Ejemplo n.º 1
* Dumps capture stack trace summary to the passed in log.
void FScriptStackTracker::DumpStackTraces( int32 StackThreshold, FOutputDevice& Ar )
	// Avoid distorting results while we log them.
	check( !bAvoidCapturing );
	bAvoidCapturing = true;

	// Make a copy as sorting causes index mismatch with TMap otherwise.
	TArray<FCallStack> SortedCallStacks = CallStacks;
	// Compare function, sorting callstack by stack count in descending order.
	struct FCompareStackCount
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FCallStack& A, const FCallStack& B ) const { return B.StackCount < A.StackCount; }
	// Sort callstacks in descending order by stack count.
	SortedCallStacks.Sort( FCompareStackCount() );

	// Iterate over each callstack to get total stack count.
	uint64 TotalStackCount = 0;
	for( int32 CallStackIndex=0; CallStackIndex<SortedCallStacks.Num(); CallStackIndex++ )
		const FCallStack& CallStack = SortedCallStacks[CallStackIndex];
		TotalStackCount += CallStack.StackCount;

	// Calculate the number of frames we captured.
	int32 FramesCaptured = 0;
	if( bIsEnabled )
		FramesCaptured = GFrameCounter - StartFrameCounter;
		FramesCaptured = StopFrameCounter - StartFrameCounter;

	// Log quick summary as we don't log each individual so totals in CSV won't represent real totals.
	Ar.Logf(TEXT("Captured %i unique callstacks totalling %i function calls over %i frames, averaging %5.2f calls/frame"), SortedCallStacks.Num(), (int32)TotalStackCount, FramesCaptured, (float) TotalStackCount / FramesCaptured);

	// Iterate over each callstack and write out info in human readable form in CSV format
	for( int32 CallStackIndex=0; CallStackIndex<SortedCallStacks.Num(); CallStackIndex++ )
		const FCallStack& CallStack = SortedCallStacks[CallStackIndex];

		// Avoid log spam by only logging above threshold.
		if( CallStack.StackCount > StackThreshold )
			// First row is stack count.
			FString CallStackString = FString::FromInt((int32)CallStack.StackCount);
			CallStackString += LINE_TERMINATOR;
			CallStackString += CallStack.StackTrace;

			// Finally log with ',' prefix so "Log:" can easily be discarded as row in Excel.

	// Done logging.
	bAvoidCapturing = false;
Ejemplo n.º 2
 * Dumps capture stack trace summary to the passed in log.
void FStackTracker::DumpStackTraces( int32 StackThreshold, FOutputDevice& Ar )
	// Avoid distorting results while we log them.
	check( !bAvoidCapturing );
	bAvoidCapturing = true;

	// Make a copy as sorting causes index mismatch with TMap otherwise.
	TArray<FCallStack> SortedCallStacks = CallStacks;
	// Compare function, sorting callstack by stack count in descending order.
	struct FCompareStackCount
		FORCEINLINE bool operator()( const FCallStack& A, const FCallStack& B ) const { return B.StackCount < A.StackCount; }
	// Sort callstacks in descending order by stack count.
	SortedCallStacks.Sort( FCompareStackCount() );

	// Iterate over each callstack to get total stack count.
	uint64 TotalStackCount = 0;
	for( int32 CallStackIndex=0; CallStackIndex<SortedCallStacks.Num(); CallStackIndex++ )
		const FCallStack& CallStack = SortedCallStacks[CallStackIndex];
		TotalStackCount += CallStack.StackCount;

	// Calculate the number of frames we captured.
	int32 FramesCaptured = 0;
	if( bIsEnabled )
		FramesCaptured = GFrameCounter - StartFrameCounter;
		FramesCaptured = StopFrameCounter - StartFrameCounter;

	// Log quick summary as we don't log each individual so totals in CSV won't represent real totals.
	Ar.Logf(TEXT("Captured %i unique callstacks totalling %i function calls over %i frames, averaging %5.2f calls/frame, Avg Per Frame"), SortedCallStacks.Num(), (int32)TotalStackCount, FramesCaptured, (float) TotalStackCount / FramesCaptured);

	// Iterate over each callstack and write out info in human readable form in CSV format
	for( int32 CallStackIndex=0; CallStackIndex<SortedCallStacks.Num(); CallStackIndex++ )
		const FCallStack& CallStack = SortedCallStacks[CallStackIndex];

		// Avoid log spam by only logging above threshold.
		if( CallStack.StackCount > StackThreshold )
			// First row is stack count.
			FString CallStackString = FString::FromInt((int32)CallStack.StackCount);
			CallStackString += FString::Printf( TEXT(",%5.2f"), static_cast<float>(CallStack.StackCount)/static_cast<float>(FramesCaptured) );

			// Iterate over all addresses in the callstack to look up symbol name.
			for( int32 AddressIndex=0; AddressIndex<ARRAY_COUNT(CallStack.Addresses) && CallStack.Addresses[AddressIndex]; AddressIndex++ )
				ANSICHAR AddressInformation[512];
				AddressInformation[0] = 0;
				FPlatformStackWalk::ProgramCounterToHumanReadableString( AddressIndex, CallStack.Addresses[AddressIndex], AddressInformation, ARRAY_COUNT(AddressInformation)-1 );
				CallStackString = CallStackString + LINE_TERMINATOR TEXT(",,,") + FString(AddressInformation);

			// Finally log with ',' prefix so "Log:" can easily be discarded as row in Excel.
			//Append any user information before moving on to the next callstack
			if (ReportFn)
				ReportFn(CallStack, CallStack.StackCount, Ar);

	// Done logging.
	bAvoidCapturing = false;