Ejemplo n.º 1
 * Should allocate a pbuf and transfer the bytes of the incoming
 * packet from the interface into the pbuf.
 * @param pxNetIf the lwip network interface structure for this etherpxNetIf
 * @return a pbuf filled with the received packet (including MAC header)
 *		 NULL on memory error
static struct pbuf *prvLowLevelInput( void )
struct pbuf *p = NULL, *q;
const uint32_t ulCRCLength = 4UL;
uint32_t ulDataLength;
extern uint8_t *EMAC_NextPacketToRead( void );
uint8_t *pucReceivedData;

	/* Obtain the length, minus the CRC.  The CRC is four bytes
	but the length is already minus 1. */
	ulDataLength = EMAC_GetReceiveDataSize() - ( ulCRCLength - 1UL );

	if( ulDataLength > 0U )
			len += ETH_PAD_SIZE; /* allow room for Ethernet padding */

		/* Allocate a pbuf chain of pbufs from the pool. */
		p = pbuf_alloc( PBUF_RAW, ulDataLength, PBUF_POOL );

		if( p != NULL ) 
				pbuf_header( p, -ETH_PAD_SIZE ); /* drop the padding word */

			/* Iterate over the pbuf chain until we have read the entire
			packet into the pbuf. */
			ulDataLength = 0UL;
			pucReceivedData = EMAC_NextPacketToRead();
			for( q = p; q != NULL; q = q->next ) 
				/* Read enough bytes to fill this pbuf in the chain. The
				available data in the pbuf is given by the q->len variable.
				This does not necessarily have to be a memcpy, you can also preallocate
				pbufs for a DMA-enabled MAC and after receiving truncate it to the
				actually received size. In this case, ensure the usTotalLength member of the
				pbuf is the sum of the chained pbuf len members. */
				memcpy( q->payload, &( pucReceivedData[ ulDataLength ] ), q->len );
				ulDataLength += q->len;

				pbuf_header( p, ETH_PAD_SIZE ); /* reclaim the padding word */

			LINK_STATS_INC( link.recv );

	return p;  
static void prvEMACHandlerTask( void *pvParameters )
size_t xDataLength;
const uint16_t usCRCLength = 4;
xNetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNetworkBuffer;
xIPStackEvent_t xRxEvent = { eEthernetRxEvent, NULL };

/* This is not included in the header file for some reason. */
extern uint8_t *EMAC_NextPacketToRead( void );

	( void ) pvParameters;
	configASSERT( xEMACRxEventSemaphore );

	for( ;; )
		/* Wait for the EMAC interrupt to indicate that another packet has been
		received.  The while() loop is only needed if INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend is
		set to 0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h. */
		while( xSemaphoreTake( xEMACRxEventSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdFALSE );

		/* At least one packet has been received. */
		while( EMAC_CheckReceiveIndex() != FALSE )
			/* Obtain the length, minus the CRC.  The CRC is four bytes
			but the length is already minus 1. */
			xDataLength = ( size_t ) EMAC_GetReceiveDataSize() - ( usCRCLength - 1U );

			if( xDataLength > 0U )
				/* Obtain a network buffer to pass this data into the
				stack.  No storage is required as the network buffer
				will point directly to the buffer that already holds
				the	received data. */
				pxNetworkBuffer = pxNetworkBufferGet( 0, ( portTickType ) 0 );

				if( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL )
					pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer = EMAC_NextPacketToRead();
					pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength = xDataLength;
					xRxEvent.pvData = ( void * ) pxNetworkBuffer;

					/* Data was received and stored.  Send a message to the IP
					task to let it know. */
					if( xQueueSendToBack( xNetworkEventQueue, &xRxEvent, ( portTickType ) 0 ) == pdFALSE )
						vNetworkBufferRelease( pxNetworkBuffer );


			/* Release the frame. */
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void prvEMACDeferredInterruptHandlerTask( void *pvParameters )
xNetworkBufferDescriptor_t *pxNetworkBuffer;
xIPStackEvent_t xRxEvent = { eEthernetRxEvent, NULL };

	( void ) pvParameters;
	configASSERT( xEMACRxEventSemaphore );

	for( ;; )
		/* Wait for the EMAC interrupt to indicate that another packet has been
		received.  The while() loop is only needed if INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend is
		set to 0 in FreeRTOSConfig.h.  If INCLUDE_vTaskSuspend is set to 1
		then portMAX_DELAY would be an indefinite block time and
		xSemaphoreTake() would only return when the semaphore was actually
		obtained. */
		while( xSemaphoreTake( xEMACRxEventSemaphore, portMAX_DELAY ) == pdFALSE );

		/* At least one packet has been received. */
		while( EMAC_CheckReceiveIndex() != FALSE )
			/* The buffer filled by the DMA is going to be passed into the IP
			stack.  Allocate another buffer for the DMA descriptor. */
			pxNetworkBuffer = pxNetworkBufferGet( ipTOTAL_ETHERNET_FRAME_SIZE, ( TickType_t ) 0 );

			if( pxNetworkBuffer != NULL )
				/* Swap the buffer just allocated and referenced from the
				pxNetworkBuffer with the buffer that has already been filled by
				the DMA.  pxNetworkBuffer will then hold a reference to the
				buffer that already contains the data without any data having
				been copied between buffers. */
				EMAC_NextPacketToRead( pxNetworkBuffer );

					if( pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength > 0 )
						/* If the frame would not be processed by the IP stack then
						don't even bother sending it to the IP stack. */
						if( eConsiderFrameForProcessing( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer ) != eProcessBuffer )
							pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength = 0;

				if( pxNetworkBuffer->xDataLength > 0 )
					/* Store a pointer to the network buffer structure in the
					padding	space that was left in front of the Ethernet frame.
					The pointer	is needed to ensure the network buffer structure
					can be located when it is time for it to be freed if the
					Ethernet frame gets	used as a zero copy buffer. */
					*( ( xNetworkBufferDescriptor_t ** ) ( ( pxNetworkBuffer->pucEthernetBuffer - ipBUFFER_PADDING ) ) ) = pxNetworkBuffer;

					/* Data was received and stored.  Send it to the IP task
					for processing. */
					xRxEvent.pvData = ( void * ) pxNetworkBuffer;
					if( xQueueSendToBack( xNetworkEventQueue, &xRxEvent, ( TickType_t ) 0 ) == pdFALSE )
						/* The buffer could not be sent to the IP task so the
						buffer must be released. */
						vNetworkBufferRelease( pxNetworkBuffer );
					/* The buffer does not contain any data so there is no
					point sending it to the IP task.  Just release it. */
					vNetworkBufferRelease( pxNetworkBuffer );

			/* Release the descriptor. */