Ejemplo n.º 1
void NamedOutputPin::setHigh() {
//	signal->hi_time = hTimeNow();

	// turn the output level ACTIVE

	// sleep for the needed duration
#if EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	// explicit check here is a performance optimization to speed up no-chart mode
	if (ENGINE(isEngineChartEnabled)) {
		// this is a performance optimization - array index is cheaper then invoking a method with 'switch'
		const char *pinName = name;
//	dbgDurr = hal_lld_get_counter_value() - dbgStart;

		addEngineSniffferEvent(pinName, WC_UP);
//	dbgDurr = hal_lld_get_counter_value() - dbgStart;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void turnPinLow(NamedOutputPin *output) {
	efiAssertVoid(output!=NULL, "NULL turnPinLow");
#if EFI_GPIO || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	// turn off the output
	doSetOutputPinValue2(output, false);
#endif /* EFI_GPIO */

	systime_t after = hTimeNow();
	debugInt(&signal->logging, "a_time", after - signal->hi_time);

#if EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	if (ENGINE(isEngineChartEnabled)) {
		// this is a performance optimization - array index is cheaper then invoking a method with 'switch'
		const char *pinName = output->name;

		addEngineSniffferEvent(pinName, WC_DOWN);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void turnPinHigh(NamedOutputPin *output) {
	efiAssertVoid(output!=NULL, "NULL @ turnPinHigh");
//	signal->hi_time = hTimeNow();

	// turn the output level ACTIVE
	// todo: this XOR should go inside the setOutputPinValue method
	doSetOutputPinValue2(output, true);

	// sleep for the needed duration
#if EFI_ENGINE_SNIFFER || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	// explicit check here is a performance optimization to speed up no-chart mode
	if (ENGINE(isEngineChartEnabled)) {
		// this is a performance optimization - array index is cheaper then invoking a method with 'switch'
		const char *pinName = output->name;
//	dbgDurr = hal_lld_get_counter_value() - dbgStart;

		addEngineSniffferEvent(pinName, WC_UP);
//	dbgDurr = hal_lld_get_counter_value() - dbgStart;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/* Gateway of LEMIRE_ENGINE */
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
        int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) {
    mxClassID ClassID;
    /* Data pointers, which one are used depends on the class of A */
    double *adouble, *minvaldouble, *maxvaldouble;
    float *asingle, *minvalsingle, *maxvalsingle;
    int64 *aint64, *minvalint64, *maxvalint64;
    int32 *aint32, *minvalint32, *maxvalint32;
    int16 *aint16, *minvalint16, *maxvalint16;
    int08 *aint08, *minvalint08, *maxvalint08;
    uint64 *auint64, *minvaluint64, *maxvaluint64;
    uint32 *auint32, *minvaluint32, *maxvaluint32;
    uint16 *auint16, *minvaluint16, *maxvaluint16;
    uint08 *auint08, *minvaluint08, *maxvaluint08;

    mwSize i, n, window;
    int left, size;
    mwSize *U, *L; /* wedge */
    int nU, nL; /* wedge number of elements (0 is empty wedge) */
    int Ufirst, Lfirst, Ulast, Llast; /* Indices of two ends of the wedge */
    /* Check number of arguments */
    if (nrhs!=2)
        mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: two arguments are required.");
    /* Get class of input matrix A */
    ClassID = mxGetClassID(A);
    /* Do not support on sparse */
    if (mxIsSparse(A))
        mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: First input A must be full.");       
    /* Get the number of elements of A */
    n = mxGetM(A)*mxGetN(A);
    /* Window input must be double */
    if (mxGetClassID(WINDOW)!=mxDOUBLE_CLASS)
        mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: Second input WINDOW must be double.");
    /* Get the window size, cast it in mwSize */
    window = (mwSize)(*mxGetPr(WINDOW));
    if (window<1) /* Check if it's valid */
        mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: windows must be 1 or greater.");   
    if (window>n || window>MAXINT)
        mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: windows larger than data length.");
    /* Allocate wedges buffers for L and U, each is size (window+1) */
    size = (int)(window+1);
    L = mxMalloc((2*size)*sizeof(mwSize));
    if (L==NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: out of memory.");
    U = L + size;
    /* Create output arrays */
    if (mxGetM(A)==1) /* row */
        MINVAL = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, n-window+1, ClassID, mxREAL);
        MAXVAL = mxCreateNumericMatrix(1, n-window+1, ClassID, mxREAL);
    else if (mxGetN(A)==1) /* column */
        MINVAL = mxCreateNumericMatrix(n-window+1, 1, ClassID, mxREAL);
        MAXVAL = mxCreateNumericMatrix(n-window+1, 1, ClassID, mxREAL);
    } else
        mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: First input A must be a vector.");
    /* Check if allocation is succeeded */
         mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: out of memory.");   
    /* Initialize empty wedges L and U */
    nU = nL = 0;
    Lfirst = Ufirst = 0;
    Llast = Ulast = -1;
    /* Call the engine depending on ClassID */
    switch (ClassID) {
        case mxDOUBLE_CLASS:
             ENGINE(adouble, minvaldouble, maxvaldouble, double);
        case mxSINGLE_CLASS:
             ENGINE(asingle, minvalsingle, maxvalsingle, float);
        case mxINT64_CLASS:
             ENGINE(aint64, minvalint64, maxvalint64, int64);
        case mxUINT64_CLASS:
             ENGINE(auint64, minvaluint64, maxvaluint64, uint64);
        case mxINT32_CLASS:
             ENGINE(aint32, minvalint32, maxvalint32, int32);
        case mxUINT32_CLASS:
             ENGINE(auint32, minvaluint32, maxvaluint32, uint32);
        case mxCHAR_CLASS:
             ENGINE(auint16, minvaluint16, maxvaluint16, uint16);
        case mxINT16_CLASS:
             ENGINE(aint16, minvalint16, maxvalint16, int16);
        case mxUINT16_CLASS:
             ENGINE(auint16, minvaluint16, maxvaluint16, uint16);
        case mxLOGICAL_CLASS:
             ENGINE(auint08, minvaluint08, maxvaluint08, uint08);
        case mxINT8_CLASS:
             ENGINE(aint08, minvalint08, maxvalint08, int08);
        case mxUINT8_CLASS:
             ENGINE(auint08, minvaluint08, maxvaluint08, uint08);
            mexErrMsgTxt("LEMIRE_ENGINE: Class not supported.");
    } /* switch */
    /* Free the buffer */
} /* Gateway LEMIRE_ENGINE */
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief	Register an event for digital sniffer
void WaveChart::addEvent3(const char *name, const char * msg) {
	if (!ENGINE(isEngineChartEnabled)) {
	if (skipUntilEngineCycle != 0 && ENGINE(rpmCalculator.getRevolutionCounter()) < skipUntilEngineCycle)
	// todo: add UI control to enable this for firmware if desired
	// CONFIG(alignEngineSnifferAtTDC) &&
	if (!collectingData) {
	efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6651, name!=NULL, "WC: NULL name");

	efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6652, getCurrentRemainingStack() > 32, "lowstck#2c");
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */

	efiAssertVoid(CUSTOM_ERR_6653, isInitialized, "chart not initialized");
	scheduleSimpleMsg(&debugLogging, "current", chart->counter);
#endif /* DEBUG_WAVE */
	if (isFull()) {

	int beforeCallback = hal_lld_get_counter_value();

	efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();

	bool alreadyLocked = lockOutputBuffer(); // we have multiple threads writing to the same output buffer

	if (counter == 0) {
		startTimeNt = nowNt;

	 * We want smaller times within a chart in order to reduce packet size.
	 * todo: migrate to binary fractions in order to eliminate
	 * this division? I do not like division
	 * at least that's 32 bit division now
	uint32_t diffNt = nowNt - startTimeNt;
	uint32_t time100 = NT2US(diffNt / 10);

	if (remainingSize(&logging) > 35) {
		 * printf is a heavy method, append is used here as a performance optimization
		appendFast(&logging, name);
		appendChar(&logging, CHART_DELIMETER);
		appendFast(&logging, msg);
		appendChar(&logging, CHART_DELIMETER);
//		time100 -= startTime100;

		itoa10(timeBuffer, time100);
		appendFast(&logging, timeBuffer);
		appendChar(&logging, CHART_DELIMETER);
		logging.linePointer[0] = 0;
	if (!alreadyLocked) {

	int64_t diff = hal_lld_get_counter_value() - beforeCallback;
	if (diff > 0) {
		hsAdd(&engineSnifferHisto, diff);
#endif /* EFI_HISTOGRAMS */
#endif /* EFI_TEXT_LOGGING */
Ejemplo n.º 6
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
	try {
		std::map<std::string, std::string> engines;
		ObjectFactory<std::string, Engine> engineFactory;

		ENGINE("groovie", "Groovie", Groovie::GroovieEngine);
		ENGINE("kyra2", "Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate", Kyra::Kyra2Engine);
		ENGINE("scummv6", "SCUMM v6", Scumm::v6::Scummv6Engine);

		po::options_description visible("Options");
			("help,h", "Produce this help message.")
			("engine,e", po::value<std::string>(), "Engine the script originates from.")
			("list,l", "List the supported engines.")
			("dump-disassembly,d", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(""), "Dump the disassembly to a file. Leave out filename to output to stdout.")
			("dump-graph,g", po::value<std::string>()->implicit_value(""), "Output the control flow graph in dot format to a file. Leave out filename to output to stdout.")
			("only-disassembly,D", "Stops after disassembly. Implies -d.")
			("only-graph,G", "Stops after control flow graph has been generated. Implies -g.")
			("show-unreachable,u", "Show the address and contents of unreachable groups in the script.")
			("variant,v", po::value<std::string>()->default_value(""), "Tell the engine that the script is from a specific variant. To see a list of variants supported by a specific engine, use the -h option and the -e option together.")
			("no-stack-effect,s", "Leave out the stack effect when printing raw instructions.");

		po::options_description args("");
			("input-file", po::value<std::string>(), "Input file");

		po::positional_options_description fileArg;
		fileArg.add("input-file", -1);

		po::variables_map vm;
		try {
			// FIXME: If specified as the last parameter before the input file name, -d currently requires a filename to specified. -d must be specified earlier than that if outputting to stdout.
			po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv).options(args).positional(fileArg).run(), vm);
		} catch (std::exception& e) {
			std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;

		if (vm.count("list")) {
			std::cout << "Available engines:" << "\n";

			std::map<std::string, std::string>::iterator it;
			for (it = engines.begin(); it != engines.end(); it++)
				std::cout << (*it).first << " " << (*it).second << "\n";

			return 0;

		if (vm.count("help") || !vm.count("input-file")) {
			std::cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [option...] file" << "\n";
			std::cout << visible << "\n";
			if (vm.count("engine") && engines.find(vm["engine"].as<std::string>()) != engines.end()) {
				Engine *engine = engineFactory.create(vm["engine"].as<std::string>());
				std::vector<std::string> variants;
				if (variants.empty()) {
					std::cout << engines[vm["engine"].as<std::string>()] << " does not use variants.\n";
				} else {
					std::cout << "Supported variants for " << engines[vm["engine"].as<std::string>()] << ":\n";
					for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = variants.begin(); i != variants.end(); ++i) {
						std::cout << "  " << *i << "\n";
				delete engine;
				std::cout << "\n";
			std::cout << "Note: If outputting to stdout, -d or -g must NOT be specified immediately before the input file.\n";
			return 1;

		if (!vm.count("engine")) {
			std::cout << "Engine must be specified.\n";
			return 2;
		} else if (engines.find(vm["engine"].as<std::string>()) == engines.end()) {
			std::cout << "Unknown engine.\n";
			return 2;

		if (vm.count("no-stack-effect")) {

		Engine *engine = engineFactory.create(vm["engine"].as<std::string>());
		engine->_variant = vm["variant"].as<std::string>();
		std::string inputFile = vm["input-file"].as<std::string>();

		// Disassembly
		InstVec insts;
		Disassembler *disassembler = engine->getDisassembler(insts);

		if (vm.count("dump-disassembly")) {
			std::streambuf *buf;
			std::ofstream of;

			if (vm["dump-disassembly"].as<std::string>() != "") {
				buf = of.rdbuf();
			} else {
				buf = std::cout.rdbuf();
			std::ostream out(buf);

		if (!engine->supportsCodeFlow() || vm.count("only-disassembly") || insts.empty()) {
			if (!vm.count("dump-disassembly")) {
			delete disassembler;
			delete engine;
			return 0;

		delete disassembler;

		// Control flow analysis
		ControlFlow *cf = new ControlFlow(insts, engine);
		Graph g = cf->analyze();

		if (vm.count("dump-graph")) {
			std::streambuf *buf;
			std::ofstream of;

			if (vm["dump-graph"].as<std::string>() != "") {
				buf = of.rdbuf();
			} else {
				buf = std::cout.rdbuf();
			std::ostream out(buf);
			boost::write_graphviz(out, g, boost::make_label_writer(get(boost::vertex_name, g)), boost::makeArrowheadWriter(get(boost::edge_attribute, g)), GraphProperties(engine, g));

		if (!engine->supportsCodeGen() || vm.count("only-graph")) {
			if (!vm.count("dump-graph")) {
				boost::write_graphviz(std::cout, g, boost::make_label_writer(get(boost::vertex_name, g)), boost::makeArrowheadWriter(get(boost::edge_attribute, g)), GraphProperties(engine, g));
			delete cf;
			delete engine;
			return 0;

		// Post-processing of CFG
		engine->postCFG(insts, g);

		// Code generation
		CodeGenerator *cg = engine->getCodeGenerator(std::cout);

		if (vm.count("show-unreachable")) {
			std::vector<GroupPtr> unreachable;
			VertexRange vr = boost::vertices(g);
			for (VertexIterator v = vr.first; v != vr.second; ++v)
				GroupPtr gr = boost::get(boost::vertex_name, g, *v);
				if (gr->_stackLevel == -1)
			if (!unreachable.empty()) {
				for (size_t i = 0; i < unreachable.size(); i++) {
					if (i == 0) {
						if (unreachable.size() == 1)
							std::cout << boost::format("\n%d unreachable group detected.\n") % unreachable.size();
							std::cout << boost::format("\n%d unreachable groups detected.\n") % unreachable.size();
					std::cout << "Group " << (i + 1) << ":\n";
					ConstInstIterator inst = unreachable[i]->_start;
					do {
						std::cout << *inst;
					} while (inst++ != unreachable[i]->_end);
					std::cout << "----------\n";

		// Free memory
		delete cf;
		delete cg;
		delete engine;
	} catch (UnknownOpcodeException &e) {
		std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n";
		return 3;
	} catch (std::exception &e) {
		std::cerr << "ERROR: " << e.what() << "\n";
		return 4;

	return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void EngineState::periodicFastCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE) {
	efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();
	if (ENGINE(rpmCalculator).isCranking(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE)) {
		crankingTime = nowNt;
		timeSinceCranking = 0.0f;
	} else {
		timeSinceCranking = nowNt - crankingTime;

	int rpm = ENGINE(rpmCalculator).getRpm(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
	sparkDwell = getSparkDwell(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
	dwellAngle = sparkDwell / getOneDegreeTimeMs(rpm);
		engine->sensors.currentAfr = getAfr(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);

	// todo: move this into slow callback, no reason for IAT corr to be here
	iatFuelCorrection = getIatFuelCorrection(engine->sensors.iat PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
	// todo: move this into slow callback, no reason for CLT corr to be here
	if (boardConfiguration->useWarmupPidAfr && engine->sensors.clt < engineConfiguration->warmupAfrThreshold) {
		if (rpm < 200) {
			cltFuelCorrection = 1;
		} else {
			cltFuelCorrection = warmupAfrPid.getValue(warmupTargetAfr, engine->sensors.currentAfr, 1);
#if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		if (engineConfiguration->debugMode == DBG_WARMUP_ENRICH) {
			tsOutputChannels.debugFloatField1 = warmupTargetAfr;

	} else {
		cltFuelCorrection = getCltFuelCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);

	// update fuel consumption states
	fuelConsumption.update(nowNt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);

	// Fuel cut-off isn't just 0 or 1, it can be tapered
	fuelCutoffCorrection = getFuelCutOffCorrection(nowNt, rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
	// post-cranking fuel enrichment.
	// for compatibility reasons, apply only if the factor is greater than zero (0.01 margin used)
	if (engineConfiguration->postCrankingFactor > 0.01f) {
		// convert to microsecs and then to seconds
		float timeSinceCrankingInSecs = NT2US(timeSinceCranking) / 1000000.0f;
		// use interpolation for correction taper
		postCrankingFuelCorrection = interpolateClamped(0.0f, engineConfiguration->postCrankingFactor, 
			engineConfiguration->postCrankingDurationSec, 1.0f, timeSinceCrankingInSecs);
	} else {
		postCrankingFuelCorrection = 1.0f;

	cltTimingCorrection = getCltTimingCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);

	engineNoiseHipLevel = interpolate2d("knock", rpm, engineConfiguration->knockNoiseRpmBins,
					engineConfiguration->knockNoise, ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE);

	baroCorrection = getBaroCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);

	injectionOffset = getinjectionOffset(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);
	float engineLoad = getEngineLoadT(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SIGNATURE);
	timingAdvance = getAdvance(rpm, engineLoad PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX);

	if (engineConfiguration->fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY) {
		float coolantC = ENGINE(sensors.clt);
		float intakeC = ENGINE(sensors.iat);
		tChargeK = convertCelsiusToKelvin(getTCharge(rpm, tps, coolantC, intakeC PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_SUFFIX));
		float map = getMap();

		 * *0.01 because of https://sourceforge.net/p/rusefi/tickets/153/
		float rawVe = veMap.getValue(rpm, map);
		// get VE from the separate table for Idle
		if (CONFIG(useSeparateVeForIdle)) {
			float idleVe = interpolate2d("idleVe", rpm, config->idleVeBins, config->idleVe, IDLE_VE_CURVE_SIZE);
			// interpolate between idle table and normal (running) table using TPS threshold
			rawVe = interpolateClamped(0.0f, idleVe, boardConfiguration->idlePidDeactivationTpsThreshold, rawVe, tps);
		currentVE = baroCorrection * rawVe * 0.01;
		targetAFR = afrMap.getValue(rpm, map);
	} else {
		baseTableFuel = getBaseTableFuel(rpm, engineLoad);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void EngineState::periodicFastCallback(DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) {
	int rpm = ENGINE(rpmCalculator.rpmValue);

	efitick_t nowNt = getTimeNowNt();
	if (isCrankingR(rpm)) {
		crankingTime = nowNt;
	} else {
		timeSinceCranking = nowNt - crankingTime;

	sparkDwell = getSparkDwell(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);
	dwellAngle = sparkDwell / getOneDegreeTimeMs(rpm);

	// todo: move this into slow callback, no reason for IAT corr to be here
	iatFuelCorrection = getIatCorrection(iat PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);
	// todo: move this into slow callback, no reason for CLT corr to be here
	if (boardConfiguration->useWarmupPidAfr && clt < engineConfiguration->warmupAfrThreshold) {
		if (rpm < 200) {
			cltFuelCorrection = 1;
		} else {
			cltFuelCorrection = warmupAfrPid.getValue(warmupTargetAfr, getAfr(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 1);
#if ! EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		if (engineConfiguration->debugMode == WARMUP_ENRICH) {
			tsOutputChannels.debugFloatField1 = warmupTargetAfr;

	} else {
		cltFuelCorrection = getCltFuelCorrection(clt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);

	cltTimingCorrection = getCltTimingCorrection(clt PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);

	engineNoiseHipLevel = interpolate2d(rpm, engineConfiguration->knockNoiseRpmBins,
					engineConfiguration->knockNoise, ENGINE_NOISE_CURVE_SIZE);

	baroCorrection = getBaroCorrection(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F);

	injectionOffset = getinjectionOffset(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);
	float engineLoad = getEngineLoadT(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F);
	timingAdvance = getAdvance(rpm, engineLoad PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);

	if (engineConfiguration->fuelAlgorithm == LM_SPEED_DENSITY) {
		float coolantC = ENGINE(engineState.clt);
		float intakeC = ENGINE(engineState.iat);
		float tps = getTPS(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F);
		tChargeK = convertCelsiusToKelvin(getTCharge(rpm, tps, coolantC, intakeC PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER));
		float map = getMap();

		 * *0.01 because of https://sourceforge.net/p/rusefi/tickets/153/
		currentVE = baroCorrection * veMap.getValue(rpm, map) * 0.01;
		targetAFR = afrMap.getValue(rpm, map);
	} else {
		baseTableFuel = getBaseTableFuel(engineConfiguration, rpm, engineLoad);

Ejemplo n.º 9
static ALWAYS_INLINE void handleSparkEvent(bool limitedSpark, uint32_t eventIndex, IgnitionEvent *iEvent,

	float dwellMs = ENGINE(engineState.sparkDwell);
	if (cisnan(dwellMs) || dwellMs < 0) {
		firmwareError("invalid dwell: %f at %d", dwellMs, rpm);

	floatus_t chargeDelayUs = ENGINE(rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs) * iEvent->dwellPosition.angleOffset;
	int isIgnitionError = chargeDelayUs < 0;
	if (isIgnitionError) {
#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		scheduleMsg(logger, "Negative spark delay=%f", chargeDelayUs);
		chargeDelayUs = 0;

	if (cisnan(dwellMs)) {
		firmwareError("NaN in scheduleOutput", dwellMs);

	 * We are alternating two event lists in order to avoid a potential issue around revolution boundary
	 * when an event is scheduled within the next revolution.
	scheduling_s * sUp = &iEvent->signalTimerUp;
	scheduling_s * sDown = &iEvent->signalTimerDown;

	 * The start of charge is always within the current trigger event range, so just plain time-based scheduling
	if (!limitedSpark) {
#if EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	printf("spark charge delay=%f\r\n", chargeDelayUs);
		 * Note how we do not check if spark is limited or not while scheduling 'spark down'
		 * This way we make sure that coil dwell started while spark was enabled would fire and not burn
		 * the coil.
		scheduleTask("spark up", sUp, chargeDelayUs, (schfunc_t) &turnPinHigh, iEvent->output);
	 * Spark event is often happening during a later trigger event timeframe
	 * TODO: improve precision

	findTriggerPosition(&iEvent->sparkPosition, iEvent->advance PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);

	if (iEvent->sparkPosition.eventIndex == eventIndex) {
		 * Spark should be fired before the next trigger event - time-based delay is best precision possible
		float timeTillIgnitionUs = ENGINE(rpmCalculator.oneDegreeUs) * iEvent->sparkPosition.angleOffset;

#if EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	printf("spark delay=%f angle=%f\r\n", timeTillIgnitionUs, iEvent->sparkPosition.angleOffset);

	scheduleTask("spark1 down", sDown, (int) timeTillIgnitionUs, (schfunc_t) &turnPinLow, iEvent->output);
	} else {
		 * Spark should be scheduled in relation to some future trigger event, this way we get better firing precision
		bool isPending = assertNotInList<IgnitionEvent>(ENGINE(iHead), iEvent);
		if (isPending)

		LL_APPEND(ENGINE(iHead), iEvent);
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * @brief Trigger decoding happens here
 * This method is invoked every time we have a fall or rise on one of the trigger sensors.
 * This method changes the state of trigger_state_s data structure according to the trigger event
 * @param signal type of event which just happened
 * @param nowNt current time
void TriggerState::decodeTriggerEvent(trigger_event_e const signal, efitime_t nowNt DECLARE_ENGINE_PARAMETER_S) {
	efiAssertVoid(signal <= SHAFT_3RD_UP, "unexpected signal");

	trigger_wheel_e triggerWheel = eventIndex[signal];

	if (!engineConfiguration->useOnlyFrontForTrigger && curSignal == prevSignal) {

	prevSignal = curSignal;
	curSignal = signal;


	efitime_t currentDurationLong = getCurrentGapDuration(nowNt);

	 * For performance reasons, we want to work with 32 bit values. If there has been more then
	 * 10 seconds since previous trigger event we do not really care.
	currentDuration =
			currentDurationLong > 10 * US2NT(US_PER_SECOND_LL) ? 10 * US2NT(US_PER_SECOND_LL) : currentDurationLong;

	bool isPrimary = triggerWheel == T_PRIMARY;

	if (isLessImportant(signal)) {
#if EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		if (printTriggerDebug) {
			printf("%s isLessImportant %s %d\r\n",

		 * For less important events we simply increment the index.
		if (TRIGGER_SHAPE(gapBothDirections) && considerEventForGap()) {
			isFirstEvent = false;
			thirdPreviousDuration = durationBeforePrevious;
			durationBeforePrevious = toothed_previous_duration;
			toothed_previous_duration = currentDuration;
			toothed_previous_time = nowNt;
	} else {

#if EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		if (printTriggerDebug) {
			printf("%s event %s %d\r\n",

		isFirstEvent = false;
// todo: skip a number of signal from the beginning

#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
//	scheduleMsg(&logger, "from %f to %f %d %d", triggerConfig->syncRatioFrom, triggerConfig->syncRatioTo, currentDuration, shaftPositionState->toothed_previous_duration);
//	scheduleMsg(&logger, "ratio %f", 1.0 * currentDuration/ shaftPositionState->toothed_previous_duration);
		if (toothed_previous_duration != 0) {
//		printf("ratio %f: cur=%d pref=%d\r\n", 1.0 * currentDuration / shaftPositionState->toothed_previous_duration,
//				currentDuration, shaftPositionState->toothed_previous_duration);

		bool isSynchronizationPoint;

		if (TRIGGER_SHAPE(isSynchronizationNeeded)) {
			 * Here I prefer to have two multiplications instead of one division, that's a micro-optimization
			isSynchronizationPoint =
					   currentDuration > toothed_previous_duration * TRIGGER_SHAPE(syncRatioFrom)
					&& currentDuration < toothed_previous_duration * TRIGGER_SHAPE(syncRatioTo)
					&& toothed_previous_duration > durationBeforePrevious * TRIGGER_SHAPE(secondSyncRatioFrom)
					&& toothed_previous_duration < durationBeforePrevious * TRIGGER_SHAPE(secondSyncRatioTo)
// this is getting a little out of hand, any ideas?
					&& durationBeforePrevious > thirdPreviousDuration * TRIGGER_SHAPE(thirdSyncRatioFrom)
					&& durationBeforePrevious < thirdPreviousDuration * TRIGGER_SHAPE(thirdSyncRatioTo)

#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
			if (engineConfiguration->isPrintTriggerSynchDetails || someSortOfTriggerError) {
				if (printTriggerDebug) {
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */
				float gap = 1.0 * currentDuration / toothed_previous_duration;
				float prevGap = 1.0 * toothed_previous_duration / durationBeforePrevious;
				float gap3 = 1.0 * durationBeforePrevious / thirdPreviousDuration;
#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
				scheduleMsg(logger, "gap=%f/%f/%f @ %d while expected %f/%f and %f/%f error=%d",
						gap, prevGap, gap3,
						TRIGGER_SHAPE(syncRatioFrom), TRIGGER_SHAPE(syncRatioTo),
						TRIGGER_SHAPE(secondSyncRatioFrom), TRIGGER_SHAPE(secondSyncRatioTo), someSortOfTriggerError);
				actualSynchGap = gap;
				print("current gap %f/%f/%f c=%d prev=%d\r\n", gap, prevGap, gap3, currentDuration, toothed_previous_duration);
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */

		} else {
			 * in case of noise the counter could be above the expected number of events
			int d = engineConfiguration->useOnlyFrontForTrigger ? 2 : 1;
			isSynchronizationPoint = !shaft_is_synchronized || (currentCycle.current_index >= TRIGGER_SHAPE(size) - d);


#if EFI_UNIT_TEST || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		if (printTriggerDebug) {
			printf("%s isSynchronizationPoint=%d index=%d %s\r\n",
					isSynchronizationPoint, currentCycle.current_index,

		if (isSynchronizationPoint) {

			 * We can check if things are fine by comparing the number of events in a cycle with the expected number of event.
			bool isDecodingError = currentCycle.eventCount[0] != TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[0])
					|| currentCycle.eventCount[1] != TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[1])
					|| currentCycle.eventCount[2] != TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[2]);

			if (isDecodingError) {
				lastDecodingErrorTime = getTimeNowNt();
				someSortOfTriggerError = true;

				if (engineConfiguration->isPrintTriggerSynchDetails || someSortOfTriggerError) {
#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
					scheduleMsg(logger, "error: synchronizationPoint @ index %d expected %d/%d/%d got %d/%d/%d",
							currentCycle.current_index, TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[0]),
							TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[1]), TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[2]),
							currentCycle.eventCount[0], currentCycle.eventCount[1], currentCycle.eventCount[2]);
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */


			if (isTriggerDecoderError()) {
				warning(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, "trigger decoding issue. expected %d/%d/%d got %d/%d/%d",
						TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[0]), TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[1]),
						TRIGGER_SHAPE(expectedEventCount[2]), currentCycle.eventCount[0], currentCycle.eventCount[1],

			shaft_is_synchronized = true;
			// this call would update duty cycle values

		} else {

		thirdPreviousDuration = durationBeforePrevious;
		durationBeforePrevious = toothed_previous_duration;
		toothed_previous_duration = currentDuration;
		toothed_previous_time = nowNt;
	if (!isValidIndex(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)) {
		warning(OBD_PCM_Processor_Fault, "unexpected eventIndex=%d while size %d", currentCycle.current_index, TRIGGER_SHAPE(size));
		lastDecodingErrorTime = getTimeNowNt();
		someSortOfTriggerError = true;
	if (someSortOfTriggerError) {
		if (getTimeNowNt() - lastDecodingErrorTime > US2NT(US_PER_SECOND_LL)) {
			someSortOfTriggerError = false;

	if (ENGINE(sensorChartMode) == SC_RPM_ACCEL || ENGINE(sensorChartMode) == SC_DETAILED_RPM) {
		angle_t currentAngle = TRIGGER_SHAPE(eventAngles[currentCycle.current_index]);
		// todo: make this '90' depend on cylinder count?
		angle_t prevAngle = currentAngle - 90;
		// todo: prevIndex should be pre-calculated
		int prevIndex = TRIGGER_SHAPE(triggerIndexByAngle[(int)prevAngle]);
		// now let's get precise angle for that event
		prevAngle = TRIGGER_SHAPE(eventAngles[prevIndex]);
// todo: re-implement this as a subclass. we need two instances of
//		uint32_t time = nowNt - timeOfLastEvent[prevIndex];
		angle_t angleDiff = currentAngle - prevAngle;
		// todo: angle diff should be pre-calculated

//		float r = (60000000.0 / 360 * US_TO_NT_MULTIPLIER) * angleDiff / time;

#if EFI_SENSOR_CHART || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		if (boardConfiguration->sensorChartMode == SC_DETAILED_RPM) {
//			scAddData(currentAngle, r);
		} else {
//			scAddData(currentAngle, r / instantRpmValue[prevIndex]);
//		instantRpmValue[currentCycle.current_index] = r;
//		timeOfLastEvent[currentCycle.current_index] = nowNt;

angle_t getEngineCycle(operation_mode_e operationMode) {
	return operationMode == TWO_STROKE ? 360 : 720;

void addSkippedToothTriggerEvents(trigger_wheel_e wheel, TriggerShape *s, int totalTeethCount, int skippedCount,
		float toothWidth, float offset, float engineCycle, float filterLeft, float filterRight) {
	efiAssertVoid(totalTeethCount > 0, "total count");
	efiAssertVoid(skippedCount >= 0, "skipped count");

	for (int i = 0; i < totalTeethCount - skippedCount - 1; i++) {
		float angleDown = engineCycle / totalTeethCount * (i + (1 - toothWidth));
		float angleUp = engineCycle / totalTeethCount * (i + 1);
		s->addEvent(offset + angleDown, wheel, TV_RISE, filterLeft, filterRight);
		s->addEvent(offset + angleUp, wheel, TV_FALL, filterLeft, filterRight);

	float angleDown = engineCycle / totalTeethCount * (totalTeethCount - skippedCount - 1 + (1 - toothWidth));
	s->addEvent(offset + angleDown, wheel, TV_RISE, filterLeft, filterRight);
	s->addEvent(offset + engineCycle, wheel, TV_FALL, filterLeft, filterRight);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void printSensors(Logging *log, bool fileFormat) {
	// current time, in milliseconds
	int nowMs = currentTimeMillis();
	float sec = ((float) nowMs) / 1000;
	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "time", "", sec, 3); // log column 1

	int rpm = 0;
	rpm = getRpmE(engine);
	reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "rpm", "RPM", rpm); // log column 2

//	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TRG_0_DUTY", "%", getTriggerDutyCycle(0), 2);
//	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TRG_1_DUTY", "%", getTriggerDutyCycle(1), 2);

#if EFI_PROD_CODE || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "int_temp", "C", getMCUInternalTemperature(), 2); // log column #3

	reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "mode", "v", packEngineMode(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)); // log column #3

	if (hasCltSensor()) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "CLT", "C", getCoolantTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #4
	if (hasTpsSensor()) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "TPS", "%", getTPS(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #5

		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vbatt", "V", getVBatt(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #6

	if (hasIatSensor()) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "IAT", "C", getIntakeAirTemperature(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2); // log column #7

	if (hasMafSensor()) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "maf", "V", getMaf(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "mafr", "kg/hr", getRealMaf(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2);
#if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	if (engineConfiguration->map.sensor.hwChannel != EFI_ADC_NONE) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "MAP", "kPa", getMap(), 2);
//		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "map_r", "V", getRawMap(), 2);
#if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	if (hasBaroSensor()) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "baro", "kPa", getBaroPressure(), 2);

	if (hasAfrSensor(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F)) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "afr", "AFR", getAfr(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F), 2);

#if EFI_IDLE_CONTROL || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	if (fileFormat) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "idle", "%", getIdlePosition(), 2);
#endif /* EFI_IDLE_CONTROL */

#if EFI_ANALOG_SENSORS || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "target", "AFR", engine->engineState.targetAFR, 2);

	if (fileFormat) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "tCharge", "K", engine->engineState.tChargeK, 2); // log column #8
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "curVE", "%", veMap.getValue(rpm, getMap()), 2);

	float engineLoad = getEngineLoadT(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F);
	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "ENGINE_LOAD", "x", engineLoad, 2);

	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "dwell", "ms", ENGINE(engineState.sparkDwell), 2);
	if (fileFormat) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "timing", "deg", engine->engineState.timingAdvance, 2);


	if (fileFormat) {
		floatms_t fuelBase = getBaseFuel(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: base", "ms", fuelBase, 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: actual", "ms", ENGINE(actualLastInjection), 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: lag", "ms", engine->engineState.injectorLag, 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: running", "ms", ENGINE(engineState.runningFuel), 2);

		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: wall amt", "v", ENGINE(wallFuel).getWallFuel(0), 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: wall crr", "v", ENGINE(wallFuelCorrection), 2);

		reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "version", "#", getRusEfiVersion());

	if (engineConfiguration->hasVehicleSpeedSensor) {
#if EFI_VEHICLE_SPEED || defined(__DOXYGEN__)
		float vehicleSpeed = getVehicleSpeed();
		float vehicleSpeed = 0;
#endif /* EFI_PROD_CODE */
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vss", "kph", vehicleSpeed, 2);
		float sp2rpm = rpm == 0 ? 0 : vehicleSpeed / rpm;
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "sp2rpm", "x", sp2rpm, 2);

	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "knck_c", "count", engine->knockCount, 0);
	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "knck_v", "v", engine->knockVolts, 2);

//	reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "vref", "V", getVRef(engineConfiguration), 2);

	if (fileFormat) {
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: tps delta", "v", engine->tpsAccelEnrichment.getMaxDelta(), 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: tps fuel", "ms", engine->engineState.tpsAccelEnrich, 2);

		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: el delta", "v", engine->engineLoadAccelEnrichment.getMaxDelta(), 2);
		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: el fuel", "v", engine->engineLoadAccelEnrichment.getEngineLoadEnrichment(PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER_F) * 100 / getMap(), 2);

		reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, "f: duty", "%", getInjectorDutyCycle(rpm PASS_ENGINE_PARAMETER), 2);

//	debugFloat(&logger, "tch", getTCharge1(tps), 2);

	for (int i = 0;i<FSIO_ADC_COUNT;i++) {
		if (engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[i] != EFI_ADC_NONE) {
			strcpy(buf, "adcX");
			buf[3] = '0' + i;
			reportSensorF(log, fileFormat, buf, "", getVoltage("fsio", engineConfiguration->fsioAdc[i]), 2);

	reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "warn", "count", engine->engineState.warningCounter);
	reportSensorI(log, fileFormat, "error", "code", engine->engineState.lastErrorCode);
