Ejemplo n.º 1
struct hashtable * create_hashtable(unsigned int minsize,
						uint32_t (*hashfn) (String key),
						boolean (*eqfn) (const String str1, const String str2))
    struct hashtable *h;
    unsigned int pindex, size = primes[0];
    /* Check requested hashtable isn't too large */
    if (minsize > MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) return NULL;
    /* Enforce size as prime */
    for (pindex=0; pindex < prime_table_length; pindex++) {
        if (primes[pindex] >= minsize) { size = primes[pindex]; break; }
    h = (struct hashtable *)EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct hashtable));
    if (NULL == h) return NULL; /*oom*/
    h->table = (struct entry **)EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct entry*) * size);
    if (NULL == h->table) { EXIP_MFREE(h); return NULL; } /*oom*/
    memset(h->table, 0, size * sizeof(struct entry *));
    h->tablelength  = size;
    h->primeindex   = pindex;
    h->entrycount   = 0;
    h->hashfn       = hashfn;
    h->eqfn         = eqfn;
    h->loadlimit    = CEIL(size * max_load_factor);
    return h;
Ejemplo n.º 2
errorCode allocateStringMemory(CharType** str, Index UCSchars)
	*str = EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(CharType)*UCSchars);
	if((*str) == NULL)
	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static int hashtable_expand(struct hashtable *h)
    /* Double the size of the table to accommodate more entries */
    struct entry **newtable;
    struct entry *e;
    struct entry **pE;
    unsigned int newsize, i, index;
    /* Check we're not hitting max capacity */
    if (h->primeindex == (prime_table_length - 1) || primes[h->primeindex + 1] > MAX_HASH_TABLE_SIZE) return 0;
    newsize = primes[++(h->primeindex)];

    newtable = (struct entry **)EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct entry*) * newsize);
    if (NULL != newtable)
        memset(newtable, 0, newsize * sizeof(struct entry *));
        /* This algorithm is not 'stable'. ie. it reverses the list
         * when it transfers entries between the tables */
        for (i = 0; i < h->tablelength; i++) {
            while (NULL != (e = h->table[i])) {
                h->table[i] = e->next;
                index = indexFor(newsize,e->hash);
                e->next = newtable[index];
                newtable[index] = e;
        h->table = newtable;
    /* Plan B: realloc instead */
        newtable = (struct entry **) EXIP_REALLOC(h->table, newsize * sizeof(struct entry *));
        if (NULL == newtable) { (h->primeindex)--; return 0; }
        h->table = newtable;
        memset(newtable[h->tablelength], 0, newsize - h->tablelength);
        for (i = 0; i < h->tablelength; i++) {
            for (pE = &(newtable[i]), e = *pE; e != NULL; e = *pE) {
                index = indexFor(newsize,e->hash);
                if (index == i)
                    pE = &(e->next);
                    *pE = e->next;
                    e->next = newtable[index];
                    newtable[index] = e;
    h->tablelength = newsize;
    h->loadlimit   = CEIL(newsize * max_load_factor);
    return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 4
errorCode createPfxTable(PfxTable** pfxTable)
	// Due to the small size of the prefix table, there is no need to 
	// use a DynArray
	(*pfxTable) = (PfxTable*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(PfxTable));
	if(*pfxTable == NULL)

	(*pfxTable)->count = 0;
	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 5
errorCode cloneString(const String* src, String* newStr)
	if(newStr == NULL)
	newStr->str = EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(CharType)*src->length);
	if(newStr->str == NULL)
	newStr->length = src->length;
	memcpy(newStr->str, src->str, src->length);
	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 6
errorCode initAllocList(AllocList* list)
	list->firstBlock = EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct allocBlock));
	if(list->firstBlock == NULL)
	list->firstBlock->nextBlock = NULL;
	list->lastBlock = list->firstBlock;
	list->currAllocSlot = 0;

	return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 7
errorCode pushGrammar(EXIGrammarStack** gStack, EXIGrammar* grammar)
	struct GrammarStackNode* node = (struct GrammarStackNode*)EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct GrammarStackNode));
	if(node == NULL)

	node->grammar = grammar;
	node->lastNonTermID = GR_VOID_NON_TERMINAL;
	node->nextInStack = *gStack;
	*gStack = node;
	return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 8
void* memManagedAllocate(AllocList* list, size_t size)
	void* ptr = EXIP_MALLOC(size);
	if(ptr != NULL)
		if(list->currAllocSlot == ALLOCATION_ARRAY_SIZE)
			struct allocBlock* newBlock = EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct allocBlock));
			if(newBlock == NULL)
				return NULL;

			newBlock->nextBlock = NULL;
			list->lastBlock->nextBlock = newBlock;
			list->lastBlock = newBlock;
			list->currAllocSlot = 0;

		list->lastBlock->allocation[list->currAllocSlot] = ptr;
		list->currAllocSlot += 1;
	return ptr;
Ejemplo n.º 9
errorCode createDynArray(DynArray* dynArray, size_t entrySize, uint16_t chunkEntries)
	void** base = (void **)(dynArray + 1);
	Index* count = (Index*)(base + 1);

	*base = EXIP_MALLOC(entrySize*chunkEntries);
	if(*base == NULL)

	dynArray->entrySize = entrySize;
	*count = 0;
	dynArray->chunkEntries = chunkEntries;
	dynArray->arrayEntries = chunkEntries;

	return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 10
errorCode decodeBinary(EXIStream* strm, char** binary_val, Index* nbytes)
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	UnsignedInteger length = 0;
	unsigned int int_val = 0;
	UnsignedInteger i = 0;

	DEBUG_MSG(INFO, DEBUG_STREAM_IO, (">> (binary)"));
	TRY(decodeUnsignedInteger(strm, &length));
	*nbytes = (Index) length;
	(*binary_val) = (char*) EXIP_MALLOC(length); // This memory should be manually freed after the content handler is invoked
	if((*binary_val) == NULL)

	for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
		TRY_CATCH(readBits(strm, 8, &int_val), EXIP_MFREE(*binary_val));
		(*binary_val)[i]=(char) int_val;
	return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 11
errorCode hashtable_insert(struct hashtable *h, String key, Index value)
    /* This method allows duplicate keys - but they shouldn't be used */
    unsigned int index;
    struct entry *e;
    if (++(h->entrycount) > h->loadlimit)
        /* Ignore the return value. If expand fails, we should
         * still try cramming just this value into the existing table
         * -- we may not have memory for a larger table, but one more
         * element may be ok. Next time we insert, we'll try expanding again.*/
    e = (struct entry *)EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(struct entry));
    if (NULL == e) { --(h->entrycount); return EXIP_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; } /*oom*/
    e->hash = h->hashfn(key); // hash(h,k, len);
    index = indexFor(h->tablelength,e->hash);
    e->key = key;
    e->value = value;
    e->next = h->table[index];
    h->table[index] = e;
    return EXIP_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * Sorts the pre-populated entries in the string tables according to the spec.
static void sortUriTable(UriTable* uriTable);

errorCode generateSchemaInformedGrammars(BinaryBuffer* buffers, unsigned int bufCount, SchemaFormat schemaFormat, EXIOptions* opt, EXIPSchema* schema,
		errorCode (*loadSchemaHandler) (String* namespace, String* schemaLocation, BinaryBuffer** buffers, unsigned int* bufCount, SchemaFormat* schemaFormat, EXIOptions** opt))
	errorCode tmp_err_code = EXIP_UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
	TreeTable* treeT;
	unsigned int treeTCount = bufCount;
	unsigned int i = 0;

	// TODO: again in error cases all the memory must be released

	treeT = (TreeTable*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(TreeTable)*bufCount);
	if(treeT == NULL)

	for(i = 0; i < bufCount; i++)


	for(i = 0; i < bufCount; i++)
		TRY(generateTreeTable(buffers[i], schemaFormat, opt, &treeT[i], schema));
Ejemplo n.º 13
errorCode createBuiltInElementGrammar(EXIGrammar* elementGrammar, EXIStream* strm)
	unsigned int tmp_code1 = 0; // the number of productions with event codes with length 1
	unsigned int tmp_code2 = 0; // the number of productions with event codes with length 2
	unsigned int tmp_code3 = 0; // the number of productions with event codes with length 3
	DynGrammarRule* tmp_rule;
	unsigned int p = 1;

	elementGrammar->count = DEF_ELEMENT_GRAMMAR_RULE_NUMBER;
	elementGrammar->props = 0;
	elementGrammar->contentIndex = 0;
	elementGrammar->rule = (GrammarRule*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(DynGrammarRule)*DEF_ELEMENT_GRAMMAR_RULE_NUMBER);
	if(elementGrammar->rule == NULL)

	/* Rule for StartTagContent */
	/* StartTagContent :
	 *						EE	                    0.0
	 *						AT (*) StartTagContent	0.1
	 *						NS StartTagContent	    0.2
	 *						SC Fragment	            0.3
	 *						SE (*) ElementContent	0.4
	 *						CH ElementContent	    0.5
	 *						ER ElementContent	    0.6
	 *						CM ElementContent	    0.7.0
	 *						PI ElementContent	    0.7.1

	tmp_rule = &((DynGrammarRule*) elementGrammar->rule)[GR_START_TAG_CONTENT];

	/* Initialize Part 2 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod = NULL;
	tmp_rule->part[1].count = 0;
	tmp_rule->part[1].bits = 0;

	/* Initialize Part 3 */
	tmp_rule->part[2].prod = NULL;
	tmp_rule->part[2].count = 0;
	tmp_rule->part[2].bits = 0;

	tmp_code1 = 0;
	tmp_code2 = 4;
	tmp_code3 = 0;

	/* Part 1 */
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM);
	if(tmp_rule->part[0].prod == NULL)

	/* The part 1 productions get added later... */
	tmp_rule->part[0].count = 0;
	tmp_rule->part[0].bits = 0;
	tmp_rule->part0Dimension = DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM;

	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_PREFIXES))
		tmp_code2 += 1;
		tmp_code2 += 1;
	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_DTD))
		tmp_code2 += 1;
	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_COMMENTS))
		tmp_code3 += 1;
	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_PIS))
		tmp_code3 += 1;

	/* Part 2 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*tmp_code2);
	if(tmp_rule->part[1].prod == NULL)

	/* EE	                    0.0 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_EE;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_VOID_NON_TERMINAL;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	p += 1;

	/* AT (*) StartTagContent	0.1 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_AT_ALL;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_START_TAG_CONTENT;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	p += 1;

	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_PREFIXES))
		/* NS StartTagContent	    0.2 */
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_NS;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_START_TAG_CONTENT;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
		p += 1;

		/* SC Fragment	            0.3 */
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_SC;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_FRAGMENT;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
		p += 1;

	/* SE (*) ElementContent	0.2 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_SE_ALL;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	p += 1;

	/* CH ElementContent	    0.3 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_CH;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	p += 1;

	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_DTD))
		/* ER ElementContent	    0.6 */
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_ER;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
		p += 1;

	tmp_rule->part[1].count = tmp_code2;
	tmp_rule->part[1].bits = getBitsNumber(tmp_code2 - 1 + (tmp_code3 > 0));

	/* Part 3 */
	if(tmp_code3 > 0)
		p = 1;

		tmp_rule->part[2].prod = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*tmp_code3);
		if(tmp_rule->part[2].prod == NULL)

		if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_COMMENTS))
			/* CM ElementContent	    0.7.0 */
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].eventType = EVENT_CM;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
			p += 1;

		if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_PIS))
			/* PI ElementContent	    0.7.1 */
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].eventType = EVENT_PI;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;

		tmp_rule->part[2].count = tmp_code3;
		tmp_rule->part[2].bits = tmp_code3 > 1;

	p = 1;

	/* Rule for ElementContent */
	/* ElementContent :
	 *						EE	                    0
	 *						SE (*) ElementContent	1.0
	 *						CH ElementContent	    1.1
	 *						ER ElementContent	    1.2
	 *						CM ElementContent	    1.3.0
	 *						PI ElementContent	    1.3.1
	tmp_rule = &((DynGrammarRule*) elementGrammar->rule)[GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT];

	/* Initialize Part 2 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod = NULL;
	tmp_rule->part[1].count = 0;
	tmp_rule->part[1].bits = 0;

	/* Initialize Part 3 */
	tmp_rule->part[2].prod = NULL;
	tmp_rule->part[2].count = 0;
	tmp_rule->part[2].bits = 0;

	tmp_code1 = 1;
	tmp_code2 = 2;
	tmp_code3 = 0;

	/* Part 1 */
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM);
	if(tmp_rule->part[0].prod == NULL)

	/* EE	                  0 */
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod[0].eventType = EVENT_EE;
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod[0].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod[0].nonTermID = GR_VOID_NON_TERMINAL;
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod[0].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[0].prod[0].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[0].count = 1;
	tmp_rule->part[0].bits = 1;
	tmp_rule->part0Dimension = DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM;
	/* More part 1 productions get added later... */

	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_DTD))
		tmp_code2 += 1;
	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_COMMENTS))
		tmp_code3 += 1;
	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_PIS))
		tmp_code3 += 1;

	/* Part 2 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*tmp_code2);
	if(tmp_rule->part[1].prod == NULL)

	/* SE (*) ElementContent	1.0 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_SE_ALL;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	p += 1;

	/* CH ElementContent	    1.1 */
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_CH;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
	p += 1;

	if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_DTD))
		/* ER ElementContent	    1.2 */
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].eventType = EVENT_ER;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
		tmp_rule->part[1].prod[tmp_code2-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;

	tmp_rule->part[1].count = tmp_code2;
	tmp_rule->part[1].bits = 1 + ((tmp_code2 - 2 + tmp_code3) > 0);

	/* Part 3 */
	if(tmp_code3 > 0)
		p = 1;

		tmp_rule->part[2].prod = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*tmp_code3);
		if(tmp_rule->part[2].prod == NULL)

		if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_COMMENTS))
			/* CM ElementContent	    1.3.0 */
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].eventType = EVENT_CM;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;
			p += 1;

		if(IS_PRESERVED(strm->header.opts.preserve, PRESERVE_PIS))
			/* PI ElementContent	    1.3.1 */
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].eventType = EVENT_PI;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].nonTermID = GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.uriId = SMALL_INDEX_MAX;
			tmp_rule->part[2].prod[tmp_code3-p].qnameId.lnId = INDEX_MAX;

		tmp_rule->part[2].count = tmp_code3;
		tmp_rule->part[2].bits = tmp_code3 > 1;

	return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 14
errorCode createBuiltInElementGrammar(EXIGrammar* elementGrammar, EXIStream* strm)
	DynGrammarRule* tmp_rule;

	elementGrammar->count = DEF_ELEMENT_GRAMMAR_RULE_NUMBER;
	elementGrammar->props = 0;
	elementGrammar->rule = (GrammarRule*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(DynGrammarRule)*DEF_ELEMENT_GRAMMAR_RULE_NUMBER);
	if(elementGrammar->rule == NULL)

	/* Rule for StartTagContent */
	/* StartTagContent :
	 *						EE	                    0.0
	 *						AT (*) StartTagContent	0.1
	 *						NS StartTagContent	    0.2
	 *						SC Fragment	            0.3
	 *						SE (*) ElementContent	0.4
	 *						CH ElementContent	    0.5
	 *						ER ElementContent	    0.6
	 *						CM ElementContent	    0.7.0
	 *						PI ElementContent	    0.7.1

	tmp_rule = &((DynGrammarRule*) elementGrammar->rule)[GR_START_TAG_CONTENT];

	/* Part 1 */
	tmp_rule->production = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM);
	if(tmp_rule->production == NULL)

	/* The part 1 productions get added later... */
	tmp_rule->pCount = 0;
	tmp_rule->meta = 0;
	tmp_rule->prodDim = DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM;

	/* Rule for ElementContent */
	/* ElementContent :
	 *						EE	                    0
	 *						SE (*) ElementContent	1.0
	 *						CH ElementContent	    1.1
	 *						ER ElementContent	    1.2
	 *						CM ElementContent	    1.3.0
	 *						PI ElementContent	    1.3.1
	tmp_rule = &((DynGrammarRule*) elementGrammar->rule)[GR_ELEMENT_CONTENT];

	/* Part 1 */
	tmp_rule->production = (Production*) EXIP_MALLOC(sizeof(Production)*DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM);
	if(tmp_rule->production == NULL)

	/* EE	                  0 */
	SET_PROD_EXI_EVENT(tmp_rule->production[0].content, EVENT_EE);
	SET_PROD_NON_TERM(tmp_rule->production[0].content, GR_VOID_NON_TERMINAL);
	tmp_rule->production[0].typeId = INDEX_MAX;
	tmp_rule->production[0].qnameId.uriId = URI_MAX;
	tmp_rule->production[0].qnameId.lnId = LN_MAX;
	tmp_rule->pCount = 1;
	tmp_rule->prodDim = DEFAULT_PROD_ARRAY_DIM;
	/* More part 1 productions get added later... */

	return ERR_OK;