Ejemplo n.º 1
void DualTask(void* pData)
        trace_log(DBG, "Start issue Transaction!");
        XSVC_LIST *pNode =(XSVC_LIST*)pData;

			delete pNode->rqst->data;

			delete pNode->rqst;

           delete pNode;/**< 在T_CUP_SX_POSP创建 */
        trace_log(SYS, "Error in DualTask()");
Ejemplo n.º 2
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

    NcError error(NcError::silent_nonfatal);

    try {

        // Resolution
        int nResolution;

        // Dual mesh
        bool fDual;

        // Output filename
        std::string strOutputFile;

        // Parse the command line
        CommandLineInt(nResolution, "res", 10);
        CommandLineBool(fDual, "dual");
        CommandLineString(strOutputFile, "file", "outICOMesh.g");

        ParseCommandLine(argc, argv);

        // Generate Mesh
        AnnounceStartBlock("Generating Mesh");
        Mesh mesh;
        GenerateIcosahedralQuadGrid(nResolution, mesh.nodes, mesh.faces);

        // Generate the dual grid
        if (fDual) {

        // Output the mesh
        AnnounceStartBlock("Writing Mesh to file");
        Announce("Mesh size: Nodes [%i] Elements [%i]",
                 mesh.nodes.size(), mesh.faces.size());

    } catch(Exception & e) {
        std::cout << e.ToString() << std::endl;
Ejemplo n.º 3
// add using dual numbers
// combine diffeq and incorporation for direct RedTrace computation
void DerivativeRedTrace(float *red_out, float *ival_offset, float *da_offset, float *dk_offset,
                        int npts, float *deltaFrameSeconds, float *deltaFrame,
        float *nuc_rise_ptr, int SUB_STEPS, int my_start,
        Dual A, float SP,
        Dual kr, float kmax, float d,
                        float sens, float gain, float tauB,
                        PoissonCDFApproxMemo *math_poiss)
    int i;
    Dual totocc, totgen;
//    mixed_poisson_struct mix_ctrl;
    MixtureMemo mix_memo;

    Dual pact,pact_new;
    Dual  c_dntp_top, c_dntp_bot;
    Dual  hplus_events_sum, hplus_events_current; // mean events per molecule, cumulative and current

    Dual ldt;
    Dual Ival;

    Dual One(1.0);
    Dual Zero(0.0);
    Dual Half(0.5);

    Dual xSP(SP);
    Dual xkmax(kmax);
    Dual xd(d);

    Dual xA = mix_memo.Generate(A,math_poiss);
    //A = InitializeMixture(&mix_ctrl,A,MAX_HPLEN); // initialize Poisson with correct amplitude which maxes out at MAX_HPLEN
    //ScaleMixture(&mix_ctrl,SP); // scale mixture fractions to proper number of molecules
    pact = Dual(mix_memo.total_live);  // active polymerases // wrong???
    //Dual pact_zero = pact;
    totocc = xSP*xA;  // how many hydrogens we'll eventually generate
    totgen = totocc;  // number remaining to generate
    c_dntp_bot = Zero; // concentration of dNTP in the well
    c_dntp_top = Zero; // concentration at top
    hplus_events_sum = hplus_events_current = Zero; // Events per molecule

    memset(ival_offset,0,sizeof(float[my_start]));  // zero the points we don't compute
    memset(da_offset,0,sizeof(float[my_start]));  // zero the points we don't compute
    memset(dk_offset,0,sizeof(float[my_start]));  // zero the points we don't compute

    Dual scaled_kr = kr*Dual(n_to_uM_conv)/xd; // convert molecules of polymerase to active concentraction
    Dual half_kr = kr *Half; // for averaging
   // kr.Dump("kr");

    // first non-zero index of the computed [dNTP] array for this nucleotide
    int c_dntp_top_ndx = my_start*SUB_STEPS;
    Dual c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax = Dual(1.0/kmax);
    Dual c_dntp_old_effect = Zero;
    Dual c_dntp_new_effect = Zero;
    Dual cur_gen(0.0);
    Dual equilibrium(0.0);
    int st;

    // trace variables
    Dual old_val = Zero;
    Dual cur_val = Zero;
    Dual run_sum = Zero;
    Dual half_dt = Zero;
    Dual TauB(tauB);
    Dual SENS(sens);


    for (i=my_start;i < npts;i++)
        // Do one prediction time step
        if (totgen.a > 0.0)
          // need to calculate incorporation
            ldt = (deltaFrameSeconds[i]/SUB_STEPS); // multiply by half_kr out here, because I'm going to use it twice?
            ldt *= half_kr; // scale time by rate out here
            for (st=1; (st <= SUB_STEPS) && (totgen.a > 0.0);st++)
                c_dntp_bot.a = nuc_rise_ptr[c_dntp_top_ndx];
                // calculate denominator
                equilibrium = c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax;
                equilibrium *= pact;
                equilibrium *= scaled_kr;
                equilibrium += One;
                c_dntp_bot /= equilibrium;
                // the level at which new nucs are used up as fast as they diffuse in

                c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax.Reciprocal(c_dntp_bot + xkmax); // scale for michaelis-menten kinetics, assuming nucs are limiting factor
                // Now compute effect of concentration on enzyme rate
                c_dntp_old_effect = c_dntp_new_effect;
                c_dntp_new_effect = c_dntp_bot;
                c_dntp_new_effect *= c_dntp_bot_plus_kmax; // current effect of concentration on enzyme rate

                // update events per molecule
                hplus_events_current = c_dntp_old_effect;
                hplus_events_current += c_dntp_new_effect;
                hplus_events_current *= ldt;
                //hplus_events_current.Dump("current");  // events per molecule is average rate * time of rate
                hplus_events_sum += hplus_events_current;

                // how many active molecules left at end of time period given poisson process with total intensity of events
                // exp(-t) * (1+t+t^2/+t^3/6+...) where we interpolate between polynomial lengths by A
                // exp(-t) ( 1+... + frac*(t^k/k!)) where k = ceil(A-1) and frac = A-floor(A), for A>=1
                pact_new = mix_memo.GetStep(hplus_events_sum);
                //pact_new = pact_zero;
                // how many hplus were generated
                // reuse pact for average
                // reuse hplus-events_current for total events
                pact += pact_new;
                pact *= Half; // average number of molecules
                //hplus_events_current *= pact; // events/molecule *= molecule is total events
                totgen -= pact*hplus_events_current;  // active molecules * events per molecule
                pact = pact_new; // update to current number of molecules

            if (totgen.a < 0.0) totgen = Zero;
        Ival =  totocc;
        Ival -= totgen;
        ival_offset[i] = Ival.a;

        Ival *= SENS; // convert from hydrogen to counts

        // Now compute trace
        // trace
        half_dt = deltaFrame[i]*0.5;

        // calculate new value
        Ival *= TauB;
        cur_val = Ival;
        cur_val -= run_sum;
        old_val *= half_dt; // update
        cur_val -= old_val;
        cur_val /= (TauB+half_dt);
        // update run sum
        run_sum += old_val; // reuse update
        run_sum += cur_val*half_dt;
        old_val = cur_val; // set for next value

        //cur_val *= gain;  // gain=1.0 always currently
        red_out[i] = cur_val.a;
        da_offset[i] = cur_val.da;
        dk_offset[i] = cur_val.dk;
        // now we have done one prediction time step