void _RSGenerator_AssignFromXML( void* meshGenerator, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data )
   RSGenerator*			self 		= (RSGenerator*)meshGenerator;
   FiniteElementContext*	context 	= Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", FiniteElementContext, True, NULL  );
   Dictionary*			dict		= Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name ) );
   Dictionary_Entry_Value	*minList, *maxList, *tmp;
   char*			rootKey;
   unsigned			d_i;
   double 			maxVal;

   _CartesianGenerator_AssignFromXML( meshGenerator, cf, data );

   // mesh min/max coords are written to file from the mesh->min/maxGlobalCoord field. these differ from the min/max
   // coords as defined in the RSGenerator->min/maxCrd (these are in r-theta-phi, not x-y-z), so if we're restarting
   // we need to over-ride the coords from the hdf5 mesh file with those from the xml (assuming they don't differ
   // between runs...
   if( self->nDims > 2 ) {
      if( context->loadFromCheckPoint ) {
         minList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"minCoord" );
         maxList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"maxCoord" );
         if( minList && maxList ) {
                assert( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( minList ) >= self->nDims );
                assert( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( maxList ) >= self->nDims  );
                for( d_i = 0; d_i < self->nDims; d_i++ ) {
                   tmp = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( minList, d_i );
                   rootKey = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( tmp );

                   if( !Stg_StringIsNumeric( (char*)rootKey ) )
                      tmp = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)rootKey );
                   self->crdMin[d_i] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( tmp );

                   tmp = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( maxList, d_i );
                   rootKey = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( tmp );

                   if( !Stg_StringIsNumeric( (char*)rootKey ) )
                      tmp = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)rootKey );
                   self->crdMax[d_i] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( tmp );
                   /* test to ensure provided domain is valid */
                   maxVal = (abs(self->crdMax[d_i]) > abs(self->crdMin[d_i])) ? abs(self->crdMax[d_i]) : abs(self->crdMin[d_i]);
                   if( maxVal == 0 ) maxVal = 1;  /* if maxVal is zero, then both numbers must be zero, set to one as next test will fail */
                   Journal_Firewall( ( ( (self->crdMax[d_i] - self->crdMin[d_i])/maxVal) > 1E-10 || d_i==J_AXIS), global_error_stream,
                     "\n\nError in %s for %s '%s'\n\n"
                     "Dimension of domain (min = %f, max = %f) for component number %u is not valid.\n\n",
                     __func__, self->type, self->name, self->crdMin[d_i], self->crdMax[d_i], d_i );
      // phi = (pi/2, pi)
      Journal_Firewall( !(fabs(self->crdMin[2] -self->crdMax[2])>=179.99 || self->crdMax[2] < self->crdMin[2]),
         global_error_stream, "\nError in %s: Phi definition is wrong. Ensure minZ < maxZ & abs(minZ-maxZ)<180\n", __func__);
   Journal_Firewall( self->nDims==3, global_error_stream,
        "Error in %s: Must have 3 dimensions for component %s\n", __func__, self->name );
   // check domain size is valid
   Journal_Firewall( !(self->crdMin[0] <= 0 || self->crdMax[0] < self->crdMin[0]), global_error_stream,
        "Error in %s: Radius definition is wrong. Ensure maxX > minX & minX > 0\n", __func__ );

   Journal_Firewall(!( fabs(self->crdMin[1]-self->crdMax[1]) >= 179.99 || self->crdMax[1] < self->crdMin[1] ),
         global_error_stream, "Error in %s: Theta definition is wrong. Ensure minY < maxY && abs(minY-maxY) < 180\n", __func__ );
Ejemplo n.º 2
void _Geothermal_DepthMap_AssignFromXML( void* component, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
   Geothermal_DepthMap* self = (Geothermal_DepthMap*)component;
   Dictionary*          dictionary = Codelet_GetPluginDictionary( component, cf->rootDict );
   Stream*              errorStream = Journal_Register( ErrorStream_Type, Geothermal_DepthMap_Type );
   Stream_SetPrintingRank( errorStream, 0 );
   Journal_Printf( errorStream, "WARNING: \"DepthMap\" plugin is depricated, use \"FieldMap\" plugin instead" );

   self->swarm = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName(
      cf, Dictionary_GetString( dictionary, "Swarm" ), Swarm, True, data );

   self->context = (AbstractContext*)Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName(
      cf, "context", UnderworldContext, True, data ); 

   self->depth = Dictionary_GetDouble_WithDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DepthFromSurface", 0.0 );
   self->outputPath = Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputPath", "./output" );
   self->outputAllNodes = Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"OutputAllNodes", False );
   self->outputTopNodes = Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"OutputTopNodes", False );
   self->gocadOutput = Dictionary_GetBool_WithDefault( dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"GOCADOutput", True );
   self->outputPath = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Get( dictionary, "outputPath" ) );

   self->field = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName(
      cf, Dictionary_GetString( dictionary, "Field" ), FeVariable, True, data );

   ContextEP_Append( self->context, AbstractContext_EP_Dump, Geothermal_DepthMap_Dump );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void _Ppc_Switch_AssignFromXML( void* _self, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
  Ppc_Switch* self = (Ppc_Switch*)_self;
  Dictionary*	theDictionary = NULL;
  Dictionary_Entry_Value* caseEntry = NULL;
  Dictionary_Entry_Value* tagList = NULL;
  Index case_I;
  char* ppcName;
  /* Construct parent */
  _Ppc_AssignFromXML( self, cf, data );
  /* The dictionary */ 
  theDictionary = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name ) );
  /* Read the properties list */	
  tagList = Dictionary_Get( theDictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"CaseList" );
  assert( tagList );
  self->caseCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( tagList );
  self->caseList = Memory_Alloc_Array( Ppc_Switch_Case, self->caseCount, "Ppc_Switch_caseList" );
  for( case_I = 0; case_I < self->caseCount; case_I++ ){
	 caseEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( tagList, case_I );
	 /* get case value */
	 self->caseList[case_I].constant = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember( caseEntry, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Case") );
	 /* get ppc associated with the case*/
	 ppcName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember( caseEntry, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Value") );
	 self->caseList[case_I].valueTag = PpcManager_GetPpcByName( self->manager, cf, (Name)ppcName );
  /* Init */
	  Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Interpolate", "" ),
	  PpcManager_GetPpcFromDict( self->manager, cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Field", "" ) );
Ejemplo n.º 4
char* Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault(
   Dictionary*          dictionary,
   Dictionary_Entry_Key key,
   const char* const    defaultVal )
   return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( 
         dictionary, key, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( defaultVal ) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 5
void Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( Dictionary_Entry_Value* self, Stream* stream ) {
	Dictionary_Index index;
	if( !self ) {
	switch( self->type ) {
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_String:
			Journal_Printf( stream, "\"%s\"", self->as.typeString );
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Double:
			Journal_Printf( stream, "%g", self->as.typeDouble );
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_UnsignedInt:
			Journal_Printf( stream, "%u", self->as.typeUnsignedInt );
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Int:
			Journal_Printf( stream, "%d", self->as.typeInt );
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_UnsignedLong:
			Journal_Printf( stream, "%ld", self->as.typeUnsignedLong );
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Bool:
			Journal_Printf( stream, "%s", Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( self ) );
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_List:
			if (self->as.typeList->first) {
				Dictionary_Entry_Value* cur = self->as.typeList->first;
				Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( cur, stream );
				cur = cur->next;
				while (cur) {
					Journal_Printf( stream, ", " );
					Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( cur, stream );
					cur = cur->next;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Struct:
			Stream_Indent( stream );
			for( index = 0; index < self->as.typeStruct->count; index++ ) {
				Journal_Printf( stream, "\n");
				Journal_Printf( stream, "%s: ", self->as.typeStruct->entryPtr[index]->key );
				Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( self->as.typeStruct->entryPtr[index]->value, stream );
			Stream_UnIndent( stream );
		default: {
			Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Dictionary_Entry_Value" );
			Journal_Firewall( False, errorStream, "In func %s: self->type '%d' is invalid.\n", __func__, self->type );
Ejemplo n.º 6
Dictionary_Entry_Value* _Dictionary_GetDouble_WithScopeDefault(
   Dictionary*             dictionary,
   Dictionary_Entry_Key    key,
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* defaultVal )
   Dictionary_Entry_Value *returnVal=NULL;
   Bool                    usedDefault = False;
   Stream*                 stream = Journal_Register( Info_Type, "Dictionary" );

   returnVal = Dictionary_GetDefault( dictionary, key, defaultVal );

   if( returnVal && returnVal->type == Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_String ) { 
      Dictionary_Entry_Key rootDictKey = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( returnVal ); 
      Dictionary*          rootDict    = dictionary; 

      /* Check if the number really is a string or not */ 
      if( Stg_StringIsNumeric( rootDictKey ) ) 
         return returnVal; 

         "Key '%s' points to key '%s' in the root dictionary: ",
         rootDictKey ); 

      /* Get Value from dictionary */ 
      returnVal = Dictionary_Get( rootDict, rootDictKey ); 
      if( !returnVal && defaultVal ) { 
         returnVal = Dictionary_GetDefault( rootDict, rootDictKey, defaultVal ); 
         usedDefault = True; 

      /* Print Stuff */ 
      if( usedDefault ) { 
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Using default value = " ); 
         if( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( stream, 2 ) )  
            Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( returnVal, stream ); 
            Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "\n" ); 
         return returnVal; 
      else if( returnVal ) { 
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Found - Value = " ); 
         if( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( stream, 2 ) )  
            Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( returnVal, stream ); 
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "\n" ); 
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Not found.\n" ); 
   return returnVal;
Ejemplo n.º 7
Dictionary_Entry_Value* _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetNumericalValue( void* cf, void *codelet, Dictionary_Entry_Key key, Dictionary_Entry_Value* defaultVal ) {
   Stg_ComponentFactory*    self           = (Stg_ComponentFactory*)cf;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* returnVal;
   Bool                    usedDefault       = False;
   Stream*                 stream            = self->infoStream;
   Stream*         errorStream       = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );

   Journal_Firewall( self != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Stg_Component is NULL.\n", __func__ );

   returnVal = _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetDictionaryValue( self, codelet, key, defaultVal );

   /* Check to see whether the type is a string -
    * if it is then assume that this is a dictionary key linking to the root dictionary */
   if ( returnVal ) {
      Dictionary_Entry_Key rootDictKey = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( returnVal );
      Dictionary*          rootDict    = self->rootDict;

      /* Check if the number really is a string or not */
      if ( Stg_StringIsNumeric( rootDictKey ) )
         return returnVal;
      Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Key '%s' points to key '%s' in the root dictionary: ", key, rootDictKey );

      Journal_Firewall( rootDict != NULL, errorStream, "Root Dictionary NULL in component factory.\n" );

      /* Get Value from dictionary */
      returnVal = Dictionary_Get( rootDict, rootDictKey );
      if ( !returnVal && defaultVal ) {
         returnVal = Dictionary_GetDefault( rootDict, rootDictKey, defaultVal );
         usedDefault = True;

      /* Print Stuff */
      if ( usedDefault ) {
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Using default value = " );
         if ( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( stream, 2 ) ) 
            Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( returnVal, stream );
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "\n" );
         return returnVal;
      else if ( returnVal ) {
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Found - Value = " );
         if ( Stream_IsPrintableLevel( stream, 2 ) ) 
            Dictionary_Entry_Value_Print( returnVal, stream );
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "\n" );
         Journal_PrintfL( stream, 2, "Not found.\n" );

   return returnVal;
Ejemplo n.º 8
Stg_Component* _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginConstructByKey( 
   void*                  cf, 
   void*                  codelet, 
   Dictionary_Entry_Key   componentKey,
   Type                  type, 
   Bool                  isEssential,
   void*                  data ) 
   Stg_ComponentFactory*   self = (Stg_ComponentFactory*)cf;
   Stg_Component*            plugin = (Stg_Component*)codelet;
   Dictionary*               thisPluginDict = NULL;
   Dictionary*               pluginDict = (Dictionary*)Dictionary_Get( self->rootDict, "plugins" );
   Name                     componentName, redirect, pluginType;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value*   componentEntryVal;
   Index                     pluginIndex;
   Stream*                  errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );

   Journal_Firewall( self != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Stg_Component is NULL.\n", __func__ );

   /* Get this plugins Dictionary */
   for( pluginIndex = 0; pluginIndex < Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( (Dictionary_Entry_Value*)pluginDict ); pluginIndex++ ) {
      thisPluginDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( (Dictionary_Entry_Value*)pluginDict, pluginIndex ) );
      pluginType = StG_Strdup( Dictionary_GetString( thisPluginDict, "Type" ) );

      if( !strcmp( plugin->type, pluginType ) ){
         Memory_Free( pluginType );
      Memory_Free( pluginType );
   /* Get Dependency's Name */
   componentEntryVal = Dictionary_Get( thisPluginDict, componentKey );
   if ( componentEntryVal == NULL ) {
      Journal_Firewall( !isEssential, errorStream,
            "plugin '%s' cannot find essential component with key '%s'.\n", plugin->type, componentKey );
      Journal_PrintfL( self->infoStream, 2, "plugin '%s' cannot find non-essential component with key '%s'.\n", plugin->type, componentKey );
      return NULL;
   componentName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( componentEntryVal );

   /* If we can find the component's name in the root dictionary, use that value instead. */
   if( self->rootDict ) {
      redirect = Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault( self->rootDict, componentName, "" );
      if( strcmp( redirect, "" ) )
         componentName = redirect;

   return self->constructByName( self, componentName, type, isEssential, data );
void _PeriodicBoundariesManager_Build( void* periodicBCsManager, void* data ) {	
	PeriodicBoundariesManager* self = (PeriodicBoundariesManager*)periodicBCsManager;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*    periodicBCsList = NULL;

	Stg_Component_Build( self->swarm, data, False );
	Stg_Component_Build( self->mesh, data, False );
	self->size = 4;
	self->boundaries = Memory_Alloc_Array( PeriodicBoundary, self->size, "PeriodicBoundariesManager->boundaries" );

	if ( self->dictionary ) {
		periodicBCsList = Dictionary_Get( self->dictionary, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"PeriodicBoundaries" );
		/* Dictionary entry is optional - users may prefer to enter in code */
		if ( periodicBCsList ) {
			Index                   numPeriodicBCs = 0;
			Index                   periodicBC_I = 0;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value* periodicBC = NULL;
			char*                   perBCAxis = NULL;
			numPeriodicBCs = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( periodicBCsList );

			for ( periodicBC_I = 0; periodicBC_I < numPeriodicBCs; periodicBC_I++  ) {
				periodicBC = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( periodicBCsList, periodicBC_I );
				perBCAxis = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( periodicBC );

				if ( 0 == strcmp( perBCAxis, "I_AXIS" ) ) {
					PeriodicBoundariesManager_AddPeriodicBoundary( self, I_AXIS );
				else if ( 0 == strcmp( perBCAxis, "J_AXIS" ) ) {
					PeriodicBoundariesManager_AddPeriodicBoundary( self, J_AXIS );
				else if ( 0 == strcmp( perBCAxis, "K_AXIS" ) ) {
					PeriodicBoundariesManager_AddPeriodicBoundary( self, K_AXIS );
	/* Test if mesh is periodic */
	else if ( Stg_Class_IsInstance( self->mesh->generator, CartesianGenerator_Type ) ) {
		CartesianGenerator* cartesianGenerator = (CartesianGenerator*) self->mesh->generator;
		Dimension_Index dim_I;

		for ( dim_I = 0 ; dim_I < self->swarm->dim ; dim_I++ ) {
			/* Add boundaries straight from mesh generator */
			if ( cartesianGenerator->periodic[ dim_I ] ) 
				PeriodicBoundariesManager_AddPeriodicBoundary( self, dim_I );
Ejemplo n.º 10
char* Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value* self ) {
	static char buf[256];
	if( !self ) {
		strcpy( buf, "" );
		return buf;
	switch( self->type ) {
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Struct:
			strcpy( buf, "" );
			return buf;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_List:
			/* returns the first element as a string */
			if (self->as.typeList->first) {
				return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( self->as.typeList->first );
			} else {	
				return 0;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_String:
			return self->as.typeString;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Double:
			sprintf( buf, "%g", self->as.typeDouble );
			return buf;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_UnsignedInt:
			sprintf( buf, "%u", self->as.typeUnsignedInt );
			return buf;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Int:
			sprintf( buf, "%d", self->as.typeInt );
			return buf;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_UnsignedLong:
			sprintf( buf, "%ld", self->as.typeUnsignedLong );
			return buf;
		case Dictionary_Entry_Value_Type_Bool:
			if (True == self->as.typeBool) {
				 sprintf( buf, "true" );
			else if (False == self->as.typeBool) {
				 sprintf( buf, "false" );
			return buf;
		default: {
			Stream* errorStream = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Dictionary_Entry_Value" );
			Journal_Firewall( False, errorStream, "In func %s: self->type '%d' is invalid.\n", __func__, self->type );
	return buf;
Ejemplo n.º 11
Stg_Component* _Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( 
      void*         cf, 
      Name         parentComponentName, 
      Dictionary_Entry_Key   componentKey,
      Type         type, 
      Bool          isEssential,
      void*          data ) 
   Stg_ComponentFactory*   self              = (Stg_ComponentFactory*)cf;
   Dictionary*      thisComponentDict = NULL;
   Dictionary*      componentDict     = NULL;
   Name         componentName, redirect;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value*   componentEntryVal;
   Stream*         errorStream       = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );

   Journal_Firewall( self != NULL, errorStream, "In func %s: Stg_Component is NULL.\n", __func__ );

   /* Get this Stg_Component's Dictionary */
   componentDict = self->componentDict;
   Journal_Firewall( componentDict != NULL, errorStream, 
         "In func %s: Stg_Component Factory's dictionary is NULL.\n", __func__ );
   thisComponentDict = Dictionary_GetDictionary( componentDict, parentComponentName );

   /* Get Dependency's Name */
   componentEntryVal = Dictionary_Get( thisComponentDict, componentKey );
   if ( componentEntryVal == NULL ) {
      Journal_Firewall( !isEssential, errorStream,
            "Stg_Component '%s' cannot find essential component with key '%s'.\n", parentComponentName, componentKey );
      Journal_PrintfL( self->infoStream, 2, "Stg_Component '%s' cannot find non-essential component with key '%s'.\n", parentComponentName, componentKey );
      return NULL;
   componentName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( componentEntryVal );

   /* If we can find the component's name in the root dictionary, use that value instead. */
   if( self->rootDict ) {
      redirect = Dictionary_GetString_WithDefault( self->rootDict, componentName, "" );
      if( strcmp( redirect, "" ) )
         componentName = redirect;

   return self->constructByName( self, componentName, type, isEssential, data );
Ejemplo n.º 12
void _MeshGenerator_Construct( void* meshGenerator, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
	MeshGenerator*		self = (MeshGenerator*)meshGenerator;
	Dictionary*		dict;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*	meshList;
	Mesh*			mesh;

	assert( self );
	assert( cf );

	/* Rip out the components structure as a dictionary. */
	dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, self->name ) );

	/* Set the communicator to a default. */
	MeshGenerator_SetComm( self, MPI_COMM_WORLD );

	/* Read the individual mesh if specified. */
	mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, "mesh", Mesh, False, data );
	if( mesh )
		MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh );

	/* Read the mesh list, if it's there. */
	meshList = Dictionary_Get( dict, "meshes" );
	if( meshList ) {
		unsigned	nMeshes;
		char*		name;
		unsigned	m_i;

		nMeshes = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( meshList );
		for( m_i = 0; m_i < nMeshes; m_i++ ) {
			Mesh*	mesh;

			name = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( meshList, m_i ) );
			mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, name, Mesh, True, data );
			MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh );

	/* Add to live component register. */
	LiveComponentRegister_Add( cf->LCRegister, (Stg_Component*)self );
Ejemplo n.º 13
void _MeshVariable_AssignFromXML( void* meshVariable, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
	MeshVariable*		self = (MeshVariable*)meshVariable;
	SizeT					dataOffsets[] = { 0 };
	StgVariable_DataType	dataTypes[] = { 0 };		/* Init value later */
	Index					dataTypeCounts[] = { 1 };
	Dictionary*			componentDict = NULL;
	Dictionary*			thisComponentDict = NULL;
	Name					dataTypeName = NULL;
	Name					rankName = NULL;
	void*					variableRegister = NULL;
	Name*					names = NULL;
	Stream*				error = Journal_Register( Error_Type, (Name)self->type );
	Mesh*					mesh;
	AbstractContext*	context;
	assert( self );

	componentDict = cf->componentDict;
	assert( componentDict  );
	thisComponentDict = Dictionary_GetDictionary( componentDict, self->name );
	assert( thisComponentDict );

	context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Context", AbstractContext, False, data );
	if( !context  )
		context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", AbstractContext, False, data );
	/* Grab Registers */
        variableRegister = context->variable_Register;

	/* Construct the mesh. */
	mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"mesh", Mesh, True, data  );
	MeshVariable_SetMesh( self, mesh );

	/* Get the topological element we're intereseted in. */
	self->topoDim = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"topologicalDim", 0  );
	/* Get Type of Variable */
	dataTypeName = Dictionary_GetString( thisComponentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"DataType"  );
	if ( !strcasecmp( dataTypeName, "Double" ) )
		dataTypes[0] = StgVariable_DataType_Double;
	else if ( !strcasecmp( dataTypeName, "Float" ) )
		dataTypes[0] = StgVariable_DataType_Float;
	else if ( !strcasecmp( dataTypeName, "Int" ) )
		dataTypes[0] = StgVariable_DataType_Int;
	else if ( !strcasecmp( dataTypeName, "Char" ) )
		dataTypes[0] = StgVariable_DataType_Char;
	else if ( !strcasecmp( dataTypeName, "Short" ) )
		dataTypes[0] = StgVariable_DataType_Short;
		Journal_Firewall( False, error, "Variable '%s' cannot understand data type '%s'\n", self->name, dataTypeName );

	/* Get Rank of Variable - i.e. Scalar or Vector */
	rankName = Dictionary_GetString( thisComponentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Rank"  );
	if( !strcasecmp( rankName, "Scalar" ) ){
		dataTypeCounts[0] = 1;
	else if ( !strcasecmp( rankName, "Vector" ) ){
		Dictionary_Entry_Value* list;
		Index                   nameCount = 0;

		dataTypeCounts[0] = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"VectorComponentCount", nameCount  );

		/* Get Names from list */
		if (( list = Dictionary_Get( thisComponentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"names" ) )) {
			Index entry_I;

			nameCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( list  );
			names = Memory_Alloc_Array( Name, nameCount, "Variable Names" );

			for ( entry_I = 0 ; entry_I < nameCount ; entry_I++ )
				names[ entry_I ] = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(list, entry_I ) );

            Journal_Firewall( nameCount >= dataTypeCounts[0], error, "Variable '%s' has too few names in list for %d vector components.\n", self->name, dataTypeCounts[0] );

		Journal_Firewall( False, error, "Variable '%s' cannot understand rank '%s'\n", self->name, rankName );

                  variableRegister );

	/* Clean Up */
	if (names)
void _FieldVariable_AssignFromXML( void* fieldVariable, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
   FieldVariable*          self = (FieldVariable*)fieldVariable;
   FieldVariable_Register* fV_Register=NULL;
   Dimension_Index         dim;
   Index                   fieldComponentCount;
   Bool                    isCheckpointedAndReloaded, isCheckpointedAndReloaded2;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* feVarsList = NULL;
   char*                   o_units = NULL;
   DomainContext*          context;
   Bool                    useCacheMaxMin;

   context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey(
      data );

   if( !context )
      context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", DomainContext, False, data );
   if (context) {
      fV_Register = context->fieldVariable_Register;
      assert( fV_Register );

   dim = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetRootDictUnsignedInt( cf, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dim", 0 );
   /* allow this to be overwritten by the component dub dict */
   dim = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dim", dim );

   fieldComponentCount = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt(
      0 );

   useCacheMaxMin = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetBool( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"useCacheMaxMin", False );
   o_units = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputUnits", NULL );

    * Decide whether this FieldVariable will be checkpointed & reloaded, based on the dictionary list 
    * "fieldVariableToCheckpoint". NB may want to put this in the XML component definintion of a
    * FieldVariable itself, but for now prefer list so it can be centrally set.
    * -- Pat, Jules, Kath - 29 November 2006 

   isCheckpointedAndReloaded2 = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetBool( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"isCheckpointedAndReloaded", False );

   /* Case insensitive search */
   feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"fieldVariablesToCheckpoint" );
   if( NULL == feVarsList ) {
      feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"FieldVariablesToCheckpoint" );

   if( feVarsList != NULL ) {
      Index                   listLength = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( feVarsList );
      Index                   var_I = 0;
      Dictionary_Entry_Value* feVarDictValue = NULL;
      char*                   fieldVariableName;
      /* if the 'fieldVariablesToCheckpoint' list is empty (but exists)
       *    checkpoint every field
       * else selectively checkpoint based on list entries */
      if( listLength == 0 ) { 
         isCheckpointedAndReloaded = True; 
      else {
         isCheckpointedAndReloaded = False;
         for ( var_I = 0; var_I < listLength; var_I++  ) {
            feVarDictValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( feVarsList, var_I );
            fieldVariableName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( feVarDictValue ); 
            if ( 0 == strcmp( self->name, fieldVariableName ) ) {
               isCheckpointedAndReloaded = True;
   else {
      /* If there's no special list, just checkpoint/reload everything. */
      isCheckpointedAndReloaded = True;

   isCheckpointedAndReloaded = (isCheckpointedAndReloaded || isCheckpointedAndReloaded2 );

   feVarsList = NULL;
   /* also include check to see if this fevariable should be saved for analysis purposes */ 
   feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"fieldVariablesToSave" );

   if( NULL == feVarsList ) {
      feVarsList = Dictionary_Get( cf->rootDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"FieldVariablesToSave" );
   if( feVarsList != NULL ) {
      Index                   listLength = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( feVarsList );
      Index                   var_I = 0;
      Dictionary_Entry_Value* feVarDictValue = NULL;
      char*                   fieldVariableName;
      for( var_I = 0; var_I < listLength; var_I++ ) {
         feVarDictValue = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( feVarsList, var_I );
         fieldVariableName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( feVarDictValue ); 

         if( 0 == strcmp( self->name, fieldVariableName ) ) {
            self->isSavedData = True;
      useCacheMaxMin );

Ejemplo n.º 15
void _FrictionVC_ReadDictionary( void* variableCondition, void* dictionary ) {
	FrictionVC*			self = (FrictionVC*)variableCondition;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*	vcDictVal;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value	_vcDictVal;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*	varsVal;
	FrictionVC_Entry_Index	entry_I;
	/* Find dictionary entry */
	if (self->_dictionaryEntryName)
		vcDictVal = Dictionary_Get(dictionary, self->_dictionaryEntryName);
		vcDictVal = &_vcDictVal;
		Dictionary_Entry_Value_InitFromStruct(vcDictVal, dictionary);
	if (vcDictVal)
		char*	wallStr;
		/* Obtain which wall */
		wallStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "wall" ));
		if (!strcasecmp(wallStr, "back"))
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Back;
		else if (!strcasecmp(wallStr, "left"))
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Left;
		else if (!strcasecmp(wallStr, "bottom"))
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Bottom;
		else if (!strcasecmp(wallStr, "right"))
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Right;
		else if (!strcasecmp(wallStr, "top"))
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Top;
		else if (!strcasecmp(wallStr, "front"))
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Front;
		else {
			assert( 0 );
			self->_wall = FrictionVC_Wall_Size; /* invalid entry */
		/* Obtain the variable entries */
		self->_entryCount = 0;
		self->_entryCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "variables"));
		self->_entryTbl = Memory_Alloc_Array( FrictionVC_Entry, self->_entryCount, "FrictionVC->_entryTbl" );
		varsVal = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "variables");
		for (entry_I = 0; entry_I < self->_entryCount; entry_I++)
			char*			valType;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value*	valueEntry;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value*	varDictListVal;
			varDictListVal = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(varsVal, entry_I);
			valueEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "value");
			self->_entryTbl[entry_I].varName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(
				Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "name"));
			valType = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "type"));
			if (0 == strcasecmp(valType, "func"))
				char*	funcName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(valueEntry);
				Index	cfIndex;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_CFIndex;
				cfIndex = ConditionFunction_Register_GetIndex( self->conFunc_Register, funcName);
				if ( cfIndex == (unsigned)-1 ) {	
					Stream*	errorStr = Journal_Register( Error_Type, self->type );

					Journal_Printf( errorStr, "Error- in %s: While parsing "
						"definition of wallVC \"%s\" (applies to wall \"%s\"), the cond. func. applied to "
						"variable \"%s\" - \"%s\" - wasn't found in the c.f. register.\n",
						__func__, self->_dictionaryEntryName, FrictionVC_WallEnumToStr[self->_wall],
						self->_entryTbl[entry_I].varName, funcName );
					Journal_Printf( errorStr, "(Available functions in the C.F. register are: ");	
					ConditionFunction_Register_PrintNameOfEachFunc( self->conFunc_Register, errorStr );
					Journal_Printf( errorStr, ")\n");	
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeCFIndex = cfIndex;
			else if (0 == strcasecmp(valType, "array"))
				Dictionary_Entry_Value*	valueElement;
				Index			i;

				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_DoubleArray;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount(valueEntry);
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.array = Memory_Alloc_Array( double,
					self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size, "FrictionVC->_entryTbl[].value.as.typeArray.array" );
				for (i = 0; i < self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size; i++)
					valueElement = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(valueEntry, i);
					self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.array[i] = 
			else if( 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "double" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "d" ) ||
				0 == strcasecmp( valType, "float" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "f" ) )
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Double;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeDouble = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( valueEntry );
			else if( 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "integer" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "int" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "i" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Int;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeInt = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "short" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "s" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Short;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeShort = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "char" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "c" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Char;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeChar = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "pointer" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "ptr" ) || 0 == strcasecmp( valType, "p" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Ptr;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typePtr = (void*) ( (ArithPointer)Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry ));
			else {
				/* Assume double */
					Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "myStream" ), 
					"Type to variable on variable condition not given, assuming double\n" );
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Double;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeDouble = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( valueEntry );
Ejemplo n.º 16
char* Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetString( void* cf, void* codelet, Dictionary_Entry_Key key, const char* const defaultVal ) {
   return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( 
            _Stg_ComponentFactory_PluginGetDictionaryValue( cf, codelet, key,
                                                            Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( defaultVal ) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 17
void _VariableAllVC_ReadDictionary( void* variableCondition, void* dictionary ) {
	VariableAllVC*			self = (VariableAllVC*)variableCondition;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*		vcDictVal;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value		_vcDictVal;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*		varsVal;
	VariableAllVC_Entry_Index	entry_I;
	/* Find dictionary entry */
	if (self->_dictionaryEntryName)
		vcDictVal = Dictionary_Get( dictionary, self->_dictionaryEntryName );
		vcDictVal = &_vcDictVal;
		Dictionary_Entry_Value_InitFromStruct( vcDictVal, dictionary );
	if (vcDictVal)
		/* Obtain the variable entries */
		self->_entryCount = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "variables"));
		self->_entryTbl = Memory_Alloc_Array( VariableAllVC_Entry, self->_entryCount, "VariableAllVC->_entryTbl" );
		varsVal = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(vcDictVal, "variables");
		for (entry_I = 0; entry_I < self->_entryCount; entry_I++)
			char*			valType;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value*	valueEntry;
			Dictionary_Entry_Value*	varDictListVal;
			varDictListVal = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(varsVal, entry_I);
			valueEntry = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "value");
			self->_entryTbl[entry_I].varName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(
				Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "name"));
			valType = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetMember(varDictListVal, "type"));
			if (!strcasecmp(valType, "func"))
				char*	funcName = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString(valueEntry);
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_CFIndex;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeCFIndex = ConditionFunction_Register_GetIndex(
					self->conFunc_Register, funcName);
			else if (!strcasecmp(valType, "array"))
				Dictionary_Entry_Value*	valueElement;
				Index			i;

				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_DoubleArray;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount(valueEntry);
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.array = Memory_Alloc_Array( double,
					self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size,"VariableAllVC->_entryTbl[].value.as.typeArray.array" );
				for (i = 0; i < self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.size; i++)
					valueElement = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement(valueEntry, i);
					self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeArray.array[i] = 
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "double" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "d" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "float" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "f" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Double;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeDouble = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "integer" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "int" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "i" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Int;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeInt = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "short" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "s" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Short;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeShort = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "char" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "c" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Char;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeChar = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry );
			else if( !strcasecmp( valType, "pointer" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "ptr" ) || !strcasecmp( valType, "p" ) ) {
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Ptr;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typePtr = (void*) ( (ArithPointer) Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( valueEntry ));
			else {
				/* Assume double */
				Journal_DPrintf( Journal_Register( InfoStream_Type, "myStream" ), "Type to variable on variable condition not given, assuming double\n" );
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.type = VC_ValueType_Double;
				self->_entryTbl[entry_I].value.as.typeDouble = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( valueEntry );
Ejemplo n.º 18
void _SnacHillSlope_InitialConditions( void* _context, void* data ) {
    Snac_Context		*context = (Snac_Context*)_context;
    SnacHillSlope_Context	*contextExt = ExtensionManager_Get(context->extensionMgr,
								   SnacHillSlope_ContextHandle );
    Mesh			*mesh = context->mesh;
    MeshLayout			*layout = (MeshLayout*)mesh->layout;
    HexaMD			*decomp = (HexaMD*)layout->decomp;
    BlockGeometry		*geometry = (BlockGeometry*)layout->elementLayout->geometry;
    Node_GlobalIndex		node_g, node_gI, node_gJ;

    const int			full_I_node_range=decomp->nodeGlobal3DCounts[0];
    const int			full_J_node_range=decomp->nodeGlobal3DCounts[1];

    double			new_x[full_I_node_range], new_y[full_J_node_range];
    double			reg_dx, reg_dy, new_xMax, new_xMin, new_xHalf, midOffset, old_yMax, new_yMax, new_yMin;

    double			slopeAngle = contextExt->slopeAngle * M_PI/180.0;
    double			resolveHeight = geometry->max[1]-contextExt->resolveDepth;

    double			xLeftFlatRamp = (contextExt->leftFlatFraction<0.0 ? 0.0 : 
					     (contextExt->leftFlatFraction>1.0 ? 1.0 : contextExt->leftFlatFraction));
    double			xRightRampFlat = (contextExt->rightFlatFraction<0.0 ? 
					     1.0-contextExt->leftFlatFraction : (contextExt->rightFlatFraction>1.0 ? 
										  1.0 : contextExt->rightFlatFraction));
    const double		smoothFactor = contextExt->rampFlatSmoothFactor;

    int				restart = FALSE;
    Dictionary_Entry_Value 	*pluginsList, *plugin;
#ifdef DEBUG
    int imax=0;

    pluginsList = PluginsManager_GetPluginsList( context->dictionary );
    if (pluginsList) {
	plugin = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetFirstElement(pluginsList);
	while ( plugin ) {
	    if ( 0 == strcmp( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( plugin ),
			      "SnacRestart" ) ) {
		restart = TRUE;
	    plugin = plugin->next;
    if(context->restartTimestep > 0) {
	restart = TRUE;
    if( restart ) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Restarting: thus bailing from hillSlope/InitialConditions.c to avoid overwriting the mesh geometry\n");

#ifdef DEBUG
    printf( "In: %s\n", __func__ );
    //    fprintf(stderr, "Slope angle = %g degrees\n", slopeAngle/(M_PI/180.0));

    /*  Report HillSlope plugin variables picked up (?) from xml parameter file */
    Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "\nSlope angle = %g degrees\n", slopeAngle/(M_PI/180.0) );

    reg_dx = (geometry->max[0]-geometry->min[0])/(double)(full_I_node_range-1);
    reg_dy = (geometry->max[1]-geometry->min[1])/(double)(full_J_node_range-1);
     *  Decide at what height (prior to shearing) to switch from rombhoid to parallelopiped geometry, 
     *     i.e., at what depth to resolve using "regular" elements parallel to the surface
     *           versus "irregular" elements deformed to fit to a horizontal bottom
     * If contextExt->resolveDepth is negative, resolveHeight is set to zero and the whole domain is "regular"
    if(contextExt->resolveDepth<0.0 || resolveHeight<0.0) {
	resolveHeight = 0.0;
    } else if(resolveHeight>geometry->max[1]) {
	resolveHeight = geometry->max[1];
    for( node_gI = 0; node_gI < full_I_node_range; node_gI++ )
	new_x[node_gI] = geometry->min[0] + node_gI*reg_dx;
    for( node_gJ = 0; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1); node_gJ++ )
	new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + node_gJ*reg_dy;
/*     if((full_J_node_range-1)<4) { */
/* 	for( node_gJ = 0; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1); node_gJ++ ) */
/* 	    new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + node_gJ*reg_dy; */
/*     } else { */
/* 	for( node_gJ = 0; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1)/4; node_gJ++ ) */
/* 	    new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + node_gJ*reg_dy*(stretchFactor/(1.0+stretchFactor)); */
/* 	for(            ; node_gJ <= (full_J_node_range-1); node_gJ++ ) */
/* 	    new_y[node_gJ] = geometry->min[1] + ((full_J_node_range-1)/4)*reg_dy*(stretchFactor/(1.0+stretchFactor))  */
/* 		+ (node_gJ-((full_J_node_range-1)/4))*reg_dy*(1.0/(1.0+stretchFactor)); */
/*     } */
     *  Assume highest point in x,y is at the last mesh node
    new_xMin = new_x[0];
    new_xMax = new_x[full_I_node_range-1];
    new_xHalf = new_xMin+(new_xMax-new_xMin)/2.0;
    new_yMin = new_y[0];
    old_yMax = new_yMax = new_y[full_J_node_range-1];  /*+ tan(mesh_slope)*geometry->max[0]; */


    fprintf(stderr, "Left flat <= %g -> %g\n", contextExt->leftFlatFraction, xLeftFlatRamp);
    fprintf(stderr, "Right flat >= %g -> %g\n", contextExt->rightFlatFraction, xRightRampFlat);
    fprintf(stderr, "Ramp-flat smoothness = %g\n", smoothFactor);
    fprintf(stderr, "Flat/ramp/flat ranges:  %g <-> %g <-> %g <-> %g\n", new_xMin, xLeftFlatRamp, xRightRampFlat, new_xMax);
     *  Loop across all nodes in mesh
     *    - total of x*y*z nodes is given by context->mesh->nodeGlobalCount+1
    for( node_g = 0; node_g < context->mesh->nodeGlobalCount; node_g++ ) {
	Node_LocalIndex			node_l = Mesh_NodeMapGlobalToLocal( mesh, node_g );
	Index				i_g;
	Index				j_g;
	Index				k_g;
	Coord*				coord = 0;
	Coord				tmpCoord;

	 *  If a local node, directly change the node coordinates else use a temporary location
	if( node_l < context->mesh->nodeLocalCount ) { /* a local node */
	    coord = Snac_NodeCoord_P( context, node_l );
	else {
	     *  If the node is running on another CPU, use dummy ptr
	     *   - wouldn't it be better to just skip (continue) to next node?
	    coord = &tmpCoord;
	 *  Convert 1d mesh node index to 3d i,j,k mesh node position
	RegularMeshUtils_Node_1DTo3D( decomp, node_g, &i_g, &j_g, &k_g );

	 *  Do nothing to x coordinate
	(*coord)[0] = new_x[i_g];

	 *  Transform y coordinates by shearing mesh parallel to vertical axis
	(*coord)[1] = new_y[j_g];
	midOffset=( (xRightRampFlat-(xRightRampFlat-new_xHalf)*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(xRightRampFlat-new_xHalf)/old_yMax) )) 
		    - (new_xHalf-xLeftFlatRamp)*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(new_xHalf-xLeftFlatRamp)/old_yMax) ) )*tan(slopeAngle);
	if(new_x[i_g]<=new_xHalf) {
	    /* LHS */
	    (*coord)[1] +=
		( (new_x[i_g]<xLeftFlatRamp ? 0 :  
		   (new_x[i_g]-xLeftFlatRamp)*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(new_x[i_g]-xLeftFlatRamp)/old_yMax) )*tan(slopeAngle) )
		  *(new_y[j_g]>=resolveHeight ? 1.0 : new_y[j_g]/resolveHeight) );
	} else {
	    /* RHS */
	    (*coord)[1] +=
		( (new_x[i_g]>=xRightRampFlat ? xRightRampFlat*tan(slopeAngle)-midOffset :  
		   (xRightRampFlat-(xRightRampFlat-new_x[i_g])*( 1.0-exp(-smoothFactor*(xRightRampFlat-new_x[i_g])/old_yMax) ))*tan(slopeAngle) - midOffset)
		  *(new_y[j_g]>=resolveHeight ? 1.0 : new_y[j_g]/resolveHeight) );

	 *  Track maximum y as mesh deforms
	if((*coord)[1]>new_yMax) new_yMax=(*coord)[1];
#ifdef DEBUG
	fprintf( stderr, "\tnode_l: %2u, node_g: %2u, i: %2u, j: %2u, k: %2u, ",
		 k_g );
	fprintf( stderr, "x: %12g, y: %12g, z: %12g\n", (*coord)[0], (*coord)[1], (*coord)[2] );
     *  Reset vertical max
    geometry->max[1] = new_yMax;

Ejemplo n.º 19
char* _Stg_ComponentFactory_GetString( void* cf, Name componentName, Dictionary_Entry_Key key, const char* const defaultVal ) {
   return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( 
         _Stg_ComponentFactory_GetDictionaryValue( cf, componentName, key, 
            Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( defaultVal ) ) );
Ejemplo n.º 20
void _MeshGenerator_AssignFromXML( void* meshGenerator, Stg_ComponentFactory* cf, void* data ) {
	MeshGenerator*		self = (MeshGenerator*)meshGenerator;
	Dictionary*		dict;
	unsigned		nDims;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*	meshList;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value	*enabledDimsList, *enabledIncList;
	Mesh*			mesh;
	Bool                    partitioned;

	assert( self );
	assert( cf );

	/* Rip out the components structure as a dictionary. */
	dict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( cf->componentDict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)self->name )  );

	/* Set the communicator to a default. */
	partitioned = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetBool( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"partitioned", 1  );
	if( partitioned ) {
		MeshGenerator_SetMPIComm( self, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
	else {
		MeshGenerator_SetMPIComm( self, MPI_COMM_SELF );

	self->context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"Context", AbstractContext, False, data );
	if( !self->context  )
		self->context = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)"context", AbstractContext, False, data  );

	/* Read the individual mesh if specified. */
	mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByKey( cf, self->name, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"mesh", Mesh, False, data );
	if( mesh  )
		MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh );

	/* Read the mesh list, if it's there. */
	meshList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"meshes" );
	if( meshList ) {
		unsigned	nMeshes;
		char*		name;
		unsigned	m_i;

		nMeshes = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( meshList );
		for( m_i = 0; m_i < nMeshes; m_i++  ) {
			Mesh*	mesh;

			name = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( meshList, m_i ) );
			mesh = Stg_ComponentFactory_ConstructByName( cf, (Name)name, Mesh, True, data  );
			MeshGenerator_AddMesh( self, mesh );

	/* Read dimensions and state. */
	nDims = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name,  (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dim", 2 );
	nDims = Stg_ComponentFactory_GetUnsignedInt( cf, self->name,  (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"dims", nDims );
	MeshGenerator_SetDimSize( self, nDims );
	enabledDimsList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"enabledDims"  );
	enabledIncList = Dictionary_Get( dict, (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"enabledIncidence"  );

    /* Clear dims/incidence flags */
    unsigned    d_i;
    memset( self->enabledDims, 0, (nDims + 1) * sizeof(Bool) );
    for( d_i = 0; d_i <= nDims; d_i++ )
        memset( self->enabledInc[d_i], 0, (nDims + 1) * sizeof(Bool) );

    if( enabledDimsList ) {
        unsigned    dim;
        unsigned    nEnabledDims;
        nEnabledDims = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( enabledDimsList );
        for( d_i = 0; d_i < nEnabledDims; d_i++ ) {
            dim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( enabledDimsList, d_i ) );
            if (dim > nDims)
                Journal_Printf(Mesh_Warning, "Warning - in %s: *** Skipping out of range dimension: %d\n", __func__, dim);
                MeshGenerator_SetDimState( self, dim, True );
        /* Default to all dimensions enabled */
        for( d_i = 0; d_i < nDims + 1; d_i++ ) 
            MeshGenerator_SetDimState( self, d_i, True );

    if( enabledIncList ) {
        unsigned    nEnabledInc;
        unsigned    fromDim, toDim;
        nEnabledInc = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( enabledIncList );
        assert( nEnabledInc % 2 == 0 );
        for( d_i = 0; d_i < nEnabledInc; d_i += 2 ) {
            fromDim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( enabledIncList, d_i ) );
            toDim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( enabledIncList, d_i + 1 ) );
            if (fromDim > nDims || toDim > nDims) 
                Journal_Printf( Mesh_Warning, "Warning - in %s: *** Skipping out of range incidence: %d to %d\n", 
                            __func__ , fromDim, toDim);
                MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, fromDim, toDim, True );
        /* Default incidence setup 0->1,2,3  1->0,2  2->0,1  3->0,3 */
        MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 0, 0, True );
        for( d_i = 1; d_i <= nDims; d_i ++ ) {
            MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 0, d_i, True );
            MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, d_i, 0, True );
        if (nDims == 2) {
            MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 1, 2, True );
            MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 2, 1, True );
            MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 2, 2, True );
        if( nDims == 3 )
           MeshGenerator_SetIncidenceState( self, 3, 3, True );
Ejemplo n.º 21
void stgGenerateFlattenedXML( Dictionary* dictionary, Dictionary* sources, char* timeStamp ) {
   XML_IO_Handler* ioHandler;
   char*           outputPath;
   char*           flatFilename;
   char*           flatFilenameStamped;
   char*           slimFilename;
   Stream*         s;
   Bool            isEnabled;
   Bool            ret;
   Bool            outputSlim;

   s = Journal_Register( Info_Type, (Name)XML_IO_Handler_Type );

   /* Avoid confusing messages from XML_IO_Handler. Turn it off temporarily. */
   isEnabled = Stream_IsEnable( s );
   Stream_EnableSelfOnly( s, False );

   ioHandler = XML_IO_Handler_New();
   if( sources == NULL )
      ioHandler->writeSources = False;
   outputPath = StG_Strdup( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( dictionary,
      (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputPath", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( "./" ) ) ) );
   outputSlim = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsBool( Dictionary_GetDefault( dictionary,
      (Dictionary_Entry_Key)"outputSlimmedXML", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromBool( True ) ) );

   if( ! Stg_DirectoryExists( outputPath ) ) {
      if( Stg_FileExists( outputPath ) )
         Journal_Firewall( 0, s, "outputPath '%s' is a file an not a directory! Exiting...\n", outputPath );

      Journal_Printf( s, "outputPath '%s' does not exist, attempting to create...\n", outputPath );
      ret = Stg_CreateDirectory( outputPath );
      Journal_Firewall( ret, s, "Unable to create non-existing outputPath to '%s'\n", outputPath );
      Journal_Printf( s, "outputPath '%s' successfully created!\n", outputPath );

   /* Set file names. */
   Stg_asprintf( &flatFilename, "%s/%s", outputPath, "input.xml" );

   IO_Handler_WriteAllToFile( ioHandler, flatFilename, dictionary, sources );

   /* Format; path/input-YYYY.MM.DD-HH.MM.SS.xml. */
   if (timeStamp) {
      Stg_asprintf( &flatFilenameStamped, "%s/%s-%s.%s",
                   outputPath, "input", timeStamp, "xml" );
      IO_Handler_WriteAllToFile( ioHandler, flatFilenameStamped, dictionary, sources );
      Memory_Free( flatFilenameStamped );

   if( outputSlim && timeStamp ) {
      ioHandler->writeSources = False;
      Stg_asprintf( &slimFilename, "%s/%s-%s.%s",
         outputPath, "input-basic", timeStamp, "xml" );
      IO_Handler_WriteAllToFile( ioHandler, slimFilename, dictionary, NULL);

   Stream_EnableSelfOnly( s, isEnabled );
   Stg_Class_Delete( ioHandler );

   Memory_Free( flatFilename );
Ejemplo n.º 22
void ModulesManager_Load( void* modulesManager, void* _dictionary, Name contextName ) {
   ModulesManager*         self = (ModulesManager*)modulesManager;
   Dictionary*             dictionary = (Dictionary*)_dictionary;
   unsigned int            entryCount;
   unsigned int            entry_I;
   Dictionary_Entry_Value* modulesVal;

    * First add the directory list onto LD_LIBRARY_PATH so that it can potentially
    * resolve the unknown symbols */
   #ifndef NOSHARED
   char* curEnvPath;
   char* newEnvPath;
   Index newEnvPathLength;
   Index dir_I;
   Index i, count;
   char* dir;

   newEnvPathLength = 0;

   if( dictionary ) {
      Dictionary_Entry_Value* localLibDirList = Dictionary_Get( dictionary, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" );

      if( localLibDirList ) {
         count = Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetCount( localLibDirList );
         for( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) {
            dir = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( localLibDirList, i ) );
            ModulesManager_AddDirectory( "FromDictionary", dir );
   for( dir_I = 0; dir_I < moduleDirectories->count; ++dir_I ) {
      newEnvPathLength += strlen( (char*)Stg_ObjectList_ObjectAt( moduleDirectories, dir_I ) );
      /* Add one make space for the ':' inbetween the directories */
      newEnvPathLength += 1; 
   curEnvPath = getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH");
   if( curEnvPath ) {
      newEnvPathLength += strlen( curEnvPath );

   if( newEnvPathLength > 0 ) {
      /* Add one to make space for the Null Terminator '\0' */
      newEnvPathLength += 1;
      newEnvPath = Memory_Alloc_Array( char, newEnvPathLength, "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" );
      newEnvPath[0] = '\0';
      for( dir_I = 0; dir_I < moduleDirectories->count; ++dir_I ) {
         strcat( newEnvPath, (char*)Stg_ObjectList_ObjectAt( moduleDirectories, dir_I ) );
         strcat( newEnvPath, ":" );
      if( curEnvPath ) {
         strcat( newEnvPath, curEnvPath );
      setenv( "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", newEnvPath, 1 );

         Journal_Register( Debug_Type, self->type ),
         "Using LD_LIBRARY_PATH=%s\n",
         newEnvPath );
      Memory_Free( newEnvPath );
Ejemplo n.º 23
void _SnacRemesher_ConstructExtensions( void* _context, void* data ) {
	Snac_Context*				context = (Snac_Context*)_context;
	SnacRemesher_Context*			contextExt = ExtensionManager_Get(
							SnacRemesher_ContextHandle );
	Mesh*					mesh = context->mesh;
	SnacRemesher_Mesh*			meshExt = ExtensionManager_Get(
							SnacRemesher_MeshHandle );
	char*					conditionStr;
	Dictionary_Entry_Value*			conditionCriterion;
	Dictionary* 				meshDict;
	Stream*					error = Journal_Register( Error_Type, "Remesher" );
	char					tmpBuf[PATH_MAX];

	Journal_Printf( context->debug, "In: %s\n", __func__ );
	contextExt->debugIC = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-ICs" );
	contextExt->debugCoords = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Coords" );
	contextExt->debugNodes = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Nodes" );
	contextExt->debugElements = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Elements" );
	contextExt->debugSync = Journal_Register( Debug_Type, "Remesher-Sync" );
	/* Additional tables required over the nodeElementTbl already required by core Snac */
	Mesh_ActivateNodeNeighbourTbl( mesh );
	Mesh_ActivateElementNeighbourTbl( mesh );
	/* Work out condition to remesh on */
	if( !Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, CONDITION_STR ) ) {
			"Warning: No \"%s\" entry in dictionary... will default to \"%s\"\n", 
			OFF_STR );
	conditionStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( 
		Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, CONDITION_STR, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( OFF_STR ) ) );
	contextExt->OnTimeStep = 0;
	contextExt->onMinLengthScale = 0;
	if( !strcmp( conditionStr, OFF_STR ) ) {
		contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_Off;
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is off\n" );
	else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONTIMESTEP_STR ) ) {
		contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnTimeStep;
		conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, TIMESTEPCRITERION_STR );
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated based on timeStep\n" );
		if( conditionCriterion ) {
			contextExt->OnTimeStep = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( conditionCriterion );
		else {
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remeshing every %u timeSteps\n", contextExt->OnTimeStep );
	else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONMINLENGTHSCALE_STR ) ) {
		contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnMinLengthScale;
		conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, LENGTHCRITERION_STR );
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated by minLengthScale\n" );
		if( conditionCriterion ) {
			contextExt->onMinLengthScale = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( conditionCriterion );
		else {
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesh when minLengthScale < %g\n", contextExt->onMinLengthScale );
	else if( !strcmp( conditionStr, ONBOTHTIMESTEPLENGTH_STR ) ) {
		contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_OnBothTimeStepLength;
		conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, TIMESTEPCRITERION_STR );
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is on... activated by both timeStep and minLengthScale\n" );
		if( conditionCriterion ) {
			contextExt->OnTimeStep = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsUnsignedInt( conditionCriterion );
			conditionCriterion = Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, LENGTHCRITERION_STR );
			contextExt->onMinLengthScale = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDouble( conditionCriterion );
		else {
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesh every %u timeSteps or wheen minLengthScale < %g\n", contextExt->OnTimeStep, contextExt->onMinLengthScale );
	else {
		contextExt->condition = SnacRemesher_Off;
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher is defaulting to off\n" );
		Journal_Printf( error, "Provided remesh condition \"%s\" unrecognised\n", conditionStr );
	/* Work out the mesh type */
	meshDict = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsDictionary( Dictionary_Get( context->dictionary, MESH_STR ) );
	if( meshDict ) {
		char* 					meshTypeStr;
		if( !Dictionary_Get( meshDict, MESHTYPE_STR ) ) {
				"Warning: No \"%s\" entry in \"%s\"... will default to \"%s\"\n", 
		meshTypeStr = Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( 
			Dictionary_GetDefault( meshDict, MESHTYPE_STR, Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( CARTESIAN_STR ) ) );
		if( !strcmp( meshTypeStr, SPHERICAL_STR ) ) {
			meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Spherical;
			Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher knows mesh as a spherical mesh\n" );
		else if( !strcmp( meshTypeStr, CARTESIAN_STR ) ) {
			meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian;
			Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher knows mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" );
		else {
			meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian;
			Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher assuming mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" );
			Journal_Printf( error, "Provided mesh type \"%s\" unrecognised!\n", meshTypeStr );
	else {
		meshExt->meshType = SnacRemesher_Cartesian;
		Journal_Printf( context->snacInfo, "Remesher assuming mesh as a cartesian mesh\n" );
		Journal_Printf( error, "No \"%s\" entry in dictionary!\n", MESH_STR );
	/* Decide whether to restore the bottom surface */
	contextExt->bottomRestore = 0;
	if( !strcmp( Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_GetDefault( context->dictionary, "bottomRestore", Dictionary_Entry_Value_FromString( OFF_STR ) ) ), ON_STR) )
		contextExt->bottomRestore = 1;

	/* Register these functions for use in VCs */
		ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_TestCondFunc, "SnacRemesher_TestCondFunc" ) );
	/* Register these functions for use in VCs */
		ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_XFunc, "SnacRemesher_XFunc" ) );
	/* Register these functions for use in VCs */
		ConditionFunction_New( _SnacRemesher_YFunc, "SnacRemesher_YFunc" ) );
	/* Obtain the keys for the our new entry points... having the keys saves doing a string compare at run time */
	contextExt->recoverNodeK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( 
		SnacRemesher_EP_RecoverNode );
	contextExt->interpolateNodeK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( 
		SnacRemesher_EP_InterpolateNode );
	contextExt->interpolateElementK = EntryPoint_Register_GetHandle( 
		SnacRemesher_EP_InterpolateElement );

	/* Prepare the dump file */
	if( context->rank == 0) {
		sprintf( tmpBuf, "%s/remeshInfo.%u", context->outputPath, context->rank );
		if( (contextExt->remesherOut = fopen( tmpBuf, "w+" )) == NULL ) {
			assert( contextExt->remesherOut /* failed to open file for writing */ );
	/* initialize remeshing counter */
	contextExt->remeshingCount = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 24
Name _ToolboxesManager_GetModuleName( void* toolboxesManager, Dictionary_Entry_Value* moduleVal, unsigned int entry_I ) {
    return Dictionary_Entry_Value_AsString( Dictionary_Entry_Value_GetElement( moduleVal, entry_I ) );