TintinCDKCameraFactory::TintinCDKCameraFactory(const String &name): ToFCameraFactoryBase(name) { _addSupportedDevices({ DevicePtr(new USBDevice(TINTIN_CDK_VENDOR_ID, TINTIN_CDK_PRODUCT_BULK, "")), DevicePtr(new USBDevice(TINTIN_CDK_VENDOR_ID, TINTIN_CDK_PRODUCT_UVC, "")), }); }
DevicePtr DeviceType_RicohAficio::open(const std::string& hostname, const std::string& username, const std::string& password ) const throw (ECommFailure) { return DevicePtr(new Device_RicohAficio(hostname, username, password)); }
/* * call-seq: * Kernel#workgroup_info(Device, CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE) * * Wrapps +clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo()+. * * deivce - A Device object. Can be +nil+ if there is only single device * is used by the context to which the receiver belongs. * param_name - The information to query. */ static VALUE rcl_kernel_workgroup_info(VALUE self, VALUE device, VALUE param_name) { EXPECT_RCL_TYPE(device, Device); EXPECT_RCL_CONST(param_name); cl_kernel k = KernelPtr(self); cl_device_id dev = NIL_P(device) ? NULL : DevicePtr(device); cl_kernel_work_group_info kwi = FIX2UINT(param_name); size_t param_value[3]; cl_uint res = clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo(k, dev, kwi, sizeof(size_t) * 3, param_value, NULL); CHECK_AND_RAISE(res); VALUE ret = Qnil; switch (kwi) { case CL_KERNEL_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: case CL_KERNEL_LOCAL_MEM_SIZE: #ifdef CL_VERSION_1_1 case CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE: #endif return ULONG2NUM(param_value[0]); case CL_KERNEL_COMPILE_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: ret = rb_ary_new2(3); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { rb_ary_push(ret, ULONG2NUM(param_value[i])); } return ret; default: break; } return Qnil; }
DevicePtr NodesRepository::Find(const boost::int32_t deviceID) const { NodesByIDT::const_iterator found = nodesById.find(deviceID); if (found != nodesById.end()) { return found->second; } return DevicePtr(); }
DevicePtr NodesRepository::Find(const IPv6& ip) const { NodesByIPv6T::const_iterator found = nodesByIPv6.find(ip); if (found != nodesByIPv6.end()) { return found->second; } return DevicePtr(); }
DevicePtr NodesRepository::Find(const MAC& mac) const { NodesByMACT::const_iterator found = nodesByMAC.find(mac); if (found != nodesByMAC.end()) { return found->second; } return DevicePtr(); }
DevicePtr DeviceManager::createDevice( const char* name ) { HashMap<uint32, DeviceInfo>::Iterator itDeviceInfo = deviceInfo.find( Math::Hash::DJB32( name ) ); if( itDeviceInfo != deviceInfo.end() ) { Device* device = 0; if( itDeviceInfo.value().plugin != 0 ) { device = itDeviceInfo.value().plugin->createDevice( name ); } assert( device ); if( device ) { if( device->init() ) { HashMap<int, Array<DevicePtr> >::Iterator itDevice = devices.find( itDeviceInfo.value().deviceType ); if( itDevice != devices.end() ) { itDevice.value().add( device ); } else { Array<DevicePtr> newDeviceArray; newDeviceArray.add( DevicePtr( device ) ); devices.add( itDeviceInfo.value().deviceType, newDeviceArray ); } } else { itDeviceInfo.value().plugin->destroyDevice( device ); device = 0; } } return DevicePtr( device ); } return DevicePtr::null; }
PlayerFactory::PlayerFactory( const unsigned char player_id, CameraPtr camera ) { FrameworkPtr fw = Framework::getInstance ( ); DevicePtr device = DevicePtr( new Device ); KeyboardPtr keyboad = KeyboardPtr( new Keyboard ); MousePtr mouse = MousePtr( new Mouse ); ClientPtr client = ClientPtr( new Client ); AppPtr app = AppPtr( new App( player_id ) ); ViewerPtr viewer = ViewerPtr( new Viewer ); DrawerPtr drawer = DrawerPtr( new Drawer( "../Resource" ) ); SoundPtr sound = SoundPtr( new Sound( ) ); if ( !camera ) { camera = PlayerCameraPtr( new PlayerCamera ); } fw->addTask( Device::getTag( ), device ); fw->addTask( Keyboard::getTag( ), keyboad ); fw->addTask( Mouse::getTag( ), mouse ); fw->addTask( Client::getTag( ), client ); fw->addTask( Viewer::getTag( ), viewer ); fw->addTask( Drawer::getTag( ), drawer ); fw->addTask( App::getTag( ), app ); fw->addTask( Camera::getTag( ), camera ); fw->addTask( Sound::getTag( ), sound ); }
DevicePtr MacroDevices::newDevice( CommPortPtr dev ) { return DevicePtr( new MacroDevice( dev )); }
///Конструктор WindowInputDriverSubsystem (ParseNode& node) { for (Parser::NamesakeIterator iter=node.First ("Device"); iter; ++iter) devices.push_back (DevicePtr (new WindowDevice (*iter), false)); }
DevicePtr SrmDevices::newDevice( CommPortPtr dev ) { return DevicePtr( new SrmDevice( dev, protoVersion)); }
DevicePtr JouleDevices::newDevice( CommPortPtr dev ) { return DevicePtr( new JouleDevice( dev )); }
DevicePtr MacroDevices::newDevice( CommPortPtr dev, Device::StatusCallback cb ) { return DevicePtr( new MacroDevice( dev, cb )); }
void ZombieGame::init() { keyboard_ = DevicePtr(new InputKeyboard(SDLK_UP, SDLK_DOWN, SDLK_LEFT, SDLK_RIGHT, SDLK_SPACE, SDLK_r, SDLK_LSHIFT, SDLK_e)); clipsize_ = 0; bulletsInWeapon_ = 0; health_ = 0; scale_ = 1.f; lastSpawnTime_ = engine_.getTime(); spawnPeriod_ = 0.5f; addKeyListener([&](gui::Component& component, const SDL_Event& keyEvent) { keyboard_->eventUpdate(keyEvent); }); if (zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("music switch").getBool()) { music_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("music track").getMusic(); music_.setVolume(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("music volume").getFloat()); music_.play(-1); } tree_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("tree image").getSprite(); wall_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("buildings wallImage").getSprite(); nbrUnits_ = 0; unitMaxLimit_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("settings unitLimit").getInt(); innerSpawnRadius_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("settings innerSpawnRadius").getFloat(); outerSpawnRadius_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("settings outerSpawnRadius").getFloat(); terrain_.loadRoadSprites(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("roads")); loadTerrain(); explosionProperties_ = zombie::loadExplosion(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("explosion")); humanInjured_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("human injuredAnimation").getAnimation(); humanDie_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("human dieAnimation").getAnimation(); Unit2D human(loadUnit(this, "human", zombieEntry_, false)); human.setDieSound(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("human dieSound").getSound()); human.setHitSound(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("human hitSound").getSound()); zombieInjured_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("zombie injuredAnimation").getAnimation(); zombieDie_ = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("zombie dieAnimation").getAnimation(); Unit2D zombie(loadUnit(this, "zombie", zombieEntry_, true)); zombie.setDieSound(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("zombie dieSound").getSound()); zombie.setHitSound(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("zombie hitSound").getSound()); // Add human to engine. { State state(Position(85,120), ORIGO, 0); //Position p = generatePosition(spawningPoints_); //State state(Position(200,200), ORIGO, 0); Unit* unit = units_.pushBack(human); engine_.add(unit); unit->setState(state); unit->setActive(true); unit->setAwake(true); players_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<HumanPlayer>(new HumanPlayer(keyboard_, unit))); viewPosition_ = state.position_; refViewPosition_ = viewPosition_; ++nbrUnits_; } // Add zombies to engine. calculateValidSpawningPoints(units_[0]); unsigned int unitLevel = zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("settings unitLevel").getInt(); for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= unitLevel && i < units_.getMaxSize(); ++i) { Position p = generatePosition(vaildSpawningPoints_); float angle = calculateAnglePointToPoint(p, units_[0].getPosition()); State state(p, ORIGO, angle); Unit* unit = units_.pushBack(zombie); engine_.add(unit); unit->setState(state); unit->setActive(true); unit->setAwake(true); players_.push_back(std::unique_ptr<ZombieBehavior>(new ZombieBehavior(unit))); } // Add cars to engine. Car2D car(zombie::loadCar(zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("car"))); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8 && i < units_.getMaxSize(); ++i) { State state(Position(85,130), ORIGO, 0); Car* c = cars_.pushBack(car); engine_.add(c); c->setState(state); c->setActive(true); c->setAwake(true); } // Add missile to engine. Missile2D missile(loadMissile2D(this, zombieEntry_.getDeepChildEntry("equipment missile"))); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 10 && i < units_.getMaxSize(); ++i) { engine_.add(missiles_.emplaceBack(missile)); } setBackgroundColor(0, 0.1f, 0); zombiesKilled_ = 0; drawBuildings_.createVBO(buildings_, wall_.getTexture()); }
DevicePtr PowerTapDevices::newDevice( CommPortPtr dev ) { return DevicePtr( new PowerTapDevice( dev )); }
DevicePtr PowerTapDevices::newDevice( CommPortPtr dev, Device::StatusCallback cb) { return DevicePtr( new PowerTapDevice( dev, cb )); }