Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
draw_text (struct widget_xft_data *data, char *lbl, int inverse)
    Screen *sc = XtScreen (data->widget);
    int screen = XScreenNumberOfScreen (sc);
    int y = data->xft_font->ascent;
    int x = inverse ? 0 : 2;
    char *bp = lbl;

    data->xft_draw = XftDrawCreate (XtDisplay (data->widget),
                                    DefaultVisual (XtDisplay (data->widget),
                                    DefaultColormapOfScreen (sc));
    XftDrawRect (data->xft_draw,
                 inverse ? &data->xft_fg : &data->xft_bg,
                 0, 0, data->p_width, data->p_height);

    if (!inverse) y += 2;
    while (bp && *bp != '\0')
        char *cp = strchr (bp, '\n');
        XftDrawStringUtf8 (data->xft_draw,
                           inverse ? &data->xft_bg : &data->xft_fg,
                           data->xft_font, x, y,
                           (FcChar8 *) bp,
                           cp ? cp - bp : strlen (bp));
        bp = cp ? cp + 1 : NULL;
        /* 1.2 gives reasonable line spacing.  */
        y += data->xft_font->height * 1.2;

Ejemplo n.º 2
static Cursor XbrCursorCreate(Display *display, Screen *screen, char *bits,
                              int xhot, int yhot, int width, int height)
    Cursor cursor;
    XColor colours[2];
    Pixmap pixmap;
    Colormap colourmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen);
    Window root = RootWindowOfScreen(screen);

    /* Find out the black & white pixel values */
    XbrGfxBWPixels(display, screen, colourmap, &colours[0], &colours[1]);

    /* Convert the bitmap to a pixmap - we could use XbrReadBitmap but
       that requires a GC, so we use the normal X routine.
    pixmap = XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData(display, root, bits, width, height,
               colours[1].pixel, colours[0].pixel, 1);

    /* Create a cursor from the pixmap */
    cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, pixmap, pixmap, &colours[0],
             &colours[1], xhot, yhot);

    /* Free the pixmap now */
    XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);

Ejemplo n.º 3
static void
fill_xft_data (struct widget_xft_data *data, Widget widget, XftFont *font)
    Pixel bg, fg;
    XColor colors[2];

    data->widget = widget;
    data->xft_font = font;
    XtVaGetValues (widget,
                   XtNbackground, &bg,
                   XtNforeground, &fg,

    colors[0].pixel = data->xft_fg.pixel = fg;
    colors[1].pixel = data->xft_bg.pixel = bg;
    XQueryColors (XtDisplay (widget),
                  DefaultColormapOfScreen (XtScreen (widget)),
                  colors, 2);

    data->xft_fg.color.alpha = 0xFFFF;
    data->xft_fg.color.red = colors[0].red;
    data->xft_fg.color.green = colors[0].green;
    data->xft_fg.color.blue = colors[0].blue;
    data->xft_bg.color.alpha = 0xFFFF;
    data->xft_bg.color.red = colors[1].red;
    data->xft_bg.color.green = colors[1].green;
    data->xft_bg.color.blue = colors[1].blue;

    data->p = None;
    data->xft_draw = 0;
    data->p_width = data->p_height = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
x11_draw_glyphs( Drawable            drawable,
                 GC                  gc,
                 PangoFont          *font,
                 int                 x,
                 int                 y,
                 PangoGlyphString   *glyphs,
                 wxColour           &colour )
    if (PANGO_XFT_IS_FONT (font))
        Display* xdisplay = wxGlobalDisplay();
        int xscreen = DefaultScreen( xdisplay );
        Visual* xvisual = DefaultVisual( xdisplay, xscreen );

        Colormap xcolormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen( XScreenOfDisplay( xdisplay, xscreen ) );

        XftDraw *draw = XftDrawCreate( xdisplay, drawable, xvisual, xcolormap );
        XftColor color;
        color.pixel = 0;
        color.color.red = colour.Red() << 8;
        color.color.green = colour.Green() << 8;
        color.color.blue = colour.Blue() << 8;
        color.color.alpha = 65000;
        pango_xft_render( draw, &color, font, glyphs, x, y );

        XftDrawDestroy( draw );
Ejemplo n.º 5
static int module_init(Display *dpy) {

    int i;

    data.display = dpy;
    data.windows = (Window *)malloc(sizeof(Window) * ScreenCount(dpy));

    for (i = 0; i < ScreenCount(dpy); i++) {

        Screen *screen = ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, i);
        Colormap colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen);
        XSetWindowAttributes xswa;
        XColor color;

        alock_alloc_color(dpy, colormap, data.colorname, "black", &color);

        xswa.override_redirect = True;
        xswa.colormap = colormap;
        xswa.background_pixel = color.pixel;

        data.windows[i] = XCreateWindow(dpy, RootWindowOfScreen(screen),
                0, 0, WidthOfScreen(screen), HeightOfScreen(screen), 0,
                CopyFromParent, InputOutput, CopyFromParent,
                CWOverrideRedirect | CWColormap | CWBackPixel,


    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 6
Pixmap XcodaCreatePixmapFromXpm(Widget parent,
				const char** data,
				int    type)
  Display        *dpy = XtDisplay(parent);
  Window         win = XDefaultRootWindow(dpy);
  Screen         *scr = XDefaultScreenOfDisplay(dpy);
  int            depth = DefaultDepthOfScreen(scr);
  Colormap       cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr);
  XpmAttributes  attr;
  unsigned int  valuemask = 0;
  int            err;

  /*unsigned int  pixmap_ret, pixmap_mask;*/
  Pixmap pixmap_ret, pixmap_mask;

  XpmColorSymbol col_symbol[1];
  Arg            arg[5];
  int            ac = 0;
  Pixel          parent_bg;

  if(type){ /* normal background for pixmap */
    XtSetArg (arg[ac], XmNbackground, &parent_bg); ac++;
    XtGetValues (parent, arg, ac);
    ac = 0;
  else{  /* inverted or highlighted pixmap */
    XtSetArg (arg[ac], XmNforeground, &parent_bg); ac++;
    XtGetValues (parent, arg, ac);
    ac = 0;
  col_symbol[0].name = (char *)NULL;
  col_symbol[0].value = (char *)malloc((strlen("LightBlue")+1)*sizeof(char));
  col_symbol[0].pixel = parent_bg;
  attr.colormap = cmap;
  attr.depth = depth;
  attr.colorsymbols = col_symbol;
  attr.valuemask = valuemask;
  attr.numsymbols = 1;
  attr.closeness = 65536;
  attr.valuemask |= XpmReturnPixels;
  attr.valuemask |= XpmColormap;
  attr.valuemask |= XpmColorSymbols;
  attr.valuemask |= XpmDepth;
  attr.valuemask |= XpmCloseness;
  printf("Calling XpmCreatePixmapFromData ...\n");
  err = XpmCreatePixmapFromData(dpy, win, (char **)data, &pixmap_ret, &pixmap_mask, &attr);
  free (col_symbol[0].value);
  if(err != XpmSuccess){
    pixmap_ret = 0;

  return pixmap_ret;
Ejemplo n.º 7
** BeginWait/EndWait
** Display/Remove a watch cursor over topCursorWidget and its descendents
void BeginWait(Widget topCursorWidget)
    Display *display = XtDisplay(topCursorWidget);
    Pixmap pixmap;
    Pixmap maskPixmap;
    XColor xcolors[2];
    static Cursor  waitCursor = 0;
    /* if the watch cursor hasn't been created yet, create it */
    if (!waitCursor) {
	pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),
		(char *)watch_bits, watch_width, watch_height);

	maskPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, DefaultRootWindow(display),
		(char *)watch_mask_bits, watch_width, watch_height);

	xcolors[0].pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));
	xcolors[1].pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display));

	XQueryColors(display, DefaultColormapOfScreen(
		DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display)), xcolors, 2);
	waitCursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, pixmap, maskPixmap,
		&xcolors[0], &xcolors[1], watch_x_hot, watch_y_hot);
	XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);
	XFreePixmap(display, maskPixmap);

    /* display the cursor */
    XDefineCursor(display, XtWindow(topCursorWidget), waitCursor);
Ejemplo n.º 8
Cursor _Delay::hourglass_cursor()
    if (hourglass_cache != 0)
	return hourglass_cache;

    Display *display = XtDisplay(widget);

    Screen *screen = XtScreen(widget);
    Window rootWindow = RootWindowOfScreen(screen);

    unsigned char *cursor_bits      = time16_bits;
    unsigned char *cursor_mask_bits = time16m_bits;
    unsigned int cursor_width       = time16_width;
    unsigned int cursor_height      = time16_height;
    unsigned int cursor_x_hot       = time16_x_hot;
    unsigned int cursor_y_hot       = time16_y_hot;

    // Fetch cursor shape
    unsigned int width, height;
    XQueryBestCursor(display, rootWindow, 32, 32, &width, &height);
    Boolean largeCursors = (width >= 32 && height >= 32);
    if (largeCursors)
	cursor_bits      = time32_bits;
	cursor_mask_bits = time32m_bits;
	cursor_width     = time32_width;
	cursor_height    = time32_height;
	cursor_x_hot     = time32_x_hot;
	cursor_y_hot     = time32_y_hot;

    Pixmap cursor_pixmap = 
	XCreateBitmapFromData(display, rootWindow, (char *)cursor_bits,
			      cursor_width, cursor_height);
    Pixmap cursor_mask_pixmap = 
	XCreateBitmapFromData(display, rootWindow, (char *)cursor_mask_bits,
			      cursor_width, cursor_height);
    XColor cursor_colors[2];
    cursor_colors[0].pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(screen);
    cursor_colors[1].pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(screen);

    XQueryColors(display, DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen), 
		 cursor_colors, 2);

    hourglass_cache = 
	XCreatePixmapCursor(display, cursor_pixmap, cursor_mask_pixmap,
			    cursor_colors, cursor_colors + 1, 
			    cursor_x_hot, cursor_y_hot);
#else // Watch cursor
    hourglass_cache = 
	XCreateFontCursor(display, XC_watch);

    return hourglass_cache;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Set up a window.
int initWindow( long width, long height ) {
  int defScreen;
  XSetWindowAttributes wAttr;
  XGCValues gcValues;
  char buffer[64] = "Graphics";
  XTextProperty xtp = {(unsigned char *)buffer, 125, 8, strlen(buffer)};

   * connect to the X server.  uses the server specified in the
   * DISPLAY environment variable
  curDisplay = XOpenDisplay((char *) NULL);
  if ((Display *) NULL == curDisplay) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Fish School Stats Display:  could not open display.\n");
   * begin to create a window
  defdepth = DefaultDepth(curDisplay,0);
  bytesPerPixel = defdepth/8;
  bytesPerPixel = bytesPerPixel == 3 ? 4 : bytesPerPixel;

  defScreen = DefaultScreen(curDisplay);

  curWindow = XCreateWindow(curDisplay, DefaultRootWindow(curDisplay),
                            10, 10, width, height, 0, 
                            defdepth, InputOutput, 
                            DefaultVisual(curDisplay, defScreen),
                            0, &wAttr);

   * request mouse button and keypress events
  wAttr.event_mask = ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask | ExposureMask;
  XChangeWindowAttributes(curDisplay, curWindow, CWEventMask, &wAttr);

   * force it to appear on the screen
  XSetWMName(curDisplay, curWindow, &xtp);
  XMapWindow(curDisplay, curWindow);

   * create a graphics context.  this stores a drawing state; stuff like
   * current color and line width.  this gc is for drawing into our
   * window. 
  curGC = XCreateGC(curDisplay, curWindow, 0, &gcValues);
  defaultFont = XQueryFont(curDisplay, XGContextFromGC(curGC));

  XSetWindowColormap( curDisplay,

Ejemplo n.º 10
unsigned long
getColor( Display *dsp, unsigned short red, unsigned green, unsigned blue )
    XColor col;
    Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen( ScreenOfDisplay( dsp, 0 ) );
    col.red = (red + 1)*256 - 1;
    col.green = (green + 1)*256 - 1;
    col.blue = (blue + 1)*256 - 1;
    if (!XAllocColor( dsp, cmap, &col ) )
        printf( "Can't alloc color\n" );
    return col.pixel;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Cursor MotifUI::InitHourGlassCursor()
    unsigned int width;
    unsigned int height;
    unsigned int xHotspot;
    unsigned int yHotspot;
    Pixmap       pixmap;
    Pixmap       maskPixmap;
    XColor       xcolors[2];
    char *	 bits;
    char *	 maskBits;
    Cursor       cursor = None;

    if (XQueryBestCursor(display, root, 32, 32, &width, &height))
	if ((width >= 32) && (height >= 32))
	    width = time32_width;
	    height = time32_height;
	    bits = (char *)time32_bits;
	    maskBits = (char *)time32m_bits;
	    xHotspot = time32_x_hot;
	    yHotspot = time32_y_hot;
	    width = time16_width;
	    height = time16_height;
	    bits = (char *)time16_bits;
	    maskBits = (char *)time16m_bits;
	    xHotspot = time16_x_hot;
	    yHotspot = time16_y_hot;

        pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, bits, width, height);

        maskPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData(display, root, maskBits,
					   width, height);
        xcolors[0].pixel = black;
        xcolors[1].pixel = white;

	    DefaultColormapOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay (display)),
	    xcolors, 2);
	cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(display, pixmap, maskPixmap,
	    &(xcolors[0]), &(xcolors[1]), xHotspot, yHotspot);
        XFreePixmap(display, pixmap);
        XFreePixmap(display, maskPixmap);
    return cursor;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void XgraInitializeColors()

    XColor   ForgetIt;
    XColor   GetIt;
    Window   Root;
    int      Counter;
    Colormap ColorMap;
    char     Error;
    char    *ColorName;


    ColorMap  = DefaultColormapOfScreen ( XtScreen ( XgraGraphicWindow ) );
    Error     = False;

    for ( Counter = 0; Counter < XGRA_MAX_COLOR; Counter++ )
        if ( Counter < 5 )
            ColorName = *XgraColorName[ Counter ];
            ColorName = XGRA_LAYER_NAME_TABLE[ Counter - 5 ][ 1 ];

        if ( ColorName != (char *)NULL )
            if ( ! XAllocNamedColor( XgraGraphicDisplay,
                                     ColorMap, ColorName,
                                     &GetIt, &ForgetIt ) )
                fprintf ( stderr, "\nXmx100: Color name '%s' is not in X11 database !\n",
                          ColorName );

                Error = True;

            XgraColor[ Counter ] = GetIt.pixel;
            XgraColor[ Counter ] = XgraColor[ 0 ];

    if ( Error == True ) exit( 1 );

Ejemplo n.º 13
void set_color (Widget widget, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
    String   color = (String) client_data;
    Display *dpy = XtDisplay (widget);
    Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen (XtScreen (widget));
    XColor   col, unused;
    if (!XAllocNamedColor (dpy, cmap, color, &col, &unused)) {
        printf ( "Can't alloc %s", color);
    XSetForeground (dpy, gc, col.pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static Pixel allocRGB(Screen *screen,
	unsigned short red, unsigned short green, unsigned short blue)
    Display *display = DisplayOfScreen(screen);
    XColor color;
    color.red = red;
    color.green = green;
    color.blue = blue;
    if (XAllocColor(display, DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen), &color))
    	return color.pixel;
     	return BlackPixelOfScreen(screen);
Ejemplo n.º 15
WXColormap wxApp::GetMainColormap(WXDisplay* display)
    if (!display) /* Must be called first with non-NULL display */
        return m_mainColormap;

    int defaultScreen = DefaultScreen((Display*) display);
    Screen* screen = XScreenOfDisplay((Display*) display, defaultScreen);

    Colormap c = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen);

    if (!m_mainColormap)
        m_mainColormap = (WXColormap) c;

    return (WXColormap) c;
Ejemplo n.º 16
/*@ -usedef -compdef -mustfreefresh @*/
static void set_color(String color)
    Display *dpy = XtDisplay(draww);
    Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(draww));
    XColor col, unused;

    if (XAllocNamedColor(dpy, cmap, color, &col, &unused)==0) {
	char buf[32];

	(void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Can't alloc %s", color);
    (void)XSetForeground(dpy, drawGC, col.pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 17
HelpAgent::create_help_cursor(Widget parent)
  Display     *display = XtDisplay(parent);
  Screen      *retScr = XtScreen(parent);
  int          screen = XScreenNumberOfScreen(retScr);
  char        *bits;
  char        *maskBits;
  unsigned int width;
  unsigned int height;
  unsigned int xHotspot;
  unsigned int yHotspot;
  Pixmap       pixmap;
  Pixmap       maskPixmap;
  XColor       xcolors[2];
  Cursor      cursor;

  width    = onitem32_width;
  height   = onitem32_height;
  bits     = (char *) onitem32_bits;
  maskBits = (char *) onitem32_m_bits;
  xHotspot = onitem32_x_hot;
  yHotspot = onitem32_y_hot;

  pixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData (display,
             RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(parent)), bits,
             width, height);

  maskPixmap = XCreateBitmapFromData (display,
                 RootWindowOfScreen(XtScreen(parent)), maskBits,
                 width, height);

  xcolors[0].pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen));
  xcolors[1].pixel = WhitePixelOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen));

  XQueryColors (display,
    DefaultColormapOfScreen(ScreenOfDisplay(display, screen)), xcolors, 2);

  cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor (display, pixmap, maskPixmap,
                       &(xcolors[0]), &(xcolors[1]),
                       xHotspot, yHotspot);
  XFreePixmap (display, pixmap);
  XFreePixmap (display, maskPixmap);

  return cursor;

// Look for an existing Colormap that known to be associated with visual.
static Colormap
LookupColormapForVisual(const Screen* screen, const Visual* visual)
    // common case
    if (visual == DefaultVisualOfScreen(screen))
        return DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen);

    // I wish there were a gdk_x11_display_lookup_screen.
    Display* dpy = DisplayOfScreen(screen);
    GdkDisplay* gdkDpy = gdk_x11_lookup_xdisplay(dpy);
    if (gdkDpy) {
        gint screen_num = 0;
        for (int s = 0; s < ScreenCount(dpy); ++s) {
            if (ScreenOfDisplay(dpy, s) == screen) {
                screen_num = s;
        GdkScreen* gdkScreen = gdk_display_get_screen(gdkDpy, screen_num);

        GdkColormap* gdkColormap = NULL;
        if (visual ==
            GDK_VISUAL_XVISUAL(gdk_screen_get_rgb_visual(gdkScreen))) {
            // widget/src/gtk2/mozcontainer.c uses gdk_rgb_get_colormap()
            // which is inherited by child widgets, so this is the visual
            // expected when drawing directly to widget surfaces or surfaces
            // created using cairo_surface_create_similar with
            // CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR.
            // gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap is the generalization of
            // gdk_rgb_get_colormap for any screen.
            gdkColormap = gdk_screen_get_rgb_colormap(gdkScreen);
        else if (visual ==
             GDK_VISUAL_XVISUAL(gdk_screen_get_rgba_visual(gdkScreen))) {
            // This is the visual expected on displays with the Composite
            // extension enabled when the surface has been created using
            // cairo_surface_create_similar with CAIRO_CONTENT_COLOR_ALPHA,
            // as happens with non-unit opacity.
            gdkColormap = gdk_screen_get_rgba_colormap(gdkScreen);
        if (gdkColormap != NULL)
            return GDK_COLORMAP_XCOLORMAP(gdkColormap);

    return None;
Ejemplo n.º 19
void XfsmInitializeColorMap()
  Display *ADisplay;
  Screen  *AScreen;

  ADisplay      = XtDisplay( XfsmTopLevel );
  AScreen       = XtScreen( XfsmTopLevel );
  XfsmColorMap = DefaultColormapOfScreen( AScreen );

    XfsmColorMap = XCopyColormapAndFree( ADisplay, XfsmColorMap );
    XInstallColormap( ADisplay, XfsmColorMap );
    XtVaSetValues( XfsmTopLevel, XmNcolormap, XfsmColorMap, NULL );
Ejemplo n.º 20
  Get the shadow colours and set them for the given widget.
  Widget w	The widget to wreck
void XbrGfxShadow(Widget w)
    Pixel background, top_shadow, bottom_shadow;
    Screen *screen = XtScreen(w);
    /* Get the background pixel of the widget. */
    XtVaGetValues(w, XmNbackground, &background, NULL);

    /* Generate the shadow colours */
    XmGetColors(screen, DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen), background, NULL,
		&top_shadow, &bottom_shadow, NULL);
    /* Set shadow values. */
    XtVaSetValues(w, XmNshadowThickness, 2,
		     XmNtopShadowColor,  top_shadow,
		     XmNbottomShadowColor, bottom_shadow,
Ejemplo n.º 21
/*@ -mustfreefresh -compdef +ignoresigns @*/
static Pixel
get_pixel(Widget w, char *resource_value)
	Colormap colormap;
	Boolean cstatus;
	XColor exact, color;

	colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(
	/*@i@*/cstatus = XAllocNamedColor(XtDisplay(w), colormap, resource_value,
	    &color, &exact);
	if (cstatus == (Boolean)False) {
		(void)fprintf(stderr, "Unknown color: %s", resource_value);
		color.pixel = BlackPixelOfScreen(
	/*@i1@*/return (color.pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 22
Color Color::getLighter()
  Colormap cmap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(Application::getWidget()));
  XColor color;

  color.flags = DoRed|DoGreen|DoBlue;
  XAllocColor(XtDisplay(Application::getWidget()), cmap, &color);
  color.pixel = pixel;

  color.red += 50;
  color.green += 50;
  color.blue += 50;

  //XQueryColor(XtDisplay(Application::getWidget()), cmap, &color);
  //XStoreColor(XtDisplay(Application::getWidget()), cmap, &color);
  //XAllocColor(XtDisplay(Application::getWidget()), cmap, &color);

  return Color(color.pixel);
Ejemplo n.º 23
int main(void) {
	Display *display;
	Window root;
	XWindowAttributes wa;
	GC g;

	char *colors[NCOLORS] = {"red", "green", "blue", "yellow"};
	XColor xcolors[NCOLORS];
	XColor xc, sc;
	int c;

	display = XOpenDisplay(getenv("Display"));
	root = DefaultRootWindow(display);
	g = XCreateGC(display, root, 0, NULL);

	//get root windows attributes
	XGetWindowAttributes(display, root, &wa);

	//allocate colors
	for(c=0; c<NCOLORS; c++) {
		XAllocNamedColor(display, DefaultColormapOfScreen(DefaultScreenOfDisplay(display)), colors[c], &sc, &xc);
		xcolors[c] = sc;

	while(1) {
		XSetForeground(display, g, xcolors[random()%NCOLORS].pixel);
		XFillRectangle(display, root, g, random()%(wa.width-50), random()%(wa.height-40), 50, 40);

		if(random()%500<1) XClearWindow(display, root);
		//flush and slepp


Ejemplo n.º 24
fermi_view::fermi_view(Widget TopLevel) {
    char applresdir[1024];
    char *trick_home;

    toplevel = TopLevel;
    display  = XtDisplay(toplevel);
    screen   = XtScreen(toplevel);
    colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(screen);
    xpos   = 400;
    ypos   = 50;
    width  = 600;
    height = 700;

    trick_home = getenv("TRICK_HOME");
    if (trick_home != NULL) {
         sprintf( applresdir,"%s/trick_source/data_products/DPX/APPS/FXPLOT",trick_home);
         setenv("XAPPLRESDIR", applresdir, 0);
    } else {
         std::cerr << "ERROR: $TRICK_HOME is not set." << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  static void
SetWidgetColor( Widget w, char *color )
  Display  *display;
  Colormap colormap;
  XColor   newcolor;
  XColor   unused;
  Arg      Args[MAX_ARGS];
  int      n;

  display = XtDisplay(w);
  colormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(w));

  XAllocNamedColor( display, colormap, color, &newcolor, &unused );

  n = 0;
  XtSetArg(Args[n], XmNbackground, newcolor.pixel ); n++;
  XtSetValues( w, Args, n );

Ejemplo n.º 26
Archivo: ax.c Proyecto: radekp/spectemu
unsigned long aX_get_color(Display *disp, int scr, unsigned long def_col, 
                           const char *color_name)
    XColor color_def;
    Colormap def_map;
    Screen *scr_ptr;

    if(color_name == NULL) return def_col;

    scr_ptr = ScreenOfDisplay(disp, scr);
    def_map = DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr_ptr);

    if(XParseColor(disp, def_map, color_name, &color_def)) {
        if(XAllocColor(disp, def_map, &color_def)) 
            return color_def.pixel;
    else fprintf(stderr, 
                 "%s: aX_get_color: warning: Invalid color specification %s\n", 
                 prog_name, color_name);

    return def_col;

Ejemplo n.º 27
Archivo: clr.c Proyecto: satish2/Learn
initRgb2Pseudo ( JNIEnv* env, jclass clazz, Toolkit* Tlk )
  Colormap dcm;
  int i, j, k;
  XColor xclr;
  Rgb2Pseudo *map;

  dcm = DefaultColormapOfScreen( DefaultScreenOfDisplay( Tlk->dsp));
  map = (Rgb2Pseudo*) AWT_MALLOC( sizeof(Rgb2Pseudo));
  xclr.flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;

  for ( i=0; i<8; i++ ){
	for ( j=0; j<8; j++ ) {
	  for ( k=0; k<8; k++ )
		map->pix[i][j][k] = 0;

  initColormap( env, Tlk, dcm, map);
  Tlk->colorMode = CM_PSEUDO_256;

  return map;
Ejemplo n.º 28
static int
ProcessUIParams(PluginInstance* This,
		Boolean trusted, Boolean use_fwp, Boolean use_lbx,
		RxParams *in, RxReturnParams *out, char **x_ui_auth_ret)
    XSecurityAuthorization dum;
    int dummy;
    char *display_name;

    This->app_group = None;
    if (out->embedded != RxFalse) {	/* default is embedded */
	/* let's see whether the server supports AppGroups or not */
	if (RxGlobal.has_appgroup == RxUndef) {
	    if (XQueryExtension(RxGlobal.dpy, "XC-APPGROUP",
				&dummy, &dummy, &dummy) &&
		XagQueryVersion (RxGlobal.dpy, &dummy, &dummy))
		RxGlobal.has_appgroup = RxTrue;
		RxGlobal.has_appgroup = RxFalse;
	if (RxGlobal.has_appgroup == RxTrue) {
	    Screen *scr;
	    Colormap cmap;
	    Arg arg;

	    /* use plugin's colormap as the default colormap */
	    XtSetArg(arg, XtNcolormap, &cmap);
	    XtGetValues(This->plugin_widget, &arg, 1);
	    scr = XtScreen(This->plugin_widget);
	    if (cmap == DefaultColormapOfScreen(scr)) {
		XagCreateEmbeddedApplicationGroup (RxGlobal.dpy, None,
	    } else {
		XColor black, white;
		Pixel pixels[2];

		black.red = black.green = black.blue = 0;
		XAllocColor(RxGlobal.dpy, cmap, &black);
		white.red = white.green = white.blue = 65535;
		XAllocColor(RxGlobal.dpy, cmap, &white);
		XagCreateEmbeddedApplicationGroup (RxGlobal.dpy, None,
						   pixels[0] = black.pixel,
						   pixels[1] = white.pixel,
		XFreeColors(RxGlobal.dpy, cmap, pixels, 2, 0);
	    SetupStructureNotify (This);
	    RxpSetupPluginEventHandlers (This);
	} else {		/* too bad */
	    out->embedded = RxFalse;
	    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cannot perform embedding as \
requested, APPGROUP extension not supported\n");

    if (in->x_ui_auth[0] != 0) {
	GetXAuth(RxGlobal.dpy, in->x_ui_auth[0], in->x_ui_auth_data[0],
		 trusted, This->app_group, False, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
		 x_ui_auth_ret, &This->x_ui_auth_id, &dummy);
    } else if (in->x_auth[0] != 0)
	GetXAuth(RxGlobal.dpy, in->x_auth[0], in->x_auth_data[0], 
		 trusted, This->app_group, False, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
		 x_ui_auth_ret, &This->x_ui_auth_id, &dummy);

    /* make sure we use the server the user wants us to use */
    if (RxGlobal.has_real_server == RxUndef) {
	Display *rdpy = RxGlobal.dpy;
	char *real_display = getenv("XREALDISPLAY");
	RxGlobal.has_real_server = RxFalse;
	if (real_display != NULL) {
	    rdpy = XOpenDisplay(real_display);
	    if (rdpy == NULL)
		rdpy = RxGlobal.dpy;
		RxGlobal.has_real_server = RxTrue;
	/* let's see now whether the server supports LBX or not */
	if (XQueryExtension(rdpy, "LBX", &dummy, &dummy, &dummy))
	    RxGlobal.has_ui_lbx = RxTrue;
	    RxGlobal.has_ui_lbx = RxFalse;

	if (rdpy != RxGlobal.dpy)
    if (RxGlobal.has_real_server == RxTrue)
	display_name = getenv("XREALDISPLAY");
	display_name = DisplayString(RxGlobal.dpy);

    /* let's see whether we have a firewall proxy */
    if (use_fwp == True && RxGlobal.has_ui_fwp == RxUndef) {
	RxGlobal.fwp_dpyname = GetXFwpDisplayName(display_name);
	if (RxGlobal.fwp_dpyname != NULL)
	    RxGlobal.has_ui_fwp = RxTrue;
	else {
	     * We were supposed to use the firewall proxy but we
	     * couldn't get a connection.  There is no need to
	     * continue.
	    return 1;
    if (use_fwp == True && RxGlobal.has_ui_fwp == RxTrue)
	out->ui = GetXUrl(RxGlobal.fwp_dpyname, *x_ui_auth_ret, in->action);
	out->ui = GetXUrl(display_name, *x_ui_auth_ret, in->action);

    if (in->x_ui_lbx == RxTrue) {
	if (use_lbx == True) {
	    if (RxGlobal.has_ui_lbx == RxTrue) {
		out->x_ui_lbx = RxTrue;

		/* let's get a key for the proxy now */
		if (in->x_ui_lbx_auth[0] != 0) {
		    GetXAuth(RxGlobal.dpy, in->x_ui_lbx_auth[0],
			     trusted, None, False, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
			     &out->x_ui_lbx_auth, &dum, &dummy);
		} else if (in->x_auth[0] != 0)
		    GetXAuth(RxGlobal.dpy, in->x_auth[0], in->x_auth_data[0],
			     trusted, None, False, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT,
			     &out->x_ui_lbx_auth, &dum, &dummy);
	    } else {
		out->x_ui_lbx = RxFalse;
		fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Cannot setup LBX as requested, \
LBX extension not supported\n");
	} else
	    out->x_ui_lbx = RxFalse;
    } else			/* it's either RxFalse or RxUndef */
Ejemplo n.º 29
Archivo: textfun.c Proyecto: yhsesq/yhs
main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int             i;
     * XXX Unfortunately a bug in the IRIX 5.1 Motif shared library
     * causes a BadMatch X protocol error if the SGI look&feel
     * is enabled for this program.  If we detect we are on an
     * IRIX 5.1 system, skip the first two fallback resources which
     * specify using the SGI look&feel.
    struct utsname versionInfo;

    if(uname(&versionInfo) >= 0) {
        if(!strcmp(versionInfo.sysname, "IRIX") &&
	   !strncmp(versionInfo.release, "5.1", 3)) {
    	    toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app, "Textfun", NULL, 0, &argc, argv,
				       &fallbackResources[2], NULL, 0);
    if(toplevel == NULL) {
        toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app, "Textfun", NULL, 0, &argc, argv,
			           fallbackResources, NULL, 0);
    toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app, "Textfun", NULL, 0, &argc, argv,
			       fallbackResources, NULL, 0);
    dpy = XtDisplay(toplevel);
    /* find an OpenGL-capable RGB visual with depth buffer */
    vi = glXChooseVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), dblBuf);
    if (vi == NULL) {
	vi = glXChooseVisual(dpy, DefaultScreen(dpy), snglBuf);
	if (vi == NULL)
	    XtAppError(app, "no RGB visual with depth buffer");
	doubleBuffer = GL_FALSE;
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_FONT_ENTRIES; i++) {
	fontEntry[i].xfont = XLoadQueryFont(dpy, fontEntry[i].xlfd);
	if (i == 0 && !fontEntry[i].xfont)
	    XtAppError(app, "could not get basic font");

    fontEntry[0].fontinfo = SuckGlyphsFromServer(dpy, fontEntry[0].xfont->fid);
    if (!fontEntry[0].fontinfo)
	XtAppError(app, "could not get font glyphs");

    /* create an OpenGL rendering context */
    cx = glXCreateContext(dpy, vi, /* no display list sharing */ None,
			   /* favor direct */ GL_TRUE);
    if (cx == NULL)
	XtAppError(app, "could not create rendering context");

    /* create an X colormap since probably not using default visual */
    cmap = XCreateColormap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, vi->screen),
			   vi->visual, AllocNone);
    XtVaSetValues(toplevel, XtNvisual, vi->visual, XtNdepth, vi->depth,
		  XtNcolormap, cmap, NULL);
    XtAddEventHandler(toplevel, StructureNotifyMask, False,
		      map_state_changed, NULL);
    mainw = XmCreateMainWindow(toplevel, "mainw", NULL, 0);

    /* create menu bar */
    menubar = XmCreateMenuBar(mainw, "menubar", NULL, 0);
    /* hack around Xt's ignorance of visuals */
    XtSetArg(menuPaneArgs[0], XmNdepth, DefaultDepthOfScreen(XtScreen(mainw)));
	     XmNcolormap, DefaultColormapOfScreen(XtScreen(mainw)));

    /* create File pulldown menu: Quit */
    menupane = XmCreatePulldownMenu(menubar, "menupane", menuPaneArgs, 2);
    btn = XmCreatePushButton(menupane, "Quit", NULL, 0);
    XtAddCallback(btn, XmNactivateCallback, quit, NULL);
    XtSetArg(args[0], XmNsubMenuId, menupane);
    cascade = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "File", args, 1);

    /* create Options pulldown menu: Motion, Dolly, Rotate, Wobble */
    menupane = XmCreatePulldownMenu(menubar, "menupane", menuPaneArgs, 2);
    btn = XmCreateToggleButton(menupane, "Motion", NULL, 0);
    XtAddCallback(btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) toggle, NULL);
    btn = XmCreateToggleButton(menupane, "Dolly", NULL, 0);
    XtAddCallback(btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) dolly, NULL);
    XtVaSetValues(btn, XmNset, True, NULL);
    btn = XmCreateToggleButton(menupane, "Rotate", NULL, 0);
    XtAddCallback(btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) rotate, NULL);
    btn = XmCreateToggleButton(menupane, "Wobble", NULL, 0);
    XtAddCallback(btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) wobble, NULL);
    XtSetArg(args[0], XmNsubMenuId, menupane);
    cascade = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Options", args, 1);

    XtSetArg(menuPaneArgs[2], XmNradioBehavior, True);
    XtSetArg(menuPaneArgs[3], XmNradioAlwaysOne, True);
    menupane = XmCreatePulldownMenu(menubar, "menupane", menuPaneArgs, 4);
    XtAddCallback(menupane, XmNentryCallback, (XtCallbackProc) fontSelect, NULL);
    for (i = 0; i < NUM_FONT_ENTRIES; i++) {
	btn = XmCreateToggleButton(menupane, fontEntry[i].name, NULL, 0);
	XtAddCallback(btn, XmNvalueChangedCallback, (XtCallbackProc) neverCalled, &fontEntry[i]);
	if (i == 0)
	    XtVaSetValues(btn, XmNset, True, NULL);
        if (!fontEntry[i].xfont)
	    XtSetSensitive(btn, False);
    XtSetArg(args[0], XmNsubMenuId, menupane);
    cascade = XmCreateCascadeButton(menubar, "Font", args, 1);

    /* create framed drawing area for OpenGL rendering */
    frame = XmCreateFrame(mainw, "frame", NULL, 0);
    glxarea = XtCreateManagedWidget("glxarea", xmDrawingAreaWidgetClass,
				    frame, NULL, 0);
    XtAddCallback(glxarea, XmNexposeCallback, (XtCallbackProc) draw, NULL);
    XtAddCallback(glxarea, XmNresizeCallback, resize, NULL);
    XtAddCallback(glxarea, XmNinputCallback, input, NULL);
    /* set up application's window layout */
    XmMainWindowSetAreas(mainw, menubar, NULL, NULL, NULL, frame);

     * Once widget is realized (ie, associated with a created X window), we
     * can bind the OpenGL rendering context to the window.
    glXMakeCurrent(dpy, XtWindow(glxarea), cx);
    made_current = GL_TRUE;
    /* setup OpenGL state */
    glFrustum(-1.0, 1.0, -1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 80);


    if (argv[1] != NULL) {
	numMessages = argc - 1;
	messages = &argv[1];
    } else {
	messages = defaultMessage;

    base = glGenLists(numMessages + 1);
    SetupMessageDisplayList(&fontEntry[0], numMessages, messages);


    /* start event processing */
Ejemplo n.º 30
/* static */ PRBool
DisplayTable::GetColormapAndVisual(Screen* aScreen, XRenderPictFormat* aFormat,
                                   Visual* aVisual, Colormap* aColormap,
                                   Visual** aVisualForColormap)

    Display* display = DisplayOfScreen(aScreen);

    // Use the default colormap if the default visual matches.
    Visual *defaultVisual = DefaultVisualOfScreen(aScreen);
    if (aVisual == defaultVisual
        || (aFormat
            && aFormat == XRenderFindVisualFormat(display, defaultVisual)))
        *aColormap = DefaultColormapOfScreen(aScreen);
        *aVisualForColormap = defaultVisual;
        return PR_TRUE;

    // Only supporting TrueColor non-default visuals
    if (!aVisual || aVisual->c_class != TrueColor)
        return PR_FALSE;

    if (!sDisplayTable) {
        sDisplayTable = new DisplayTable();

    nsTArray<DisplayInfo>* displays = &sDisplayTable->mDisplays;
    PRUint32 d = displays->IndexOf(display, 0, FindDisplay());

    if (d == displays->NoIndex) {
        d = displays->Length();
        // Register for notification of display closing, when this info
        // becomes invalid.
        XExtCodes *codes = XAddExtension(display);
        if (!codes)
            return PR_FALSE;

        XESetCloseDisplay(display, codes->extension, DisplayClosing);
        // Add a new DisplayInfo.

    nsTArray<ColormapEntry>* entries =

    // Only a small number of formats are expected to be used, so just do a
    // simple linear search.
    for (PRUint32 i = 0; i < entries->Length(); ++i) {
        const ColormapEntry& entry = entries->ElementAt(i);
        // Only the format and screen need to match.  (The visual may differ.)
        // If there is no format (e.g. no RENDER extension) then just compare
        // the visual.
        if ((aFormat && entry.mFormat == aFormat && entry.mScreen == aScreen)
            || aVisual == entry.mVisual) {
            *aColormap = entry.mColormap;
            *aVisualForColormap = entry.mVisual;
            return PR_TRUE;

    // No existing entry.  Create a colormap and add an entry.
    Colormap colormap = XCreateColormap(display, RootWindowOfScreen(aScreen),
                                        aVisual, AllocNone);
    ColormapEntry* newEntry = entries->AppendElement();
    newEntry->mFormat = aFormat;
    newEntry->mScreen = aScreen;
    newEntry->mVisual = aVisual;
    newEntry->mColormap = colormap;

    *aColormap = colormap;
    *aVisualForColormap = aVisual;
    return PR_TRUE;