Ejemplo n.º 1
static void
icgs(double *u, double *unrm, int n, int m, double *A, 
     double *um) {

  const int maxcgsit = 5;
  const double alpha = 0.5;

  double unrm_old;
  int i, isorth = 0;

  *unrm = F77(dnrm2)(&n, u, &ONE);

  if (m == 0)

  for (i = 0; !isorth && i < maxcgsit; i ++) {
    F77(dgemv)("t", &n, &m,  &DONE, A, &n, u, &ONE, &DZER, um, &ONE, 1);
    F77(dgemv)("n", &n, &m, &DMONE, A, &n, um, &ONE, &DONE, u, &ONE, 1);
    unrm_old = (*unrm);
    *unrm = F77(dnrm2)(&n, u, &ONE);
    isorth=((*unrm) > alpha*unrm_old);
  if (i >= maxcgsit) {
    printf("warning: loss of orthogonality. ");
    printf("icgs() not converged after %d steps.\n", maxcgsit);
Ejemplo n.º 2
static void 
mgsm(double *u, int n, int m, double *Q, double *QM) {

  int i;
  double s;

  for (i = 0; i < m; i ++) {
    s = - F77(ddot)(&n, QM+i*n, &ONE, u, &ONE);
    F77(daxpy)(&n, &s, Q+i*n, &ONE, u, &ONE);
Ejemplo n.º 3
static void 
icgsm(double *u, double *unrm, int n, int m, double *Q, 
      PyObject *mmat,
      double *um, double *temp) {

  const int maxcgsit = 5;
  const double alpha = 0.5;

  double unrm_old;
  int ret, i, isorth = 0;

  ret = SpMatrix_Matvec(mmat, n, u, n, um);
  assert(ret == 0);
  *unrm = sqrt(F77(ddot)(&n, u, &ONE, um, &ONE));

  if (m == 0)
  for (i = 0; !isorth && i < maxcgsit; i ++) {

    F77(dgemv)("t", &n, &m,  &DONE, Q, &n, um, &ONE, &DZER, temp, &ONE, 1);
    F77(dgemv)("n", &n, &m, &DMONE, Q, &n, temp, &ONE, &DONE, u, &ONE, 1);

    ret = SpMatrix_Matvec(mmat, n, u, n, um);
    assert(ret == 0);

    unrm_old = (*unrm);
    *unrm = sqrt(F77(ddot)(&n, u, &ONE, um, &ONE));

    isorth=((*unrm) > alpha*unrm_old);
  if (i >= maxcgsit) {
    printf("warning: loss of orthogonality. ");
    printf("icgsm() not converged after %d steps.\n", maxcgsit);
Ejemplo n.º 4
static int
jacobi(PyObject *matrix, int n, double *dinv, int steps, double *x, double *y, double *temp) {
    int ONE = 1;
    int i, step, res;

    /* 1st step */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
        y[i] = x[i]*dinv[i];

    /* following steps */
    for(step = 1; step < steps; step ++) {
        F77(dcopy)(&n, y, &ONE, temp, &ONE);
        res = SpMatrix_Matvec(matrix, n, temp, n, y);
        if (res == -1)
            return res;
        for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
            y[i] = (x[i] - y[i])*dinv[i] + temp[i];
    return 0;
Ejemplo n.º 5
/* PCG - Conjugate Gradients Algorithm
void pcg(int n, 
	 double *x, 
	 double *b,
	 double tol, 
	 int maxit,
	 int clvl,
	 int *iter, 
	 double *relres, 
	 int *flag,
	 double *work,
	 void (*matvec)(double *, double *),
	 void (*precon)(double *, double *))
  double ALPHA;			/* used for passing parameters */
  int ONE = 1;			/* to BLAS routines */

  double n2b;			/* norm of rhs vector */
  double tolb;			/* requested tolerance for residual */
  double normr;			/* residual norm */
  double alpha, beta;
  double rho, rho1;
  double pq;
  double dmax, ddum;		/* used to detect stagnation */
  int stag;			/* flag to indicate stagnation */
  int it;			/* current iteration number */
  int i;			/* index variable */
  double *r, *z, *p, *q;	/* pointers to vectors in PCG algorithm */
  /* setup pointers into work */
  r = work;
  z = work + n;
  p = work + 2*n;
  q = work + 3*n;

  /* Check for all zero right hand side vector => all zero solution */
  n2b = F77(dnrm2)(&n, b, &ONE);/* Norm of rhs vector, b */
  if (n2b == 0.0) {		/* if rhs vector is all zeros */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)	/* then  solution is all zeros */
      x[i] = 0.0;
    *flag = 0;			/* a valid solution has been obtained */
    *relres = 0.0;		/* the relative residual is actually 0/0 */
    *iter = 0;			/* no iterations need be performed */
    if (clvl)
  /* Set up for the method */
  *flag = 1;
  tolb = tol * n2b;		/* Relative tolerance */
  matvec(x, r);			/* Zero-th residual: r = b - A * x*/
  for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)	/* then  solution is all zeros */
    r[i] = b[i] - r[i];
  normr = F77(dnrm2)(&n, r, &ONE); /* Norm of residual */
  if (normr <= tolb) {		/* Initial guess is a good enough solution */
    *flag = 0;
    *relres = normr / n2b;
    *iter = 0;
    if (clvl)

  rho = 1.0;
  stag = 0;			/* stagnation of the method */

  /* loop over maxit iterations (unless convergence or failure) */
  for (it = 1; it <= maxit; it ++) {
    if (precon) {
      precon(r, z);
	if isinf(norm(y,inf))
	flag = 2;
    } else {
      F77(dcopy)(&n, r, &ONE, z, &ONE);
    rho1 = rho;
    rho = F77(ddot)(&n, r, &ONE, z, &ONE);
    if (rho == 0.0) {		/* or isinf(rho) */
      *flag = 4;
    if (it == 1) {
      F77(dcopy)(&n, z, &ONE, p, &ONE);
    } else {
      beta = rho / rho1;
      if (beta == 0.0) {	/* | isinf(beta) */
	*flag = 4;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)	/* p = z + beta * p; */
	p[i] = z[i] + beta * p[i];
    matvec(p, q);		/* q = A * p */
    pq = F77(ddot)(&n, p, &ONE, q, &ONE); /* pq = p' * q */
    if (pq == 0.0) {		/* | isinf(pq) */
      *flag = 4;
    } else {
      alpha = rho / pq;
       if isinf(alpha)
       flag = 4;
    if (alpha == 0.0)		/* stagnation of the method */
      stag = 1;
    /* Check for stagnation of the method */
    if (stag == 0) {
      dmax = 0.0;
      for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
	if (x[i] != 0.0) {
	  ddum = fabs(alpha * p[i]/x[i]);
	  if (ddum > dmax)
	    dmax = ddum;
	} else
	  if (p[i] != 0.0)
	    dmax = 1.0;
      stag = (1.0 + dmax == 1.0);
    F77(daxpy)(&n, &alpha, p, &ONE, x, &ONE); /* form new iterate */
    ALPHA = -alpha;
    F77(daxpy)(&n, &ALPHA, q, &ONE, r, &ONE); /* r = r - alpha * q */
    /* check for convergence */
    matvec(x, z);		/* normr = norm(b - A * x) */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i ++)
      z[i] = b[i] - z[i];
    normr = F77(dnrm2)(&n, z, &ONE);
    normr = F77(dnrm2)(&n, r, &ONE); /* normr = norm(r) */
    if (normr <= tolb) {
      *flag = 0;
    if (stag == 1) {
      *flag = 3;
  } /* for it = 1 : maxit */
  *iter = it;
  *relres = normr / n2b;

  if (clvl)