (_stmt == NULL) return DataValue::Void(); switch (sqlite3_column_type(_stmt, column)) { case SQLITE_INTEGER: return sqlite3_column_int64(_stmt, column); case SQLITE_FLOAT: return sqlite3_column_double(_stmt, column); case SQLITE_NULL: return DataValue::Null(); case SQLITE_BLOB: { const void* blob = sqlite3_column_blob(_stmt, column); size_t size = sqlite3_column_bytes(_stmt, column); if (size < sizeof(uint32) + sizeof(uint8)) return DataValue(blob, size); // check DATA or ZDATA signature and try to convert to (or load) a DataValue uint32 signature = *(uint32*)blob; if (signature == NIT_DATA_SIGNATURE || signature == NIT_ZDATA_SIGNATURE) { DataValue blobValue(blob, size); try { uint8 type = ((uint8*)blob)[4]; blobValue.convertTo((DataValue::Type)type); } catch (...) { // Conversion or load fail: return as just a plain blob } return blobValue; } // If signature doesn't tell it's a DataValue, return a plain blob return DataValue(blob, size); } case SQLITE3_TEXT: { const char* text = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(_stmt, column); int len = sqlite3_column_bytes(_stmt, column); return DataValue(text, len); } default: NIT_THROW(EX_NOT_SUPPORTED); } }
void Database::Query::bindValue(int paramIndex, const DataValue& value) { switch (value.getType()) { case DataValue::TYPE_VOID: case DataValue::TYPE_NULL: bindNull(paramIndex); break; case DataValue::TYPE_BOOL: bind(paramIndex, DataValue(value).toInt()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_INT: bind(paramIndex, value.getData<int>()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_INT64: bind(paramIndex, value.getData<int64>()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_FLOAT: bind(paramIndex, value.getData<float>()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_DOUBLE: bind(paramIndex, value.getData<double>()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_STRING: bind(paramIndex, value.getStringPtr(), value.getStringSize()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_BLOB: bindBlob(paramIndex, value.getBlobPtr(), value.getBlobSize()); break; case DataValue::TYPE_TIMESTAMP: bind(paramIndex, value.getData<Timestamp>().getUnixTime64()); break; // types which sqlite doesn't support natively are treated as blob case DataValue::TYPE_FLOAT2: case DataValue::TYPE_FLOAT3: case DataValue::TYPE_FLOAT4: case DataValue::TYPE_FLOAT3X3: case DataValue::TYPE_FLOAT4X4: case DataValue::TYPE_VECTOR2: case DataValue::TYPE_VECTOR3: case DataValue::TYPE_VECTOR4: case DataValue::TYPE_QUAT: case DataValue::TYPE_MATRIX3: case DataValue::TYPE_MATRIX4: { DataValue copy(value); size_t size; const void* blob = copy.toBlob(&size); bindBlob(paramIndex, blob, size); } break; case DataValue::TYPE_ARRAY: bind(paramIndex, DataValue(value).toBuffer()); case DataValue::TYPE_RECORD: bind(paramIndex, DataValue(value).toBuffer()); case DataValue::TYPE_OBJECT: bind(paramIndex, DataValue(value).toBuffer()); case DataValue::TYPE_BUFFER: bind(paramIndex, value.getRef<MemoryBuffer>()); break; default: NIT_THROW(EX_NOT_SUPPORTED); } }
/** * Reads the value in the buffer from the specified offset and specified size. * * @param offset The offset where to read from. * @param amount The number of bytes to read. * * @return DataValue representing the read value. */ DataValue DataBuffer::read(std::size_t offset, std::size_t amount) const { // Check of boundaries if (offset >= getSize()) return DataValue(); // Calculate amount of bytes to copy in case we can run out of buffer boundaries std::size_t bytesToCopy = offset + amount >= getSize() ? getSize() - offset : amount; std::vector<std::uint8_t> bytes; bytes.reserve(bytesToCopy); // Copy using back inserter std::copy(_data.begin() + offset, _data.begin() + offset + bytesToCopy, std::back_inserter(bytes)); return DataValue(bytes); }
/// set the file path to the primary MS run (usually the mzML file obtained after data conversion from raw files) void FeatureMap::setPrimaryMSRunPath(const StringList& s) { if (!s.empty()) { this->setMetaValue("spectra_data", DataValue(s)); } }
/** * Reads the specific bits from the byte at the specified offset. Method also * access neighbour elements if bitCount overlaps current byte. No more than * 64 bits are read. * * @param byteOffset The offset of the byte. * @param bitOffset The bit from which to start reading. 0 is LSB. * @param bitCount The number of bits to read. * * @return DataValue representing the read value. */ DataValue DataBuffer::readBits(std::size_t byteOffset, std::uint8_t bitOffset, std::size_t bitCount) const { if (byteOffset >= getSize()) return DataValue(); if (bitOffset >= 8) return DataValue(); // We don't read more than 64 bits if (bitCount >= (sizeof(std::uint64_t) * 8)) bitCount = 64; std::uint8_t currentByte = _data[byteOffset] >> bitOffset; std::size_t bitsWritten = 0; std::uint64_t val = 0; while (bitCount > 0) { // We take the current byte and mask it out so only required number of bits is taken into account // We then shift it right so it fits right position based on the amount of bits already read val |= static_cast<std::uint64_t>((currentByte & _getBitMask(bitCount))) << bitsWritten; // We now need to calculate how many bits we have written // If there is less than 8 bits left, use that count as number of bits we have written // Otherwise, calculate it with formula 8 - bitOffset if (bitOffset + bitCount < 8) { bitsWritten += bitCount; bitCount -= bitCount; } else { bitsWritten += 8 - bitOffset; bitCount -= 8 - bitOffset; } byteOffset++; if (byteOffset >= getSize()) break; currentByte = _data[byteOffset]; bitOffset = 0; // We must set bitOffset to 0 because we will be reading from this offset in all consecutive iterations } return DataValue(val); }
void PackageService::onInit() { bool useAsyncLoading = DataValue(g_App->getConfig("async_loading", "false")).toBool(); if (useAsyncLoading) _asyncLoader = new AsyncLoader(this); g_App->getClock()->channel()->bind(EVT::CLOCK, this, &PackageService::onClock); g_App->channel()->bind(EVT::SESSION_START, this, &PackageService::onSessionStart); g_App->channel()->bind(EVT::SESSION_STOP, this, &PackageService::onSessionStop); g_App->channel()->bind(EVT::SESSION_CHANGE, this, &PackageService::onSessionChange); InitSqliteVFS(); }
void InputService::onInit() { float timerPriority = DataValue(g_App->getConfig("input_priority", "-100")); _timer = new TickTimer(); g_App->getClock()->channel()->priority(timerPriority)->bind(EVT::CLOCK, _timer->sourceTimeHandler()); _timer->channel()->bind(EVT::TICK, this, &InputService::onTick); _systemUser = new InputUser("$system", 0); _defaultUser = new InputUser("$default", 1); _frame = 0; }
void TOPPASResources::store(const QString& file_name) { Param save_param; for (Map<QString, QList<TOPPASResource> >::ConstIterator it = map_.begin(); it != map_.end(); ++it) { const String& key = String(it->first); const QList<TOPPASResource>& resource_list = it->second; StringList url_list; foreach(const TOPPASResource &res, resource_list) { url_list.push_back(String(res.getURL().toString())); } save_param.setValue(key + ":url_list", DataValue(url_list)); }
void QuantitativeExperimentalDesign::mergeFeatureMaps_(FeatureMap<> & out, const String & experiment, StringList & file_paths) { FeatureMap<> map; LOG_INFO << "Merge feature maps: " << endl; UInt counter = 1; for (StringList::Iterator file_it = file_paths.begin(); file_it != file_paths.end(); ++file_it, ++counter) { //load should clear the map FeatureXMLFile().load(*file_it, map); for (FeatureMap<>::iterator it = map.begin(); it != map.end(); ++it) { it->setMetaValue("experiment", DataValue(experiment)); } out += map; } }
void CVMappingFile::startElement(const XMLCh * const /*uri*/, const XMLCh * const /*local_name*/, const XMLCh * const qname, const Attributes & attributes) { tag_ = String(sm_.convert(qname)); if (tag_ == "CvReference") { // CvReference cvName="PSI-PI" cvIdentifier="PSI-PI"/> CVReference ref; ref.setName(attributeAsString_(attributes, "cvName")); ref.setIdentifier(attributeAsString_(attributes, "cvIdentifier")); cv_references_.push_back(ref); return; } if (tag_ == "CvMappingRule") { // id="R1" cvElementPath="/psi-pi:MzIdentML/psi-pi:AnalysisSoftwareList/psi-pi:AnalysisSoftware/pf:ContactRole/pf:role/pf:cvParam" requirementLevel="MUST" scopePath="" cvTermsCombinationLogic="OR actual_rule_.setIdentifier(attributeAsString_(attributes, "id")); String element_path = attributeAsString_(attributes, "cvElementPath"); if (strip_namespaces_) { vector<String> slash_split; element_path.split('/', slash_split); if (slash_split.empty()) { slash_split.push_back(element_path); } element_path = ""; for (vector<String>::const_iterator it = slash_split.begin(); it != slash_split.end(); ++it) { if (it->empty()) { continue; } vector<String> split; it->split(':', split); if (split.empty()) { element_path += "/" + *it; } else { if (split.size() == 2) { element_path += "/" + split[1]; } else { fatalError(LOAD, String("Cannot parse namespaces of path: '") + element_path + "'"); } } } } actual_rule_.setElementPath(element_path); CVMappingRule::RequirementLevel level = CVMappingRule::MUST; String lvl = attributeAsString_(attributes, "requirementLevel"); if (lvl == "MAY") { level = CVMappingRule::MAY; } else { if (lvl == "SHOULD") { level = CVMappingRule::SHOULD; } else { if (lvl == "MUST") { level = CVMappingRule::MUST; } else { // throw Exception } } } actual_rule_.setRequirementLevel(level); actual_rule_.setScopePath(attributeAsString_(attributes, "scopePath")); CVMappingRule::CombinationsLogic logic = CVMappingRule::OR; String lgc = attributeAsString_(attributes, "cvTermsCombinationLogic"); if (lgc == "OR") { logic = CVMappingRule::OR; } else { if (lgc == "AND") { logic = CVMappingRule::AND; } else { if (lgc == "XOR") { logic = CVMappingRule::XOR; } else { // throw Exception; } } } actual_rule_.setCombinationsLogic(logic); return; } if (tag_ == "CvTerm") { // termAccession="PI:00266" useTermName="false" useTerm="false" termName="role type" isRepeatable="true" allowChildren="true" cvIdentifierRef="PSI-PI" CVMappingTerm term; term.setAccession(attributeAsString_(attributes, "termAccession")); term.setUseTerm(DataValue(attributeAsString_(attributes, "useTerm")).toBool()); String use_term_name; optionalAttributeAsString_(use_term_name, attributes, "useTermName"); if (use_term_name != "") { term.setUseTermName(DataValue(use_term_name).toBool()); } else { term.setUseTermName(false); } term.setTermName(attributeAsString_(attributes, "termName")); String is_repeatable; optionalAttributeAsString_(is_repeatable, attributes, "isRepeatable"); if (is_repeatable != "") { term.setIsRepeatable(DataValue(is_repeatable).toBool()); } else { term.setIsRepeatable(true); } term.setAllowChildren(DataValue(attributeAsString_(attributes, "allowChildren")).toBool()); term.setCVIdentifierRef(attributeAsString_(attributes, "cvIdentifierRef")); actual_rule_.addCVTerm(term); return; } return; }
bool DataProperty::setValue(DataObject* obj, const DataValue& value) const { return _setter && _setter(obj, const_cast<DataProperty*>(this), DataValue(value).convertTo(_type)); }
void QuantitativeExperimentalDesign::mergeIDFiles_(vector<ProteinIdentification> & proteins, vector<PeptideIdentification> & peptides, const String & experiment, StringList & file_paths) { set<String> used_ids; vector<ProteinIdentification> additional_proteins; vector<PeptideIdentification> additional_peptides; LOG_INFO << "Merge idXML-files:" << endl; for (StringList::Iterator file_it = file_paths.begin(); file_it != file_paths.end(); ++file_it) { // load should clear the vectors IdXMLFile().load(*file_it, additional_proteins, additional_peptides); for (vector<ProteinIdentification>::iterator prot_it = additional_proteins.begin(); prot_it != additional_proteins.end(); ++prot_it) { prot_it->setMetaValue("experiment", DataValue(experiment)); } for (vector<PeptideIdentification>::iterator pep_it = additional_peptides.begin(); pep_it != additional_peptides.end(); ++pep_it) { pep_it->setMetaValue("experiment", DataValue(experiment)); } UInt counter = 1; for (vector<ProteinIdentification>::iterator prot_it = additional_proteins.begin(); prot_it != additional_proteins.end(); ++prot_it, ++counter) { String id = prot_it->getIdentifier(); if (used_ids.find(id) != used_ids.end()) // ID used previously { LOG_INFO << "Warning: The identifier '" + id + "' was used before!" << endl; // generate a new ID: DateTime date_time = prot_it->getDateTime(); String new_id; String search_engine = prot_it->getSearchEngine(); do { date_time = date_time.addSecs(1); new_id = search_engine + "_" + date_time.toString(Qt::ISODate); } while (used_ids.find(new_id) != used_ids.end()); LOG_INFO << "New identifier '" + new_id + "' generated as replacement." << endl; // update fields: prot_it->setIdentifier(new_id); prot_it->setDateTime(date_time); for (vector<PeptideIdentification>::iterator pep_it = additional_peptides.begin(); pep_it != additional_peptides.end(); ++pep_it) { if (pep_it->getIdentifier() == id) pep_it->setIdentifier(new_id); } used_ids.insert(new_id); } else used_ids.insert(id); } proteins.insert(proteins.end(), additional_proteins.begin(), additional_proteins.end()); peptides.insert(peptides.end(), additional_peptides.begin(), additional_peptides.end()); } }
void DisassemblerDatabase::load() { this->>_filename.toUtf8().constData()); SQLiteStatement s(this->_disassemblerdb, "SELECT * FROM SymbolTable"); while(s.step()) { DataValue addressvalue = DataValue::create(s.column(0).integer64(), this->_symboltable->addressType()); DataValue sizevalue = DataValue::create(s.column(3).integer64(), this->_symboltable->addressType()); this->_symboltable->set(static_cast<Symbol::Type>(s.column(2).integer()), addressvalue, sizevalue, DataValue(), QString::fromUtf8(s.column(1).text())); if(s.column(4).integer64()) { Symbol* symbol = this->_symboltable->get(addressvalue); SQLiteStatement refs(this->_disassemblerdb, "SELECT * FROM ReferenceTable WHERE Address = ?"); refs.bind(1, s.column(0).integer64()); while(refs.step()) { DataValue referencevalue = DataValue::create(refs.column(1).integer64(), this->_symboltable->addressType()); symbol->addSource(referencevalue); } } } this->_disassemblerdb.close(); }