Ejemplo n.º 1
void WebSocket::EvaluateRequest(const RestInputStruct &REQ){
  RestOutputStruct out;
  if(REQ.VERB != "GET"){
    //Non-supported request (at the moment) - return an error message
    out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::BADREQUEST;
    //GET request
    //Now check the body of the message and do what it needs
    QJsonDocument doc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(REQ.Body.toUtf8());
    if(doc.isNull()){ qWarning() << "Empty JSON Message Body!!" << REQ.Body.toUtf8(); }
    //Define the output structures
    QJsonObject ret; //return message

    //Objects contain other key/value pairs - this is 99% of cases
      //First check/set all the various required fields (both in and out)
      bool good = doc.object().contains("namespace") \
	    && doc.object().contains("name") \
	    && doc.object().contains("id") \
	    && doc.object().contains("args");
      //Can add some fallbacks for missing fields here - but not implemented yet
      //parse the message and do something
      if(good && (JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("namespace"))=="rpc") ){
	//Now fetch the outputs from the appropriate subsection
	//Note: Each subsection needs to set the "name", "namespace", and "args" output objects
	QString name = JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("name")).toLower();
	QJsonValue args = doc.object().value("args");
	  //Now perform authentication based on type of auth given
	  //Note: This sets/changes the current SockAuthToken
	  AUTHSYSTEM->clearAuth(SockAuthToken); //new auth requested - clear any old token
	  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Authenticate Peer:" << SOCKET->peerAddress().toString(); }
	  bool localhost = (SOCKET->peerAddress() == QHostAddress::LocalHost) || (SOCKET->peerAddress() == QHostAddress::LocalHostIPv6);
	  //Now do the auth
	  if(name=="auth" && args.isObject() ){
	    //username/password authentication
	    QString user, pass;
	    if(args.toObject().contains("username")){ user = JsonValueToString(args.toObject().value("username"));  }
	    if(args.toObject().contains("password")){ pass = JsonValueToString(args.toObject().value("password"));  }
	    SockAuthToken = AUTHSYSTEM->LoginUP(localhost, user, pass);
	  }else if(name == "auth_token" && args.isObject()){
	    SockAuthToken = JsonValueToString(args.toObject().value("token"));
	  }else if(name == "auth_clear"){
	    return; //don't send a return message after clearing an auth (already done)
	  //Now check the auth and respond appropriately
	    //Good Authentication - return the new token 
	    ret.insert("namespace", QJsonValue("rpc"));
	    ret.insert("name", QJsonValue("response"));
	    ret.insert("id", doc.object().value("id")); //use the same ID for the return message
	    QJsonArray array;
	    ret.insert("args", array);
	    SockAuthToken.clear(); //invalid token
	    //Bad Authentication - return error
	    SetOutputError(&ret, JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("id")), 401, "Unauthorized");
	}else if( AUTHSYSTEM->checkAuth(SockAuthToken) ){ //validate current Authentication token	 
	  //Now provide access to the various subsystems
	  //Pre-set any output fields
          QJsonObject outargs;	
	    ret.insert("namespace", QJsonValue("rpc"));
	    ret.insert("name", QJsonValue("response"));
	    ret.insert("id", doc.object().value("id")); //use the same ID for the return message
	  EvaluateBackendRequest(name, doc.object().value("args"), &outargs);
	  //Bad/No authentication
	  SetOutputError(&ret, JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("id")), 401, "Unauthorized");
      }else if(good && (JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("namespace"))=="events") ){
        if( AUTHSYSTEM->checkAuth(SockAuthToken) ){ //validate current Authentication token	 
	    //Pre-set any output fields
            QJsonObject outargs;	
	      ret.insert("namespace", QJsonValue("events"));
	      ret.insert("name", QJsonValue("response"));
	      ret.insert("id", doc.object().value("id")); //use the same ID for the return message
	    //Assemble the list of input events
	    QStringList evlist;
	    if(doc.object().value("args").isObject()){ evlist << JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("args")); }
	    else if(doc.object().value("args").isArray()){ evlist = JsonArrayToStringList(doc.object().value("args").toArray()); }
	    //Now subscribe/unsubscribe to these events
	        SendAppCafeEvents = true; 
		QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(AppCafeStatusUpdate()) );
	    }else if(JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("name"))=="unsubscribe"){
		SendAppCafeEvents = false; 
	    //Bad/No authentication
	    SetOutputError(&ret, JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("id")), 401, "Unauthorized");
        //Error in inputs - assemble the return error message
	QString id = "error";
	if(doc.object().contains("id")){ id = JsonValueToString(doc.object().value("id")); } //use the same ID
	SetOutputError(&ret, id, 400, "Bad Request");
      //Unknown type of JSON input - nothing to do
    //Assemble the outputs for this "GET" request
    out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::OK;
      //Assemble the output JSON document/text
      QJsonDocument retdoc; 
    out.Body = retdoc.toJson();
    out.Header << "Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8";
  //Return any information
Ejemplo n.º 2
void WebSocket::EvaluateRequest(const RestInputStruct &REQ){
  RestOutputStruct out;
    out.in_struct = REQ;
  QHostAddress host;
    if(SOCKET!=0){ host = SOCKET->peerAddress(); }
    else if(TSOCKET!=0){ host = TSOCKET->peerAddress(); }
  if(!REQ.VERB.isEmpty() && REQ.VERB != "GET" && REQ.VERB!="POST" && REQ.VERB!="PUT"){
    //Non-supported request (at the moment) - return an error message
    out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::BADREQUEST;
  }else if(out.in_struct.name.isEmpty() || out.in_struct.namesp.isEmpty() ){
    //Invalid JSON structure validity
    //Note: id and args are optional at this stage - let the subsystems handle those inputs
    out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::BADREQUEST;
    //First check for a REST authorization (not stand-alone request)
      AUTHSYSTEM->clearAuth(SockAuthToken); //new auth requested - clear any old token
      SockAuthToken = AUTHSYSTEM->LoginUP(host, out.in_struct.auth.section(":",0,0), out.in_struct.auth.section(":",1,1));
    //Now check the body of the message and do what it needs
      if(out.in_struct.namesp.toLower() == "rpc"){
	  //Now perform authentication based on type of auth given
	  //Note: This sets/changes the current SockAuthToken
	  AUTHSYSTEM->clearAuth(SockAuthToken); //new auth requested - clear any old token
	  if(DEBUG){ qDebug() << "Authenticate Peer:" << SOCKET->peerAddress().toString(); }
	  //Now do the auth
	  if(out.in_struct.name=="auth" && out.in_struct.args.isObject() ){
	    //username/[password/cert] authentication
	    QString user, pass;
	    if(out.in_struct.args.toObject().contains("username")){ user = JsonValueToString(out.in_struct.args.toObject().value("username"));  }
	    if(out.in_struct.args.toObject().contains("password")){ pass = JsonValueToString(out.in_struct.args.toObject().value("password"));  }
	      //Use the given password
	      SockAuthToken = AUTHSYSTEM->LoginUP(host, user, pass);
	      //No password - use the current SSL certificates instead
	      QList<QSslCertificate> certs;
	      if(SOCKET!=0){ certs = SOCKET->sslConfiguration().peerCertificateChain(); }
	      else if(TSOCKET!=0){ certs = TSOCKET->peerCertificateChain(); }
	      SockAuthToken = AUTHSYSTEM->LoginUC(host, user, certs);
	  }else if(out.in_struct.name == "auth_token" && out.in_struct.args.isObject()){
	    SockAuthToken = JsonValueToString(out.in_struct.args.toObject().value("token"));
	  }else if(out.in_struct.name == "auth_clear"){
	    return; //don't send a return message after clearing an auth (already done)
	  //Now check the auth and respond appropriately
	    //Good Authentication - return the new token 
	    QJsonArray array;
	    out.out_args = array;
	    out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::OK;
	      out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::FORBIDDEN;
	    SockAuthToken.clear(); //invalid token
	    //Bad Authentication - return error
	      out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::UNAUTHORIZED;
	}else if( AUTHSYSTEM->checkAuth(SockAuthToken) ){ //validate current Authentication token	 
	  //Now provide access to the various subsystems
	  // First get/set the permissions flag into the input structure
	    out.in_struct.fullaccess = AUTHSYSTEM->hasFullAccess(SockAuthToken);
	  //Pre-set any output fields
          QJsonObject outargs;	
	    out.CODE = EvaluateBackendRequest(out.in_struct, &outargs);
            out.out_args = outargs;	  
	  //Bad/No authentication
	  out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::UNAUTHORIZED;
      }else if(out.in_struct.namesp.toLower() == "events"){
          if( AUTHSYSTEM->checkAuth(SockAuthToken) ){ //validate current Authentication token	 
	    //Pre-set any output fields
            QJsonObject outargs;	
	    //Assemble the list of input events
	    QStringList evlist;
	    if(out.in_struct.args.isObject()){ evlist << JsonValueToString(out.in_struct.args); }
	    else if(out.in_struct.args.isArray()){ evlist = JsonArrayToStringList(out.in_struct.args.toArray()); }
	    //Now subscribe/unsubscribe to these events
	    int sub = -1; //bad input
	    if(out.in_struct.name=="subscribe"){ sub = 1; }
	    else if(out.in_struct.name=="unsubscribe"){ sub = 0; }
	    //qDebug() << "Got Client Event Modification:" << sub << evlist;
	    if(sub>=0 && !evlist.isEmpty() ){
	      for(int i=0; i<evlist.length(); i++){
	        EventWatcher::EVENT_TYPE type = EventWatcher::typeFromString(evlist[i]);
		if(type==EventWatcher::BADEVENT){ continue; }
		  ForwardEvents << type; 
	      out.out_args = outargs;
	      out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::OK;
	      //Bad/No authentication
	      out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::BADREQUEST;		    
	    //Bad/No authentication
	    out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::UNAUTHORIZED;
	//Other namespace - check whether auth has already been established before continuing
	}else if( AUTHSYSTEM->checkAuth(SockAuthToken) ){ //validate current Authentication token	 
	  //Now provide access to the various subsystems
	  // First get/set the permissions flag into the input structure
	  out.in_struct.fullaccess = AUTHSYSTEM->hasFullAccess(SockAuthToken);
	  //Pre-set any output fields
          QJsonObject outargs;	
	    out.CODE = EvaluateBackendRequest(out.in_struct, &outargs);
            out.out_args = outargs;
	  //Error in inputs - assemble the return error message
	  out.CODE = RestOutputStruct::UNAUTHORIZED;
    //If this is a REST input - go ahead and format the output header
    if(out.CODE == RestOutputStruct::OK){
      out.Header << "Content-Type: text/json; charset=utf-8";
  //Return any information
  if(out.CODE == RestOutputStruct::FORBIDDEN && SOCKET!=0){
    SOCKET->close(QWebSocketProtocol::CloseCodeNormal, "Too Many Authorization Failures - Try again later");