Ejemplo n.º 1
static void do_ok (RunnerMFC me) {
	ExperimentMFC experiment = (ExperimentMFC) my data;
	Melder_assert (experiment -> trial >= 1 && experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials);
	my numberOfReplays = 0;
	if (experiment -> trial == experiment -> numberOfTrials) {
		experiment -> trial ++;
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
		Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
	} else if (experiment -> breakAfterEvery != 0 && experiment -> trial % experiment -> breakAfterEvery == 0) {
		experiment -> pausing = TRUE;
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
		Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
	} else {
		experiment -> trial ++;
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
		if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying) {
			Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
			Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
			Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
			Graphics_flushWs (my graphics);
		Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
		if (experiment -> stimuliAreSounds) {
			autoMelderAudioSaveMaximumAsynchronicity saveMaximumAsynchronicity;
			if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying)
				 MelderAudio_setOutputMaximumAsynchronicity (kMelder_asynchronicityLevel_SYNCHRONOUS);
			ExperimentMFC_playStimulus (experiment, experiment -> stimuli [experiment -> trial]);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void menu_cb_editRanking (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Edit ranking", 0)
		LABEL (U"constraint", U"");
		REAL (U"Ranking value", U"100.0");
		REAL (U"Disharmony", U"100.0");
		OTMulti grammar = (OTMulti) my data;
		OTConstraint constraint;
		if (my selectedConstraint < 1 || my selectedConstraint > grammar -> numberOfConstraints)
			Melder_throw (U"Select a constraint first.");
		constraint = & grammar -> constraints [grammar -> index [my selectedConstraint]];
		SET_STRING (U"constraint", constraint -> name)
		SET_REAL (U"Ranking value", constraint -> ranking)
		SET_REAL (U"Disharmony", constraint -> disharmony)
		OTMulti grammar = (OTMulti) my data;
		OTConstraint constraint = & grammar -> constraints [grammar -> index [my selectedConstraint]];
		Editor_save (me, U"Edit ranking");
		constraint -> ranking = GET_REAL (U"Ranking value");
		constraint -> disharmony = GET_REAL (U"Disharmony");
		OTMulti_sort (grammar);
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void menu_cb_evaluate_noise_2_0 (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	Editor_save (me, U"Evaluate (noise 2.0)");
	OTMulti_newDisharmonies ((OTMulti) my data, 2.0);
	Graphics_updateWs (my g);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void menu_cb_ReverseSelection (SoundEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Editor_save (me, U"Reverse selection");
	Sound_reverse ((Sound) my data, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection);
	my v_reset_analysis ();
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 5
static void gui_button_cb_addTarget (ArtwordEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Artword artword = (Artword) my data;
	char32 *timeText = GuiText_getString (my time);
	double tim = Melder_atof (timeText);
	char32 *valueText = GuiText_getString (my value);
	double value = Melder_atof (valueText);
	ArtwordData a = & artword -> data [my feature];
	int i = 1, oldCount = a -> numberOfTargets;
	Melder_free (timeText);
	Melder_free (valueText);
	Artword_setTarget (artword, my feature, tim, value);

	/* Optimization instead of "updateList (me)". */

	if (tim < 0) tim = 0;
	if (tim > artword -> totalTime) tim = artword -> totalTime;
	while (tim != a -> times [i]) {
		i ++;
		Melder_assert (i <= a -> numberOfTargets);   // can fail if tim is in an extended precision register
	const char32 *itemText = Melder_cat (Melder_single (tim), U"  ", Melder_single (value));
	if (a -> numberOfTargets == oldCount) {
		GuiList_replaceItem (my list, itemText, i);
	} else {
		GuiList_insertItem (my list, itemText, i);
	Graphics_updateWs (my graphics.get());
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 6
static void gui_button_cb_insert (StringsEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	 * Find the first selected item.
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	long position = selected ? selected [1] : strings -> numberOfStrings + 1;
	NUMvector_free (selected, 1);
	char32 *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	 * Change the data.
	Strings_insert (strings, position, text);
	 * Change the list.
	GuiList_insertItem (my list, text, position);
	GuiList_deselectAllItems (my list);
	GuiList_selectItem (my list, position);
	 * Clean up.
	Melder_free (text);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 7
static void do_oops (RunnerMFC me) {
	ExperimentMFC experiment = (ExperimentMFC) my data;
	Melder_assert (experiment -> trial >= 2 && experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials + 1);
	if (experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials) {
		experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] = 0;
		experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] = 0;
	experiment -> trial --;
	experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] = 0;
	experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] = 0;
	experiment -> pausing = FALSE;
	my numberOfReplays = 0;
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
	if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying) {
		Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
		Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
		Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
		Graphics_flushWs (my graphics);
	Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
	if (experiment -> stimuliAreSounds) {
		autoMelderAudioSaveMaximumAsynchronicity saveMaximumAsynchronicity;
		if (experiment -> blankWhilePlaying)
			MelderAudio_setOutputMaximumAsynchronicity (kMelder_asynchronicityLevel_SYNCHRONOUS);
		ExperimentMFC_playStimulus (experiment, experiment -> stimuli [experiment -> trial]);
Ejemplo n.º 8
static void menu_cb_editConstraint (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTGrammarEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Edit constraint", 0)
		LABEL (U"constraint", U"");
		REAL (U"Ranking value", U"100.0");
		REAL (U"Disharmony", U"100.0");
		REAL (U"Plasticity", U"1.0");
		OTGrammar ot = (OTGrammar) my data;
		OTGrammarConstraint constraint;
		if (my selected < 1 || my selected > ot -> numberOfConstraints)
			Melder_throw (U"Select a constraint first.");
		constraint = & ot -> constraints [ot -> index [my selected]];
		SET_STRING (U"constraint", constraint -> name)
		SET_REAL (U"Ranking value", constraint -> ranking)
		SET_REAL (U"Disharmony", constraint -> disharmony)
		SET_REAL (U"Plasticity", constraint -> plasticity)
		OTGrammar ot = (OTGrammar) my data;
		OTGrammarConstraint constraint = & ot -> constraints [ot -> index [my selected]];
		Editor_save (me, U"Edit constraint");
		constraint -> ranking = GET_REAL (U"Ranking value");
		constraint -> disharmony = GET_REAL (U"Disharmony");
		constraint -> plasticity = GET_REAL (U"Plasticity");
		OTGrammar_sort (ot);
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 9
static void menu_cb_evaluate_zeroNoise (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTGrammarEditor);
	Editor_save (me, U"Evaluate (zero noise)");
	OTGrammar_newDisharmonies ((OTGrammar) my data, 0.0);
	Graphics_updateWs (my g);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 10
static void menu_cb_evaluate_tinyNoise (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	Editor_save (me, U"Evaluate (tiny noise)");
	OTMulti_newDisharmonies ((OTMulti) my data, 1e-9);
	Graphics_updateWs (my g);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 11
static void menu_cb_ReverseSelection (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (SoundEditor);
	Editor_save (me, L"Reverse selection");
	Sound_reverse ((Sound) my data, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection);
	my v_destroy_analysis ();
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 12
static void menu_cb_octaveUp (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (PitchEditor);
	Pitch pitch = (Pitch) my data;
	Editor_save (me, U"Octave up");
	Pitch_step (pitch, 2.0, 0.1, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 13
static void menu_cb_fifthDown (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (PitchEditor);
	Pitch pitch = (Pitch) my data;
	Editor_save (me, U"Fifth down");
	Pitch_step (pitch, 1 / 1.5, 0.1, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 14
static void menu_cb_addPointAtCursor (FormantGridEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Editor_save (me, U"Add point");
	FormantGrid grid = (FormantGrid) my data;
	Ordered tiers = my editingBandwidths ? grid -> bandwidths.get() : grid -> formants.get();
	RealTier tier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [my selectedFormant];
	RealTier_addPoint (tier, 0.5 * (my d_startSelection + my d_endSelection), my ycursor);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 15
static int RunnerMFC_startExperiment (RunnerMFC me) {
	my data = (Daata) my experiments -> item [my iexperiment];
	Melder_assert (my data -> classInfo == classExperimentMFC);
	ExperimentMFC_start ((ExperimentMFC) my data);
	Thing_setName (me, ((ExperimentMFC) my data) -> name);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
	Graphics_updateWs (my graphics);
	return 1;
Ejemplo n.º 16
static void gui_button_cb_remove (StringsEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	for (long iselected = numberOfSelected; iselected >= 1; iselected --) {
		Strings_remove ((Strings) my data, selected [iselected]);
	NUMvector_free (selected, 1);
	updateList (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 17
static void menu_cb_removePoints (PointEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Editor_save (me, U"Remove point(s)");
	if (my startSelection == my endSelection)
		PointProcess_removePointNear ((PointProcess) my data, my startSelection);
		PointProcess_removePointsBetween ((PointProcess) my data, my startSelection, my endSelection);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 18
static void menu_cb_removePoints (RealTierEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Editor_save (me, U"Remove point(s)");
	if (my d_startSelection == my d_endSelection)
		AnyTier_removePointNear (my data, my d_startSelection);
		AnyTier_removePointsBetween (my data, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection);
	RealTierEditor_updateScaling (me);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 19
static void gui_button_cb_replace (StringsEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Strings strings = (Strings) my data;
	long numberOfSelected, *selected = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelected);
	char32 *text = GuiText_getString (my text);
	for (long iselected = 1; iselected <= numberOfSelected; iselected ++) {
		Strings_replace (strings, selected [iselected], text);
		GuiList_replaceItem (my list, text, selected [iselected]);
	Melder_free (text);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 20
static void menu_cb_removeConstraint (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	OTMulti grammar = (OTMulti) my data;
	if (my selectedConstraint < 1 || my selectedConstraint > grammar -> numberOfConstraints)
		Melder_throw (U"Select a constraint first.");
	OTConstraint constraint = & grammar -> constraints [grammar -> index [my selectedConstraint]];
	Editor_save (me, U"Remove constraint");
	OTMulti_removeConstraint (grammar, constraint -> name);
	Graphics_updateWs (my g);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 21
static void menu_cb_addPointAtCursor (RealTierEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	if (NUMdefined (my v_minimumLegalValue ()) && my ycursor < my v_minimumLegalValue ())
		Melder_throw (U"Cannot add a point below ", my v_minimumLegalValue (), my v_rightTickUnits (), U".");
	if (NUMdefined (my v_maximumLegalValue ()) && my ycursor > my v_maximumLegalValue ())
		Melder_throw (U"Cannot add a point above ", my v_maximumLegalValue (), my v_rightTickUnits (), U".");
	Editor_save (me, U"Add point");
	RealTier_addPoint ((RealTier) my data, 0.5 * (my d_startSelection + my d_endSelection), my ycursor);
	RealTierEditor_updateScaling (me);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 22
static void menu_cb_removePoints (FormantGridEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Editor_save (me, U"Remove point(s)");
	FormantGrid grid = (FormantGrid) my data;
	Ordered tiers = my editingBandwidths ? grid -> bandwidths.get() : grid -> formants.get();
	RealTier tier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [my selectedFormant];
	if (my d_startSelection == my d_endSelection)
		AnyTier_removePointNear (tier, my d_startSelection);
		AnyTier_removePointsBetween (tier, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection);
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 23
static void menu_cb_removeConstraint (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTGrammarEditor);
	OTGrammar ot = (OTGrammar) my data;
	OTGrammarConstraint constraint;
	if (my selected < 1 || my selected > ot -> numberOfConstraints)
		Melder_throw (U"Select a constraint first.");
	constraint = & ot -> constraints [ot -> index [my selected]];
	Editor_save (me, U"Remove constraint");
	OTGrammar_removeConstraint (ot, constraint -> name);
	Graphics_updateWs (my g);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 24
static void menu_cb_evaluate (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Evaluate", 0)
		REAL (U"Evaluation noise", U"2.0")
		Editor_save (me, U"Evaluate");
		OTMulti_newDisharmonies ((OTMulti) my data, GET_REAL (U"Evaluation noise"));
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 25
static void menu_cb_resetAllRankings (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (OTMultiEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Reset all rankings", 0)
		REAL (U"Ranking", U"100.0")
		Editor_save (me, U"Reset all rankings");
		OTMulti_reset ((OTMulti) my data, GET_REAL (U"Ranking"));
		Graphics_updateWs (my g);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 26
static void gui_button_cb_removeTarget (ArtwordEditor me, GuiButtonEvent /* event */) {
	Artword artword = (Artword) my data;
	long numberOfSelectedPositions;
	long *selectedPositions = GuiList_getSelectedPositions (my list, & numberOfSelectedPositions);   // BUG memory
	if (selectedPositions) {
		for (long ipos = numberOfSelectedPositions; ipos > 0; ipos --)
			Artword_removeTarget (artword, my feature, selectedPositions [ipos]);
	NUMvector_free <long> (selectedPositions, 1);
	updateList (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 27
static void menu_cb_addPointAt (PointEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Add point", nullptr)
		REAL (U"Position", U"0.0");
		SET_REAL (U"Position", 0.5 * (my startSelection + my endSelection));
		Editor_save (me, U"Add point");
		PointProcess_addPoint ((PointProcess) my data, GET_REAL (U"Position"));
		FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 28
static void menu_cb_SetSelectionToZero (SoundEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_DIRECT) {
	Sound sound = (Sound) my data;
	long first, last;
	Sampled_getWindowSamples (sound, my d_startSelection, my d_endSelection, & first, & last);
	Editor_save (me, U"Set to zero");
	for (long channel = 1; channel <= sound -> ny; channel ++) {
		for (long i = first; i <= last; i ++) {
			sound -> z [channel] [i] = 0.0;
	my v_reset_analysis ();
	FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
	Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 29
static void menu_cb_setCeiling (EDITOR_ARGS) {
	EDITOR_IAM (PitchEditor);
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Change ceiling", 0)
		POSITIVE (U"Ceiling (Hz)", U"600")
		Pitch pitch = (Pitch) my data;
		SET_REAL (U"Ceiling", pitch -> ceiling)
		Pitch pitch = (Pitch) my data;
		Editor_save (me, U"Change ceiling");
		Pitch_setCeiling (pitch, GET_REAL (U"Ceiling"));
		FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);
Ejemplo n.º 30
static void menu_cb_addPointAt (FormantGridEditor me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Add point", nullptr)
		REAL (U"Time (s)", U"0.0")
		POSITIVE (U"Frequency (Hz)", U"200.0")
		SET_REAL (U"Time", 0.5 * (my d_startSelection + my d_endSelection))
		SET_REAL (U"Frequency", my ycursor)
		Editor_save (me, U"Add point");
		FormantGrid grid = (FormantGrid) my data;
		Ordered tiers = my editingBandwidths ? grid -> bandwidths.get() : grid -> formants.get();
		RealTier tier = (RealTier) tiers -> item [my selectedFormant];
		RealTier_addPoint (tier, GET_REAL (U"Time"), GET_REAL (U"Frequency"));
		FunctionEditor_redraw (me);
		Editor_broadcastDataChanged (me);