Ejemplo n.º 1
EDMA_Handle hEdmaReloadRcvPing;
EDMA_Handle hEdmaReloadRcvPong;

MCBSP_Handle hMcbsp1;                 // McBSP1 (codec data) handle

Int16 gXmtChan;                       // TCC codes (see initEDMA())
Int16 gRcvChan;

 *  EDMA Config data structure

/* Transmit side EDMA configuration */
EDMA_Config gEdmaConfigXmt = {
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, PRI, HIGH)          |  // Priority
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, ESIZE, 16BIT)       |  // Element size
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DS, NO)            |  // 2 dimensional source?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, SUM, INC)           |  // Src update mode
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DD, NO)            |  // 2 dimensional dest
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, DUM, NONE)          |  // Dest update mode
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCINT, YES)         |  // Cause EDMA interrupt?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCC, OF(0))         |  // Transfer complete code
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, LINK, YES)          |  // Enable link parameters?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, FS, NO),               // Use frame sync?

    (Uint32)&gBufferXmtPing,              // Src address

    EDMA_FMK (CNT, FRMCNT, NULL)       |  // Frame count
    EDMA_FMK (CNT, ELECNT, BUFFSIZE),     // Element count
Ejemplo n.º 2
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSXM, EXTERNAL)         |	// Framesync- Signal für Sender kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSRM, EXTERNAL)         |	// Framesync- Signal für Empfänger kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKXM, INPUT)           |	// Takt für Sender kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKRM, INPUT)           |	// Takt für Empfänger kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKSSTAT, DEFAULT)      |	// unrelevant da PINS keine GPIOs
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, DXSTAT, DEFAULT)        |	// unrelevant da PINS keine GPIOs
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSXP, ACTIVEHIGH)       |	// Framesync senderseitig ist "activehigh"
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSRP, ACTIVEHIGH)       |	// Framesync empfängerseitig ist "activehigh"
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKXP, FALLING)         |	// Datum wird bei fallender Flanke gesendet
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKRP, RISING)			// Datum wird bei steigender Flanke übernommen

/* template for a EDMA configuration */
/* Empfangen */
EDMA_Config configEDMARcv = {
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, PRI, LOW)           |  // auf beide Queues verteilen
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, ESIZE, 16BIT)       |  // Element size
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DS, NO)            |  // kein 2D-Transfer
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, SUM, NONE)          |  // Quell-update mode -> FEST (McBSP)!!!
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DD, NO)            |  // 2kein 2D-Transfer
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, DUM, INC)           |  // Ziel-update mode -> inkrementieren (ping/pong in buffer)
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCINT,YES)          |  // EDMA interrupt erzeugen?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCC, OF(0))         |  // Transfer complete code (TCC)
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, LINK, YES)          |  // Link Parameter nutzen?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, FS, NO),               // Frame Sync nutzen?

    EDMA_FMKS(SRC, SRC, OF(0)),           // Quell-Adresse

    EDMA_FMK(CNT, FRMCNT, NULL)        |  // Anzahl Frames
    EDMA_FMK(CNT, ELECNT, BUFFER_LEN),   // Anzahl Elemente
Ejemplo n.º 3
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSXM, EXTERNAL)         |	// Framesync- Signal für Sender kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSRM, EXTERNAL)         |	// Framesync- Signal für Empfänger kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKXM, INPUT)           |	// Takt für Sender kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKRM, INPUT)           |	// Takt für Empfänger kommt von extern (Slave)
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKSSTAT, DEFAULT)      |	// unrelevant da PINS keine GPIOs
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, DXSTAT, DEFAULT)        |	// unrelevant da PINS keine GPIOs
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSXP, ACTIVEHIGH)       |	// Framesync senderseitig ist "activehigh"
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, FSRP, ACTIVEHIGH)       |	// Framesync empfängerseitig ist "activehigh"
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKXP, FALLING)         |	// Datum wird bei fallender Flanke gesendet
        MCBSP_FMKS(PCR, CLKRP, RISING)				// Datum wird bei steigender Flanke übernommen

/* template for a EDMA configuration */
EDMA_Config configEDMARcv =
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, PRI, LOW)        	|	// auf beide Queues verteilen
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, ESIZE, 16BIT)		|		// Element size					EIGEN!!!:		Im Foliensatz so gefunden, bin aber nicht sicher, hat das überhaupt große Auswirkung?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DS, NO)				|	// kein 2D-Transfer
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, SUM, NONE)			|	// Quell-update mode -> FEST (McBSP)!!!
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DD, NO)				|	// 2kein 2D-Transfer
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, DUM, INC)			|		// Ziel-update mode				EIGEN!!!:		Ziel-Adresse wird nicht aktualisiert, immer die selbe
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCINT, YES)			|		// EDMA interrupt erzeugen?		EIGEN!!!:		EDMA muss Interrupts erzeugen!
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCC, OF(0))			|	// Transfer complete code (TCC)
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, LINK, YES)			|	// Link Parameter nutzen?
    EDMA_FMKS(OPT, FS, NO),             	// Frame Sync nutzen?

    EDMA_FMKS(SRC, SRC, OF(0)),				// Quell-Adresse

    EDMA_FMK (CNT, FRMCNT, NULL)		|	// Anzahl Frames
    EDMA_FMK (CNT, ELECNT, BUFFER_LEN),		// Anzahl Elemente
Ejemplo n.º 4
void conf_EDMA(){
	 * Open EDMA channels to the REVT1 and XEVT1 interrupts
	 * issued from the MCBSP periphery. The channels still
	 * need to be configured properly with a parameterset
	 * and another parameterset that fills the pong Buffer.

	 * Aquire EDMA tables that hold the reload 	tables for both,
	 * transmit and receive side bufferswitch.
	hEDMATrxPing = EDMA_allocTable(-1);
	hEDMATrxPong = EDMA_allocTable(-1);

	 * Set the EDMA source address. On the receive side we use
	 * the MCBSP source address and save it in the EDMA config
	 * handle. For the transmit side we will have a fixed
	 * destination but a variable source address, so we need to
	 * set the destination to a fixed address!
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.dst = MCBSP_getXmtAddr(hMcBsp);

	 * The next step is to find free Transfer complete codes,
	 * save them to a variable so the EDMA hardware interrupt
	 * is able to distinguish between the RX and TX complete
	 * code. We *could* assign those as static codes, but it
	 * is better coding practice to make it variable to allow
	 * future expansion of the code.
	tccTrxPing = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.opt |= EDMA_FMK(OPT, TCC, tccTrxPing);

	 * Configure the transmit and receive channel to write in the
	 * ping buffers. The function copies the struct into the
	 * EDMA parameter RAM. This allows us to reuse the configs
	 * to set up the reload configuration for the pong buffers.
	EDMA_config(hEDMATrx, &conf_EDMA_oBuf);
	EDMA_config(hEDMATrxPing, &conf_EDMA_oBuf);

	 * Now we are ready to configure the reload parametersets
	 * that will write to the pong buffers after the ping
	 * buffer is filled with data.

	 * First we need to set the destination and source of the
	 * corresponding pong buffers for both sides.
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.src = (uint32_t)oBufPong;

	 * We also need a transfer complete code for the second
	 * configuration set to show that we indeed have finished
	 * the transfer to the pong buffers and switch to ping.
	 * To overwrite the ones written before we need to
	 * overwrite the whole 32 OPT bits
	tccTrxPong = EDMA_intAlloc(-1);
	conf_EDMA_oBuf.opt =      	EDMA_FMKS(OPT, PRI, HIGH)       |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, ESIZE, 32BIT)    |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DS, NO)         |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, SUM, INC)        |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, 2DD, NO)         |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, DUM, NONE)       |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCINT, YES)      |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, TCC, OF(0))      |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, LINK, YES)       |
								EDMA_FMKS(OPT, FS, NO);

	conf_EDMA_oBuf.opt |=		EDMA_FMK(OPT, TCC, tccTrxPong);

	 * Now we can write the pong buffer configs to the parameter RAM
	 * tables we aquired before by using EDMA_config()..
	EDMA_config(hEDMATrxPong, &conf_EDMA_oBuf);

	 * We now need to link the transfers so the EDMA fires an interrupt
	 * whenever we finished a job and immediately starts to
	 * fill the other buffer (ping -> pong -> ping).
	EDMA_link(hEDMATrx, hEDMATrxPing);
	EDMA_link(hEDMATrxPing, hEDMATrxPong);
	EDMA_link(hEDMATrxPong, hEDMATrxPing);

	 * Now we take precautions and clear all
	 * the interrupt sources so no interrupt
	 * can fire because of some wiggling bits
	 * caused by an unstable supply.

	 * Lets enable the interrupts, but we aren't
	 * done yet: There's still the global interrupt
	 * switch to be toggled by enable_INT() after
	 * we started the EDMA transfers.