Ejemplo n.º 1
//.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- PathAppendSettingsSerialDeviceCategory -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
DtStatus  PathAppendSettingsSerialDeviceCategory(
    DtString*  pPath,
    UInt64  DvcSerial,
    Char*  pCategory)
    DtStatus  Status = DT_STATUS_OK;
    DT_STRING_DECL(SettingsStr, "Settings\\");
    DT_STRING_DECL(DeviceStr, "\\Device");
    // Registry path starts with <\Settings\>
    Status = DtStringAppendDtString(pPath, &SettingsStr);
    if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))    
        // Convert serial to unicode string and append to path
        Status = DtStringUInt64ToDtStringAppend(pPath, 10, DvcSerial);

    if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
        Status = DtStringAppendDtString(pPath, &DeviceStr);
        if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
            if (pCategory != NULL) 
                // Append category
                Status = DtStringAppendChars(pPath, "\\");
                if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                    Status = DtStringAppendChars(pPath, pCategory);
    return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 2
//-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- PathAppendSettingsSerialPortCategory -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
DtStatus  PathAppendSettingsSerialPortCategory(
    DtString*  pPath,
    UInt64  DvcSerial,
    Int  Port,
    Char*  pCategory)
    DtStatus  Status = DT_STATUS_OK;
    DT_STRING_DECL(SettingsStr, "Settings\\");
    DT_STRING_DECL(PortStr, "\\Port");
    // Registry path starts with <\Settings\>
    Status = DtStringAppendDtString(pPath, &SettingsStr);
    if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
        // Convert serial to unicode string and append to path
        Status = DtStringUInt64ToDtStringAppend(pPath, 10, DvcSerial);

    if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
        // Append port if provided
        if (Port >= 0)
            Status = DtStringAppendDtString(pPath, &PortStr);
            if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                // Convert Port to unicode string
                Status = DtStringUIntegerToDtStringAppend(pPath, 10, Port);
        if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
            if (pCategory != NULL) 
                // Append category
                Status = DtStringAppendChars(pPath, "\\");
                if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                    Status = DtStringAppendChars(pPath, pCategory);
    return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 3
//.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- CheckAndCreateRegistryPath -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
DtStatus  CheckAndCreateRegistryPath(
    WDFDRIVER  Driver,
    DtString*  pItemPath)
    DtStringChar*  pRegistryPath;
    DtString  RegistryPath;
    DtString  FullKeyName;
    UInt  PathLength;
    DtStatus  Status;
    Int  i;
    DT_STRING_DECL(ParamItemName, "\\Parameters");

    // Build the full path
    pRegistryPath = WdfDriverGetRegistryPath(Driver);
    PathLength = wcslen(pRegistryPath); 

    DT_STRING_INIT_CONST(RegistryPath, pRegistryPath, PathLength);

    // Allocate a new DtString buffer for the complete path inclusive a '\0' character and
    // extra '\'
    if (!DT_SUCCESS(DtStringAlloc(&FullKeyName, PathLength+
        return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;

    DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, &RegistryPath);
    DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, &ParamItemName);

    if (RtlCheckRegistryKey(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, FullKeyName.Buffer) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
        RtlCreateRegistryKey(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, FullKeyName.Buffer);

    Status = DT_STATUS_OK;

    i = 1;
    // Get all subitems from pItemPath and check if the registry entry exist.
    // If not, create the registry entry.
    // This function is needed, because Wuindows only allows us to create one registry entry
    // at a time and not a complete path.
    while (Status == DT_STATUS_OK)
        DtStringAppendChars(&FullKeyName, "\\");
        Status = DtStringAppendSubstring(&FullKeyName, pItemPath, i, '\\');
        if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
            if (RtlCheckRegistryKey(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, FullKeyName.Buffer) 
                                                                        != STATUS_SUCCESS)
                RtlCreateRegistryKey(RTL_REGISTRY_ABSOLUTE, FullKeyName.Buffer);
    return DT_STATUS_OK;    
Ejemplo n.º 4
//.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- DtaPropertiesInit -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
DtStatus  DtaPropertiesInit(DtaDeviceData* pDvcData)
    DtString  DtStrType;
    DtStringChar  DtStrTypeBuffer[9];
    DtPropertyData*  pPropData = &pDvcData->m_PropData;
    DtEvtLog*  pEvtObject = &pDvcData->m_Device.m_EvtObject;
    DtStatus  Status;
    // Connect DtStrTypeBuffer to DtStrType
    DT_STRING_INIT(DtStrType, DtStrTypeBuffer,

    // Init properties failed?
    Status = DtPropertiesInit(pPropData);
    if (Status != DT_STATUS_OK)
         // Use event to report driver errors 
        DtStringAppendChars(&DtStrType, "DTA-");
        DtStringUIntegerToDtStringAppend(&DtStrType, 10, pPropData->m_TypeNumber);
        DtEvtLogReport(pEvtObject, DTA_LOG_PROP_STORE_NOT_FOUND, &DtStrType, NULL, NULL);
    return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 5
//.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- DtNonVolatileSettingsWrite -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
DtStatus  DtNonVolatileSettingsWrite(
    DtDrvObject*  pDrvObj,
    UInt64  DvcSerial,
    Int  Port,
    Char*  pCategory,
    Char*  pName,
    Int64  BinValue,
    Char*  pStrValue)
    DtStatus  Status = DT_STATUS_OK;


    // Windows uses the registry to store non volatile settings
    NTSTATUS  NtStatus;
    DtString  RegKeyName;
    DtString  ValueName;
    // Allocate RegKeyName buffer
    Status = DtStringAlloc(&RegKeyName, 150);
    if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
        Status = DtStringAlloc(&ValueName, 50);
        if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
            // Create registry path string
            Status = PathAppendSettingsSerialPortCategory(&RegKeyName, DvcSerial, Port, 
            if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                // Convert value name to DtString
                Status = DtStringAppendChars(&ValueName, pName);
                if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                    if (pStrValue!=NULL)
                        DtString  StrValue;
                        Status = DtStringAlloc(&StrValue, 50);
                        if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                            // Convert value to DtString
                            Status = DtStringAppendChars(&StrValue, pStrValue);
                            if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                                // Write register string value
                                NtStatus = DriverParametersKeyWrite(pDrvObj->m_WdfDriver, 
                                                  &RegKeyName, &ValueName, -1, &StrValue);
                            // Free ValueName
                        // Write register binary value
                        NtStatus = DriverParametersKeyWrite(pDrvObj->m_WdfDriver, 
                                                 &RegKeyName, &ValueName, BinValue, NULL);

                    if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus))
                        Status = DT_STATUS_FAIL;

            // Free ValueName

        // Free RegKeyName


    // Linux can use config files, but they should not be read / write from a kernel
    // module --> http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/8110
    // Maybe use hotplug event in user space to have helper application to perform
    // driver load and do the initial settings. Helper application can be DtapiService
    // or a simple script.

    Status = DT_STATUS_OK;


    return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
//.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- DtNonVolatileManufSettingsRead -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
// Read a registry key from the manufacturing section, e.g. from
// ../Dta/Parameters/Settings/Manuf/2137/ForcedHardwareRevision
DtStatus DtNonVolatileManufSettingsRead(
    DtDrvObject* pSalDrvObj, 
    Int Type, 
    Char* pName, 
    Int64* pBinValue)
    DtStatus  Status = DT_STATUS_OK;


    // Windows uses the registry to store non volatile settings
    NTSTATUS  NtStatus;
    DtString  RegKeyName;
    DtString  ValueName;

    // Allocate RegKeyName buffer
    Status = DtStringAlloc(&RegKeyName, 150);
    if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
        Status = DtStringAlloc(&ValueName, 40);
        if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
            // Create registry path string
            DT_STRING_DECL(SettingsStr, "Settings\\Manuf\\");
            // Registry path starts with <\Settings\Manuf\>
            Status = DtStringAppendDtString(&RegKeyName, &SettingsStr);
            if (DT_SUCCESS(Status) && Type!=-1)
                // Convert type to unicode string and append to path
                Status = DtStringUIntegerToDtStringAppend(&RegKeyName, 10, (UInt)(Type));
            if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                // Convert value name to DtString
                Status = DtStringAppendChars(&ValueName, pName);
                if (DT_SUCCESS(Status))
                    // Read register binary value
                    NtStatus = DriverParametersKeyRead(pSalDrvObj->m_WdfDriver, 
                                                &RegKeyName, &ValueName, pBinValue, NULL);
                    if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus))
                        Status = DT_STATUS_FAIL;

                        // Be more specific if object name was not found
                        if (NtStatus == STATUS_OBJECT_NAME_NOT_FOUND)
                            Status = DT_STATUS_NOT_FOUND;

            // Free ValueName
        // Free RegKeyName

    // Not yet implemented in Linux.

    return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 7
//-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- DriverParametersSubKeyDelete -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
NTSTATUS  DriverParametersSubKeyDelete(
    WDFDRIVER  Driver,
    DtString*  pKeyName)
    DtStringChar*  pRegistryPath;
    DtString  RegistryPath;
    DtString  FullKeyName;
    UInt  PathLength;
    HANDLE  hKey;
    OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES  ObjectAttributes;
    ULONG  Size;
    ULONG  ResultSize;
    Int  Index;
    DT_STRING_DECL(ParamItemName, "\\Parameters\\");


    // Build the full path
    pRegistryPath = WdfDriverGetRegistryPath(Driver);
    PathLength = wcslen(pRegistryPath); 

    DT_STRING_INIT_CONST(RegistryPath, pRegistryPath, PathLength);

    // Allocate struct for key information result
    Size = sizeof(KEY_BASIC_INFORMATION)+100;
    pKeyInfo = DtMemAllocPool(DtPoolNonPaged, Size, SAL_TAG);
    if (pKeyInfo == NULL)
        return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;

    // Allocate a new DtString buffer for the complete path inclusive a '\0' character
    // and extra '\\'
    if (!DT_SUCCESS(DtStringAlloc(&FullKeyName, PathLength+
        DtMemFreePool(pKeyInfo, SAL_TAG);
        return STATUS_NO_MEMORY;

    DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, &RegistryPath);
    DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, &ParamItemName);
    DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, pKeyName);

    // Initialize key to open
    InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &FullKeyName, OBJ_KERNEL_HANDLE, NULL,
    NtStatus = ZwOpenKey(&hKey, KEY_ENUMERATE_SUB_KEYS , &ObjectAttributes);
    if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) 
        Index = 0;
        NtStatus = STATUS_SUCCESS;
        // Enumerate all keys
        while (NtStatus != STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES)
            NtStatus = ZwEnumerateKey(hKey, Index, KeyBasicInformation, pKeyInfo, Size,
            if (NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus))
                DtString SubKey;

                // Build key to delete
                pKeyInfo->Name[pKeyInfo->NameLength/2] = L'\0';
                DT_STRING_INIT_CONST(SubKey, pKeyInfo->Name, ((USHORT)pKeyInfo->NameLength/2));

                DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, pKeyName);
                DtStringAppendChars(&FullKeyName, "\\");
                DtStringAppendDtString(&FullKeyName, &SubKey);
                DtDbgOut(MAX, SAL, "Delete SubKey %S.", FullKeyName.Buffer);
                NtStatus = DriverParametersKeyDelete(Driver, &FullKeyName);
                if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus))
                    DtDbgOut(ERR, SAL, "Error deleting SubKey %S. Error: %x", 
                                                            FullKeyName.Buffer, NtStatus);
            // In case deletion failed, skip this entry
            if (!NT_SUCCESS(NtStatus)) 
        NtStatus = ZwDeleteKey(hKey);
    DtMemFreePool(pKeyInfo, SAL_TAG);
    return NtStatus;