Ejemplo n.º 1
static void dump_i18n_strings(void)
	struct dlist_head * entry;
	i18nstr_t * istr;
	size_t i, num;
	uint32_t offset;
	sealpac_hdr sphdr;
	sealpac_str * spstr = NULL;
	FILE * fh = NULL;
	MD5_CTX ctx;

	/* dump the string list. */
	if (o_verbose > 2)
		entry = NULL;
		while ((entry = dlist_get_next(entry, &g_i18n_strings)))
			istr = dlist_entry(entry, i18nstr_t, list);
			for (i=0; i<16; i++) verbose("%02x", istr->digest[i]);
			verbose("] : [%s]\n", istr->string);

	num = count_i18n_strings();
	printf("Number of strings : %d\n", num);

		if (num == 0) break;
		if (o_targetpath == NULL) break;

		/* Setup sealpac header */
		memset(&sphdr, 0, sizeof(sphdr));
		sphdr.magic	= htonl(SEALPAC_MAGIC);
		sphdr.num	= htonl(num);
		strncpy(sphdr.langcode, o_langcode, sizeof(sphdr.langcode));

		/* Allocate sealpac string head */
		spstr = MALLOC(sizeof(sealpac_str) * num);
		if (!spstr) ERRBREAK("%s: Memory Allocation Failed!\n",__func__);
		memset(spstr, 0, sizeof(sealpac_str) * num);

		/* Walk through all the string to prepare sealpac string heads */
		i = 0;
		offset = sizeof(sealpac_hdr) + sizeof(sealpac_str) * num;
		entry = NULL;
		while ((entry = dlist_get_next(entry, &g_i18n_strings)))
			istr = dlist_entry(entry, i18nstr_t, list);
			memcpy(spstr[i].hash, istr->digest, 16);
			spstr[i].offset = htonl(offset);
			offset += (strlen(istr->string) + 1);

		/* Calculate the checksum (MD5 digest) */
		MD5Update(&ctx, (uint8_t *)spstr, sizeof(sealpac_str) * num);
		entry = NULL;
		while ((entry = dlist_get_next(entry, &g_i18n_strings)))
			istr = dlist_entry(entry, i18nstr_t, list);
			MD5Update(&ctx, (uint8_t *)istr->string, strlen(istr->string)+1);
		MD5Final(sphdr.checksum, &ctx);

		/* Open the file to write */
		if (o_slpfile == NULL) ERRBREAK("No output file !\n");
		fh = fopen(o_slpfile, "w+");
		if (fh == NULL) ERRBREAK("ERROR!!! Unable to open output file '%s', %s\n",
							o_slpfile, strerror(errno));

		/* write to the langpack file. */
		fwrite(&sphdr, sizeof(sealpac_hdr), 1, fh);
		fwrite(spstr, sizeof(sealpac_str), num, fh);
		entry = NULL;
		while ((entry = dlist_get_next(entry, &g_i18n_strings)))
			istr = dlist_entry(entry, i18nstr_t, list);
			fwrite(istr->string, sizeof(char), strlen(istr->string)+1, fh);

	} while (0);
	if (spstr) FREE(spstr);
	if (fh) fclose(fh);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static int read_sealpac(const char * filename)
	int ret = 0;
	size_t i, num;
	sealpac_hdr sphdr;
	sealpac_str * spstr = NULL;
	FILE * fh = NULL;
	uint8_t digest[16];
	uint8_t buf[256];
	MD5_CTX ctx;
	int c;
	strobj_t sobj = NULL;

		/* open file for reading */
		fh = fopen(filename, "r");
		if (!fh) ERRBREAK("Unable to open file '%s' for reading. %s. Creating a new one.\n",filename, strerror(errno));

		/* Read sealpac head */
		if (fread(&sphdr, sizeof(sealpac_hdr), 1, fh) != 1) ERRBREAK("Unable to read sealpac header!\n");
		if (sphdr.magic != htonl(SEALPAC_MAGIC)) ERRBREAK("Invalid MAGIC!\n");

		/* Read & calculate the MD5 digest */
		while (!ferror(fh) && !feof(fh))
			i = fread(buf, sizeof(uint8_t), 256, fh);
			if (i > 0) MD5Update(&ctx, (uint8_t *)buf, i);
		MD5Final(digest, &ctx);
		if (memcmp(digest, sphdr.checksum, 16)) ERRBREAK("Invalid Checksum !\n");

		/* dump the header */
		if (o_verbose) dump_sealpac_hdr(&sphdr);

		/* read sealpac_str */
		if ((num = ntohl(sphdr.num)) == 0) break;
		fseek(fh, sizeof(sealpac_hdr), SEEK_SET);
		spstr = MALLOC(sizeof(sealpac_str) * num);
		if (!spstr) ERRBREAK("Memory Allocation Failed !\n");
		if (fread(spstr, sizeof(sealpac_str), num, fh) != num)
			ERRBREAK("Unable to read sealpac string head!\n");

		/* We need a string oject */
		sobj = sobj_new();
		if (!sobj) ERRBREAK("Memory Allocation Failed!\n");

		for (i=0; i<num; i++)
			if (fseek(fh, ntohl(spstr[i].offset), SEEK_SET) < 0) ERRBREAK("Read file error @ %d\n", i);
			while ((c = fgetc(fh)) != EOF) { if (c) sobj_add_char(sobj, c); else break; }
	} while (0);
	if (sobj) sobj_del(sobj);
	if (fh) fclose(fh);
	if (spstr) FREE(spstr);
	return ret;
void        Run( HWND hwnd)

    ULONG       rc;
    ULONG   	ctr;
    ULONG   	ulID;
    PRWSHDR     pHdr = 0;
    PRWSBLD     pBld;
    PRWSARG     pArg;
    char *      pBuf;
    char *      pErr = 0;

    ctr = sizeof(RWSBLD) + 6*sizeof(RWSARG);
    memset( (PVOID)argbuf, 0, ctr);

    pBld = (PRWSBLD)argbuf;
    pArg = CALCARGPTR( pBld);
    pBuf = &argbuf[ctr];

    pBld->ppHdr = &pHdr;

    if (GetProc( hwnd, pBld, &pBuf) == FALSE)
        ERRBREAK( "proc is missing or invalid")

    if (GetRtn( hwnd, pBld) == FALSE)
        ERRBREAK( "invalid return type")

    for (ctr=0, ulID=IDC_ARG1TYPE; ctr < 6; ctr++, ulID += 4)
        rc = GetArg( hwnd, &pArg[ctr], ulID, &pBuf);
        if (rc)
    if (rc == 2)
        sprintf( rtnbuf, "\r\nArg%d is invalid\r\n", ctr+1);
        pErr = rtnbuf;

    rc = RwsCallIndirect( pBld);
    if (rc)
        pErr = rtnbuf + sprintf( rtnbuf, "\r\nRwsCallIndirect rc= %d (", rc);
        RwsGetRcString( rc, 256, pErr);
        strcat( pErr, ")\r\n");
        pErr = rtnbuf;

    ShowResults( hwnd, pBld);

} while (fFalse);

    RwsFreeMem( pHdr);

    if (pErr)
        WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDC_RESULT, MLM_SETSEL, (MP)0x7fffffff, (MP)0x7fffffff);
        WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDC_RESULT, MLM_SETFIRSTCHAR, (MP)0x7fffffff, 0);
        WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwnd, IDC_RESULT, MLM_INSERT, (MP)pErr, 0);
