Ejemplo n.º 1
void set_paused(FMOD_CHANNEL **channel, int paused)
    FMOD_RESULT result;
    unsigned int blocksize;
    result = FMOD_System_GetDSPBufferSize(gSystem, &blocksize, 0);

    if (!paused)
        unsigned int pausestart_hi = 0, pausestart_lo = 0;

        FMOD_System_GetDSPClock(gSystem, &pausestart_hi, &pausestart_lo);
        FMOD_64BIT_ADD(pausestart_hi, pausestart_lo, 0, blocksize * 2);   /* Into the future by 2 mixer blocks. */
        printf("\npause BOTH at %d \n", pausestart_lo);
        /* Make them both pause at exactly the same tick.  Mute them both to avoid a click as well. */
        FMOD_Channel_SetMute(channel[0], TRUE);
        FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(channel[0], FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_PAUSE, pausestart_hi, pausestart_lo);
        FMOD_Channel_SetMute(channel[1], TRUE);
        FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(channel[1], FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_PAUSE, pausestart_hi, pausestart_lo);
        unsigned int syshi, syslo;
        int count;

        FMOD_System_GetDSPClock(gSystem, &syshi, &syslo);

        printf("\nunpause BOTH at %d\n", syslo);
        for (count = 0; count < 2; count++)
            unsigned int starttime_hi, starttime_lo; 
            unsigned int pausetime_hi = 0, pausetime_lo = 0;
            unsigned int hi = syshi, lo = syslo;
            FMOD_Channel_GetDelay(channel[count], FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_PAUSE, &pausetime_hi, &pausetime_lo);
            FMOD_Channel_GetDelay(channel[count], FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_START, &starttime_hi, &starttime_lo);

            FMOD_64BIT_ADD(hi, lo, 0, blocksize * 2);                   /* Push operation into the future by 2 mixer blocks so it doesnt conflict with mixer. */
            if (starttime_lo > pausetime_lo)                            /* Was already playing, unpause immediately. */
                FMOD_64BIT_ADD(hi, lo, starttime_hi, starttime_lo);     /* Push forward the delayed start by the gap between starting and pausing */
                FMOD_64BIT_SUB(hi, lo, pausetime_hi, pausetime_lo);     /* Push forward the delayed start by the gap between starting and pausing */
            printf("restart %d at %d\n", count, lo);
            FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(channel[count], FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_PAUSE, 0, 0);
            FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(channel[count], FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_START, hi, lo);
            FMOD_Channel_SetMute(channel[count], FALSE);
            FMOD_Channel_SetPaused(channel[count], FALSE);
Ejemplo n.º 2
FMOD_CHANNEL *queue_next_sound(int outputrate, FMOD_CHANNEL *playingchannel, int newindex, int slot)
    FMOD_RESULT result;
    FMOD_CHANNEL *newchannel;
    FMOD_SOUND *newsound;
    #ifdef USE_STREAMS                                  /* Create a new stream */
    memset(&info, 0, sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
    info.cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO);
    info.suggestedsoundtype = FMOD_SOUND_TYPE_OGGVORBIS;
    result = FMOD_System_CreateStream(gSystem, soundname[newindex], FMOD_IGNORETAGS | FMOD_LOWMEM, &info, &sound[slot]);
    newsound = sound[slot];
    #else                                               /* Use an existing sound that was passed into us */
    newsound = sound[newindex];
    result = FMOD_System_PlaySound(gSystem, FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, newsound, 1, &newchannel);
    result = FMOD_Channel_SetSpeakerMix(newchannel, 1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1);
    if (playingchannel)
        unsigned int hi = 0, lo = 0, sound_length;
        float sound_frequency;
        FMOD_SOUND *playingsound;
            Get the start time of the playing channel.
        result = FMOD_Channel_GetDelay(playingchannel, FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_START, &hi, &lo);
        printf("playing sound started at %d\n", lo);
            Grab the length of the playing sound, and its frequency, so we can caluate where to place the new sound on the time line.
        result = FMOD_Channel_GetCurrentSound(playingchannel, &playingsound);
        result = FMOD_Sound_GetLength(playingsound, &sound_length, FMOD_TIMEUNIT_PCM);
        result = FMOD_Channel_GetFrequency(playingchannel, &sound_frequency);
            Now calculate the length of the sound in 'output samples'.  
            Ie if a 44khz sound is 22050 samples long, and the output rate is 48khz, then we want to delay by 24000 output samples.
        sound_length *= outputrate;   
        sound_length /= (int)sound_frequency;
        FMOD_64BIT_ADD(hi, lo, 0, sound_length);  /* Add output rate adjusted sound length, to the clock value of the sound that is currently playing */
        result = FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(newchannel, FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_START, hi, lo);      /* Set the delay of the new sound to the end of the old sound */
        unsigned int hi = 0, lo = 0;
        float val, variation;
            Randomize pitch/volume to make it sound more realistic / random.
        FMOD_Channel_GetFrequency(newchannel, &val);
        variation = (((float)(rand()%10000) / 5000.0f) - 1.0f); /* -1.0 to +1.0 */
        val *= (1.0f + (variation * 0.02f));                    /* @22khz, range fluctuates from 21509 to 22491 */
        FMOD_Channel_SetFrequency(newchannel, val);

        FMOD_Channel_GetVolume(newchannel, &val);
        variation = ((float)(rand()%10000) / 10000.0f);         /*  0.0 to 1.0 */
        val *= (1.0f - (variation * 0.2f));                     /*  0.8 to 1.0 */
        FMOD_Channel_SetVolume(newchannel, val);
        FMOD_Channel_GetDelay(newchannel, FMOD_DELAYTYPE_DSPCLOCK_START, &hi, &lo);
        printf("new sound to start at %d (slot %d)\n", lo, slot);
    result = FMOD_Channel_SetPaused(newchannel, FALSE);
    return newchannel;
Ejemplo n.º 3
FMOD_RESULT bmx_FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(MAX_FMOD_CHANNEL *channel, FMOD_DELAYTYPE delayType, unsigned int delayHi, unsigned int delayLo) {
	return FMOD_Channel_SetDelay(channel->channel, delayType, delayHi, delayLo);