Ejemplo n.º 1
    EntityRef EntityManager::createEntityRef(int ID)
        if (!entityExists(ID)) // Entity doesn't exist, return a null EntityRef
            return EntityRef(this, EntityRef::NullID);

        return EntityRef(this, ID);
Ejemplo n.º 2
void EntityProperty::set(const Atlas::Message::Element & val)
    // INT id?
    if (val.isString()) {
        const std::string & id = val.String();
        if (m_data.get() == 0 || m_data->getId() != id) {
            debug(std::cout << "Assigning " << id << std::endl << std::flush;);
            if (id.empty()) {
                m_data = EntityRef(0);
            } else {
                LocatedEntity * e = BaseWorld::instance().getEntity(id);
                if (e != 0) {
                    debug(std::cout << "Assigned" << std::endl << std::flush;);
                    m_data = EntityRef(e);
Ejemplo n.º 3
 virtual void Initialize(NodeArguments* args) {
   auto entity = args->GetInput<EntityRef>(0);
   if (entity->IsValid()) {
     auto child_index = *args->GetInput<int>(1);
     TransformData* transform_data =
     // Find the child at the given index.
     auto iter = transform_data->children.begin();
     while (child_index && iter != transform_data->children.end()) {
     args->SetOutput(0, iter != transform_data->children.end() ? iter->owner
                                                               : EntityRef());
   } else {
     args->SetOutput(0, EntityRef());
Ejemplo n.º 4
EntityRef SplashState::loadEntity(const Path& path, EntityRef parent, const Path& cd) {
	Path localPath = make_absolute(cd, path);
	log().info("Load entity \"", localPath, "\"");

	Json::Value json;
	Path realPath = game()->dataPath() / localPath;
	if(!parseJson(json, realPath, localPath, log())) {
		return EntityRef();

	return _entities.createEntityFromJson(parent, json, localPath.dir());
Ejemplo n.º 5
	void WorldViewer::update(double time_diff) {
		Actor *spectator = m_world->refEntity<Actor>(m_spectator);

		if((int)m_entities.size() != m_world->entityCount())
		if(!m_spectator) {
			for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_entities.size(); n++) {
				Entity *entity = m_world->refEntity(n);
				VisEntity &vis_entity = m_entities[n];
				vis_entity.ref = entity? entity->ref() : EntityRef();
				vis_entity.mode = entity? VisEntity::visible : VisEntity::invisible;
				vis_entity.occluder_id = -1;


		FBox bbox = spectator->boundingBox();
		m_cur_pos = bbox.center();
		m_eye_pos = asXZY(m_cur_pos.xz(), bbox.min.y + bbox.height() * 0.75f);

		for(int n = 0; n < (int)m_entities.size(); n++) {
			Entity *entity = m_world->refEntity(n);
			VisEntity &vis_entity = m_entities[n];

			if(!entity) {
				vis_entity = VisEntity();
			const auto *desc = m_world->refEntityDesc(n);

			bool is_visible = m_see_all || spectator == entity || spectator->canSee(entity->ref(), !isMovable(*entity));

			if(vis_entity.ref != entity->ref()) {
				vis_entity = VisEntity();
				vis_entity.ref = entity->ref();
				vis_entity.mode = is_visible? VisEntity::visible : VisEntity::invisible;

			if(is_visible) {
				vis_entity.occluder_id = desc->occluder_id;

				if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::visible)

				if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::shadowed || vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::pre_blending_out) {
					vis_entity.mode = VisEntity::visible;
				else {
					float blend_value = 0.0;
					if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::blending_in)
						blend_value = vis_entity.blend_value;
					else if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::blending_out)
						blend_value = blend_time - vis_entity.blend_value;

					blend_value += time_diff;
					vis_entity.mode = blend_value > blend_time? VisEntity::visible : VisEntity::blending_in;
					vis_entity.blend_value = blend_value;
			else {
				if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::shadowed || vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::invisible)

				if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::visible) {
					vis_entity.blend_value = 0.0f;
					vis_entity.mode = VisEntity::pre_blending_out;

				if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::pre_blending_out) {
					vis_entity.blend_value += time_diff;

					if(vis_entity.blend_value > blend_time) {
						if(isMovable(*entity)) {
							vis_entity.mode = VisEntity::blending_out;
							vis_entity.blend_value = vis_entity.blend_value - blend_time;
						else {
							vis_entity.mode = VisEntity::shadowed;
							vis_entity.occluder_id = desc->occluder_id;
				else {
					float blend_value = 0.0f;

					if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::blending_in)
						blend_value = blend_time - vis_entity.blend_value;
					else if(vis_entity.mode == VisEntity::blending_out)
						blend_value = vis_entity.blend_value;

					vis_entity.blend_value = blend_value + time_diff;
					vis_entity.mode = VisEntity::blending_out;

					if(vis_entity.blend_value > blend_time)
						vis_entity.mode = VisEntity::invisible;

Ejemplo n.º 6
Box2 CollisionComponent::worldAlignedBox() const {
	lairAssert(_shape && _shape->type() == SHAPE_ALIGNED_BOX);
	Vector2 pos = EntityRef(_entityPtr).computeWorldTransform().translation().head<2>();
	return Box2(pos + _shape->point(0), pos + _shape->point(1));
Ejemplo n.º 7
	EntityRef World::toEntityRef(int index) const {
		Entity *entity = const_cast<World*>(this)->refEntity(index);
		return entity? entity->ref() : EntityRef();
Ejemplo n.º 8
	EntityRef World::toEntityRef(ObjectRef ref) const {
		Entity *entity = const_cast<World*>(this)->refEntity(ref);
		return entity? entity->ref() : EntityRef();
Ejemplo n.º 9
	EntityRef EntityWorldProxy::ref() const {
		return EntityRef(m_index, m_unique_id);
Ejemplo n.º 10
void MainState::initialize() {
    _loop.setTickDuration(    1000000000 /  60);
    _loop.setFrameDuration(   1000000000 /  60);
    _loop.setMaxFrameDuration(_loop.frameDuration() * 3);
    _loop.setFrameMargin(     _loop.frameDuration() / 2);

    _game->window()->onResize.connect(std::bind(&MainState::layoutScreen, this))

    _menuInputs.up     = _inputs.addInput("up");
    _menuInputs.down   = _inputs.addInput("down");
//	_menuInputs.left   = _inputs.addInput("left");
//	_menuInputs.right  = _inputs.addInput("right");
    _menuInputs.ok     = _inputs.addInput("ok");
    _menuInputs.cancel = _inputs.addInput("cancel");

    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.up,     SDL_SCANCODE_UP);
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.down,   SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN);
//	_inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.left,   SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT);
//	_inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.right,  SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT);
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.ok,     SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT);
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.ok,     SDL_SCANCODE_RETURN);
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.ok,     SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE);
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.cancel, SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT);
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_menuInputs.cancel, SDL_SCANCODE_ESCAPE);

    //TODO: Remove cheats.
    _debugInput = _inputs.addInput("Debug");
    _inputs.mapScanCode(_debugInput, SDL_SCANCODE_F1);

    _fontJson = _game->sys()->loader().getJson("8-bit_operator+_regular_23.json");
    _fontTex  = _game->renderer()->getTexture(_fontJson["file"].asString(),
                Texture::NEAREST | Texture::REPEAT);
    _font.reset(new Font(_fontJson, _fontTex));
    _font->baselineToTop = 12;

    _bgSprite          = loadSprite("bg.png");
    _healthEmptySprite = loadSprite("health_bar_empty.png");
    _healthFullSprite  = loadSprite("health_bar_full.png");
    _menuBgSprite      = loadSprite("menu.png", 3, 3);
    _statusSprite      = loadSprite("status.png", 3, 1);
    _bossSprite[0]     = loadSprite("BigBoss1.png");
    _bossSprite[1]     = loadSprite("BigBoss2.png");
    _bossSprite[2]     = loadSprite("BigBoss3.png");
    _pcSprite[0]       = loadSprite("GTP.png");
    _pcSprite[1]       = loadSprite("MB.png");
    _pcSprite[2]       = loadSprite("MN.png");
    _pcSprite[3]       = loadSprite("Ninja.png");
    _tombSprite        = loadSprite("tomb.png");

    _music1      = _game->audio()->loadMusic(_game->dataPath() / "music1.ogg");
    _music2      = _game->audio()->loadMusic(_game->dataPath() / "music2.ogg");
    _music3      = _game->audio()->loadMusic(_game->dataPath() / "music3.ogg");
    _transition1 = _game->audio()->loadMusic(_game->dataPath() / "transition1.ogg");
    _transition2 = _game->audio()->loadMusic(_game->dataPath() / "transition2.ogg");

    _hitSound       = _game->audio()->loadSound(_game->dataPath() / "hit.ogg");
    _spellSound     = _game->audio()->loadSound(_game->dataPath() / "spell.ogg");
    _healSound      = _game->audio()->loadSound(_game->dataPath() / "heal.ogg");
    _pcDeathSound   = _game->audio()->loadSound(_game->dataPath() / "death_pc.ogg");
    _bossDeathSound = _game->audio()->loadSound(_game->dataPath() / "death_boss.ogg");
    _victorySound   = _game->audio()->loadSound(_game->dataPath() / "boss_victory.ogg");

    _damageAnim.reset(new MoveAnim(ONE_SEC/2, Vector3(0, 30, 0), RELATIVE));
    _damageAnim->onEnd = [this](_Entity* e) {

    _deathAnim.reset(new SwapSpriteAnim(ONE_SEC/10, &_tombSprite, 9));

    _boss0to1Anim.reset(new Sequence);
    _boss0to1Anim->anims.push_back(new MoveAnim(ONE_SEC, Vector3(-300, 0, 0), RELATIVE));
    _boss0to1Anim->anims.push_back(new MoveAnim(ONE_SEC, Vector3(+300, 0, 0), RELATIVE));
    _boss0to1Anim->anims[0]->onEnd = [this](_Entity* e) {

    _boss1to2Anim.reset(new Sequence);
    _boss1to2Anim->anims.push_back(new MoveAnim(ONE_SEC, Vector3(-300, 0, 0), RELATIVE));
    _boss1to2Anim->anims.push_back(new MoveAnim(ONE_SEC, Vector3(+280, 0, 0), RELATIVE));
    _boss1to2Anim->anims[0]->onEnd = [this](_Entity* e) {

    _statusFrame.reset(new Frame(&_menuBgSprite, Vector2(640, 120)));
    _statusFrame->position = Vector3(0, 0, -.05);

    _messageMargin = 12;
    _messageOutMargin = 8;
    _messageFrame.reset(new Frame(&_menuBgSprite, Vector2(640 - 2 * _messageOutMargin, 0)));
    _messageFrame->position = Vector3(_messageOutMargin, 0, .9);

    _mainMenu.reset(new Menu(&_menuBgSprite, _font.get(), &_menuInputs));
    _switchMenu.reset(new Menu(&_menuBgSprite, _font.get(), &_menuInputs,
    _spellMenu.reset(new Menu(&_menuBgSprite, _font.get(), &_menuInputs,
    _summonMenu.reset(new Menu(&_menuBgSprite, _font.get(), &_menuInputs,
    _pcMenu.reset(new Menu(&_menuBgSprite, _font.get(), &_menuInputs,

    _mainMenu->addEntry("Attack", Menu::ENABLED,
                        openMenuFunc(_pcMenu.get(), _mainMenu.get(), 0));
    _mainMenu->addEntry("Switch", Menu::ENABLED,
                        openMenuFunc(_switchMenu.get(), _mainMenu.get(), 1));
    _mainMenu->addEntry("Curse", Menu::ENABLED,
                        openMenuFunc(_spellMenu.get(),  _mainMenu.get(), 2));
//	_mainMenu->addEntry("Summon", Menu::ENABLED,
//	                    openMenuFunc(_summonMenu.get(), _mainMenu.get(), 3));
//	_mainMenu->addEntry("Scan");
//	_mainMenu->addEntry("QTE",     Menu::HIDDEN);
//	_mainMenu->addEntry("Twist 1", Menu::HIDDEN);
    _mainMenu->show(Vector3(0, 0, 0));

    _switchMenu->addEntry("None", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _switchMenu->addEntry("Fire", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _switchMenu->addEntry("Ice", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _switchMenu->addEntry("Thunder", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _switchMenu->addEntry("Acid", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _switchMenu->show(Vector3(_mainMenu->width(), 16, .1));

    _spellMenu->addEntry("Storm", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _spellMenu->addEntry("Strike", Menu::ENABLED,
                         openMenuFunc(_pcMenu.get(), _spellMenu.get(), 1));
    _spellMenu->addEntry("Crippling strike", Menu::ENABLED,
                         openMenuFunc(_pcMenu.get(), _spellMenu.get(), 2));
    _spellMenu->addEntry("Soul drain", Menu::ENABLED,
                         openMenuFunc(_pcMenu.get(), _spellMenu.get(), 3));
    _spellMenu->addEntry("Vorpal sword", Menu::ENABLED,
                         openMenuFunc(_pcMenu.get(), _spellMenu.get(), 4));
    _spellMenu->addEntry("Mud pit", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _spellMenu->addEntry("Dispel magic", Menu::ENABLED,
                         openMenuFunc(_pcMenu.get(), _spellMenu.get(), 6));
    _spellMenu->show(Vector3(_mainMenu->width(), 16, .1));

    _summonMenu->addEntry("Sprites", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _summonMenu->addEntry("Tomberry", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _summonMenu->addEntry("Mageling", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _summonMenu->show(Vector3(_mainMenu->width(), 16, .1));

    _pcMenu->addEntry("", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _pcMenu->addEntry("", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _pcMenu->addEntry("", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _pcMenu->addEntry("", Menu::ENABLED, doActionFunc());
    _pcMenu->show(Vector3(_mainMenu->width(), 16, .2));


    _initialized = true;
Ejemplo n.º 11
void checkSignal()
        // Check the assignment operator causes the signal to fire
        emitted = false;

        Entity e("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref;

        assert(emitted == false);


        assert(emitted == false);

        ref = EntityRef(&e);

        assert(ref.get() == &e);
        assert(emitted == true);

        // Check the assignment operator does not cause the signal to fire
        // the the pointer is unchanged
        emitted = false;

        Entity e("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(&e);

        assert(emitted == false);


        assert(emitted == false);

        ref = EntityRef(&e);

        assert(ref.get() == &e);
        assert(emitted == false);

        // Check that destroying the Entity makes the reference null.
        emitted = false;

        Entity e("1", 1);
        Entity * container = new Entity("2", 2);

        // Set the location of the entity being tested, as destroy requires it.
        e.m_location.m_loc = container;
        // Make sure the container has a contains structure, as destroy
        // requires it.
        container->m_contains = new LocatedEntitySet;
        // Increment the refcount on the container, else the tested Entity's
        // destructor will delete it.

        EntityRef ref(&e);

        assert(emitted == false);


        assert(ref.get() == &e);
        assert(emitted == false);


        assert(ref.get() == 0);
        assert(emitted == true);
Ejemplo n.º 12
int main()
        // Check the default constructor
        EntityRef ref;

        // Check the default constructor initialises to NULL via get
        EntityRef ref;

        assert(ref.get() == 0);

        // Check the default constructor initialises to NULL via dereference
        EntityRef ref;

        assert(&(*ref) == 0);

        // Check the default constructor initialises to NULL via ->
        EntityRef ref;

        assert(ref.operator->() == 0);

        // Check the default constructor initialises to NULL via ==
        EntityRef ref;

        assert(ref == 0);

        // Check the initialising constructor via get
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);

        assert(ref.get() == e);

        // Check the initialising constructor via dereference
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);

        assert(&(*ref) == e);

        // Check the initialising constructor via ->
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);

        assert(ref.operator->() == e);

        // Check the initialising constructor via ==
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);

        assert(ref == e);

        // Check the copy constructor
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);
        EntityRef ref2(ref);

        assert(ref2.get() == e);

        // Check the comparison operator
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);
        EntityRef ref2(e);

        assert(ref == ref2);

        // Check the comparison operator
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        Entity * e2 = new Entity("2", 2);
        EntityRef ref(e);
        EntityRef ref2(e2);

        assert(!(ref == ref2));

#if 0
    // These tests should be included should we add operator!=
        // Check the comparison operator
        Entity e("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(&e);
        EntityRef ref2(&e);

        assert(!(ref != ref2));

        // Check the comparison operator
        Entity e("1", 1);
        Entity e2("2", 2);
        EntityRef ref(&e);
        EntityRef ref2(&e2);

        assert(ref != ref2);

        // Check the less than operator
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref(e);
        EntityRef ref2(e);

        assert(!(ref < ref2) && !(ref2 < ref));

        // Check the less than operator
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        Entity * e2 = new Entity("2", 2);
        EntityRef ref(e);
        EntityRef ref2(e2);

        assert(ref < ref2 || ref2 < ref);

        // Check the assignment operator
        Entity * e = new Entity("1", 1);
        EntityRef ref;

        ref = EntityRef(e);

        assert(ref.get() == e);

        // Check that destroying the Entity makes the reference null.
        Entity e("1", 1);
        Entity * container = new Entity("2", 2);

        // Set the location of the entity being tested, as destroy requires it.
        e.m_location.m_loc = container;
        // Make sure the container has a contains structure, as destroy
        // requires it.
        container->m_contains = new LocatedEntitySet;
        // Increment the refcount on the container, else the tested Entity's
        // destructor will delete it.

        EntityRef ref(&e);

        assert(ref.get() == &e);
        assert(ref.get() == 0);
