Ejemplo n.º 1
void Fm29(
    double&      fm29,     // out: FM29 measure of fitness
    int&         iworst,   // out: index of point with worse fit
    const Shape& shape,    // in
    const Shape& refshape) // in
    if (shape.rows != 77)
        Err("Fitness measure FM29 can be used only on shapes with 77 points "
            "(your shape has %d points)", shape.rows);
    if (refshape.rows != 77)
        Err("Fitness measure FM29 can be used only on shapes with 77 points "
            "(your reference shape has %d points)", refshape.rows);

    fm29 = 0;
    iworst = -1;
    double worst = -1;
    double weight = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < shape.rows; i++)
        if (FITPARAMS[i].xres &&    // point is used for FM29?
            PointUsed(refshape, i)) // point present in ref shape?
            CV_Assert(PointUsed(shape, i));

            const double pointfit =
                SQ((shape(i, IX) - refshape(i, IX)) / FITPARAMS[i].xres) +
                SQ((shape(i, IY) - refshape(i, IY)) / FITPARAMS[i].yres);

            fm29 += pointfit;

            const double pointweight =
                1 / SQ(FITPARAMS[i].xres) +
                1 / SQ(FITPARAMS[i].yres);

            weight += pointweight;

            if (pointfit > worst)
                worst = pointfit;
                iworst = i;

    CV_Assert(weight > 0);
    // multiply by 2 so same as mean euclidean dist when all xres = yres = 1
    fm29 = sqrt(fm29 * 2 / weight) / EyeMouthDist(refshape);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static Shape Shape77As20( // return an approximated BioID 20 point shape
    const Shape& shape)   // in: Stasm 77 point shape
    CV_Assert(shape.rows == 77);

    Shape newshape(20, 2);

    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  0, 38);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  1, 39);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  2, 59);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  3, 65);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  4, 18);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  5, 21);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  6, 22);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  7, 25);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  8, 0);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape,  9, 34);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 10, 30);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 11, 40);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 12, 44);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 13, 12);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 14, 52);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 15, 51);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 16, 53);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 17, 62);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 18, 74);
    CopyPoint(newshape, shape, 19, 6);

#if MOD_A1 || MOD_A || MOD_A_EMU
    const double eyemouth = EyeMouthDist(shape);
    newshape(15, IY) += MAX(1, .02 * eyemouth); // move down, into nostril
    newshape(16, IY) += MAX(1, .02 * eyemouth); // move down, into nostril

    return newshape;
Ejemplo n.º 3
static Shape Shape77AsXm2vts68( // return an approximated XM2VTS 68 point shape
    const Shape& shape)         // in: Stasm 77 point shape
    CV_Assert(shape.rows == 77);

    Shape newshape(68, 2);

    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape,  0,  0);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape,  1, .6667, 1, 2);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape,  2, .5,    2, 3);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape,  3,  3);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape,  4, .3333, 3, 4);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape,  5, .6667, 4, 5);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape,  6,  5);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape,  7,  6);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape,  8,  7);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape,  9, .3333, 7, 8);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape, 10, .6667, 8, 9);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 11,  9);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape, 12, .5,    9, 10);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape, 13, .3333, 10, 11);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 14, 12);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 15, 25);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 16, 24);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 17, 23);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 18, 22);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 19, 27);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 20, 26);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 21, 18);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 22, 17);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 23, 16);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 24, 21);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 25, 20);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 26, 19);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 27, 34);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 28, 32);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 29, 30);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 30, 36);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 31, 38);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 32, 44);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 33, 42);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 34, 40);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 35, 46);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 36, 39);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape, 37, .6667, 30, 40);
    newshape(37, IX) = shape(50, IX);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 38, 50);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 39, 58);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 40, 57);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 41, 56);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 42, 55);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 43, 54);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 44, 48);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape, 45, .3333, 30, 40);
    newshape(45, IX) = shape(48, IX);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 46, 51);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 47, 53);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 48, 59);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 49, 60);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 50, 61);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 51, 62);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 52, 63);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 53, 64);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 54, 65);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 55, 72);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 56, 73);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 57, 74);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 58, 75);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 59, 76);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 60, 69);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 61, 70);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 62, 71);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 63, 66);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 64, 67);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 65, 68);
    InterPoint(newshape, shape, 66, .5, 67, 70);
    CopyPoint(newshape,  shape, 67, 52);

#if MOD_A1 || MOD_A || MOD_A_EMU
    const double eyemouth = EyeMouthDist(shape);
    newshape(38, IY) += MAX(1, .05 * eyemouth); // move side of nose down
    newshape(44, IY) += MAX(1, .05 * eyemouth); // move side of nose down
    newshape(46, IY) += MAX(1, .02 * eyemouth); // move down, into nostril
    newshape(47, IY) += MAX(1, .02 * eyemouth); // move down, into nostril

    return newshape;
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void ProcessFace(
    const Image&     img,            // in
    const char*      imgpath,        // in
    int              foundface,      // in
    const Shape&     shape,          // in
    float            estyaw,         // in
    double           facedet_time,   // in
    double           asmsearch_time, // in
    const Shape&     refshape,       // in
    FILE*            fitfile,        // in
    const ShapeFile& sh,             // in
    int              ishape)         // in: shape index in the shapefile
    double meanfit = NOFIT; // fitness measure over all shapefile points
    int iworst = -1;        // worst fitting point in above measure of fitness
    double me17 = NOFIT;    // fitness measure me17
    double fm29 = NOFIT;    // fitness measure FM29 (only for 77 point shapes)
    int iworst_fm29 = -1;   // worst fitting point using FM29 measure
    if (!foundface)
        printf_g("no face ");
        if (trace_g)
            LogShape(shape, imgpath);
        // we will succesfully get the meanfit only if the shape can be converted to
        // the shapefile number of points (by ConvertShape in MeanFitOverInterEye)
        meanfit = MeanFitOverInterEye(iworst, shape, refshape);
        if (meanfit != NOFIT) // were able to get the mean fit?
            printf_g("meanfit %5.3f ", meanfit);
        // use fitness measure me17 if can convert the shape to a shape17
        me17 = Me17(shape, refshape);
        if (me17 != NOFIT) // were able to get the me17 fit?
            printf_g("me17 %5.3f ", me17);
        // get fitness measure fm29 if the shape has 77 points
        if (shape.rows == 77 && refshape.rows == 77)
            Fm29(fm29, iworst_fm29, shape, refshape);
            printf_g("fm29 %5.3f ", fm29);
        if (writeimgs_g) // -i flag
            WriteImgs(img, imgpath, shape, refshape,
                      meanfit, iworst, me17, fm29, iworst_fm29);
    if (trace_g)
    const char* const base = Base(imgpath);
    const VEC pose(sh.Pose_(base));
        "%-*s%s "
        "%7.5f % 6d "
        "%7.5f "
        "%7.5f     % 6d "
        "%8.2f %8.2f  ",
        sh.nchar_, base, " ",
        meanfit, iworst,
        fm29, iworst_fm29,
        InterEyeDist(refshape), EyeMouthDist(refshape));
        "% 5.0f "
        "% 6.0f % 6.0f % 6.0f %9.3f "
        "[%5.3f] [%5.3f]\n",
        pose(0), pose(1), pose(2), pose(3),
        facedet_time, asmsearch_time);
Ejemplo n.º 5
void ApplyShapeModelHacks( // adjust shape by applying various hacks
    Shape&   shape,        // io: position of features possibly adjusted
    unsigned hackbits)     // in: which hacks to apply, see SHAPEHACKS defs
    if (shape.rows != 77) // the shape hacks assume stasm77 points
        return;           // NOTE return

    const double eyemouth = EyeMouthDist(shape);

    if (hackbits & SHAPEHACKS_DEFAULT)
        // Possibly shift the entire mouth down, if it is too close to the nose.
        // Useful when the descriptor matchers think the nostrils are the mouth.

        const double nosemouth_gap =
            shape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IY) - shape(L_CNoseBase, IY);
        if (nosemouth_gap < .1 * eyemouth)
            for (int i = L_LMouthCorner; i <= L_LMouth76; i++)
                shape(i, IY) += SHIFT_MOUTH_FROM_NOSE_FRAC * eyemouth;
        // Shift the bottom of mouth down if it is above the top of mouth.

        const double gap = shape(L_CTopOfBotLip, IY) - shape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IY);
        if (gap < 0)
            for (int i = L_RMouthCorner; i <= L_LMouth76; i++)
                shape(i, IY) -= gap;
        // Possibly shift the chin down or up, if it too close to the mouth.
        // Useful when the chin is on the mouth.

        const double y_mouth_center =
           (shape(L_CTopOfTopLip, IY) + shape(L_CBotOfBotLip, IY)) / 2;
        const double nosemouth_gap1 =
            MAX(0, y_mouth_center - shape(L_CNoseBase, IY));
        const double mouthchin_gap =
            shape(L_CTipOfChin, IY) - y_mouth_center;
        if (mouthchin_gap < CHIN_DOWN_RATIO * nosemouth_gap1)
            double yadjust = CHIN_DOWN_SHIFT * eyemouth;
            shape(L_LJaw04,     IY) += yadjust;
            shape(L_LJaw05,     IY) += yadjust;
            shape(L_CTipOfChin, IY) += yadjust;
            shape(L_RJaw07,     IY) += yadjust;
            shape(L_RJaw08,     IY) += yadjust;
        if (mouthchin_gap > CHIN_UP_RATIO * nosemouth_gap1)
            double yadjust = CHIN_UP_SHIFT * eyemouth;
            shape(L_LJaw04,     IY) -= yadjust;
            shape(L_LJaw05,     IY) -= yadjust;
            shape(L_CTipOfChin, IY) -= yadjust;
            shape(L_RJaw07,     IY) -= yadjust;
            shape(L_RJaw08,     IY) -= yadjust;
    // Possibly shift the side of face away from eye.
    // Useful when the side of face is on the eye.

        if (shape(L_LTemple, IX) >
            shape(L_LEyeOuter, IX) - TEMPLE_RATIO * eyemouth)
            double xadjust =
                TEMPLE_SHIFT * ABS(shape(L_LEyeOuter, IX) - shape(L_LTemple, IX));
            shape(L_LTemple,       IX) -= xadjust;
            shape(L_LJaw01,        IX) -= xadjust;
            shape(L_LJawNoseline,  IX) -= xadjust;
            shape(L_LJawMouthline, IX) -= .5 * xadjust;
        if (shape(L_RTemple, IX) <
            shape(L_REyeOuter, IX) + TEMPLE_RATIO * eyemouth)
            double xadjust =
                TEMPLE_SHIFT * ABS(shape(L_REyeOuter, IX) - shape(L_RTemple, IX));
            shape(L_RTemple,       IX) += xadjust;
            shape(L_RJaw11,        IX) += xadjust;
            shape(L_RJawNoseline,  IX) += xadjust;
            shape(L_RJawMouthline, IX) += .5 * xadjust;
Ejemplo n.º 6
static double GetPrescale(   // factor to scale face to standard size prior to search
    const Shape& startshape) // in: startshape roughly positioned on face
    return EYEMOUTH_DIST / EyeMouthDist(startshape);