Ejemplo n.º 1
void C4TableGraph::Reset(TimeType iToTime) {
  // flush buffer
  if (!!szDumpFile) DumpToFile(szDumpFile, fWrapped);
  // reset stuff
  iInitialStartTime = iTime = iToTime;
  fWrapped = false;
  iBackLogPos = 0;
  *pValues = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 2
BOOL WriteVal(
    DWORD Ptr, 
    DWORD Size, 
    DWORD Val_1, DWORD Val_2, DWORD Val_3)
    ZeroMemory(m_pAlignedData, m_dwAlignedDataSize);
    memcpy(m_pAlignedData, m_pData, m_dwDataSize);

    if (m_bNoisy)
            __FILE__, __LINE__, 
            __FUNCTION__"(): Probing value 0x%.2x 0x%.4x 0x%.8x\n", 
            (UCHAR)Val_1, (USHORT)Val_2, Val_3

    // zero-bytes stuff
    switch (Size)
    case 1:
        *(PUCHAR)((PUCHAR)m_pAlignedData + Ptr) = (UCHAR)Val_1;

    case 2:
        *(PUSHORT)((PUCHAR)m_pAlignedData + Ptr) = (USHORT)Val_2;

    case 4:
        *(PULONG)((PUCHAR)m_pAlignedData + Ptr) = Val_3;

    if (m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_OTF || m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_TTF)
        Table = OTF_TableByOffset(m_pAlignedData, Ptr);     

    if (Table)
        // fix OTF/TTF table checksum
        ULONG Offset = htonl(Table->offset), Length = htonl(Table->length);
        ULONG Sum = OTF_CalcTableChecksum((ULONG *)((PUCHAR)m_pAlignedData + Offset), Length);
        Table->checkSum = htonl(Sum);

    // dump output file
    if (DumpToFile(m_TmpFontPath, m_pAlignedData, m_dwDataSize))
        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void C4TableGraph::RecordValue(ValueType iValue) {
  // rec value
  pValues[iBackLogPos] = iValue;
  // calc time
  if (++iBackLogPos >= iBackLogLength) {
    // create dump before overwriting last buffer
    if (!!szDumpFile) DumpToFile(szDumpFile, fWrapped);
    // restart buffer
    fWrapped = true;
    iBackLogPos = 0;
Ejemplo n.º 4
void StopRun(char reason[255])
	//CaptureScene(); don't know why this doesn't work
	printf("Run Stopped. (Reason: %s)\n",reason);
	char logFile[255];
	SetThreadExecutionState(ES_CONTINUOUS); // save electricity for the uni
	if (bQuitWhenDone) exit(0);
Ejemplo n.º 5
BOOL CED6AsDecompiler::DecompilerFile(LPWSTR pszAsFileName, LPWSTR pszOutput /* = NULL */)
    LONG Status;
    WCHAR szOutput[MAX_PATH];
    CFileDisk file;


    if (!file.Open(pszAsFileName))
        return FALSE;

    m_AsInfo.BufferSize = file.GetSize();
    m_AsInfo.pbAsBuffer = (PBYTE)m_mem.Alloc(m_AsInfo.BufferSize);
    if (m_AsInfo.pbAsBuffer == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    if (!file.Read(m_AsInfo.pbAsBuffer))
        return FALSE;

    Status = DecompilerFile(&m_AsInfo);

    if (pszOutput == NULL)
        LPWSTR pszExtension;

        pszExtension = findextw(pszAsFileName);
        if (!StrICompareW(pszExtension, WSTRING(NAME_DEFAULT_EXTENSION)))
            pszExtension += countof(WSTRING(NAME_DEFAULT_EXTENSION)) - 1;

        lstrcpyW(szOutput, pszAsFileName);
        pszExtension = szOutput + (pszExtension - pszAsFileName);
        lstrcpyW(pszExtension, WSTRING(NAME_DEFAULT_EXTENSION));
        pszOutput = szOutput;

    Status = DumpToFile(&m_AsInfo, pszAsFileName, pszOutput);

    return Status;
Ejemplo n.º 6
// Finds the closest KeyFrame in a given region
KeyFrame* MapMakerBase::ClosestKeyFrame(KeyFrame& kf, KeyFrameRegion region, bool bSameCamName)
  if (region == KF_ONLY_SELF)   // If we're only looking in our MKF neighborhood
    ROS_ASSERT(!bSameCamName);  // Make sure we are not just looking for same cam name otherwise we'll find nothing

  double dClosestDist = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
  KeyFrame* pClosestKF = NULL;
  MultiKeyFrame& parent = *kf.mpParent;

  if (region == KF_ONLY_SELF)  // Only search through parent's keyframes
    for (KeyFramePtrMap::iterator it = parent.mmpKeyFrames.begin(); it != parent.mmpKeyFrames.end(); it++)
      KeyFrame& currentKF = *(it->second);
      if (&currentKF == &kf)

      double dDist = kf.Distance(currentKF);
      if (dDist < dClosestDist)
        dClosestDist = dDist;
        pClosestKF = &currentKF;
  else  // Otherwise search all keyframes in the map
    for (MultiKeyFramePtrList::iterator it = mMap.mlpMultiKeyFrames.begin(); it != mMap.mlpMultiKeyFrames.end(); ++it)
      MultiKeyFrame& mkf = *(*it);

      if (&mkf == &parent && region == KF_ONLY_OTHER)

      for (KeyFramePtrMap::iterator jit = mkf.mmpKeyFrames.begin(); jit != mkf.mmpKeyFrames.end(); ++jit)
        KeyFrame& currentKF = *(jit->second);
        if (&currentKF == &kf)

        if (bSameCamName && currentKF.mCamName != kf.mCamName)

        double dDist = kf.Distance(currentKF);
        if (dDist < dClosestDist)
          dClosestDist = dDist;
          pClosestKF = &currentKF;

  if (!bSameCamName && pClosestKF == NULL)
    // Dump the cameras and map data
    ROS_ASSERT(pClosestKF != NULL);

  return pClosestKF;
Ejemplo n.º 7
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    m_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)GetModuleHandle(NULL);

    if (argc >= 3)
        m_lpFontPath = argv[2];
        m_lpFontName = argv[1];
        printf(__FUNCTION__"(): Using external font %ws \"%ws\"\n", m_lpFontName, m_lpFontPath);
        printf("USAGE: MsFontsFuzz.exe <font_name> <font_file> [options]\n");
        goto end;

    _stprintf_s(m_TmpFontPath, _T("__TMP__%s"), _tGetNameFromFullPath(m_lpFontPath));
    DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] Temporary font file is \"%ws\"\n", m_TmpFontPath);

    if (_tcslen(m_TmpFontPath) >= 4)
        _tcslwr(m_TmpFontPath + _tcslen(m_TmpFontPath) - 4);
        if (!_tcscmp(m_TmpFontPath + _tcslen(m_TmpFontPath) - 4, _T(".otf")))
            m_dwFontType = FONT_TYPE_OTF;
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] Font type is .OTF\n");
        else if (!_tcscmp(m_TmpFontPath + _tcslen(m_TmpFontPath) - 4, _T(".ttf")))
            m_dwFontType = FONT_TYPE_TTF;
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] Font type is .TTF\n");





    char ch = 0;
    memset(m_szTable, '.', sizeof(m_szTable) - 1);
    for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(m_szTable); i++)
        if (i != 0 && i % 16 == 0)
            m_szTable[i] = '\n';

        if (ch >= 0x20)
            m_szTable[i] = ch;

        if (ch == 0x7f)
            m_szTable[i] = 0;

        ch += 1;

    if (argc > 3)
        // enumerate additional parameters
        for (int i = 3; i < argc; i++)
            if (!_tcscmp(argv[i], _T("--test")))
                // single launch mode
                m_bTest = TRUE;
            else if (!_tcscmp(argv[i], _T("--resume")))
                // resume fuzzing in the new process
                m_bResume = TRUE;
            else if (!_tcscmp(argv[i], _T("--noisy")))
                // show lot of output information
                m_bNoisy = TRUE;
            else if (!_tcscmp(argv[i], _T("--text")) && argc - i > 1)
#ifdef UNICODE
                // use caller-specified text for display
                    CP_ACP, 0, 
                    argv[i + 1], 
                    sizeof(m_szTable) - 1, 
                    NULL, NULL
                strcpy_s(m_szTable, argv[i + 1]);
            else if (!_tcscmp(argv[i], _T("--fix-crcs")))
                // fix incorrect checksums for the original font file
                m_bFixCrcs = TRUE;
            else if (argc - i > 1 && argv[i][0] == '-')
                 * Process data generation options.

                LPCTSTR lpParam = argv[i] + 1;
                DWORD dwValue = 0;
                BOOL bFound = FALSE;

                if (!StrToIntEx(argv[i + 1], STIF_SUPPORT_HEX, (int *)&dwValue))
                    DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[!] ERROR: Invalid value for parameter \"%ws\"\n", argv[i]);

                for (int i_n = 0; i_n < sizeof(m_Params) / sizeof(ENGINE_PARAM); i_n++)
                    // search parameter by name
                    if (!_tcscmp(m_Params[i_n].lpName, lpParam))
                        *(m_Params[i_n].pdwValue) = dwValue;
                        bFound = TRUE;

                if (!bFound)
                    DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[!] ERROR: Unknown parameter \"%ws\"\n", argv[i]);



    // check block size and range
    if (BLOCK_SIZE == 1)
        if (BLOCK_RANGE_START >= 0xFF)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_START value (it must be <0xFF)\n");
            goto end;

        if (BLOCK_RANGE_END > 0xFF)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_END value (it must be <=0xFF)\n");
            goto end;
    else if (BLOCK_SIZE == 2)
        if (BLOCK_RANGE_START >= 0xFFFF)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_START value (it must be <0xFFFF)\n");
            goto end;

        if (BLOCK_RANGE_END > 0xFFFF)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_END value (it must be <=0xFFFF)\n");
            goto end;
    else if (BLOCK_SIZE == 4)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_START value (it must be <0xFFFFFFFF)\n");
            goto end;

            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_END value (it must be <=0xFFFFFFFF)\n");
            goto end;
        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_SIZE value (it must be 1, 2 or 4)\n");
        goto end;

    // check step size
        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid BLOCK_RANGE_N value (it must be <=BLOCK_RANGE_END)\n");
        goto end;

    WNDCLASSEX wcex;
    ZeroMemory(&wcex, sizeof(wcex));
    wcex.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);

    wcex.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
    wcex.lpfnWndProc = WndProc;
    wcex.hInstance = m_hInstance;    
    wcex.lpszClassName = _T(WND_CLASS);
    wcex.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW + 1);

    m_hWndEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
    if (m_hWndEvent == NULL)
        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "CreateEvent() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto end;

    // register window class
    if (RegisterClassEx(&wcex) == NULL)
        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "RegisterClassEx() ERROR %d\n", GetLastError());
        goto end;
    // init random number generator

    // read input file
    if (ReadFromFile(m_lpFontPath, &m_pData, &m_dwDataSize))
        if (FILE_RANGE_START >= m_dwDataSize)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid FILE_RANGE_START value (it must be <=FILE_SIZE)\n");
            return -1;

        if (FILE_RANGE_END > m_dwDataSize)
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid FILE_RANGE_END value (it must be <FILE_SIZE)\n");
            return -1;

        if (FILE_RANGE_END == 0)
            FILE_RANGE_END = m_dwDataSize;

            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Invalid FILE_RANGE_START/FILE_RANGE_END values\n");
            return -1;

        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] %d bytes readed from \"%ws\"\n", m_dwDataSize, m_lpFontPath);

        if (!m_bResume && (m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_OTF || m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_TTF))
            OTF_TableByOffset(m_pData, (ULONG)-1);

        if (m_bFixCrcs)
            // write fixed checksums into the original file
            if (DumpToFile(m_lpFontPath, m_pData, m_dwDataSize))
                DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] Checksums has been fixed for font file \"%ws\"\n", m_lpFontPath);
        else if (m_bTest)
            // single run with the unchanged font file
            if (DumpToFile(m_TmpFontPath, m_pData, m_dwDataSize))
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] Fuzzing params:\n\n");

            // print parameters values
            for (int i_n = 0; i_n < sizeof(m_Params) / sizeof(ENGINE_PARAM); i_n++)
                DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, " %20ws = 0x%.8x\n", m_Params[i_n].lpName, *(m_Params[i_n].pdwValue));

            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "\n");
            DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "[+] Processing cases...\n\n");

            // align buffer size by block size
            m_dwAlignedDataSize = XALIGN_UP(m_dwDataSize, BLOCK_SIZE);

            // allocate output buffer
            if (m_pAlignedData = M_ALLOC(m_dwAlignedDataSize))
                char *lpszBigBuff = (char *)M_ALLOC(BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH);
                if (lpszBigBuff)
                    FillMemory(lpszBigBuff, BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH, 'A');

                PVOID pBigData = M_ALLOC(m_dwDataSize + BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH);
                // for each byte/word/dword of input file...
                for (DWORD i = FILE_RANGE_START; i < FILE_RANGE_END; i += BLOCK_SIZE)
                    DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Offset=0x%.8x TotalSize=0x%.8x File=%.8x\n", i, m_dwDataSize, m_dwCasesProcessed);

                    POTF_TABLE_HEADER Table = NULL;
                    if (m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_OTF || m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_TTF)
                        Table = OTF_TableByOffset(m_pData, i);
                        if (Table == NULL)
                            // skip OTF/TTF data outside the tables

                    if (BLOCK_RANGE_N > 0)
                        // fuze each value with the step size == BLOCK_RANGE_N
                        for (DWORD n = XALIGN_DOWN(BLOCK_RANGE_START, BLOCK_RANGE_N); 
                             n < XALIGN_DOWN(BLOCK_RANGE_END, BLOCK_RANGE_N); 
                             n += BLOCK_RANGE_N)
                            // write plain value
                            WriteVal(i, BLOCK_SIZE, n, n, n);                

                            if (BLOCK_SIZE > 1)
                                // write randomized value
                                WriteVal(i, BLOCK_SIZE, 
                                    n + getrand(0, BLOCK_RANGE_N - 1), 
                                    n + getrand(0, BLOCK_RANGE_N - 1)

                    // zero-bytes stuff
                    WriteVal(i, BLOCK_SIZE, 0x00, 0x0000, 0x00000000);                

                    // integer overflow stuff
                    WriteVal(i, BLOCK_SIZE, 0xFF, 0xFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF);

                    // invalid user-mode pointers
                    WriteVal(i, BLOCK_SIZE, 0x0D, 0x0D0D, 0x0D0D0D0D);

                    if (lpszBigBuff && pBigData)
                         * Write big ASCI data after the each byte.

                        memcpy(pBigData, m_pData, i);
                        memcpy((PUCHAR)pBigData + i, lpszBigBuff, BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH);
                        memcpy((PUCHAR)pBigData + i + BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH, (PUCHAR)m_pData + i, m_dwDataSize - i);

                        if (m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_OTF || m_dwFontType == FONT_TYPE_TTF)
                            POTF_FILE_HEADER Hdr = (POTF_FILE_HEADER)pBigData;
                            POTF_TABLE_HEADER Table = (POTF_TABLE_HEADER)((PUCHAR)pBigData + sizeof(OTF_FILE_HEADER));
                            POTF_TABLE_HEADER CurrentTable = NULL;

                            for (USHORT t = 0; t < htons(Hdr->numTables); t++)
                                ULONG Offset = htonl(Table->offset), Length = htonl(Table->length);

                                if (i >= Offset &&
                                    i < Offset + Length)
                                    // fix OTF/TTF table checksum and length
                                    ULONG Sum = OTF_CalcTableChecksum((ULONG *)((PUCHAR)pBigData + Offset), Length);
                                    Table->checkSum = htonl(Sum);
                                    Table->length = htonl(Length);
                                    CurrentTable = Table;


                                Table += 1;

                            if (CurrentTable)
                                Table = (POTF_TABLE_HEADER)((PUCHAR)pBigData + sizeof(OTF_FILE_HEADER));

                                for (USHORT t = 0; t < htons(Hdr->numTables); t++)
                                    ULONG Offset = htonl(Table->offset), Length = htonl(Table->length);

                                    if (Offset > htonl(CurrentTable->offset))
                                        // fix offsets of the other tables
                                        Table->offset = htonl(Offset + BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH);

                                    Table += 1;

                        if (DumpToFile(m_TmpFontPath, pBigData, m_dwDataSize + BIG_BUFFER_LENGTH))

                    if (m_dwCasesProcessed > MAX_CASES_PER_PROCESS)
                        TCHAR szSelf[MAX_PATH], szCmdLine[MAX_PATH];
                        GetModuleFileName(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szSelf, MAX_PATH);

                            szCmdLine, MAX_PATH, 
                            _T("\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" -BLOCK_SIZE 0x%x -BLOCK_RANGE_START 0x%x -BLOCK_RANGE_END 0x%x -BLOCK_RANGE_N 0x%x -FILE_RANGE_START 0x%x --resume Y"),
                            szSelf, m_lpFontName, m_lpFontPath, BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCK_RANGE_START, BLOCK_RANGE_END, BLOCK_RANGE_N, i

                        if (m_bNoisy)
                            _tcscat(szCmdLine, _T(" --noisy Y"));

                        STARTUPINFO si;
                        PROCESS_INFORMATION pi;

                        ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
                        ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
                        si.cb = sizeof(si);                            

                        // create a new fuzzer instance
                        if (!CreateProcess(NULL, szCmdLine, NULL, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi))
                            MessageBox(0, _T("CreateProcess() fails"), _T("ERROR"), MB_ICONERROR);


                DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, "Done; %d cases processed\n", m_dwCasesProcessed);

                if (pBigData)

                if (lpszBigBuff)


        DbgMsg(__FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__"(): Error while reading input file\n");


    if (m_hWndEvent)

    printf("Press any key to quit...\n");

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 void DumpWithIncrement() { DumpToFile(); fSegment++; }
Ejemplo n.º 9
// Initialize the map
bool MapMakerCalib::InitFromCalibImage(CalibImageTaylor& calibImage, double dSquareSize, std::string cameraName,
                                       TooN::SE3<>& se3TrackerPose)
    // Create a new MKF
    MultiKeyFrame* pMKF = new MultiKeyFrame;

    pMKF->mse3BaseFromWorld = calibImage.mse3CamFromWorld;     // set mkf pose to be pose from tracker
    pMKF->mse3BaseFromWorld.get_translation() *= dSquareSize;  // scale it
    pMKF->mbFixed = false;

    // Create a new KF (there will only be one for now)
    KeyFrame* pKF = new KeyFrame(pMKF, cameraName);
    pMKF->mmpKeyFrames[cameraName] = pKF;

    pKF->mse3CamFromWorld = pMKF->mse3BaseFromWorld;  // same as parent MKF
    pKF->mse3CamFromBase = TooN::SE3<>();                   // set relative pose to identity;
    pKF->mbActive = true;

    pKF->MakeKeyFrame_Lite(calibImage.mImage, true);

    // Create MapPoints where the calib image corners are
    // Testing to see if we should create points at all levels or just level 0
    for (int l = 0; l < LEVELS; ++l)
        if (l >= 1)

        int nLevelScale = LevelScale(l);

        for (unsigned i = 0; i < calibImage.mvGridCorners.size(); ++i)
            MapPoint* pNewPoint = new MapPoint;
            pNewPoint->mv3WorldPos.slice<0, 2>() = dSquareSize * CVD::vec(calibImage.mvGridCorners[i].mirGridPos);
            pNewPoint->mv3WorldPos[2] = 0.0;  // on z=0 plane
            pNewPoint->mbFixed = true;        // the calibration pattern is fixed
            pNewPoint->mbOptimized = true;    // since it won't move it's already in its optimal location

            // Patch source stuff:
            pNewPoint->mpPatchSourceKF = pKF;
            pNewPoint->mnSourceLevel = l;
            pNewPoint->mv3Normal_NC = TooN::makeVector(0, 0, -1);

            TooN::Vector<2> v2RootPos = calibImage.mvGridCorners[i].mParams.v2Pos;

            // Same code as in MapMakerServerBase::AddPointEpipolar
            pNewPoint->mirCenter = CVD::ir_rounded(LevelNPos(v2RootPos, l));
            pNewPoint->mv3Center_NC = mmCameraModels[cameraName].UnProject(v2RootPos);
            pNewPoint->mv3OneRightFromCenter_NC =
                mmCameraModels[cameraName].UnProject(v2RootPos + CVD::vec(CVD::ImageRef(nLevelScale, 0)));
            pNewPoint->mv3OneDownFromCenter_NC =
                mmCameraModels[cameraName].UnProject(v2RootPos + CVD::vec(CVD::ImageRef(0, nLevelScale)));




            // Create a measurement of the point
            Measurement* pMeas = new Measurement;
            pMeas->eSource = Measurement::SRC_ROOT;
            pMeas->v2RootPos = v2RootPos;
            pMeas->nLevel = l;
            pMeas->bSubPix = true;
            pKF->mmpMeasurements[pNewPoint] = pMeas;



      ROS_DEBUG("After creating points, before optimization: ");
      int i=0;
      double dErrorSum = 0;
      for(MapPointPtrList::iterator it = mMap.mlpPoints.begin(); it != mMap.mlpPoints.end(); ++it, ++i)
        std::cout<<"Point pos: "<<(*it)->mv3WorldPos;
        TooN::Vector<3> v3Cam = pKF->mse3CamFromWorld * (*it)->mv3WorldPos;
        TooN::Vector<2> v2Image = mmCameraModels[cameraName].Project(v3Cam);
        std::cout<<" Reprojected: "<<v2Image<<" Original: "<<calibImage.mvGridCorners[i].mParams.v2Pos;

        TooN::Vector<2> v2Error = v2Image - calibImage.mvGridCorners[i].mParams.v2Pos;
        dErrorSum += v2Error * v2Error;

      std::cout<<"Error sum: "<<dErrorSum<<" mean: "<<dErrorSum/i<<std::endl;


    int nSanityCounter = 0;
    std::vector<std::pair<KeyFrame*, MapPoint*>> vOutliers;

    ROS_DEBUG("MapMakerCalib: Initialized from calib image, running bundle adjuster");

    while (!mBundleAdjuster.ConvergedFull())
        if (ResetRequested() || nSanityCounter > 5)
            ROS_WARN("Dumping map to map_after.dat");
            ROS_ERROR("MapMakerCalib: Exceeded sanity counter or reset requested, bailing");
            return false;


    // Don't allow any outliers when we're initializing, all of the calibration points turned MapPoints
    // should have been found
    if (vOutliers.size() > 0)
        ROS_ERROR("MapMakerCalib: Found outliers in initialization, bailing");
        return false;

      ROS_DEBUG("After optimization: ");
      int i=0;
      double dErrorSum = 0;
      for(MapPointPtrList::iterator it = mMap.mlpPoints.begin(); it != mMap.mlpPoints.end(); ++it, ++i)
        std::cout<<"Point pos: "<<(*it)->mv3WorldPos;
        TooN::Vector<3> v3Cam = pKF->mse3CamFromWorld * (*it)->mv3WorldPos;
        TooN::Vector<2> v2Image = mmCameraModels[cameraName].Project(v3Cam);
        std::cout<<" Reprojected: "<<v2Image<<" Original: "<<calibImage.mvGridCorners[i].mParams.v2Pos;

        TooN::Vector<2> v2Error = v2Image - calibImage.mvGridCorners[i].mParams.v2Pos;
        dErrorSum += v2Error * v2Error;

      std::cout<<"Error sum: "<<dErrorSum<<" mean: "<<dErrorSum/i<<std::endl;

    // Get the updated pose, tracker will initialize with this
    se3TrackerPose = pKF->mse3CamFromWorld;

    ROS_INFO_STREAM("MapMakerCalib: Made initial map with " << mMap.mlpPoints.size() << " points.");
    ROS_INFO_STREAM("MapMakerCalib: tracker pose: " << se3TrackerPose);

    mState = MM_RUNNING;  // not doing anything special for initialization (unlike MapMaker)
    mMap.mbGood = true;

    return true;
Ejemplo n.º 10
MVOID getHDRExpSetting(const HDRExpSettingInputParam_T& rInput, HDRExpSettingOutputParam_T& rOutput)
    // Tuning parameters
	MUINT32	HDR_NEOverExp_Percent = CUST_HDR_NEOverExp_Percent;
    MUINT32 u4MaxHDRExpTimeInUS = 200000; // Manually set, no longer than 0.5s (unit: us)
    MUINT32 u4MaxSafeHDRExpTimeInUS = 31250; // Manually set, no longer than 0.5s (unit: us)
    MUINT32 u4MaxHDRSensorGain = 4848; //Manually set, no larger than max gain in normal capture
    MUINT32 u4TimeMode = 1; // 0:Depend on default AE parameters; 1: Manually set
    MUINT32 u4GainMode = 1; // 0:Depend on default AE parameters; 1: Manually set
    double dfTargetTopEV =  1.5; // Target EV of long exposure image
    double dfSafeTargetTopEV = 0.5; // Target EV of long exposure image
    double dfTargetBottomEV = -2; // Target EV of short exposure image
    double dfTopEVBound = 0.2; // Long exposure image should be at least "dfTopEVBound" EV or would be discarded (2 frame case)
//  MBOOL bGainEnable = MTRUE; // True: Enable long exposure image to increase sensor gain; False: Disable
    MBOOL bGain0EVLimit = MFALSE;  // True: Limit the gain of 0EV and short exposure image; False: Keep it
	double dfFlag2TopEV = +0.5;
	double dfFlag2BottomEV = -1.5;
	double dfFlag2TopGain = pow(2, dfFlag2TopEV);
	double dfFlag2BottomGain = pow(2, dfFlag2BottomEV);
    //Add by ChingYi
    // Tuning parameters
// MUINT32 TargetToneMaxExposureTime = 100000; //Decide the exposure time start to decrease target tone
// MUINT32 TargetToneCurve = 10000; //Decide the curve to decide target tone
// MUINT32 TargetToneIn = 150; //Decide the curve to decide target tone

    // Temporary parameters
    MUINT32 u4MaxExpTimeInUS;
    MUINT32 u4MaxSensorGain;
	MUINT32 i;
	double dfRemainGain[3];
	double dfGainDiff[2];
	double dfTopGain     = pow(2, dfTargetTopEV);
	double dfSafeTopGain = pow(2, dfSafeTargetTopEV);
	double dfBottomGain  = pow(2, dfTargetBottomEV);

	if (u4TimeMode == 0) {
		u4MaxExpTimeInUS = rInput.u4MaxAEExpTimeInUS; // Depend on default AE parameters
	else {
		u4MaxExpTimeInUS = u4MaxHDRExpTimeInUS; // Manually set

	if (u4GainMode == 0) {
		u4MaxSensorGain = rInput.u4MaxAESensorGain; // Depend on default AE parameters
	else {
		u4MaxSensorGain = u4MaxHDRSensorGain; // Manually set

	    if (u4MaxSensorGain > rInput.u4MaxSensorAnalogGain) {
			u4MaxSensorGain = rInput.u4MaxSensorAnalogGain;

    // Final output without any limitation
	if(rInput.u4SensorGain0EV > u4MaxHDRSensorGain)
		rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV * dfSafeTopGain + 0.5);   //High ISO case: Long exposurerInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV;
		rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV * dfTopGain + 0.5);   //Low ISO case: Long exposurerInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV;
    rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[1] = rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV; // 0EV
    rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV * dfBottomGain + 0.5); // Short exposure
	rOutput.u4SensorGain[2] = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;
	rOutput.u4SensorGain[1] = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;
	rOutput.u4SensorGain[0] = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;

	if (bGain0EVLimit == MTRUE) {// Limit 0EV or even short exposure image's gain but keep the brightness
		for (MUINT32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
			dfRemainGain[i] = 1;

			if (rOutput.u4SensorGain[i] > u4MaxHDRSensorGain) {
				dfRemainGain[i] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4SensorGain[i]) / u4MaxHDRSensorGain;
				rOutput.u4SensorGain[i] = u4MaxHDRSensorGain;

			if (dfRemainGain[i] > 1) {
				rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[i] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[i] * dfRemainGain[i] + 0.5);

				if (rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[i] > u4MaxHDRExpTimeInUS) { //It means that we cannot keep original brightness, so we decide to keep original setting
					rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[1] = rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV; // 0EV
					rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV * dfBottomGain + 0.5); // Short exposure
					rOutput.u4SensorGain[1]   = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;
					rOutput.u4SensorGain[0]   = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;

//	if (bGainEnable == MFALSE) {
//		u4MaxSensorGain  = rOutput.u4SensorGain[1]; // MaxSensor gain should be equal to 0EV
//	}

	dfRemainGain[2] = 1;
       u4MaxSafeHDRExpTimeInUS = rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV;

	if (rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] > u4MaxSafeHDRExpTimeInUS) {
		dfRemainGain[2] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2]) / u4MaxSafeHDRExpTimeInUS;
		rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] =  u4MaxSafeHDRExpTimeInUS;

	if (dfRemainGain[2] > 1) {
		rOutput.u4SensorGain[2] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rOutput.u4SensorGain[2] * dfRemainGain[2] + 0.5);
		if (rOutput.u4SensorGain[2] > u4MaxSensorGain) {
			dfRemainGain[2] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4SensorGain[2]) / u4MaxSensorGain;
			rOutput.u4SensorGain[2] = u4MaxSensorGain;
			dfRemainGain[2] = 1;

	if (dfRemainGain[2] > 1) {
		rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] * dfRemainGain[2] + 0.5);

		if (rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] >u4MaxExpTimeInUS)
			dfRemainGain[2] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2]) / u4MaxExpTimeInUS;
			rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2]  = u4MaxExpTimeInUS;

	dfGainDiff[0] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4SensorGain[0]*rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0]) / rOutput.u4SensorGain[1] / rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[1];
	dfGainDiff[1] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4SensorGain[2]*rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2]) / rOutput.u4SensorGain[1] / rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[1];

	rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] = rInput.u1FlareOffset0EV;
       rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] = 4;

	rOutput.u1FlareOffset[0] = static_cast<MUINT8>(rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] * dfGainDiff[0] + 0.5);
	rOutput.u1FlareOffset[2] = static_cast<MUINT8>(rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] * dfGainDiff[1] + 0.5);

         rOutput.u1FlareOffset[2] = 63; //hardware limitation --> may lead to alignment issue

	double dfTopGainBound = pow(2, dfTopEVBound);
	if (dfTopGainBound < dfGainDiff[1]) {
		rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum = 3;
	else {
		rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum = 2;

	//Add by ChingYi
//	if(rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2] > TargetToneMaxExposureTime && rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum == 3)
//		rOutput.u4TargetTone = TargetToneIn - (rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2]-TargetToneMaxExposureTime)/TargetToneCurve;
//	else
//		rOutput.u4TargetTone = TargetToneIn;
	rOutput.u4TargetTone = 150;

	rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[0] = static_cast<MUINT32>(1024 / dfGainDiff[0] + 0.5);
	rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[1] = static_cast<MUINT32>(1024 / dfGainDiff[1] + 0.5);

	MUINT32	HISsum = 0;
	if( HDRFlag == 1)   // adaptive version, if original version use -2EV less, we only capture 2 frames (0EV and +2EV). If original version use -2EV a lot, we still capture 3 frames.
		//calculate total bin count of AE histogram
		HISsum = 0;
		for(i=0 ; i<128 ; i++)
			HISsum = HISsum + rInput.u4Histogram[i];

		if( (int)((rInput.u4Histogram[126] + rInput.u4Histogram[127]) * 1000 / HISsum + 0.5) < HDR_NEOverExp_Percent) //calculate the percentage of bin[126]+bin[127]
			rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum   = 2;      //capture 2 frames NE(0EV) and LE(+2EV)
			rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0]   = rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2];
			rOutput.u4SensorGain[0]    = rOutput.u4SensorGain[2];
			rOutput.u1FlareOffset[0]   = rOutput.u1FlareOffset[2];
			rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[0] = rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[1];
			rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum = 3;

	if( HDRFlag == 2)  // performance priority version, always capture 2 frames. The EV settings are decided adapively.
		rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum = 2;

		//calculate total bin count of AE histogram
		HISsum = 0;
		for(i=0 ; i<128 ; i++)
			HISsum = HISsum + rInput.u4Histogram[i];

		if( (int)((rInput.u4Histogram[126] + rInput.u4Histogram[127]) * 1000 / HISsum + 0.5) < HDR_NEOverExp_Percent) //calculate the percentage of bin[126]+bin[127]
			rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0]   = rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[2];     //capture 2 frames NE(0EV) and LE(+2EV)
			rOutput.u4SensorGain[0]    = rOutput.u4SensorGain[2];
			rOutput.u1FlareOffset[0]   = rOutput.u1FlareOffset[2];
			rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[0] = rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[1];
		{   //capture 2 frames NE(-0.5 EV) and LE(+1.5 EV)
			rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV * dfFlag2BottomGain + 0.5); // long exposure
			rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[1] = static_cast<MUINT32>(rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV * dfFlag2TopGain + 0.5); // normal exposure
			rOutput.u4SensorGain[0] = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;
			rOutput.u4SensorGain[1] = rInput.u4SensorGain0EV;
			dfGainDiff[0] = static_cast<double>(rOutput.u4SensorGain[0]*rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[0]) / rOutput.u4SensorGain[1] / rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[1];
			rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[0] = static_cast<MUINT32>(1024 / dfGainDiff[0] + 0.5);
			rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] = rInput.u1FlareOffset0EV;
				rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] = 4;
			rOutput.u1FlareOffset[0] = static_cast<MUINT8>(rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1] * dfGainDiff[0] + 0.5);

#if 0 // for debug only: adb logcat HdrCustome:V *:S
#ifdef LOG_TAG
#undef LOG_TAG
#define LOG_TAG "HdrCustome"

    XLOGD("System Paramters\n");
    XLOGD("0EV Exposure Time = %d\n0EV Sensor Gain = %d\n", rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV, rInput.u4SensorGain0EV);
	XLOGD("Max Exposure Time 0EV = %d\nMaxSensor Gain 0EV = %d\n", rInput.u4MaxAEExpTimeInUS, rInput.u4MaxAESensorGain);
	XLOGD("Max Exposure Time Sensor = %d\nMaxSensor Gain Sensor = %d\n", u4MaxHDRExpTimeInUS, u4MaxHDRSensorGain);
    XLOGD("Final Max Exposure Time = %d\nFinal MaxSensor Gain = %d\n", u4MaxExpTimeInUS, u4MaxSensorGain);

    XLOGD("\nTuning Paramters\n");
	XLOGD("Target Top EV = %f\nTarget Bottom EV = %f\n", dfTargetTopEV, dfTargetBottomEV);
	XLOGD("dfTopGainBound = %f\n",dfTopGainBound);
   XLOGD("bGain0EVLimit = %s\n", (bGain0EVLimit ? "true" : "false"));

	XLOGD("\nOutput Paramters\n");
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		XLOGD("Final Frame %d ExposureTime = %d\nSensorGain = %d\n", i, rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[i], rOutput.u4SensorGain[i]);
    XLOGD("Final EVdiff[0] = %d\nFinal EVdiff[1] = %d\n", rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[0], rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[1]);
	XLOGD("OutputFrameNum = %d\n", rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum);
	XLOGD("Final FlareOffsetOut[0]= %d\nFinal FlareOffsetOut[1]= %d\nFinal FlareOffsetOut[2]= %d\n", rOutput.u1FlareOffset[0], rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1], rOutput.u1FlareOffset[2]);
    XLOGD("Final TargetTone1 = %d\n", rOutput.u4TargetTone);
#endif	// for debug only: adb logcat HdrCustome:V *:S

// Save HDR AE debug info to a file.
    char value[32] = {'\0'};
    property_get("mediatek.hdr.debug", value, "0");
    int hdr_debug_mode = atoi(value) || CUST_HDR_DEBUG;
	if(hdr_debug_mode) {
		// Increase 4-digit running number (range: 1 ~ 9999).
		if (S_u4RunningNumber >= 9999)
			S_u4RunningNumber = 1;

		pucLogBufPosition = (char*)GS_ucLogBuf;
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "< No.%04d > ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n", S_u4RunningNumber);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "[System Paramters]\n");
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "0EV Exposure Time = %d\n0EV Sensor Gain = %d\n", rInput.u4ExpTimeInUS0EV, rInput.u4SensorGain0EV);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Max Exposure Time Sensor= %d\nMaxSensor Gain Sensor= %d\n", rInput.u4MaxAEExpTimeInUS, rInput.u4MaxAESensorGain);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Max Exposure Time Manual= %d\nMaxSensor Gain Manual= %d\n", u4MaxHDRExpTimeInUS, u4MaxHDRSensorGain);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Max Exposure Time = %d\nMaxSensor Gain = %d\n", u4MaxExpTimeInUS, u4MaxSensorGain);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);

	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "\n[Tuning Paramters]\n");
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Target Top EV = %f\nTarget Bottom EV = %f\n", dfTargetTopEV, dfTargetBottomEV);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "dfTopGainBound = %f\n",dfTopGainBound);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "bGain0EVLimit = %s\n", (bGain0EVLimit ? "true" : "false"));
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);

		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "\n[Output Paramters]\n");
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
			::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Final Frame %d ExposureTime = %d\nSensorGain = %d\n", i, rOutput.u4ExpTimeInUS[i], rOutput.u4SensorGain[i]);
		    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
	    ::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Final EVdiff[0] = %d\nFinal EVdiff[1] = %d\n", rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[0], rOutput.u4FinalGainDiff[1]);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "OutputFrameNum = %d\n", rOutput.u4OutputFrameNum);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Final FlareOffsetOut[0]= %d\nFinal FlareOffsetOut[1]= %d\nFinal FlareOffsetOut[2]= %d\n", rOutput.u1FlareOffset[0], rOutput.u1FlareOffset[1], rOutput.u1FlareOffset[2]);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);
		::sprintf(pucLogBufPosition, "Final TargetTone= %d\n", rOutput.u4TargetTone);
	    pucLogBufPosition += strlen(pucLogBufPosition);

		char szFileName[100];
		//::sprintf(szFileName, "sdcard/Photo/%04d_HDR_ExposureSetting.txt", S_u4RunningNumber);	// For ALPS.GB2.
		::sprintf(szFileName, HDR_DEBUG_OUTPUT_FOLDER"%04d_HDR_ExposureSetting.txt", S_u4RunningNumber);	// For ALPS.ICS.
		DumpToFile(szFileName, (unsigned char *)GS_ucLogBuf, MAX_LOG_BUF_SIZE);

