Ejemplo n.º 1
void wxQtDCImpl::Clear()
    int width, height;
    DoGetSize(&width, &height);
    m_qtPainter->eraseRect(QRect(0, 0, width, height));
Ejemplo n.º 2
void wxQtDCImpl::DoCrossHair(wxCoord x, wxCoord y)
    int w, h;
    DoGetSize( &w, &h );

    // Map width and height back (inverted transform)
    QTransform inv = m_qtPainter->transform().inverted();
    int left, top, right, bottom;
    inv.map( w, h, &right, &bottom );
    inv.map( 0, 0, &left, &top );
    m_qtPainter->drawLine( left, y, right, y );
    m_qtPainter->drawLine( x, top, x, bottom );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void wxQtDCImpl::DoSetClippingRegion(wxCoord x, wxCoord y,
                                 wxCoord width, wxCoord height)
    // Special case: Empty region -> DestroyClippingRegion()
    if ( width == 0 && height == 0 )
        if ( width < 0 )
            width = -width;
            x -= width - 1;
        if ( height < 0 )
            height = -height;
            y -= height - 1;

        if (m_qtPainter->isActive())
            // Set QPainter clipping (intersection if not the first one)
            m_qtPainter->setClipRect( x, y, width, height,
                                      m_clipping ? Qt::IntersectClip : Qt::ReplaceClip );

        // Set internal state for getters
        /* Note: Qt states that QPainter::clipRegion() may be slow, so we
         * keep the region manually, which should be faster */
        if ( !m_clipping || m_clippingRegion.IsEmpty() )
            int dcwidth, dcheight;
            DoGetSize(&dcwidth, &dcheight);

            m_clippingRegion = wxRegion(0, 0, dcwidth, dcheight);
        m_clippingRegion.Intersect( wxRect(x, y, width, height) );

        wxRect clipRect = m_clippingRegion.GetBox();

        m_clipX1 = clipRect.GetLeft();
        m_clipX2 = clipRect.GetRight() + 1;
        m_clipY1 = clipRect.GetTop();
        m_clipY2 = clipRect.GetBottom() + 1;
        m_clipping = true;
Ejemplo n.º 4
bool Stream::Seek(Signal &sig, long offset, SeekMode seekMode)
	size_t offsetPrev = _offsetCur;
	if (seekMode == SeekSet) {
		_offsetCur = static_cast<size_t>(offset);
	} else if (seekMode == SeekCur) {
		_offsetCur = _offsetCur + offset;
	} else if (seekMode == SeekEnd) {
		_offsetCur = DoGetSize();
		if (offset < 0 && _offsetCur < static_cast<size_t>(-offset)) {
			sig.SetError(ERR_IOError, "seek error");
			return false;
	} else {
		// this must not happen because illegal value has to be rejected before.
		return false;
	if (_peek.buff == nullptr) return DoSeek(sig, offset, offsetPrev, seekMode);
	if (_offsetCur < offsetPrev) {
		size_t bytesPeeked = _peek.bytes;
		if (_peek.offsetRead >= offsetPrev - _offsetCur) {
			_peek.offsetRead -= (offsetPrev - _offsetCur);
			return true;
		delete[] _peek.buff;
		_peek.buff = nullptr;
		_peek.bytes = 0;
		_peek.offsetRead = 0;
		if (seekMode == SeekSet) return DoSeek(sig, offset, offsetPrev, SeekSet);
		offset -= static_cast<long>(bytesPeeked);
		return DoSeek(sig, offset, offsetPrev, SeekCur);
	} else {
		if (_peek.offsetRead + _offsetCur - offsetPrev <= _peek.bytes) {
			_peek.offsetRead += _offsetCur - offsetPrev;
			return true;
		size_t bytesTrail = _peek.bytes - _peek.offsetRead;
		delete[] _peek.buff;
		_peek.buff = nullptr;
		_peek.bytes = 0;
		_peek.offsetRead = 0;
		if (seekMode == SeekSet) return DoSeek(sig, offset, offsetPrev, SeekSet);
		offset -= static_cast<long>(bytesTrail);
		return DoSeek(sig, offset, offsetPrev, SeekCur);
Ejemplo n.º 5
bool wxScreenDC::StartDrawingOnTop( wxRect *rectIn )
    // VZ: should we do the same thing that wxMotif wxScreenDC does here?
#if 0
    wxRect rect;
    if ( rectIn )
        rect = *rectIn;
        rect.x =
        rect.y = 0;

        DoGetSize(&rect.width, &rect.height);
#endif // 0

    return TRUE;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void HexEditorCtrl::OnMouseRight( wxMouseEvent& event ){
	if(event.GetEventObject() == hex_ctrl)
		LastRightClickAt = hex_ctrl->PixelCoordToInternalPosition( event.GetPosition() )/2;
	else if(event.GetEventObject() == text_ctrl)
		LastRightClickAt = text_ctrl->PixelCoordToInternalPosition( event.GetPosition() );
	else if( event.GetEventObject() == offset_ctrl)
		//m_static_offset->SetLabel( offset_ctrl->hex_offset==true ? _("Offset: DEC") : _("Offset: HEX"));
		offset_ctrl->OnMouseRight( event );
		int x,y;
		wxSizeEvent mevent(wxSize(x,y));
		return;//to avoid ShowContextMenu
		std::cout << "Right click captured without ctrl!\n";
	ShowContextMenu( event );
Ejemplo n.º 7
void wxGTKDCImpl::DoSetClippingRegion( wxCoord x, wxCoord y, wxCoord width, wxCoord height )
    wxASSERT_MSG( width >= 0 && height >= 0,
                  "Clipping box size values cannot be negative" );

    wxRect newRegion(x, y, width, height);

    wxRect clipRegion;
    if ( m_clipping )
        // New clipping box is an intersection
        // of required clipping box and the current one.
        wxRect curRegion(m_clipX1, m_clipY1, m_clipX2 - m_clipX1, m_clipY2 - m_clipY1);
        clipRegion = curRegion.Intersect(newRegion);
        // Effective clipping box is an intersection
        // of required clipping box and DC surface.
        int dcWidth, dcHeight;
        DoGetSize(&dcWidth, &dcHeight);
        wxRect dcRect(DeviceToLogicalX(0), DeviceToLogicalY(0),
                      DeviceToLogicalXRel(dcWidth), DeviceToLogicalYRel(dcHeight));
        clipRegion = dcRect.Intersect(newRegion);

        m_clipping = true;

    if ( clipRegion.IsEmpty() )
        m_clipX1 = m_clipY1 = m_clipX2 = m_clipY2 = 0;
        m_clipX1 = clipRegion.GetLeftTop().x;
        m_clipY1 = clipRegion.GetLeftTop().y;
        m_clipX2 = clipRegion.GetBottomRight().x + 1;
        m_clipY2 = clipRegion.GetBottomRight().y + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void wxGCDCImpl::DoSetDeviceClippingRegion( const wxRegion &region )
    // region is in device coordinates
    wxCHECK_RET( IsOk(), wxT("wxGCDC(cg)::DoSetDeviceClippingRegion - invalid DC") );

    // Convert device coordinates to logical coordinates
    // for all region components.
    wxRegion logRegion;
    if ( region.IsEmpty() )
        // Empty region is skipped by iterator
        // so we have to copy it directly.
        logRegion = region;
        wxRegionIterator ri(region);
        while (ri)


    wxRect newRegion = logRegion.GetBox();

    wxRect clipRegion;
    if ( m_clipping )
        // New clipping box is an intersection
        // of required clipping box and the current one.
        wxRect curRegion(m_clipX1, m_clipY1, m_clipX2 - m_clipX1, m_clipY2 - m_clipY1);
        clipRegion = curRegion.Intersect(newRegion);
        // Effective clipping box is an intersection
        // of required clipping box and DC surface.
        int dcWidth, dcHeight;
        DoGetSize(&dcWidth, &dcHeight);
        wxRect dcRect(DeviceToLogicalX(0), DeviceToLogicalY(0),
                      DeviceToLogicalXRel(dcWidth), DeviceToLogicalYRel(dcHeight));
        clipRegion = dcRect.Intersect(newRegion);

        m_clipping = true;

    if ( clipRegion.IsEmpty() )
        m_clipX1 = m_clipY1 = m_clipX2 = m_clipY2 = 0;
        m_clipX1 = clipRegion.GetLeft();
        m_clipY1 = clipRegion.GetTop();
        m_clipX2 = clipRegion.GetRight() + 1;
        m_clipY2 = clipRegion.GetBottom() + 1;
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Get size *available for subwindows* i.e. excluding menu bar etc.
void wxWindowDFB::DoGetClientSize(int *x, int *y) const
    DoGetSize(x, y);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void wxChoice::DoSetSize(int x, int y,
                         int width, int height,
                         int sizeFlags)
    int heightOrig = height;
    // the height which we must pass to Windows should be the total height of
    // the control including the drop down list while the height given to us
    // is, of course, just the height of the permanently visible part of it
    if ( height != wxDefaultCoord )
        // don't make the drop down list too tall, arbitrarily limit it to 40
        // items max and also don't leave it empty
        size_t nItems = GetCount();
        if ( !nItems )
            nItems = 9;
        else if ( nItems > 24 )
            nItems = 24;

        // add space for the drop down list
        const int hItem = SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
        height += hItem*(nItems + 1);
        // We cannot pass wxDefaultCoord as height to wxControl. wxControl uses
        // wxGetWindowRect() to determine the current height of the combobox,
        // and then again sets the combobox's height to that value. Unfortunately,
        // wxGetWindowRect doesn't include the dropdown list's height (at least
        // on Win2K), so this would result in a combobox with dropdown height of
        // 1 pixel. We have to determine the default height ourselves and call
        // wxControl with that value instead.
        int w, h;
        RECT r;
        DoGetSize(&w, &h);
        if (::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT, 0, (LPARAM) &r) != 0)
            height = h + r.bottom - r.top;

    wxControl::DoSetSize(x, y, width, height, sizeFlags);

    // If we're storing a pending size, make sure we store
    // the original size for reporting back to the app.
    if (m_pendingSize != wxDefaultSize)
        m_pendingSize = wxSize(width, heightOrig);

    // This solution works on XP, but causes choice/combobox lists to be
    // too short on W2K and earlier.
#if 0
    int widthCurrent, heightCurrent;
    DoGetSize(&widthCurrent, &heightCurrent);

    // the height which we must pass to Windows should be the total height of
    // the control including the drop down list while the height given to us
    // is, of course, just the height of the permanently visible part of it
    if ( height != wxDefaultCoord && height != heightCurrent )
        // don't make the drop down list too tall, arbitrarily limit it to 40
        // items max and also don't leave it empty
        unsigned int nItems = GetCount();
        if ( !nItems )
            nItems = 9;
        else if ( nItems > 24 )
            nItems = 24;

        // add space for the drop down list
        const int hItem = SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
        height += hItem*(nItems + 1);
    else // keep the same height as now
        // normally wxWindow::DoSetSize() checks if we set the same size as the
        // window already has and does nothing in this case, but for us the
        // check fails as the size we pass to it includes the dropdown while
        // the size returned by our GetSize() does not, so test if the size
        // didn't really change ourselves here
        if ( width == wxDefaultCoord || width == widthCurrent )
            // size doesn't change, what about position?
            int xCurrent, yCurrent;
            DoGetPosition(&xCurrent, &yCurrent);
            const bool defMeansUnchanged = !(sizeFlags & wxSIZE_ALLOW_MINUS_ONE);
            if ( ((x == wxDefaultCoord && defMeansUnchanged) || x == xCurrent)
                 ((y == wxDefaultCoord && defMeansUnchanged) || y == yCurrent) )
                // nothing changes, nothing to do

        // We cannot pass wxDefaultCoord as height to wxControl. wxControl uses
        // wxGetWindowRect() to determine the current height of the combobox,
        // and then again sets the combobox's height to that value. Unfortunately,
        // wxGetWindowRect doesn't include the dropdown list's height (at least
        // on Win2K), so this would result in a combobox with dropdown height of
        // 1 pixel. We have to determine the default height ourselves and call
        // wxControl with that value instead.
        // Also notice that sometimes CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT seems to return
        // wildly incorrect values (~32000) which looks like a bug in it, just
        // ignore them in this case
        RECT r;
        if ( ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT, 0, (LPARAM) &r)
                    && r.bottom < 30000 )
            height = heightCurrent + r.bottom - r.top;

    wxControl::DoSetSize(x, y, width, height, sizeFlags);
Ejemplo n.º 11
void wxChoice::DoSetSize(int x, int y,
                         int width, int height,
                         int sizeFlags)
    int heightOrig = height;

    // the height which we must pass to Windows should be the total height of
    // the control including the drop down list while the height given to us
    // is, of course, just the height of the permanently visible part of it
    if ( height != wxDefaultCoord )
        // don't make the drop down list too tall, arbitrarily limit it to 40
        // items max and also don't leave it empty
        size_t nItems = GetCount();
        if ( !nItems )
            nItems = 9;
        else if ( nItems > 24 )
            nItems = 24;

        // add space for the drop down list
        const int hItem = SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
        height += hItem*(nItems + 1);
        // We cannot pass wxDefaultCoord as height to wxControl. wxControl uses
        // wxGetWindowRect() to determine the current height of the combobox,
        // and then again sets the combobox's height to that value. Unfortunately,
        // wxGetWindowRect doesn't include the dropdown list's height (at least
        // on Win2K), so this would result in a combobox with dropdown height of
        // 1 pixel. We have to determine the default height ourselves and call
        // wxControl with that value instead.
        int w, h;
        RECT r;
        DoGetSize(&w, &h);
        if (::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETDROPPEDCONTROLRECT, 0, (LPARAM) &r) != 0)
            height = h + r.bottom - r.top;

    wxControl::DoSetSize(x, y, width, height, sizeFlags);

    // I'm commenting this out since the code appears to make choices
    // and comboxes too high when they have associated sizers. I'm sure this
    // is not the end of the story, which is why I'm leaving it #if'ed out for
    // now. JACS.
#if 0
    // if the height specified for the visible part of the control is
    // different from the current one, we need to change it separately
    // as it is not affected by normal WM_SETSIZE
    if ( height != wxDefaultCoord )
        const int delta = heightOrig - GetSize().y;
        if ( delta )
            int h = ::SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, (WPARAM)-1, 0);
            SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_SETITEMHEIGHT, (WPARAM)-1, h + delta);
Ejemplo n.º 12
void wxMenuBar::DoGetClientSize(int *width, int *height) const
    DoGetSize(width, height);
Ejemplo n.º 13
void wxChoice::DoSetSize(int x, int y,
                         int width, int height,
                         int sizeFlags)
    const int heightBest = GetBestSize().y;

    // we need the real height below so get the current one if it's not given
    if ( height == wxDefaultCoord )
        // height not specified, use the same as before
        DoGetSize(NULL, &height);
    else if ( height == heightBest )
        // we don't need to manually manage our height, let the system use the
        // default one
        m_heightOwn = wxDefaultCoord;
    else // non-default height specified
        // set our new own height but be careful not to make it too big: the
        // native control apparently stores it as a single byte and so setting
        // own height to 256 pixels results in default height being used (255
        // is still ok)
        m_heightOwn = height;

        if ( m_heightOwn > UCHAR_MAX )
            m_heightOwn = UCHAR_MAX;
        // nor too small: see MSWUpdateVisibleHeight()
        else if ( m_heightOwn < COMBO_HEIGHT_ADJ )
            m_heightOwn = COMBO_HEIGHT_ADJ;

    // the height which we must pass to Windows should be the total height of
    // the control including the drop down list while the height given to us
    // is, of course, just the height of the permanently visible part of it so
    // add the drop down height to it

    // don't make the drop down list too tall, arbitrarily limit it to 30
    // items max and also don't make it too small if it's currently empty
    size_t nItems = GetCount();
    if (!HasFlag(wxCB_SIMPLE))
        if ( !nItems )
            nItems = 9;
        else if ( nItems > 30 )
            nItems = 30;

    const int hItem = SendMessage(GetHwnd(), CB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0);
    int heightWithItems = 0;
    if (!HasFlag(wxCB_SIMPLE))
        heightWithItems = height + hItem*nItems;
        heightWithItems = SetHeightSimpleComboBox(nItems);

    // do resize the native control
    wxControl::DoSetSize(x, y, width, heightWithItems, sizeFlags);

    // make the control itself of the requested height: notice that this
    // must be done after changing its size or it has no effect (apparently
    // the height is reset to default during the control layout) and that it's
    // useless to to do it when using the deferred sizing -- in this case it
    // will be done from MSWEndDeferWindowPos()
    if ( m_pendingSize == wxDefaultSize )
        // not using deferred sizing, update it immediately
    else // in the middle of deferred sizing
        // we need to report the size of the visible part of the control back
        // in GetSize() and not height stored by DoSetSize() in m_pendingSize
        m_pendingSize = wxSize(width, height);
    // always update the visible height immediately