Ejemplo n.º 1
 * This routine searches through the specified outline and finds
 * the points at which the outline changes direction.  These
 * points are then marked as "extremities".  This routine is
 * used as an alternative to FindExtremities().  It forces the
 * endpoints of the microfeatures to be at the direction
 * changes rather than at the midpoint between direction
 * changes.
 * @param Outline   micro-feature outline to analyze
 * @return none
 * @note Globals: none
 * @note Exceptions: none
 * @note History: 6/29/90, DSJ, Created.
void MarkDirectionChanges(MFOUTLINE Outline) {
  MFOUTLINE Current;

  if (DegenerateOutline (Outline))

  First = NextDirectionChange (Outline);
  Last = First;
  do {
    Current = NextDirectionChange (Last);
    MarkPoint (PointAt (Current));
    Last = Current;
  while (Last != First);

}                                /* MarkDirectionChanges */
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ConvertToPicoFeatures2(MFOUTLINE Outline, FEATURE_SET FeatureSet) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		Outline		outline to extract micro-features from
 **		FeatureSet	set of features to add pico-features to
 **	Globals:
 **		classify_pico_feature_length
 **                             length of features to be extracted
 **	Operation:
 **		This routine steps thru the specified outline and cuts it
 **		up into pieces of equal length.  These pieces become the
 **		desired pico-features.  Each segment in the outline
 **		is converted into an integral number of pico-features.
 **	Return: none (results are returned in FeatureSet)
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: 4/30/91, DSJ, Adapted from ConvertToPicoFeatures().
  MFOUTLINE Current;

  if (DegenerateOutline(Outline))

  First = Outline;
  Current = First;
  Next = NextPointAfter(Current);
  do {
    /* note that an edge is hidden if the ending point of the edge is
       marked as hidden.  This situation happens because the order of
       the outlines is reversed when they are converted from the old
       format.  In the old format, a hidden edge is marked by the
       starting point for that edge. */
    if (!(PointAt(Next)->Hidden))
      ConvertSegmentToPicoFeat (&(PointAt(Current)->Point),
        &(PointAt(Next)->Point), FeatureSet);

    Current = Next;
    Next = NextPointAfter(Current);
  while (Current != First);

}                                /* ConvertToPicoFeatures2 */
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * This routine searches through the specified outline, computes
 * a slope for each vector in the outline, and marks each
 * vector as having one of the following directions:
 *   N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE, SW
 * This information is then stored in the outline and the
 * outline is returned.
 * @param Outline   micro-feature outline to analyze
 * @param MinSlope  controls "snapping" of segments to horizontal
 * @param MaxSlope  controls "snapping" of segments to vertical
 * @return none
 * @note Exceptions: none
 * @note History: 7/21/89, DSJ, Created.
void FindDirectionChanges(MFOUTLINE Outline,
                          FLOAT32 MinSlope,
                          FLOAT32 MaxSlope) {
  MFEDGEPT *Current;
  MFOUTLINE EdgePoint;

  if (DegenerateOutline (Outline))

  Last = PointAt (Outline);
  Outline = NextPointAfter (Outline);
  EdgePoint = Outline;
  do {
    Current = PointAt (EdgePoint);
    ComputeDirection(Last, Current, MinSlope, MaxSlope);

    Last = Current;
    EdgePoint = NextPointAfter (EdgePoint);
  while (EdgePoint != Outline);

}                                /* FindDirectionChanges */