Ejemplo n.º 1
// DONE: return 'uniqlist' as a vector (same as duplist) and write a separate function to get group sizes
// Also improvements for numeric type with a hack of checking unsigned int (to overcome NA/NaN/Inf/-Inf comparisons) (> 2x speed-up)
SEXP uniqlist(SEXP l, SEXP order)
    // This works like UNIX uniq as referred to by ?base::unique; i.e., it 
    // drops immediately repeated rows but doesn't drop duplicates of any 
    // previous row. Unless, order is provided, then it also drops any previous 
    // row. l must be a list of same length vectors ans is allocated first 
    // (maximum length the number of rows) and the length returned in anslen.
    // DONE: ans is now grown
    Rboolean b, byorder;
    unsigned long long *ulv; // for numeric check speed-up
    SEXP v, ans, class;
    R_len_t i, j, nrow, ncol, len, thisi, previ, isize=1000;

    int *iidx = Calloc(isize, int); // for 'idx'
    int *n_iidx; // to catch allocation errors using Realloc!
    if (NA_INTEGER != NA_LOGICAL || sizeof(NA_INTEGER)!=sizeof(NA_LOGICAL)) 
        error("Have assumed NA_INTEGER == NA_LOGICAL (currently R_NaInt). If R changes this in future (seems unlikely), an extra case is required; a simple change.");
    ncol = length(l);
    nrow = length(VECTOR_ELT(l,0));
    len = 1;
    iidx[0] = 1; // first row is always the first of the first group
    byorder = INTEGER(order)[0] != -1;
    // Using MISSING() does not seem stable under windows. Always having arguments passed in seems a good idea anyway.
    thisi = byorder ? INTEGER(order)[0]-1 : 0;
    for (i=1; i<nrow; i++) {
        previ = thisi;
        thisi = byorder ? INTEGER(order)[i]-1 : i;
        j = ncol;  // the last column varies the most frequently so check that first and work backwards
        b = TRUE;
        while (--j>=0 && b) {
            switch (TYPEOF(v)) {
            case INTSXP : case LGLSXP :
                b=INTEGER(v)[thisi]==INTEGER(v)[previ]; break;
            case STRSXP :
                // fix for #469, when key is set, duplicated calls uniqlist, where encoding 
                // needs to be taken care of.
                b=ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(v,thisi))==ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(v,previ)); break;  // marked non-utf8 encodings are converted to utf8 so as to match properly when inputs are of different encodings.
            case REALSXP :
                ulv = (unsigned long long *)REAL(v);  
                b = ulv[thisi] == ulv[previ]; // (gives >=2x speedup)
                if (!b) {
                    class = getAttrib(v, R_ClassSymbol);
                    twiddle = (isString(class) && STRING_ELT(class, 0)==char_integer64) ? &i64twiddle : &dtwiddle;
                    b = twiddle(ulv, thisi, 1) == twiddle(ulv, previ, 1);
                // TO DO: store previ twiddle call, but it'll need to be vector since this is in a loop through columns. Hopefully the first == will short circuit most often
            default :
                error("Type '%s' not supported", type2char(TYPEOF(v))); 
        if (!b) iidx[len++] = i+1;
        if (len >= isize) {
            isize = 1.1*isize*nrow/i;
            n_iidx = Realloc(iidx, isize, int);
            if (n_iidx != NULL) iidx = n_iidx; else error("Error in reallocating memory in 'uniqlist'\n");
Ejemplo n.º 2
void bmerge_r(int xlowIn, int xuppIn, int ilowIn, int iuppIn, int col, int lowmax, int uppmax)
// col is >0 and <=ncol-1 if this range of [xlow,xupp] and [ilow,iupp] match up to but not including that column
// lowmax=1 if xlowIn is the lower bound of this group (needed for roll)
// uppmax=1 if xuppIn is the upper bound of this group (needed for roll)
    int xlow=xlowIn, xupp=xuppIn, ilow=ilowIn, iupp=iuppIn, j, k, ir, lir, tmp;
    SEXP class;
    ir = lir = ilow + (iupp-ilow)/2;           // lir = logical i row.
    if (o) ir = o[lir]-1;                      // ir = the actual i row if i were ordered

    ic = VECTOR_ELT(i,icols[col]-1);  // ic = i column
    xc = VECTOR_ELT(x,xcols[col]-1);  // xc = x column
    // it was checked in bmerge() that the types are equal
    switch (TYPEOF(xc)) {
    case LGLSXP : case INTSXP :   // including factors
        ival.i = INTEGER(ic)[ir];
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;   // Same as (xlow+xupp)/2 but without risk of overflow
            xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[XIND(mid)];
            if (xval.i<ival.i) {          // relies on NA_INTEGER == INT_MIN, tested in init.c
            } else if (xval.i>ival.i) {   // TO DO: is *(&xlow, &xupp)[0|1]=mid more efficient than branch?
            } else { // xval.i == ival.i  including NA_INTEGER==NA_INTEGER
                // branch mid to find start and end of this group in this column
                // TO DO?: not if mult=first|last and col<ncol-1
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[XIND(mid)];
                    if (xval.i == ival.i) tmplow=mid; else xupp=mid;
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.i = INTEGER(xc)[XIND(mid)];
                    if (xval.i == ival.i) tmpupp=mid; else xlow=mid;
                // xlow and xupp now surround the group in xc, we only need this range for the next column
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {   // TO DO: could double up from lir rather than halving from iupp
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.i = INTEGER(ic)[ o ? o[mid]-1 : mid ];   // reuse xval to search in i
            if (xval.i == ival.i) tmplow=mid; else iupp=mid;
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.i = INTEGER(ic)[ o ? o[mid]-1 : mid ];
            if (xval.i == ival.i) tmpupp=mid; else ilow=mid;
        // ilow and iupp now surround the group in ic, too
    case STRSXP :
        ival.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(ic,ir));
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;
            xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(xc, XIND(mid)));
            tmp = StrCmp(xval.s, ival.s);  // uses pointer equality first, NA_STRING are allowed and joined to, then uses strcmp on CHAR().
            if (tmp == 0) {                // TO DO: deal with mixed encodings and locale optionally
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(xc, XIND(mid)));
                    if (ival.s == xval.s) tmplow=mid; else xupp=mid;  // the == here handles encodings as well. Marked non-utf8 encodings are converted to utf-8 using ENC2UTF8.
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(xc, XIND(mid)));
                    if (ival.s == xval.s) tmpupp=mid; else xlow=mid;  // see above re ==
            } else if (tmp < 0) {
            } else {
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(ic, o ? o[mid]-1 : mid));
            if (xval.s == ival.s) tmplow=mid; else iupp=mid;   // see above re ==
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.s = ENC2UTF8(STRING_ELT(ic, o ? o[mid]-1 : mid));
            if (xval.s == ival.s) tmpupp=mid; else ilow=mid;   // see above re == 
    case REALSXP :
        class = getAttrib(xc, R_ClassSymbol);
        twiddle = (isString(class) && STRING_ELT(class, 0)==char_integer64) ? &i64twiddle : &dtwiddle;
        ival.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), ir, 1);
        while(xlow < xupp-1) {
            mid = xlow + (xupp-xlow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), XIND(mid), 1);
            if (xval.ll<ival.ll) {
            } else if (xval.ll>ival.ll) {
            } else { // xval.ll == ival.ll) 
                tmplow = mid;
                tmpupp = mid;
                while(tmplow<xupp-1) {
                    mid = tmplow + (xupp-tmplow)/2;
                    xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), XIND(mid), 1);
                    if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmplow=mid; else xupp=mid;
                while(xlow<tmpupp-1) {
                    mid = xlow + (tmpupp-xlow)/2;
                    xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(xc), XIND(mid), 1);
                    if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmpupp=mid; else xlow=mid;
        tmplow = lir;
        tmpupp = lir;
        while(tmplow<iupp-1) {
            mid = tmplow + (iupp-tmplow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), o ? o[mid]-1 : mid, 1 );
            if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmplow=mid; else iupp=mid;
        while(ilow<tmpupp-1) {
            mid = ilow + (tmpupp-ilow)/2;
            xval.ll = twiddle(DATAPTR(ic), o ? o[mid]-1 : mid, 1 );
            if (xval.ll == ival.ll) tmpupp=mid; else ilow=mid;
        error("Type '%s' not supported as key column", type2char(TYPEOF(xc)));
    if (xlow<xupp-1) {      // if value found, low and upp surround it, unlike standard binary search where low falls on it
        if (col<ncol-1) bmerge_r(xlow, xupp, ilow, iupp, col+1, 1, 1);  // final two 1's are lowmax and uppmax
        else {
            int len = xupp-xlow-1;
            if (len>1) allLen1[0] = FALSE;
            for (j=ilow+1; j<iupp; j++) {   // usually iterates once only for j=ir
                k = o ? o[j]-1 : j;
                retFirst[k] = xlow+2;       // extra +1 for 1-based indexing at R level
                retLength[k]= len; 
    else if (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1) {
        // runs once per i row (not each search test), so not hugely time critical
        if (xlow != xupp-1 || xlow<xlowIn || xupp>xuppIn) error("Internal error: xlow!=xupp-1 || xlow<xlowIn || xupp>xuppIn");
        if (rollToNearest) {   // value of roll ignored currently when nearest
            if ( (!lowmax || xlow>xlowIn) && (!uppmax || xupp<xuppIn) ) {
                if (  ( TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && REAL(ic)[ir]-REAL(xc)[XIND(xlow)] <= REAL(xc)[XIND(xupp)]-REAL(ic)[ir] )
                   || ( TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && INTEGER(ic)[ir]-INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xlow)] <= INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xupp)]-INTEGER(ic)[ir] )) {
                    retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                    retLength[ir] = 1;
                } else {
                    retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;
                    retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if (uppmax && xupp==xuppIn && rollends[1]) {
                retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if (lowmax && xlow==xlowIn && rollends[0]) {
                retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
        } else {
            // fix for #1405
            if (TYPEOF(ic) == REALSXP) {
                xvalupp.ll = REAL(xc)[XIND(xupp)];
                xvallow.ll = REAL(xc)[XIND(xlow)];
                ival.ll = REAL(ic)[ir];
            if ( (   (roll>0.0 && (!lowmax || xlow>xlowIn) && (xupp<xuppIn || !uppmax || rollends[1]))
                  || (roll<0.0 && xupp==xuppIn && uppmax && rollends[1]) )
              && (   (TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && ((double)(ival.ll-xvallow.ll)-rollabs<1e-6 || 
                                              (double)(ival.ll-xvallow.ll) == rollabs)) // #1007 fix
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && (double)(INTEGER(ic)[ir]-INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xlow)])-rollabs<1e-6 ) 
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)==STRSXP)   )) {
                retFirst[ir] = xlow+1;
                retLength[ir] = 1;
            } else if
               (  (  (roll<0.0 && (!uppmax || xupp<xuppIn) && (xlow>xlowIn || !lowmax || rollends[0]))
                  || (roll>0.0 && xlow==xlowIn && lowmax && rollends[0]) )
              && (   (TYPEOF(ic)==REALSXP && ((double)(xvalupp.ll-ival.ll)-rollabs<1e-6 || 
                                              (double)(xvalupp.ll-ival.ll) == rollabs)) // 1007 fix
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)<=INTSXP && (double)(INTEGER(xc)[XIND(xupp)]-INTEGER(ic)[ir])-rollabs<1e-6 )
                  || (TYPEOF(ic)==STRSXP)   )) {
                retFirst[ir] = xupp+1;   // == xlow+2
                retLength[ir] = 1;
        if (iupp-ilow > 2 && retFirst[ir]!=NA_INTEGER) {  // >=2 equal values in the last column being rolling to the same point.  
            for (j=ilow+1; j<iupp; j++) {                 // will rewrite retFirst[ir] to itself, but that's ok
                if (o) k=o[j]-1; else k=j;
                retFirst[k] = retFirst[ir];
                retLength[k]= retLength[ir]; 
    if (ilow>ilowIn && (xlow>xlowIn || (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1)))
        bmerge_r(xlowIn, xlow+1, ilowIn, ilow+1, col, lowmax, uppmax && xlow+1==xuppIn);
    if (iupp<iuppIn && (xupp<xuppIn || (roll!=0.0 && col==ncol-1)))
        bmerge_r(xupp-1, xuppIn, iupp-1, iuppIn, col, lowmax && xupp-1==xlowIn, uppmax);