Ejemplo n.º 1
 * @brief Tells you if a employee is away from his home base (gone in mission).
 * @param[in] employee Pointer to the employee.
 * @return qboolean qtrue if the employee is away in mission, qfalse if he is not or he is unhired.
qboolean E_IsAwayFromBase (const employee_t *employee)
	const base_t *base;
	aircraft_t *aircraft;


	/* Check that employee is hired */
	if (!E_IsHired(employee))
		return qfalse;

	/* Check if employee is currently transferred. */
	if (employee->transfer)
		return qtrue;

	/* for now only soldiers, ugvs and pilots can be assigned to an aircraft */
	if (employee->type != EMPL_SOLDIER && employee->type != EMPL_ROBOT
	 && employee->type != EMPL_PILOT)
		return qfalse;

	base = employee->baseHired;

	/* Crashed aircraft no longer belongs to any base but poor pilot/soldiers assigned
	 * to it are definetly away from the base so we need to iterate trought all aircraft */
	AIR_Foreach(aircraft) {
		if (aircraft->homebase != base)
		if (!AIR_IsAircraftInBase(aircraft) && AIR_IsEmployeeInAircraft(employee, aircraft))
			return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * @brief Fires an employee.
 * @note also remove him from the aircraft
 * @param[in] employee The employee who will be fired
 * @sa E_HireEmployee
 * @sa E_HireEmployeeByType
 * @sa CL_RemoveSoldierFromAircraft
 * @sa E_ResetEmployee
 * @sa E_RemoveEmployeeFromBuildingOrAircraft
 * @todo handle EMPL_ROBOT capacities here?
qboolean E_UnhireEmployee (employee_t* employee)
	if (employee && E_IsHired(employee) && !employee->transfer) {
		base_t *base = employee->baseHired;

		/* Any effect of removing an employee (e.g. removing a scientist from a research project)
		 * should take place in E_RemoveEmployeeFromBuildingOrAircraft */
		/* Set all employee-tags to 'unhired'. */
		employee->baseHired = NULL;

		/* Remove employee from corresponding capacity */
		switch (employee->type) {
		case EMPL_PILOT:
		case EMPL_ROBOT:
			base->capacities[CAP_ITEMS].cur -= UGV_SIZE;
		case MAX_EMPL:

		return qtrue;
	} else
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "Could not fire employee\n");
	return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 * @brief Iterates through unhired employees
 * @param[in] type Employee type to look for
 * @sa employeeType_t
employee_t* E_GetUnhired (employeeType_t type)
	employee_t* employee;

	E_Foreach(type, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee))
	return employee;
Ejemplo n.º 4
 * @brief Removes the inventory of the employee and also removes him from buildings
 * @note This is used in the transfer start function (when you transfer an employee
 * this must be called for him to make him no longer useable in the current base)
 * and is also used when you completely unhire an employee.
 * @sa E_UnhireEmployee
void E_ResetEmployee (employee_t *employee)

	/* Remove employee from building (and tech/production). */
	/* Destroy the inventory of the employee (carried items will remain in base->storage) */
	cls.i.DestroyInventory(&cls.i, &employee->chr.i);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * @brief Counts all available Robots/UGVs that are for sale.
 * @param[in] ugvType What type of robot/ugv we are looking for.
 * @return count of available robots/ugvs.
int E_CountUnhiredRobotsByType (const ugv_t *ugvType)
	int count = 0;
	employee_t *employee;

	E_Foreach(EMPL_ROBOT, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee) && employee->ugv == ugvType)
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 * @brief Counts unhired employees of a given type in a given base
 * @param[in] type The type of employee to search.
 * @return count of hired employees of a given type in a given base
int E_CountUnhired (employeeType_t type)
	int count = 0;
	employee_t *employee;

	E_Foreach(type, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee))
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 7
 * @brief Checks whether the given employee is in the given base
 * @sa E_EmployeeIsCurrentlyInBase
qboolean E_IsInBase (const employee_t* empl, const base_t* const base)
	assert(empl != NULL);
	assert(base != NULL);

	if (!E_IsHired(empl))
		return qfalse;
	if (empl->baseHired == base)
		return qtrue;
	return qfalse;
Ejemplo n.º 8
 * @brief Counts 'hired' (i.e. bought or produced UGVs and other robots of a given ugv-type in a given base.
 * @param[in] base The base where we count (@c NULL to count all).
 * @param[in] ugvType What type of robot/ugv we are looking for.
 * @return Count of Robots/UGVs.
int E_CountHiredRobotByType (const base_t* const base, const ugv_t *ugvType)
	int count = 0;
	employee_t *employee;

	E_Foreach(EMPL_ROBOT, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee))
		if (employee->ugv == ugvType && (!base || E_IsInBase(employee, base)))
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 9
 * @brief Counts hired employees of a given type in a given base
 * @param[in] base The base where we count (@c NULL to count all).
 * @param[in] type The type of employee to search.
 * @return count of hired employees of a given type in a given base
int E_CountHired (const base_t* const base, employeeType_t type)
	int count = 0;
	employee_t *employee;

	E_Foreach(type, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee))
		if (!base || E_IsInBase(employee, base))
	return count;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 * @brief Return a "not hired" ugv-employee pointer of a given ugv-type.
 * @param[in] ugvType What type of robot we want.
 * @return employee_t pointer on success or NULL on error.
 * @sa E_GetHiredRobot
employee_t* E_GetUnhiredRobot (const ugv_t *ugvType)
	employee_t *employee;

	E_Foreach(EMPL_ROBOT, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee)) {
			/* If no type was given we return the first ugv we find. */
			if (!ugvType || employee->ugv == ugvType)
				return employee;

	return employee;
Ejemplo n.º 11
 * @brief Recreates all the employees for a particular employee type in the global list.
 * But it does not overwrite any employees already hired.
 * @param[in] type The type of the employee list to process.
 * @param[in] excludeUnhappyNations True if a nation is unhappy then they wont
 * send any pilots, false if happiness of nations in not considered.
 * @sa CP_NationHandleBudget
int E_RefreshUnhiredEmployeeGlobalList (const employeeType_t type, const qboolean excludeUnhappyNations)
	const nation_t *happyNations[MAX_NATIONS];
	int numHappyNations = 0;
	int idx, nationIdx, cnt;
	employee_t *employee;

	happyNations[0] = NULL;
	/* get a list of nations,  if excludeHappyNations is qtrue then also exclude
	 * unhappy nations (unhappy nation: happiness <= 0) from the list */
	for (idx = 0; idx < ccs.numNations; idx++) {
		const nation_t *nation = NAT_GetNationByIDX(idx);
		const nationInfo_t *stats = NAT_GetCurrentMonthInfo(nation);
		if (stats->happiness > 0 || !excludeUnhappyNations) {
			happyNations[numHappyNations] = nation;

	if (!numHappyNations)
		return 0;

	idx = 0;
	/* Fill the global data employee list with employees, evenly distributed
	 * between nations in the happyNations list */
	E_Foreach(type, employee) {
		/* we don't want to overwrite employees that have already been hired */
		if (!E_IsHired(employee)) {

	nationIdx = 0;
	cnt = 0;
	while (idx-- > 0) {
		if (E_CreateEmployee(type, happyNations[nationIdx], NULL) != NULL)
		nationIdx = (nationIdx + 1) % numHappyNations;

	return cnt;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 * @brief Return a "hired" ugv-employee pointer of a given ugv-type in a given base.
 * @param[in] base Which base the ugv should be searched in.c
 * @param[in] ugvType What type of robot we want.
 * @return employee_t pointer on success or NULL on error.
 * @sa E_GetUnhiredRobot
employee_t* E_GetHiredRobot (const base_t* const base, const ugv_t *ugvType)
	linkedList_t *hiredEmployees = NULL;
	employee_t *employee;

	E_GetHiredEmployees(base, EMPL_ROBOT, &hiredEmployees);

	LIST_Foreach(hiredEmployees, employee_t, employee) {
		if ((employee->ugv == ugvType || !ugvType)	/* If no type was given we return the first ugv we find. */
		 && E_IsInBase(employee, base)) {		/* It has to be in the defined base. */


	if (!employee)
		Com_DPrintf(DEBUG_CLIENT, "Could not get unhired ugv/robot.\n");

	return employee;
Ejemplo n.º 13
 * @brief Return a list of hired employees in the given base of a given type
 * @param[in] base Which base the employee should be searched in. If NULL is given employees in all bases will be listed.
 * @param[in] type Which employee type to search for.
 * @param[out] hiredEmployees Linked list of hired employees in the base.
 * @return Number of hired employees in the base that are currently not on a transfer. Or @c -1 in case of an error.
int E_GetHiredEmployees (const base_t* const base, employeeType_t type, linkedList_t **hiredEmployees)
	employee_t *employee;

	if (type >= MAX_EMPL) {
		Com_Printf("E_GetHiredEmployees: Unknown EmployeeType: %i\n", type);
		*hiredEmployees = NULL;
		return -1;


	E_Foreach(type, employee) {
		if (!E_IsHired(employee))
		if (!employee->transfer && (!base || E_IsInBase(employee, base))) {
			LIST_AddPointer(hiredEmployees, employee);

	if (hiredEmployees == NULL)
		return 0;
	return LIST_Count(*hiredEmployees);
Ejemplo n.º 14
 * @brief Shows the current stats from stats_t stats
 * @todo This is very redundant with NAT_HandleBudget Ivestigate and clean up.
void CP_StatsUpdate_f (void)
	char *pos;
	static char statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER];
	int hired[MAX_EMPL];
	int i, costs = 0, sum = 0, totalfunds = 0;
	base_t *base;
	const campaign_t *campaign = ccs.curCampaign;
	const salary_t *salary = &campaign->salaries;
	const rank_t *rank;

	/* delete buffer */

	pos = statsBuffer;

	/* missions */
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_STATS_MISSION, pos);
	Com_sprintf(pos, MAX_STATS_BUFFER, _("Won:\t%i\nLost:\t%i\n\n"), ccs.campaignStats.missionsWon, ccs.campaignStats.missionsLost);

	/* bases */
	pos += (strlen(pos) + 1);
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_STATS_BASES, pos);
	Com_sprintf(pos, (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos), _("Built:\t%i\nActive:\t%i\nAttacked:\t%i\n"),
			ccs.campaignStats.basesBuilt, B_GetCount(), ccs.campaignStats.basesAttacked),

	/* installations */
	pos += (strlen(pos) + 1);
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_STATS_INSTALLATIONS, pos);

	INS_Foreach(inst) {
		Q_strcat(pos, va("%s\n", inst->name), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));

	/* nations */
	pos += (strlen(pos) + 1);
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_STATS_NATIONS, pos);
	for (i = 0; i < ccs.numNations; i++) {
		const nation_t *nation = NAT_GetNationByIDX(i);
		Q_strcat(pos, va(_("%s\t%s\n"), _(nation->name), NAT_GetHappinessString(nation)), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));
		totalfunds += NAT_GetFunding(nation, 0);
	Q_strcat(pos, va(_("\nFunding this month:\t%d"), totalfunds), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));

	/* costs */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EMPL; i++) {
		E_Foreach(i, employee) {
			const employeeType_t type = (employeeType_t)i;
			if (!E_IsHired(employee))
			rank = CL_GetRankByIdx(employee->chr.score.rank);
			costs += CP_GetSalaryBaseEmployee(salary, type) + rank->level * CP_GetSalaryRankBonusEmployee(salary, type);

	/* employees - this is between the two costs parts to count the hired employees */
	pos += (strlen(pos) + 1);
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_STATS_EMPLOYEES, pos);
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_EMPL; i++) {
		const employeeType_t type = (employeeType_t)i;
		Q_strcat(pos, va(_("%s\t%i\n"), E_GetEmployeeString(type, hired[i]), hired[i]), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));

	/* costs - second part */
	pos += (strlen(pos) + 1);
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_STATS_COSTS, pos);
	Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Employees:\t%i c\n"), costs), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));
	sum += costs;

	costs = 0;
	AIR_Foreach(aircraft) {
		if (aircraft->status == AIR_CRASHED)
		costs += aircraft->price * salary->aircraftFactor / salary->aircraftDivisor;
	Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Aircraft:\t%i c\n"), costs), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));
	sum += costs;

	base = NULL;
	while ((base = B_GetNext(base)) != NULL) {
		costs = CP_GetSalaryUpKeepBase(salary, base);
		Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Base (%s):\t%i c\n"), base->name, costs), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));
		sum += costs;

	costs = CP_GetSalaryAdministrative(salary);
	Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Administrative costs:\t%i c\n"), costs), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));
	sum += costs;

	if (ccs.credits < 0) {
		const float interest = ccs.credits * campaign->salaries.debtInterest;

		costs = (int)ceil(interest);
		Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Debt:\t%i c\n"), costs), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));
		sum += costs;
	Q_strcat(pos, va(_("\n\t-------\nSum:\t%i c\n"), sum), (ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));

	/* campaign */
	pos += (strlen(pos) + 1);
	cgi->UI_RegisterText(TEXT_GENERIC, pos);
	Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Max. allowed debts: %ic\n"), campaign->negativeCreditsUntilLost),
		(ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));

	/* only show the xvi spread data when it's available */
	if (CP_IsXVIVisible()) {
		Q_strcat(pos, va(_("Max. allowed eXtraterrestial Viral Infection: %i%%\n"
			"Current eXtraterrestial Viral Infection: %i%%"),
			(ptrdiff_t)(&statsBuffer[MAX_STATS_BUFFER] - pos));