Ejemplo n.º 1
 *  PlaceWindowInteractively(pcd)
 *  Description:
 *  -----------
 *  Gets the clients size and position information interactively from the
 *  user.
 *  Inputs:
 *  ------
 *  pcd		- pointer to client data
 *  Outputs:
 *  -------
 *  Comments:
 *  --------
void PlaceWindowInteractively (ClientData *pcd)
    unsigned int gmask;

    gmask = (wmGD.freezeOnConfig)? PGRAB_MASK : NOFRZ_PGRAB_MASK;

     * Return if config is in progress or if grabs fail
    if (!DoGrabs (ACTIVE_ROOT, wmGD.movePlacementCursor, 
	gmask, CurrentTime, pcd, True))

     *  Get the size and position of the window from the user.
     *  Do our own event processing until a button-up event occurs

     * Finish up and return the data
    wmGD.preMove = FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void C4ScoreboardDlg::Update()
	// counts
	int32_t iRowCount = pBrd->iRows; int32_t iColCount = pBrd->iCols;
	delete [] piColWidths; piColWidths = nullptr;
	// invalid board - scipters can create those, but there's no reason why the engine
	// should display something pretty then; just keep dialog defaults
	if (!iRowCount || !iColCount) return;
	// calc sizes as max col widths plus some indent pixels
	piColWidths = new int32_t[iColCount];
	int32_t iWdt=XMargin*2, iHgt=YMargin*2;
	for (int32_t iCol = 0; iCol < iColCount; ++iCol)
		piColWidths[iCol] = XIndent;
		for (int32_t iRow = 0; iRow < iRowCount; ++iRow)
			C4Scoreboard::Entry *pCell = pBrd->GetCell(iCol, iRow);
			if ((iRow || iCol) && !pCell->Text.isNull()) piColWidths[iCol] = std::max<int32_t>(piColWidths[iCol], ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextWidth(pCell->Text.getData()) + XIndent);
		iWdt += piColWidths[iCol];
	iHgt += iRowCount * (::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetLineHeight() + YIndent);
	const char *szTitle = pBrd->GetCell(0,0)->Text.getData();
	if (szTitle) iWdt = std::max<int32_t>(iWdt, ::GraphicsResource.FontRegular.GetTextWidth(szTitle) + 40);
	if (!pTitle != !szTitle) SetTitle(szTitle); // needed for title margin...
	iWdt += GetMarginLeft() + GetMarginRight();
	iHgt += GetMarginTop() + GetMarginBottom();
	// update dialog
	SetBounds(C4Rect(rcBounds.x, rcBounds.y, iWdt, iHgt));
	if (szTitle && pTitle) pTitle->SetIcon(C4GUI::Icon::GetIconFacet(C4GUI::Ico_Player));
	// realign
	C4GUI::Screen *pScr = GetScreen();
	if (pScr) DoPlacement(pScr, pScr->GetPreferredDlgRect());