Ejemplo n.º 1
ezResult ezImageConversion::Convert(const ezImageView& source, ezImage& target, ezArrayPtr<ConversionPathNode> path,
                                    ezUInt32 numScratchBuffers)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(path.GetCount() > 0, "Invalid conversion path");
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(path[0].m_sourceFormat == source.GetImageFormat(), "Invalid conversion path");

  ezHybridArray<ezImage, 16> intermediates;

  const ezImageView* pSource = &source;

  for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < path.GetCount(); ++i)
    ezUInt32 targetIndex = path[i].m_targetBufferIndex;

    ezImage* pTarget = targetIndex == 0 ? &target : &intermediates[targetIndex - 1];

    if (ConvertSingleStep(path[i].m_step, *pSource, *pTarget, path[i].m_targetFormat).Failed())
      return EZ_FAILURE;

    pSource = pTarget;

  return EZ_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 2
void ezInputDeviceController::SetVibrationStrength(ezUInt8 uiVirtual, Motor::Enum eMotor, float fValue)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVirtual < MaxControllers, "Controller Index {0} is larger than allowed ({1}).", uiVirtual, MaxControllers);
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(eMotor < Motor::ENUM_COUNT, "Invalid Vibration Motor Index.");

  m_fVibrationStrength[uiVirtual][eMotor] = ezMath::Clamp(fValue, 0.0f, 1.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 3
void ezInputDeviceController::SetControllerMapping(ezUInt8 uiVirtualController, ezInt8 iTakeInputFromPhysical)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVirtualController < MaxControllers, "Virtual Controller Index {0} is larger than allowed ({1}).", uiVirtualController,
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(iTakeInputFromPhysical < MaxControllers, "Physical Controller Index {0} is larger than allowed ({1}).",
                iTakeInputFromPhysical, MaxControllers);

  if (iTakeInputFromPhysical < 0)
    // deactivates this virtual controller
    m_iControllerMapping[uiVirtualController] = -1;
    // if any virtual controller already maps to the given physical controller, let it use the physical controller that
    // uiVirtualController is currently mapped to
    for (ezInt32 c = 0; c < MaxControllers; ++c)
      if (m_iControllerMapping[c] == iTakeInputFromPhysical)
        m_iControllerMapping[c] = m_iControllerMapping[uiVirtualController];

    m_iControllerMapping[uiVirtualController] = iTakeInputFromPhysical;
Ejemplo n.º 4
float ezInputDeviceController::GetVibrationStrength(ezUInt8 uiVirtual, Motor::Enum eMotor)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVirtual < MaxControllers, "Controller Index {0} is larger than allowed ({1}).", uiVirtual, MaxControllers);
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(eMotor < Motor::ENUM_COUNT, "Invalid Vibration Motor Index.");

  return m_fVibrationStrength[uiVirtual][eMotor];
Ejemplo n.º 5
ezResult ezPreprocessor::OpenFile(const char* szFile, const ezTokenizer** pTokenizer)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_FileOpenCallback.IsValid(), "OpenFile callback has not been set");
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_FileLocatorCallback.IsValid(), "File locator callback has not been set");

  *pTokenizer = nullptr;

  auto it = m_pUsedFileCache->Lookup(szFile);

  if (it.IsValid())
    *pTokenizer = &it.Value().m_Tokens;
    return EZ_SUCCESS;

  ezTimestamp stamp;

  ezDynamicArray<ezUInt8> Content;
  if (m_FileOpenCallback(szFile, Content, stamp).Failed())
    ezLog::Error(m_pLog, "Could not open file '%s'", szFile);
    return EZ_FAILURE;

  *pTokenizer = m_pUsedFileCache->Tokenize(szFile, Content, stamp, m_pLog);

  return EZ_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 6
void ezRTTI::VerifyCorrectness() const
  if (m_fnVerifyParent != nullptr)
    EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_fnVerifyParent() == m_pParentType,
                  "Type '{0}': The given parent type '{1}' does not match the actual parent type '{2}'", m_szTypeName,
                  (m_pParentType != nullptr) ? m_pParentType->GetTypeName() : "null",
                  (m_fnVerifyParent() != nullptr) ? m_fnVerifyParent()->GetTypeName() : "null");

    ezSet<ezStringView> Known;

    const ezRTTI* pInstance = this;

    while (pInstance != nullptr)
      for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < pInstance->m_Properties.GetCount(); ++i)
        const bool bNewProperty = !Known.Find(pInstance->m_Properties[i]->GetPropertyName()).IsValid();

        EZ_ASSERT_DEV(bNewProperty, "{0}: The property with name '{1}' is already defined in type '{2}'.", m_szTypeName,
                      pInstance->m_Properties[i]->GetPropertyName(), pInstance->GetTypeName());

      pInstance = pInstance->m_pParentType;
Ejemplo n.º 7
void ezWorld::SetParent(ezGameObject* pObject, ezGameObject* pNewParent, ezGameObject::TransformPreservation preserve)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pObject != pNewParent, "Object can't be its own parent!");
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pNewParent == nullptr || pObject->IsDynamic() || pNewParent->IsStatic(),
                "Can't attach a static object to a dynamic parent!");

  if (GetObjectUnchecked(pObject->m_ParentIndex) == pNewParent)

  // UnlinkFromParent does not clear these as they are still needed in DeleteObjectNow to allow deletes while iterating.
  pObject->m_NextSiblingIndex = 0;
  pObject->m_PrevSiblingIndex = 0;
  if (pNewParent != nullptr)
    // Ensure that the parent's global transform is up-to-date otherwise the object's local transform will be wrong afterwards.

    pObject->m_ParentIndex = pNewParent->m_InternalId.m_InstanceIndex;

  PatchHierarchyData(pObject, preserve);
Ejemplo n.º 8
void ezWorld::RegisterUpdateFunction(const ezComponentManagerBase::UpdateFunctionDesc& desc)

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(desc.m_Phase == ezComponentManagerBase::UpdateFunctionDesc::Phase::Async || desc.m_uiGranularity == 0,
                "Granularity must be 0 for synchronous update functions");
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(desc.m_Phase != ezComponentManagerBase::UpdateFunctionDesc::Phase::Async || desc.m_DependsOn.GetCount() == 0,
                "Asynchronous update functions must not have dependencies");

Ejemplo n.º 9
void ezWorld::ProcessUpdateFunctionsToRegister()

  if (m_Data.m_UpdateFunctionsToRegister.IsEmpty())

  EZ_PROFILE_SCOPE("Register update functions");

  while (!m_Data.m_UpdateFunctionsToRegister.IsEmpty())
    const ezUInt32 uiNumFunctionsToRegister = m_Data.m_UpdateFunctionsToRegister.GetCount();

    for (ezUInt32 i = uiNumFunctionsToRegister; i-- > 0;)
      if (RegisterUpdateFunctionInternal(m_Data.m_UpdateFunctionsToRegister[i]).Succeeded())

    EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_Data.m_UpdateFunctionsToRegister.GetCount() < uiNumFunctionsToRegister,
                  "No functions have been registered because the dependencies could not be found.");
Ejemplo n.º 10
ezResourceLoadDesc ezMaterialResource::UpdateContent(ezStreamReader* Stream)

  ezResourceLoadDesc res;
  res.m_uiQualityLevelsDiscardable = 0;
  res.m_uiQualityLevelsLoadable = 0;
  res.m_State = ezResourceState::Loaded;

  if (Stream == nullptr)
    res.m_State = ezResourceState::LoadedResourceMissing;
    return res;

  ezStringBuilder sAbsFilePath;
  (*Stream) >> sAbsFilePath;

  if (sAbsFilePath.HasExtension("ezMaterialBin"))
    ezStringBuilder sTemp, sTemp2;

    ezAssetFileHeader AssetHash;

    ezUInt8 uiVersion = 0;
    (*Stream) >> uiVersion;
    EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVersion <= 6, "Unknown ezMaterialBin version {0}", uiVersion);

    ezUInt8 uiCompressionMode = 0;
    if (uiVersion >= 6)
      *Stream >> uiCompressionMode;
Ejemplo n.º 11
ezResult ezFileWriter::WriteBytes(const void* pWriteBuffer, ezUInt64 uiBytesToWrite)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_pDataDirWriter != nullptr, "The file has not been opened (successfully).");

  ezUInt8* pBuffer = (ezUInt8*)pWriteBuffer;

  while (uiBytesToWrite > 0)
    // determine chunk size to be written
    ezUInt64 uiChunkSize = uiBytesToWrite;

    const ezUInt64 uiRemainingCache = m_Cache.GetCount() - m_uiCacheWritePosition;

    if (uiRemainingCache < uiBytesToWrite)
      uiChunkSize = uiRemainingCache;

    // copy memory
    ezMemoryUtils::Copy(&m_Cache[(ezUInt32)m_uiCacheWritePosition], pBuffer, (ezUInt32)uiChunkSize);

    pBuffer += uiChunkSize;
    m_uiCacheWritePosition += uiChunkSize;
    uiBytesToWrite -= uiChunkSize;

    // if the cache is full or nearly full, flush it to disk
    if (m_uiCacheWritePosition + 32 >= m_Cache.GetCount())
      if (Flush() == EZ_FAILURE)
        return EZ_FAILURE;

  return EZ_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 12
void ezQtEngineViewWidget::InterpolateCameraTo(const ezVec3& vPosition, const ezVec3& vDirection, float fFovOrDim,
                                               const ezVec3* pNewUpDirection)
  m_vCameraStartPosition = m_pViewConfig->m_Camera.GetPosition();
  m_vCameraTargetPosition = vPosition;

  m_vCameraStartDirection = m_pViewConfig->m_Camera.GetCenterDirForwards();
  m_vCameraTargetDirection = vDirection;

  if (pNewUpDirection)
    m_vCameraUp = *pNewUpDirection;
    m_vCameraUp = m_pViewConfig->m_Camera.GetCenterDirUp();


  m_fCameraStartFovOrDim = m_pViewConfig->m_Camera.GetFovOrDim();

  if (fFovOrDim > 0.0f)
    m_fCameraTargetFovOrDim = fFovOrDim;

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_fCameraTargetFovOrDim > 0, "Invalid FOV or ortho dimension");

  if (m_vCameraStartPosition == m_vCameraTargetPosition && m_vCameraStartDirection == m_vCameraTargetDirection &&
      m_fCameraStartFovOrDim == m_fCameraTargetFovOrDim)

  m_LastCameraUpdate = ezTime::Now();

  m_fCameraLerp = 0.0f;
Ejemplo n.º 13
void ezSkeleton::Load(ezStreamReader& stream)

  ezUInt32 uiVersion = 0;
  stream >> uiVersion;

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVersion <= ezSkeletonVersion::Version_Current, "Skeleton versioning corrupt!");

  ezUInt32 uiNumJoints = 0;
  stream >> uiNumJoints;


  if (uiVersion == 1)
    for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < uiNumJoints; ++i)
      ezSkeletonJoint& joint = m_Joints.ExpandAndGetRef();

      ezUInt32 dummy;
      stream >> joint.m_sName;
      stream >> dummy;
      joint.m_uiParentIndex = dummy;
      stream >> joint.m_BindPoseLocal;
      stream >> joint.m_InverseBindPoseGlobal;
    for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < uiNumJoints; ++i)
Ejemplo n.º 14
void ezStringWChar::operator=(const char* szUtf8)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(ezUnicodeUtils::IsValidUtf8(szUtf8), "Input Data is not a valid Utf8 string. Did you intend to use a Wide-String and forget the 'L' prefix?");


  if (szUtf8 != nullptr)

    // skip any Utf8 Byte Order Mark

    while (*szUtf8 != '\0')
      // decode utf8 to utf32
      const ezUInt32 uiUtf32 = ezUnicodeUtils::DecodeUtf8ToUtf32(szUtf8);
      // encode utf32 to wchar_t
      ezUnicodeUtils::UtfInserter<wchar_t, ezHybridArray<wchar_t, BufferSize> > tempInserter(&m_Data);
      ezUnicodeUtils::EncodeUtf32ToWChar(uiUtf32, tempInserter);

  // append terminator
Ejemplo n.º 15
ezResult ezTextureAtlasCreationDesc::Deserialize(ezStreamReader& stream)
  const ezTypeVersion uiVersion = stream.ReadVersion(1);
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVersion == 1, "Invalid texture atlas desc file version {0}", uiVersion);

  ezUInt8 uiNumLayers = 0;
  stream >> uiNumLayers;


  for (ezUInt32 l = 0; l < uiNumLayers; ++l)
    stream >> m_Layers[l].m_Usage;
    stream >> m_Layers[l].m_uiNumChannels;

  ezUInt32 uiNumItems = 0;
  stream >> uiNumItems;

  for (auto& item : m_Items)
    stream >> item.m_uiUniqueID;

    for (ezUInt32 l = 0; l < uiNumLayers; ++l)
      stream >> item.m_sLayerInput[l];

  return EZ_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 16
ezResult ezTaskSystem::CancelTask(ezTask* pTask, ezOnTaskRunning::Enum OnTaskRunning)
  if (pTask->IsTaskFinished())
    return EZ_SUCCESS;


  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pTask->m_BelongsToGroup.m_pTaskGroup->m_uiGroupCounter == pTask->m_BelongsToGroup.m_uiGroupCounter,
                "The task to be removed is in an invalid group.");

  // we set the cancel flag, to make sure that tasks that support canceling will terminate asap
  pTask->m_bCancelExecution = true;


    // if the task is still in the queue of its group, it had not yet been scheduled
    if (!pTask->m_bTaskIsScheduled && pTask->m_BelongsToGroup.m_pTaskGroup->m_Tasks.RemoveAndSwap(pTask))
      // we set the task to finished, even though it was not executed
      pTask->m_bIsFinished = true;
      return EZ_SUCCESS;

    // check if the task has already been scheduled for execution
    // if so, remove it from the work queue
      for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < ezTaskPriority::ENUM_COUNT; ++i)
        auto it = s_Tasks[i].GetIterator();

        while (it.IsValid())
          if (it->m_pTask == pTask)

            // we set the task to finished, even though it was not executed
            pTask->m_bIsFinished = true;

            // tell the system that one task of that group is 'finished', to ensure its dependencies will get scheduled
            TaskHasFinished(it->m_pTask, it->m_pBelongsToGroup);
            return EZ_SUCCESS;


  // if we made it here, the task was already running
  // thus we just wait for it to finish

  if (OnTaskRunning == ezOnTaskRunning::WaitTillFinished)

  return EZ_FAILURE;
Ejemplo n.º 17
void ezExpression::Stream::ValidateDataSize(ezUInt32 uiNumInstances, const char* szDataName) const
  ezUInt32 uiElementSize = GetElementSize();
  ezUInt32 uiExpectedSize = m_uiByteStride * (uiNumInstances - 1) + uiElementSize;

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_Data.GetCount() >= uiExpectedSize, "{0} data size must be {1} bytes or more. Only {2} bytes given", szDataName,
                uiExpectedSize, m_Data.GetCount());
Ejemplo n.º 18
ezToolsProject::ezToolsProject(const char* szProjectPath)
    : m_SingletonRegistrar(this)
  m_bIsClosing = false;

  m_sProjectPath = szProjectPath;
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(!m_sProjectPath.IsEmpty(), "Path cannot be empty.");
Ejemplo n.º 19
void ezImguiRenderer::RenderBatch(const ezRenderViewContext& renderContext, ezRenderPipelinePass* pPass, const ezRenderDataBatch& batch)
  if (ezImgui::GetSingleton() == nullptr)


  ezRenderContext* pRenderContext = renderContext.m_pRenderContext;
  ezGALContext* pGALContext = pRenderContext->GetGALContext();

  const auto& textures = ezImgui::GetSingleton()->m_hTextures;
  const ezUInt32 numTextures = textures.GetCount();

  for (auto it = batch.GetIterator<ezImguiRenderData>(); it.IsValid(); ++it)
    const ezImguiRenderData* pRenderData = pRenderData = it;

    EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pRenderData->m_Vertices.GetCount() < VertexBufferSize, "GUI has too many elements to render in one drawcall");
    EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pRenderData->m_Indices.GetCount() < IndexBufferSize, "GUI has too many elements to render in one drawcall");

    pGALContext->UpdateBuffer(m_hVertexBuffer, 0,
                              ezMakeArrayPtr(pRenderData->m_Vertices.GetPtr(), pRenderData->m_Vertices.GetCount()).ToByteArray());
    pGALContext->UpdateBuffer(m_hIndexBuffer, 0,
                              ezMakeArrayPtr(pRenderData->m_Indices.GetPtr(), pRenderData->m_Indices.GetCount()).ToByteArray());

    pRenderContext->BindMeshBuffer(m_hVertexBuffer, m_hIndexBuffer, &m_VertexDeclarationInfo, ezGALPrimitiveTopology::Triangles,
                                   pRenderData->m_Indices.GetCount() / 3);

    ezUInt32 uiFirstIndex = 0;
    const ezUInt32 numBatches = pRenderData->m_Batches.GetCount();
    for (ezUInt32 batchIdx = 0; batchIdx < numBatches; ++batchIdx)
      const ezImguiBatch& batch = pRenderData->m_Batches[batchIdx];

      if (batch.m_uiVertexCount > 0 && batch.m_uiTextureID < numTextures)
        pRenderContext->BindTexture2D("BaseTexture", textures[batch.m_uiTextureID]);
        pRenderContext->DrawMeshBuffer(batch.m_uiVertexCount / 3, uiFirstIndex / 3);

      uiFirstIndex += batch.m_uiVertexCount;
Ejemplo n.º 20
void ezDynamicQuadtree::FindVisibleObjects(const ezFrustum& Viewfrustum, EZ_VISIBLE_OBJ_CALLBACK Callback, void* pPassThrough) const
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_uiMaxTreeDepth > 0, "ezDynamicQuadtree::FindVisibleObjects: You have to first create the tree.");

  if (m_NodeMap.IsEmpty())

  FindVisibleObjects(Viewfrustum, Callback, pPassThrough, m_BBox.m_vMin.x, m_BBox.m_vMax.x, m_BBox.m_vMin.z, m_BBox.m_vMax.z, 0, m_uiAddIDTopLevel, ezMath::Pow (4, m_uiMaxTreeDepth-1), 0xFFFFFFFF);
void ezGameObjectSelectionActions::MapContextMenuActions(const char* szMapping, const char* szPath)
  ezActionMap* pMap = ezActionMapManager::GetActionMap(szMapping);
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pMap != nullptr, "The given mapping ('{0}') does not exist, mapping the actions failed!", szMapping);

  ezStringBuilder sSubPath(szPath, "/SelectionCategory");

  pMap->MapAction(s_hSelectionCategory, szPath, 5.0f);
  pMap->MapAction(s_hFocusOnSelectionAllViews, sSubPath, 1.0f);
Ejemplo n.º 22
void ezPropertyAnimResourceDescriptor::Load(ezStreamReader& stream)
  ezUInt8 uiVersion = 0;
  ezUInt8 uiIdentifier = 0;
  ezUInt16 uiNumAnimations = 0;

  stream >> uiVersion;
  stream >> uiIdentifier;

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiIdentifier == 0x0A, "File does not contain a valid ezPropertyAnimResourceDescriptor");
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVersion == 4 || uiVersion == 5 || uiVersion == 6, "Invalid file version {0}", uiVersion);

  stream >> m_AnimationDuration;

  if (uiVersion == 4)
    ezEnum<ezPropertyAnimMode> mode;
    stream >> mode;
Ejemplo n.º 23
ezResult ezImageConversion::ConvertRaw(ezArrayPtr<const void> source, ezArrayPtr<void> target, ezUInt32 numElements,
                                       ezArrayPtr<ConversionPathNode> path, ezUInt32 numScratchBuffers)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(path.GetCount() > 0, "Path of length 0 is invalid.");

  if (numElements == 0)
    return EZ_SUCCESS;

  if (ezImageFormat::IsCompressed(path.GetPtr()->m_sourceFormat) || ezImageFormat::IsCompressed((path.GetEndPtr() - 1)->m_targetFormat))
    return EZ_FAILURE;

  ezHybridArray<ezDynamicArray<char>, 16> intermediates;

  for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < path.GetCount(); ++i)
    ezUInt32 targetIndex = path[i].m_targetBufferIndex;
    ezUInt32 targetBpp = ezImageFormat::GetBitsPerPixel(path[i].m_targetFormat);

    ezArrayPtr<void> stepTarget;
    if (targetIndex == 0)
      stepTarget = target;
      ezUInt32 expectedSize = static_cast<ezUInt32>(targetBpp * numElements / 8);
      intermediates[targetIndex - 1].SetCount(expectedSize);
      stepTarget = ezArrayPtr<void>(intermediates[targetIndex - 1].GetData(), intermediates[targetIndex - 1].GetCount());

    if (path[i].m_step == nullptr)
      memcpy(stepTarget.GetPtr(), source.GetPtr(), numElements * targetBpp / 8);
      if (static_cast<const ezImageConversionStepLinear*>(path[i].m_step)
              ->ConvertPixels(source, stepTarget, numElements, path[i].m_sourceFormat, path[i].m_targetFormat)
        return EZ_FAILURE;

    source = stepTarget;

  return EZ_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 24
ezResult ezDataDirectoryType::InitializeDataDirectory(const char* szDataDirPath)
  ezStringBuilder sPath = szDataDirPath;

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(sPath.IsEmpty() || sPath.EndsWith("/"), "Data directory path must end with a slash.");

  m_sDataDirectoryPath = sPath;

  return InternalInitializeDataDirectory(m_sDataDirectoryPath.GetData());
Ejemplo n.º 25
ezInt32 ezCommandLineUtils::GetOptionIndex(const char* szOption, bool bCaseSensitive) const
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(ezStringUtils::StartsWith(szOption, "-"), "All command line option names must start with a hyphen (e.g. -file)");

  for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < m_Commands.GetCount(); ++i)
    if ((bCaseSensitive && m_Commands[i].IsEqual(szOption)) || (!bCaseSensitive && m_Commands[i].IsEqual_NoCase(szOption)))
      return i;

  return -1;
Ejemplo n.º 26
/// The object lies at vCenter and has vHalfExtents as its bounding box.
/// If bOnlyIfInside is false, the object is ALWAYS inserted, even if it is outside the tree.
/// \note In such a case it is inserted at the root-node and thus ALWAYS returned in range/view-frustum queries.
/// If bOnlyIfInside is true, the object is discarded, if it is not inside the actual bounding box of the tree.
/// The min and max Y value of the tree's bounding box is updated, if the object lies above/below previously inserted objects.
ezResult ezDynamicQuadtree::InsertObject(const ezVec3& vCenter, const ezVec3& vHalfExtents, ezInt32 iObjectType, ezInt32 iObjectInstance, ezDynamicTreeObject* out_Object, bool bOnlyIfInside)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(m_uiMaxTreeDepth > 0, "ezDynamicQuadtree::InsertObject: You have to first create the tree.");

  if (out_Object)
    *out_Object = ezDynamicTreeObject();

  if (bOnlyIfInside)
    if (vCenter.x + vHalfExtents.x < m_fRealMinX)
      return EZ_FAILURE;

    if (vCenter.x - vHalfExtents.x > m_fRealMaxX)
      return EZ_FAILURE;

    if (vCenter.z + vHalfExtents.z < m_fRealMinZ)
      return EZ_FAILURE;

    if (vCenter.z - vHalfExtents.z > m_fRealMaxZ)
      return EZ_FAILURE;

  // update the bounding boxes min/max Y values
  m_BBox.m_vMin.y = ezMath::Min(m_BBox.m_vMin.y, vCenter.y - vHalfExtents.y);
  m_BBox.m_vMax.y = ezMath::Max(m_BBox.m_vMax.y, vCenter.y + vHalfExtents.y);

  ezDynamicTree::ezObjectData oData;
  oData.m_iObjectType = iObjectType;
  oData.m_iObjectInstance = iObjectInstance;

  // insert the object into the best child
  if (!InsertObject(vCenter, vHalfExtents, oData, m_BBox.m_vMin.x, m_BBox.m_vMax.x, m_BBox.m_vMin.z, m_BBox.m_vMax.z, 0, m_uiAddIDTopLevel, ezMath::Pow(4, m_uiMaxTreeDepth-1), out_Object))
    if (!bOnlyIfInside)
      ezDynamicTree::ezMultiMapKey mmk;
      mmk.m_uiKey = 0;
      mmk.m_uiCounter = m_uiMultiMapCounter++;

      auto key = m_NodeMap.Insert(mmk, oData);

      if (out_Object)
        *out_Object = key;

      return EZ_SUCCESS;

    return EZ_FAILURE;

  return EZ_SUCCESS;
Ejemplo n.º 27
void ezCollectionResourceDescriptor::Load(ezStreamReader& stream)
  ezUInt8 uiVersion = 0;
  ezUInt8 uiIdentifier = 0;
  ezUInt16 uiNumResources = 0;

  stream >> uiVersion;
  stream >> uiIdentifier;
  stream >> uiNumResources;

  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiIdentifier == 0xC0, "File does not contain a valid ezCollectionResourceDescriptor");
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(uiVersion == 1, "Invalid file version {0}", uiVersion);


  for (ezUInt32 i = 0; i < uiNumResources; ++i)
    stream >> m_Resources[i].m_sResourceTypeName;
    stream >> m_Resources[i].m_sLookupName;
    stream >> m_Resources[i].m_sRedirectionName;
Ejemplo n.º 28
void ezDirectionVisualizerAdapter::Finalize()
  auto* pDoc = m_pObject->GetDocumentObjectManager()->GetDocument();
  const ezAssetDocument* pAssetDocument = ezDynamicCast<const ezAssetDocument*>(pDoc);
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pAssetDocument != nullptr, "Visualizers are only supported in ezAssetDocument.");

  const ezDirectionVisualizerAttribute* pAttr = static_cast<const ezDirectionVisualizerAttribute*>(m_pVisualizerAttr);

  m_Gizmo.Configure(nullptr, ezEngineGizmoHandleType::Arrow, pAttr->m_Color, false, false, true);

Ejemplo n.º 29
ezViewHandle ezEditorEngineProcessApp::CreateRemoteWindowAndView(ezCamera* pCamera)
  EZ_ASSERT_DEV(IsRemoteMode(), "Incorrect app mode");


  if (m_hRemoteView.IsInvalidated())
    ezGALDevice* pDevice = ezGALDevice::GetDefaultDevice();

    ezWindowOutputTargetGAL* pOutputTarget =
    const ezGALSwapChain* pPrimarySwapChain = pDevice->GetSwapChain(pOutputTarget->m_hSwapChain);
    EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pPrimarySwapChain != nullptr, "Failed to init swapchain");

    auto hSwapChainRTV = pDevice->GetDefaultRenderTargetView(pPrimarySwapChain->GetBackBufferTexture());

    ezGALRenderTagetSetup BackBufferRenderTargetSetup;
    BackBufferRenderTargetSetup.SetRenderTarget(0, hSwapChainRTV);

    // setup view
      ezView* pView = nullptr;
      m_hRemoteView = ezRenderWorld::CreateView("Remote Process", pView);

      // EditorRenderPipeline.ezRenderPipelineAsset
          ezResourceManager::LoadResource<ezRenderPipelineResource>("{ da463c4d-c984-4910-b0b7-a0b3891d0448 }"));

          ezRectFloat(0.0f, 0.0f, (float)m_pRemoteWindow->GetClientAreaSize().width, (float)m_pRemoteWindow->GetClientAreaSize().height));

  return m_hRemoteView;
Ejemplo n.º 30
void ezVirtualThumbStick::SetTriggerInputSlot(ezVirtualThumbStick::Input::Enum Input, const ezInputActionConfig* pCustomConfig)
  for (ezInt32 i = 0; i < ezInputActionConfig::MaxInputSlotAlternatives; ++i)
    m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotX[i] = ezInputSlot_None;
    m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotY[i] = ezInputSlot_None;
    m_ActionConfig.m_sInputSlotTrigger[i]   = ezInputSlot_None;

  switch (Input)
  case ezVirtualThumbStick::Input::Touchpoint:
      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotX[0] = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint0_PositionX;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotY[0] = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint0_PositionY;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sInputSlotTrigger[0]   = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint0;

      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotX[1] = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint1_PositionX;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotY[1] = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint1_PositionY;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sInputSlotTrigger[1]   = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint1;

      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotX[2] = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint2_PositionX;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotY[2] = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint2_PositionY;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sInputSlotTrigger[2]   = ezInputSlot_TouchPoint2;
  case ezVirtualThumbStick::Input::MousePosition:
      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotX[0] = ezInputSlot_MousePositionX;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotY[0] = ezInputSlot_MousePositionY;
      m_ActionConfig.m_sInputSlotTrigger[0]   = ezInputSlot_MouseButton0;
  case ezVirtualThumbStick::Input::Custom:
      EZ_ASSERT_DEV(pCustomConfig != nullptr, "Must pass a custom config, if you want to have a custom config.");

      for (ezInt32 i = 0; i < ezInputActionConfig::MaxInputSlotAlternatives; ++i)
        m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotX[i] = pCustomConfig->m_sFilterByInputSlotX[i];
        m_ActionConfig.m_sFilterByInputSlotY[i] = pCustomConfig->m_sFilterByInputSlotY[i];
        m_ActionConfig.m_sInputSlotTrigger[i]   = pCustomConfig->m_sInputSlotTrigger[i];

  m_bConfigChanged = true;