Ejemplo n.º 1
void ProcessPrintCommand(DocStoragePtr docStP, UInt32 commandID)
    OSStatus err = noErr;
    PMPrintSession  printSession = NULL;
    if ( PMCreateSession(&printSession) == noErr )
	if (commandID == kHICommandPageSetup)
	    DoPageSetupDialog(printSession, &docStP->pageFormat, &docStP->flattenedPageFormat);
	else if (commandID == kHICommandPrint)
	    if (docStP->pageFormat == NULL)
		err = MyCreatePageFormat(printSession, &docStP->pageFormat);

	    if (DoPrintDialog(printSession, docStP->pageFormat, &docStP->printSettings) == noErr)
		DoPrintLoop(docStP, printSession, docStP->pageFormat, docStP->printSettings);
	fprintf(stderr, "PMCreateSession FAILED\n");
}   // ProcessPrintCommand
Ejemplo n.º 2
int ioPrintPreProcessing(PrintingLogicPtr printJob,int numberOfPages) {
    OSStatus		status = noErr;
    UInt32	realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
    //	Display the Print dialog.
    if (printJob->printSession == NULL) 
        return -1;
    printJob->numberOfPages = numberOfPages;
    printJob->allowPostscript = false;
    status = DoPrintDialog(printJob);
    if (status == noErr) {
	    //issues with os 9 don't do CFStringRef	jobName = CFSTR("Squeak");
        //issues with os 9 don't do status = PMSetJobNameCFString(printJob->printSettings, jobName);
        //	Get the user's Print dialog selection for first and last pages to print.
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMGetFirstPage(printJob->printSettings, &printJob->firstPage);
            if (status == noErr)
                status = PMGetLastPage(printJob->printSettings, &printJob->lastPage);
        //	Check that the selected page range does not exceed the actual number of
        //	pages in the document.
        if (status == noErr)
            status = DetermineNumberOfPagesInDoc(&realNumberOfPagesinDoc,printJob);
            if (realNumberOfPagesinDoc < printJob->lastPage)
                printJob->lastPage = realNumberOfPagesinDoc;
        //	Before executing the print loop, tell the Carbon Printing Manager which pages
        //	will be spooled so that the progress dialog can reflect an accurate page count.
        //	This is recommended on Mac OS X.  On Mac OS 8 and 9, we have no control over
        //	what the printer driver displays.
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetFirstPage(printJob->printSettings, printJob->firstPage, false);
        if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetLastPage(printJob->printSettings, printJob->lastPage, false);
	if (status == noErr)
            status = PMSetPageRange(printJob->printSettings, 1, printJob->lastPage-printJob->firstPage+1);
        //	Check if we can add PostScript to the spool file
        if (status == noErr) { 
			CFStringRef         strings[1];
			CFArrayRef          ourGraphicsContextsArray;
			OSErr               err = noErr;
            printJob->allowPostscript = true;   //IncludePostScriptInSpoolFile(printJob);
			//    at this point you've already created a print session
			strings[0] = kPMGraphicsContextCoreGraphics; // This is important!
			ourGraphicsContextsArray = CFArrayCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault,
								(const void **)strings,
								1, &kCFTypeArrayCallBacks);
			if (ourGraphicsContextsArray != NULL) {
					err = PMSessionSetDocumentFormatGeneration (printJob->printSession,
									ourGraphicsContextsArray, NULL);
					CFRelease (ourGraphicsContextsArray);
        //	Begin a new print job.
        status = PMSessionBeginDocument(printJob->printSession, printJob->printSettings, printJob->pageFormat);

    return status;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void CWinApp::OnFilePrintSetup()
    CPrintDialog dlg( TRUE );
    DoPrintDialog( &dlg );
Ejemplo n.º 4
void CWinApp::OnFilePrintSetup()
	CPrintDialog pd(TRUE);