Ejemplo n.º 1
void feedDataStream(void) {
	uint8_t readBuf[32];
	uint8_t res = ERR_OK;
	UINT bytesRead = 0;

	//FRTOS1_xSemaphoreTakeRecursive(feedSem, portMAX_DELAY);

	if (!PlaybackIsSet()) {
		return; // paused or stopped

	// Feed the hungry buffer! :)
	if (VS_Ready()) {
		//for (;;) { /* breaks */
			if (FAT1_read(&fp, readBuf, sizeof(readBuf), &bytesRead) != FR_OK) {

			if (bytesRead == 0) { /* end of file? */
				// must be at the end of the file, wrap it up!

			VS_SendData(readBuf, sizeof(readBuf));


Ejemplo n.º 2
static uint8_t Test(CLS1_ConstStdIOTypePtr io) {
  static FIL fp;
  UINT bw;
  uint8_t read_buf[16];
  uint8_t write_buf[10];
  uint8_t i;

  if (FAT1_isWriteProtected()) {
    CLS1_SendStr((unsigned char*)"disk is write protected!\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  /* write file */
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Creating test.txt...\r\n", io->stdOut);
  if (FAT1_open(&fp, "./test.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS|FA_WRITE)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed creating file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  /* write text */
  if (FAT1_write(&fp, "Hello world ", sizeof("Hello world ")-1, &bw)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed writing string!\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  write_buf[0] = '\0';
  for(i=0;i<4;i++) {
    UTIL1_strcatNum8u(write_buf, sizeof(write_buf), i);
    UTIL1_chcat(write_buf, sizeof(write_buf), ' ');
  if (FAT1_write(&fp, write_buf, UTIL1_strlen((char*)write_buf), &bw)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed writing string!\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  /* closing file */

  /* read from file */
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Read from file...\r\n", io->stdOut);
  if (FAT1_open(&fp, "./test.txt", FA_READ)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed opening file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  if (FAT1_read(&fp, &read_buf[0], sizeof(read_buf)-2, &bw)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed reading file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  read_buf[sizeof(read_buf)-2] = '\0'; /* terminate string */
  UTIL1_strcat(read_buf, sizeof(read_buf), (unsigned char*)"\r\n");
  CLS1_SendStr(read_buf, io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"\r\n", io->stdOut);
  /* close file */
  return ERR_OK;
Ejemplo n.º 3
uint8_t VS_PlaySong(const uint8_t *fileName, const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  UINT bytesRead;
  uint8_t readBuf[32];
  uint8_t res = ERR_OK;
  static FIL fp;

  if (io!=NULL) {
    CLS1_SendStr("Playing file '", io->stdOut);
    CLS1_SendStr(fileName, io->stdOut);
    CLS1_SendStr("'\r\n", io->stdOut);
  if (FAT1_open(&fp, fileName, FA_READ)!=FR_OK) {
    if (io!=NULL) {
      CLS1_SendStr("ERR: Failed to open song file\r\n", io->stdErr);
    return ERR_FAILED;
  for(;;) { /* breaks */
    bytesRead = 0;
    if (FAT1_read(&fp, readBuf, sizeof(readBuf), &bytesRead)!=FR_OK) {
      if (io!=NULL) {
        CLS1_SendStr("ERR: Failed to read file\r\n", io->stdErr);
      res = ERR_FAILED;
    if (bytesRead==0) { /* end of file? */
    while(!VS_Ready()) {
    VS_SendData(readBuf, sizeof(readBuf));
  /* closing file */
  return res;
Ejemplo n.º 4
/*! \brief Simple benchmark function: first we are going to write a file, then we will copy it */
static void benchmark(const CLS1_StdIOType *io) {
  static FIL fp;
  uint16_t i;
  UINT bw;
  uint8_t read_buf[10];
  TIMEREC time, startTime;
  int32_t start_mseconds, mseconds;

  /* write benchmark */
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Benchmark: open file, write 10k times 10 bytes (100'000 bytes), close file:\r\n", io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Deleting any existing files...\r\n", io->stdOut);
  (void)FAT1_DeleteFile((const unsigned char*)"./bench.txt", io);
  (void)FAT1_DeleteFile((const unsigned char*)"./copy.txt", io);

  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Creating benchmark file...\r\n", io->stdOut);
  if (FAT1_open(&fp, "./bench.txt", FA_CREATE_ALWAYS|FA_WRITE)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed opening benchmark file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
  for(i=0;i<10000;i++) {
    if (FAT1_write(&fp, "benchmark ", sizeof("benchmark ")-1, &bw)!=FR_OK) {
      CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed writing file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
  start_mseconds = startTime.Hour*60*60*1000 + startTime.Min*60*1000 + startTime.Sec*1000 + startTime.Sec100*10;
  mseconds = time.Hour*60*60*1000 + time.Min*60*1000 + time.Sec*1000 + time.Sec100*10 - start_mseconds;
  CLS1_SendNum32s(mseconds, io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)" mseconds needed for command.\r\n", io->stdOut);

  /* read benchmark */
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Reading benchmark file...\r\n", io->stdOut);
  if (FAT1_open(&fp, "./bench.txt", FA_READ)!=FR_OK) {
    CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed opening benchmark file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
  for(i=0;i<10000;i++) {
    if (FAT1_read(&fp, &read_buf[0], sizeof(read_buf), &bw)!=FR_OK) {
      CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"*** Failed reading file!\r\n", io->stdErr);
  start_mseconds = startTime.Hour*60*60*1000 + startTime.Min*60*1000 + startTime.Sec*1000 + startTime.Sec100*10;
  mseconds = time.Hour*60*60*1000 + time.Min*60*1000 + time.Sec*1000 + time.Sec100*10 - start_mseconds;
  CLS1_SendNum32s(mseconds, io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)" mseconds needed for command.\r\n", io->stdOut);

  /* copy benchmark */
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Benchmark: copy file (100'000 bytes):\r\n", io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"Going to copy file...\r\n", io->stdOut);
  (void)FAT1_CopyFile((const unsigned char*)"./bench.txt", (const unsigned char*)"./copy.txt", io);
  start_mseconds = startTime.Hour*60*60*1000 + startTime.Min*60*1000 + startTime.Sec*1000 + startTime.Sec100*10;
  mseconds = time.Hour*60*60*1000 + time.Min*60*1000 + time.Sec*1000 + time.Sec100*10 - start_mseconds;
  CLS1_SendNum32s(mseconds, io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)" mseconds needed for command.\r\n", io->stdOut);
  CLS1_SendStr((const unsigned char*)"done!\r\n", io->stdOut);
Ejemplo n.º 5
 * \brief Copy the source file to a destination file
 * \param[in] srcFileName Source file name
 * \param[in] dstFileName Destination file name
 * \param[in] io IO handler for output
 * \return Error code, ERR_OK for success.
byte UFFS_FAT_CopyFile(const byte *srcFileName, const byte *dstFileName, const CLS1_StdIOType *io)
	bool sourceUffs = pdTRUE;	///< source is uffs (otherwise FAT)
	bool destUffs = pdTRUE;		///< destination is uffs (otherwise FAT)
	int fd1=-1, fd2=-1;			// uffs file pointers
	FAT1_FIL fsrc, fdst;  	// FAT file objects
	FAT1_FRESULT fres;		// FAT result
	uint8_t buffer[32];   /* copy buffer */
	UINT br, bw, bt=0;          /* file read/write counters */
	byte res =  ERR_OK;
	if( srcFileName[1] == ':')
		sourceUffs = pdFALSE;
	if( dstFileName[1] == ':')
		destUffs = pdFALSE;
		if (FAT1_isWriteProtected() || FAT1_FS_READONLY) 
			MSGLN("destination FAT disk is write protected!");
			return ERR_FAILED;

	/* open source file */
		fd1 = uffs_open((char*)srcFileName, UO_RDONLY);
		if (fd1  < 0) {
			MSGLN("open source file failed");
			return ERR_FAILED;
		fres = FAT1_open(&fsrc, (char*)srcFileName, FA_OPEN_EXISTING | FA_READ);
		if (fres != FR_OK) 
				MSGLN("open source file failed. Result=%d", fres);
				return ERR_FAILED;
	/* create destination file */
		fd2 = uffs_open((char*)dstFileName, UO_CREATE|UO_WRONLY);
		if (fd2  < 0) {
			MSGLN("open destination file failed");
			return ERR_FAILED;
		fres = FAT1_open(&fdst, (char*)dstFileName, FA_CREATE_ALWAYS | FA_WRITE);
		if (fres != FR_OK) {
			MSGLN("open destination file failed. Result=%d", fres);
			return ERR_FAILED;
	/* now copy source to destination */
	for (;;) 
			br = uffs_read(fd1, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
			fres = FAT1_read(&fsrc, buffer, sizeof(buffer), &br);
			if (fres != FR_OK) 
				MSGLN("reading source file failed. Result=%d", fres);
				res = ERR_FAILED;
		bt += br;
		if (br == 0) 
		{ /* EOF */
			break; /* get out of loop */
			bw = uffs_write(fd2, buffer, br);
			fres = FAT1_write(&fdst, buffer, br, &bw);
			if (fres != ERR_OK) {
				MSGLN("writing destination file failed. Result=%d", fres);
				res = ERR_FAILED;
		if (bw < br) {
			MSGLN("failed writing destination file, or disk full");
			res = ERR_FAILED;
	} /* for */
	/* close all files */
		fres = FAT1_close(&fsrc);
		if (fres != FR_OK) 
			MSGLN("closing source file failed. Result=%d", fres);
			res = ERR_FAILED;
		fres = FAT1_close(&fdst);
		if (fres != FR_OK) {
			MSGLN("closing destination file failed. Result=%d", fres);
			res = ERR_FAILED;
	MSGLN("%u bytes copied.", bt);
	return res;