Ejemplo n.º 1
void MINDsetup::setResolution(){
  _msetup.message("+++ setResolution function +++",bhep::VERBOSE);

  resolution = EVector(meas_dim,0);
  resolution[0] = resx*mm;  
  resolution[1] = resy*mm;  
  // cov of measurements

  cov = EMatrix(meas_dim,meas_dim,0);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)meas_dim; i++) 
    cov[i][i] = resolution[i]*resolution[i];
Ejemplo n.º 2
  void KFSvcManager::InitializeManagerGeometry()
    log4cpp::Category& klog = log4cpp::Category::getRoot();
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
        << "Initialize Manager Geometry";

     // box dimensions
    double S = 100*m;

    // the axes for the definition of volumes and surfaces
    xaxis = EVector(3,0);
    yaxis = EVector(3,0);
    zaxis = EVector(3,0);
    xaxis[0] =1.; yaxis[1]=1.; zaxis[2] = 1.; 

    fBField = EVector(3,0);

    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
        << "BField -->" << fBField[2]/tesla;
    // 1. Give a name to the setup

    // 2.  Create a mandatory mother volume
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
        << "Create mother volume";

    EVector pos(3,0);
    pos[0]=0.; pos[1]=0; pos[2]=0;  // at (x,y,z)=(0,0,0)
    Volume* mother = new Box(pos,xaxis,yaxis,S,S,S);

    // 3. Define its properties

    //klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
    //    << "Use surfaces normal to Z";
    //fSetup.set_volume_property("mother",RP::SurfNormal,zaxis); //DATA MEMBER!!!

    if (KFSetup::Instance().Model() =="helix") 

    if (KFSetup::Instance().X0() != 0) 
      fX0 = KFSetup::Instance().X0(); // Data member, Recpack weird stuff   

    if (KFSetup::Instance().DEDX() != 0.) 
      fDedx = KFSetup::Instance().DEDX(); 

    // 4. add the setup to the geometry service
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
        << "Add the setup to the geometry service";


    // 5. select the setup to be used by the geometry service

     // navigation strategy (the navigator needs the setup)
    klog << log4cpp::Priority::DEBUG
        << "Navigation strategy";


    // The geometry is initialized for this manager

    klog << log4cpp::Priority::INFO 
        << "Manager Geometry: " << fSetup;
Ejemplo n.º 3
void MINDsetup::createGeom(){
  _msetup.message("+++ CreatGeom function +++",bhep::VERBOSE);
  //----- axes for definition of volumes and surfaces ----//
  xaxis=EVector(3,0); xaxis[0] = 1.; 
  yaxis=EVector(3,0); yaxis[1] = 1.; 
  zaxis=EVector(3,0); zaxis[2] = 1.;
  //----------- Create a mandatory mother volume ---------//
  EVector pos(3,0); pos[2]= VERT_z/2.;
  EVector vpos(3,0); vpos[2] = -MIND_z/2.;
    Volume* mother = new Box(pos,xaxis,yaxis,
  Volume* mother;
    mother = new MINDplate(pos,xaxis,yaxis,
  else if(OctGeom==2)
    mother = new EMINDplate(pos,xaxis,yaxis,

  else if(OctGeom==3)
    mother = new Box(pos, zaxis, xaxis, MOTHER_z/2., MOTHER_x/2, MOTHER_y/2);
    mother = new Tube(pos, zaxis,MOTHER_z/2, MOTHER_x/2); 

  _msetup.message("Mother volume generated",bhep::VERBOSE);

  // add mother volume
  _msetup.message("Mother added to setup",bhep::VERBOSE);

  // Create detector volume

  const dict::Key vol_name = "Detector";
  const dict::Key vert_name = "VertDetector";
  // Volume* det = new Box(pos,xaxis,yaxis,MIND_x/2,MIND_y/2,MIND_z/2);

  Volume* det;
  Volume* vdet;
    det = new MINDplate(pos,xaxis,yaxis,MIND_x/2,MIND_y/2,MIND_z/2,
				EAR_width, EAR_height);
  else if(OctGeom==2)
    det = new EMINDplate(pos,xaxis,yaxis,
  else if(OctGeom==3)
    det = new Box(pos, zaxis, xaxis, MOTHER_z/2., MOTHER_x/2, MOTHER_y/2);
    det = new Tube(pos,zaxis,MIND_z/2,MIND_x/2);
    if(VERT_z > 0)
      vdet = new Box(vpos, zaxis, xaxis, VERT_z/2., VERT_x/2., VERT_y/2.);
  _msetup.message("MIND volume generated",bhep::VERBOSE);
  // add volume
  if(VERT_z > 0)
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property(vol_name,"X0",X0AIR);
  //Introduce IRON scintillator sandwiches.
  // int nplanes = (int)( MIND_z / (IRON_z + nScint * SCINT_z) );
  // for (int iplane = 0;iplane < _npieces;iplane++) {
  //     add_slab(iplane, vol_name);
  //   }
Ejemplo n.º 4
void MINDsetup::readParam(){

    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    //                       |  DIMENSIONS |                        //
    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    bhep::prlevel c = bhep::VERBOSE;
    OctGeom = _pstore.find_istore("IsOctagonal") ? 
      _pstore.fetch_istore("IsOctagonal"): 1;

    MIND_x = _pstore.fetch_dstore("MIND_x") * m; 
    _msetup.message("MIND height:",MIND_x/cm,"cm",c);
    MIND_y =  _pstore.fetch_dstore("MIND_y") * m;
    _msetup.message("MIND width:",MIND_y/cm,"cm",c);
    MIND_z =  _pstore.fetch_dstore("MIND_z") * m;
    _msetup.message("MIND length:",MIND_z/cm,"cm",c);
    EAR_height = _pstore.fetch_dstore("ear_height") * m;

    _msetup.message("MIND ear height:",EAR_height/cm,"cm",c);

    EAR_width = _pstore.fetch_dstore("ear_width") * m;

    _msetup.message("MIND ear width:",EAR_width/cm,"cm",c);

    VERT_x = _pstore.find_dstore("vertex_x") ?
      _pstore.fetch_dstore("vertex_x") * m : 0.0;
    VERT_y = _pstore.find_dstore("vertex_y") ?
      _pstore.fetch_dstore("vertex_y") * m : 0.0;
    VERT_z = _pstore.find_dstore("vertex_z") ?
      _pstore.fetch_dstore("vertex_z") * m : 0.0;

    //                      | INNER DIMENSIONS |                   //

    IRON_z = _pstore.fetch_dstore("passive_thickness") * cm;
    SCINT_z = _pstore.fetch_dstore("active_thickness") * cm;
    AIR_z = _pstore.fetch_dstore("air_gap") * cm;
    Al_z  = _pstore.find_dstore("bracing_thickness") ? _pstore.fetch_dstore("bracing_thickness") * cm : 0.0;
    nScint = _pstore.fetch_istore("active_layers");

    //Adjust length for integer number of pieces.
    _pieceWidth = IRON_z + nScint*(SCINT_z + Al_z) + (nScint+1)*AIR_z;
    _npieces = (int)ceil( MIND_z / _pieceWidth );
    MIND_z = _npieces * _pieceWidth;
    rel_denSI = _pstore.fetch_dstore("rel_denSI");
    rel_denAS = _pstore.fetch_dstore("rel_denAS");

    //--------------------------- VOLUMES ------------------------//
    MOTHER_x = MIND_x + 10 * cm; // always assume that the vertex 
    MOTHER_y = MIND_y + 10 * cm; // detector width is smaller than the MIND
    MOTHER_z = MIND_z + VERT_z + 10 * cm;  
    MOTHER_earh = EAR_height - 10 * cm;
    MOTHER_earw = EAR_width  + 10 * cm;

    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    //                       |  MAGNETIC FIELD |                    //
    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    bhep::vdouble field = _pstore.fetch_vstore("mag_field");
    BField = EVector(3,0);
    BField[0] = field[0] * tesla; BField[1] = field[1] * tesla;
    BField[2] = field[2] * tesla;

    // override constant BField if field map is present
    if(_pstore.find_sstore("mag_field_map")) {
      std::string Bmap =  _pstore.fetch_sstore("mag_field_map");
      double fieldScale = 1.0;
      if (_pstore.find_dstore("fieldScale") ) {
	fieldScale = _pstore.fetch_dstore("fieldScale");
	std::cout<<"Field Scaling is "<<fieldScale<<std::endl;
      fieldScale *= IRON_z > 0 ? IRON_z/_pieceWidth : 1.0;
      BFieldMap = MINDfieldMapReader(Bmap,fieldScale);
      B_int = fieldScale * tesla;
    else {
      // Default is to use a radially symmetric field 
      double fieldScale = 1.0;
      if (_pstore.find_dstore("fieldScale"))
	fieldScale = _pstore.fetch_dstore("fieldScale");
      // This uses an analytic approximation of a simulated field map 
      // std::cout<<IRON_z/_pieceWidth<<std::endl;
      fieldScale *= IRON_z > 0 ? IRON_z/_pieceWidth : 1.0;
      BFieldMap = MINDfieldMapReader(fieldScale, OctGeom, MIND_x, MIND_y);
      B_int = fieldScale * tesla;
    //_msetup.message("Magnetic field intensity:",B_int/tesla,"tesla",c);
    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    //            |  RADIATION LENGTH AND ENERGY LOSS |             //
    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    X0Fe = _pstore.fetch_dstore("x0Fe") * mm;
    X0Sc = _pstore.fetch_dstore("x0Sc") * mm;
    X0AIR = _pstore.fetch_dstore("x0AIR") * m;

    double wSc = SCINT_z / (SCINT_z + AIR_z*(nScint+1)*rel_denAS);
    double X01 = (X0Sc*X0AIR) / (wSc*(X0AIR-X0Sc) + X0Sc);
    _wFe = IRON_z/(IRON_z + ((SCINT_z+AIR_z)*nScint+AIR_z)*rel_denSI*(wSc*(1-rel_denAS)+rel_denAS));
    // _wFe = IRON_z/(IRON_z + rel_denSI*(SCINT_z+rel_denAS*AIR_z));

    X0Eff = 1./(_wFe/X0Fe + wSc/X01);

    //de_dx = _pstore.fetch_dstore("de_dx") * MeV/cm;
    //de_dx = 1./(_wFe/de_dxFe + wSc/de_dxFe);

    // changed to introduce the de_dx map
    de_dx_scint = _pstore.find_dstore("de_dx_scint")?
      _pstore.fetch_dstore("de_dx_scint") * MeV/mm : 0.205 * MeV/mm;
    de_dx_min = _pstore.fetch_dstore("de_dx_min") * MeV/mm;

    _msetup.message("Radiation length:",X0Fe/cm,"cm",c);

    // -------------------------------------------------------------//
    //                       |  MEASUREMENTS |                    //
    // -------------------------------------------------------------//

    meas_dim = 2;
    meastype = _pstore.fetch_sstore("meas_type");
    resx = _pstore.fetch_dstore("pos_res") * cm;
    resy = _pstore.fetch_dstore("pos_res") * cm;
      StepSize = _pstore.fetch_dstore("StepSize") * cm;
      StepSize = 0.;

Ejemplo n.º 5
void MINDsetup::addProperties(){
  _msetup.message("+++ addProperties function +++",bhep::VERBOSE);

  //-------------------- magnetic field ------------------//
  BField = EVector(3,0);
  BField[1] = B_int;

  _zaxis = EVector(3,0);
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property("mother","BField",BField);
  const dict::Key vol_name = "Detector";
  const dict::Key vert_name = "VertDetector";
  //  _msetup.message("+++B Field added to MOTHER:",BField,bhep::VERBOSE);
  // step = 1*cm;
  else { 
    if(VERT_z > 0.0)
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property_to_sons("mother","de_dx",de_dx);

  //Instead of fixed de_dx, the energy deposition ditribution map 
  _de_dx_map = new DeDxMap(de_dx_min*MeV/mm);
  _de_dx_map_scint = new DeDxMap(de_dx_scint*MeV/mm);
  if(VERT_z > 0.0)
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property_to_sons("mother",RP::StepSize,step);
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property_to_sons(vol_name,"BField",BField);
//   _gsetup.set_volume_property_to_sons(vol_name,"de_dx",de_dx);
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property_to_sons(vol_name,RP::SurfNormal,_zaxis);

  // const dict::Key vol_name = "Detector";
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property("mother","X0",X0AIR);
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property(vol_name,"X0",X0AIR);
  // const dict::Key vol_name = "Detector";
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property(vol_name,"BField",BField);
  // _gsetup.set_volume_property(vol_name,"BFieldMap",BFieldMap);
  _msetup.message("+++B Field added to MIND:","BFieldMap",bhep::VERBOSE);
    if(VERT_z > 0.0)
  if(VERT_z > 0.0)
//   _msetup.message("+++X0 added to MIND:",X0,bhep::VERBOSE);

//   // _gsetup.set_volume_property(vol_name,"de_dx",de_dx);
//   _msetup.message("+++de/dx added to MIND:",de_dx,bhep::VERBOSE);