Ejemplo n.º 1
   purpose --  fill dvec[J] with the stack storage to solve for J
               in a forward solve

   created -- 97nov30, cca
ETree_forwSolveProfile (
   ETree    *etree,
   double   dvec[]
) {
int    I, J, maxstack, nDJ, nfront, nUJ, stack ;
int    *bndwghts, *fch, *nodwghts, *sib ;
Tree   *tree ;
   check the input
if ( etree == NULL || dvec == NULL ) {
           "\n fatal error in ETree_forwSolveProfile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", etree, dvec) ;
   exit(-1) ;
tree       = ETree_tree(etree) ;
nodwghts   = ETree_nodwghts(etree) ;
bndwghts   = ETree_bndwghts(etree) ;
nfront     = ETree_nfront(etree) ;
fch        = ETree_fch(etree) ;
sib        = ETree_sib(etree) ;
   loop over the nodes in a post-order traversal
maxstack = stack = 0 ;
for ( J = Tree_postOTfirst(tree) ;
      J != -1 ;
      J = Tree_postOTnext(tree, J) ) {
   nDJ = nodwghts[J] ;
   nUJ = bndwghts[J] ;
   stack += nDJ + nUJ ;
   dvec[J] = stack ;
   if ( maxstack < stack ) {
      maxstack = stack ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
           "\n working on front %d, nD = %d, nU = %d, stack = %d",
           J, nDJ, nUJ, stack) ;
   for ( I = fch[J] ; I != -1 ; I = sib[I] ) {
      stack -= bndwghts[I] ;
   stack -= nDJ ;
#if MYDEBUG >= 0
        "\n    forward solve : final stack = %d, max stack = %d", 
        stack, maxstack) ;

return ; }
Ejemplo n.º 2
   purpose -- to broadcast a front tree object 
              from one process to all the others

   created -- 98may21, cca
ETree *
ETree_MPI_Bcast (
   ETree      *etree,
   int        root,
   int        msglvl,
   FILE       *msgFile,
   MPI_Comm   comm
) {
int   myid, nvtx, nfront, nint ;
int   *buffer ;
   find identity
MPI_Comm_rank(comm, &myid) ;
if ( myid == root ) {
   this process owns the front tree, allocate a
   continuous buffer and load the data into it.
   nfront = ETree_nfront(etree) ;
   nvtx   = ETree_nvtx(etree) ;
   nint   = 3 + 5*nfront + nvtx ;
   buffer = IVinit(nint, -1) ;
   buffer[0] = nfront ;
   buffer[1] = nvtx  ;
   buffer[2] = ETree_root(etree) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, buffer + 3,            ETree_par(etree)) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, buffer + 3 +   nfront, ETree_fch(etree)) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, buffer + 3 + 2*nfront, ETree_sib(etree)) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, buffer + 3 + 3*nfront, ETree_nodwghts(etree)) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, buffer + 3 + 4*nfront, ETree_bndwghts(etree)) ;
   IVcopy(nvtx,   buffer + 3 + 5*nfront, ETree_vtxToFront(etree)) ;
   send the size of the buffer and then 
   the buffer to the other processors
   MPI_Bcast(&nint,     1, MPI_INT, root, comm) ;
   MPI_Bcast(buffer, nint, MPI_INT, root, comm) ;
} else {
   this process will receive the front tree.
   clear its data, receive the number of int's,
   then receive the buffer
   if ( etree != NULL ) {
      ETree_free(etree) ;
   MPI_Bcast(&nint, 1, MPI_INT, root, comm) ;
   buffer = IVinit(nint, -1) ;
   MPI_Bcast(buffer, nint, MPI_INT, root, comm) ;
   create an ETree object and fill its data
   etree  = ETree_new() ;
   nfront = buffer[0] ;
   nvtx   = buffer[1] ;
   ETree_init1(etree, nfront, nvtx) ;
   etree->tree->n    = nfront ;
   etree->tree->root = buffer[2] ;
   IVcopy(nfront, ETree_par(etree),        buffer + 3) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, ETree_fch(etree),        buffer + 3 +   nfront) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, ETree_sib(etree),        buffer + 3 + 2*nfront) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, ETree_nodwghts(etree),   buffer + 3 + 3*nfront) ;
   IVcopy(nfront, ETree_bndwghts(etree),   buffer + 3 + 4*nfront) ;
   IVcopy(nvtx,   ETree_vtxToFront(etree), buffer + 3 + 5*nfront) ;
   free the buffer
IVfree(buffer) ;

return(etree) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 3
main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
   read in a ETree object, create an IV object with the same size,
   mark the vertices in the top level separator(s), write the IV
   object to a file

   created -- 96may02, cca
char     *inETreeFileName, *outIVfileName ;
double   t1, t2 ;
int      msglvl, rc, J, K, ncomp, nfront, nvtx, v ;
int      *bndwghts, *compids, *fch, *map, *nodwghts, 
         *par, *sib, *vtxToFront ;
IV       *compidsIV, *mapIV ;
ETree    *etree ;
FILE     *msgFile ;
Tree     *tree ;

if ( argc != 5 ) {
      "\n\n usage : %s msglvl msgFile inETreeFile outIVfile"
      "\n    msglvl      -- message level"
      "\n    msgFile     -- message file"
      "\n    inETreeFile -- input file, must be *.etreef or *.etreeb"
      "\n    outIVfile   -- output file, must be *.ivf or *.ivb"
      "\n", argv[0]) ;
   return(0) ;
msglvl = atoi(argv[1]) ;
if ( strcmp(argv[2], "stdout") == 0 ) {
   msgFile = stdout ;
} else if ( (msgFile = fopen(argv[2], "a")) == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in %s"
           "\n unable to open file %s\n",
           argv[0], argv[2]) ;
   return(-1) ;
inETreeFileName = argv[3] ;
outIVfileName   = argv[4] ;
        "\n %s "
        "\n msglvl      -- %d" 
        "\n msgFile     -- %s" 
        "\n inETreeFile -- %s" 
        "\n outIVfile   -- %s" 
        argv[0], msglvl, argv[2], inETreeFileName, outIVfileName) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
   read in the ETree object
if ( strcmp(inETreeFileName, "none") == 0 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n no file to read from") ;
   exit(0) ;
etree = ETree_new() ;
rc = ETree_readFromFile(etree, inETreeFileName) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : read in etree from file %s",
        t2 - t1, inETreeFileName) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n return value %d from ETree_readFromFile(%p,%s)",
           rc, etree, inETreeFileName) ;
   exit(-1) ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n after reading ETree object from file %s",
        inETreeFileName) ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   ETree_writeForHumanEye(etree, msgFile) ;
} else {
   ETree_writeStats(etree, msgFile) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
nfront     = ETree_nfront(etree) ;
nvtx       = ETree_nvtx(etree) ;
bndwghts   = ETree_bndwghts(etree) ;
vtxToFront = ETree_vtxToFront(etree) ;
nodwghts   = ETree_nodwghts(etree) ;
par        = ETree_par(etree) ;
fch        = ETree_fch(etree) ;
sib        = ETree_sib(etree) ;
tree       = ETree_tree(etree) ;
   create the map from fronts to components,
   top level separator(s) are component zero
mapIV = IV_new() ;
IV_init(mapIV, nfront, NULL) ;
map = IV_entries(mapIV) ;
ncomp = 0 ;
for ( J = Tree_preOTfirst(tree) ;
      J != -1 ;
      J = Tree_preOTnext(tree, J) ) { 
   if ( (K = par[J]) == -1 ) {
      map[J] = 0 ;
   } else if ( map[K] != 0 ) {
      map[J] = map[K] ;
   } else if ( J == fch[K] && sib[J] == -1 
            && bndwghts[J] == nodwghts[K] + bndwghts[K] ) {
      map[J] = 0 ;
   } else {
      map[J] = ++ncomp ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n mapIV object") ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   IV_writeForHumanEye(mapIV, msgFile) ;
} else {
   IV_writeStats(mapIV, msgFile) ;
   fill the map from vertices to components
compidsIV = IV_new() ;
IV_init(compidsIV, nvtx, NULL) ;
compids = IV_entries(compidsIV) ;
for ( v = 0 ; v < nvtx ; v++ ) {
   compids[v] = map[vtxToFront[v]] ;
fprintf(msgFile, "\n\n compidsIV object") ;
if ( msglvl > 2 ) {
   IV_writeForHumanEye(compidsIV, msgFile) ;
} else {
   IV_writeStats(compidsIV, msgFile) ;
fflush(msgFile) ;
   write out the IV object
if ( strcmp(outIVfileName, "none") != 0 ) {
   MARKTIME(t1) ;
   rc = IV_writeToFile(compidsIV, outIVfileName) ;
   MARKTIME(t2) ;
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n CPU %9.5f : write etree to file %s",
           t2 - t1, outIVfileName) ;
if ( rc != 1 ) {
   fprintf(msgFile, "\n return value %d from IV_writeToFile(%p,%s)",
           rc, compidsIV, outIVfileName) ;
   free the objects
ETree_free(etree) ;
IV_free(mapIV) ;
IV_free(compidsIV) ;

fprintf(msgFile, "\n") ;
fclose(msgFile) ;

return(1) ; }
Ejemplo n.º 4
   purpose --  fill dvec[J] with the active storage to eliminate J
               using the multifrontal method

   symflag -- symmetry flag, one of SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC,

   created -- 97may21, cca
ETree_MFstackProfile (
   ETree    *etree,
   int      symflag,
   double   dvec[]
) {
int    I, J, nDJ, nUI, nUJ, stack ;
int    *bndwghts, *fch, *nodwghts, *sib ;
Tree   *tree ;
   check the input
if ( etree == NULL || dvec == NULL ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in ETree_MFstackProfile(%p,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", etree, dvec) ;
   exit(-1) ;
tree     = ETree_tree(etree) ;
nodwghts = ETree_nodwghts(etree) ;
bndwghts = ETree_bndwghts(etree) ;
fch      = ETree_fch(etree) ;
sib      = ETree_sib(etree) ;
   loop over the nodes in a post-order traversal
stack = 0 ;
for ( J = Tree_postOTfirst(tree) ;
      J != -1 ;
      J = Tree_postOTnext(tree, J) ) {
   nDJ = nodwghts[J] ;
   nUJ = bndwghts[J] ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
           "\n working on front %d, nD = %d, nU = %d, stack = %d",
           J, nDJ, nUJ, stack) ;
   if ( (I = fch[J]) != -1 ) {
      remove last child from the stack
      while ( sib[I] != -1 ) {
         I = sib[I] ;
      nUI = bndwghts[I] ;
      if ( symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC 
        || symflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
         stack -= (nUI*(nUI+1))/2 ;
      } else if ( symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC ) {
         stack -= nUI*nUI ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
           "\n    removing last child %d, stack = %d", I, stack) ;
   add frontal matrix for J to stack
   and store as the storage for J
   dvec[J] = stack + (nDJ + nUJ)*(nDJ + nUJ) ;
   if ( symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC || symflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
      dvec[J] = stack + ((nDJ + nUJ)*(nDJ + nUJ+1))/2 ;
   } else if ( symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC ) {
      dvec[J] = stack + (nDJ + nUJ)*(nDJ + nUJ) ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
           "\n    working storage = %.0f", dvec[J]) ;
   if ( (I = fch[J]) != -1 ) {
      remove other children from the stack
      while ( sib[I] != -1 ) {
         nUI = bndwghts[I] ;
         if ( symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC 
           || symflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
            stack -= (nUI*(nUI+1))/2 ;
         } else if ( symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC ) {
            stack -= nUI*nUI ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
           "\n    removing child %d, stack = %d", I, stack) ;
         I = sib[I] ;
   add update matrix for J to stack
   if ( symflag == SPOOLES_SYMMETRIC || symflag == SPOOLES_HERMITIAN ) {
      stack += (nUJ*(nUJ+1))/2 ;
   } else if ( symflag == SPOOLES_NONSYMMETRIC ) {
      stack += nUJ*nUJ ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
           "\n    adding update matrix, stack = %d", stack) ;
#if MYDEBUG >= 0
fprintf(stdout, "\n    MF: final stack = %d", stack) ;
return ; }
Ejemplo n.º 5
   purpose -- merge the front tree allowing a parent 
              to absorb all children when that creates 
              at most maxzeros zero entries inside a front

   return -- 
      IV object that has the old front to new front map

   created -- 98jan29, cca
ETree *
ETree_mergeFrontsAll (
   ETree   *etree,
   int     maxzeros,
   IV      *nzerosIV
) {
ETree   *etree2 ;
int     cost, J, Jall, K, KandBnd, nfront, nvtx, nnew ;
int     *bndwghts, *fch, *map, *nodwghts, *nzeros, *rep, *sib, *temp ;
IV      *mapIV ;
Tree    *tree ;
   check the input
if (  etree == NULL || nzerosIV == NULL
   || (nfront = etree->nfront) <= 0
   || (nvtx = etree->nvtx) <= 0 ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in ETree_mergeFrontsAll(%p,%d,%p)"
           "\n bad input\n", etree, maxzeros, nzerosIV) ;
   if ( etree != NULL ) {
      fprintf(stderr, "\n nfront = %d, nvtx = %d",
              etree->nfront, etree->nvtx) ;
if ( IV_size(nzerosIV) != nfront ) {
   fprintf(stderr, "\n fatal error in ETree_mergeFrontsAll(%p,%d,%p)"
           "\n size(nzerosIV) = %d, nfront = %d\n", 
           etree, maxzeros, nzerosIV, IV_size(nzerosIV), nfront) ;
nzeros = IV_entries(nzerosIV) ;
   set up working storage
tree     = etree->tree ;
fch      = ETree_fch(etree) ;
sib      = ETree_sib(etree) ;
nodwghts = IVinit(nfront, 0) ;
IVcopy(nfront, nodwghts, ETree_nodwghts(etree)) ;
bndwghts = ETree_bndwghts(etree) ;
rep = IVinit(nfront, -1) ;
IVramp(nfront, rep, 0, 1) ;
   perform a post-order traversal of the tree
for ( K = Tree_postOTfirst(tree) ;
      K != -1 ;
      K = Tree_postOTnext(tree, K) ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n\n ##### visiting front %d", K) ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   if ( (J = fch[K]) != -1 ) {
      KandBnd = nodwghts[K] + bndwghts[K] ;
      Jall = 0 ;
      cost = 2*nzeros[K] ;
      for ( J = fch[K] ; J != -1 ; J = sib[J] ) {
         Jall += nodwghts[J] ;
         cost -= nodwghts[J]*nodwghts[J] ;
         cost += 2*nodwghts[J]*(KandBnd - bndwghts[J]) ;
         cost += 2*nzeros[J] ;
      cost += Jall*Jall ;
      cost = cost/2 ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
      fprintf(stdout, "\n cost = %d", cost) ;
      fflush(stdout) ;
      if ( cost <= maxzeros ) {
         for ( J = fch[K] ; J != -1 ; J = sib[J] ) {
#if MYDEBUG > 0
            fprintf(stdout, "\n merging %d into %d", J, K) ;
            fflush(stdout) ;
            rep[J] = K ;
            nodwghts[K] += nodwghts[J] ;
         nzeros[K] = cost ;
#if MYDEBUG > 0
   fprintf(stdout, "\n\n whoa, finished") ;
   fflush(stdout) ;
   take the map from fronts to representative fronts
   and make the map from old fronts to new fronts
mapIV = IV_new() ;
IV_init(mapIV, nfront, NULL) ;
map   = IV_entries(mapIV) ;
for ( J = 0, nnew = 0 ; J < nfront ; J++ ) {
   if ( rep[J] == J ) {
      map[J] = nnew++ ;
   } else {
      K = J ;
      while ( rep[K] != K ) {
         K = rep[K] ;
      rep[J] = K ;
for ( J = 0 ; J < nfront ; J++ ) {
   if ( (K = rep[J]) != J ) {
      map[J] = map[K] ;
   get the compressed ETree object
etree2 = ETree_compress(etree, mapIV) ;
   remap the nzeros[] vector
temp = IVinit(nfront, 0) ;
IVcopy(nfront, temp, nzeros) ;
IV_setSize(nzerosIV, nnew) ;
nzeros = IV_entries(nzerosIV) ;
for ( J = 0 ; J < nfront ; J++ ) {
   if ( rep[J] == J ) {
      nzeros[map[J]] = temp[J] ;
IVfree(temp) ;
   free the working storage
IVfree(nodwghts) ;
IVfree(rep)      ;
IV_free(mapIV)   ;

return(etree2) ; }