Ejemplo n.º 1
void CGuiSplitterWnd::OnPaint()
	//vil plagio del original

	CPaintDC dc(this);

	CRect rectClient;
	rectClient.InflateRect(-m_cxBorder, -m_cyBorder);

	CRect rectInside;

	// draw the splitter boxes
	if (m_bHasVScroll && m_nRows < m_nMaxRows)
		OnDrawSplitter(&dc, splitBox,
			CRect(rectInside.right , rectClient.top,
				rectClient.right, rectClient.top + m_cySplitter));

	if (m_bHasHScroll && m_nCols < m_nMaxCols)
		OnDrawSplitter(&dc, splitBox,
			CRect(rectClient.left, rectInside.bottom,
				rectClient.left + m_cxSplitter, rectClient.bottom));

	// extend split bars to window border (past margins)
	DrawAllSplitBars(&dc, rectInside.right, rectInside.bottom);

Ejemplo n.º 2
void CSplitterWndEx::RecalcLayout()
    ASSERT(m_nRows > 0 && m_nCols > 0); // must have at least one pane

    CRect rectClient;
    rectClient.InflateRect(-m_cxBorder, -m_cyBorder);
    rectClient.top += m_upBorder;

    CRect rectInside;

    // layout columns (restrict to possible sizes)
    LayoutRowCol(m_pColInfo, m_nCols, rectInside.Width(), m_cxSplitterGap);
    LayoutRowCol(m_pRowInfo, m_nRows, rectInside.Height(), m_cySplitterGap);

    // adjust the panes (and optionally scroll bars)

    // give the hint for the maximum number of HWNDs
    layout.hDWP = ::BeginDeferWindowPos((m_nCols + 1) * (m_nRows + 1) + 1);

    // size of scrollbars
    int cx = (rectClient.right - rectInside.right - bNotWin4);// - afxData.bNotWin4;
    int cy = (rectClient.bottom - rectInside.bottom - bNotWin4);// - afxData.bNotWin4;

    // reposition size box
    if (m_bHasHScroll && m_bHasVScroll) {
        CWnd* pScrollBar = GetDlgItem(AFX_IDW_SIZE_BOX);
        ASSERT(pScrollBar != NULL);

        // fix style if necessary
        BOOL bSizingParent = (GetSizingParent() != NULL);
        // modifyStyle returns TRUE if style changes
        if (pScrollBar->ModifyStyle(SBS_SIZEGRIP|SBS_SIZEBOX,
                bSizingParent ? SBS_SIZEGRIP : SBS_SIZEBOX))

        // reposition the size box
        DeferClientPos(&layout, pScrollBar,
            rectInside.right + bNotWin4,
            rectInside.bottom + bNotWin4, cx, cy, TRUE);

    // reposition scroll bars
    if (m_bHasHScroll) {
        int cxSplitterBox = m_cxSplitter + bNotWin4;// split box bigger
        int x = rectClient.left;
        int y = rectInside.bottom + bNotWin4;
        for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++) {
            CWnd* pScrollBar = GetDlgItem(AFX_IDW_HSCROLL_FIRST + col);
            ASSERT(pScrollBar != NULL);
            int cx = m_pColInfo[col].nCurSize;
            if (col == 0 && m_nCols < m_nMaxCols)
                x += cxSplitterBox, cx -= cxSplitterBox;
            DeferClientPos(&layout, pScrollBar, x, y, cx, cy, TRUE);
            x += cx + m_cxSplitterGap;

    if (m_bHasVScroll) {
        int cySplitterBox = m_cySplitter + bNotWin4;// split box bigger
        int x = rectInside.right + bNotWin4;
        int y = rectClient.top;
        for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++)
            CWnd* pScrollBar = GetDlgItem(AFX_IDW_VSCROLL_FIRST + row);
            ASSERT(pScrollBar != NULL);
            int cy = m_pRowInfo[row].nCurSize;
            if (row == 0 && m_nRows < m_nMaxRows)
                y += cySplitterBox, cy -= cySplitterBox;
            DeferClientPos(&layout, pScrollBar, x, y, cx, cy, TRUE);
            y += cy + m_cySplitterGap;

    //BLOCK: Reposition all the panes
        int x = rectClient.left;
        for (int col = 0; col < m_nCols; col++) {
            int cx = m_pColInfo[col].nCurSize;
            int y = rectClient.top;
            for (int row = 0; row < m_nRows; row++) {
                int cy = m_pRowInfo[row].nCurSize;
                CWnd* pWnd = GetPane(row, col);
                DeferClientPos(&layout, pWnd, x, y, cx, cy, FALSE);
                y += cy + m_cySplitterGap;
            x += cx + m_cxSplitterGap;

    // move and resize all the windows at once!
    if (layout.hDWP == NULL || !::EndDeferWindowPos(layout.hDWP))
        TRACE0("Warning: DeferWindowPos failed - low system resources.\n");

    // invalidate all the splitter bars (with NULL pDC)
    DrawAllSplitBars(NULL, rectInside.right, rectInside.bottom);