Ejemplo n.º 1
extern  bool    CGOpenf() {

    CopyStr( FEAuxInfo( NULL, OBJECT_FILE_NAME ), ObjName );
    if( (int)FEAuxInfo( NULL, REVISION_NUMBER ) != II_REVISION ) {
        FatalError( "Incompatible code generator" );
    ObjFile = OpenObj( ObjName );
    if( ObjFile == 0 ) return( FALSE );
    return( TRUE );
Ejemplo n.º 2
extern unsigned DepthAlign( unsigned depth )
    static unsigned char AlignArray[10] = { 0 };

    if( AlignArray[0] == 0 || depth == PROC_ALIGN ) {
        unsigned char *align_info_bytes = FEAuxInfo( NULL, CODE_LABEL_ALIGNMENT );
        Copy( align_info_bytes, AlignArray, align_info_bytes[0] + 1 );
    if( OptForSize )
        return( 1 );
    if( _CPULevel( CPU_486 ) ) {
        if( depth == PROC_ALIGN || depth == DEEP_LOOP_ALIGN )
            return( 16 );
        return( 1 );
    if( _CPULevel( CPU_386 ) ) {
        if( depth == PROC_ALIGN || depth == DEEP_LOOP_ALIGN )
            return( 4 );
        return( 1 );
    if( depth == PROC_ALIGN || depth == DEEP_LOOP_ALIGN ) {
        return( AlignArray[1] );
    if( depth == 0 )
        depth = 1;
    if( depth >= AlignArray[0] ) {
        depth = AlignArray[0] - 1;
    return( AlignArray[depth + 1] );
Ejemplo n.º 3
void    CVProEnd( dbg_rtn *rtn, offset lc )
    cg_sym_handle       sym;
    dbg_type            tipe;
    fe_attr             attr;
    const char          *name;
    cs_gproc            *ptr;
    sg_index            kind;
    cv_out              out[1];

    /* unused parameters */ (void)lc;

    sym = AskForLblSym( CurrProc->label );
    attr = FEAttr( sym );
    if( attr & FE_GLOBAL ){
        kind = SG_GPROC;
        kind = SG_LPROC;
    NewBuff( out, CVSyms );
    ptr = StartSym(  out, kind );
    ptr->pParent = 0;
    ptr->pEnd = 0;
    ptr->pNext = 0;
    ptr->proc_length = 0;
    ptr->debug_start = rtn->pro_size;
    ptr->debug_end = 0;
    ptr->offset = 0;
    ptr->segment = 0;
    tipe = FEDbgType( sym );
    ptr->proctype = tipe;
    ptr->flags.s = 0;
#if _TARGET & ( _TARG_IAPX86 | _TARG_80386 )
    if( *(call_class *)FindAuxInfoSym( sym, CALL_CLASS ) & FAR_CALL ) {
        ptr->flags.f.far_ret = true;
    if( rtn->obj_type != DBG_NIL_TYPE ) {
        name = FEAuxInfo( sym, CLASS_APPENDED_NAME );
    } else {
        name = FEName( sym );
    CVPutStr( out, name );
    EndSym( out );
    BuffPatchSet( CVSyms, RtnPatch );
    BuffWrite( out, &ptr->offset );
    SymReloc( CVSyms, sym, 0 );
    BuffSkip( out, &ptr->proctype );
    buffEnd( out );
    DBLocFini( rtn->reeturn );
    DBLocFini( rtn->obj_loc );
    if( rtn->parms != NULL ){
        DumpParms( rtn->parms, &rtn->rtn_blk->locals );
    DumpLocals( rtn->rtn_blk->locals );
Ejemplo n.º 4
static void dumpAutoLocn( void )
    AUTO_LOCN* curr;

    if( auto_locations ) {
        for( ; ; ) {
            curr = auto_locations;
            if( ! curr ) break;
            auto_locations = curr->next;
            if( ((pointer)TEMP_LOC_YES) == FEAuxInfo( curr->s, TEMP_LOC_NAME ) ) {
                Action( "TEMP_LOC_TELL offset=%h symbol=%s%n"
                      , curr->offset
                      , Name( curr->s ) );
                FEAuxInfo( (sym_handle)curr->offset, TEMP_LOC_TELL );
            CGFree( curr );
        Action( "%n" );
Ejemplo n.º 5
static const char *SetDwarfProducer( void )
    const char  *name;

#if 0      // disable this feature for now, to have compatibility with OW 1.9
    name = (const char *)FEAuxInfo( NULL, DBG_DWARF_PRODUCER );
    if( name == NULL )
        name = "";
    name = "";
    return( name );
Ejemplo n.º 6
static int SetLang( void ){
    int     ret;
    char    *name;
    int     index;

    ret = DWLANG_C;
    name =  FEAuxInfo( NULL, SOURCE_LANGUAGE );
    for( index = 0; index < MAX_LANG; ++index ){
        if( strcmp( name, LangNames[index].name ) == 0 ){
            ret = LangNames[index].lang;
    return( ret );
Ejemplo n.º 7
type_class_def  CallState( aux_handle aux, type_def *tipe, call_state *state )
    type_class_def      class;
    uint                i;
    hw_reg_set          parms[24];
    hw_reg_set          *parm_src;
    hw_reg_set          *parm_dst;

    state->unalterable = FixedRegs();
    HW_CAsgn( state->modify, HW_FULL );
    HW_TurnOff( state->modify, SavedRegs() );
    HW_CTurnOff( state->modify, HW_UNUSED );
    state->used = state->modify;     /* anything not saved is used*/
    state->attr = 0;
    i = 0;
    parm_src = ParmRegs();
    parm_dst = &parms[0];
    for(;;) {
        *parm_dst = *parm_src;
        if( HW_CEqual( *parm_dst, HW_EMPTY ) ) break;
        if( HW_Ovlap( *parm_dst, state->unalterable ) ) {
            FEMessage( MSG_BAD_SAVE, aux );
        HW_CTurnOff( *parm_dst, HW_UNUSED );
    state->parm.table = CGAlloc( i*sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    Copy( parms, state->parm.table, i * sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    HW_CAsgn( state->parm.used, HW_EMPTY );
    state->parm.curr_entry = state->parm.table;
    state->parm.offset  = 0;
    InitPPCParmState( state );
    class = ReturnClass( tipe, state->attr );
    if( *(call_class *)FEAuxInfo( aux, CALL_CLASS ) & HAS_VARARGS ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_HAS_VARARGS;
    UpdateReturn( state, tipe, class, aux );
    return( class );
Ejemplo n.º 8
extern  void    InitBlip() {

#if 0
    char        *src_name;

    BlipsOn = FALSE;
    blipHandle = OpenFileMapping( FILE_MAP_WRITE, FALSE, SHMEM_NAME );
    if( blipHandle != NULL ) {
        fileMapping = MapViewOfFile( blipHandle, FILE_MAP_WRITE, 0, 0, 0 );
        if( fileMapping == NULL ) {
            _Zoiks( ZOIKS_110 );
        BlipsOn = TRUE;
        src_name = FEAuxInfo( NULL, SOURCE_NAME );
        strncpy( &fileMapping->file_name[ 0 ], src_name, _MAX_PATH );
        strcpy( &fileMapping->rtn_name[ 0 ], "" );
        fileMapping->debug.debug_info = FALSE;
Ejemplo n.º 9
void    CVGenStatic( cg_sym_handle sym, dbg_loc loc, bool mem )
    dbg_type    tipe;
    cv_out      out[1];
    fe_attr     attr;
    cs_gdata    *ptr;
    sg_index    kind;
    const char  *name;

    attr = FEAttr( sym );
    tipe = FEDbgType( sym );
    NewBuff( out, CVSyms );
    attr = FEAttr( sym );
    if( attr & FE_GLOBAL ) {
        kind = SG_GDATA;
    } else {
        kind = SG_LDATA;
    ptr = StartSym(  out, kind );
    ptr->offset = 0;
    ptr->segment = 0;
    ptr->type = tipe;
    if( mem ){
        name = FEAuxInfo( sym, CLASS_APPENDED_NAME );
    } else {
        name = FEName( sym );
    CVPutStr( out, name );
    EndSym( out );
    if( LocSimpStatic( loc ) == sym ) {
        BuffWrite( out, &ptr->offset );
        SymReloc( CVSyms, sym, 0 );
        BuffSkip( out, &ptr->type );
    } else {
        /*TODO:can't handle locs */
    buffEnd( out );
Ejemplo n.º 10
type_class_def  CallState( aux_handle aux, type_def *tipe, call_state *state )
    call_class          cclass;
    type_class_def      type_class;
    uint                i;
    hw_reg_set          parms[10];
    hw_reg_set          *parm_src;
    hw_reg_set          *parm_dst;
    hw_reg_set          *pregs;
    hw_reg_set          tmp;

    state->unalterable = FixedRegs();
    pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, SAVE_REGS );
    HW_CAsgn( state->modify, HW_FULL );
    HW_TurnOff( state->modify, *pregs );
    HW_CTurnOff( state->modify, HW_UNUSED );
    state->used = state->modify;     /* anything not saved is used*/
    tmp = state->used;
    HW_TurnOff( tmp, StackReg() );
    HW_CTurnOff( tmp, HW_BP );  // should be able to call routine which modifies BP
    if( HW_Ovlap( state->unalterable, tmp ) ) {
        FEMessage( MSG_BAD_SAVE, aux );
    state->attr = ROUTINE_REMOVES_PARMS;
    cclass = *(call_class *)FEAuxInfo( aux, CALL_CLASS );
    if( cclass & INTERRUPT ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_INTERRUPT;
    } else if( cclass & FAR_CALL ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_LONG;
    } else if( cclass & FAR16_CALL ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_FAR16;
    if( cclass & CALLER_POPS ) {
        state->attr &= ~ROUTINE_REMOVES_PARMS;
    if( cclass & SUICIDAL ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NEVER_RETURNS;
    if( cclass & ROUTINE_RETURN ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_ALLOCS_RETURN;
    if( cclass & NO_STRUCT_REG_RETURNS ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NO_STRUCT_REG_RETURNS;
    if( cclass & NO_FLOAT_REG_RETURNS ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NO_FLOAT_REG_RETURNS;
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NO_8087_RETURNS;
    if( cclass & NO_8087_RETURNS ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NO_8087_RETURNS;
    if( cclass & MODIFY_EXACT ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_MODIFY_EXACT;
    if( cclass & NO_MEMORY_CHANGED ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_MODIFIES_NO_MEMORY;
    if( cclass & NO_MEMORY_READ ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_READS_NO_MEMORY;
    if( cclass & LOAD_DS_ON_ENTRY ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_LOADS_DS;
    if( cclass & LOAD_DS_ON_CALL ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NEEDS_DS_LOADED;
    if( cclass & PARMS_STACK_RESERVE ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_STACK_RESERVE;
    if( cclass & PARMS_PREFER_REGS ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_PREFER_REGS;
    if( cclass & FARSS ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_FARSS;
    if( state == &CurrProc->state ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_FAT_PROLOG;
            state->attr |= ROUTINE_NEEDS_PROLOG;
        if( cclass & PROLOG_HOOKS ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_PROLOG_HOOKS;
        if( cclass & EPILOG_HOOKS ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_EPILOG_HOOKS;
        if( cclass & FAT_WINDOWS_PROLOG ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_FAT_PROLOG;
        if( cclass & EMIT_FUNCTION_NAME ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_FUNCTION_NAME;
        if( cclass & THUNK_PROLOG ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_THUNK_PROLOG;
        if( cclass & GROW_STACK ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_GROW_STACK;
        if( cclass & TOUCH_STACK ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_TOUCH_STACK;
        if( cclass & LOAD_RDOSDEV_ON_ENTRY ) {
            CurrProc->prolog_state |= GENERATE_RDOSDEV_PROLOG;
    type_class = ReturnClass( tipe, state->attr );
    i = 0;
    parm_dst = &parms[0];
    for( parm_src = FEAuxInfo( aux, PARM_REGS ); !HW_CEqual( *parm_src, HW_EMPTY ); ++parm_src ) {
        *parm_dst = *parm_src;
        if( HW_Ovlap( *parm_dst, state->unalterable ) ) {
            FEMessage( MSG_BAD_SAVE, aux );
        HW_CTurnOff( *parm_dst, HW_UNUSED );
    *parm_dst = *parm_src;
    state->parm.table = CGAlloc( i*sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    Copy( parms, state->parm.table, i * sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    HW_CAsgn( state->parm.used, HW_EMPTY );
    state->parm.curr_entry = state->parm.table;
    state->parm.offset  = 0;
    if( tipe == TypeNone ) {
        HW_CAsgn( state->return_reg, HW_EMPTY );
    } else if( type_class == XX ) {
        if( cclass & SPECIAL_STRUCT_RETURN ) {
            pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, STRETURN_REG );
            state->return_reg = *pregs;
            state->attr |= ROUTINE_HAS_SPECIAL_RETURN;
        } else {
            state->return_reg = StructReg();
        if( (state->attr & ROUTINE_ALLOCS_RETURN) == 0 ) {
            tmp = ReturnReg( WD, false );
            HW_TurnOn( state->modify, tmp );
    } else {
        if( cclass & SPECIAL_RETURN ) {
            pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, RETURN_REG );
            state->return_reg = *pregs;
            state->attr |= ROUTINE_HAS_SPECIAL_RETURN;
        } else {
            state->return_reg = ReturnReg( type_class, _NPX( state->attr ) );
    UpdateReturn( state, tipe, type_class, aux );
    return( type_class );
Ejemplo n.º 11
extern  void    DFObjLineInitDbgInfo( void ) {
/* called by objinit to init segments and dwarf writing library */
    static const dw_funcs cli_funcs = {
    dw_init_info    info;
    dw_cu_info      cu;
    type_def       *tipe_addr;

    info.language = DWLANG_C;
    info.compiler_options = DW_CM_DEBUGGER;
    info.abbrev_sym = 0;
    info.producer_name = SetDwarfProducer();
    info.language = SetLang();
    if( setjmp( info.exception_handler ) == 0 ) {
        info.funcs = cli_funcs;
        InitLineSegBck(); // start each seg with a ref label
        Client = DWInit( &info );
        if( Client == NULL ) {
            Zoiks( ZOIKS_107 ); /* Bad */
        cu.source_filename = FEAuxInfo( NULL, SOURCE_NAME );
        cu.directory = "";
        cu.dbg_pch = NULL;
        cu.inc_list = NULL;
        cu.inc_list_len = 0;
#if _TARGET & ( _TARG_IAPX86 | _TARG_80386 )
        if( _IsTargetModel( FLAT_MODEL ) ) {
            cu.flags = true;
            cu.segment_size = 0;
            cu.flags = false;
            cu.segment_size = 2;
        cu.flags = true;
        cu.segment_size = 0;
        tipe_addr = TypeAddress( TY_NEAR_POINTER );
        cu.offset_size = tipe_addr->length;
        switch( GetMemModel() ){
            case 'h':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_HUGE;
            case 'l':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_LARGE;
            case 'f':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_FLAT;
            case 's':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_SMALL;
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_NONE;
        DWInitDebugLine( Client, &cu );
    } else {
        Zoiks( ZOIKS_107 ); /* Big Error */
Ejemplo n.º 12
extern  void    DFObjInitDbgInfo( void ) {
/* called by objinit to init segments and dwarf writing library */
    static const dw_funcs cli_funcs = {
    dw_init_info    info;
    cg_sym_handle   abbrev_sym;
    cg_sym_handle   debug_pch;
    fe_attr         attr;

    if( _IsntModel( DBG_LOCALS | DBG_TYPES ) ){
    info.compiler_options = DW_CM_DEBUGGER;
    info.abbrev_sym = 0;
    info.producer_name = SetDwarfProducer();
    info.language = SetLang();
    if( setjmp( info.exception_handler ) == 0 ) {
        info.funcs = cli_funcs;
        InitSegBck(); // start each seg with a ref label
        if( _IsModel( DBG_PREDEF ) ) {
            abbrev_sym = FEAuxInfo( NULL, DBG_PREDEF_SYM );
            info.abbrev_sym = (dw_sym_handle)abbrev_sym;
            attr = FEAttr( abbrev_sym );
            if( (attr & FE_IMPORT) ) {
                info.compiler_options |= DW_CM_ABBREV_PRE;
                back_handle bck;
                segment_id  old;

                info.compiler_options |= DW_CM_ABBREV_GEN;
                bck = FEBack( abbrev_sym ); // dump out export label
                bck->seg = DwarfSegs[DW_DEBUG_ABBREV].seg;
                old = SetOP( DwarfSegs[DW_DEBUG_ABBREV].seg );
                DataLabel( bck->lbl );
                SetOP( old );
        debug_pch = FEAuxInfo( NULL, DBG_PCH_SYM );
        if( debug_pch != NULL ){
            attr = FEAttr( debug_pch );
            if( !(attr & FE_IMPORT) ) {
                back_handle bck;
                segment_id  old;

                bck = FEBack( debug_pch );
                bck->seg = DwarfSegs[DW_DEBUG_INFO].seg;
                old = SetOP( DwarfSegs[DW_DEBUG_INFO].seg );
                DataLabel( bck->lbl );
                SetOP( old );
                debug_pch = NULL;
        Client = DWInit( &info );
        if( Client == NULL ) {
            Zoiks( ZOIKS_107 ); /* Bad */
        DFBegCCU( AskCodeSeg(), (dw_sym_handle)debug_pch );
    } else {
        Zoiks( ZOIKS_107 ); /* Big Error */
Ejemplo n.º 13
extern  void    DFBegCCU( segment_id code, dw_sym_handle dbg_pch )
// Call when codeseg hase been defined
    dw_cu_info      cu;
    back_handle     bck;
    segment_id      old;
    type_def        *tipe_addr;

    if( _IsntModel( DBG_LOCALS | DBG_TYPES ) ) {
    if( CcuDef ) {
        cu.source_filename = FEAuxInfo( NULL, SOURCE_NAME );
        cu.directory = "";
        cu.dbg_pch = dbg_pch;
        cu.inc_list = NULL;
        cu.inc_list_len = 0;
        old = SetOP( code );
#if _TARGET & ( _TARG_IAPX86 | _TARG_80386 )
        if( _IsTargetModel( FLAT_MODEL ) ) {
            bck = MakeLabel();
            OutLabel( bck->lbl );
            Pc_Low = bck;
            Pc_High = MakeLabel();
            // Emitting DW_AT_low_pc and DW_AT_high_pc is valid *only* if the
            // compilation unit's code is in a single contiguous block (see
            // DWARF 2, section 3.1).
            // I don't know how to find out at the time of this call if there's
            // only one code segment or not, hence these attributes are always
            // disabled. The low/high pc attribs should probably be handled by
            // the linker.
            cu.flags = false;
            cu.segment_size = 0;
        } else {
            bck = NULL;
            cu.flags = false;
            Pc_Low = NULL;
            Pc_High = NULL;
            cu.segment_size = 2;
        bck = MakeLabel();
        OutLabel( bck->lbl );
        Pc_Low = bck;
        Pc_High = MakeLabel();
        cu.flags = true;
        cu.segment_size = 0;
        SetOP( old );
        Comp_High = Pc_High;
        tipe_addr = TypeAddress( TY_NEAR_POINTER );
        cu.offset_size = tipe_addr->length;
        switch( GetMemModel() ) {
            case 'h':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_HUGE;
            case 'l':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_LARGE;
            case 'f':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_FLAT;
            case 's':
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_SMALL;
                cu.model = DW_MODEL_NONE;
        DWBeginCompileUnit( Client, &cu );
        if( cu.flags ) {
            BEFreeBack( bck );
    } else {
        CcuDef = true;
Ejemplo n.º 14
extern  type_class_def CallState( aux_handle aux,
                                  type_def *tipe, call_state *state )
    type_class_def      class;
    uint                i;
    hw_reg_set          parms[20];
    hw_reg_set          *parm_src;
    hw_reg_set          *parm_dst;
    hw_reg_set          *pregs;
    call_class          cclass;
    call_class          *pcclass;
    risc_byte_seq       *code;
    bool                have_aux_code = FALSE;

    state->unalterable = FixedRegs();
    if( FEAttr( AskForLblSym( CurrProc->label ) ) & FE_VARARGS ) {
        HW_TurnOn( state->unalterable, VarargsHomePtr() );

    // For code bursts only, query the #pragma aux instead of using
    // hardcoded calling convention. If it ever turns out that we need
    // to support more than a single calling convention, this will need
    // to change to work more like x86
    if( !AskIfRTLabel( CurrProc->label ) ) {
        code = FEAuxInfo( aux, CALL_BYTES );
        if( code != NULL ) {
            have_aux_code = TRUE;

    pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, SAVE_REGS );
    HW_CAsgn( state->modify, HW_FULL );
    if( have_aux_code ) {
        HW_TurnOff( state->modify, *pregs );
    } else {
        HW_TurnOff( state->modify, SavedRegs() );
    HW_CTurnOff( state->modify, HW_UNUSED );
    state->used = state->modify;    /* anything not saved is used */
    state->attr = 0;
    pcclass = FEAuxInfo( aux, CALL_CLASS );
    cclass = *pcclass;
    if( cclass & SETJMP_KLUGE ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_IS_SETJMP;
    if( cclass & SUICIDAL ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_NEVER_RETURNS;
    if( cclass & NO_MEMORY_CHANGED ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_MODIFIES_NO_MEMORY;
    if( cclass & NO_MEMORY_READ ) {
        state->attr |= ROUTINE_READS_NO_MEMORY;
    i = 0;
    if( have_aux_code ) {
        parm_src = FEAuxInfo( aux, PARM_REGS );
    } else {
        parm_src = ParmRegs();

    parm_dst = &parms[0];

    for( ;; ) {
        *parm_dst = *parm_src;
        if( HW_CEqual( *parm_dst, HW_EMPTY ) ) break;
        if( HW_Ovlap( *parm_dst, state->unalterable ) ) {
            FEMessage( MSG_BAD_SAVE, aux );
        HW_CTurnOff( *parm_dst, HW_UNUSED );
    state->parm.table = CGAlloc( i * sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    Copy( parms, state->parm.table, i * sizeof( hw_reg_set ) );
    HW_CAsgn( state->parm.used, HW_EMPTY );
    state->parm.curr_entry = state->parm.table;
    state->parm.offset  = 0;
    class = ReturnClass( tipe, state->attr );
    UpdateReturn( state, tipe, class, aux );
    return( class );
Ejemplo n.º 15
        HW_CAsgn( state->return_reg, HW_EMPTY );
    } else if( class == XX ) {
        if( cclass & SPECIAL_STRUCT_RETURN ) {
            pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, STRETURN_REG );
            state->return_reg = *pregs;
            state->attr |= ROUTINE_HAS_SPECIAL_RETURN;
        } else {
            state->return_reg = StructReg();
        if( !( state->attr & ROUTINE_ALLOCS_RETURN ) ) {
            tmp = ReturnReg( WD, FALSE );
            HW_TurnOn( state->modify, tmp );
    } else {
        if( cclass & SPECIAL_RETURN ) {
            pregs = FEAuxInfo( aux, RETURN_REG );
            state->return_reg = *pregs;
            state->attr |= ROUTINE_HAS_SPECIAL_RETURN;
        } else {
            state->return_reg = ReturnReg( class, _NPX( state->attr ) );
    UpdateReturn( state, tipe, class, aux );
    return( class );

extern  void    UpdateReturn( call_state *state, type_def *tipe,
                              type_class_def class, aux_handle aux ) {
Ejemplo n.º 16
void    CVObjInitDbgInfo( void )
/* called by objinit to init segments and for codeview */
    cv_out      out[1];
    cs_objname  *optr;
    cs_compile  *cptr;
    char        *name;

    if( _IsModel( DBG_LOCALS ) ) {
        NewBuff( out, CVSyms );
        optr = StartSym(  out, SG_OBJNAME );
        optr->signature = 0;
        name =  FEAuxInfo( NULL, OBJECT_FILE_NAME );
        CVPutStr( out, name );
        EndSym( out );
        buffEnd( out );
        NewBuff( out, CVSyms );
        cptr = StartSym(  out, SG_COMPILE );
        cptr->language  = SetLang();
        cptr->flags.s = 0; /* set default */
    #if _TARGET & _TARG_IAPX86
        cptr->flags.f.Mode32 = false;
        cptr->machine = MACH_INTEL_8080;
    #elif _TARGET & _TARG_80386
        cptr->machine = MACH_INTEL_80386;
        cptr->flags.f.Mode32 = true;
    #elif _TARGET & _TARG_AXP
        cptr->machine = MACH_DECALPHA;
        cptr->flags.f.Mode32 = true;
        cptr->flags.f.FloatPrecision = 1;
        switch( GetMemModel() ){
            case 'h':
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientData = AMBIENT_HUGE;
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientCode = AMBIENT_FAR;
            case 'l':
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientData = AMBIENT_FAR;
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientCode = AMBIENT_FAR;
            case 'f':
            case 's':
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientData = AMBIENT_NEAR;
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientCode = AMBIENT_NEAR;
            case 'c':
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientData = AMBIENT_FAR;
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientCode = AMBIENT_NEAR;
            case 'm':
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientData = AMBIENT_NEAR;
                cptr->flags.f.AmbientCode = AMBIENT_FAR;
        CVPutStr( out, "WATCOM CV 10.5   " );
        EndSym( out );
        buffEnd( out );