Ejemplo n.º 1

	EFFECTS: Asserts that buf is a stable-sorted version of orig.
void assert_sorted_version( const SortBuffer& orig, const SortBuffer& buf )
	// Stop any potential failures that might occur during verification.
    // Prepare an array of counts of the occurrence of each value in
    // the legal range.
    unsigned counts[SortClass::kRange];
    EH_STD::fill_n( counts, (int)SortClass::kRange, 0 );
    for ( const SortClass *q = orig.begin(); q != orig.end(); q++ )
        counts[ q->value() ]++;
	// Check that each element is greater than the previous one, or if they are
	// equal, that their order has been preserved.
    for ( const SortClass* p = buf.begin(); p != buf.end(); p++ )
        if ( p != buf.begin() )
            EH_ASSERT( p->value() > p[-1].value()
                    || p->value() == p[-1].value() && p->GetAddress() > p[-1].GetAddress() );
		// Decrement the appropriate count for each value.
        counts[ p->value() ]--;
	// Check that the values were only rearranged, and none were lost.
    for ( unsigned j = 0; j < SortClass::kRange; j++ )
        EH_ASSERT( counts[j] == 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 2

	EFFECTS:  Performs tests on bit vectors
void test_bit_vector()
	#define __WORD_BIT (int(CHAR_BIT*sizeof(unsigned int)))
	// Make some bit vectors to work with.
    BitVector emptyVector;
    BitVector testVector, testVector2;
    EH_ASSERT( testVector.size() == 0 );
    size_t BitVectorSize = random_number( random_base );
    // Half the time, choose a size that will guarantee immediate reallocation
    if ( random_number(2) )
    	BitVectorSize = BitVectorSize / __WORD_BIT * __WORD_BIT;
    EH_ASSERT( testVector.size() == 0 );
    EH_ASSERT( testVector.size() == 0 );
    while ( testVector.size() < BitVectorSize )
        testVector.push_back( bool(random_number(2)) );
        testVector2.push_back( bool(random_number(2)) );
	// Test insertions
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_insert_one<BitVector>(testVector) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_insert_one<BitVector>(testVector,0) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_insert_one<BitVector>(testVector, (int)testVector.size()) );

    StrongCheck( testVector, test_insert_n<BitVector>(testVector, random_number(random_base) ) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_insert_n<BitVector>(testVector, random_number(random_base),0 ) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_insert_n<BitVector>(testVector, random_number(random_base), (int)testVector.size()) );
# if 0	
	// Allocate some random bools to insert
    size_t insCnt = 1 + random_number(random_base);
    bool *insFirst = new BitVector::value_type[insCnt];
    for ( size_t n = 0; n < insCnt; n++ )
        insFirst[n] = random_number(2);
    StrongCheck( testVector, insert_range_tester(testVector, insFirst, insFirst+insCnt) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, insert_range_at_begin_tester(testVector, insFirst, insFirst+insCnt) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, insert_range_at_end_tester(testVector, insFirst, insFirst+insCnt) );
    ConstCheck( 0, test_construct_pointer_range<BitVector>( insFirst, insFirst + insCnt ) );
    delete[] insFirst;
# endif
    StrongCheck( testVector, insert_range_tester(testVector, testVector2.begin(), testVector2.end() ) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, insert_range_at_begin_tester(testVector, testVector2.begin(), 
							  testVector2.end() ) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, insert_range_at_end_tester(testVector, testVector2.begin(), 
							  testVector2.end() ) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_BitVector_reserve( testVector.capacity() + random_number(50) ) );
    StrongCheck( testVector, test_push_back<BitVector>(testVector) );
    StrongCheck( emptyVector, test_push_back<BitVector>(emptyVector) );	

    ConstCheck( 0, test_default_construct<BitVector>() );
    ConstCheck( 0, test_construct_n<BitVector>( random_number(random_base) ) );
    ConstCheck( 0, test_construct_n_instance<BitVector>( random_number(random_base) ) );
    ConstCheck( 0, test_construct_iter_range<BitVector>( testVector2 ) );
    ConstCheck( testVector, test_copy_construct<BitVector>() );
    WeakCheck( testVector, test_assign_op<BitVector>( testVector2 ) );
Ejemplo n.º 3
	void operator()( TestSList& slist ) const
		for ( TestSList::iterator p = slist.begin(), q; p != slist.end(); q = p, p++ )
			if ( p != slist.begin() )
				EH_ASSERT( *p >= *q );
Ejemplo n.º 4
 void operator()( TestClass* buffer ) const
     TestClass* end = buffer + kBufferSize;        
     EH_STD::uninitialized_fill_n( buffer, (EH_CSTD::size_t)kBufferSize, testValue );
     for ( EH_CSTD::size_t i = 0; i < kBufferSize; i++ )
         EH_ASSERT( buffer[i] == testValue );
     stl_destroy( buffer, end );
Ejemplo n.º 5
// push
//   pJmpBufNode must point to a space allocated
//   via the new operator
EHExceptionJmpBufStack::push(EHExceptionJmpBufNode * pJmpBufNode)
  EH_ASSERT(pJmpBufNode->getLink() == NULL);

  pTopNode_ = pJmpBufNode;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 void operator()( TestList& list ) const
     for ( TestList::iterator p = list.begin(); p != list.end(); p++ )
         if ( p != list.begin() ) {
             TestList::iterator tmp=p;
             EH_ASSERT( *p >= *tmp );
Ejemplo n.º 7
    void operator()( SortBuffer& buf ) const
        less_by_reference<SortClass> throw_cmp( partitionPoint );
        SortClass* d = EH_STD::stable_partition( buf.begin(), buf.end(), throw_cmp );
		// If we get here no exception occurred during the operation.
		// Stop any potential failures that might occur during verification.
        // Prepare an array of counts of the occurrence of each value in
        // the legal range.
        unsigned counts[SortClass::kRange];
        EH_STD::fill_n( counts, (int)SortClass::kRange, 0 );
        for ( const SortClass *q = orig.begin(); q != orig.end(); q++ )
            counts[ q->value() ]++;
        less_by_reference<TestClass> cmp( partitionPoint );
        for ( const SortClass* p = buf.begin(); p != buf.end(); p++ )
        	// Check that adjacent items with the same value haven't been
        	// reordered. This could be a more thorough test.
            if ( p != buf.begin() && p->value() == p[-1].value() )
                EH_ASSERT( p->GetAddress() > p[-1].GetAddress() );
            // Check that the partitioning worked.
            EH_ASSERT( (p < d) == cmp( *p ) );
            // Decrement the appropriate count for each value.
            counts[ p->value() ]--;
        // Check that the values were only rearranged, and none were lost.
        for ( unsigned j = 0; j < SortClass::kRange; j++ )
            EH_ASSERT( counts[j] == 0 );
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void* OperatorNew( size_t s )
    if ( !using_alloc_set )

    char *p = AllocateBlock(s);

    if ( gTestController.TrackingEnabled()
            && gTestController.LeakDetectionEnabled()
            && !using_alloc_set )
        using_alloc_set = true;
        EH_ASSERT( alloc_set().find( p ) == alloc_set().end() );
        alloc_set().insert( p );
        using_alloc_set = false;

    return p;
Ejemplo n.º 9
bool TestController::ReportLeaked()


    if (using_alloc_set)
        EH_ASSERT( alloc_count == static_cast<int>(alloc_set().size()) );

    if ( alloc_count!=0 || object_count!=0 )
        EH_STD::cerr<<"\nEH TEST FAILURE !\n";
        if (alloc_count)
            EH_STD::cerr<<"ERROR : "<<alloc_count<<" outstanding allocations.\n";
        if (object_count)
            EH_STD::cerr<<"ERROR : "<<object_count<<" non-destroyed objects.\n";
        alloc_count = object_count = 0;

        return true;

    return false;

Ejemplo n.º 10
void _STLP_CALL operator delete(void* s)
# endif
    if ( s != 0 )
        if ( !using_alloc_set )

            if ( gTestController.TrackingEnabled() && gTestController.LeakDetectionEnabled() )
                using_alloc_set = true;
                allocation_set::iterator p = alloc_set().find( (char*)s );
                EH_ASSERT( p != alloc_set().end() );
                alloc_set().erase( p );
                using_alloc_set = false;
# if ! defined (NO_FAST_ALLOCATOR)
        if ( !gFastAllocator.Free( s ) )
# endif
Ejemplo n.º 11
 void operator()( TestClass* buffer ) const
     EH_STD::uninitialized_copy((TestClass*)stuff, (TestClass*)end_of_stuff, buffer );
     EH_ASSERT( EH_STD::equal( (TestClass*)stuff, (TestClass*)end_of_stuff, buffer ) );
     stl_destroy( buffer, buffer+kBufferSize );