Ejemplo n.º 1
float DistancePointShape ( Vector const & V, MultiShape const & S )
	MultiShape::ShapeType type = S.getShapeType();

	// ----------

	if     (type == MultiShape::MST_Sphere)           { return DistanceBetween( V, S.getSphere() ); }
	else if(type == MultiShape::MST_Cylinder)         { return DistanceBetween( V, S.getCylinder() ); }
	else if(type == MultiShape::MST_AxialBox)         { return DistanceBetween( V, S.getAxialBox() ); }
	else if(type == MultiShape::MST_YawedBox)         { return DistanceBetween( V, S.getYawedBox() ); }
	else if(type == MultiShape::MST_OrientedBox)      { return DistanceBetween( V, S.getOrientedBox() ); }
	else                                              { return REAL_MAX; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
bool Polygon::HasAllEqualSides() const { //simple
	double side_1, side_2;
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<points.size()-1;i++) {
		if (i==points.size()-2) {
			side_1 = DistanceBetween(points[i],points[i+1]);
			side_2 = DistanceBetween(points[i+1],points[0]);
		else {
			side_1 = DistanceBetween(points[i],points[i+1]);
			side_2 = DistanceBetween(points[i+1],points[i+2]);
		if (!EqualSides(side_1,side_2)) return false;
	return true;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool plasma_tick(const FrameInput& input, FrameOutput& output, FXState& state)
  EffectData* data = (EffectData*)state.store;

  byte r, g;
  Fix16 mid(8.0f);

  Fix16 tx1, ty1, tx2, ty2;

  Fix16 XM1 = data->step.sinMV(0.3f, 3.0f) * data->attractorScales[0];
  Fix16 YM1 = data->step.sinMV(0.1f, 2.0f) * data->attractorScales[1];
  Fix16 XM2 = data->step.cosMV(0.2f, -3.0f) * data->attractorScales[2];
  Fix16 YM2 = data->step.cosMV(0.05f, -5.0f) * data->attractorScales[3];

  tx1 = mid + (data->step.sinV(-0.25f) * XM1);
  ty1 = mid + (data->step.cosV(0.1f) * YM1);
  tx1 = mid + (data->step.sinMV(-0.5f, 4.0f) * XM2);
  ty1 = mid + (data->step.cosV(0.1f) * YM2);

  for (int y=0; y<Constants::FrameHeight; y++)
    for (int x=0; x<Constants::FrameWidth; x++)
      Fix16 fx((float)x), fy((float)y);

      fx += fx.sinMV(0.3f, YM1);
      fy += fy.cosMV(0.3f, XM2);

      Fix16 dist1 = DistanceBetween(fx, fy, tx1, ty1);
      Fix16 dist2 = DistanceBetween(fx, fy, tx2, ty2);

      Fix16 tn = Fix16::atan2(dist1, dist2) * ((data->step.cosM(0.25f) + 2.0f) * 0.8f);

      tn += data->step * 0.4f;

      tn += fx.cosMV(0.1f, YM2) * (data->step.sinMV(0.1f, 25.0f) * 0.3f);
      tn -= fy.sinMV(0.1f, XM1) * (data->step.cosMV(0.1f, 15.0f) * 0.3f);

      FullSpectrum(tn, r, g);
      setLED(output.frame, x, y, r, g);

  data->step += 0.1f;

  return true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void ConvertSegmentToPicoFeat(FPOINT *Start,
                              FPOINT *End,
                              FEATURE_SET FeatureSet) {
 **	Parameters:
 **		Start		starting point of pico-feature
 **		End		ending point of pico-feature
 **		FeatureSet	set to add pico-feature to
 **	Globals:
 **		classify_pico_feature_length	length of a single pico-feature
 **	Operation: This routine converts an entire segment of an outline
 **		into a set of pico features which are added to
 **		FeatureSet.  The length of the segment is rounded to the
 **		nearest whole number of pico-features.  The pico-features
 **		are spaced evenly over the entire segment.
 **	Return: none (results are placed in FeatureSet)
 **	Exceptions: none
 **	History: Tue Apr 30 15:44:34 1991, DSJ, Created.
  FEATURE Feature;
  FLOAT32 Angle;
  FLOAT32 Length;
  int NumFeatures;
  FPOINT Center;
  FPOINT Delta;
  int i;

  Angle = NormalizedAngleFrom (Start, End, 1.0);
  Length = DistanceBetween (*Start, *End);
  NumFeatures = (int) floor (Length / classify_pico_feature_length + 0.5);
  if (NumFeatures < 1)
    NumFeatures = 1;

  /* compute vector for one pico feature */
  Delta.x = XDelta (*Start, *End) / NumFeatures;
  Delta.y = YDelta (*Start, *End) / NumFeatures;

  /* compute position of first pico feature */
  Center.x = Start->x + Delta.x / 2.0;
  Center.y = Start->y + Delta.y / 2.0;

  /* compute each pico feature in segment and add to feature set */
  for (i = 0; i < NumFeatures; i++) {
    Feature = NewFeature (&PicoFeatDesc);
    Feature->Params[PicoFeatDir] = Angle;
    Feature->Params[PicoFeatX] = Center.x;
    Feature->Params[PicoFeatY] = Center.y;
    AddFeature(FeatureSet, Feature);

    Center.x += Delta.x;
    Center.y += Delta.y;
}                                /* ConvertSegmentToPicoFeat */
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * AttemptFiring
 * Have the alien fire at the hero.
void AttemptFiring (typUnit *unit)
    typUnit *missile;

    /* --- Close enough to shoot at --- */
    if (DistanceBetween (hero, unit) < (nScreenWidth / 2)) {
        /* --- Random chance - less than unit's chance --- */
        if ((rand () % 100) < unit->pctFiring) {

            /* --- Create the missle going after the hero --- */
            missile = CreateMissile (unit, hero);

            /* --- Add to the list of units --- */
            unitList = g_list_append (unitList, missile);
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * CreateMissile
 * Missiles are what the aliens fire.  They are given
 * a fixed direction and last a limited amount of time
 * before they disappear.
typUnit *CreateMissile (typUnit *alien, typUnit *hero)
    float flength;
    typUnit *missile;

    /* --- Allocate the memory --- */
    missile = (typUnit *) g_malloc (sizeof (typUnit));

    /* --- Inialize the structure --- */
    missile->bDestroy = FALSE;
    missile->pctFiring = 0;
    missile->type = MISSILE;
    missile->x = alien->x;
    missile->y = alien->y;

    /* --- Calculate missile velocity --- */
    missile->vx = (float) DistanceBetween (missile, hero) * 
                          Direction (missile, hero);
    missile->vy = (float) (hero->y - alien->y);

     * Adjust missile velocity
    flength = sqrt (missile->vx * missile->vx + missile->vy * missile->vy);
    if (flength < .1) flength = .1;
    flength /= 3;
    missile->vx /= flength;
    missile->vy /= flength;

    missile->lockunit = NULL;

     * --- This missile has a life, when it goes to zero, 
     *     it gets destroyed.
    missile->life = 60;

    return (missile);
Ejemplo n.º 7
int Polygon::AdjacentEqualSides() const { //for kite/arrow
	int count = 0;
	double side_1, side_2;
	for (unsigned int i=0;i<points.size();i++) {
		if (i==points.size()-1) {
			side_1 = DistanceBetween(points[i], points[0]);
			side_2 = DistanceBetween(points[0], points[1]);
		else if (i==points.size()-2) {
			side_1 = DistanceBetween(points[i], points[i+1]);
			side_2 = DistanceBetween(points[i+1], points[0]);
		else {
			side_1 = DistanceBetween(points[i], points[i+1]);
			side_2 = DistanceBetween(points[i+1], points[i+2]);
		if (EqualSides(side_1,side_2)) {
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * AIModule
 * Contains the logic for each of the units to move. 
 * Some units like landers are looking for people to
 * pick up.  Mutuants hunt down the player.  Missiles
 * just go until they die, etc.
void AIModule (typUnit *unit)
    typUnit *tmp;
    int bestdist = 50000;
    typUnit *closest = NULL;
    GList *node;

     * Alien lander AI logic
    if (unit->type == LANDER) {

        /* --- if the alien's locked on a person --- */
        if (unit->lockunit) {

            /* --- Move it up. --- */
            closest = unit->lockunit;
            unit->y -= .5;
            closest->y -= .5;
            /* --- If alien's made it to the top --- */
            if (unit->y - (sprite_lander[0].height / 2) < RADAR_HEIGHT) {

                /* --- Assimilate human! --- */
                unit->y = RADAR_HEIGHT + (sprite_lander[0].height / 2);
                unit->type = MUTANT;
                unit->pctFiring = MUTANT_TRIGGER_PCT;
                unit->lockunit = NULL;
                closest->bDestroy = TRUE;


        /* --- Any people nearby to snatch? --- */
        for (node = unitList; node; node = node->next) {

            tmp = (typUnit *) node->data;           
            if (tmp->type == PERSON && tmp->lockunit == NULL) {
                /* --- Look for a closer person --- */
                if (DistanceBetween (unit, tmp) < bestdist) {
                    closest = tmp;
                    bestdist = DistanceBetween (unit, tmp);

        /* --- We're locked onto a target --- */
        if (bestdist <= 1) {

            /* --- Scootch it over a bit --- */
            unit->vx = 0;
            unit->x = closest->x;

             * --- Check for a lock... --- 

            if ((unit->y + (sprite_lander[0].height / 2) + .8) < 
                (closest->y - (sprite_man[0].height / 2))) {

                /* --- Come down on it. --- */
                unit->y += .5;

            } else if ((unit->y + (sprite_lander[0].height / 2)) > 
                (closest->y - (sprite_man[0].height / 2))) {
                unit->y -= .5;
            } else {

                /* --- Lock it in --- */
                unit->lockunit = closest;
                closest->lockunit = unit;
                closest->life = 20;

        /* --- Anything in reasonable range? --- */
        } else if (bestdist < 20) {

            /* --- Move towards it --- */
            unit->vx = Direction (unit, closest);
            unit->x += unit->vx;
        } else {

             * --- Nothing nearby.  Move in a random direction. 
            if (unit->vx == 0) {
                if ((rand () % 2) == 0) {
                    unit->vx = 1;
                } else {
                    unit->vx = -1;
            unit->x += unit->vx;
         * See if there is anything worth shooting at.
        AttemptFiring (unit);

     * Mutant AI logic
    } else if (unit->type == MUTANT) {

         * --- Lets go crazy.  Mutant moves almost randomly yet 
         *     slowly towards the player.
        unit->vx = Direction (unit, hero) * ((rand () % 4) + 1);
        unit->vy = rand () % 5 - 2;
         * If the hero is within smelling distance, move towards
         * player in the -y- direction.
        if (DistanceBetween (unit, hero) < 200) {
            if (unit->y < hero->y) unit->vy++;
            if (unit->y > hero->y) unit->vy--;

        /* --- Finally move the unit --- */
        Move (unit);

        /* --- Let the mutant attempt firing --- */
        AttemptFiring (unit);

     * --- Missiles and explosions
    } else if ((unit->type == MISSILE) || 
               (unit->type == EXPLOSION)) {

        /* --- These have a life.  Decrement it. --- */ 
        unit->life --;

        /* --- Move it. --- */
        Move (unit);

        /* --- When it reaches zero, destroy it --- */
        if (unit->life <= 0) {
            unit->bDestroy = TRUE;

     * Person AI.
    } else if (unit->type == PERSON) {

         * Only time person moves by itself is when it's falling
         * from the sky after the alien carrying it has been shot.
        if (unit->lockunit == NULL && unit->y < PERSON_HEIGHT) {

            /* --- Move it down --- */
            unit->y += 2;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * DisplayOtherUnits
 * Display all the units on the screen. First, we need 
 * to move each of the units to their new positions. 
 * Some of this is done in the AI module. 
void DisplayOtherUnits (GdkPixmap *pixmap, GtkWidget *drawing_area)
    typUnit *unit;
    typUnit *unitHit;
    GList *node;
    int xPos;
    int xPosEnd;
    typSprite *sprite;

    /* --- Each unit in the list --- */
    for (node = unitList; node; node = node->next) {
        /* --- Get the unit --- */
        unit = (typUnit *) node->data;

         * --- Run the AI module on it to move it --- 
        AIModule (unit);

         * If the unit was destroyed by the AI, 
         * don't draw the unit.
        if (unit->bDestroy) {

         * If there's no sprite for the unit, 
         * we can't draw it now, can we?
        sprite = GetSprite (unit);
        if (sprite == NULL) continue;
        /* --- Where on the screen is it going? --- */
        xPos = UnitScreenX (unit);

        /* --- Make sure unit doesn't go out of bounds --- */
        AdjustSpriteHeight (unit);

        /* --- Finally draw unit --- */
        DisplaySprite (drawing_area, sprite, 
                   (int) (xPos - sprite[0].width / 2), 
                   (int) (unit->y - sprite[0].height / 2));

     * --- once everyone is painted, fire the lasers.

    for (node = unitList; node; node = node->next) {

        unit = (typUnit *) node->data;

        /* --- If this is a laser --- */
        if (unit->type == LASER) {
            /* --- Get starting and ending positions --- */
            xPos = ScreenX ((int) unit->x);
            xPosEnd = xPos + LASER_LENGTH * unit->direction;

            /* --- See if anything was hit --- */
            unitHit = AnyoneBetween ((int) xPos, (int) unit->y, 
                                     (int) xPosEnd, (int) unit->y);
            if (unitHit) {

                /* --- Something was hit --- */

                /* --- Laser shot only goes this far --- */
                xPosEnd = UnitScreenX (unitHit);

                /* --- Destroy the unit --- */
                unitHit->bDestroy = TRUE;
                unit->bDestroy = TRUE;

                /* --- Special effects of destruction --- */
                AddExplosion (unitHit);

            /* --- Draw the laser --- */
            gdk_draw_line (pixmap, penWhite,
                           xPos, unit->y, 
            /* --- Get real coordinates of laser --- */
            unit->x = GameX (xPosEnd);

            /* --- If laser has gone too far... --- */
            if (DistanceBetween (unit, hero) > nScreenWidth / 2) {

                /* --- destroy it --- */
                unit->bDestroy = TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 10
EarClipper::VertexList::iterator EarClipper::DetermineMutuallyVisibleVertexFromRayCastResult(const FVector2& maxInteriorPoint, const FVector2& intersectionPointOnEdge, VertexList::iterator pointOnEdgeWithMaximumXIter)
   VertexList::iterator verticesEnd = vertices.end();

   VertexList::iterator mutuallyVisibleVertexIter = verticesEnd;

   // Form a triangle with P (see explanation of a) above) (P1), the intersection point on
   // the edge (P2) and the point on the edge with maximum X (P3).
   // If no points on the outer polygon fall on this triangle, then P3 is the visible vertex.
   // Otherwise, the reflex vertex of the outer polygon that falls into this triangle and
   // minimizes the angle to the ray (i.e. x axis) is the mutually visible vertex

   Triangle2D_t checkTriangle(maxInteriorPoint, intersectionPointOnEdge, *(pointOnEdgeWithMaximumXIter->point));

   VertexListIteratorList reflexVerticesOnTriangle;
   bool hasAnyReflexVerticesOnTriangle = false;

   for (VertexList::iterator vertexIterator = vertices.begin(); vertexIterator != verticesEnd; ++vertexIterator)
      if (checkTriangle.PointIsOnPolygon(*(vertexIterator->point), EXPERIMENTAL_TOLERANCE))
         if (GetConvexOrReflexVertexType(vertexIterator) == VertexType::Reflex)
            hasAnyReflexVerticesOnTriangle = true;

   if (hasAnyReflexVerticesOnTriangle)
      mutuallyVisibleVertexIter = reflexVerticesOnTriangle.front();

      float minDistance = DistanceBetween(*(mutuallyVisibleVertexIter->point), maxInteriorPoint);
      float minAngle = AngleBetweenRadians(*(mutuallyVisibleVertexIter->point) - maxInteriorPoint, Vec2D::XAxis() );

      for (const VertexList::iterator& reflexVertexIter : reflexVerticesOnTriangle)
         float angle = AngleBetweenRadians(*(reflexVertexIter->point) - maxInteriorPoint, Vec2D::XAxis() );
         float distance = DistanceBetween(*(reflexVertexIter->point), maxInteriorPoint);

         if (angle < minAngle)
            minAngle = angle;
            mutuallyVisibleVertexIter = reflexVertexIter;

            minDistance = distance;
         else if (angle == minAngle)
            if (distance < minDistance)
               minAngle = angle;
               mutuallyVisibleVertexIter = reflexVertexIter;

               minDistance = distance;
      mutuallyVisibleVertexIter = pointOnEdgeWithMaximumXIter;

   return mutuallyVisibleVertexIter;