Ejemplo n.º 1
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// ciBytecodeStream::force_bci
void ciBytecodeStream::force_bci(int bci) {
  if (bci < 0) {
    _bc_start = _start + bci;
    _bc = EOBC();
  } else {
Ejemplo n.º 2
  // Return current ByteCode and increment PC to next bytecode, skipping all
  // intermediate constants.  Returns EOBC at end.
  // Expected usage:
  //     while( (bc = iter.next()) != EOBC() ) { ... }
  Bytecodes::Code next() {
    _bc_start = _pc;                        // Capture start of bc
    if( _pc >= _end ) return EOBC();        // End-Of-Bytecodes

    // Fetch Java bytecode
    // All rewritten bytecodes maintain the size of original bytecode.
    _bc = Bytecodes::java_code(_raw_bc = (Bytecodes::Code)*_pc);
    int csize = Bytecodes::length_for(_bc); // Expected size
    _pc += csize;                           // Bump PC past bytecode
    if (csize == 0) {
      _bc = next_wide_or_table(_bc);
    return check_java(_bc);
Ejemplo n.º 3
  // Return current ByteCode and increment PC to next bytecode, skipping all
  // intermediate constants.  Returns EOBC at end.
  // Expected usage:
  //     while( (bc = iter.next()) != EOBC() ) { ... }
  Bytecodes::Code next() {
    _bc_start = _pc;                        // Capture start of bc
    if( _pc >= _end ) return EOBC();        // End-Of-Bytecodes

    // Fetch Java bytecode
    // All rewritten bytecodes maintain the size of original bytecode.
    _bc = Bytecodes::java_code((Bytecodes::Code)*_pc);
    int csize = Bytecodes::length_for(_bc); // Expected size

    if( _bc == Bytecodes::_wide ) {
      _bc=wide();                           // Handle wide bytecode
    } else if( csize == 0 ) {
      _bc=table(_bc);                       // Handle inline tables
    } else {
      _pc += csize;                         // Bump PC past bytecode
    return check_java(_bc);